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DWP's ministerial meetings, July to September 2024
Updated 4 February 2025
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Minister | Date | Name of Individual or Organisation | Purpose of Meeting |
Maeve Sherlock | 08/08/2024 | Teesside University | Visit to Teesside University to see damage from riots |
Maeve Sherlock | 13/09/2024 | Get Ready for Work (GRoW) Programme | Spoke at a GRoW Employability Day Event discussing how childcare support is essential in supporting parents to move into work, and how Universal Credit childcare offer can help |
Maeve Sherlock | 11/07/2024 | Leeds Mind | A joint Ministerial visit to discuss mental health support for vulnerable customers |
Maeve Sherlock | 11/07/2024 | Leeds Scope | A joint Ministerial visit to discuss support for disabled people into employment |
Alison McGovern | 17/07/2024 | Child Poverty Action Group, Children's Society, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Trade Unions Congress, Child Poverty Action Group, Action for Children, Save the Children, Gingerbread, UNICEF, Barnado's, National Children's Bureau, Centre for Young Lives | Child Poverty Roundtable to hear from stakeholders on: What they see as the main drivers of child poverty and Suggestions for Improving the situation under the new government |
Alison McGovern | 26/07/2024 | International Labour Organisation | Meeting to build the UK relationship with the Director General, reaffirm the UK's ongoing commitment to the missions and objectives of the International Labour Organisaton and support for the work of the Director General |
Alison McGovern | 30/07/2024 | Centre for Social Justice, Citizen's Advice, Feeding Britain, Independent Food Aid Network, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Step Change, Trussell Trust, Turn 2 Us, Monday Advice Trust: National Debtline, The Bread and Butter Thing, The Food Foundation | Meeting with key food poverty stakeholders to discuss their priorities for change as well as to hear their reflections on how the Government should go about reducing food poverty |
Alison McGovern | 16/08/2024 | Compassion Acts | Meeting to hear about the work they are doing in the community to support people after the tragic events at The Hart Space |
Alison McGovern | 30/08/2024 | Trussell Trust | To meet with senior staff and volunteers. A discussion was held to introduce the work and objectives of the Trussell Trust to the Minister |
Alison McGovern | 02/09/2024 | Versus Arthritis | An introductory meeting on the issues affecting people with arthritis regarding employment |
Alison McGovern | 05/09/2024 | Disability Charity Commission | Introductory call with the Disability Charity Commission Co-chairs to listen to their well-informed perspectives and experiences and establish a constructive relationship with the Disability Charity Commission and reinforce the commitment to the principle of working with disabled people |
Alison McGovern | 09/09/2024 | University of Bath, Resolution Foundation, University of Strathclyde, The Trades Union Congress, Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, Health Foundation | The key aims of this meeting were to establish the role of the board, agree Terms of Reference and discuss economic inactivity |
Alison McGovern | 09/09/2024 | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children | Visit to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children's Better Start Centre in Blackpool to meet with staff and customers to discuss the impacts of poverty and the support provided by the Centre |
Alison McGovern | 16/09/2024 | Institute for Employment Studies | Meeting to discuss the Future Employment Support Report and Commission ahead of the Minister giving a speech at the launch event |
Alison McGovern | 18/09/2024 | Institute for Employment Studies | To give a speech at the launch event for the Future of Employment Support and take part in a panel discussion on current employment issues and the support available |
Alison McGovern | 19/09/2024 | Mayor of North East, Association of Directors of Children's Services, Church of England, Thrive Together Birmingham, Local Government Association, Children and Young People Board | Meeting to bring together representatives from combined and local authorities and leaders in local systems to hear about the experience of poverty in their communities, their approaches to tackling child poverty, and their views on how to best work in partnership? |
Stephen Timms | 10/07/2024 | Trussell Trust | Introductory meeting with Trussell Trust on alignment between the two, extending future insights and collaborative support |
Stephen Timms | 10/07/2024 | Citizens Advice | Introductory meeting with Citizens Advice to express support and expertise in collobarative future working |
Stephen Timms | 11/07/2024 | Scope, Mind | To visit a key stakeholder in the youth and disability space. To greater learn about how these providers help young people and people with disabilities get into and stay in work |
Stephen Timms | 17/07/2024 | Multiple Sclerosis Society, Barnet Inclusion, Mencap | To establish constructive relationsips with Disability Benefits Consortium and reinforce pledge to work with disabled people |
Stephen Timms | 17/07/2024 | Disability Rights UK, Inclusion London | Meeting with Disabled People's Forum of England to establish commitment to working with different groups representative of disabled people |
Stephen Timms | 17/07/2024 | Business Disability Forum, Scope, Sense, Royal National Institute of Blind People, National Autistic Society, Royal National Institute for Deaf People, Leonard Cheshire, Mencap, Mind | To outline the government's commitment to the principle of working with disabled people |
Stephen Timms | 17/07/2024 | Shelter | To discuss the importance of Shelter's work and reaffirming the pledge to support the principle of working with disabled people |
Stephen Timms | 23/07/2024 | Disability Policy Centre | To help support the launch of their 'Power of Support' report |
Stephen Timms | 29/07/2024 | Carers UK | Visit with Carers UK to meet unpaid carers and discuss their experiences of being in receipt of carers allowance |
Stephen Timms | 02/09/2024 | Local Government Association | To be introduced to the Local Government Association and discuss Housing Benefit policy |
Stephen Timms | 03/09/2024 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Trussell Trust | Parliamentary reception where the Minister spoke on the Government's plans to deliver on their manifesto commitments |
Stephen Timms | 04/09/2024 | Policy Connect | To be introduced to Policy Connect and discuss Assistive Technology in the disability space |
Stephen Timms | 04/09/2024 | Chartered Institute of Housing | To be introduced to the Chartered Institute of Housing and discuss Housing Benefit and surrounding issues |
Stephen Timms | 05/09/2024 | Crisis | To be introduced to Crisis and discuss Housing Benefit policy |
Stephen Timms | 09/09/2024 | Regional Stakeholder Network | To be introduced to the Regional Stakeholder Network and discuss disability policy and current issues affecting disabled people |
Stephen Timms | 10/09/2024 | Disability Rights UK, Inclusion London, Action on Disability, Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People, Choices and Rights, Inclusion Barnet, Disability North, Wecil, Alliance for Inclusive Education, Real, National Survivor User Network, British Deaf Association, Bromley Experts by Experience, Disability Positive, Pauls Place, Liberation, Oppression Squared, Disabled People Against Cuts, Cheshire Disabled People Against Cuts | Catch-up meeting to speak about the main challenges facing disabled people |
Stephen Timms | 11/09/2024 | Business Disability Forum, Scope, Sense, Royal National Institute of Blind People, National Autistic Society, Royal National Institute for Deaf People, Leonard Cheshire, Mencap, Mind | Roundtable session with members of the Disability Charities Consortium. The Minister discussed and answered questions on disability benefits and employment |
Stephen Timms | 11/09/2024 | Scope | Visited Scope to meet leadership team, employment advisers and Scope customers |
Stephen Timms | 12/09/2024 | National Housing Federation | Introductory stakeholder call with National Housing Federation to discuss their priorities for housing |
Stephen Timms | 12/09/2024 | British Sign Language Advisory Board | Introductory meeting to discuss education, government communications and delivered a very short statement on working with the British Sign Language Advisory Board Advisory board |
Stephen Timms | 12/09/2024 | The National Lottery's ParalympicsGB Homecoming | Attended the ParalympicGB homecoming event to welcome back atheletes from the successful Paris 2024 Games |
Stephen Timms | 17/09/2024 | British Deaf Association | Introductory meeting with British Deaf Association to speak on British Sign Language |
Stephen Timms | 18/09/2024 | Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children | To celebrate International Day of Sign Languages. The Minister met and spoke with staff, students and the British Sign Language Advisory Board Chair |
Stephen Timms | 20/09/2024 | Child Poverty Action Group | To speak at their annual welfare rights conference and take questions and answers from the audience |
Stephen Timms | 26/09/2024 | Macmillan | Visit Charing Cross Hospital to speak with staff and to participate in Macmillan Coffee Morning |
Andrew Western | Nil Return | Nil Return | Nil Return |
Emma Reynolds | 25/07/2024 | International Financial Managers | To hear their initial views and discuss the Pensions Review |
Emma Reynolds | 25/07/2024 | Lane Clark and Peacock | To hear their initial views and discuss the Pensions Review |
Emma Reynolds | 30/07/2024 | Trades Union Congress, Confederation of British Industry, Association of British Insurers, Federation of Small Businesses, Age UK, Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association | To hear their initial views and discuss the Pensions Review |
Emma Reynolds | 30/07/2024 | Scottish Widows, Aviva, Royal London, Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, Association of British Insurers, Phoenix Group, M&G Investments, The Peoples Partnership, Mercer, Smart Pension, Cushon, Willis Towers Watson | To hear their initial views and discuss the Pensions Review |
Emma Reynolds | 31/07/2024 | New Financial | To hear their initial views and discuss the Pensions Review |
Emma Reynolds | 31/07/2024 | Institute of Economics and Management, Barclays, Schroders, The Phoenix Group, KPMG, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, UK Finance, The City UK, Willis Towers Watson, Matillion, Legal and General, Lakestar | To hear their initial views and discuss the Pensions Review |
Emma Reynolds | 31/07/2024 | Universities Superannuation Scheme, Isio, Railpen, Clara Pensions, Pensions Corporation, Capital Cranfield, Aon. | To explore the role of Defined Benefit schemes in supporting the government's objectives on the growth agenda and security in retirement. |
Emma Reynolds | 04/09/2024 | Association of British Insurers | To hear their initial views and discuss the Pensions Review |
Emma Reynolds | 12/09/2024 | Phoenix Group | Meeting to discuss long term savings and retiremtent |
Emma Reynolds | 12/09/2024 | Insitiute for Fiscal Studies | Event to talk through recent IFS reports. |
Emma Reynolds | 17/09/2024 | JP Morgan | Event to discuss pensions and retirement investments |
Liz Kendall | 06/07/2024 | Child Poverty Action Group | Introductory call to discuss child poverty |
Liz Kendall | 06/07/2024 | Trussell Trust | Introductory call to discuss food poverty |
Liz Kendall | 06/07/2024 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation | Introductory call to discuss poverty and inequality |
Liz Kendall | 06/07/2024 | Disability Charities Consortium | Introductory call to discuss disability |
Liz Kendall | 15/07/2024 | Confederation of British Industry | Introductory call to employment and the government's growth mission |
Liz Kendall | 15/07/2024 | British Chamber of Commerce | Introductory call to discuss employment and the government's growth mission |
Liz Kendall | 15/07/2024 | Federation of Small Business | Introductory call to discuss employment and the government's growth mission |
Liz Kendall | 29/07/2024 | Age UK | Call to discuss Chancellor's Statement |
Liz Kendall | 29/07/2024 | Local Government Association | Call to discuss Chancellor's Statement |
Liz Kendall | 29/07/2024 | Citizen's Advice | Call to discuss Chancellor's Statement |
Liz Kendall | 12/08/2024 | Chair of the Labour Market Advisory Board | To discuss the Labour Market Advisory Board |
Liz Kendall | 19/09/2024 | Association of Directors of Children's Services, Community Regeneration at the Church of England | External experts meeting as part of September's Child Poverty Taskforce |
Liz Kendall | 19/09/2024 | Thrive Together Birmingham | External experts meeting as part of September's Child Poverty Taskforce |
Liz Kendall | 19/09/2024 | Local Government Association Chair, Local Government Association Children and Young People Board | External experts meeting as part of September's Child Poverty Taskforce |
Mel Stride | Nil Return | Nil Return | Nil Return |
Johanna Churchill | Nil Return | Nil Return | Nil Return |
Mimms Davies | Nil Return | Nil Return | Nil Return |
Paul Maynard | Nil Return | Nil Return | Nil Return |
James Younger | Nil Return | Nil Return | Nil Return |