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NCA Government Major Projects Portfolio Data March 2024
Updated 16 January 2025
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GMPP ID Number | Project Name | Department | Annual Report Category | Description / Aims | IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | SRO Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) | Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) | Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Variance (%) | Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2023/24 (if variance is more than 5%) | TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | TOTAL Baseline Benefits (£m) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Benefits |
NCA_0001_1415-Q2 | NCA Transformation Portfolio | NCA | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The NCA's Transformation Portfolio will enable the NCA to become an intelligence led and digitally driven organisation. Our current capabilities and operating model limit our ability to relentlessly disrupt the changing threats, especially internet and digitally related threats. The NCA's Transformation Portfolio will deliver the culture, capability and capacity to enable the NCA to be a world-class law enforcement agency, leading the work to cut serious and organised crime. | Amber | Not set | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Programme leadership, governance and assurance maturity has been a key theme that will continue into FY 24/25. The inception of the Investment Management Office (IMO) has provided more focus on how the Agency manages its investments, through broadening the scope of the IMO to cover all investments, not just those on the existing GMPP, this will continue to strengthen as more resources come into the team. At the recent annual IPA Gate 0 review, the Agency was challenged on its GMPP construct. It was recommended that the current GMPP portfolio is closed and that the Agency implements appropriate internal governance for projects and programmes; this will be a focus for FY 24/25. Benefit realisation is a priority at senior committees within the Agency but more work is required to embed this in the project and programme management culture, which has been supported by 3rd line assurance activity conducted within the programmes and will continue to be a focus for the Agency next FY. | 2014-04-01 | 2030-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2030-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The broad portfolio schedule remains consistent and shaped around the spending review (SR) periods - the focus has been on delivering key digital platforms that enhance Officers experiences and continue to reduce corporate risk, in addition to delivering significant estates milestones associated with the move from Spring Gardens to Endeavour Square. The challenging financial landscape presents an ongoing risk. A strong focus on prioritising the critical path milestone through Agency business planning and planning across multiple years will help to mitigate some of this risk | 245.63 | 245.63 | 0 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 2184 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 2184m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The whole life cost of the portfolio is not expected to change. Any change in costs will be managed within the portfolio budget, with no material change to scope. | 3209 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 2324-Q4 increased from 3086m. to 3209m. The benefits figures are driven by the NCA Portfolio Business Case v1.3, approved by Home Office FIC in April 2023. There is no change to this quarters figures. However, the PBC has been refreshed and is currently seeking Home Office validation before it can submitted for approval which is likely to lead to changes in the forecasts for Q1 FY 24/25 submission. Additionally, business planning decisions will impact the funding position of the programmes and therefore it's expected benefits, this impact will also be provided in the Q1 update. |