Transparency data
MOD Government Major Projects Portfolio Data March 2024
Updated 16 January 2025
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GMPP ID Number | Project Name | Department | Annual Report Category | Description / Aims | IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | SRO Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) | Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) | Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Variance (%) | Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2023/24 (if variance is more than 5%) | TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | TOTAL Baseline Benefits (£m) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Benefits |
MOD_0001_1112-Q1 | A400M | MOD | Military Capability | To deliver into RAF Service a worldwide, protected Tactical Air Transport capability that is able to rapidly project, sustain and recover Air and Joint Forces, in order to meet UK standing commitments and support enduring and contingent operations in the most demanding timescales. A400M refers to the overarching programme, the aircraft operated by the RAF is named the ‘Atlas’. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The continued workforce capacity challenges faced by the Programme. The highest priority Tactical capabilities, as defined by Defence Security Policy and Operations, are being graduated to the Front Line squadrons as quickly as practical and the graduation of further important capabilities will continue. | 2000-05-17 00:00:00 | 2025-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 has increased from 2024-03-31 to 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Programme end-date now reflects the forecast date for delivery of the Full Operating Capability (FOC) milestone. Once FOC is achieved, the Programme will transfer to Business as Usual and facilitate graduation from the GMPP. | 228.69 | 260.52 | 13.91840483 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Although the Programme overall shows an underspend against its approved costs, the overspend in-year is the result of an increase in support, training, and production resource costs, offset in part by a capital underspend. | 3764 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 3817m. to 3764m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Reflects a change in the Programme’s Approved Budgetary Level. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0007_2122-Q2 | Submersible Ship Nuclear AUKUS | MOD | Military Capability | SSN-AUKUS is a new class of nuclear-powered, conventionally armed attack submarine being developed in partnership with the US and Australia for the Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy. The design and manufacturing process will be a complex, multi-decade undertaking, creating thousands of jobs across the UK. SSN-AUKUS will enable deeper information and technology sharing and closer integration of security and defence-related science and technology, including propulsion plant systems, common vertical launch systems and conventional weapons from the US. They will be operational from the late 2030s, replacing the current SSN Astute Class. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. A degree of risk relating to the ability of the Defence Nuclear Enterprise and the wider UK supply chain to resource the programme with the necessary skills, experience and infrastructure to deliver against a demanding schedule, without adversely impacting the delivery of the Dreadnought (SSBN) programme. | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | The SSN-AUKUS programme is in its early stages and is working to a schedule developed in conjunction with Industrial Partners. | 463.64 | 494.67 | 6.692692606 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. A result of unanticipated costs due to the insertion of US Technology. This opportunity arose as a result of the AUKUS agreement at the start of the financial year. | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International Relations) | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International Relations) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0009_2122-Q2 | CHINOOK CAPABILITY SUSTAINMENT PROGRAMME (CSP) | MOD | Military Capability | Chinook Capability Sustainment Programme Tranche 1 will provide a modern and cost effective transformational change to the UK Special User's vertical heavy lift capability with the procurement of 14 new-build Extended Range Chinook aircraft (H-47(ER)). The aircraft will be able to operate and survive in a multitude of environments, conducting high-tempo missions with minimal logistics footprint and high-levels of interoperability with key allies, to beyond 2050. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors, recorded in the Infrastructure and Projects Authority Gateway 0/3 Review. Aircraft certification risk (information sharing between the US and the UK) and workforce capability shortfalls. Despite the increased costs to the programme following the 3-year deferral, the programme remains affordable, subject to HM Treasury approval. | 2017-03-31 00:00:00 | 2030-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2030-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. A recent Scheduled Risk Analysis was conducted by the Delivery Team, which subsequently formed the basis of the Review Note submitted to the Investments Approvals Committee to re-baseline the programme following the 3-year deferral. Targeted efforts to reconcile programme schedules, assumptions and risks into a programme-wide integrated Master Schedule are due to be completed in April 2024. | 148.56 | 145.97 | -1.743403339 | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5% | 1861 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 1602m to 1861m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The UK decision in 2021 to defer H-47(ER) aircraft production by 3 years, compounded by adverse inflation and Forex cost increases, resulted in significant cost growth. However, negotiations with the US Government and other measures taken since June 2023 have reduced the growth to an affordable level without reducing the scope of the Programme or impacting capability. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0011_2122-Q2 | Submarine Waterfront Infrastructure Future | MOD | Infrastructure and Construction | The Submarine Waterfront Infrastructure Future project is investing £2Bn+ in infrastructure at Devonport to support the maintenance of the Royal Navy’s Astute Class nuclear-powered submarines. The facilities being provided include a new non-tidal maintenance berth, a repurposed dry dock, and associated buildings and services. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remains at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Designs have matured, demolition and site preparation have continued, and all contracts for the main construction works have been placed. Timely completion now depends on achieving the required pace in construction, which remains exposed to significant risks in the delivery environment. 2024 is a critical year for SWIF. | 2016-12-31 00:00:00 | 2027-10-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2027-10-31. | 330 | 330 | 0 | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5% | 1428 | The project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 is 1428m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Final construction contracts awarded and a maturing view on costs informed by design development and engagement with the wider supply chain. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0017_1112-Q1 | Crowsnest Programme | MOD | Military Capability | The CROWSNEST programme is a firm price contract to deliver an organic Airborne Surveillance and Control capability as role fit to the Merlin Mark 2 helicopter. By delivering concurrent Land, Sea and Air surveillance and control for Carrier Strike, Littoral Manoeuvre and Land, it will provide force protection, intelligence and support to strike assets. It is part of the Carrier Enabled Power Projection programme with Queen Elizabeth Class Carriers and the F-35B Lightning II. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme has held to time for the last 2 years and overall confidence has improved by achieving Initial Operating Capability in 2023. However, the programme is still managing delivery risks that require constant attention, but doing this very closely with the Prime, Delivery Agent and End User. | 2013-03-31 00:00:00 | 2025-08-06 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 has increased from 2023-06-30 to 2025-08-06. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme was reapproved in Q1 23/24 to incorporate widely reported earlier delays caused by supplier performance which have been addressed. This end date includes the achievement of Full Operating Capability in 2025 and the final delivery of the software configuration which allows the process of acceptance against contract requirements. The modification of the required number of aircraft has completed. | 8.21 | 4.48 | -45.43239951 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due the following factors. Deferral of the purchase of the final tranche of Initial Provisioning spares until the next financial year, as the data was not available from the suppliers to make the investment decision. The high percentage is the result of having only a relatively small amount of remaining uncommitted funding and in-year forecast spend, which is appropriate at this mature stage of the programme. | 504 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 503m to 504m. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0033_1112-Q1 | MARSHALL | MOD | Military Capability | Marshall enables military terminal air traffic management services in the UK and abroad. This is achieved through a service provision contract, which also involves a significant update of obsolete equipment across the estate. Marshall combines some seventy previous equipment and support contracts into a single service delivery contract. It is delivered through fifteen technical services; supporting hub and satellite geographically clustered services. Marshall provides cost and workforce savings, significant equipment upgrades, and ensures compliance with the latest civil and military aviation regulatory requirements. Legacy technical services were transferred in April 2015. The new services are principally delivered, maturing and typically performing above target. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme Delivery Confidence Assessment remains Amber although with an improving trend. Work continues to address the known risks and issues which appear resolvable at this stage. Elsewhere, Hub and Satellite operations from the Terminal Air Traffic Control Centre (TATCC) (East) at Marham began in Apr 23 with the transfer of Wittering radar services. The first Hub and Satellite operations from TATCC (South) commenced in Jun 23 when Benson radar services relocated to Brize Norton. | 2006-04-03 00:00:00 | 2026-10-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2024-12-31 to 2026-10-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Adjustments in the delivery of new equipment to some Programme outliers has necessitated a slip in the Programme’s Full Operating Capability (FOC) and Programme Closure milestones. These changes will not result in any cost increase nor operational impact. Potential mitigating options are being explored to bring forward equipment delivery against the revised FOC date. | 100.06 | 92.16 | -7.895262842 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Contractor resourcing issues, meaning that some new equipment roll-out milestones have slipped beyond this FY but with no impact to the achievement of FOC by October 26 at this time. | 1774 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 1573m to 1774m. This uplift reflects the increase in programme scope to include safety critical and operationally essential change required by the Front Line Commands. The programme remains affordable. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0047_1112-Q1 | Spearfish Upgrade Programme | MOD | Military Capability | To deliver in-service an upgraded submarine launched heavy-weight Torpedo that is safe, sustainable and capable of defeating modern Anti-Submarine Warfare and Anti-Surface Warfare threats in order to retain the UK’s dominance of the Underwater Battlespace. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remains at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Delivery progress made to date balanced against the technical complexity of the programme and its dependencies on the submarine upkeep programme. On advice from the recent Infrastructure and Projects Authority Gateway Review, the Spearfish Upgrade Programme End-date milestone has been amended to reflect the Delivery Confidence Assessment of the entire programme rather than that of only one of the three projects which the Spearfish Upgrade Programme is dependent upon. | 2008-04-01 00:00:00 | 2025-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2024-03-31 to 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Following advice from a recent IPA Gateway Review, the Spearfish Upgrade Programme End-date milestone has been amended so that it now reflects the closure of the Spearfish Upgrade Programme through delivery by the constituent three projects, rather than being limited to just the Spearfish Upgrade Programme Weapon project. Adjustment of this milestone is purely administrative to ensure reporting is aligned with the previous and most recent Infrastructure and Projects Authority Gateway Review. | 86.84 | 68.46 | -21.16536158 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. In year variance to budget due to delays within subcontractors delivery. The Spearfish Upgrade project milestone payment has moved into next FY reflecting delays in delivery of the Spearfish Upgrade Programme Mod Kits. Since the previous Transparency report, the Programme has been directed to include the financial details for Weapon Thread and Whitehead to encompass the full programme, which is also reflected in the variance. | 1402 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 405m to 1402m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The inclusion of Weapon Thread project and Torpedo In-Service Support costs in this quarter's report as directed by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority Gateway Review. These additional projects have their own centrally approved business cases and Approved Budgetary Levels and are managed accordingly. The Torpedo In-Service Support costs reported are indicative owing to the commercial arrangements involved and include disposal costs for Spearfish Mod 0 until 2028. Through Life costs for Spearfish Mod 1 past 2028 are a planning assumption for a commercial programme currently in the `Identify` stage. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0055_1112-Q1 | Type 26 Global Combat Ship Programme | MOD | Military Capability | Type 26 Global Combat Ship Programme will procure eight Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) ships and associated support. The ships will deliver an interoperable, survivable, available and adaptable capability, that is operable globally within the maritime battle space, to contribute to sea control for the Joint Force and contribute to maritime force projection and Joint Force command and control, with the flexibility to operate across and within the range and scale of Contingent and non-Contingent operations. This eight ship programme will deliver Anti-Submarine Warfare capability to protect strategic assets, sustain national shipbuilding capability and increase the resilience of the Naval Service. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Delay caused by a combination of outstanding engineering design volume; supply chain performance and COVID19 related slowdown resulted in a schedule re-baseline to programme Initial Operating Capability. Importantly, quality has not been compromised and T26 Frigates will be world class ships delivered in time to replace their T23 counterparts. | 2008-07-21 00:00:00 | 2035-05-01 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained on schedule to finish on 2035-05-01. | 677.21 | 693.57 | 2.415794214 | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0056_2122-Q3 | Land Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) | MOD | Military Capability | The Land Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) Programme will deliver an adaptable, robust and agile system that will enable the Army to find the enemy at range in all operational environments. The bedrock of the system will be an open system architecture; designed to be fully integrated with current and future communications and information systems to enable digital integration across the Army, wider Defence, and our primary allies. This will enable a fully networked ISTAR system consisting of multiple sensors, that can be centrally commanded and coordinated. Automation will be used to speed up decision-making and reduce electronic emissions between component parts. The architecture, platforms and sensors required for the system will be developed and acquired separately, with a series of common standards ensuring that they remain compatible with the network. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The lack of sufficient workforce is the single largest factor affecting delivery confidence. Additionally, industrial capacity and complex dependencies have added time and cost, affecting the ability to synchronise outcomes across the programme. | 2019-01-25 00:00:00 | 2027-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2027-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Though other sub-programme schedules within the overall programme have been delayed, ZODIAC, the core element, remains on track for delivery. The factors behind delays for other sub-programmes include delay to approvals and subsequent re-planning activities, complexity and sequencing of dependencies with other programmes, and the wider resource capacity issues in Army, delivery agents and the MOD. | 69.9 | 48.61 | -30.45779685 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme did not spend its allocated budget due to delays in all four major sub-programmes. Key external factors were approvals delays (notably with SERPENS), industrial capacity and a dynamic requirement set. Internally, under-resourcing of workforce limited the pace of work and the ability to respond to change. | 1800 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 1598m to 1800m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Schedule slips have increased costs due to inflation and longer duration of standing programme delivery costs. Further cost growth is a result of additional clarity on costs as sub-programmes have matured. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0076_1213-Q1 | Astute Boats 1-7 | MOD | Military Capability | To deliver the seven Boat Astute Class within approved performance, cost and time parameters, while actively contributing to the sustainment of the UK submarine design and manufacturing capability. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Projects Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Astute build programme has achieved the majority of its build and commissioning milestones in this financial year. However, the programme remains Amber because of potential delays based on current productivity rates, and the possibility of delay during the in-water phase for Boat 6. | 1997-03-17 00:00:00 | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | The programme remains committed to building seven Astute Class submarines. Boats one to five have been delivered to the Royal Navy while the remaining two vessels are at an advanced stage of build at the BAES Shipyard. | 389.52 | 411.52 | 5.647976997 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Increased supplier pay settlement and rates. | 11256 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 10827m. to 11256m. This is primarily due to the following factors. A revised cost estimate for completion of the programme, factoring in inflation and delivery cadence within the Shipyard. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0078_1213-Q1 | Core Production Capability | MOD | Military Capability | The Core Production Capability programme delivers safe nuclear reactor cores to meet the Royal Navy's submarine programme, now and for the long term. At closure, the programme will have provided the Royal Navy with the means to propel a renewed Deterrent submarine fleet, and will have provided the UK with a modern, safe, and Sovereign capability to manufacture further cores for a fleet of flexible and adaptable attack submarines delivered under the AUKUS agreement. | Red | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Projects Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. Ongoing challenges associated with achieving the required delivery date for the first Dreadnought submarine nuclear core and the importance of that milestone to sustaining the Continuous at Sea Deterrent. The programme is working closely with the supplier to address the risks involved to ensure core delivery remains aligned to Dreadnought Boat 1 delivery progress, whilst delivering the last core for the Astute-class of submarines. | 2012-04-23 00:00:00 | 2028-04-30 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2028-04-30. This will need to be revised to reflect scope changes later this year as a result of core requirements for AUKUS, the revised scope will likely be approved in mid 2024. | 255.8 | 249.18 | -2.587959343 | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | 4051 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 3772m to 4051m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Inflation cost increases. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0079_1213-Q1 | Lightning Programme | MOD | Military Capability | F-35B Lightning is a key element of Combat Air, a 5th Generation combat air vehicle with advanced sensors, mission systems and low observable technology. The F-35B provides real strategic opportunity, and its impressive capability has already been demonstrated and is recognised. It is jointly operated by the RAF and RN from both land and sea, with a main operating base at RAF Marham which currently houses 617 Squadron and 207 Squadron, the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU). The Lightning Force growth through delivering the second squadron, 809 NAS, at RAF Marham is a key dependency for the successful delivery of a critical Defence milestone of Carrier Strike capability. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The biggest ongoing risk to Full Operating Capability (FOC) is the provision of suitably qualified and experienced engineers to meet the operational workforce requirements. Successful delivery of FOC to time, cost and quality appears feasible but issues exist requiring management attention. These appear resolvable at this stage and, if addressed promptly, should not present a cost/schedule overrun. | 2001-10-01 00:00:00 | 2025-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2069-03-31 to 2025-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme previously reported the Out of Service Date of the aircraft in 2069 as the project end date. In accordance with IPA guidance, the end date now reflects the end of the Initial Procurement Phase. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0080_1213-Q1 | DREADNOUGHT | MOD | Military Capability | The Dreadnought Programme will maintain the UK's sovereign ability to deliver a deterrent effect by means of a submarine-launched, inter-continental ballistic missile nuclear weapon capability. The programme will achieve this by replacing in-service the current Vanguard Class SSBNs with four Dreadnought Class SSBNs. The programme requirement was detailed in the Government White Paper 2006. The Future of the UK's Nuclear Deterrent, and subsequently endorsed in both the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review and the 2021 Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Projects Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Dreadnought submarine programme remains on track for the First of Class HMS Dreadnought to enter service in the early 2030s. Staged investments have delivered good progress on the whole boat design, production and supporting infrastructure development. However it should be recognised for a programme of this complexity, scale and duration, there is real risk, not least from interfacing programmes of work, and it is therefore appropriate to assess as Amber in Delivery Confidence. | 2011-04-14 00:00:00 | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | The Dreadnought submarine programme remains on track for the first of Class, HMS Dreadnought, to enter service in the early 2030s. | 2552.81 | 2676.7 | 4.853083465 | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | 36706 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 33989m to 36706m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Inflation costs increases. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0091_1415-Q3 | Armoured Cavalry 2025 | MOD | Military Capability | The Armoured Cavalry programme is central to the Army’s Integrated Review and Future Soldier. It will deliver a multi-role Ground Mounted Reconnaissance capability, centred on the Ajax family of vehicles and their training and support systems, into service with the British Army. The six Ajax variants will deliver a step change in capabilities compared to current in-service vehicles in the areas of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance sensors, multi-domain integration, lethality, protection, and mobility. Ajax will equip units in both Armour and Deep Reconnaissance Strike Brigade Combat Teams in 3rd (United Kingdom) Division. 589 vehicles will be delivered through a firm-price contract with General Dynamics Land Systems (United Kingdom). | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The impact of noise and vibration upon the overall programme schedule to Full Operating Capability has been substantial. Significant effort has been made between the Army, DE&S and General Dynamics Land Systems UK (GDLS-UK) to produce a jointly agreed, risk adjusted schedule, which is being progressed to reset programme approvals against increased confidence in deliverability, compliance, and value for money. | 2014-12-04 00:00:00 | 2025-04-30 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2025-04-30. This is primarily due to the following factors. A jointly agreed, risk adjusted reset schedule is in place out to Full Operating Capability; the programme is operating to this pending formal approval of the schedule by the department and HM Treasury. | 314.42 | 231.33 | -26.42643598 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The in-year variance (circa 83m underspent) is mainly due to the transition to the revised General Dynamic Land Systems (UK) (GD) Milestone Payment Plan that incentivises vehicle delivery and so moves 57m out of the current FY and in to future years. The remaining 26m reduction is driven by a slower ramp-up of Capability Drop 3 Production and Retrofit activities that was originally assumed. GD are currently operating 2 production lines and are working to resolve labour and supply chain issues that will enable them to expand to 4 production lines as planned. | 6979 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 6854m to 6979m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Most of the cost variances experienced over the past 12 months are re-profiling activity that affect the timing of costs rather than increases/decreases to the Whole Life Cost (WLC) total. For this reason there will have only been minor WLC changes (c.30m). The figure in the Budget WLC field reflects a 10yr budget figure, not the total WLC. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0100_1516-Q1 | Skynet 6 (aka FBLOS) | MOD | ICT | SKYNET has provided Satellite Communications to Defence and other Government Departments since the 1960s. The SKYNET 6 Programme will provide a continuity of services to all military satellite requirements. This includes a new Service Delivery contract to take on existing core services and procurement of the next generation of space-based SATCOM capability. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 has remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Transition to a new Skynet Service Continuity Contract was successfully completed in February 2024. However, supply chain issues will delay Satellite delivery. The Programme continues to be impacted by people resource shortfalls exacerbated by civil service recruitment restrictions imposed in 2023. | 2011-01-01 00:00:00 | 2041-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2041-12-31. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0104_1617-Q1 | Armour MBT | MOD | Military Capability | The Armour Main Battle Tank (MBT) Programme will deliver the Challenger 3 (CR3) capability. Challenger 3 will be Defence’s only guaranteed, 24 hr, all weather, mobile anti-tank capability. This programme will modernise and improve the British Army’s MBTs to the standard needed on today’s battlefield. Key elements include enhanced survivability, greater lethality, improved surveillance and target acquisition as well as removing obsolescence. The currently forecasted out of service date is 2040. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. 1. Global supply chain risks and key supplier issues that could impact delivery. 2. Resource shortfalls and challenges to recruit the required skill and experience levels in the Army Programme Management Office; DE and S and key suppliers. 3. Delivery of broader capabilities required to transition the Challenger 3 (CR3) platform into service; these currently have unresourced gaps which could impact delivery within the required timeline. 4. Ability to obtain approvals and contract at pace to deliver the remaining scope of the programme in an acceptable timeframe. This mainly pertains to the Active Protection System. | 2014-12-04 00:00:00 | 2030-06-30 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2030-06-30. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme remains on track to achieve its key milestones. These are. Initial Operating Capability (1 Squadron of tanks with crews trained to the appropriate standard and held at readiness) – November 2027. Full Operating Capability (148 tanks delivered and all Key User Requirements met subject to subsequent approvals). November 2030. The platform Critical Design Review was achieved in January 2023 providing confidence in the design and readiness for the next phases of delivery. | 217.46 | 106.86 | -50.85992826 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The main causes of the underspend are: The alignment of the Rheinmetall BAE Land Systems (RBSL) contract to the latest pre-series vehicle delivery dates, placement of the EPSOM Design and Manufacture (D&M) contract, confirmation of Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), alignment to the German Government plans for the Enhanced Kinetic Solution, the Active Protection System (APS) de-risking activity being removed, and FOREX volatility. | 1986 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 1435m to 1987m. This is primarily due to the following factors. At Q4 22/23 the Baseline Whole Life cost was 1435m. Following completion of EPSOM (New Armour System) negotiations this decreased by 13m to 1422m. As at March 2024 the new WLC of 1985m includes the costings for the full EPSOM 148 Inert sets and Active Protection System D&M. The review note agreeing this uplift is still subject to approval by the Treasury. | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. |
MOD_0105_1617-Q1 | Land Environment Tactical Communication and Information Systems | MOD | Military Capability | The LETacCIS programme consists of multiple projects with the aim of delivering the next generation of tactical military communications in the Land Environment, and providing the means to make informed and timely decisions, enabled by agile Communication Information Systems (CIS). The LETacCIS programme is delivered by a partnership of Army Headquarters and Defence Digital’s Tactical Systems (TacSys) Service Executive, working as one team in collaboration with key industry partners. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to Financial Year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors: Following a review of requirements under Project IRIS of the Land Domain Deployed Digital Ecosystem, and a reprofiling of the MORPHEUS Control Total, there is now an associated pause to realign MORPHEUS. This will require further capability enhancement to Bowman Combat Infrastructure and Platform (BCIP) to mitigate the delay to MORPHEUS, in addition to BCIP security and operating system obsolescence. The wider programme funding remains unaltered, with no impact to the other major change projects (ie. BCIP 5.7, DSA and TRINITY). | 2013-10-16 00:00:00 | 2035-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to Financial Year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2035-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors: Whilst the Balance of Investment (BoI) decision made in Q3 will delay MORPEHUS, and there has been slippage in DSA and TRINITY, the schedule for the programme overall remains on track. Regaining momentum on TRINITY (now on contract) is achievable and work is underway. DSA will be subject to a thorough review of its delivery strategy and timeline, with a re-baselined schedule to follow in 2024/25 once the analysis is complete. | 174.8 | 136.18 | -22.09382151 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme forecast currently shows an underspend against Control Total of £39M, related to prioritisation decisions related to MORPHEUS and Dismounted Situational Awareness (DSA). | 13431 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 13523m to 13431m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The main cost driver to the reduction in WLC has been the termination of project NIOBE and subsequent removal of In Year and future Control Totals. Previous Balance of Investment (BoI) decisions resulted in a reprofiling to Project MORPHEUS (a major LETacCIS Cat A project). The Budget Whole Life Cost (WLC) does not currently reflect the BoI reprofile. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0107_1617-Q1 | PROTECTOR | MOD | Military Capability | Protector will provide a certified remotely piloted air system with enhanced capabilities (to 2040) over those currently provided by the inservice Reaper air system. Protector will provide armed, long range, persistent wide area surveillance with various sensors and be based at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire. | Red | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 decreased from Amber to Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. Despite significant challenges, particularly relating to Equipment, Infrastructure and Information Defence Lines of Development, the Protector programme maintained its Amber Delivery Confidence Assessment and continued to manage risks and work through mitigations to progress towards the key milestones. Following the December 23 Gateway 0/4 (Strategic Assessment/Readiness for Service) Review, the Delivery Confidence has been moved to Red in response to a delay in receiving approval to re-baseline the Programme’s milestones and provides the route to Green. | 2009-04-30 00:00:00 | 2026-06-30 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2038-03-30 to 2026-06-30. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme previously reported the Out of Service Date as the project end date. In accordance with IPA guidance, the end date now reflects the point after Full Operating Capability (FOC) has been achieved and the Programme transferred to Business as Usual and graduated from the GMPP. | 222.82 | 153.43 | -31.14172875 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Slippage in both the Protector Main and Enhance Protector Programmes partially offset by FOREX adjustments against the main programme. | 1463 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 1345m to 1463m. This is primarily due to the following factors. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Review Note has captured and fairly attributed cost growth as appropriate, to programmatic and macro-economic factors that have affected the delivery and affordability of the Programme. Foreign Exchange Rate increases are a significant factor for the cost growth. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0109_1617-Q2 | New Style of Information Technology Deployed | MOD | Military Capability | The Programme aims to deliver an MOD-owned; highly secure; technologically advanced and evolutionary communications and information service that connects war-fighters and enables information advantage across the operational landscape. It will provide operational commanders in the Maritime and Land environments with a modern; enduring mission configurable command and control IT system that will deliver the operational services that they require at OFFICIAL; SECRET and Mission SECRET classifications. The in-house delivery of this new system; known as OpNET; will replace multiple deployable IT systems and will allow the MOD to extract itself from expensive; monolithic support contracts. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 22/23-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Delivery to the Maritime Environment remains complex and is regularly impacted by changes to platform availability. There are also ongoing concerns relating to resourcing in the face of centrally driven reductions in headcount. | 2015-04-01 00:00:00 | 2029-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2028-03-31 to 2029-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Project End Date adjusted to align with Full Business Case 3 which was approved in December 2023. Full Operating Capability is now forecast to be declared in April 2030 primarily due to ship availability beyond the current approval caused by changes in operational deployments. | 113.69 | 93.61 | -17.66206351 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The key factors are in year unspent risk inside costing, efficiencies mainly against material purchases, changed costing and further deferred costings. Further increases in the following year will be dependant on funding uplifts for deferred measures. | 1397 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 835m. to 1397m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Approval of Full Business Case 3 covering the next 5 years was received in December 2023. The in year variance resulted in a net 17m reduction in the Whole Life Costs. Further offsets against the in year deferrals will be dependant on funding uplifts in FY24/25. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0110_1718-Q1 | MODnet Evolve | MOD | ICT | MODNET Evolve provides the essential base IT infrastructure needed by the MOD at OFFICIAL and SECRET on exit from the current contract with the ATLAS consortium. It achieves independence from major monolithic IT contracts by disaggregating them into components; and driving better value for money by exploiting the increasing commoditisation of modern IT services. Additionally; the associated ‘in-housing’ of key IT management capabilities enables MOD to regain control of its IT design; providing the basis for a single enterprise architecture that will meet the MOD's evolving business needs. | Red | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. The IPA’s review, conducted ten months previously in May 23, assessed that while there is greater delivery confidence with the MODNet Official project there remains uncertainty with the strategic alignment of the Future SECRET project which may, as a result, encounter delays with the Outline Business Case submission. The SROs 23/24-Q4 Delivery Confidence Assessment of Amber was confirmed by the IPA the following month, in April 2024 when an Assurance Review recognised the significant progress made against the Action Plan. | 2016-02-29 00:00:00 | Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence) | Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0111_1718-Q1 | Joint Crypt Key Programme | MOD | Military Capability | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | Exempt under Section 26 of Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence)). | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0112_1718-Q1 | Type 31e | MOD | Military Capability | The Type 31 (T31) general purpose frigate programme is designed to deliver a general-purpose frigate capability and act as the pathfinder programme for the Government's National Shipbuilding Strategy. From the mid-2020s, T31 will be at the heart of the Royal Navy’s surface fleet, deterring aggression and maintaining the security of the UK’s interests. They will work alongside our Allies to deliver a credible UK-warship presence across the globe. Flexible and adaptable by design, T31 frigates will undertake missions such as interception and disruption of those using the sea for unlawful purposes, collecting intelligence, conducting defence engagement and assisting those in need. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remain at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Successful delivery appears feasible but significant issues remain, requiring sustained management attention and mitigation. A commercial dispute with the Shipbuilder has been settled and the impact of inflation and a shortage of shipbuilding skills have been partially mitigated. Challenges also remain in proving the first of Class against an ambitious build timeline, a new combat system for the Royal Navy and the complex integration challenge. | 2016-04-01 00:00:00 | 2030-05-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4 the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2029-03-31 to 2030-05-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Pressure to the schedule following dispute settlement is being assessed through schedule risk analysis and identification of opportunities between the MOD and Contractor. Any identified impact to Approved Dates will be subject to GMPP governance processes with the appropriate Approval Authorities. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0114_1718-Q1 | Defence Estate Optimisation | MOD | Military Capability | Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Portfolio is a long-term investment of 5.1bn to modernise the defence estate. It is an ambitious portfolio of construction activity, unit and personnel moves; and site disposals that will deliver a better structured, modern, and more sustainable estate to support military capability. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Projects Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. An IPA review in January 2024 confirmed the Review Team were “satisfied with the close monitoring of Portfolio activities underway, continued monitoring of external events affecting the Portfolio and the adoption of previous recommendations.â€. It was recognised that the “governance structure based around central management was clearly working well and supports strong working relationships while providing a defence wide perspective and is a key driver for the current and future successâ€. The Portfolio is now in the delivery phase, successfully implementing the Contract Permissioning Group (CPG), designed to improve the efficiency and pace of approvals, and reduce procurement timeline for projects by up to 18 months. | 2016-09-30 00:00:00 | 2041-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2041-03-31. The portfolio has been re-baselined but the overall completion date has not been impacted. | 159.316 | 105.757 | -33.61809234 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The adoption and refinement of project delivery under the new Delivery Commercial Procurement Strategy throughout Defence Estate Optimisation has resulted in in-year funding being allocated into future years, in line with the new approach to design and build. Additionally there have been legal, commercial and security challenges leading to delays due to changes in procurement strategy and design scope. Resulting in a reprofile of spend into future years. | 5208 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 5438m to 5208m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Last year’s budget was set against Portfolio Baseline Version 11. The Defence Estate Optimisation budgets have been realigned to Version 12, which now includes the adoption of the new Delivery Commercial Procurement Strategy and endorsed by the Portfolio Board. As such programme schedules have been updated to align with this framework. The outcome has been the reprofiling of projects across the portfolio, culminating in reduced costs overall. | 17656 | At financial year 23/24-Q4, the projected departmental benefits were 17656m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Disposal receipts received from disposed sites, reduced infrastructure running costs and avoidance of lifecycle replacement costs at vacated sites together with the removal of projects from the portfolio. |
MOD_0115_1718-Q2 | Mechanised Infantry Programme | MOD | Military Capability | The Mechanised Infantry Programme will deliver modern wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers that can perform a range of roles to support the Infantry, Combat Support, and Combat Service Support elements across new Brigade Combat Teams - a new concept emerging from the Integrated Review. The vehicles will be a significant contribution to enabling a highly deployable, networked force to operate differently from conventional industrial age combat forces, offering unique competitive advantage whether fighting, peacekeeping or delivering humanitarian aid. | Not Applicable | Amber | The Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme still forecasts to meet its approved Initial Operating Capability in October 2025 but there are increased risks requiring strong management action. The lead contractors of ARTEC (a supplier), Rheinmetall, and Krauss Maffei Wegmann Nexter Defence Systems (KNDS) have not yet stabilised or fully resolved their ongoing supply chain delays to vehicle production, which is also impacting other areas including training. Further remedial work is also required on Technical Documentation currently being drafted to enable acceptance and safety case work. Similar supply chain issues are also impacting the supply of Bowman communications equipment for Boxer also compounded by obsolescence and global supply chain impacts following the war in Ukraine. | 2017-10-27 00:00:00 | 2033-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2033-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme has maintained its overall schedule forecast since Q4 2023 against the approved Initial Operating Capability of October 2025, which allowed for risk and contingency in its delivery activities. Industry delays to equipment delivery have consumed contingent float and impacted other programmes aspects, but revised delivery plans are mitigating impacts, including some joint rather than sequential trials between industry and MOD. Early training of driver and operator/maintainer instructors have been undertaken collaborative with Dutch and German allies to de-risk training design, whilst industry are switching supply chains and identifying interim or alternate components to progress trials and manufacture. | 337.18 | 144.39 | -57.1771754 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. This variance was largely due to delays to equipment delivery and Bowman Government Furnished Equipment with the remainder a combination of reprofiling for training aids, specialist tools and test equipment, and technical publications. | 6967 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 6741m. to 6967m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme Whole Life Cost (WLC) Budget (not cost) to Full Operating Capability has increased by 227m since Q4 22/23 as a consequence of re-profiling from prior years into future years. As prior year control totals are not reset as a result of forecast reprofiling, this gives an artificial picture of an increase in cost. This was a direct consequence of equipment and Bowman delays and prudent risk-adjustment. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0116_1718-Q2 | Fleet Solid Support | MOD | Military Capability | Auxiliary Shipping to provide stores, ammunition and food sustainment to Naval Forces at Sea. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Projects Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 decreased from Green to Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Since contract award in January 23, the project has been mobilising at pace to maintain the tight schedule to delivery. The prime contractor with the other members of Team Resolute are actively recruiting to build capability and capacity, with physical delivery focused on infrastructure investment and competing major sub-contracts for ship equipment. The reduction in DCA reflects the challenges recognised in maintaining a tight schedule against a difficult supply chain picture, post contract safety regulatory driven change and internal and external workforce retention and growth issues. | 2016-03-14 00:00:00 | 2033-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained on schedule to finish 2033-03-31. | 248.95 | 227.92 | -8.447479414 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Reprofiling across the programme which reflects the latest forecasting, factoring in a slight delay in achieving sub-contracting milestones and an adjustment to delivery of Government Furnished Equipment to align with the prime contract schedule. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0118_1718-Q3 | Clyde Infrastructure | MOD | Military Capability | The HMNB Clyde Infrastructure Programme has been established to manage the design, delivery and transition into operational use of new build and updated infrastructure facilities at HMNB Clyde in order to enable the continued safe and secure operation of submarines, support the arrival of the next generation Dreadnought SSBNs, and create a single submarine centre of specialisation. With an estimated budget of £1.8Bn, it is a programme of strategic national importance that is critical to sustaining Continuous At Sea Deterrence (CASD), and the safe, sustainable and cost effective operation of the Submarine Force. The end state of the programme will be “An integrated submarine operating base at Clyde, supporting a Submarine Force that is safe, secure, sustainable, resilient and ready to excel in operations out to 2067.†| Amber | Not Applicable | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Sustaining delivery to plan will take significant effort (people and funds) over the next 4 years as CIP delivers the most complex phase of the programme in close proximity to submarine operations. The two main issues affecting delivery confidence are, delivery planning for recapitalisation of existing facilities while they continue to be used for submarine operations, and attracting and retaining skilled staff, particularly with nuclear skills but also with programme/project skills, to a remote site in a very tight labour market in western Scotland. | 2015-09-07 00:00:00 | 2032-04-01 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2032-04-01 | 109.45 | 97.61 | -10.81772499 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Rebaseline exercises across the Coulport Portfolio and Northern Engineering Building Value Engineering exercise, resulting in delay in placing contract and slippage into next FY. | 1870 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 1869m. to 1870m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme has been subject to Reference Class Forecasting (RCF) analysis, focused on the Faslane and Coulport portfolios and the challenges in delivering in a nuclear and operational environment. From this RCF analysis a revised forecast has been introduced which has increased the WLC of the programme. This considers the impacts of operational constraints, resource availability, extraordinary inflation and material availability. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0119_1920-Q2 | Armed Forces Recruiting Programme | MOD | Military Capability | The Armed Forces Recruiting Programme is the Tri-Service programme responsible for delivering a single, common Tri-Service Recruiting Operating Model for the Armed Forces. The Programme seeks to bring the three single Service recruiting activities together under one future recruiting service with a commercial partner and a single digital platform. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The most recent IPA review (October 2023) resulted in an Amber rating. Progress against required actions related to governance and confirming delivery timescales was achieved in advance of this review and enabled a focus on business readiness to transition to the new service from Contract Award, April 2025. All recommended actions are now being undertaken by the programme team ahead of a provisional Gateway 3 Review in September 2024. | 2018-03-15 00:00:00 | 2028-04-30 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2028-04-30. This is primarily due to the following factors. AFRP gained approval (June 2023) during the assessment phase through Review Note 2 to extend competitive dialogue, subsequent to this, the programme has established an updated plan that includes a phased contract transition from Contract Award (CA) in April 2025 through to October 2027. The programme is on track against this revised baseline, with key future activities being evaluation and moderation of final bids, leading into Full Business Case Approvals ahead of CA in April 2025. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0120_2021-Q2 | E7 Wedgetail | MOD | Military Capability | The E-7 Wedgetail programme will provide a 5th generation Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW and C) capability, with a Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array radar, that is interoperable and interchangeable with key allies to an anticipated Out-of-Service date of at least 2042. | Red | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 decreased from Amber to Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. There are affordability and equipment delivery schedule risks and issues. These will be addressed in the Full Business Case that is planned for submission to the Approving Authority in the first half of Financial Year 24/25. | 2018-05-08 00:00:00 | 2027-06-01 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2027-06-01. This is primarily due to the following factors. Although unchanged from last year, the Programme’s scheduled end date is currently seeking revision as challenges within the global supply chain, retention of an appropriately skilled workforce at the modification facility and an increase in certification complexity in the aviation sector has caused delays to the In Service Date. | 247.51 | 248.5 | 0.399983839 | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | 2053 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 1877m to 2053m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The result of more budget being released to match the forecast costs of the Programme. The WLC figure presented at Q4 23/24 is within the current Approved Budgetary Level for the Programme which remains unchanged from Q4 22/23. The final WLC will be included in the Programme’s Full Business Case. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0121_2021-Q4 | Collective Training Transformation Programme | MOD | Military Capability | The Collective Training Transformation Programme (CTTP) will deliver the Future Collective Training System (FCTS) to transform collective training for the Army. Through a long-term, collaborative relationship with industry the FCTS will deliver increased training system flexibility to allow the Army to train when, where and how it needs in order to meet Defence outputs. Through improved access to data analytics and a more flexible blend of live, virtual, and constructive training, the FCTS will improve the training enterprise and experience for soldiers and commanders at all levels. | Red | Not Applicable | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. Chronic under-resourcing of the programme team and the impact of delays to the commercial process. | 2018-10-12 00:00:00 | 2032-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2032-03-31. | 19.7 | 9.87 | -49.89847716 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Underspend due to delays in the build programme for some training infrastructure works which are being funded as pathfinders for CTTP. The delays will not affect the programme overall. | 1981 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 974m. to 1981m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Due to a change to the way the programme has reported in the past, the previous WLC provided was the 10 year cost profile. The current WLC is the true cost of the programme, hence the reported increase since last year's report. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0122_2021-Q4 | Future Combat Air System | MOD | Military Capability | The Future Combat Air System Acquisition Programme will identify the combat air system to replace Typhoon, which will retire from service from the mid-2030s. FCAS will be primarily responsible for delivering Control of the Air, and contribute to Attack and Information, Surveillance and Reconnaissance. Military advantage in Combat Air will require a System of highly adaptable and networked capabilities, that together deliver military effects greater than the sum of the parts. Able to operate inside a multi-domain information environment or in isolation, the system will exploit open mission architectures to allow freedom of modification and rapid technology insertion. The System will be enabled through a combination of core platforms, uncrewed additives and complex weapons with the optimal force mix to be determined during the Concept and Assessment Phase. An international programme by design, the UK is working with several international partners to define the longer-term partnership construct for the Enterprise | Red | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. This is a reflection of the Programme’s relative maturity, its scale, pace and the complex challenges involved in the successful long-term delivery of a 6th generation fighter jet. The IPA have reported that a RED DCA would be expected at this stage. Significant achievements have already been made, having recently signed a treaty with tri-lateral Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) partners Italy and Japan in December 2023, but the Programme remains in the early stages of development and we recognise the scale of challenges to stand up a programme of this nature. We are taking actions to address this at the start of the Programme, by learning the lessons of the past and from similarly large and complex projects. | 2019-04-26 00:00:00 | Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence) | Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence) | 402.59 | 504.05 | 25.20181823 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. MOD approved uplift to maintain pace with the required Trilateral Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) schedule, especially on Product Definition and critical enabling activity (such as Secure Infrastructure and Digital Infrastructure)’. | Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence) | Exempt under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Defence) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0123_2021-Q4 | Maritime Electronic Warfare Programme | MOD | Military Capability | Maritime Electronic Warfare Programme consists of two projects, the Maritime Electronic Warfare System Integrated Capability and the Electronic Warfare Countermeasures project. The Maritime Electronic Warfare System Integrated Capability will deliver a digital system able to detect, locate and identify Radio Frequency emitters and assist in decision making at the accelerated speeds that modern Anti-Ship Missiles defence requires. The Electronic Warfare Countermeasures project will deliver a trainable decoy launcher and an off-board decoy which, when combined with the existing suite of Electronic Warfare Countermeasures, will deliver a system fit for the modern era to defend individual Royal Navy surface ships and Task Groups against Anti-Ship Missiles threats likely be to be encountered out to 2040. The programme will deliver improved operational effectiveness through better force protection and a greater contribution to intelligence collection and will reduce through life costs by utilising an open architecture design. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remains at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Delivery confidence for Maritime Electronic Warfare System Integrated Capability Increment 1 continues to improve as the Demonstration phase proceeds to Factory Acceptance Test in January 2025. The Electronic Warfare Countermeasures 1a contract was awarded which will deliver a trainable decoy launcher. Electronic Warfare Countermeasures 1b remains in the concept phase with options for delivery being considered. Maritime Electronic Warfare Programme remains Amber due to the inter-dependency with the Type 26/Type 31 shipbuilding programmes. Integration activity will need to take place concurrently across platform classes and equipment fitting opportunities are subject to ship availability and build schedules. | 2016-09-30 00:00:00 | 2035-10-29 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to complete on 2035-10-29. This is primarily due to the following factors. This is dependent on the programme end date being linked to the Type 26/Type 31 shipbuilding programmes, specifically the In-Service Date of the last Type 26 frigate. | 31.22 | 19.56 | -37.34785394 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Maritime Electronic Warfare System Integrated Capability Increment 1 Critical Design Review was extended to ensure the maturity of the solution was sufficient to safeguard the manufacture phase of the programme. The Electronic Warfare Countermeasures 1a contract award was placed 2 months later to allow for final maturation and contract placement. Variance has been treated through reprofiling . | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0124_2021-Q4 | Mine Hunting Capability | MOD | Military Capability | The Mine Hunting Programme will provide an agile, interoperable, and survivable capability using emerging Maritime Autonomous Systems. This will enable strategic, operational and tactical freedom of manoeuvre and exploitation of the battle space, in order to assure and sustain the delivery of Maritime Force Projection and Maritime Security capabilities, at the time and place of the UK’s choosing across the range of Standing Commitments and Operations, by defeating static underwater threats. The aim is to deliver a managed transition from current Mine Counter Measures Vessels to future Maritime Autonomous Systems capabilities whilst sustaining and, where possible, improving capability delivery. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remains at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Historical poor supplier performance on Block 1. | 2014-10-01 00:00:00 | 2034-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remains at 2034-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Operational Evaluation Unit has deployed to the Gulf and Offshore Support Vessel has delivered to Devonport in accordance with the schedule. Despite challenges, Block 1 remains on scheduled to conclude within approval. | 44.3 | 30.4 | -31.37697517 | The budget variance exceeds 5% this is primarily due to the following factors. Contractor performance and reprioritisation on MHC Block 1, which has required some re-profiling after prioritisation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle re-role activity. This has been reprofiled into future years as part of a Programme Cost Review. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0125_2021-Q4 | New Medium Helicopter | MOD | Military Capability | The New Medium Helicopter programme intends to rationalise up to five rotary wing requirements under one aircraft-type. This approach will maximise commonality allowing improvements in efficiency and operational flexibility. The user requires a multi-role platform to operate in all environments in support of Defence tasks and across a spectrum of threats. An open systems architecture is required to allow for rapid employment of different role-fits and carry-on equipment. This will enable efficient future development to meet the demands of a changing threat environment. | Green | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 increased from Amber to Green. This is primarily due to the following factors. Invitation to Negotiate release on 27/02/24, meaning the three candidate suppliers will now compile their bids to be evaluated by the Ministry of Defence to determine the winning bidder. | 2021-04-30 00:00:00 | 2032-09-30 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the programme's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained scheduled to finish on 2032-09-30. | 4.23 | 1.85 | -56.26477541 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. At this stage funds are required for critical project management and capability analysis work. The underspend is the result of the significant delay to securing Outline Business Case approval and Invitation-to-Negotiate release which faded several activities into Financial Year 24/25. | 1329 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 1329m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Programme expenditure has been largely stable, with a small adjustment to account for an infrastructure study costing less than originally anticipated. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0126_2021-Q4 | Next Generation (fixed) Communication Network | MOD | ICT | The intent of the Next Generation (fixed) Communications Network (NGCN) Programme is to develop a secure; singular; modern enterprise network which connects sensors; effectors; and deciders across military and business domains. NGCN will form a key part of the Digital Backbone for Defence; delivering network services and technical components that are essential to the delivery of the Digital Strategy for Defence. | Red | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 decreased from Amber to Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. The risk, complexity and cost to migrating existing services are greater than previously anticipated. A new schedule to time and cost is currently awaiting approval. Once approved the programme can proceed with market engagement. Due to sector wide shortages in highly skilled areas recruitment continues to threaten the delivery schedule. | 2021-04-28 00:00:00 | 2030-12-11 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained on schedule to finish on 2030-12-11. This primarily due to the following factors. The programme schedule has been revised to take into account further understanding of the complexity of transitioning to new services without compromising current capability. This has not impacted the overall schedule. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0128_2021-Q4 | Project Bramley | MOD | ICT | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security)) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | Exempt under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (National security) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0132_2122-Q1 | MENSA | MOD | Military Capability | MENSA is the replacement capability for assembly and disassembly of current and future nuclear warheads in support of HMG's strategic deterrent. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The project has been challenged to maintain pace whilst managing a complex schedule and a testing supply chain environment. The project continues to make progress and is nearing finishing construction. | 2011-08-31 00:00:00 | Exempt under Sections 24 and 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | The project has been challenged to maintain pace whilst managing a complex schedule and a testing supply chain environment. The project continues to make progress and is nearing the completion of construction. | 268.6 | 230.41 | -14.21816828 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Completing a commercial reset to address supply chain performance took longer than anticipated due to legal and commercial complexities, with schedule adherence still an issue for the project. | 2744 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2161m to 2744m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Prolongation associated with the projects complexity and interdependencies between supply chain partners, as well as supply chain performance, capability and capacity. The project remains affordable and within its Whole Life Costs budget. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0134_2122-Q1 | TEUTATES | MOD | Military Capability | As part of the 2010 Lancaster House Agreements; a Treaty was established on a joint radiographic/hydrodynamics capability with France known as Teutates. The programme covers the joint construction; funding; and operation of a new hydrodynamics facility in France; at Epure; near Dijon; and a technology development centre and interim firing point in the UK at the Atomic Weapons Establishment; at Aldermaston. These facilities will enable each country to undertake hydrodynamic experiments in a secure environment. The trials will be in a jointly operated facility but conducted on a national basis and are needed to underwrite the safety and performance of our nuclear weapon stockpile. | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | 2013-04-01 00:00:00 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24, 26 and 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0135_2122-Q1 | Submarine Dismantling Project | MOD | Military Capability | The Submarine Dismantling Project covers the preparation and execution of safely and securely dismantling the first defueled and decommissioned Royal Navy submarine, in Rosyth, by 2026. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The project is continuing to progress in line with its maturing schedule, however, this is a novel and complex project and learning by doing encounters difficulty and challenge that cannot necessarily be planned for. | 2013-03-29 00:00:00 | 2027-03-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is scheduled to finish on 2027-03-31. The date is based on a maturing schedule and its achievability. This date represents the formal closure of the project and is separate from the milestone to complete the dismantling of Swiftsure by 2026. | 48.49 | 42.31 | -12.74489585 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Labour and materials cost reprofiling. | 362 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 298m. to 362m. This is primarily due to the following factors. An increase in the number of employees required to complete the work and the impact of inflation e.g. the rising cost of materials. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0136_2122-Q1 | Naval Support Integrated Global Network (NSIGN) | MOD | Military Capability | The Naval Support Integrated Global Network is the re-provision of the services contracted through Future Maritime Support Programme. Whilst The Naval Support Integrated Global Network will continue to develop the market facing transformation (a combination of single source and competition) it will also utilise Defence frameworks wherever possible, expand the scope for Ships to align the complex and non-complex, provide choice for how the Royal Navy will operate in the future and look at scope boundaries/opportunities where The Naval Support Integrated Global Network could deliver more effectively. The Strategic Outline Case was approved in March 2024 and the Programme is now in the Concept Phase. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. This reflects the significant progress made by the Programme through the difficult early phase of mobilisation and accurately reflects the challenges of mobilisation, scope definition, solution design and alignment. | 2021-12-01 00:00:00 | 2030-03-22 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2029-03-22 to 2029-09-25. This is primarily due to the following factors. Changes in key milestones reflect the delay on transition to the Concept Phase, as a result of a protracted Strategic Outline Case approval and the reality of a Programme early in the scoping and solution design phase. | Not Available | Not Available | 0 | With scope and solution design still to be finalised in May 2024, the full cost model and analysis of affordability has not been completed. | Not Available | With scope and solution design still to be finalised in May 2024, the full cost model and analysis of affordability has not been completed. | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. |
MOD_0137_2122-Q1 | European Common Radar System Mk 2 | MOD | Military Capability | The Phase 4 Enhancement (P4E) to the Typhoon aircraft includes upgrades to mission management systems, GPS resilience and navigational precision. It also provides the vehicle for the integration of the European Common Radar System (ECRS) Mk2 onto the aircraft. The radar is being developed to enable the aircraft to simultaneously detect, identify and track various targets on land and in the air and is vital to maintain Typhoon’s control of the air. It also provides a new Electronic Warfare capability and sustains Typhoon capability to operate in contested and congested Electromagnetic environments. The programme is being delivered via multiple interdependent contracts. Radar development is being led nationally by the UK, whereas the wider P4E changes to the aircraft systems are being developed with the other Typhoon Partner Nations as part of the international Eurofighter Programme. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Despite delayed completion of the System Critical Design Review from September 21 to November 23, closure of outstanding action is expected in April 24. This has not impacted on the critical path development activities towards the Initial Operating Capability which are centred around antenna development which is progressing in parallel. With the earlier placement of the Phase 1 contract with industry partners, allocation of sub-contracts with suppliers to secure long-lead and high value materials within the terms of the Instruction to Proceed is ongoing. | 2021-07-01 00:00:00 | 2032-08-01 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2023-01-20 to 2032-08-01. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Q4 22/23 end date of 2023-01-20 was incorrect. It should have read 2032-08-01 and so is unchanged at Q4 23/24. Initial Operating Capability (IOC) and Full Operating Capability dates remain unchanged despite the delay to the System Critical Design Review. The establishment of a joint programme governance structure has allowed MOD and Industry to share information effectively and prioritise resources to maintain the schedule. The agreement of a proposal to complete radar development up to IOC has decreased the risk of schedule slippage in this area. Although progress has been made with the other Typhoon Partner Nations and their industries in fixing the scope and schedule of the development of the wider aircraft changes needed to integrate the radar and introduce other P4E capabilities, risk remains. | 140.09 | 221.93 | 58.41958741 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. An intentional bring forward of spend by reprofiling costs from future years. | 2904 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2740m to 2904m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Reflects release of further budget to the Programme including the allocation of a budget for FY 32/33. The Programme’s Full Business Case was approved in March 2022 securing an Approved Budgetary Level (ABL) funding envelope which covers the equipment’s design and manufacture through to its Full Operating Capability and subsequent likely out of service date. There has been no change to the programmes requirements and the increase in Budgeted WLC is contained within the extant ABL. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0138_2122-Q1 | Sea Venom | MOD | Military Capability | The Future Anti-Surface Guided Weapon (FASGW) is required to enable the Wildcat Helicopter to deliver kinetic effect against, and defeat difficult targets in the complex littoral and maritime environments, that lie outside the capabilities of other anti-ship weapon systems. Sea Venom delivers an element of the overall anti-surface combatant lethality required by the Royal Navy. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme remains operational within the rebaselined schedule and costs. The Delivery Confidence Assessment of AMBER was endorsed by an IPA Review in July 2023. Positive progress is being made towards the first live firing of the weapon from the Wildcat helicopter but a number of integration risks need to be resolved before the assessment could improve to Green. | 2014-03-03 00:00:00 | 2029-12-21 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2047-12-31 to 2029-12-21. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme end date was previously aligned with the Wildcat helicopter's planned out of service date in 2045 but has now been defined as the point at which the military capability has been delivered to the Royal Navy and the programme team has disbanded. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0139_2122-Q1 | Future Cruise Anti Ship Weapon (FCASW) | MOD | Military Capability | This programme aims to achieve delivery of a next generation complex weapon for the UK to meet the RAF’s Selective Precision Effect At Range Capability 5 (SPEAR 5) and the Navy’s Future Offensive Surface Warfare requirements. In doing so it is the cornerstone of UK / French bilateral cooperation as part of the ‘Lancaster House Treaty’ and supports UK Freedom of Action, Operational Advantage, prosperity and critical UK industrial capability in the complex weapons arena. | Amber | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme is two thirds of the way through the Assessment Phase with evaluation of all the potential options available on track. The programme remains on course to deliver this phase to within the current approvals envelope regarding cost and time. The Delivery Confidence Assessment of AMBER was also endorsed by an IPA Assurance Review in December 2023. | 2017-07-01 00:00:00 | 2037-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2070-03-01 to 2037-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The previous date provided was the Out of Service Date. To achieve consistency with all other performance reporting the project end data has been used for this year. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0140_2122-Q1 | Spearcap 3 | MOD | Military Capability | This programme aims to achieve delivery and integration of Spear Cap 3; which will deliver the principal air-to-ground weapon for UK F-35 and is critical to the aircraft's Attack and Control of the Air capabilities in contested environments. | Red | Not Applicable | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure and Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. Compounded delays and issues have led to a requirement to re-baseline the programme. There are challenges with resourcing sufficient suitably qualified and experienced people across defence, the programme and delivery teams; and within industry. Programme governance and the availability management information is also being refreshed alongside a plan to improve Programme performance. Opportunities to spiral capability developments to ensure capability is delivered at the earliest opportunity are being considered by the SRO. | 2020-09-30 00:00:00 | 2030-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2047-12-31 to 2030-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The previous programme end date provided was the Out of Service date, but now reflects the date at which the capability has been delivered and the programme team will no longer be required. The programme is currently undergoing a rebaselining which may further affect the programme end date. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0141_2122-Q1 | Brimstone 3 | MOD | Military Capability | Brimstone 3 (B3) sustains the precise, low-collateral air-to-surface Brimstone capability on the Typhoon platform, it is also planned to be integrated onto the Protector platform. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 increased from Red to Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Delivery Confidence Assessment of AMBER was endorsed by an IPA Review in February 2024. There are still concerns in relation to people capability and capacity, programme management information and partnering culture which are negatively impacting the programme. There are challenges with resourcing sufficient suitably qualified and experienced people across the programme and delivery teams, and within industry. Programme Governance and the availability of Management Information is also being refreshed alongside a plan to improve Programme performance. Opportunities to spiral capability developments to ensure capability is delivered at the earliest opportunity are being considered by the SRO. | 2017-03-23 00:00:00 | 2028-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 has decreased from 2029-12-30 to 2028-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The previous date provided was the OSD (Out of Service Date). The programme is also undergoing a rebaselining activity which may alter the end date again. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0142_2122-Q1 | Martlet | MOD | Military Capability | The Future Anti-Surface Guided Weapon (FASGW) is required to enable Wildcat helicopter to deliver kinetic effect against and defeat difficult targets in the complex littoral and maritime environments, that lie outside the capabilities of other anti-ship weapon systems. Martlet provides MOD with capability against close-in and fast-moving threats, as a critical part of the layered defence of a Maritime Task Group. | Not Applicable | Green | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Green. This is primarily due to the following factors. Martlet has achieved its Initial Operating Capability. It has moved into regular use with contracted in-service support and achievement of Full Operating Capability is on target to be achieved in 2025. | 2011-04-30 00:00:00 | 2025-12-19 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2045-03-30 to 2025-12-19. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme end date was previously aligned with the Wildcat helicopter's planned out of service date in 2045 but has now been defined as the point at which the military capability has been delivered to the Royal Navy and the programme team has disbanded. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0143_2122-Q1 | Meteor | MOD | Military Capability | This programme aims to achieve sustainment of a world beating Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile (BVRAAM) capability with our Meteor Partners (FRA, GE, SP, IT and SWE) to share cost and reap the benefits from competing in the global BVRAAM export market. | Not Applicable | Amber | The Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. There is uncertainty regarding the scale and shape of any future Meteor development and challenges in reaching consensus on the development path for Meteor across all six Partner Nations. Timescales for Meteor Lightning II integration remains uncertain due to the dependency on the Lightning II programme's timeline. Improvements are being made with In-Service Support and missile availability. | 2002-07-15 00:00:00 | 2033-12-31 00:00:00 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2048-12-31 to 2033-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The previous programme end date provided was aligned with the platform end of service date. The revised date is when the first upgraded Meteor missiles will be delivered to the UK and enter into service. The programme schedule, and end date, are subject to change during 2024 (and potentially 2025) as Partner Nations aim to reach a consensus on the development path for Meteor. | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International Relations) | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International Relations) | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International Relations) | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International relations) | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International relations) | Exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (International relations) | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0144_2122-Q1 | Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) | MOD | Military Capability | The Land Ground Based Air Defence programme is striving to modernise Defence’s ground based air defence capabilities in the face of rapidly developing threats, and is very high priority for the Army. This includes the development of an integrated layered air defence system comprising countering Small Air Targets, Short and Medium Range Air Defence. | Not Applicable | Amber | The Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme has sustained progress in addressing recommendations of its IPA strategic review, including the resourcing of more programme staff, and the adoption of a more holistic approach to programme delivery, and a more realistic programme roadmap. | 2018-07-02 00:00:00 | 2033-12-31 00:00:00 | The project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is scheduled to finish on 2033-12-30. | 61.77 | 69.37 | 12.3037073 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The perceived underspend for the GBAD programme is the result of significant delay in securing approval of Business Case 1 as submitted in November 2023. | 2237 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2303m. to 2237m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Financial reconciliation and refinement of the first two capability uplift packages (CUPs) during financial year 23/24 has resulted in a decrease to the programme’s WLC at Q4. Future CUPs were discussed as part of the Autumn 2023 Balance of Investment process where Army Headquarters agreed in principle to increase the funding for the overall programme, specifically to increase volumes of medium range and short range air defence systems, counter small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. The Army continues to review the programme’s funding profile in conjunction with the MOD Complex Weapons elements of the programme pending the MOD munition strategy and updated costs. | 0 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 0m. |
MOD_0247_2324-Q1 | Future Materials Campus | MOD | Military Capability | The Future Materials Campus (FMC) programme will renew existing facilities for the manufacture and storage of nuclear materials, improve science and analysis capabilities, and invest in renewed capability for material recovery. | Amber | Not Applicable | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Scale, complexity and challenge of the Programme. In 2023 the FMC programme was established that draws together a number of infrastructure facilities into a single programme of activity that when completed will deliver the manufacture and storage of nuclear materials. The projects have interconnected schedules, common activities and overlapping requirements for resources. The change in approach to that of an integrated programme is the most effective means of maximising efficiencies. | 2023-08-16 00:00:00 | Exempt under Sections 24 and 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Exempt under Sections 24 and 26 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 | 673.47 | 327.57 | -51.3608624 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The budget for the Future Material Campus Programme was reduced following a holistic review of the wider warhead portfolio costed plan and in conjunction with forecast estimates from the Future Materials Campus Programme. | Exempt under Section 22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. | FMC is bringing together a range of projects at differing levels of maturity, with elements of concept development still ongoing. As such the whole life cost modelling and subsequent analysis remains under development. | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. |
MOD_0320_2324-Q3 | Multi Role Support Ship | MOD | Military Capability | The Multi-Role Support Ship (MRSS) programme will replace the current ageing mixed fleet of amphibious vessels in the early 2030s, as well as potentially performing additional roles currently conducted by other warships and auxiliaries. These vessels will enable the projection of littoral strike capability worldwide and ensure that a modernised amphibious capability is available to the Commando Force. The MRSS capability will be persistently engaged as Littoral Response Groups operating in both the Indo Pacific and Euro Atlantic regions, and will be ready to aggregate to form a larger Littoral Strike Group or be combined with a Carrier Task Group to form an Expeditionary Strike Force. | Not Applicable | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The scale, complexity and challenge of the Programme. The Programme was established in 2023 and is currently moving from the concept to assessment phase. The programme team are undertaking evidence gathering in order to make decisions around the route to commercial competition. | 2023-07-01 00:00:00 | 2040-01-31 00:00:00 | The project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is 2040-01-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. With scope and solution design still to be finalised, the full cost model and schedule is still to be finalised. | 1 | 1 | 0 | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) - Commercial interests.) | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. |