Transparency data

Wales Office - Senior Officials Business Expenses - Jul-Sept 24

Updated 30 January 2025
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Senior Official's Name Start date of expense End date of expense Purpose of expense Destination Mode(s) of transport Class of transport Sub- total of all transport used (£) Sub - total costs of all accomodation and meals (£) Sub- total cost of all other expenses, including hospitality given (£) Total cost of expenses claimed (£)
Glynne Jones CBE 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 To attend various departmental meetings in Ty William Morgan in Cardiff. Cardiff Train Standard £81.00 £0 £0 £81.00
Glynne Jones CBE 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 To attend various departmental meetings in Ty William Morgan in Cardiff. Cardiff Train Standard £121.00 £0 £0 £121.00