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ONS Government Major Projects Portfolio Data March 2024
Updated 16 January 2025
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GMPP ID Number | Project Name | Department | Annual Report Category | Description / Aims | IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | SRO Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) | Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) | Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Variance (%) | Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2023/24 (if variance is more than 5%) | TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | TOTAL Baseline Benefits (£m) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Benefits |
ONS_0002_1112-Q1 | Census & Data Collection Transformation Programme | ONS | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | Delivering a successful 2021 Census, researching how to make it the last of its kind and transforming the work of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in how we collect, process and analyse data. | Green | Not set | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 decreased from Amber to Green. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme officially closed on 31 March 2024 with all closure activity successfully completed and the IPA Gate 5 Review in January 2024 applying a Green RAG for the closure. The Programme has successful delivered the 2021 Census and produced its headline outputs, topic summaries, multivariate outputs and 'build your own' dataset functionality. Progress as planned was made on the further transformation of the population and migration systems: the National Statistician Recommendation is drafted and will be discussed by the United Kingdom Statistics Authority Board in April 2024; data collection processing for the Labour Market Survey; development of the new Statistical Business Register; and the move to online data collection for the majority of ONS business surveys. | 2015-01-01 | 2024-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2025-03-31 to 2024-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme end date of 31 March 2024 remains unchanged. There is no funding beyond this date. The Census benefits will be captured in 2025 and ownership and tracking of these has transferred to the Population Statistics Division (PSD) within the Office for National Statistics (ONS). All other closure activity has completed successfully. | 18.1 | 17.91 | -1 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 876 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 876m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The budgeted Whole Life Costs have remained at 876m within the 2023 / 2024 Financial Year and the close down of the Programme has gone to plan. | 6418 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 6418m. Financial year 2023/2024 Quarter 4 baseline remained at 6,417.71m (with figures being inflated to 2022/2023 prices using the March 2022 Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecast, specifically 1.7 Supplementary economy tables). The forecast lifetime benefits are 6,346.65m, 71.06m (1.11%) below the baseline of 6,417.71m. |
ONS_0261_2324-Q1 | Future Population, Migration and Social Statistics System (FPMS) | ONS | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The Future Population and Migration Statistics (FPMS) Programme provides the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the opportunity to continue to transform the way in which it produces statistics on the population and society. It builds on the successful transformation of the Census and Data Collection Transformation Programme (CDCTP). A key focus of the Programme will be continuing and mainstreaming the use of administrative data in the production of these key statistics, working across the public sector to maximise this data asset. The FPMS Programme will create a sustainable system that will allow the ONS to scale up while providing the opportunity to be flexible and dynamic in how it responds to the emerging issues of the day. | Not set | Red | The Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme is continuing at risk as a decision is still pending on the Outline Business Case (OBC) Refresh with no confirmed funding for FPMS beyond 31 March 2024. A high level 2 year plan for the Programme has been drafted although this is funding dependent. Once confirmation of funding is received, the scope may need to be revised. However, the Programme is delivering considerable success most notably a plan to publish admin-based population estimates later in the year alongside the plan to improve quality for further publications. The Programme continues to engage users to ensure appropriate statistical design, assure statistical methods and to convey admin data quality. | 2023-04-28 | 2024-10-31 | The project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is 2024-10-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme has no confirmed funding beyond 31 March 2024. We are awaiting the outcome of the Outline Business Case (OBC) Refresh. If approved, work to develop the Full Business Case (FBC) will commence and will reflect the planning and delivery that is ongoing to ensure high quality, timely population statistics publications are produced with the emphasis on administrative data to maximise these data sets. | 26.76 | 28.72 | 7 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Not applicable. The HMT approved budget for 2023/24 is 26.76m, the variance is therefore below 5%. | 27 | The project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 is 27m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Whole Life Costs are showing as the 28.72m as per our period 11 reporting for the 2023 / 2024 Financial Year. These costs are in relation to the Design and Build phases and once confirmation of 2024 / 2025 funding based on the Outline Business Case (Refresh) is received at the Main Estimate fiscal event, further forecasts will be added to the above figure in the next return. | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. Benefit evaluation and monitoring to be put in place once the outcome for 2024/2025 funding is agreed. |
ONS_0003_2021-Q4 | Integrated Data Programme | ONS | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The Integrated Data Programme is a radical and transformative programme that is bringing together ready to use data to enable faster and wider collaborative analysis for the public good. The service delivers a secure and trusted Cloud hosted integrated data service enabling end to end collaborative analysis and dissemination of statistical and analytical outputs. _x000D_ _x000D_ The service will significantly simplify, increase and expedite access to data while balancing legal, security, data protection and ethics and enhances data ready for use after applying assured methodology and data management practices. The service will enable accredited analysts and researchers from government, wider public services and research organisations to produce faster and deeper analytical outputs of targeted public policy questions and more effective social, health, economic and environmental outcomes. Policy focused analysis conducted across government will demonstrate value of integrated data and the additional evidence and insight that is generated from it._x000D_ has context menu | Red | Not set | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 increased from Amber to Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. Actions are complete on 3 of the IPA recommendations from the Gateway 0 Review and actions are in progress to address the remaining 9 recommendations. Actions are complete on 10 of the IPA recommendations from the Gateway 4 Review and actions are in progress to address the remaining recommendation which is due for completion by April 2024. | 2020-01-01 | 2025-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme consistently delivers against milestones, including DEA accreditation and Public Beta release in March 2023. There remains very limited contingency in the plan and hence progress is closely monitored through Governance and proactive risk management. The recent IPA Gateway 4 review assigned an Amber rating to the programme, acknowledging the achievements to date and the challenges ahead. | 67.1 | 67.1 | 0 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 525 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 525m. This is primarily due to the following factors. | 1348 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 2324-Q4 decreased from 1814m. to 1348m. Following on from the first round of ONS and external benefit consultations for IDS by November 2021, the programme plans to re-engage with Other Government Departments and Devolved Administrations, analytical areas to finalise forecasted outcomes, to capture their analytical efficiencies and statistical financial benefits for the public good, by June 2023. The outcomes and evidence of which will provide actual data for future remodelling for the FBCR in 2023. These consultations will be with Tier 1 and 2 (target audience of Heads of Profession, Heads of Analysis and CDIOs) and now tier 3 stakeholders/beneficiaries. This will follow the iterative public beta delivery, starting with March Public Beta and the delivery of Show and Tells for Other Government Departments and Devolved Administrations and other key stakeholders, on key topics such as data, analysis and access, dissemination and IDS technology. |