Corporate report

DfT and associated bodies listing of future commercial contracts (commercial pipeline)

Updated 19 February 2025
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Reference Number Business Area Contract Title Short Description Commercial Strategy Existing Contract End Date Existing Contract Existing Contract Reference Number Estimated Procurement Start Date Estimated Contract Commencement Date Estimated Contract Length (in months) Estimated Extension Option length (in months) Estimated Contract Value Estimated Extension Option - Value Planned Procurement Sourcing Route (level of competition) Framework / DPS ID Framework / DPS Name Framework / DPS Lot Spend Category Spend Category Code
BTP/CON/518 BTP Temporary & Agency Staff Temporary & Agency Staff Extension (in contract) 23/01/2025 Temporary & Agency Staff BTP/CON/518 NA 24/01/2026 36 12 £4,928,144.00 £1,232,036.00 Extension (existing contract) GLA 81400 Collaborative Recruitment Services NA Recruitment services Business services, law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security 79600000 - Recruitment services 79000000 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
BTPCON835 BTP Microsoft Licencing Microsoft Licence agreement Re-Procurement (different scope) 30/04/2025 MS Enterprise Subscription (ELA) , SCE, CIS and other MS Licences BTP/CON/511 & BTPCON819 01/10/2024 01/05/2025 36 NA £9,000,000.00 NA Call off from a Framework agreement - CCS Aggregation opportunity CCS - RM6098 Technology Products and Associated Services Lot 3 Software package and information systems  48218000 : License management software package
BTPCON837 BTP Future Networks WAN and LAN Re-Procurement (same scope) 24/07/2026 NNS2 BTP/CON/549 01/06/2024 25/04/2026 60 36 £22,300,000.00 £1,200,000.00 Call off from a Framework agreement (Mini Competition) CCS - RM3808 Network Services Lot 1a and Lot 2a Networks 32430000: Wide Area Network 32410000: Local Area Network
TBC BTP Integration Project Enterprise Resource Planning solution New requirement NA NA NA TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC Call off from framework agreement CCS - RM6193 and RM6194 Software Design and Implementation Services (RM6193) Back Office Software (RM6194) Lot 1: Software Design and Implementation Services (RM6193) Lot 1: Back Office Software (RM6194) TBC TBC
BTP/CON/504 BTP Body Worn Video Body Worn Video Supply and Maintenance Extension (in contract) 30/06/2026 Body Worn Video BTP/CON/504 NA 01/07/2026 84 24 £4,546,328.00 TBC Extension (existing contract) EMSCU - DPS DiTED Lot 4 Technology  32333100 : Video recorders
CT4197 EWR Corporate Legal Services A support contract to provide all Commercial and Corporate Legal Support. Re-Procurement (Different scope) 31/03/2025 Corporate Legal Services CT2473 06/01/2025 01/04/2025 24 12 £2,000,000.00 £1,000,000.00 Call off from a Framework agreement: b) Mini-competition RM6024 Legal Services Panel NA Legal Services 79100000-5
TBC EWR Organisational Development & Support Reprocurement of the Organisational Developmenet services currently provided by Arup but also combine some other organisational support contracts eg. EY & PWC New requirement NA Organisation development and support NA TBC TBC TBC TBC £2,400,000 £2,400,000 Call off from a Framework agreement: b) Mini-competition TBC TBC TBC Railway transport services. 60200000-0
TBC EWR Scheme Development Phase Partner: Commerical Partner Scheme Development Phase Partner - Commercial Partner - for commercial services providing Cost Planning, Procurement Management, Contract Commercial management and other commercial support. Option to extend for 2 additional years. Strategy should consider all options Re-Procurement (same scope) 20/07/2027 Scheme Development Phase Partner: Commerical Partner CT0532-03 01/11/2025 01/04/2027 TBC TBC £18,000,000 NA Unknown TBC TBC TBC Project and design preparation, estimation of costs 71242000
TBC EWR Stakeholder Engagement Support Stakeholder Management support and deliver activity for key elements of EWR Co’s External Engagement function Re-Procurement (same scope) 31/03/2027 Stakeholder Engagement Support CT2638 03/10/2026 01/04/2027 TBC TBC £4,000,000 NA Unknown TBC TBC TBC Business and management consultancy services 79410000
TBC EWR Media Management Support Provision of media engagement and communications services Re-Procurement (same scope) 31/03/2027 Media Management Support CT2639 03/10/2026 01/04/2027 TBC TBC £4,000,000 NA Unknown TBC TBC TBC Marketing Management consultancy services 79413000
TBC EWR Provision of Azure and MS 365 Licences Provision of Azure and 365 licences Re-Procurement (same scope) 09/10/2026 Provision of Azure and MS 365 Licences CT3057 13/04/2026 10/10/2026 TBC TBC £2,675,000 NA Unknown TBC TBC TBC Software package and information systems 48000000
CT4196 EWR Prinicipal Contractor Contactor to act as PC as per CDM for archaeological trenching and soil surveys. To include safety and welfare New requirement NA Principal contractor duties plus trenching, welfare etc NA 06/02/2025 06/05/2025 24 12 £5,000,000 TBC Mini competition RM6088 Construction Works Framework Lot 11 Survey Management 71248000-8
T0533 Trinity House Futures Afloat Project Procurement of at least two new vessels to replace THV PATRICIA and THV GALATEA. Re-procurement (different scope) NA NA NA 01/04/2025 01/11/2026 24 0 £140,000,000 NA Competitive Flexible Procedure NA NA NA 34510000 NA
TBC Trinity House Marine Fuel Review of how we purchase MGO and GTL fuels. Assess market data to see if spot purchases / forward purchases / framework rates are the most cost effective. Set future review and contract management dates. Re-procurement (same scope) No contract in place due to framework failure NA NA 01/03/2025 01/06/2025 36 24 £3,000,000 £2,000,000 Call off from framework NA NA NA 63721400 NA
GLA/HELI/2221 NLB GLA Aviation Services The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) currently have an Aviation Service contract in place until 30 November 2027. This service offers vital highly specialised operational assistance to the GLAs for the transfer of fuel, personnel, and materials to Aids to Navigation (AtoNs) which are inaccessible by other means.Due to the availability of funding IL withdrew from the new ASP in September 2024. NLB and TH must continue to provide services in direct support of national and international, conventions, legislation, strategies programmes and plans. The GLAs have obligations including, but not limited to: Merchant Shipping Act (MSA); IALA; The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS); and GLA Risk Response Criteria (RRC). Re-Procurement (different scope) 30/11/2027 GLA Helicopters 2015 GLA/HELI/0857 27/01/2025 01/12/2027 120 24 £67,000,000 £13,700,000 CPN NA NA NA 34711000 Helicopters and aeroplanes 34711000 Helicopters and aeroplanes
CAMS1842 Rail Services Group Transpennine Trains Ltd Procurement a single multi-mode fleet of 29 units. (Manufacturer Competition) Procurement of new rolling stock to support TRU and the longer-term decarbonisation of the network..Fleet size of 29units, with an option to procure up to 55 units in total. The additional units reflect an ask from DfT Passenger Services, a separate business case will be undertaken should there be a requirement to procure additional units above the 29. The indicative contract value is based to build the trains. Linked to CAMS2259 New requirement NA NA NA 1/12/2023 27/02/2026 96 96 £600,000,000 NA Negotiated procedure NA NA NA 34620000 Rolling Stock 34620000
CAMS 2259 Rail Services Group Transpennine Trains Ltd Procurement a single multi-mode fleet of 29 units. (Financier Competition) Procurement of new rolling stock to support TRU and the longer-term decarbonisation of the network..Fleet size of 29units, with an option to procure up to 55 units in total. The additional units reflect an ask from DfT Passenger Services, a separate business case will be undertaken should there be a requirement to procure additional units above the 29. Value includes for maintainance (TSA) over a 10 year period. Linked to CAMS1842 New requirement NA NA NA 01/07/2024 27/02/2026 96 96 £1,150,000,000 NA Negotiated procedure NA NA NA 34620000 Rolling Stock 34620000
31623 Rail Services Group South Eastern Trains Eversholt Networker Replacement Supply of replacement new Rolling Stock for Southeastern, of between 350 and 640 vehicles Re-Procurement (different scope) 01/10/2027 NA NA 15/05/2024 01/07/2025 420 TBC £2,200,000,000 NA Negotiated procedure/Competitive tender NA NA NA 34620000 Rolling Stock 34620000
31624 Rail Services Group South Eastern Trains Eversholt Networker Replacement Financing of New Rolling Stock for Southeastern, of between 350 and 640 vehicles Re-Procurement (different scope) 01/10/2027 NA NA 15/05/2024 01/07/2025 420 TBC £1,100,000,000 NA Negotiated procedure/Competitive tender NA NA NA 34620000 Rolling Stock 34620000
Manufacturer Competitition Rail Services Group Northern Trains Ltd Supply of new rolling stock and maintenance supply services. Replacement of Northern Trains Limited’s (NTL’s) oldest rolling stock of 15X vehicles over the coming years with options to replace northerns remaining fleet in a framework agreement over 8 years Re-Procurement (different scope) 01/03/2025 NA NA 23/01/2025 02/03/2026 180 TBC £5,477,832,000 NA Negotiated procedure/Competitive tender NA NA NA 34620000 Rolling Stock 34620000 50220000
2024/S 000-015055 Rail Services Group Northern Trains Ltd Procurement of new rolling stock The procurement establishes a framework agreement with an 8 year term and this procurement relates to the Phase One requirements which are:Lot 1: - EMU – required for passenger service 2029-30 with an estimated requirement of 12 x 3-vehicle units. Lot 2: - MMU – required for passenger service 2030-31 with an estimated requirement of 48 x 3-vehicle units and 64 x 4-vehicle units. Lot 3: - BEMU – required for passenger service 2032 with an estimated initial requirement of 8 x 4-vehicle units. Negotiated Procedure with prior call for competition as detailed in UCR2016 Reg 47. NA NA NA 29/11/2024 27/05/2026 96 TBC £1,100,000,000 NA Negotiated Procedure with prior call for competition NA NA NA Main CPV is 34600000 Additional CPVs listed in the Contract Notice are 34620000, 34632300, 34946210, 45234000, 45340000 and 50220000 Main CPV is: 34600000 Additional CPVs listed in the Contract Notice are: 34620000, 34632300, 34946210, 45234000, 45340000 and 50220000
Not set Rail Services Group First Great Western Limited Procurement of rolling stock for Thames Valley / North Downs and West (including options) Replacement of all existing DMUs (and possibly EMUs), excluding the IET fleet. Fleet size TBC but current estimates are for 480 vehicles (mixture of DC BEMU, AC BEMU, AC EMU and bi-modes) to be delivered between 2029 and 2031 Re-Procurement (different scope) 30/06/2028 Leases for EMUs and DMUs with various ROSCOs NA 08/01/2025 09/01/2026 TBC TBC £1,250,000,000 NA Negotiated procedure/Competitive tender NA NA NA 34620000 Rolling Stock 34620000
tender_5321 DVLA Provision of Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement Subscription Agreement for Microsoft Products Re-procurement (different scope) 30/09/2026 NA NA 03/11/2025 01/10/2026 36 0 £15,046,295 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Application Software (Non-SaaS), Application Software (SaaS) 39112000, 39113000
tender_5526 DVLA Provision of Outbound Mail Services This contract will provide the Authority with an outbound bulk mail service. The provision of such is essential to supporting all services and transactions where a physical token or document is required to be sent to a mail recipient. The scope encompasses all bulk mail collection from the Authorities' sites except for 1st class, courier, special delivery and next day service, where alternative solutions are in place. The DVLA requires a contract for bulk UK mail along with a small element of international mail, currently managed by the incumbent supplier via their own Down Stream Access agreement (DSA Solution). The requirement is to maximise postal efficiencies and deliver value for money whilst providing a quality service, ensuring that mail items will be collected and delivered to the required destination(s) in line with the mail profile requirements and without interruption arising from any handover between the incumbent supplier and the Supplier. DVLA expects to produce approximately 95 million items of mail over the life of the contract. However, the quantities, types and frequencies of the mail is not guaranteed or warranted. Re-procurement (same scope) 01/10/2025 PS/22/132 Outbound Mail Services ecm_12508 06/01/2025 30/09/2025 60 12 £316,000,000 0 Framework RM6280 Postal Services and Solutions Lot 2 Post 27140000
tender_5464 DVLA Provision of Direct Debit (Framework) A Contract that facilitates the payment of VED via direct debit collection Re-procurement (same scope) 31/05/2026 NA ecm_14414 19/12/2024 01/06/2026 48 0 £33,680,000 0 Framework RM6301 Open Banking (Data, Digital Payments & Confirmation of Payee Services) DPS NA Finance Business Process Outsourcing 12111170
tender_5718 DVLA Clean Air Zone Technical Delivery and Support Provider Clean Air Zone Technical Delivery and Support Provider Extension 27/07/2025 NA NA 01/08/2024 28/07/2025 48 24 £15,272,732 TBC FTS NA NA NA Specialist Software (SaaS), Application Software (SaaS), Operating System Software, Systems Operation, Specialist Software (Non-SaaS), IT Installation, IT Support and Services 39122000, 39113000, 39111000, 39162000, 39121000, 39171000, 39173000
tender_5730 DVLA Transactions At Counter Services (TCS) A face-to-face service providing the public with access to driver and vehicle licensing transactions over-the-counter in outlets across the UK Re-procurement (different scope) 31/03/2026 NA NA 26/01/2026 01/04/2026 36 12 £40,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_5737 DVLA Provision of Debt Collection Services Re-procurement for Debt Collection services on behalf of DVLA's Casework & Enforcement Group Re-procurement (different scope) 31/03/2026 NA NA 01/10/2024 01/04/2026 36 24 £13,500,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Supply Chain Business Process Outsourcing, Debt Management Services 12111200, 12133180
tender_5904 DVLA Provision of Mainframe Services Provision of Mainframe Services Re-procurement (same scope) 15/08/2025 NA NA 15/08/2024 16/08/2025 12 0 £3,250,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 39134000
tender_5905 DVLA Provision of Robotic Process Automation Provision of Robotic Process Automation Re-procurement (same scope) 25/05/2025 NA NA 01/01/2026 26/05/2026 24 24 £4,166,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Specialist Software (Non-SaaS) 39121000
tender_6153 DVLA Provision of Media Buying To support communications campaigns, DVLA requires a supplier to plan, purchase and evaluate media for potential advertising campaigns to support DVLA’s strategic aims. New requirement NA NA NA 01/07/2025 01/12/2025 36 0 £8,600,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Advertising 15150000
tender_6436 DVLA Provision of CA GEN Subscription Licences Provision of CA GEN Subscription Licences Re-procurement (same scope) 31/08/2027 NA NA 01/03/2027 01/09/2027 60 0 £3,267,000 TBC Negotiated Procedure without Prior Publication NA NA NA Specialist Software (SaaS) 39122000
tender_6439 DVLA Software Engineering Software Engineering Re-procurement (same scope) 31/01/2026 NA NA 01/10/2025 01/02/2026 24 6 £4,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC NA NA
tender_6443 DVLA Provision of Service Now Provision of Service Now Re-procurement (different scope) 29/12/2026 NA NA 30/08/2026 30/12/2026 36 0 £3,138,190 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Staff Health and Safety 31120000
tender_6444 DVLA Provision of Customer Identity Platform Provision of Customer Identity Platform Re-procurement (same scope) 02/09/2025 NA NA 03/05/2025 03/09/2025 24 0 £2,018,748 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Specialist Software (Non-SaaS) 39121000
tender_6445 DVLA Provision of Oracle Premier Support Provision of Oracle Premium Support Re-procurement (different scope) 05/04/2025 NA NA 06/12/2024 06/04/2025 12 0 £2,803,883 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Specialist Software (Non-SaaS) 39121000
tender_6696 DVLA Provision of a Strategic Telephony Service A strategic telephony solution to deliver a modern communications solution with increased functionality and flexibility to deliver a better experience for both the customer and the employee. New requirement 07/08/2028 NA NA 08/09/2027 08/03/2028 60 24 £20,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Telecoms Systems 39153000
tender_6728 DVLA Provision of Print Software Solutions (RPD) Provision of Print Software Solutions (RPD) Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 13/09/2028 01/01/2029 60 12 £2,217,194 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC ICT 39000000
tender_6740 DVLA Provision of Juniper S & M with call off for additional HW Provision of Juniper S & M with call off for additional HW Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 02/12/2024 22/03/2025 12 12 £2,042,989 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC ICT 39000000
tender_6741 DVLA Provision of Microsoft Azure Cloud Services Provision of Microsoft Azure Cloud Services Re-procurement (same scope) 21/08/2026 NA NA 14/04/2026 22/08/2026 36 0 £4,320,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC NA NA
tender_6753 DVLA Provision of Digital Services Delivery Partner Provision of Digital Services Delivery Partner Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 14/06/2025 02/10/2025 24 0 £4,800,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC ICT 39000000
tender_6754 DVLA Provision of Engineering Services for DVLA Utilities Provision of Engineering Services for DVLA Utilities Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 14/11/2025 04/03/2026 24 0 £4,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_6755 DVLA Provision of AWS Web Services Provision of AWS Web Services Re-procurement (same scope) 31/03/2027 NA NA 12/12/2026 01/04/2027 36 0 £8,652,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC NA NA
tender_6759 DVLA Provision of Software Engineering supporting DVLA Services Provision of Software Engineering supporting DVLA Services Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 17/10/2025 17/04/2026 24 12 £4,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_6909 DVLA Provision of FOPS Foreign operator payment services The system will enable foreign operators to pay HGV Levy, it will provide a data store of payments made, it will provide a public register and it will support enforcement. Re-procurement (same scope) 01/09/2026 NA NA 15/10/2024 01/09/2026 48 36 £6,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Supply Chain Business Process Outsourcing 12111200
tender_6910 DVLA Provision of Merchant Acquirer The Authority requires a Service Provider for MA services to allow the Authority to accept credit and debit card payments from card issuing banks. Re-procurement (same scope) 31/05/2027 NA NA 02/01/2024 01/06/2027 36 24 £80,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Banking and Investment Services 12133150
tender_6931 DVLA Provision of Soft Services Soft Services - Catering, cleaning, waste and pest Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 01/11/2026 01/11/2027 48 12 £7,500,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Waste Management Goods, Catering, Food and Beverages, Vending Machines, Waste Management Services 35350000, 22120000, 22130000, 28190000, 35110000
tender_6961 DVLA Provision of Bulk Paper Printing Solution Large printing devices for OSG to produce print output for DVLA and OGD's Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 01/11/2025 09/11/2028 60 24 £6,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Printing Machinery and Equipment 40110000
tender_7019 DVLA Provision of Media Buying Full media planning services including providing an evidence-based response to the Agency brief with supporting rationale Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 01/10/2024 13/12/2025 43 0 £8,600,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Advertising 15150000
tender_7057 DVLA Provision of Software AG software subscription licences and support Provision of Software AG software subscription licences and support Re-procurement (same scope) 26/12/2027 NA NA 01/10/2027 27/12/2027 36 0 £2,334,808 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Specialist Software (Non-SaaS) 39121000
tender_7158 DVLA Provision of Microsoft Dynamics Provision of Microsoft Dynamics Re-procurement (same scope) 18/08/2026 NA NA 30/04/2026 19/08/2026 24 0 £5,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_7085 VCA Microsoft Licenses Microsoft ESA, SCE and Azure Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 01/04/2025 01/01/2026 36 0 £3,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Application Software (SaaS) 39113000
tender_5636 MCA DfT Group Travel Managed Service - 2026 MCA is the category lead for the DfT for the provision of travel. Establishing a travel contract on behalf of DfTc, DVLA, HS2, DVSA, MCA, NH, ORR, VCA, AAIB, MAIB, RAIB and BTP. Re-procurement (same scope) 15/02/2026 NA NA 15/08/2025 16/02/2026 36 0 £71,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Travel Management 34120000
tender_5637 MCA DfT Group Managed Service for Meetings and Events - 2026 MCA is the category lead for the DfT for the provision of meetings and events. Establishing a meetings and events contract on behalf of DfTc, HS2, MCA, DVLA, NH, BTP, ORR, DVSA. Re-procurement (same scope) 15/02/2026 NA NA 15/08/2025 16/02/2026 36 0 £12,500,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Travel Management 34120000
tender_5639 MCA Radio Network Managed Service - 2030 HM Coastguard are required to monitor VHF & MF Radio transmissions from vessels at sea and provide assistance in case of emergency to prevent loss of life within the UK’s jurisdiction. In order to do this, the current network consists of 155 Remote Radio sites (RRS), situated around 11,000 miles of UK coastline. This network facilitates all communication transmissions to and from vessels at sea and to the HM Coastguard Watch Officers based at our 10 Coastguard Operation Centres around the UK and the National Maritime Operations Centre in Fareham via two Data Centres. Re-procurement (same scope) 05/07/2030 NA NA 05/01/2030 06/07/2030 120 0 £20,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Telecoms Facilities and Service, Emergency and Rescue Services 39152000, 21110000
tender_5640 MCA Counter Pollution Service Ship Chartering & Associated Services Presently Ship Chartering services are not procured from a contracted service, the requirement is presently managed through informal and non-compliant methods therefore a longer term requirement should be considered that secures the services HMCG require. In the absence of a framework, I envisage the longer term strategy for this to be procured from the Open Market. Draft statement of requirements currently in development also covers market intelligence and research services (previously in place through a contracted requirement) & spot market intelligence briefing which will be vital in helping to shape the next iteration of ETV requirements and other similar initatives. New requirement NA NA NA 02/07/2029 01/07/2025 60 24 £9,750,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Environmental Protection Services, Emergency and Rescue Services 12123070, 21110000
tender_5643 MCA Telephony Managed Service Contract - 2026 The Avaya telephony platform underpins the MCA’s telephony capability as a whole directly provisioning HM Coastguard, corporate users and three contact centres. Re-procurement (same scope) 30/09/2026 NA NA 30/09/2024 01/10/2026 36 0 £2,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Networking Systems 39143000
tender_5646 MCA IT Infrastructure Managed Service - 2025 The MCA IT estate is divided into two environments: a Blue Light environment for the HM Coastguard emergency service, and the Corporate environment for commodity services and internal tools. Re-procurement (same scope) 31/03/2025 NA NA 30/09/2024 01/04/2025 24 0 £5,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5647 MCA UK Mission Control Centre and Antenna Service Cospas-Sarsat System Support -2033 The United Kingdom is a signatory to the International Cospas-Sarsat System. Re-procurement (same scope) 26/06/2033 NA NA 25/12/2032 27/06/2033 12 0 £4,200,000 NA FTS NA NA NA IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5648 MCA NAVigational TEleX (NAVTEX) and Digital Selective Calling (DSC) 2028 For the supply of NAVTEX and Digital Selective Calling services including the NAVTEX Cloud Monitoring Service to Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). Re-procurement (same scope) 31/03/2028 NA NA 31/03/2027 01/04/2028 60 0 £2,000,000 NA FTS NA NA NA IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5649 MCA PSTN Replacement 2025 Replacement services for those capabilities underpinned by PSTN such that we are fully transitioned by end June 2025. Estimated cost will be provided in a Business Case once initial scope exploration is complete. In 2017, Openreach announced that they are turning off the old analogue PSTN in 2025. The PSTN supports several products including ISDN lines (ISDN2, ISDN30 and DASS2) which many businesses have and WLR (Wholesale Line Rental) products. New requirement NA NA NA 30/09/2023 01/07/2025 0 0 £2,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5650 MCA Radio Spectrum and Technical Standards Professional Services 2025 Lot 1: Radio Spectrum, Lot 2 Navigation Standards & Equipment; Lot 3 Radar.The Radio Spectrum and Technical Standards Unit (RSTSU) within MCA has responsibility for, and is a major contributor to, national and international policy and standards development for maritime radio and navigational equipment, this is inclusive of policy and standards work relating to navigation equipment derived from Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Chapters IV and V; and maritime radio communications equipment under the Radio Equipment Regulations (RER). Applicants will potentially be required to contribute and participate in national and international meetings. The objectives of this contract are: • To provide ad hoc expertise on a call off basis in support of the MCA’s UK Technical Services Navigation Branch’s Radio Spectrum & Technical Standards Unit; • Support the UK Policy line at meetings, as required by RSTSU; • Maintenance and improvement of the reputation of the UK Flag Extension 28/07/2025 NA NA 27/01/2025 28/07/2025 35.97 0 £2,300,000 NA Below FTS NA NA NA Technical Consultancy, Technical Support Services 30302170, 12176070
tender_5651 MCA NAVTEX Masts and Transmitters - 2029 The MCA would like to procure a transmission solution that is a fully managed service which will match or enhance the MCA’s existing arrangements. This would include: • Masts that have the ability transmit Medium Frequency signals on 518Khz and 490Khz. • Transmitters capable of at least 1000W of energy. • Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) and all other associated equipment that is required to keep the sites operational. • Meets the scope of requirements for NAVTEX transmission service. Re-procurement (same scope) 29/06/2029 NA NA 29/12/2028 30/06/2029 84 0 £2,000,000 NA FTS NA NA NA Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 39134000
tender_5654 MCA MCA Legal Services - UK Regulatory & Compliance Investigations Team RCIT - 2027 The MCA has statutory authority for enforcing Merchant Shipping and Health & Safety legislation in the form of a private prosecution against offenders. MCA currently purchases legal services for prosecutions and coronial cases, and expert investigative services which are not available in house through GLD on a case by case basis, this proposal provides a single supplier model through an established Government framework agreement to achieve best value for money and outsourcing of administration and high risk activities to create recyclable efficiencies and reduce risk. The services to be procured are not provided by the Government Legal Service Re-procurement (same scope) 02/03/2027 NA NA 02/09/2026 03/03/2027 48 0 £2,200,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Legal Consultancy, Legal Services 30302100, 12153700
tender_5655 MCA Emergency Towage Vessel (ETV) Provision - 2028 Provision of an Emergency Towage Vessel (ETV) managed service in the north/north-west of Scotland. The next iteration of this project will also include the potential scope of procuring technical/legal support in addition to the requirement to deliver a new vessel to provide coverage. Re-procurement (same scope) 30/06/2028 NA NA 30/12/2027 01/07/2028 60 24 £27,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Emergency and Rescue Services 21110000
tender_5656 MCA UK Search & Rescue 3rd Generation - 2036 Procurement of a third generation aviation search and rescue service. Re-procurement (same scope) 31/12/2036 NA NA 30/06/2036 01/01/2037 168 0 £2,500,000,000 NA FTS NA NA NA Emergency and Rescue Services, Operation of Infrastructure 21110000, 11120000
tender_5659 MCA Hydrographic Survey Services - 2026 - UK Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP) delivers UK SOLAS obligations (Ch V, Reg 9) to reduce the number of maritime incidents, the associated potential for loss of life, vessels, equipment and damage to the marine environment caused from polluting incidents at sea. - Long term contracts let for 3 years, with the option to extend for up to 2 years - 5 Lots in total: Lot 1 Shallow Water, Lot 2 Medium Water, Lot 3 Routine Resurvey Programme, Lot 4 Receiver of Wreck and Lot 5 Supplementary Survey Services. - Lot 4 - Receiver of Wreck also has a requirement, under the Protection of Wreck Act (POWA) (Section 2) 1973, for managing surveys of the wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery in the Thames Estuary (and potentially other protected wrecks, as necessary). Nominal annual budget £65,000. Extension 31/03/2026 NA NA 01/01/2027 01/04/2026 24 0 £14,000,000 NA FTS NA NA NA Mapping Services 12123120
tender_5660 MCA CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF EARTH OBSERVATION SERVICES (EOS) - 2024 Annual delivery of an EOS covering the UK Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as shown in the MCA's "UK CSN Coverage Requirement" Re-procurement (same scope) 31/03/2024 NA NA 30/09/2023 01/07/2025 36 0 £2,500,000 NA FTS NA NA NA Environmental Protection Services 12123070
tender_6357 MCA UK Second Generation Search and Rescue Aviation Programme island bases at Sumburgh and Stornoway to a 15/45 readiness state. The UK Second Generation Search and Rescue Aviation Programme, a £1.6bn (ex VAT) contract, will provide an aeronautical search and rescue response and proactive surveillance covering the length and breadth of the UK, its coastline, and its maritime search and rescue region. It was approved by the DfT Investment, Portfolio and Delivery Committee on 04 July 2022, and awarded to Bristow Helicopters Limited. The new service will commence operations in a phased transition between late 2024 and 2026, and will deliver a service for the next 10 years. However, concerns over the proposed ‘hub and spoke’ model of aviation coverage, with associated changes in aviation readiness states at bases in Stornoway and Sumburgh, have led to a need for review and further analysis.In light of the findings, MCA Executive Board approved ta contract rider and revert the asset readiness states for the UK Second Generation Search and Rescue Aviation Programme island bases at Sumburgh and Stornoway: to re-align with the planned readiness states at bases across the mainland, and at a not to exceed cost of £20m per base over the 10 years of use, subject to indexation as per the contract financial model (excluding VAT). Variation NA NA NA 26/09/2024 26/09/2025 120 0 £39,999,999 NA FTS NA NA NA Emergency and Rescue Services 21110000
tender_6539 MCA UK Marine Weather Service (£2m+) Direct Govt Relationship - funded for 5 years Extension 31/03/2026 NA NA 31/03/2026 01/04/2026 60 0 £5,000,000 NA Single Tender Action (Direct Award) NA NA NA Business Services 12161130
tender_6623 MCA Storage, Maintenance & Deployment Contract for HMCG - 2029 This requirement is split into the following Lots: GLASGOW, SHETLANDS ISLANDS, ISLE OF LEWIS AND NORTHERN IRELAND SITES EAST MIDLANDS AND SOUTHWEST WALES SITES Re-procurement (same scope) 04/05/2029 NA NA 05/05/2028 05/05/2029 60 0 £5,000,000 NA FTS NA NA NA Emergency and Rescue Services 21110000
tender_7211 MCA C-Scope Maritime Domain Awareness System C-Scope Maritime Domain Awareness System Extension NA NA NA 03/02/2025 07/06/2025 36 12 £4,215,572 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Specialist Software (SaaS) 39122000
tender_5150 DVSA Technical Security Assurance Technical Security Assurance Re-procurement (same scope) 30/04/2025 NA NA 01/04/2024 01/05/2025 24 12 £6,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5524 DVSA Publishing and Associated Services Publishing and Associated Services New requirement NA NA NA TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC FTS NA NA NA Printing Services 40120000
tender_5664 DVSA Fleet Management Services 3 For the provision of fleet management services for DVSAs fleet. Re-procurement (same scope) 31/03/2025 NA NA 01/04/2024 01/04/2025 36 12 £15,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Fleet Management 19190000
tender_5669 DVSA DVSA Technical Support Services ITT DVSA Technical Support Services ITT. Re-procurement (same scope) 01/02/2027 NA NA 04/10/2026 02/02/2027 60 0 £50,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5871 DVSA Rapid Application Development (2.0) Rapid Application Development (2.0) New requirement 30/06/2024 NA NA 06/01/2025 02/06/2025 12 0 £9,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Systems Development 39161000
tender_6012 DVSA Clothing, PPE and associated services Clothing, PPE and associated services Re-procurement (same scope) 02/12/2026 NA NA 01/06/2026 03/12/2026 36 24 £7,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Clothing and Textiles 28110000
tender_6045 DVSA Wrexham GVTS estate Modernisation Wrexham GVTS estate Modernisation New requirement NA NA NA 13/06/2024 31/03/2026 30 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Building Operation 22220000
tender_6046 DVSA Bishopbriggs GVTS estate modernisation Bishopbriggs GVTS estate modernisation New requirement NA NA NA 13/06/2024 31/03/2026 30 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Building Operation 22220000
tender_6047 DVSA Yeading GVTS estate modernisation Yeading GVTS estate modernisation New requirement NA NA NA 13/06/2024 31/03/2026 30 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Building Operation 22220000
tender_6048 DVSA Chadderton GVTS estate modernisation Chadderton GVTS estate modernisation New requirement NA NA NA 13/06/2024 31/03/2026 30 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Building Operation 22220000
tender_6049 DVSA Avonmouth GVTS estate modernisation Avonmouth GVTS estate modernisation New requirement NA NA NA 13/06/2024 31/03/2026 30 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Building Operation 22220000
tender_6050 DVSA Gillingham GVTS estate modernisation Gillingham GVTS estate modernisation New requirement NA NA NA 13/06/2024 31/03/2026 30 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Building Operation 22220000
tender_6222 DVSA Dangerous Goods Qualification Services Provision of administrative arrangements to provide approved training courses and approve relevant course material, set, and mark examinations and award vocational driver training certificates to the drivers of vehicles carrying dangerous good and dangerous goods safety advisors. Re-procurement (same scope) 23/06/2027 NA NA 18/01/2027 24/06/2027 36 24 £5,580,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Development and Training, Learning 24120000, 24110000
tender_6261 DVSA DVSA Digital and Data – Specialists DVSA Digital and Data – Specialists Re-procurement (different scope) 16/05/2025 NA NA 21/10/2024 17/05/2025 24 6 £6,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_6262 DVSA ServiceNow Managed Services 2025 ServiceNow Managed Services 2026 Re-procurement (same scope) 28/06/2025 NA NA 21/10/2024 29/06/2025 12 6 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_6273 DVSA Facial Recognition Software Facial Recognition Software New requirement NA NA NA 01/11/2025 01/01/2026 1 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Application Software (SaaS), Specialist Software (Non-SaaS) 39113000, 39121000
tender_6274 DVSA Multi Functional Device Replacement 2026 Multi Functional Device Replacement 2027 Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 01/01/2026 24/04/2026 12 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Application Software (Non-SaaS) 39112000
tender_6275 DVSA DVSA Mobile Data and Voice Services DVSA Mobile Data and Voice Services Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 01/07/2025 24/11/2025 12 0 £2,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Application Software (Non-SaaS) 39112000
tender_6307 DVSA Vehicle and Components Testing Framework DVSA Market Surveillance Unit assess annually a number of vehicles and components placed on the market against the original approval standards to ensure they are and remain compliant. Where non-compliance is identified, action is taken to bring them back into compliance or remove them from the market. Re-procurement (same scope) 09/09/2025 NA NA 01/09/2026 09/09/2026 36 12 £8,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Engineering Services - Mechanical and Electrical, Technical Support Services 12176010, 12176070
tender_6636 DVSA T3 - TCN Region A - Extension 1 T3 - TCN Region A - Extension 2 Extension NA NA NA 23/10/2024 04/09/2026 12 0 £14,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6640 DVSA T3 - TCN Region A - Extension 2 T3 - TCN Region A - Extension 3 Extension 04/09/2027 NA NA 23/10/2024 04/09/2027 12 0 £14,800,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6650 DVSA T3 - TCN Region B - Extension 1 T3 - TCN Region B - Extension 2 Extension 03/09/2026 NA NA 24/10/2024 04/09/2026 12 0 £19,500,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6651 DVSA T3 - TCN Region B - Extension 2 T3 - TCN Region B - Extension 3 Extension 03/09/2026 NA NA 24/10/2024 04/09/2027 12 0 £19,500,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6652 DVSA T3 - TCN Region c - Extension 1 T3 - TCN Region c - Extension 2 Extension 03/09/2026 NA NA 24/10/2024 04/09/2026 12 0 £13,400,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6653 DVSA T3 - TCN Region C - Extension 2 T3 - TCN Region C - Extension 3 Extension 03/09/2026 NA NA 24/10/2024 04/09/2027 12 0 £13,400,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6654 DVSA T3 - CI & Legislative Change - Extension 1 T3 - CI & Legislative Change - Extension 2 Extension 30/06/2025 NA NA 24/10/2024 01/07/2025 12 0 £8,750,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Systems Development 39161000
tender_6655 DVSA T3 - CI & Legislative Change - Extension 2 T3 - CI & Legislative Change - Extension 3 Extension 30/06/2025 NA NA 24/10/2024 01/07/2026 12 0 £8,750,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Systems Development 39161000
tender_6658 DVSA T3 - TETCM - DA - Extension 1 T3 - TETCM - DA - Extension 2 Extension 05/09/2027 NA NA 24/10/2024 06/07/2027 12 0 £8,900,000 TBC Single Tender Action (Direct Award) NA NA NA Specialist Software (SaaS) 39122000
tender_6667 DVSA T3 - TCN Region A - T3 Re-Procurement T3 - TCN Region A - T3 Re-Procurement Re-procurement (different scope) 03/09/2028 NA NA 01/03/2025 04/09/2028 60 0 £79,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6669 DVSA T3 - TCN Region B - T3 Re-Procurement T3 - TCN Region B - T3 Re-Procurement Re-procurement (different scope) 03/09/2028 NA NA 01/03/2025 04/09/2028 60 0 £97,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6670 DVSA T3 - TCN Region C - T3 Re-Procurement T3 - TCN Region C - T3 Re-Procurement Re-procurement (different scope) 03/09/2028 NA NA 01/03/2025 04/09/2028 60 0 £73,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing 12111160
tender_6671 DVSA T3 - TETCM - T3 Re-Procurement T3 - TETCM - T3 Re-Procurement Re-procurement (different scope) 05/09/2027 NA NA 01/03/2025 06/09/2027 60 0 £38,000,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Specialist Software (SaaS) 39122000
tender_6672 DVSA T3 - CI and Legislative Change - T3 Re-Procurement T3 - CI and Legislative Change - T3 Re-Procurement Re-procurement (same scope) 30/06/2027 NA NA 01/07/2026 01/07/2027 24 24 £17,500,000 TBC FTS NA NA NA Systems Development 39161000
tender_6829 DVSA CVS CI and Prioritised Service Improvements - Pipeline CVS CI and Prioritised Service Improvements - Pipeline Re-procurement (same scope) 01/10/2025 NA NA 02/04/2025 02/10/2025 24 24 £16,700,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_6833 DVSA WAN - Pipeline WAN - Pipeline Re-procurement (same scope) 11/04/2028 NA NA 11/10/2027 11/04/2028 48 24 £4,891,193 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_6835 DVSA OGVA Hosting, Software & Support Services - Pipeline OGVA Hosting, Software & Support Services - Pipeline Re-procurement (same scope) 31/01/2027 NA NA 01/08/2026 01/02/2027 36 0 £6,222,565 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_6866 DVSA DVSA Microsoft ELA and Azure Hosting - Pipeline DVSA Microsoft ELA and Azure Hosting - Pipeline Re-procurement (same scope) 03/04/2025 NA NA 03/01/2025 04/04/2025 48 12 £8,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Application Software (SaaS) 39113000
tender_6872 DVSA IT Hardware - Pipeline IT Hardware - Pipeline Re-procurement (same scope) 27/10/2027 NA NA 28/04/2026 28/10/2027 36 24 £25,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC
tender_7106 DVSA Vehicle Conversion and Associated Services 2 To procure, convert and maintain DVSAs enforcement vehicles. Re-procurement (same scope) 22/09/2029 NA NA 01/10/2028 23/09/2029 60 24 £15,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Purchase, Vehicle Conversion 19110000, 19120000
tender_7152 DVSA Administration of Disclosure Barring Services Checks Administration of Disclosure Barring Services Checks New requirement 31/08/2025 NA NA TBC TBC TBC TBC £4,168,562 TBC TBC NA NA NA Business Services 12161130
tender_7183 DVSA DVSA Digital and Data Programmes -Pipeline DVSA Digital and Data Programmes -Pipeline Re-procurement (same scope) 16/05/2025 NA NA 21/10/2024 17/05/2025 48 12 £10,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_7196 DVSA Workforce Solutions This is a DfT owned contract which replaces PSR. Re-procurement (same scope) 16/07/2025 NA NA 21/04/2025 17/07/2025 72 12 £60,000,000 TBC Framework TBC TBC TBC Specialist Contractors 30112220
tender_5615 DfTc RAIDS WORK PACKAGES CONTRACT FOR RAIDS WORK PACKAGES (up to 4) Re-procurement (different scope) 30/04/2025 NA NA 01/10/2025 01/05/2026 36 24 £3,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Social and Economic Research 13130000
tender_5618 DfTc Public Sector Resourcing (PSR) The PSR contract allows the department to hire contingent labour. This contract is held with Alexander Mann Solutions, and is let through the CCS Public Sector Resourcing framework (RM3749). This contract requires an uplift to its value to cover the remaining term of the contract and a 18-month extension to ensure business continuity whilst CCS re-procure this framework. Extension 17/01/2024 NA NA TBC TBC TBC 18 £30,000,000 NA TBC NA NA NA HR Services 31310000
tender_5619 DfTc Media Monitoring Services Context: • This contract is essentially a transition from the former CCS framework to the new framework (RM6123 Media Buying Services). The transition was led via CCS, whereby the contracting authorities had to (essentially) enter into a new agreement with the sole supplier. It’s basically a continuation of service, but as the existing framework has expired, we were tasked with transitioning to the new framework. • All participating departments were issued with a transition pack to action the change. • The supplier is a sole supplier on the selected lots, therefore the award is in-line with the framework provisions (no scope for further competition). • Internal approvals (from the business) have been obtained. • Value = £50M (call off). • Duration = until 13 December 2025 Re-procurement (same scope) 15/12/2025 NA NA 17/08/2025 16/12/2025 42 TBC £50,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Advertising 15150000
tender_5628 DfTc Google Cloud Partner Security delivery partner Google Cloud Partner Security delivery partner New requirement NA NA NA 28/11/2023 28/03/2025 24 TBC £5,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Systems Development 39161000
tender_5630 DfTc OZEV Chargepoint Grants - Continuous Improvement and Support OZEV Chargepoint Grants - Continuous Improvement and Support New requirement NA NA NA 02/12/2023 30/04/2025 16 TBC £3,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5631 DfTc Digital Services Portfolio Delivery Partner • Provide challenge, support, insight and expertise, across all roles in a multidisciplinary team, to work within blended teams to deliver the outcomes/customer value, that DS are seeking to deliver: o Improved user experience o Empowered collaboration o Innovation culture o Data Driven Decisions o Excellent Service o Enhanced security • Deliver digital services/ elements/phases of these, as part of blended teams or discrete teams, passing all governance gateways such as GDS Service Assessments • Deliver all expected outcomes/artefacts, as agreed in each Statement of Work • Build capability in the department whilst supplementing capacity to deliver the desired outcomes, working at all times in line with the governance frameworks and standards. • Supporting the shaping and delivery of the portfolio to maximise the delivery of outcomes • Working to the CS values and expected behaviours, as well as DS Vision and mission £1m committed spend please. Re-procurement (same scope) 08/12/2024 NA NA 10/08/2024 01/01/2026 24 TBC £8,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC IT Support and Services 39173000
tender_5892 DfTc National Travel Survey 2027 - 2031 For the provision of the National Travel Survey (NTS). The survey is a continuous longitudinal study which will collect data across the following survey years 2027 – 2030, this includes break clauses after year 2 and 3 of the contract i.e. contract term of 2 year with options to extend for a 3rd and 4th year. The contract period spans 6 months either side of the years to surveyed i.e. Contract Period commencing July 2026 through to June 2031, this covers the initial mobilisation period (which is likely to extended if the incumbent bidder is not appointed), concluding with the delivery of the 4th year's data up to 6 months after the 2030 collection period. Proposed route to market - The Department is seeking to commission the survey via the Research and Insight Dynamic Purchasing System (RM6126), interested parties should apply to join the DPS via DPS Supplier Terms & Conditions - Supplier Registration Service ( A market engagement exercise is planned around June 2025, we aim to use this to: - • shape our Requirements • understand the challenges that are likely to be experienced given the backdrop of falling response rates • explore the innovation opportunities presented by technology • what other innovation could be deployed into the NTS based upon sectoral knowledge and experience of successful methodologies deployed elsewhere Following market engagement we aim to compete the NTS via the DPS and conclude the contract Autumn 2025. Contract Value – Anticipated budget over the life of the contract circa £24m New requirement 31/07/2027 NA NA 01/09/2025 01/08/2027 24 24 £24,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Social and Economic Research 13130000
tender_6485 DfTc Provision of Strategic Consultancy to support NBFC scheme Provision of Strategic Consultancy to support NBFC scheme Re-procurement (different scope) 31/12/2025 NA NA 01/09/2025 05/01/2026 24 12 £2,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC
tender_6812 DfTc Provision of delivery partner for grant administration for learn to ride bike Scheme Exploring market options for best delivery partner solution for learn to ride bike scheme New requirement NA NA NA 30/06/2025 01/04/2026 24 12 £2,800,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Business Services 12161130
tender_7099 DfTc Deliberative Research Call-off At present, this is a pipeline procurement, but is more than likely going to progress. The team is drafting the scope. Sole supplier call-off (previously considered a dual supplier contract). RTM - Research and Insights (RM6126) New requirement NA NA NA TBC TBC TBC TBC £2,400,000 NA TBC NA NA NA TBC TBC
tender_7147 DfTc National Rail Travel Survey National Rail Travel Survey New requirement NA NA NA 02/06/2025 02/06/2025 24 0 £4,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Social and Economic Research 13130000
tender_7167 DfTc P4104116 Legal Advisers for Intercity Express Programme Legal Advisers for IEP New requirement NA NA NA 01/03/2024 02/06/2025 36 12 £3,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Legal Services 12153700
tender_7184 DfTc THRE0050 - Futures Expertise Research Technical Advisors Technical advisors that have a deep knowledge of industry best practice on Futures. They will also need an understanding of emerging future innovations that could present both risks and opportunities to the transport sector, being able to identify tangible solutions Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 05/03/2025 01/05/2025 24 24 £2,000,000 NA Framework TBC TBC TBC Technical Consultancy,Technical Support Services 30302170, 12176070
TBC DfTc Technical and Commercial Advisors to support the National Freight Programme for Network Rail THRE0060 Technical and Commercial Advisors to support the National Freight Programme for Network Rail New requirement NA NA NA 31/03/2025 TBC TNC TBC £5,050,000 NA TBC NA NA NA Technical Consultancy,Technical Support Services 30302170, 12176071
TBC DfTc Specialist Technical and Commercial Advisory for Rail and Other Transport Systems Framework (STARFour) Early planning has been ongoing to develop the OBC and strategy for the re-procurement of the DfT's in-house technical commercial framework. Value: c.£450m STARFour will support the Department’s commitment to increase the level of investment in transport, it requires access to specialist technical and commercial advisory support. Currently the demand for this support is successfully met through the Specialist Technical Advisory for Rail (STARTwo Framework which is managed by the Department’s Group Commercial Directorate (GCD). The STARTwo framework enables access to high quality, professionally qualified and experienced specialist third party advisory support for a range of service requirements. Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 03/11/2025 TBC TBC TBC £400,000,000 NA TBC NA NA NA TBC TBC
TBC DfTc Legal Panel for Government Framework (Lot 5: Rail) Re-procurement of the central government legal panels into one framework with several lots. Procurement is being led by CCS with collaboration from GLD and other government departments. DfTc Commercial and DfT Lawyers leading on development of the specification and evluation materials for Lot 5:Rail on behalf of DfTc clients and its Arms Length Bodies. Lot 5 Rail is estimated to be £75m over a 3+1 framework term. Re-procurement (same scope) NA NA NA 12/02/2025 21/02/2026 TBC TBC £75,000,000 NA TBC NA NA NA TBC TBC
tender_6218 DfTc National Capability Testing Centre The National Capability Testing Centre is a key part of the Department for Transport’s (DfT)’s testing capabilities and provides a central location for the handling, manufacture and disposal of explosives against national and international standards, such as, but not limited to, European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) as well as the storing of firearms and knives. New requirement NA NA NA 03/03/2025 30/04/2025 48 0 £5,000,000 NA Open NA NA NA Security 22160000