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Senior officials' quarterly return: meetings, Q2 (July 2024 to September 2024)

Updated 30 January 2025
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Senior Official's Name Date Name of individual or organisation Purpose of Meeting
Adrian Hanwell Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Amy Rees 2024-07-01 Prison Governors Association To discuss Prison Governor issues ahead of the General Election
Amy Rees 2024-07-11 President of the King's Bench Division, Senior Presiding Judge, Lord Justice Discussion on policy
Amy Rees 2024-07-22 Magistrates Association Updates on working relationship and implementation of Probation Reset
Amy Rees 2024-07-24 Prison Officers Association Discussion on prison officer issues
Amy Rees 2024-07-29 Prison Service Pay Review Body Briefing on the announcement of Prison Service Pay Review Body recommendations to trade unions
Amy Rees 2024-07-29 Probation Trade Unions Briefing on the Probation pay offer
Amy Rees 2024-07-29 Prison Officers Association Briefing on the announcement of Prison Service Pay Review Body recommendations and pay deal
Amy Rees 2024-07-29 Prison Governors Association Briefing on the announcement of Prison Service Pay Review Body recommendations and pay deal
Amy Rees 2024-07-29 Prison National Trade Unions (NTUS) Briefing on the announcement of Prison Service Pay Review Body recommendations and pay deal
Amy Rees 2024-07-29 Employment Advisory Board Discussion on the work of the Employment Advisory Board
Amy Rees 2024-07-29 St.Giles Discussion on Lived Experience and Peers in prison
Amy Rees 2024-08-15 President of the King's Bench Division, Senior Presiding Judge, Lord Justice To discuss the implementation of Standard Determinate Sentence 40 and courts
Amy Rees 2024-08-20 Crown Prosecution Service Discussion on capacity impact on courts
Amy Rees 2024-09-05 Queensland University Students Attendance at a visit from students studying Complex Project Leadership to introduce HMPPS and the 'Red Team Challenge' of recruitment and retention in HMPPS and HMCTS
Amy Rees 2024-09-05 Employment Advisory Board Attendance at the Employment Advisory Board Chair's Lunch and Learn to update on current priorities and thank them for their support in driving forward the employment agenda within their prisons
Amy Rees 2024-09-09 Prison Officer Association Discussion of prison officer issues with trade union
Amy Rees 2024-09-10 Duchy of Cornwall Meeting to discuss the long-term capacity planning at HMP Dartmoor
Amy Rees 2024-09-11 Bishop for HM Prisons Meeting to discuss sentencing policy
Amy Rees 2024-09-11 University of Southampton and Liverpool John Moores University Presentation of 'Rehabilitating Probation: Emerging lessons from 3-year independent ESRC research project studying probation unification’ to HMPPS Leadership Team
Amy Rees 2024-09-16 His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons Quarterly meeting between Phil Copple, Amy Rees and His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons to stocktake on the previous quarter
Amy Rees 2024-09-24 Bishop for HM Prisons In person meeting to discuss prison officer training
Amy Rees 2024-09-24 Lived Expert Ltd. In person meeting to discuss the findings of Lived Expert's project on opiate treatment in prisons
Antonia Romeo 2024-07-18 Sue Langley To discuss City of London
Antonia Romeo 2024-09-17 Oliver Wyman Forum Roundtable on US Election
Antonia Romeo 2024-09-20 Franco-British Colloque Committee Meeting
Caroline Patterson Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Catherine Blair Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Ed Cornmell Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Ian Barrow Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
James McEwen 2024-07-17 PricewaterhouseCoopers To discuss government finance
James McEwen 2024-07-24 Newton Europe To discuss their work within the Criminal Justice System
Jerome Glass Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Jonathan Nancekivell-Smith Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Mark Robinson Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Megan Lee-Devlin Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Nick Goodwin Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Phil Copple 2024-07-01 Police and Crime Commissioners, Mayors and Deputy Mayors Briefing on Prisons and Probation
Phil Copple 2024-07-04 Southampton University Rehabilitating Probation Research Interview
Phil Copple 2024-07-08 Sir Mark Rowley Meeting between Amy Rees, Phil Copple and Sir Mark Rowley to discuss a briefing around the victims scheme and End of Custody Supervised Licence
Phil Copple 2024-07-10 Criminal Justice Action Group Update from criminal justice action group
Phil Copple 2024-07-12 Prison Governors Assosciation Briefing following new government taking over
Phil Copple 2024-07-12 National Trade Union Side To discuss recommendations from Prison Service Pay Review Body
Phil Copple 2024-07-15 Prison Governors Association National Executive Committee Prison governors association operational update
Phil Copple 2024-07-17 Prison Governors Association Operational update
Phil Copple 2024-07-17 National Trade Union Side To discuss recommendations from Prison Service Pay Review Body
Phil Copple 2024-07-17 Prison Officers Association Operational update
Phil Copple 2024-07-18 Prison Officers Association Operational update
Phil Copple 2024-07-18 National Trade Union Side To discuss recommendations from Prison Service Pay Review Body
Phil Copple 2024-08-12 Racial Inclusion and Striving for Equality Members A Safe space event for Ethnic minority colleagues and Race Champions to reflect on the current situation that is happening across the UK and how it maybe impact on them.
Phil Copple 2024-08-19 Leicestershire Police To discuss standard determinate sentencing and victims work
Phil Copple 2024-08-21 Kent Police Update on progress with Police Chief Constables
Phil Copple 2024-08-22 National Association of Probation Officers A meeting with Phil and members of National Association of Probation Officers (NAPO) following an emergency meeting of NAPO members
Phil Copple 2024-08-27 Howard League To discuss the placement of girls in the children and young people’s secure estate
Phil Copple 2024-08-28 Prison and Probation Ombudsman To discuss the PPO annual report and the recommendations from it
Phil Copple 2024-08-28 Prison Service Pay Review Body A wash-up meeting following publication of the England and Wales report
Phil Copple 2024-08-28 Ex HMPPS employee To discuss with an Ex HMPPS Employee their time in the service to enable them to give feedback on their time as a potential future leader of the service and a graduate from the Senior Prison Manager Programme.
Phil Copple 2024-09-09 Prison Officers Association Quarterly meeting between Phil Copple, Amy Rees and the Prison Officers Association to stocktake on the previous quarter
Phil Copple 2024-09-16 His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons Quarterly meeting between Phil Copple, Amy Rees and His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons to discuss inspections from previous quarter
Phil Copple 2024-09-16 National Trade Unions National Whitley Council Meeting with Trade Unions and Senior leaders for reflections on the previous quarter and plans following the implementation of the standard determinate sentencing at 40%
Phil Copple 2024-09-19 Whitehall and Industry Group Modular programme for Senior Leaders
Phil Copple 2024-09-20 Prison Officers Association Private catch-up regarding a POA member returning to HMPPS
Phil Copple 2024-09-27 EuroPris Board meeting with EuroPris to discuss event evaluations, staff exchange concept, financial reports and projects.
Phil Copple 2024-09-30 Prison and Probation Ombudsman To discuss ways to improve leadership training in the Prison service
Richard Price Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Ross Gribbin Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return