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CO Government Major Projects Portfolio Data March 2024
Updated 16 January 2025
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GMPP ID Number | Project Name | Department | Annual Report Category | Description / Aims | IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | SRO Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a three-point scale, Red – Amber – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) | Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) | Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Variance (%) | Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2023/24 (if variance is more than 5%) | TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | TOTAL Baseline Benefits (£m) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Benefits |
CO_0281_2324-Q2 | ATS Replacement | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The ATS Replacement programme will replace the existing CS Jobs recruitment platform with a new system that can drive increased efficiencies, reduce overall costs of recruitment and improve the service through the potential standardisation of services and having consistent approaches to vacancies. | Not set | Amber | The Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Delivery confidence is amber due to two key challenges:_x000D_ 1) recruitment pause in CO since late February is impacting on the ability for the programme to recruit and onboard programme resources in readiness for the Design, Build and Test phase (August 2024); this is further complicated by a CO headcount reduction challenge. Latest update is that this should be lifted once HR reconciliation in GPGconcludes._x000D_ _x000D_ 2) The programme operates a cost recovery model. A significant price increase to departments only recently circulated for Shared Services (of which the ATS is one) is impacting n the ability of the programme to confirm commitment to use the service; an HMT condition from the OBC. The full business case is being submitted into the assurance and approvals process for May COAB with the programme taking steps to try to ensure the FBC remains on track for final approval at HMT by July 2024. | 2022-01-01 | 2027-09-30 | The project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is 2027-09-30. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme plan is fully achievable if the FBC due into assurance and approvals on 17 April does navigate first time through the various Boards to be finally approved by HMT on 8 July 2024 leading to a contract signature 26 July 2024. | 2.61 | 2.62 | 0 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 43 | The project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 is 43m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The FBC is broadly in line with the OBC forecast (OBC was approved by HMT August 2023) but the programme cannot at this point in time provide a final WLC for this Q4 submission; the preferred supplier following an open tender procurement was only identified on 2 April and work to finalise the FBC incorporating these costs is still underway. | 167 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 167m. Benefits no change - we are not realising any. Currently we are still on track as per submission 166.62m but work is about to conclude on a re-forecast which will accompany the FBC and amended as part of Q1 24/25 return |
CO_0024_2021-Q2 | Civil Service Pensions 2015 Remedy | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The 2015 Remedy Programme was created to end discrimination within the Civil Service Pension Schemes and also creating solutions to remediate any affected members | Not set | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. We received an AMBER rating following our IPA in January 2024. We have fully implemented all of the recommendations. _x000D_ _x000D_ We have delivered against target to return active and deferred member's accounts to their pre-2015 position (Rollback). We have established a process to enable these members to have a choice at the point of retirement as to how they wish their Remedy period (1 April 2015 - 31 March 2022) to be calculated (DCU)._x000D_ _x000D_ We are on track to deliver the retired member group a similar pension choice exercise by the 31 March 2025 via a Remedial Service Statement (RSS) | 2020-05-20 | 2024-09-30 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2024-09-30. This is primarily due to the following factors. We are on track but running at risk on rollout of the Remedial Service Statements (RSS) by the 31 March 2025. | 11.5 | 13.5 | 17 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. There is no variance for the 23/24 financial year | 34 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 34m. This is primarily due to the following factors. We have undertaken our final year forecasting which shows us on track to spend to budget of 33.5M | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. 2015 Remedy has no benefits associated with it as it is a rectification programme to remove unlawful discrimination |
CO_0176_2223-Q3 | Falcon IT Platform Refresh and Migration | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | Falcon is a business change programme that will fundamentally underpin the digital transformation of the Cabinet Office.The Transformation will be achieved through two key areas of investment. First we will update the OFFICIAL IT platforms within the Cabinet Office, which will contribute to reducing cyber-security risk, address legacy systems and automate underlying infrastructure. The second work stream the Cabinet Office we will invest in, will enable the implementation of the Central Digital Data Office (CDDO) interoperability policy standards and guidance through the migration of the department to Microsoft Office M365. This will enable better interoperability across government as we move both our people and data from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365. The Cabinet Office is at the heart of Government and a common productivity suite will enable more efficient and effective ways of working. | Not set | Red | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 increased from Amber to Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme is currently rated at Red as it does not have an agreed strategic direction, investment and funding available. If there continues to be misalignment between the strategic intent and funding availability then the programme will almost certainly fail to deliver the scope and benefits set out in the business case. _x000D_ _x000D_ The programme's route to Green is through the submission of a Programme Business Case (PBC) with defined options for the migration and technical delivery. | 2022-05-01 | 2026-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 increased from 2025-03-31 to 2026-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The original profiling was delayed by 12 months due to procurement delays. The original profile was a 3 year spend profile from Apr 23 to March 26. The anticipated spend profile expects an end date of April 27, 12 months after the original baseline end date. | 21.75 | 10.05 | -54 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The original profiling 21.8 m was delayed by 12 months due to procurement delays. This has had the impact of moving the original spend profile out by 12 months. The 23/24 financial year was intended to be a more expensive migration and roll out period in the original baseline plan, however due to procurement delays the discovery period and proof of concept have been completed in 23/24 and design phase has commenced. The overall costs are therefore significantly lower (11.7 m) reducing the profile to 10 m in 23/24 against the baseline plan as migration and roll out has not yet commenced. | 51 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 52m. to 51m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Whole Life Cost 51.4 m remains within the GMPP approval. There is a slight reduction in WLC 50.6 m due to in year savings in 23/24 against budget profile. The profiling over future years will be reviewed as part of the May Programme Business Case Submission. Profiles have used business planning options for the remaining years whilst the business case preparation is ongoing. | 60 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 60m. Benefits were re-baselined in March 2023. The benefits value remains consistent with the baseline. Benefits review is ongoing as part of the May Programme Business Case Submission. |
CO_0027_2021-Q4 | Future Service Programme | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | End of Year position - CSPS contract awarded 17/11/23. Transition commenced 08/12/23. RMSPS - going through approvals process. Contract expected to be awarded end of May 2024. | Not set | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Findings from the IPA Gate review (June 2023) surrounded programme resourcing. Including the continuity of the Programme Director, recruiting an Exit Manager to support exit of the incumbent supplier for the CS Pensions Scheme and implementation of succession planning. The programme has since secured the incumbent Programme Director until October 2025. An appointment was made for the Exit Manager but resigned a few days after their start date. Contingent Labour is being pursued to fulfil this role. On succession planning the Programme team is working with the wider Pension Directorate to develop a new Target Operating Model to support the ongoing delivery of the contract, including the definition of the capability requirement of staff and detailed plans on how to achieve this. A component of this model will be a detailed succession plan, utilising the capability model to identify talent and ensure processes are in place to develop these individuals. | 2020-10-01 | 2024-12-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 decreased from 2025-12-31 to 2024-12-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. N/A | 6.4 | 1.6 | -75 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The GMPP project did not provide narrative | 239 | The project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 is 239m. This is primarily due to the following factors. | 11 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 11m. Benefits identified at the OBC stage have been assessed and deemed to still be relevant. The potential cost savings are based upon the current contract costs and services performance, and present the potential opportunity to realise 82,585,174 over the life of the contract. However they will not be realised until Service Commencement, after the Transition has been completed. The establishment of the benefits realisation process will be a core part of transition activities. The Authority will work with Capita to develop and implement the detailed benefits delivery plan. This will include accurate baselines of the identified benefits, proposed targets and a supporting a delivery profile. Appropriate governance will be established within the Cabinet Office, including the utilisation of Gate 4 and Gate 5 IPA reviews to effectively monitor the delivery of benefits, and use appropriate levers within the contract to hold suppliers to account where this falls short. A key enabler to realising these benefits is the development of a Target Operating Model for the Authority which will define the operating structure and develop the capability to become a truly Intelligent Client. For maximum success this new TOM needs to be fully operational on Service Commencement date in Sept 2025 |
CO_0033_2122-Q1 | GOV.UK One Login | CO | ICT | The programme has continued to scale-up; 30 government services are now live, including the HM Armed Forces Veteran Card; we remain on track to onboard 145 services by the end of 2024/25. More than 4.1 million people have so far proven their identity through One Login, with over 5 million downloads of the One Login identity checking app._x000D_ _x000D_ One Login's phased onboarding of HMRC users began, as planned, on 29 February; since then, internal users have successfully been testing the end-to-end journey. Other key developments include:_x000D_ _x000D_ * New data sharing legislation under the Digital Economy Act 2017 came into force on 8 February 2024, enabling One Login to access a wider range of data held by departments, and thus improve its identity verification options._x000D_ * The programme has developed an additional identity checking route for users without photographic documentation_x000D_ * The Chief Secretary to HMT approved One Login's Full Business Case. | Amber | Not set | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. Delivery confidence remains at AMBER. A combination of headcount restrictions and no corresponding budget increase in 2024/25 would leave GOV.UK One Login with insufficient capacity to complete all of the work originally planned for this financial year. The programme is taking a number of steps to mitigate the risks including engaging with senior Cabinet Office risk governance groups. | 2021-01-04 | 2025-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme remains on track to achieve its core deliverables: to onboard 145 services - and their users - by the end of 2024/25; to operate an increasingly resilient, secure and inclusive live system, with multiple ways for people to prove their identity; to provide effective customer support; and to realise significant financial benefits for government_x000D_ _x000D_ The programme is rated Amber at the end of 2023/24 due to complexity of delivery; One Login is a multi-faceted technical solution, with a wide range of stakeholders and a challenging pace of delivery. The programme is, therefore, understandably managing a number of significant risks and issues. The programme has continued to strengthen its risk management processes over the past 12 months to ensure clearer escalation routes and implementation of treatments, as recognised in the IPA's Gate 4 review in November 2023. | 127.53 | 127.61 | 0 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 329 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 305m. to 329m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The 305m covers the 3 year SR21 period for which funding has been agreed in the financial case of the current business case. | 1981 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 2324-Q4 increased from 1752m. to 1981m. The GOV.UK One Login programme's Full Business Case, which has been approved by Cabinet Office and HM Treasury ministers, forecasted significant financial benefits. These include: reduced user authentication and identity verification costs to government; savings due to increased online accessibility and reduced reliance on more expensive offline routes; avoided duplicative spend across government on systems; and avoided fraud. |
CO_0133_2223-Q1 | Government Hubs and Whitehall Campus Programme | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The Government Hubs and Whitehall Campus (WHC) programme is transformative, delivering the Government's priorities: _x000D_ - Providing a smaller, better value and greener public estate _x000D_ - Strengthening the UK's economic recovery from Covid-19 _x000D_ - Levelling up economic opportunity, maximising productivity and improving value _x000D_ - Supporting the government's ambition to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 _x000D_ - Strengthening the Union of the United Kingdom _x000D_ The programme supports the Places for Growth (PfG) initiative which encourages the movement and creation of jobs outside London and contributes to the levelling up agenda; as well as supporting pursuit of the Government's Industrial Strategy and the transformation of the Civil Service, . | Not set | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber(SRO rating). This is primarily due to the following factors. Programme remains Amber, in line with IPA rating given in April 2023. In the period the Programme has delivered a full refurbishment of 3-8 Whitehall Place and 55 Whitehall; a partial refurbishment of York Kingspool; refurbished 10 South Colonnade 5th floor and delivered interim accommodation in Stoke-on-Trent. Since the last IPA Review the Programme has successfully addressed recommendations including introducing a coordinated approach across GPA and Places for Growth; enhanced the culture of systemic high performance in sustainability and reviewed ways of working across the Integrated Delivery Team. _x000D_ Since the current Hubs Programme funding envelope was approved as part of SR21, there has been considerable change, which means that it is now necessary to amend programme plans. The programme is committed to providing an updated Business Case to CO Ministers and HMTfollowing CST direction on the affordability of the London Plan | 2015-05-01 | 2030-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2030-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The GPA Government Hubs and Whitehall Campus Programme will support the Government's Strategic requirements to relocate 22,000 Civil Servants out of London and into regional Hubs, and consolidate 53,400 FTE in the Regions by 2030 to promote economic growth | 209.5 | 167.1 | -20 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. There are projects that are not progressing as initially expected due to a review of strategy between leasehold and freehold. The outcome of that review is still awaited but other non-impacted work is continuing. This has had a significant impact on what could be achieved in year. | 558 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 558m. This is primarily due to the following factors. Although the projects baseline whole life cost has remained at the original SR21 settlement PBC figure of 558.00(m) there has been significant change of scope to the programme this year due to a review of strategy between leasehold and freehold and following guidance from CST, which has resulted in a change to the funding profile required to deliver the programme. A revised Programme Business Case is currently progressing through the GPA approval process prior to submission to HMT which will result in an uplift to this WLC figure | 2546 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 2324-Q4 decreased from 2630m. to 2546m. The current benefts are calcuated based on cost savings the programme produces over it's lifecycle. Capital Projects are working with GPA Finance to develop a new benefits calculator, and with a cross-GPA Working Group we are exploring how best to measure and report on Social Value. The Social Value Portal company have been contracted to support definition of new social value KPIs |
CO_0280_2324-Q2 | Learning Frameworks 2.0 | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | Learning Frameworks 2.0 is the project to identify replacement centralised training services when current arrangements end in October 2025 | Not set | Green | The Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 is Green. This is primarily due to the following factors. LF2.0 completed GMPP Gate 0 review in October 2023 with an amber/green rating. We have addressed the 13 recommendations and presented this as an annexe in OBC | 2022-04-01 | 2026-10-01 | The project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 is 2026-10-01. This is primarily due to the following factors. Learning Frameworks 2.0 is currently on track to deliver replacement centralised training services when current arrangements end in October 2025 . The project is still due to formally close in Jan 2026 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 0 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 2335 | The project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 is 2335m. This is primarily due to the following factors. 17,608,147 to implement the project and to manage the contracts once they are in place (FY22-34); and _x000D_ an estimated 2,316,937,056 which is based on projections from current spend (met by the Civil Service organisations buying the training - FY 2025-34) _x000D_ Total cost: 2,334,545,203 (FY22-34) | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. Under direction of our cross-civil service Project Board, and in consultation with the learning and development community, we have identified 6 areas for Learning Frameworks 2.0 to address: _x000D_ _x000D_ 1) We want civil servants doing the right training to develop essential skills in support of a leaner, smarter Civil Service, to deliver Government priorities._x000D_ 2) As the Civil Service gets leaner, we need to improve efficiencies in how government resources are used to procure and provide training._x000D_ 3) As resources get tighter, we need to drive cross-system value for money._x000D_ 4) We require high quality, purposeful data and evaluation that evidences skills development and supports our evaluation strategy_x000D_ 5) We need flexible contracts to respond to changes in government priorities and workforce locations; and how and when people learn, as a result of external factors such as changing technology and workforce demographics._x000D_ 6) There is a government desire to develop capability in the wider public service and local authorities, making efficiencies and improving public services. |
CO_0210_2223-Q4 | Rosa Renewal Project | CO | ICT | The Rosa Renewal Project will ensure that HMG continues to provide a pan-departmental secure IT service specifically designed for working at SECRET. Project outcomes will deliver much improved service resilience, a modest increase in capacity, new capabilities to meet emerging needs, improvements to usability and effective management of obsolescence. In doing so it will ensure continued VFM from the original case that underpinned the delivery of Rosa and lay foundations for future service growth. | Not set | Green | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Green. This is primarily due to the following factors. The project is current tracking as a GREEN status. This status reflects the project having in place the people, plans and means to deliver the remaining scope as detailed in FBC in its final year. Delivery plans have been fully baselined. . | 2022-04-01 | 2025-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The project is currently on track to delivery to time, cost and quality. | 13.6 | 13.6 | 0 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 51 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 51m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The 51m Rosa Renewal Project (RRP) funding covers the essential improvements detailed in the Business Case. RRP Funding is provided by those departments that use the Rosa service, in addition to their ongoing annual running costs for the service itself. Those departments are satisfied that the project as funded continues to meet their principal priorities, delivers the intended benefits, and represents VFM as detailed in the RRP Business Case. | 205 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 205m. In addition to monetised benefits, this project will enable significant non-monetised benefits that will flow from the levels of cyber security provided to key areas of HMG business. |
CO_0120_2223-Q1 | Transforming Public Procurement | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The cabinet office started mobilisation of the programme in 2021/22 which will deliver:_x000D_ . Introduction and delivery of a procurement reform bill, delivery of the implementing secondary legislation and a new oversight unit to monitor compliance_x000D_ . Comprehensive training package to embed the new procurement procedures and national priorities for public procurement_x000D_ . New digital systems for commercial data that will bring commercial insight together across the 300bn Public procurement spend_x000D_ With the benefits from the programme being:_x000D_ . Simpler, faster procurement procedure_x000D_ . Streamlined process back up by relevant training for user_x000D_ . Greater transparency surrounding procurement procedures | Not set | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Senior Responsible Owner's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors. 2023-24 witnessed significant milestones in the programme with the Royal Assent of the Procurement Act, launch of first training and guidance products, releases of digital notices to key stakeholders, and engagement and communications activities to support the launch of the new regime. The programme remains on track to deliver the new regime in October 2024. The laying of the secondary legislation on the 25th March ensured that the six month implementation period has been maintained. The Programme underwent an assurance review in November, resulting in an Amber appraisal and confidence from the reviewers that delivery to the original stated outcomes would be achieved. | 2021-01-01 | 2025-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2025-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. Royal Assent of the Procurement Act was later than anticipated, pushing back the launch of the new regime to October 2024 and project end date to 31.03.2026 | 7.1 | 6.5 | -8 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. Royal Assent of the Procurement Act was later than anticipated, pushing back recruitment to some L&D roles and leading to a reduction to the forecast L&D delivery costs for 23/24 (moving them to 24/25), leading to an underspend in 2023/24. This has not affected the launch of L&D products and the new public procurement regime is on track to launch in October 2024 | 35 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 35m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The project's baseline WLC remains at 35m. The project business case is being refreshed as we prepare for entering the next phase of the project lifecycle with go live of the new procurement regime in October 2024 and the subsequent development phases to follow. | 205 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at 205m. The project's best estimate net benefits remains at 205m over 10 years. We expect the non-quantifiable benefits to be significantly greater than this. This is as set out in the Impact Assessment published in April 2022 |
CO_0028_2021-Q4 | Vetting Transformation Programme | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The Vetting Transformation Programme is building a workforce with the right skills, fully exploiting technology and implementing a new Vetting standard._x000D_ _x000D_ The programme has the following aims: faster clearances, processing times will be reduced by implementing a new single joined-up process eliminating duplication, enabling individuals to be recruited into roles quicker. Provide a far better user experience, facilitated by frictionless HR, security data sharing and record management. Clearances will be portable and individuals will move seamlessly between departments. Ongoing assurance of our people through a cross functional approach to managing employee risk throughout the employee lifecycle, to better ensure the integrity of individuals with privileged access. Aligning to these outcomes will provide Government departments with a trusted Vetting service adhering to its customers needs and strengthening our international reputation. | Red | Not set | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Red. This is primarily due to the following factors. The UKSV Board, agreed that the programme should enter into a Infrastructure and Project Authority lead reset to ensure the programme has the right leadership, resources and cross government support._x000D_ _x000D_ A new Transformation Director has been recruited and has been appointed as Senior Responsible Owner for the programme as of January 2024, he is now leading the programme through the reset and into the mobilisation phase. | 2019-03-01 | 2023-03-31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2023-03-31. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programmes delivery confidence remains RED and continues to be baselined against the Future Vetting System, that effectively closed down in 2021. An Outline Business Case was due to be submitted in September 2023, but did not proceed through internal governance. The UKSV Board, chaired by the Minister of State, Baroness Neville-Rolfe, agreed that the programme should enter into a Infrastructure and Project Authority lead reset to ensure the programme has the right leadership, resources and cross government support. | 5.5 | 20 | 264 | The budget variance exceeds 5%. This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme has exceed the anticipated budget as it has been unable to meet the initial timescales for delivery | 20 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 increased from 14m. to 20m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The whole life cost of the Vetting Transformation Programme has not been re-baselined since it was established in the programme approved SOC. This work is currently underway. | 0 | The project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 is 0m. We do not anticipate any monetised Benefits until early 2025. _x000D_ _x000D_ We anticipate the following benefits - an increased robustness of vetting, productivity improvements and economic benefits from reducing "street to seat" times and reducing attrition. Increasing the technological capabilities will reduce the time spent by vetting officers accessing disparate data sources. In creating additional capacity through increased efficiency, we will create a continuous improvement fund which will be used to build a deeper quality of capability across vetting. |
CO_0029_2021-Q4 | Workplace Services Transformation Programme | CO | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | The Workplace Services Transformation Programme has been established to realise the ambition of a transformed workplace experience for all Government Property Agency (GPA) customers (end users) and to ensure better value for our clients (Departments). The IPA Gate 0-4 Review in Nov 23 provided the SRO with five key recommendations. Work has commenced to deliver on all of these and is being tracked with IPA and COPO. An IPA Gate 0-5 Review is being scheduled for Nov 24. | Not set | Amber | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the Delivery Confidence Assessment rating at 23/24-Q4 remained at Amber(SRO rating). This is primarily due to the following factors. The programme moves towards closure andthe IPA Gate 5 Review laterin Q3 2024/25._x000D_ - following a recommendation from the IPA Gate 4 Review team in 2023, work has been undertaken to ensure that a programme wide benefits management-framework is now in place and benefits-realisation can be tracked and reported_x000D_ - Procurement 1 (The Performance Partner) and Procurement 3 (Operational Security Services) remain liveand operational._x000D_ - Procurement 5 and Procurement 4 (The Customer Comfort & Safety Community & Support) went live and mobilisation is nearing completion_x000D_ - Communications Strategy remains in place with our Performance Partners, ensuring on-going communications are developed and then issued through appropriate channels to all relevant audiences (internal and external)._x000D_ - Scoping and engagement is continuing with partners/clients for the Supply Chain Project Procurement 2 (TechnicalSecurity)._x000D_ - The Programme team has continued preparation for the programme's closure including the transition of appropriate activity into GPA's BAU and completion of lessons-learned reporting | 2020-07-01 | 2024-07-01 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's end-date at 23/24-Q4 remained schedule to finish on 2024-07-01. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Programme has delivered as per the agreed schedule, with the Technical Security procurement moving into BAU functionality, given its low value and low priority. The baseline end date 1-July-24 remains active. | 82.06 | 81.84 | 0 | The budget variance is inferior or equal to 5%. | 1059 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree Whole Life Cost at 23/24-Q4 remained at 1059m. This is primarily due to the following factors. The Whole Life Costs reflect the annual contract values in the preferred bids for the 4 procurements which are now complete, covering the Performance Partner, Operational Security and Hard and Soft FM. These costs also reflect the anticipated growth in the GPA through the regional hubs programme. The forecasted 994m Whole Life Costs represents a steady annual saving through the outcomes of the preferred bids. | -31 | Compared to financial year 22/23-Q4, the project's departmental-agree monetised benefits at 23/24-Q4 remained at -31m. Overall the WSTP preferred option was expected to increase costs by 30.6m. However, this results from the investment in GPA staffing which is common to all of the considered options to adequately manage the growing estate and supply chain; and the introduction of the Performance Partner as the critical factor in driving enhanced customer and client benefit. The Baseline used is the OBC preferred option._x000D_ The latest forecast is a benefit of 35.71m as a result of the preferred bids received during the award process, where the bids were below the anticipated rates based on GPA's Should Cost model. |