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DEFRA Government Major Projects Portfolio Data March 2024

Updated 16 January 2025
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GMPP ID Number Project Name Department Annual Report Category Description / Aims IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) SRO Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) Financial Year Variance (%) Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2023/24 (if variance is more than 5%) TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs TOTAL Baseline Benefits (£m) Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Benefits
DEFRA_0040_2122-Q3 Collection and Packaging Reforms DEFRA Government Transformation and Service Delivery CPR is a programme of five projects included within the Collection and Packaging reforms programme - Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging (EPR), Deposit Return Scheme for Drinks Containers (DRS), Simpler Recycling, Waste Tracking, and Disposable Cups that will deliver significant changes to the waste collection and recycling sector including bringing benefits such as the creation of green jobs and significant carbon savings, contributing to Net Zero. Amber Not set Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 decreased from Red to Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 2324 Q4 has improved to Amber. DEFRA agrees with this rating. Detailed plans are in place to address all of the IPA recommendations within the agreed timeline. 2018-04-02 2027-03-31 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2027-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme was successfully reset in 2023. With meticulous management of our legislation and delivery, delivery is feasible, though highly challenging. There is limited contingency in CPR plans and key ministerial decisions remain outstanding; a late autumn general election could further impact. In response the team have identified and escalated priority decisions to safeguard key milestones. The programme will continue to review the planned schedule and escalate any decisions required around meeting or changing key milestones via the appropriate escalation routes. 338.8 341.71 1 The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. Exempt under Section 35 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 35 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Formulation of government policy,etc.)) Exempt under Section 35 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Exempt under Section 35 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Formulation of government policy,etc.)) 11611 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 11611m. 1) this estimate is based only on the economic transfer of packaging recycling and waste management costs from Local Authorities to producers over the 10 year appraisal period - making obligated producers responsible for the disposal cost of their packaging is a key outcome of the programme 2) qualitatively, we understand there are significant additional benefits and the modelled values of these are currently undergoing review; we will be in a position to update on these by 30/04/2025.
DEFRA_0016_2122-Q1 Defra Biosecurity, Borders and Trade Programme (BBTP) DEFRA Government Transformation and Service Delivery The Defra Biosecurity, Borders and Trade Programme (BBTP) vision is to deliver world-class biosecurity capability which protects health, encourages prosperity and enables security for a global UK. The programme is delivering the key infrastructure, systems, services, operations, capabilities, and legislative changes required to enable the introduction of new controls for goods to and from the EU. Amber Not set Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Final Rating is AMBER from March 2024 assurance review. Several recommendations stemmed from the review to support the implementation of new import controls in April 24 and these have been accepted and actions are well underway. The report also included some recommendations linked to longer term border delivery and join-up cross government and these are being considered as part of programme transition to business as usual planning. 2021-01-01 2025-03-31 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Delivery of the Border Target Operating Model is well advanced and the programme remains on track to ramp down in March 2025 with a plan to transition the core service and move into Business as Usual. A smaller residual programme will remain to deliver longer term digital service changes to align with Single Trade Window (STW). 129.95 157.59 21 The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Programme variance is at 21% compared with the baseline that was complied in September 2021. This variance is largely due to the adjustments that were required to be made following ministerial decisions to delay introducing the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM). Consequently there was a rescoping of deliverables which impacted the cost profile._x000D_ _x000D_ Digital Delivery reprioritisation work has been delayed which has impacted the spend profile for FY 23/24 and FY 24/25. 902 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 902m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Whole life costs have varied since the September 2021 baseline cost profile was submitted. This is due to several factors including the decision to delay the delivery of the BTOM as well as a greater understanding of the costs following refinement of requirements, deliverables, and expected associated costs. 0 The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. The Biosecurity, Borders and Trade Programme (BBTP) End Benefits are being revised in accordance with updates to the Target Operating Model. This includes a full review of the benefits (by end of May 2024) to include updates to the benefits profiles and realisation plan. Resource issues have delayed this work which has been rebaselined across the programme.
DEFRA_0008_2021-Q1 Farming and Countryside Programme DEFRA Government Transformation and Service Delivery By 2028, the Farming and Countryside Programme aims to deliver: 1) A renewed agricultural sector, producing healthy food for consumption at home and abroad, where farms can be profitable and economically sustainable without subsidy 2) Farming and the countryside contributing significantly to environmental goals including addressing climate change Amber Not set Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Programme remains deliverable with majority of critical outcomes on track and expected challenges being managed._x000D_ We've:_x000D_ _x000D_ . Opened Countryside Stewardship 2024 Mid-tier scheme for agreements starting in January 2024 and the CS Facilitation Fund opened in October._x000D_ . Invited 374 projects to submit Slurry Infrastructure Grant full applications and funding approved for Phase II of the Slurry Investment fund._x000D_ . Launched Water Management grants round 2 scheme._x000D_ . 22 projects in Landscape Recovery Round 1 had grant agreements and moved into the 2-year Project Development phase. Round 2 was launched with 34 successful applications._x000D_ . Since opening for applications, the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) has received 17,466 applications and issued 16,160 agreement offers. We have exceeded our central scenario for the number and value of applications during the financial year. 2017-05-01 2028-12-31 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2028-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The department continues to deliver the planned reforms and although some changes to plans have been made as part of our test and learn approach, delivery is on track for the critical path milestones, costs and benefits. 2788.03 2529.67 -9 The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The costs of the Farming and Countryside Programme include amounts that are paid to beneficiaries and the associated delivery of the programme. The original baseline for 23/24 of 2,788m is comprised of 2,116m RDEL and 672m CDEL. The forecast of 2,529m is comprised of 2,152m RDEL and 377m CDEL. This represents an overall variance of 259m._x000D_ _x000D_ The programme has an aspiration to deliver on the manifesto commitment to spend on average 2.4bn a year across this Parliament on payments to beneficiaries and agreed flexibility between years to do this. 248m of payments to beneficiaries has been re-profiled from 23/24 to 24/25 to ensure that the programme continues to deliver its intended outcomes._x000D_ _x000D_ This has seen the forecast for 24/25 being 3,060m, comprised of 2,279m RDEL and 781m CDEL, compared to the original baseline of 2,824m, comprised of 2,085m RDEL and 739m CDEL. This represents an overall variance of 236m. 24875 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 24875m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The costs are split into two main sections, payments to beneficiaries (scheme costs) and the costs of delivering those schemes together with policy and programme support (administrative costs).The value of the scheme costs will be linked to the definition of the manifesto commitment to guarantee the current annual budget to farmers in every year of this Parliament. 58865 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 58865m. The total project Baseline Monetised Benefits are 58.86bn. These benefits are from the approved Phase 2 Business Case from September 2021 - these figures do not reflect changes in the programme since then, however, updated figures will be provided going forwards. The benefits presented here have been calculated bottom-up by scheme and totalled across the programme. This is a cautious estimate as not all schemes have monetised benefits and, for some schemes, benefits have been calculated from the year of spend but do not necessarily materialise in that year of spend.
DEFRA_0236_2324-Q1 Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management 6-year Capital Programme DEFRA Infrastructure and Construction A comprehensive flood and coastal resilience investment programme to upgrade and revitalise England's flood defence infrastructure. The programme aims to reduce the harm and damage caused by flooding, protect peoples' lives and minimise disruption to livelihoods. This is a strategic programme comprising several thousand individual flood and coastal defence projects delivered by the Environment Agency and other Risk Management Authorities. Amber Not set The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The investment programme had a challenging start arising from the combined impact of COVID-19, a shortage of skills in the infrastructure sector, and higher than forecast inflation and increased material costs. As a result, the Environment Agency and Defra have produced a revised business case and spending profile that takes into account these impacts, while still maintaining focus on better protecting properties from flooding and coastal erosion. The amber rating reflects ongoing risks associated with: securing partnership funding from other public and private organisations; reliance on other risk management authorities to deliver 40% of the programme; and the impact of revised accounting rules that require approval from HM Treasury to reclassify a portion of existing CDEL funding as RDEL. The Environment Agency has been improving other risk management authority access to its frameworks; simplifying business cases and assurance; and improving access to information and training and guidance. 2020-04-01 2027-03-31 The project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is 2027-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Defra and HM Treasury have agreed a 6-year funding settlement for the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Investment Programme between April 2021 to March 2027. 854 854 0 The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. 5664 The project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 is 5664m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme has been impacted by capacity and capability issues and increased cost of delivery, primarily through high levels of inflation. This slowed down delivery resulting in lower expenditure than originally planned in the early years of the programme. A revised programme business case has been agreed with Defra with a revised spending profile, but this does not alter the total funding allocation to the programme. 37292 The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 37292m. Benefits of flood and coastal risk management projects are based on the reducing the damages caused by flooding and erosion. They are informed by physical models of flood and erosion risks that assess impacts under a range of scenarios, factoring in climate change. The monetised values are based on data on the economic costs of flooding.
DEFRA_0013_2021-Q4 Nature for Climate Fund DEFRA Infrastructure and Construction The Nature for Climate Fund Programme has been established to significantly increase tree planting, woodland creation and management, and peatland restoration in England to support the delivery of Net Zero and 25-Year Environment Plan commitments. The programme is also designed to deliver wider social, economic and environmental benefits. Red Not set Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Nature for Climate Fund is increasing tree planting rates year on year, with 22/23 planting rates the highest in nearly a decade. Our work to transform the forestry sector is also starting to take effect. The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant is delivering increasing hectares of peatland restoration in England each year. Successive IPA reviews confirm that the Programme structure is broadly fit-for-purpose, with several notable strengths. However, whilst technically possible, reaching our tree planting and peatland restoration targets remains extremely challenging. Several external factors are delaying the progress of projects, including weather, sector capacity constraints, future funding uncertainty and the availability of private finance. Given this challenge, the delivery confidence for the Nature for Climate Fund is currently Red. Plans are in place to maximise delivery in Year 5 of the programme and prepare for the next phase of work. We continue to welcome support from the IPA. 2020-04-01 2025-03-31 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The NCF Programme is now well into its delivery phase, with a range of initiatives scheduled to deliver tree planting and peatland restoration. The programme's trajectories are showing an upward trend through the remaining years of the programme, but there are several key enablers required to match the planned delivery trajectory, which steepens over that period, and these are not certain. These key enablers include landowner demand for the schemes put forward through the NCF and the ability of the wider sector to respond to that demand. There has been a significant effort to implement these enablers and improve delivery confidence for years 4-5, and for woodland creation and peatland restoration beyond NCF. 265.11 265.11 0 The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. 928 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 928m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The overall Programme budget and scope was approved through an updated business case in 2022. 48468 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 2324-Q4 decreased from 54302m. to 48468m. The total monetized benefits figure is based on the cumulative benefits arising from tree planting and peatland restoration over the course of the NCF programme. Measured over a 50-year appraisal period, these benefits include: carbon sequestration, biodiversity, recreation, flood regulation, air quality and landscape.
DEFRA_0014_2021-Q4 NO2 Programme DEFRA Infrastructure and Construction The NO2 reduction programme is a joint programme with the Department for Transport to deliver the 2017 UK Plan for Tackling Roadside Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations. The Plan outlines how councils with NO2 levels exceeding legal limits must develop and implement local plans to deliver legal levels of NO2 in the shortest time possible. Not set Amber Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber(SRO rating). This is primarily due to the following factors. Good progress has made against all previous IPA recommendations. The most recent IPA review of the programme was in March 2023 and actions against each recommendation from this review are being taken forward. The next IPA review will take place in April 2024. Overall the NO2 Programme continues to deliver mitigations alongside Local Authorities and remains at Amber. 2016-01-01 2027-12-31 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2027-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The NO2 programme is legally mandated to deliver compliance with NO2 legal limits in the shortest time possible. The programme team works with local authorities across England who have exceedances to develop and implement local NO2 reduction plans through a variety of interventions. Seven Clean Air Zones have been launched as part of the programme to help reduce NO2 levels. In February 2022, Ministers granted permission for Greater Manchester to pause implementation of their Clean Air Zone and revised plans were submitted to Government in December 2023. The programme team will respond to Greater Manchester in due course. Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation arrangements are in place to assess whether local authorities are on track to reduce NO2 levels in the timeframe expected and consider appropriate remedial action if they are not. The programme team also continues to work closely with National Highways to address NO2 exceedances on the Strategic Road Network. 43.5 20.3 -53 The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The NO2 programme is supporting local authorities to develop and implement measures to address NO2 roadside exceedances. Funding has been provided to local authorities to deliver the necessary reductions to tackle NO2 over the lifetime of the programme. There have continued to be delays in agreeing local authority plans resulting in reprofiling of spend across years and a budget variance exceeding 5%. This has been managed in year with DfT and Defra finance teams. The programme remains within its overall budget envelope . 883 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 883m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost remains at 883.00 (m). 0 The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. The primary benefit of the NO2 programme is reduced NO2 levels leading to a positive impact on public health. There is comprehensive monitoring and evaluation in place to track and manage the realisation of benefits from the programme.
DEFRA_0015_2122-Q1 Northern Ireland Programme DEFRA Government Transformation and Service Delivery The Defra Northern Ireland Programme was formed in January 2021 and is led by the NI Directorate. It aims to ensure an enduring, operable NI/GB boundary for all Defra stakeholders, and the ongoing integrity and efficacy of Defra's regulatory regimes in the context of the Windsor Framework, working collaboratively with the devolved administrations. _x000D_ The high-level strategic objectives of the programme are to: _x000D_ Ensure compliance with the Windsor Framework_x000D_ Mitigate the impacts of the WF implementation for businesses trading into and out of Northern Ireland _x000D_ Minimise the impact of WF implementation on consumers Not set Amber The Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Whilst the programme successfully delivered Phase 1 deliverables on schedule enabling the 1st October launch of NI Retail Movement Scheme (NIRMS) and NI Plant Health Label scheme (NIPHL); our overall delivery confidence for the rest of the programme remains at AMBER. Current work to prepare and baseline plans for Phase 2 was completed on 22/02/2024, with the exception of Post & Parcels project (project 6), draft plan due to be validated in April. Pets will also need to review and baseline its plans. 2021-01-01 2025-06-01 The project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is 2025-06-01. This is primarily due to the following factors. Programme still on track to deliver as planned 167.69 101.37 -40 The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The NI Programme has permission to spend to 40m in 23/24 for the Labelling Grant Scheme. Business uptake has been less than originally anticipated and totalling 1.7m; underspend will be surrendered at main estimates. The 23/24 approved position for NI SPS Infrastructure has been revised down (from 58.1m in the business case - capital costs were covered from underspends elsewhere in Defra so did not form a part of the Departments overall Supplementary Estimates bid to HMT. 467 The project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 is 467m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The budgeted whole life cost for the Programme has increased as a result of inclusion of SPS Infrastructure (192.3m) and Labelling (40m). 0 The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. Previous updates were based on two business cases covering MAS and DAS projects. These cases will be superseded by the consolidated Windsor Framework programme business case for Investment Committee consideration in May 2024. Project benefit workshops facilitated by business analysts gather benefit information to make programme level decisions about the availability and robustness of the data/evidence to help determine the confidence level in the realisation of project and programme benefits. Analysts are also leading on refreshing the Theory of Change to integrate Defra's new strategic goals and further consider alignment with new programme outcomes and benefits. _x000D_ _x000D_ The WF Business Case benefit realisation plan and benefit map will include selected project end benefits to be treated as 'intermediary' benefits at programme-level, These intermediary benefits will be used to monitor NID programme end benefits. The development of programme end benefits remain in pursuit of the primary economic benefits of trade continuity between GB and NI and the secondary objective to ensure compliance needed to uphold the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement.
DEFRA_0007_2021-Q1 Science Capability in Animal Health Programme DEFRA Infrastructure and Construction The SCAH Programme sets out the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs' (Defra) plans for long-term investment in the Government's main animal health science facility. The re-development of the site infrastructure and associated transformation programme will secure and safeguard the critical animal health science capability, protecting the nation from the impacts of animal diseases in a cost effective way. Amber Not set Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme has continued to make good progress through 23/24 to settle it's scope and progress works to clear the site in readiness for construction of new science buildings. The Programme has updated it's operating model to reflect the onboarding of Technical and Delivery Partners, and subsequent restructuring of the Intelligent Client Function. Designs have been developed in line with refined requirements, and a preferred scheme has been selected. Work is on track to submit the next Programme Business Case in 2024 to secure the scope and funding for the Programme. Delivery Confidence remains Amber pending approval. 2021-04-01 2036-09-30 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2036-09-30. This is primarily due to the following factors. The forecast completion date for the Programme remains September 2036. The Programme schedule will be re-validated through Programme Business Case V2.0 for which approval will be sought in FY24/25. 79.62 38.6 -52 The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. FY23/24 spend has been lower than budgeted as a result of changes to the Programme operating model and delivery plans which has resulted in some activities being deferred to future years. Delays to enabling works and not spending SRO-owned contingency has also contributed to the underspend. 2820 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 2820m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Whole Life Costs for the Programme remain unchanged as the Programme continues to refine its delivery strategy. The WLC will be re-validated through Programme Business Case V2.0 for which approval will be sought in FY24/25. 208 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 208m. Work continues to identify and refine benefits for inclusion within Programme Business Case V2.0.
DEFRA_0190_2223-Q3 Terrestrial Natural Capital Ecosystem Assessment DEFRA Government Transformation and Service Delivery The tNCEA programme delivers a nationwide survey of our terrestrial, freshwater and coastal environments, providing the location, extent and condition of all natural capital assets to the same timescale, the same quality and, where possible, the same spatial scale. Through comprehensive monitoring, innovative measurement and the development of tools and guidance, tNCEA will help deliver cross-government priorities, including: the 25 Year Environment Plan, Biodiversity Net Gain, Environmental Land Management schemes, Local Nature Recovery Schemes and Net Zero commitments. The programme also incorporates development of systems modelling approaches to efficiently and reliably quantify how assets and flows of natural capital inter-relate, depend on ecosystem health, and how that health is altered by pressures and interventions, and will transform decision making in England. The outputs will be used by a wide range of public and private sector organisations, including those interested in biodiversity, nature positive development, and green finance. Not set Amber Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. This rating reflects that while the Programme has made good progress, including achieving a number of deliverables, embedding delivery and governance structures and taking steps to develop the digital infrastructure necessary to deliver datasets to customers there has been under delivery in some key areas. The Programme is actively managing all known challenges, and most are considered to be improving, and have shown no major cause for concern at this stage. Following the IPA Gate 0 review in September 2023, the programme was rated amber and we have taken positive measures to action the recommendations in their action plan and increase the likelihood of successful delivery. 2021-04-01 2025-04-01 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2025-04-01. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme end date is 31/03/2025 and is based on the SR-2021 funding settlement. The current programme will deliver national and some regional scale estimates of ecosystem and natural capital asset extent, location and condition. To obtain the finer granularity that customers seek for their decisions and evaluations, additional capital funding will be required to extend the programme for 3 years. Stopping at the end of the FY 24/25 would leave additional benefits unrealised. Hence, we are working with partners and stakeholders to prepare an SR-24 bid to enable the programme to continue for a further 3 years, and evaluate business-as-usual options post-2028. 44.8 36.76 -18 The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The HMT approved an allocation of 44.80 million. Defra's Investment Committee provided funding of 40.06 million. This reduces the budget variance to 8%. The variance was due to under delivery within the main collection projects, various unfilled vacancies and commercial delays across the year and slippage of work into 2024/25. 125 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 125m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme's approved budget for 2024/25 is 56.86 million. 2024/25 work is planned on an over programmed approach equating to 3.75 million (60.61 million) above the 2024/25 budget. The programme has a range of implementable measures to control and monitor spend, and R&D programmes have a history of underspend across the Defra group. We are therefore confident expenditure will not exceed available funds. 0 The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. N/a - no monetised benefits
DEFRA_0012_2122-Q2 Workplace and Facilities Management DEFRA Government Transformation and Service Delivery Not set Not set Green Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 decreased from Amber to Green. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Project is reporting a green delivery confidence, following the successful Phase 1 Go Live on February 1st and remains on track to meet the Phase 2 Go Live milestone on April 1st. _x000D_ _x000D_ Focus, remains on addressing challenges and optimizing operational processes with ISS to ensure the complex requirements of the estate are understood, reducing the likelihood of risk on day one. Through implementing a range of engagement methodologies individual stakeholder and ALB requirements are understood in full, helping to ensure a seamless transition into the new contract. Work continues on the Soft Landings phase for stabilization and transformation activities. 2021-06-01 2024-10-31 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2024-10-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Project remains on track to go live with the new contract in full for April 1st 2024. Once this milestone has been achieved, the Project will commence its Soft Landings Phase. This phase is expected to conclude in Autumn 2024, with the final closure review by Investment Committee - currently scheduled for the start of October 24. 83.25 83.25 0 The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. 855 Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 866m. to 855m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The baseline whole life cost figure is reported as the Full Business Case setting out a position of 855.02, which sets out preferred supplier cost. It is suspected that through the reconciliation, and true up processes subsequent to the Projects go live this may change as provisions become actualised. 0 The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. The assessments of benefits was refined as part of the final business case submission. This was based on actual data collected through the procurement process as well as refined data provided by Defra in terms of workforce numbers. _x000D_ The project expects to deliver benefits which include:_x000D_ . Legal and health and safety requirements including minimising estate-related incidents and health and safety regulatory compliance; _x000D_ . Direct monetary savings (cash releasing benefits), such as the avoidance of unexpected repair and breakdown costs;_x000D_ . Indirect monetary savings (non-cash releasing benefits), such as improvements in colleague productivity and reductions in colleague turnover; and _x000D_ _x000D_ We have also only reported forecasted benefits as the project is still in its initial stage and the baseline is yet to be confirmed.