List of beneficiaries of the European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund
Updated 31 January 2025
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EUROPEAN STRUCTURAL AND INVESTMENT FUNDS LIST OF OPERATIONS 2014 TO 2020 (last updated - Nov 23) | |||||||||||||
Recipient of funds | Name of Project | Type of fund | Priority Axis | Summary of project (max 100 words) | Start date | End date | ERDF/ESF investment | Total project costs | % of project funded by EU | Location (postcode) | Local Enterprise Partnership area | Country | Type and focus of support (*Category of intervention)* |
Bénéficiaire | Nom du projet | Fonds | Axe Prioritaire | Résumé du projet | Date de commencement | Date de fin | Investissement FEDER/FSE | Coût total du projet | % du projet cofinancé par l’UE | Localisation (code postal) | Zone de partenariat économique local | Pays | Type et axe du soutien (catégorie d’intervention) |
Hampshire County Council | ExtenCOMERDF3 Standing for Communicating ERDF in EM3 | ERDF | 9 | Support, networking & brokerage to promote ERDF opportunities. | 01/04/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £221,182.00 | £442,364.00 | 50.00% | SO23 8UJ | Enterprise M3 | England | 123 Information and communication |
Derby City Council | The D2N2 Technical Assistance Programme | ERDF | 9 | The project will deliver a LEP wide Technical Assistance programme involving a range of key delivery partners to increase the understanding of and engagement with the ERDF programme. The project proposes a hub and spoke delivery model with core TA hub services being delivered by the D2N2 LEP with geographic and sector specialist organisations (e.g. local authorities / Low Carbon sector specialists) providing bespoke ‘spoke’ services to applicants to the ESIF programme. This model will promote ESIF opportunities and ensure a pipeline of compliant projects are supported to successfully deliver the targets identified in the D2N2 ESIF strategy and Operational Programme. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £151,213.00 | £302,429.18 | 50.00% | DE1 2FS | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Reading Borough Council | Low Carbon Berkshire | ERDF | 9 | Support delivery of 4 targets by promoting awareness of ERDF opportunities. | 01/03/2016 | 01/05/2018 | £49,890.00 | £99,780.00 | 50.00% | RG1 2LU | Thames Valley Berkshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Department for Communities and Local Government | Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | The Technical Assistance project will enable the Department to administer all elements of the 2014-2020 ERDF Programme for England effectively and compliantly. The project will assist in individual project and programme evaluation and assessment, research and capacity building and supporting a rigorous management and control environment. | 01/04/2015 | 31/03/2024 | £79,921,664.85 | £140,905,613.10 | 56.72% | SW1P 4DF | National TA | England | 123 Information and communication |
Leicester City Council | LLEP Technical Assistance Programme ERDF (2015-18) | ERDF | 9 | This project will enhance the provision of services by approved providers through identifying the specific local needs relevant to the call for tenders as relevant to our local strategies. The project will enable the local ESIF Committee to support the Managing Authority to deliver their commitments at a local level. Through the deployment of technical and specialist knowledge, the assistance has been designed to enable improved connectedness between all of the constituent parts of the programme by supporting our partners and service providers to benefit from key learning, information and best practice to inform current as well as future policy direction for the ERDF provision and ultimately future LLEP strategies. | 01/09/2015 | 30/12/2020 | £383,158.00 | £766,318.00 | 50.00% | LE1 1FZ | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 123 Information and communication |
GCGP LEP | Promoting Growth in Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough through ERDF facilitation | ERDF | 9 | The project will provide local facilitation resource to assist potential ERDF applicants to develop project ideas, partnerships and compliant bids that have a strategic fit with the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough (GCGP) ESIF strategy and are compliant with the national ERDF Operational Programme. Roles to be carried out under this project include publicity; pipeline development; project development; capacity building through a programme of workshops and events; and partnership development. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £373,677.00 | £747,356.00 | 50.00% | PE28 4WX | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 123 Information and communication |
Lincolnshire County Council | Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership ERDF Technical Assistance Programme | ERDF | 9 | GLLEP TA Project Deliver a technical assistance package, generating and unde | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £299,560.00 | £499,265.00 | 60.00% | LN5 7JN | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Walsall Council | Black Country Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | The project will build upon the success of the established Black Country Technical Assistance Team, playing a critical role in ensuring that new, quality ERDF projects and applications are designed in accordance with ESIF and national funding requirements. The project will facilitate wide ranging access to the Programme, through stakeholder engagement and capacity building. Local responses to the ESIF Implementation Plan will be co-ordinated and a strong project pipeline developed, integrating sustainable development and equality principles to meet EU and sub-regional targets. In addition wide-reaching communication will take place, resulting in improved visibility of ESIF funding in the sub-region. | 01/01/2016 | 20/01/2021 | £204,367.00 | £408,734.00 | 50.00% | WS1 1TP | Black Country | England | 123 Information and communication |
Coventry City Council | Coventry & Warwickshire ESIF Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | Through a core team (1.7 FTE), the project will deliver technical assistance support to prospective ESIF applicants and projects within Coventry & Warwickshire. This will facilitate the development of a strong pipeline of projects for each Thematic Objective that will address key Coventry & Warwickshire ESIF priorities, and maximise the impacts of ESIF-funded activities on the local economy. It will be achieved by delivering communications on Calls for Applications, supporting applicants at Outline and subsequently Full Application stage to ensure compliance with ESIF regulations, and facilitating the exchange of good practice and learning points between projects and applicants. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2020 | £237,029.00 | £474,058.00 | 50.00% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Coucil | ERDF Technical Assistance GBSLEP Area | ERDF | 9 | The Project brings together a range of partners with relevant sector and thematic expertise to deliver a coherent package of TA provision to support the ERDF elements of the GBSLEP ESIF strategy. The project purpose and design matches the objective of TA, namely to support efficient and compliant management and implementation of ESIF funds. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £908,364.00 | £1,816,729.00 | 50.00% | B91 9QS | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 123 Information and communication |
Shropshire County Council | The Marches Technical Assistance Project | ERDF | 9 | The project will promote full and open access to ESIF opportunities. Specialisation by delivery, thematic and sector partners will ensure responsive and targeted provision, supporting the generation of a robust pipeline of compliant projects | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £291,680.00 | £515,114.00 | 56.62% | SY2 6ND | The Marches | England | 123 Information and communication |
Stoke on Trent City Council | Staffordshire Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | There is significant ERDF funding allocated within the Marches ESIF Strategy (£12,469,269 More Developed and £43,446,842 Transition as at January 2014 exchange rate). The Marches TA project will provide dedicated ERDF support at a local level, additional to support available from the Managing Authority, to raise awareness of the ERDF programme/opportunities and assist applicants develop successful ERDF projects which meet the Marches ESIF Priorities and ERDF Operational Programme requirements, minimising risk, irregularities and potential claw back. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £628,076.00 | £1,046,792.00 | 60.00% | ST4 1HH | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Worcestershire County Council | Worcestershire Technical Assistance Programme | ERDF | 9 | The project will provide the technical capacity to enable Worcestershire to benefit effectively from the opportunities presented in the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme. | 26/05/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £96,022.75 | £192,045.50 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 123 Information and communication |
North East Combined Authority | North East Combined Authority-Technical Assistance (25R15P00162) | ERDF | 9 | The project will promote the opportunities of the ESIF 2014-2020 programme, undertake intensive one to one support; providing technical advice to project applicants at the outline and full application stage in order to ensure that applications are developed and subsequently would be implemented in a complaint manner | 01/10/2015 | 31/03/2020 | £538,516.00 | £1,052,623.00 | 51.16% | NE61 2EF | North Eastern | England | 123 Information and communication |
East Sussex Council | SELEP ERDF Facilitator | ERDF | 9 | The project will promote uptake of ERDF opportunities, create and support the pipeline of quality project applications; deliver cross-LEP and multi-LEP projects; work closely with the SELEP Growth Hubs and BIS national business support products; assist applicants to ensure project applications are high quality, value for money and impact on relevant SELEP areas; work with the Growth Delivery Team to ensure technically correct information is shared with project applicants; applicants understand rules re publicity etc; and ensure project applications are of appropriate size, scale and ambition and have outputs and results that maximise the impact of ERDF to support Jobs and Growth. | 07/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £106,748.00 | £213,497.00 | 50.00% | BN7 1UE | South East | England | 123 Information and communication |
Chester University / NWUEU | Cheshire & Warrington ERDF Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | Technical Assistance | 29/07/2015 | 30/06/2021 | £331,606.00 | £663,210.00 | 50.00% | CH1 2NP | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 123 Information and communication |
West of England Combined Authority | West of England Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | The project is the formation of a small technical assistance team to ensure publicity and promotion of EU SIF opportunities is undertaken across the LEP area and to advise and support under-represented sectors to apply to the programme. | 01/10/2015 | 30/09/2018 | £130,000.00 | £260,000.00 | 50.00% | BS1 6QH | West of England | England | 123 Information and communication |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Tees Valley ERDF Technical Assistance Support 2015-18 - 34R15P00161 | ERDF | 9 | The project will provide technical support to applicants seeking to access ERDF funding in the Tees Valley. This support will ensure projects are designed and developed in a compliant manner, thus supporting the delivery ERDF OP. | 01/10/2015 | 30/06/2022 | £147,905.82 | £246,516.36 | 60.00% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 123 Information and communication |
Wiltshire Council | ERDF Technical Assistance – Wiltshire and Swindon | ERDF | 9 | The project is the formation of a small technical assistance team to ensure publicity and promotion of EU SIF opportunities is undertaken across the LEP area and to advise and support under-represented sectors to apply to the programme. | 04/10/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £143,845.00 | £287,690.00 | 50.00% | BA14 8JN | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Gfirst LEP | GFirst LEP ERDF Technical Assistance Project | ERDF | 9 | This project will provide appropriate ERDF technical assistance to stakeholders across Gloucestershire through a team based within GFirst LEP and Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust | 15/09/2016 | 30/04/2020 | £147,048.53 | £294,095.26 | 50.00% | GL2 9HW | Gloucestershire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Somerset County Council | Heart of the South West Technical Assistance Project (ERDF) | ERDF | 9 | The HotSW TA Project directly responds to identified unmet demand for enhanced ESIF information and publicity services in the HotSW. | 01/02/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £24,317.00 | £48,634.00 | 50.00% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 123 Information and communication |
Cornwall Council | Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Territorial Investment Support Team | ERDF | 9 | This project will bring together partners from organisations in the region to support the MAs to develop calls; ensure access to the programme for applicants including private, voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors; and publicise the Program | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2021 | £935,825.11 | £1,216,305.32 | 76.94% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 123 Information and communication |
Hertfordshire LEP | Hertfordshire Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | This is a technical assistance project designed to support the delivery of the England National ERDF Operational Programme in the Hertfordshire LEP area. | 07/08/2015 | 30/06/2021 | £261,796.00 | £523,592.00 | 50.00% | SG13 8DE | Hertfordshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | L-CREATE (Leeds City Region European Advice & Technical Expertise) (20R15P00604) | ERDF | 9 | The project will undertake activity to support he delivery of the LCR ESIF strategy 2014-2020. Partners will co-ordinate support, raise awareness of opportunities and develop links with approved projects. Target beneficiaries will be existing/new partnerships who will be given support to develop new consortia to enable them to apply for ESIF funding for future projects. | 01/08/2015 | 31/07/2018 | £103,725.00 | £207,450.00 | 50.00% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 123 Information and communication |
East Riding of Yorkshire Council | Technical Assistance - Humber, York & North Yorkshire (50R15P00640) | ERDF | 9 | The aim of the project is to maximise access to ESIF funds, focusing on ERDF for the purpose of this application, across the Humber and the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP areas. | 01/09/2015 | 30/06/2022 | £341,285.00 | £568,804.00 | 60.00% | HU17 9BA | Humber | England | 123 Information and communication |
Doncaster Borough Council | Technical Assistance (South Yorkshire & Sheffield City Region) (28R15P00584) | ERDF | 9 | This project will support the development of ERDF and ESF applications including guidance on eligibility, process and the responsibilities and requirements needed in terms of management, compliance, publicity and accountability. | 01/10/2015 | 30/09/2018 | £813,517.00 | £1,403,897.00 | 57.95% | DN1 3BU | Sheffield City Region | England | 123 Information and communication |
Norfolk County Council | New Anglia Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme: ERDF Facilitation | ERDF | 9 | The project will provide local facilitation resource to assist potential ERDF applicants to develop project ideas, partnerships and compliant bids that fulfil the ambition set out in the New Anglia ESIF strategy and the national ERDF Operational Programme. Roles to be carried out under this project include publicity; pipeline development; project development; capacity building through a workshop programme; and partnership development. | 01/10/2015 | 30/06/2020 | £224,120.00 | £448,241.00 | 50.00% | NR1 2DH | New Anglia | England | 123 Information and communication |
Greater Manchester Combined Authority | Greater Manchester Technical Assistance (15R15P00065) | ERDF | 9 | Technical Assistance | 01/08/2015 | 30/12/2018 | £227,652.00 | £455,305.00 | 50.00% | M60 2LA | Greater Manchester | England | 123 Information and communication |
South East Midlands LEP | South East Midlands European Regional Development Fund Technical Assistance Programme 2015-18. | ERDF | 9 | This project will use Technical Assistance funding to provide local level support and assistance to potential applicants for ERDF from across the South East Midlands LEP area, to enable them to develop robust and compliant projects. Activities will include: • Promotion and publicity of funding opportunities • Pipeline project and programme development • Capacity building activities, including events, workshops and surgeries. Over the three year period, a minimum of 30 projects will be supported to apply and 28 training and dissemination events will be held, in addition to preparatory financial instrument work, needs assessment and research work as required. | 23/07/2015 | 31/12/2020 | £134,270.00 | £268,543.00 | 50.00% | MK43 0BT | South East Midlands | England | 123 Information and communication |
Council of the Isles of Scilly | Isles of Scilly Strategic Technical Assistance Team IoSTAT (05R15P00031) | ERDF | 9 | This project will work with the public, private and voluntary sectors to develop compliant, eligible, good value projects to be delivered on the islands. | 01/12/2015 | 31/03/2017 | £140,967.00 | £176,208.00 | 80.00% | TR21 0NJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 123 Information and communication |
Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership | Delivering the Northamptonshire ERDF Technical Assistance Strategy | ERDF | 9 | The project addresses the Northamptonshire Technical Assistance ‘ambition’, by providing a comprehensive service to ERDF applicants, including hard to reach groups, supporting them to develop compliant and effective projects; and ensuring that EU publicity requirements are met, and the benefits of the funds are widely communicated. It will result in early delivery and expenditure as the applications submitted will be compliant and deliverable. It will ensure inclusivity as the needs of all client groups, including hard to reach groups, are addressed. Finally, it will publicise the benefits and successes of the programme and ensure that EU publicity requirements are met. | 22/07/2015 | 31/03/2018 | £200,000.00 | £400,000 | 50.00% | NN1 5DQ | South East Midlands | England | 123 Information and communication |
Dorset Council | Dorset ERDF Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | The project is the formation of a small technical assistance team to ensure publicity and promotion of EU SIF opportunities is undertaken across the LEP area and to advise and support under-represented sectors to apply to the programme. | 21/12/2015 | 21/12/2019 | £10,722.00 | £21,444.00 | 50.00% | DT1 1XJ | Dorset | England | 123 Information and communication |
Knowledge Transfer Network Limited | Smart Specialisation Advisory Hub | ERDF | 9 | The project will establish the Smart Specialisation Advisory Hub, part of S3 for England. It will: Advise the Managing Authority and ESIF Growth Programme Board on the extent to which proposals are compliant with the ex-ante conditionality; Advise and support LEPs and local partners in devising strong plans; Provide evidence to support local investment plans within the national context, promoting coherence in setting collaborative priorities within and between localities; Identify and share good practices of most effective local structures/plans and practices; Address challenges to unlock local innovation, e.g. capacity; collaboration; Achieve a more evidence based and collaborative basis from which local investment decisions are made. 2.2 The current Value for Money Tool cannot be applied to the proposed outputs and results as it provides no bench marks for comparison. Instead only a qualitative judgement can be made. There are no changes from outline – though suggestions made to improve the conversion rate from “applications supported” to “applications that awarded” above 38% have been rejected by the applicant. Justification has been provided stating that, | 10/08/2015 | 10/12/2018 | £480,000.00 | £1,070,000.00 | 44.86% | RH12 1DQ | National TA | England | 123 Information and communication |
Cumbria County Council | Cumbria LEP ERDF Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | Technical Assistance | 01/10/2015 | 30/09/2019 | £74,535.00 | £124,228.00 | 60.00% | CA3 8NA | Cumbria | England | 121 Preparation, implementation, monitoring and inspection |
C2C LEP | Maximising the Benefit of ERDF in Coast to Capital | ERDF | 9 | Build strong pipeline of high quality projects. | 01/10/2015 | 31/01/2020 | £133,151.00 | £266,302.00 | 50.00% | RH12 2DN | Coast to Capital | England | 123 Information and communication |
Greater London Authority | EPMU TA 14-20 | ERDF | 9 | The project will support the Greater London Authority (GLA) as an Intermediate Body for the ERDF 2014-20 programme. It will enable the European Programmes Management Unit (EPMU) at the GLA to provide value for money (VFM), and implement and manage ERDF, on behalf of the Managing Authority, the Department for Communities & Local Government. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2023 | £8,077,623.07 | £8,077,623.07 | 100.00% | SE12AA | London | England | 123 Information and communication |
Lancashire County Council | Lancashire Wide Technical Assistance (00R16P00972) | ERDF | 9 | Technical Assistance | 01/10/2015 | 31/07/2021 | £285,434.00 | £476,700.00 | 59.88% | PR1 8XJ | Lancashire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Liverpool Technical Assistance (22R15P00066) | ERDF | 9 | Integrated support to all partners and stakeholders wishing to develop projects for the ESIF programme aligned to the LCR strategy. The project will deliver dedicated LCR wide TA activity across ERDF and ESF. | 01/10/2015 | 31/03/2022 | £250,504.00 | £423,865.00 | 59.10% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 123 Information and communication |
Oxfordshire County Council | Communicating ERDF Opportunities in Oxfordshire | ERDF | 9 | Strategic Fit and value for Money requirements met. Promote ERDF opportunities in Oxfordshire. VFM demonstrated by the ERDF value of the project representing only 0.67% of the total ERDF allocation for the Oxfordshire LEP Area. This is considered to be a reasonable outlay for the return in the form of high quality applications that will have been supported by experienced ERDF personnel within the Oxfordshire LEP Area Technical Assistance Team. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £46,336.00 | £92,672.00 | 50.00% | OX1 1ND | Oxfordshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | North West Local Energy Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | North West Local Energy Hub will be established as one of five regional hubs in England. These hubs funded by BEIS will operate for two years initially. The Local Energy Hubs will seek to promote investment in energy A projects by working with local organisations to develop robust business cases. The hubs will also support coordination of activity between organisations. | 01/01/2019 | 31/03/2021 | £15,348.00 | £30,696.00 | 50.00% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 123 Information and communication |
Doncaster Borough Council | Sheffield City Region Technical Assistance 2018-2020 | ERDF | 9 | The project will provide targeted promotion of the ESIF Programme across the SCR with a strong emphasis on generating engagement and quality projects. | 01/10/2018 | 31/12/2020 | £286,869.00 | £482,133.00 | 59.50% | DN1 3BU | Sheffield City Region | England | 123 Information and communication |
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government | Welcome Back Fund (WBF) --- formerly Reopening High Streets Safely Fund (RHSS) | ERDF | 10 | COVID 19 100% grant scheme. This £51m Fund will provide Councils in England with additional funding to support their business communities with measures that enable safe trading in public places. The Fund will particularly focus on their high streets, as well as other public places that are at the heart of towns and cities gearing up to reopen as safe, welcoming spaces. The Fund will support 4 main strands of activity: 1. Support to develop an action plan for how the local authority may begin to safely reopen their local economies (GAPs); 2. Communications and public information activity to ensure that reopening of local economies can be managed successfully and safely; 3. Business-facing awareness raising activities to ensure that reopening of local economies can be managed successfully and safely; and, 4. Temporary public realm changes to ensure that reopening of local economies can be managed successfully and safely. | 01/06/2020 | 30/06/2022 | £107,875,535.00 | £107,875,535.00 | 100.00% | SW1P 4DF | National | England | 088 Risk prevention and management of non-climate related |
Wolverhampton City Council | Black Country Transformational GOLD (BCT GOLD): Growth Opportunities, Local Delivery | ERDF | 3 | BCT GOLD provides the opportunity for SMEs in key priority sectors access to capital and/or revenue grants of between £1500 and £25,000 to enable growth, business diversity and ability to access major supply chains. The project will provide ERDF grants up to 50% towards growth projects for 180 enterprises, enabling them to invest in infrastructure and accreditation (BIM,ISO) for them to meet industry standards | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £1,565,982.00 | £5,054,924.00 | 30.98% | WV11RP | Black Country | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of Wolverhampton | Black Country Digital Passport | ERDF | 2 | The project will deliver a new Digital Passport programme supporting Black Country SMEs to become more digitalised thus increasing take-up of superfast broadband. The project contributes to the aims of the national Digital Transformational Plan aimed at supporting the adoption of digital technologies to improve productivity in the UK economy. The project offers value for money against the key target of number of enterprises supported. | 20/04/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £529,450.00 | £1,058,902.00 | 50.00% | WV1 1LY | Black Country | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Wolverhampton City Council | Black Country Blue Network | ERDF | 6 | The project will create a high quality ecological network with a diverse range of habitats, centred on the area’s historically important waterways and associated green spaces. The project provides a good return for rehabilitated land both in terms of value for money and strategic impact. At a strategic priority level level it will return previously inaccessible or derelict land to public access. The land will also receive environmental enhancements to improve its biodiversity. | 01/01/2017 | 30/04/2019 | £581,430.00 | £1,162,866.00 | 50.00% | WV1 1SH | Black Country | England | 089 Rehabilitation of industrial sites and contaminated land |
University of Wolverhampton | Environmental Technologies Resource Efficiency Support Service (ENTRESS) | ERDF | 6 | Drawing on university’s environmental expertise ENTRESS will provide one to one support to SME’s on the adoption of technologies and processes for reuse, recycling and recovery of materials and resources – in addition to supporting SME’s developing novel technologies and processes for reuse, recycling and recovery of materials and . The project will support 90 enterprises; support the introduction of 15 new to firm products. 10 of these enterprises will be new enterprises. By building routes to market for SME’s engaged within environmental technologies and resource efficiency, the project supports the ambition of the Black Country to develop a low carbon economy. | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £604,771.00 | £1,209,541.00 | 50.00% | WV1 1LY | Black Country | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes |
Wolverhampton Council | AIM for the Black Country: Specialist support for SMEs (Advice, Investment and Markets) | ERDF | 3 | AIM for the Black Country will form part of the Growth Hub model providing 3 and 12 hours support to local SMEs in the form of diagnostics, 1-2-1 support, referrals, specialist workshops and advice to enable SME growth. It will focus on: Advice, Investment support for SMEs and access to new Market Development opportunities. Over the lifetime of the project, the AIM project will achieve : 2000 new businesses enquiries; 2000 new businesses enquiries; 460 x 12 hours “business assists”; 460 enterprises receiving non-financial support; 115 new jobs; 120 new referrals to national specialist schemes | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £1,601,709.00 | £3,310,685.00 | 48.38% | WV1 1RP | Black Country | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Access to Business | RAISE (Raising Aspirations Inspiring Self Employment/Social Enterprise) | ERDF | 3 | RAISE will increase the business birth rate (BBR) across the Black Country, specifically supporting early stage entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups including women, BME communities and people experiencing physical and sensory impairment. By reducing barriers to business/social enterprise start-up and self-employment RAISE will enable local entrepreneurs to thrive; injecting enterprise into the grass roots of local communities. The project will support 900 potential entrepreneurs achieving 138 business/social enterprise starts and 168 with post-start support, making a significant contribution to the Black Country’s BBR gap across the sub-region. RAISE will contribute to a pro enterprise culture shift amongst targeted communities. | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £1,669,824.73 | £3,339,649.46 | 50.00% | WV2 1AA | Black Country | England | 073 Support for social enterprises (SMEs) |
University of Wolverhampton | BRIC (Brownfield Research and Innovation Centre) | ERDF | 1 | The Brownfield Research and Innovation Centre will encourage a greater number of companies to engage with the Knowledge Base and develop greater levels of innovation and R & D. The Brownfield and remediation agenda is very much focussed on supporting the construction sector which is a priority sector for the Black Country, but also supports the development of low carbon goods and services specifically for land and building remediation, and which can be tested within the new facilities The project delivers good value for money when assessed against a number of the programme benchmarks. | 01/10/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £2,173,890.03 | £4,347,780.07 | 50.00% | WV1 1LY | Black Country | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Canal & River Trust | Titford Pools & Canal Improvement Project | ERDF | 6 | This proposal concerns improvements to water quality at Titford Pools, Oldbury. Phosphate, Ammonia, oils and heavy metals have impacted significantly and led to a lack of biodiversity. Although there is existing public access to the site, due to the poor quality environment and facilities, the site has declined and is currently underutilised by local communities and visitors. Restore the pools – removing 8000 metres3 of contaminated sediment, will improve water quality and increase capacity during flood events; Reducing further contamination – using innovative solutions to reduce and remove contaminated sediment in the future both within the pools and the wider canal network by constructing a sustainable urban drainage system and management and development of existing reed bed; Repairing biodiversity – improving and encouraging greater biodiversity will contribute to the richness of the site and its attractiveness to visitors. Not just improved water quality, but improved pool marginal and island habitats, as well as management of adjacent young amenity woodland and grassland meadows.; Recreating and providing new facilities – A range of new facilities which encourage greater use of the site for recreation and enjoyment, such as walking, cycling, fishing, canoeing and narrow boating to help improve health and well-being; The project will be led by Canal & River Trust, with support from delivery partners; Highways England and Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. | 01/07/2018 | 31/03/2022 | £1,015,000.00 | £2,070,617.00 | 49.02% | B78 3QZ | Black Country | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Wolverhampton Council | Bilston Urban Village Strategic Environmental Infrastructure | ERDF | 6 | This project will deliver targeted investment to improve the quality of the environment in Bilston, which is a priority identified in the Black Country Strategic Economic Plan.The project delivers a suitable return on investment when compared to the programme benchmarks. | 29/03/2017 | 30/11/2019 | £680,627.96 | £1,373,488.01 | 49.55% | WV1 1RP | Black Country | England | 089 Rehabilitation of industrial sites and contaminated land |
Accord Housing Association limited | The Black Country Retrofit Wrap | ERDF | 4 | The Black Country Retrofit Wrap builds on the pioneering work of the Association’s Low Carbon Timber Frame factory supplying new build homes to bring new home emission standards to existing properties. The Black Country Retrofit Wrap will test the applicability of retrofitting Closed Panel Timber Frame units (constructed in a Black Country Manufacturing facility) to some of the worst performing properties in some of the Countries worst super output areas and transforming the properties to good new build performance standards. | 01/05/2019 | 30/09/2021 | £385,604.56 | £964,011.56 | 40.00% | B70 6QG | Black Country | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock |
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council | Dudley Council Low Carbon Place Strategy | ERDF | 4 | A programme of energy-improvement measures will be implemented across Dudley Council’s whole buildings estate. This will include measures targeted at improving the EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of domestic accommodation, where a minimum energy rating of ‘C’ will be achieved for all targeted households. This improvement will be achieved primarily through the replacement of inefficient methods of heating (‘F’ and ‘G’ rated boilers and electric storage heaters) with new ‘A’ rated gas boilers (operating at 90%+ efficiency). Where appropriate, ‘smart’ heating controls will also be fitted | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,503,542.00 | £5,007,084.00 | 50.00% | DY1 1HF | Black Country | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock |
University of Wolverhampton | Sustainability and Construction Futures Research and Innovation Centre. | ERDF | 1 | The Sustainability and Construction Futures Research and Innovation Centre (SCoFRIC) will be established in Black Country offering support for the future direction of the construction sector | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2022 | £712,757.00 | £1,425,514.00 | 50.00% | WV1 1LY | Black Country | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Wolverhampton City Council | Growth Hub: AIM for GOLD | ERDF | 3 | This project brings together two earlier ERDF projects to achieve better value for continuation funding: Black Country Advice Invest and Markets (AIM) and Black Country Transformational Growth Opportunities Local Delivery (BCT GOLD). The combined project, “Growth Hub: AIM FOR GOLD” aims to simplify the journey for businesses further, and achieve economies of scale under the umbrella of the Growth Hub. The AIM for GOLD project encompasses three strands of activity: The AIM for GOLD project encompasses three strands of activity: Advice: the Growth Hub Business navigation team includes a number of Growth Hub navigators who will undertake diagnostics to produce a Growth Plan (a blend of the diagnostic offered under existing AIM and GOLD projects) navigating the business to access grants, other services and products, including workshops responding to business need. ; Markets: market development support for a dynamic economy through supply chain development and workshops including ‘meet the buyer’ events and other tailored workshops e.g. BIM, HVM City and wider Business to Business (B2B) work; Grants: 150 grants administered of up to £50,000, to enable investment in both capital and revenue, to support specialist business needs for long-term growth projects that are transformational, based on 30% capital grant with 70% private sector match and 50% revenue grants matched by 50% private sector (in line with revenue intervention rate) | 01/04/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £5,284,417.00 | £13,073,527.00 | 40.42% | WV1 1SH | Black Country | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
City of Wolverhampton Council | Smart Intelligent-Infrastructure Investment (I³) | ERDF | 4 | I³ SMART INFRASTRUCTURE project brings together three low carbon infrastructure investment initiatives and futureproofs them with additional digital technology to enable an intelligent “whole place” smart city strategy. | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2022 | £2,403,136.00 | £5,860,468.00 | 41.01% | WV1 1RG | Black Country | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Aston University | Advanced Services Growth: Developing Strategies for Improved Growth in Manufacturing SMEs (ASG) | ERDF | 3 | The project is to provide expertise support to manufacturing SMEs in the Black Country, specifically those with an existing product offering, to understand how to design ‘advanced services, that enable SMEs to create additional revenues and improve GVA. | 01/01/2019 | 31/12/2021 | £723,200.00 | £1,446,400.00 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Black Country | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Dudley MBC | Very Light Rail National Innovation Centre & Autonomous Technologies | ERDF | 1 | This project will create the Very Light Rail National Innovation Centre (VLRNIC). The VLRNIC is the first phase of a strategically important scheme which will spur research, innovation and product design in the emerging sectors of very light rail and autonomous vehicle technology, assisting growth for new UK industries supplying domestic and international rail schemes, as well as autonomous pods. Following WMG consultation with businesses, it has become clear that these resources will also be relevant in helping a wide range of manufacturing businesses in the Black Country remain competitive and sustainable The VLRNIC’s facilities will enable companies, chasing significant market opportunities, to develop, grow and prove new solutions, predominately for very light rail but also for autonomous pods serving the last few miles of any passenger journey. | 01/06/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £5,550,000.00 | £11,425,945.00 | 48.57% | DY1 1HF | Black Country | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Wolverhampton City Council | Black Country Blue Network 2 | ERDF | 6 | Black Country Blue Network 2 will undertake habitat improvement works to improve the biodiversity and conservation status of 114.914 hectares of green space and rehabilitate 4.12 hectares across the Black Country linked by the canal and river network (blue network). This is the second phase of the Black Country Blue Network. | 01/09/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,670,630.00 | £3,524,764.00 | 47.40% | WV1 1LY | Black Country | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust (New Cross Hospital) | Wolverhampton: UK's First Solar City | ERDF | 4 | The project will enable the re-use of a contaminated brownfield site at Bowman’s Harbour in Wolverhampton to host to the UK’s first city centre Solar PV Array for the production of renewable energy, that can contribute directly to the One Public Estate’s vision to reduce public sector reliance on fossil fuel energy supply. | 01/04/2020 | 31/05/2023 | £984,351.00 | £12,420,000.00 | 7.92% | WV10 0QP | Black Country | England | Not set |
Wolverhampton City Council | CPGH Growth Hub: AIM for GOLD (Parent E-claims ref: 01R18P02527) | ERDF | 3 | The main priority for the funding will be to provide grants to SMEs between £1,000 -£3,000 and, in exceptional circumstances, the recipient may be able to acquire a maximum of £5,000 for specialist advice and support. Eligible recipients of these grants will be able to use the funds for the following activity:1.1-2-1 specialist advice which SMEscould call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists etc; and / or2.purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19. | 03/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £563,192.00 | £563,192.00 | 100.00% | WV1 1LY | Black Country | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Satellite Applications Catapult | Westcott Business Incubation Centre | ERDF | 1 | Incubation centre for collaboration & business opps with space sector. | 01/10/2017 | 30/08/2021 | £488,469.00 | £1,000,000.00 | 48.85% | OX11 0QR | Buckinghamshire Thames Valley | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Ngage Solutions | High Achieving Local Organisations (HALO) | ERDF | 3 | Strategic Fit and value for Money requirements met. The project provides business advice, mentoring, peer-to-peer support and grants to local SMEs. It is indicated that the BTV LEP area has the lowest level of small business growth in England . The project's key objective is to address this deficiency and promote growth. The project across Output Indicators proposes to deliver, on average, 63% of the LEP Area targets for only 15.69% of LEP funds. Additionally the project's average unit costs in delivering targets is significantly below the Operational Programme's benchmark re. average unit costs. On this basis the project meets VfM requirements. | 01/01/2017 | 31/08/2022 | £1,657,346.00 | £3,314,690.00 | 50.00% | HP14 4BF | Buckinghamshire Thames Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Buckinghamshire New University | Buckinghamshire Health and Social Care Innovation Hub | ERDF | 1 | Life Sciences Hub to facilitate innovations and support commercialisation. There is a good case for the value for money as average cost/unit for most targets are much less than the OP and LEP targets. | 01/01/2018 | 30/09/2021 | £762,372.00 | £1,524,745.00 | 50.00% | HP11 2JZ | Buckinghamshire Thames Valley | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Buckinghamshire New University | The Challenge Lab | ERDF | 1 | Overview: The Challenge Lab brings together regional public sector organisations tasked with providing solutions for healthy ageing and private sector solutions created by SMEs. Who will deliver: This project is a partnership between Bucks New University (BNU), Bucks County Council (BCC), Bucks Business First (BBF) and Bucks Healthcare Trust (BHT) and it will involve local area providers and SMEs that are interested in solving healthy ageing challenges. | 01/01/2021 | 31/08/2023 | £616,001.00 | £1,232,002.00 | 50.00% | HP11 2JZ | Buckinghamshire Thames Valley | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
Buckinghamshire New University | Graduate Link to Develop New Enterprise (GLIDE) | ERDF | 3 | GLIDE is a new initiative led by Buckinghamshire New University (BNU) which has the aim of increasing entrepreneurship, beyond pre-start by supporting individuals with the ambition to start up a business and linking them to the knowledge expertise, technology and research that resides 1) within the Uni-versity and through appropriate signposting to 2) the wider business support landscape. Not only will GLIDE enable more graduates, and non-graduates to pursue their ideal vocation, it will bolster the uni-versities’ reputation and contribute to Buckinghamshire’s economic development, productivity growth and innovation | 01/08/2020 | 31/08/2023 | £531,893.00 | £1,063,786.00 | 50.00% | HP11 2JZ | Buckinghamshire Thames Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Ngage Solutions Ltd | CPGH High Achieving Local Organisations (HALO) / The Growth Programme (Parent 02R17P00011) | ERDF | 3 | This is a Growth Hub Child Project linked to the parent project of High Achieving Local Organisations (HALO) / The Growth Programme (02R17P00011), covering ERDF funding announced for the Visitor Economy and Wider Economy funds in response to Covid19 | 17/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £347,176.00 | £347,176.00 | 100.00% | HP19 8TE | Buckinghamshire Thames Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Blue Orchid Enterprise Solutions Ltd | Growth Hub: Growth Advice and Growth Grant Service (03R15P0035) | ERDF | 3 | This project will bring together the Cheshire and Warrington Business “Growth Hub” and a key package of grant support for eligible growth SMEs comprising two key delivery elements; (i) a free “Growth Advice” component available to all eligible SMEs and (ii) a discretionary “Grant Service” which will provide a cash grant contribution to implement the findings from the “Growth Advice” service. | 01/09/2015 | 31/12/2019 | £1,992,000.00 | £3,984,000.00 | 50.00% | L1 3BT | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
BioCity Group Limited | Next Business Generation – Life Science Support Programme (03R15P00049) | ERDF | 1 | This project will run and operate the BioHub and provide: a programme of bio/life sciences sector specific intensive new enterprise formation and accelerated growth programmes for SMEs, delivering networking, workshops, key tools and methodologies for bio/life sciences SMEs to form, de-risk and grow successfully; an intensive mentoring programme to provide support for new enterprises and SMEs on all aspects of company formation and growth through knowledge transfer and innovation support; and manage the pipeline of SMEs coming onto the Alderley Park, ensuring that they become part of the eco-innovation system at the Park. The focus overall is on faster commercialisation of R&D, and therefore growth of SMEs in the bio/life sciences sector/cluster at Alderley Park. The project will support 58 enterprises to grow their business for which 3 enterprises will introduce new to the firm and new to market products resulting in 100 high skilled new jobs being created in the Life Science Sector. | 01/09/2015 | 31/12/2019 | £1,084,648.00 | £2,169,304.00 | 50.00% | SK10 4TJ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Cheshire East Council | Digital 2020 Programme | ERDF | 2 | Digital 2020 will enhance access to ICTs for SMEs in the Cheshire & Warrington LEP area. It will improve the quality (speed and reach) of digital infrastructure and boost the use of digital technology by businesses. Digital 2020 will strengthen the competitive potential of SMEs, help develop new products and services, and ensure businesses exploit e-commerce opportunities to access new markets. Digital 2020 has three complementary strands: • Not Spots: extending superfast infrastructure broadband to under-served businesses.• Voucher Scheme: helping enterprise access business grade connections and fully exploit enhanced broadband.• Digital Support: advice and guidance to secure digital-led business growth. | 01/04/2017 | 30/11/2020 | £550,500.00 | £1,101,000.00 | 50.00% | CW11 1HZ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Northwest Universities European Unit | Cheshire and Warrington Growth Programme (03R15P00036) | ERDF | 3 | This Cheshire and Warrington Business Growth Programme is a holistic package of support, which will deliver SME growth activities under Priority 3a and 3d across all key and priority sectors. It will provide targeted local business support to SMEs, utilising specialist expertise and facilities from Colleges, Higher and Further Education and Local Authorities Growth teams as well as science/business parks. | 01/11/2015 | 30/09/2023 | £4,660,087.00 | £9,320,174.00 | 50.00% | M1 3HZ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cheshire West & Chester Council | Support and Workspace for Businesses in Key growth Sectors (03R16P00890) | ERDF | 3 | The project will build and manage 3,508 sqm (37,760 sq ft) of new, high quality, flexible business start-up and grow on space in Winsford, Chester and Northwich. It will provide: access to a dedicated Business Development Officer, linked into Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub; and, a wrap-around service for businesses and a tailored programme of networking and business support. | 01/09/2016 | 30/11/2019 | £1,883,153.00 | £4,744,111.00 | 39.69% | CH1 2NP | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
University of Chester | I2C (Innovation to Commercialisation) (O3R15P00071) | ERDF | 1 | The project will catalyse the development of innovations in key sectors, focusing on TRL 3 3 and above, by providing additional technical support and access to equipment for SMEs. Acknowledging the amount of time, effort and money it can take to develop a new product, the project will support SMEs to develop and test prototypes. The project will achieve increases in the number of research and innovation projects between SMEs and universities and the number of prototypes being developed and tested. It will establish long-term resources for SME use and will add value to existing business and innovation support offerings. | 01/11/2016 | 30/03/2020 | £976,807.90 | £1,953,616.00 | 50.00% | CH1 4BJ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Redsun Developments Limited | Helix Business Park, Newbridge Rd, Ellesmere Port (O3R15P00073) | ERDF | 3 | This project involves the purchase and development of a 1.21- hectare brownfield site located off Newbridge Road, Ellesmere Port to provide a total of 4,784 m² (51,500 ft²) of speculative business workspace accommodation (to be known as Helix Business Park). The proposal is to provide six individual business units of varying sizes (557 m² - 1,351 m²) designed to offer high quality modern business space providing ideal grow on space for high growth SME’s in the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area (CWLEP). | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2018 | £1,399,876.00 | £3,924,820.00 | 35.67% | L3 9LQ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Manchester Metropolitan University | SMART Cheshire (03R15P00047) | ERDF | 1 | SMART Cheshire will support the development of new and burgeoning industrial strengths in Cheshire and Warrington practically, building relationships with regional research by connecting 150 SMEs with key specialist university expertise. | 01/03/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £472,600.00 | £945,200.00 | 50.00% | M15 6BH | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Innovation Agency | Cheshire & Warrington - Building Capacity and Capability in Health and Life Science Businesses | ERDF | 3 | The project will enable SMEs to better understand, work with and sell to the health and social care markets. The delivery partners are uniquely placed to help SMEs with a focus on innovative technologies and systems that bring efficiency and innovation to healthcare across Cheshire & Warrington; to work with healthcare providers to achieve these changes and in doing so build capacity and capability within the businesses to deliver economic growth. | 31/10/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,676,922.00 | £3,353,844.00 | 50.00% | WA4 4AB | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Chamberlink Ltd | Enhancing SMEs’ international trade performance | ERDF | 3 | This project will provide tailored export support services to SMEs across the NW and will be complementary to UKTI core services and designed to help firms become better skilled and equipped to access new international markets. Beneficiaries will be able to exploit new overseas growth opportunities and boost the export performance of the regional UK economy. | 01/10/2015 | 30/09/2021 | £1,144,769.00 | £2,289,538.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of Chester | Eco-Innovation – Cheshire and Warrington | ERDF | 4 | Supporting SME's through knowledge exchange to develop low carbon prodcts and technhology | 01/10/2016 | 31/05/2021 | £2,004,467.00 | £4,008,934.00 | 50.00% | CH1 4BJ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Cheshire West & Chester Council | Energy Low Carbon Housing Support Ellesmere Port and Neston | ERDF | 4 | The project seeks to provide energy efficiency retrofit measures in social housing properties as follows: - • 151 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems • 27 Heating system upgrades (provision of eco radiators) • 21 External wall insulation installs (to uninsulated solid wall properties) The project will be delivered in social housing properties across Ellesmere Port (the council’s retained housing stock of 5,500 properties.) | 01/01/2019 | 31/12/2020 | £500,001.00 | £1,000,003.00 | 50.00% | CH1 2NP | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock |
BioCity Group Limited | Alderley Park Accelerator | ERDF | 1 | Alderley Park Accelerator operates as an Open Innovation Eco System and its aim is to accelerate the commercialisation of research and technologies, providing an interface between SMEs, industry, HEIs and the NHS in line with the principles of the Great 8 Technologies and Smart Specialisation Strategies, which are based on a triple helix model (private sector, HEIs and public sector). The overall aim of the new project is to: • increase the number of sustainable life science SMEs within the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area • enable early stage life science SMEs within the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area to grow • enable established life science SMEs within the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area to scale up • enable life science SMEs within the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area to introduce new products and services (which will support growth) • build on the success of the current ERDF project to strengthen further the life science innovation eco system across the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area and beyond to enable growth to be sustained beyond the life time of the new ERDF project. | 01/04/2019 | 31/05/2022 | £1,008,328.00 | £2,016,656.00 | 50.00% | SK10 4TJ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
Blue Orchid Enterprise Solutions Ltd | Cheshire & Warrington SME Growth Grants | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver activities to build growth capacity of C&W SME's, support higher level SME' exports and international business activity, assist SME's to innovate make best use of digital technology and intellectual property, utilise underused intellectual capacity with a wealth of business experience to assist SME development. | 01/07/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £907,914.45 | £1,815,828.32 | 50.00% | L3 9LQ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Lancaster University | Greater Innovation for Smarter Material Optimisation ‘GISMO’ | ERDF | 1 | GISMO (Greater Innovation for Smarter Materials Optimisation) will work with clusters of research/innovation ready SMEs in the Cheshire and Warrington sub region. Enabling them to directly access research and development expertise and specialist technology to solve industry driven challenges through innovation in smart materials. The project will provide SMEs with access to specialist technical facilities, expertise and a collaboration framework designed to expand and accelerate R&D and innovation capabilities currently unavailable to them via Workshops, Site visits to Lancaster University Facilities and Site visits to SME premises (minimum 1 day); Lancaster University will bring technical expertise and facilities otherwise unavailable in the region within the reach of participating SME. The project will assist 120 SME beneficiaries from across the Cheshire and Warrington sub region, resulting in businesses that have an increased state of readiness to undertake R&D and as a consequence are more likely to be ‘innovation active’. From this cluster 60 of these companies are expected to engage in long term collaborative relationships with the knowledge base, leading to the generation of 20 new jobs, 30 products that are new to the firm and 10 products that are new to the market. | 01/11/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £2,206,659.00 | £4,413,318.00 | 50.00% | LA1 4YE | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Cheshire East Council | Cheshire and Warrington Urban Development Fund (1) | ERDF | 1 | The Cheshire and Warrington Urban Development Fund (CW UDF) will see the creation of a new Financial Instrument which will deliver research and innovation space, floorspace to support the growth of SMEs and energy efficient property developments. The Ex-Ante Assessment, completed by Regeneris and CBRE, has identified market failures in the availability of development finance outside of core cities, high upfront enabling costs and limited debt levels from traditional lenders. The Ex-Ante identified a demand for additional investment. Cheshire East Borough Council (CEBC) have been entrusted to implement the CW UDF, they will establish a new Special Purpose Vehicle to deliver the Fund. The Vehicle will be supported by the Cheshire and Warrington LEP. An Investment Board will be created which will have representatives from each of the three Local Authorities and the LEP, who will be responsible for overseeing the performance of the Fund. Overall, Cheshire and Warrington LEP area will benefit significantly through the development of new, refurbished and energy efficient premises which will support their local growth plans. | 01/07/2019 | 31/12/2023 | £7,000,000.00 | £14,000,000.00 | 50.00% | CW1 2BJ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cheshire East Council | Cheshire and Warrington Urban Development Fund (3) | ERDF | 3 | Financial Instrument to support UDF Development | 01/07/2019 | 31/12/2023 | £5,000,000.00 | £10,000,000.00 | 50.00% | CW1 2BJ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cheshire East Council | Cheshire and Warrington Urban Development Fund (4) | ERDF | 4 | Financial Instrument to support UDF Development | 01/07/2019 | 31/12/2023 | £8,000,000.00 | £16,000,000.00 | 50.00% | CW1 2BJ | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes |
The Manchester Metropolitan University | SMART Cheshire Phase II | ERDF | 1 | SMART Cheshire will support the development of new and burgeoning industrial strengths in Cheshire and Warrington practically, building relationships with regional research by connecting 150 SMEs with key specialist university expertise. | 01/07/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £870,698.00 | £1,741,396.00 | 50.00% | M15 6BH | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Cheshire East Council | Digital Cheshire | ERDF | 2 | The project has two aims. 1 to Extending broadband deployment (anticipated to commence in April 2021 with majority of deployment complete by Dec 2022 and all deployment activities complete by end of Jan 2023). Broadband deployment will target SME premises that have been identified as having below superfast connection speeds, who have been termed “the last 5%” and see no prospect of any market supplied solution. This will involve the deployment of ‘open access’ technology solutions to enable their connection speeds to improve above the 30mbs threshold. 2 Delivery: Developing ICT products and services. This augments the investments being made in infrastructure and physical connectivity, as an effective way of maximising the benefits derived by businesses. This calls upon local experience of delivering targeted business support and direct engagement with SMEs to capitalise on the ‘digital by default’ agenda. Core support will be provided by a series of demand led, intensive ‘Masterclasses’ and complimentary events. ‘Intensive Support’, which is forecast to span up to six months and will be available to 20 businesses investing in transformational ICT projects. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,154,597.20 | £4,309,194.40 | 50.00% | BN1 8AF | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network |
Lancaster University | ECO-I North West | ERDF | 4 | Demand led project supporting SME's across LCR, Lancashire & Cumbria through knowledge exchange to develop low carbon prodcts and technology. Interventions in LCR shall only be related to commercialisation so as not to duplicate work already being undertaken by other projects. | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £3,000,000.00 | £5,322,511.00 | 56.36% | BN1 2SB | Lancashire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
Wire Regeneration Ltd. | St James Business Centre, Warrington | ERDF | 3 | The aim of the project is to promote the creation and development of SMEs and support entrepreneurship and economic growth through provision of much-needed managed workspace. | 01/04/2022 | 30/09/2023 | £1,943,443.00 | £3,977,008.00 | 48.86% | WA4 6PS | Cheshire and Warrington | England | Not set |
Blue Orchid Enterprise Solutions Ltd | CPGH Cheshire & Warrington SME Growth Grants (Parent 03R18P02657) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme | 14/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £615,113.00 | £615,113.00 | 100.00% | BN1 1ND | Cheshire and Warrington | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
University of Brighton | Digital Research & Innovation Value Accelerator (DRIVA) | ERDF | 1 | Promote collaborative research and innovation within SMEs in CD&IT. | 01/07/2018 | 30/04/2021 | £500,000.00 | £1,011,734.00 | 49.42% | BN1 8AF | Coast to Capital | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Sussex Innovation Centre | Sussex Business Research Academic Innovation Network (BRAIN) | ERDF | 1 | Development of business research and academic innovation network. | 01/09/2017 | 31/10/2021 | £634,936.00 | £1,269,872.00 | 50.00% | BN1 2SB | Coast to Capital | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
West Sussex Sustainable Bus P'ships | UTILISE Plus | ERDF | 4 | Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Solent LEP and beyond the initial information, brokerage and diagnostic stage, provide support for 170 additional enterprises. Overall the project offers value for money. | 01/01/2017 | 30/09/2020 | £500,000.00 | £1,000,000.00 | 50.00% | BN1 1ND | Coast to Capital | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
Newable Limited | Export ASEAN | ERDF | 3 | Increase activity and add value to the support offer for SME exporters. | 01/12/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £1,075,601.00 | £2,151,202.00 | 50.00% | SE1 2JN | Coast to Capital | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Central Research Laboratory (Hayes) Ltd | Brighton Research Innovation Technology Exchange (BRITE) | ERDF | 1 | The strategic aim of the Brighton Research Innovation Technology Exchange (BRITE) project is to boost Coast to Capital’s productivity and achieve inclusive growth by creating a high quality business environment with coordinated access to cutting edge RD&I equipment, expert knowledge and cutting edge technology to enable ambitious SMEs to develop their innovation capabilities; to collaborate; to seize market opportunities and to grow | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £5,000,024.00 | £10,494,828.00 | 47.64% | SW1P 1DZ | Coast to Capital | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Chichester | The Business Hot House Programme (was C2C Access to Finance Programme) | ERDF | 3 | This project has been developed in response to the above reference 5 calls, that make up the call for Priority Axis 3: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. The lead partner is the University of Chichester, that has a healthy record of accomplishment of managing EU funded projects and other UK and locally funded businesses support projects. These have included Interreg projects and Regional Growth Fund projects. The project brings together a collaborative delivery partnership of 10 sector specialists, across the LEP region that deliver business support to a high level and have a record of accomplishment in their field. This will ensure that that the project is delivered in time, within the financial constraints and with the required outputs. | 01/10/2019 | 31/05/2023 | £5,432,452.00 | £10,864,904.00 | 50.00% | PO21 1HR | Coast to Capital | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Newable Ltd | SE Gateway to Trade (SEGT) | ERDF | 3 | SE Gateway to Trade (SEGT), is a 20 month project that will focus on raising awareness and increasing the uptake of business support by SMEs across the South East. The project will help these businesses to mitigate any new barriers or challenges they experience in trading internationally. 198 businesses with exporting ambitions will receive intensive assistance through 1-2-1 advice and a programme of activities to develop their export strategy and help them to grow their business internationally. SMEs will benefit from an improvement in their capacity and capability to export to new markets | 01/04/2020 | 31/12/2021 | £350,000.00 | £700,000.00 | 50.00% | EC1A 4HY | Coast to Capital | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
The University of Brighton | RISE (Research and Innovation in Sussex Excellence) | ERDF | 1 | RISE, a dynamic £1.2m research and innovation programme, is designed to stimulate and support innovative business led investment to increase research and innovation (R&I). The programme targets three underperforming economic areas for R&D investment: Gatwick Diamond, with a focus on Crawley, Horsham and Mid Sussex (GWS); Coastal West Sussex (CWS); and Rural West Sussex (RWS) within the Coast to Capital (C2C) Local Economic Partnership (LEP) area. | 01/12/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £603,514.00 | £1,207,028.00 | 50.00% | BN1 9PH | Coast to Capital | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Brighton Energy Ltd | Community Solar Accelerator | ERDF | 4 | A mix of 50KW arrays on SME sites and 50KW arrays plus Electric Vehicle charge points (EVCPs) at SME carparks to deliver 2.1MW of PV in the Coast to Capital region over 3 years. | 01/02/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £1,012,790.00 | £2,203,490.00 | 45.96% | PO21 1HR | Coast to Capital | England | Not set |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | AMLAG – CLLD Preparatory Support ERDF | ERDF | 8 | This preparatory CLLD phase will support the engagement and training of local stakeholders; support the costs of targeted consultation activity; studies and evidence gathering and related administrative costs. | 01/02/2016 | 31/10/2016 | £14,372.56 | £15,969.51 | 90.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rural areas |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | C2CLAG – CLLD Preparatory Support ERDF | ERDF | 8 | This preparatory phase project will support the engagement and training of local stakeholders; support the costs of targeted consultation activity; studies and evidence gathering and related administrative costs. | 01/02/2016 | 31/10/2016 | £14,266.12 | £15,851.24 | 90.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rural areas |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | WCLAG – CLLD Preparatory Support ERDF | ERDF | 8 | This preparatory phase project will support the engagement and training of local stakeholders; support the costs of targeted consultation activity; studies and evidence gathering and related administrative costs. | 01/02/2016 | 31/10/2016 | £14,315.99 | £15,906.66 | 90.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rural areas |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | SELAG – CLLD Preparatory Support ERDF | ERDF | 8 | This preparatory phase project will support the engagement and training of local stakeholders; support the costs of targeted consultation activity; studies and evidence gathering and related administrative costs. | 01/02/2016 | 31/10/2016 | £14,446.11 | £16,051.23 | 90.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rural areas |
Cornwall Council | Carluddon Technology Park Project | ERDF | 3 | 2.8ha of site servicing and construction of 2,474 sq.m. of speculative employment space for advanced manufacturing. Good vfm and excellent fit with local and national strategies promoting both low carbon activities & support for SMEs | 06/08/2015 | 31/10/2022 | £6,076,347.00 | £8,035,370.00 | 75.62% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Oxford Innovation Services Ltd | Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Business Start Up | ERDF | 3 | The project will work with eligible entrepreneurs and start-ups, providing them with expert support and a bespoke Start-Up Plan to develop their business. | 01/11/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £3,806,864.00 | £4,755,211.00 | 80.06% | OX11BY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Oxford Innovation Services Ltd | Coaching for Growth (C4G) | ERDF | 3 | This project will deliver 1-1 bespoke coaching for high growth businesses to help them realise their growth potential. | 01/11/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £6,981,217.00 | £8,726,521.00 | 80.00% | OX11BY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Council of the Isles of Scilly | Isles of Scilly Voucher Scheme | ERDF | 3 | The scheme will provide investments to island based businesses, supporting them to grow their businesses and create new jobs. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £1,368,652.00 | £2,250,000.00 | 60.83% | TR21 0LW | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | The Growth Hub will be a primary access point for small businesses to receive information, diagnostic and brokerage services, supporting business growth. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £1,804,267.00 | £2,255,335.00 | 80.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | Invest in Cornwall | ERDF | 3 | The scheme will co-invest in growth projects brought forward by innovative businesses. Supported investments will lead to product, process or service improvements and create new jobs. | 01/10/2015 | 30/09/2020 | £1,656,252.00 | £2,070,315.00 | 80.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | Business Investment for Growth II | ERDF | 3 | The scheme will co-invest in growth projects brought forward by innovative businesses. Supported investments will lead to product, process or service improvements and create new jobs. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2019 | £4,218,157.00 | £8,480,929.00 | 49.74% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
SWMAS Ltd | Cornish High Value Manufacturing Investment Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project will work with existing manufacturers and start-ups to help them realise their growth potential. | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £722,052.96 | £934,078.78 | 77.30% | TA6 4FJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Serco Regional Services Ltd | Superfast Business – Cornwall & Isles of Scilly | ERDF | 2 | Enable SMEs in Cornwall & the isles of Scilly to understand, adopt and exploit new technologies to develop new products or services, reach new markets and improve business performance. Digital guides, tools, workshops, masterclasses and 1:1 diagnostics. | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £3,044,873.00 | £3,806,091.00 | 80.00% | PL6 8LU | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
YTKO Ltd | Outset Cornwall | ERDF | 3 | Outset Cornwall and its partners will provide a tailored enterprise support service for individuals and new businesses to help new enterprises survive and grow. | 01/12/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £3,064,907.00 | £3,831,134.00 | 80.00% | CB4 2QH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Highways England | A30 Carland Cross to Chiverton Cross (Development Phase) | ERDF | 7 | This is the development phase of a larger ERDF funded construction project to upgrade 12.5km of existing single carriageway road to dual carriageway, reducing transport time and congestion on the main transport route into Cornwall. | 01/09/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £8,000,000.00 | £10,000,000.00 | 80.00% | EX2 7LB | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 033 TEN-T Reconstructed or improved road |
Cornwall Council | St Erth Multi Modal Hub | ERDF | 7 | This project will establish a treansport hub at St Erth, increasing the use of sustainable and public transport in the region. | 06/08/2015 | 30/09/2019 | £5,400,000.00 | £10,095,000.00 | 53.49% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 036 Multimodal transport |
Cornwall Marine Network | Propel | ERDF | 3 | Creating a culture of innovation and collaboration working with Marine SME's to identify areas of collaboration and provides some small grants to facilitate identified innovation projects. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £605,664.06 | £771,620.06 | 78.49% | TR11 4SZ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Oxford Innovation Services Ltd | Financial Readiness Project | ERDF | 3 | This project will work with high growth, high value small businesses to assist them in identifying and securing external finance for growth. | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £7,112,729.22 | £8,890,977.18 | 80.00% | TR15 3RQ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Creative Kernow Ltd | Cultivator (Business Support) | ERDF | 3 | This project will provide support to small businesses operating within the creative industries, helping them maximise their growth potential. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £1,939,462.34 | £2,478,229.42 | 78.26% | TR15 3AJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Geothermal Engineering Ltd | Jubilee Pool Geothermal Heat Project | ERDF | 4 | The project will act as a high profile demonstrator for geothermal heat in Cornwall and encourage the roll out of many geothermal heat projects on a commercial basis. | 15/08/2016 | 31/12/2021 | £1,824,735.20 | £2,280,919.00 | 80.00% | TR114SZ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
University of Plymouth | Acceleration Through Innovation (AtI) | ERDF | 3 | Increases productivity, helps bring new services to being. 1:1 support supplied along with an Innovation Fund to drive future growth. The project offers value for money by raising the innovation potential of businesses in the LEP area. | 01/04/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £2,344,167.47 | £2,930,206.78 | 80.00% | PL6 8BT | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
The Cornwall College Group | Unlocking Innovation Potential (UIP) | ERDF | 3 | The project is the formation of a small technical assistance team to ensure publicity and promotion of EU SIF opportunities is undertaken across the LEP area and to advise and support under-represented sectors to apply to the programme. | 01/11/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £3,651,345.00 | £4,564,181.00 | 80.00% | TR15 3RD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Hitachi Europe Ltd | Smart Energy Islands | ERDF | 4 | Smart electricity grid for the Isles of Scilly, to increase renewable energy generation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce existing grid bottlenecks. | 01/06/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £8,637,180.00 | £10,796,475.00 | 80.00% | TR1 3FF | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
PRP Architects | Cornwall New Energy | ERDF | 4 | Promoting energy efficiency in SMEs. | 31/01/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £2,128,195.33 | £2,671,052.12 | 79.68% | KT7 0QJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
University of Exeter | SMARTLINE: Smart technology, linking innovation and needs for eWellbeing in communities | ERDF | 1 | Exeter University, working with a range of partners, will use digital technology to collect, combine and analyse diverse data from range of sources and will then work with businesses to support the development of new product and services. | 01/02/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £3,740,920.00 | £4,676,152.53 | 80.00% | TR1 3HD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Centrica plc | CORNWALL & ISLES OF SCILLY LOCAL ENERGY MARKET (THE LEM PROJECT) | ERDF | 4 | Smart electricity grid for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, which should increase renewable energy generation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce existing grid bottlenecks. | 01/01/2016 | 31/01/2021 | £11,546,675.00 | £16,668,565.00 | 69.27% | SL4 5GD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 015 Intelligent Energy Distribution Systems at medium and low voltage |
Falmouth Developments Ltd | Church View Business Park | ERDF | 3 | 1.9ha extension to Bickland Industrial Park providing 4,169sqm BREEAM Excellent grow-on space in 17 hybrid industrial/office units targeted at SMEs | 07/08/2015 | 31/12/2020 | £3,562,083.26 | £7,447,589.26 | 47.83% | EX2 5WS | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
CETO Wave Energy UK Ltd | CETO 6 Wave Hub Project | ERDF | 4 | TDesign, construct, install,operate a single 1 megawatt (MW) grid-connected wave energy converter device, adapted to local conditions and industrialised for large scale deployment at Wave Hub off the north coast of Cornwall. | 01/04/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £312,934.00 | £481,437.00 | 65.00% | TR15 3PL | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Wave Hub Limited | Wave Hub Offshore Cable Extensions | ERDF | 4 | 4 subsea cable exten's Wave Hub offshore site &connect to Wave Hub subsea infrastre. Deployment of, and electricity generation from, viable pre-commercial marine renewable technology in each of the four berths at the Wave Hub site. | 06/05/2016 | 05/05/2019 | £2,130,801.71 | £4,542,984.52 | 46.90% | TR27 4DD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | AeroSpace Cornwall | ERDF | 1 | Supports business focused RD&I within the space and aerospace sector in CIOS by growing and enhancing the existing high-value space and aerospace sector clusters demonstrating good vfm | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £2,902,349.74 | £4,281,004.74 | 67.80% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Duchy College (part of the Cornwall College Group) | Agri-Tech Cornwall | ERDF | 1 | The project will improve awareness & engagement in RD&I activities by the agri-tech sector across CIOS by supporting SMEs with RD&I activities to drive growth, productivity and exploit new market opportunities whilst demonstrating good vfm….. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2022 | £8,924,214.00 | £11,845,908.00 | 75.34% | PL25 4DJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
CFT Group Limited | Debit escrows and smart contracts in FinTech | ERDF | 1 | This project will develop disruptive financial technologies that will enable Cornwall to become a centre for financial innovation. It will deliver good value for money by applying new technology to the outdated direct debit system. | 01/11/2016 | 30/06/2018 | £509,024.89 | £748,091.43 | 68.04% | PL11 3JA | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Council of the Isles of Scilly | Adaptive Scillies IoS Coastal Resilience & Adaptive (water) Action Plan | ERDF | 5 | Project will strengthen the island's natural dune system and flood protection to protect critical economic, social and environmental infrastructure | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £2,196,787.00 | £3,802,949.00 | 57.77% | TR1 0LW | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of climate change |
University of Exeter | Marine-I | ERDF | 1 | Good national VFM with SME match boosting investment. Links National Priorities through commitment to increase Gov't invest for R & D new Ind Strat Challenge Fnd to back priority technologies & review current R&D tax incentives. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £5,707,671.12 | £7,867,209.55 | 72.55% | EX4 4QJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Plymouth | E-health Productivity & Innovation Cornwall & Isles of Scilly (EPIC) | ERDF | 1 | Develop market opportunities for digital health that offer solutions to identified issues & addresses sector reluctance to move to digital solutions. Good vfm & fully aligns to both local R&D evidence base & SMART Specialisation Framework. | 01/03/2017 | 30/04/2020 | £2,615,931.53 | £3,269,915.53 | 80.00% | PL6 8BT | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Cornwall Council | Long Rock Strategic Coastal Improvements | ERDF | 5 | This project will upgrade existing coastal defences at Long Rock to the east of Penzance, protecting the Great Western rail line, the A30, local homes and 65 businesses from flooding. It will also de-silt the nearby Marazion Marsh nature reserve to increase its flood storage capacity and remove barriers in local waterways that prevent eels from migrating upstream from the sea. Consideration of the wider impacts means that the project offers value for money. | 01/07/2017 | 31/12/2023 | £1,295,632.20 | £4,057,632.20 | 31.93% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of climate change |
Cornwall Council | St Austell Resilient Regeneration | ERDF | 5 | Whole catchment approach providing essential protection from flooding in the St. Austell Bay area | 01/01/2019 | 30/04/2023 | £7,791,029.00 | £13,759,710.00 | 56.62% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of climate change |
Thalamus Health Ltd | Diagnosticap ™ - Phase 1 | ERDF | 1 | Patent early-urine diagnostic technology, unlocking the global potentialpoint-of-care diagnostics mkt. Vfm is satisfactory for an innovative venture, project offers valuable contribution to devel't of sector both Cornwall and nationally. | 23/05/2016 | 30/09/2018 | £1,044,232.00 | £1,313,216.00 | 79.52% | TA22 9NS | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Falmouth University | Launchpad | ERDF | 1 | FU will deliver post-graduate business incubation & acceleration progr aligning skilled graduates with bespoke specialist support within the Uni’s RD&I infrastructure to develop solutions to clearly defined business opportunities. | 01/07/2016 | 31/08/2023 | £14,434,029.00 | £20,897,524.00 | 69.07% | TR11 4RH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Cornwall Council | Superfast 2 | ERDF | 2 | Providing broadband solutions to businesses based in areas of Cornwall & Isles of Scilly that are unable to connect to superfast broadband | 01/03/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £8,995,136.00 | £11,969,495.00 | 75.15% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network |
Avanti Communications Ltd | Superfast Satellite Terminals | ERDF | 2 | Provision of superfast broadband access of 40Mbps to businesses via a superfast satellite broadband plantform & HYLAS 2 satellite in rural amd remote areas of Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly | 01/11/2016 | 31/10/2022 | £850,083.10 | £1,541,961.00 | 55.13% | TR12 6LQ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network |
Cornwall Council | Aerohub Business Park Phase 1 | ERDF | 3 | Construction of flexible, high quality workspace units for occupation by SMEs. | 05/08/2016 | 30/04/2023 | £4,385,818.00 | £7,531,987.00 | 58.23% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Geothermal Engineering Ltd | United Downs Deep Geothermal Power (UDDGP) | ERDF | 4 | A pilot deep geothermal well to act as pathfinder to prove commercial viability of the technology,enabling the wider rollout of low carbon renewable power from deep geothermal resources. Taking wider impacts into consideration this offers good vfm. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £16,884,000.00 | £32,125,000.00 | 52.55% | TR114SZ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
A30 Business Park Ltd | A30 Business Park Phase 1 | ERDF | 3 | Responding to demand for grow-on space, to include high quality workspace on 10T network | 08/08/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £2,688,768.00 | £5,788,433.00 | 46.45% | PL25 4DD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Cockwells Modern & Classic Boatbuilding Ltd | Cockwells Site Development | ERDF | 3 | Bespoke workspace for a specialist marine manufacturerallowing long-term business growth and high value job creation. It will create 1,300 sq.. M of BREEAM Excellent workspace demonstrating good vfm | 01/10/2016 | 01/01/2021 | £491,825.00 | £1,098,012.00 | 44.79% | TR11 5NS | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Keynvor MorLift Limited (KML) | Falmouth Wharves - Marine Hub | ERDF | 3 | Refurbishment of warehouses to create high specification, flexible industrial workspace, plus new berthing & mooring facilities for small craft next to a deep natural harbour improving the engineering capability for local SMEs in the marine sector. | 01/05/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £3,059,900.69 | £6,635,743.69 | 46.11% | TR11 2TF | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
JAD Developments (Redruth) Ltd | Redruth Enterprise Park (formerly CBP West Phase 1) | ERDF | 3 | Responding to demand for grow-on space in strategically important location. | 08/08/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £3,472,926.00 | £7,497,131.90 | 46.32% | SL3 9EH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
University of Exeter | Environmental Growth for Business (05R16P00892) | ERDF | 6 | The project will provide business support to 193 SMEs, including 19 new enterprises and 29 enterprises that will introduce new to the firm products. The project will help SMEs to identify business opportunities by enhancing environmental mapping and data sources in Cornwall and will incorporate a number of graduate placements and a £560,000 grant scheme. When the wider impacts are taken into consideration the project offers value for money | 01/02/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £3,824,028.46 | £4,794,619.08 | 79.75% | EX4 4QJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes |
Westcountry Rivers Trust | Water for Growth (W4G) | ERDF | 6 | Aligns 2010 Lawton report Making Space for Nature, 2011 Nat Env paper ‘Natural Choice’,one of four drivers identified by Ecosystems Task Force (2013).Aligns England Biodiversity Strategy 2020& Defra appraisal scored the vfm as satisfactory. | 25/08/2016 | 30/04/2023 | £1,837,084.00 | £2,550,096.00 | 72.04% | PL17 8PH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Cornwall Council | Green Infrastructure for Growth | ERDF | 6 | Project will deliver a major investment in publically owned and managed urban green space in the towns of Camborne, Pool, Redruth, Penzance, Saltash, Hayle and Bude, increasing their wildlife value, accessibility and community enjoyment. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £2,802,008.00 | £3,502,633.00 | 80.00% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investments Limited | Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investment Fund (“CIoSIF”) (1) | ERDF | 1 | Financial Instrument providing debt (50%) and equity (50%) finance to SMEs to address a market failure in access to finance. IP1b & IP3d. £19m ERDF PA1 + £13m ERDF PA3. Value for money has been considered and all outputs fall below the OP benchmark therefore offering acceptable VFM. The Ex-Ante Assessment provides a strong additionality argument for the project VFM and will contribute to closing gaps in the provision of finance for SMEs. The total amount of C1 and C3 outputs to be acceptable from an Operational Programme perspective as they are within 85% performance framework tolerance. | 01/03/2018 | 31/12/2028 | £12,500,000.00 | £15,773,711.00 | 79.24% | S3 8NH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investments Limited | Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investment Fund (“CIoSIF”) (3) | ERDF | 3 | Financial Instrument, providing debt (50%) and equity (50%) finance to SMEs, to address a market failure in access to finance. IP1b & IP3d. £19m ERDF PA1 + £13m ERDF PA3. Value for money has been considered and all outputs fall below the OP benchmark therefore offering acceptable VFM. | 01/03/2018 | 31/12/2028 | £12,500,000.00 | £15,773,711.00 | 79.24% | S3 8NH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | Cornwall CLLD (ERDF) | ERDF | 8 | This project will deliver the activities identified in the previously approved CLLD strategies -CLLD Projects go straight to Full application, and do not have to submit an Outline | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £8,716,000.00 | £11,235,500.00 | 77.58% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rural areas |
Cornwall Council | Cornwall Rail Mainline Signal Enhancement | ERDF | 7 | The project provides enhanced signalling capacity on the rail mainline in Cornwall, thereby increasing train frequency and connectivity of the train service. The project has been assessed as satisfactory VFM. | 01/09/2015 | 31/12/2019 | £11,900,000.00 | £15,100,000.00 | 78.81% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 025 Railways (TEN-T comprehensive) |
Hall for Cornwall Property Trust | Hall for Cornwall Property Trust Capital Project - QuayWorks | ERDF | 3 | Refurbishment works to provide 1,156 sq.m. of speculative and bespoke workspace for the creative industries sector. Project forms part of a wider project to refurbsh the Hall for Cornwall. | 06/08/2015 | 30/11/2021 | £2,090,864.00 | £3,037,359.00 | 68.84% | TR1 2LL | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Age UK Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly | Sustainable Transport in Cornwall | ERDF | 7 | AgeUK is a major provider of volunteer car infrastructure in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, 140 volunteer drivers currently drive over 1.7m miles every year, making 115,964 journeys to hospital appointments, their care services and communities. 60,375 | 01/09/2018 | 31/08/2019 | £241,600.80 | £302,001.00 | 80.00% | TR1 3BN | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 043 Clean urban transport infrastructure and promotion |
Council of the Isles of Scilly | IOS GO EV SMART | ERDF | 7 | Electric vehicle charging points and battery storage technology on Isles of Scilly. | 01/04/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £2,485,872.99 | £3,107,174.88 | 79.84% | TR21 0LW | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 043 Clean urban transport infrastructure and promotion |
Penzance Heliport Ltd | PZ Heliport Multi Modal Hub | ERDF | 7 | Summary: PZ Heliport Multi Modal Hub project intends to develop and build a multi modal transport hub in Penzance consisting of a Heliport, parking and EV charging points, which will form a base to connect the Isles of Scilly to sustainable for | 01/08/2018 | 01/08/2021 | £1,866,018.00 | £4,309,508.00 | 43.30% | TR24 OQQ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 036 Multimodal transport |
Bennamann Ltd. | Energy Independent Farming | ERDF | 1 | The project is a demonstration of a revolutionary new approach to energy independent sustainable farming that marries three key knowledge and innovation partners in its delivery. In this regard, the project partnership will develop and prove an optimised farm-based energy system that: maximises the exploitation of on-site renewable resources in combination with animal waste streams to supply all the energy needed for farm operations; delivers commercially viable high value green energy products (biogas and liquid biofuel) to provide an income stream to the farm business; improves the sustainability of farm land use management through facilitating the minimisation of artificial inputs (e.g. pesticide and artificial fertiliser use), lowering operational costs and reducing on-site pollutants; as well as deliver a methodology for the application of the approach across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (C&IoS), the UK and beyond. | 01/05/2019 | 31/10/2022 | £977,376.00 | £1,364,311.00 | 71.64% | PL27 6HB | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Exeter | The Inclusivity Project | ERDF | 1 | Supporting SMEs in relation to inclusive growth by developing digitally-supported products, processes and services. eHealth and eWellbeing smart specialisation | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,960,004.71 | £2,450,114.38 | 80.00% | TR1 3HD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Cornwall College | Digital Transformation | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to increase productivity and competitiveness amongst digital and non digital SMEs, usnig a mix of placements, grants, direct business support and networking events. | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £2,173,094.00 | £2,716,344.00 | 80.00% | TR15 3RD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Council of the Isles of Scilly | Isles of Scilly Voucher Scheme Extension | ERDF | 3 | The ultimate project goal is to aid transformation of the Isles of Scilly economy by offering investments of between £1,000 and £100,000 to SMEs located on the Isles of Scilly through a council led managed ‘Voucher Scheme’. This will support business growth and higher paid jobs on the Islands. With project/asset/capital costs averaging 40% more on the islands due to freight and limited access to services, many commercial and business ambitions are unacted upon. Vouchers will lead to long-term, sustainable business growth including higher value job creation and an increase in GVA by addressing the additional costs island businesses face delivering projects on the island | 01/01/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £1,326,424.00 | £2,156,912.00 | 61.50% | TR21 0LW | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | CIOS Growth Hub (Phase 2) | ERDF | 3 | This project proposal represents a second phase to the current activity delivered by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Hub (CIOSGH). The project will continue to provide a Growth Hub service (information, diagnostic, action planning and brokerage) to all eligible SMEs across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, delivered either face to face, via telephone or online. A small grant scheme is a new addition to the project. | 01/10/2018 | 31/07/2023 | £2,848,591.51 | £3,560,784.51 | 80.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cornwall Council | Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Technical Assistance - Intermediate Body ERDF | ERDF | 9 | This project will ensure that Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (C&IoS) can deliver the objectives and targets set out in the England OP and the C&IoS Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) Strategy: and as set out in the Cornwall Devolution Deal. It will provide the resource required for Cornwall Council (CC) to act as Intermediate Body in order to perform delegated activities linked to developing Calls and assessing the ‘strategic fit’ of outline and full applications. VFM has been considered however a standard VFM calculation is difficult to generate for this project. The project is not in competition with any other applicant. The funds are specifically noted within the guidance for Intermediate Body organisations as being available to help deliver IB activities, in this case, as defined in the MOU. | 01/05/2017 | 31/07/2021 | £196,374.37 | £245,467.96 | 80.00% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 123 Information and communication |
Oxford Innovation Services Ltd | Transform2 | ERDF | 3 | Transform2 will support start-ups and established SMEs, with significant growth potential1, through intensive 1-1 business coaching to develop and implement a high growth plan including a focus on gains in productivity. In addition, it will also provide productivity support to steady state, well-resourced businesses2, increasing the coverage of the current project to meet one of the gaps in provision - supporting economically important SMEs who are neither start-ups nor, currently, high growth3. Transform2 will provide 456 eligible businesses in CIoS with between 12 – 250 hours of bespoke support, embedding sustainable, productivity-led growth. Transform2 will continue the current provision by delivering diagnostics, 1:1 coaching and executive placements, so that SMEs receive support to make sure that sound commercial planning provides a stable base for the strategic growth plan. | 01/11/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £5,655,472.00 | £7,069,340.00 | 80.00% | OX11BY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cornwall Council | Pool Innovation Centre 2 - Grow On Space | ERDF | 3 | The Pool Innovation Centre 2 – Grow On Space (PIC2) project includes the acquisition of a vacant brownfield site adjacent to the Pool Innovation Centre and the design and construction of 1,512m2 of high quality BREEAM Excellent grow on workspace. The project has evolved from a recognised need to provide grow on space to accommodate businesses within the Pool area, in particular in response to the needs of high growth businesses that are currently tenants of the Pool Innovation Centre (PIC). | 01/05/2018 | 31/01/2023 | £2,376,080.00 | £4,320,145.00 | 55.00% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Krowji Ltd | Krowji Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | more workspace at krowji - we funded phase 1 under converence and this is phase 2 and is a further 950 m2. | 04/05/2018 | 31/01/2021 | £1,439,717.77 | £2,033,337.77 | 70.81% | TR15 3GE | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Cornwall College | Breakthrough2 | ERDF | 3 | Breakthrough2 will be delivered by Unlocking Potential supporting start-ups and non-high growth non-start-up businesses to help realise their growth potential and increase productivity. The programme will complement the proposed Transform2 project, delivered by Oxford Innovation, which will support high-growth businesses in the region. Through close working and a shared initial assessment, the programmes will be able to act as referral partners for each other, ensuring businesses receive the most appropriate support and progress onto other programmes where further growth potential has been identified. | 01/11/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £3,679,137.02 | £4,598,920.02 | 80.00% | PL25 4DJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Falmouth University | Launchpad Outreach Pilot | ERDF | 3 | Launchpad Outreach will adapt Falmouth University’s award winning Launchpad methodology through the provision of a flexible programme of Business Innovation and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) support packages. This will equip participating SMEs with the skills to implement market led growth strategies and, subsequently, to develop new to firm products, processes and/or experiences, and to launch these into the UK marketplace. This will inevitably result in an uplift of the participating SME’s productivity. | 01/03/2019 | 31/05/2023 | £792,843.00 | £991,054.00 | 80.00% | TR11 4RH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Business West | Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Trade Forum | ERDF | 3 | Business West proposes to deliver a three-year, £2.625 million project, that will boost Cornwall & Isles of Scilly export sales by enabling more SMEs to confidently, and competently target, and connect with prospective buyers in international markets. The implementation of this ground-breaking project will deliver significant added-value to beneficiary SMEs by: • identifying international sales opportunities for SMEs to target • explore innovative ways in which SMEs can compete in international markets • prepare SMEs in advance of meeting international buyers by developing their competitiveness and proposition to maximise sales potential • connect SMEs with international buyers through focused market trade visits, trade missions, and virtual trade missions | 01/04/2020 | 31/12/2022 | £1,036,156.73 | £1,320,248.69 | 78.48% | BS8 3RA | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
YTKO LTD | Outset Cornwall 4 | ERDF | 3 | To provide sepcialist enterprise support for pre start indviduals and some new businesses (up to 36 months trading, using a mix of peer workshops, learning action groups, on-line learning, mentoring, coaching, seminars and 1:1 businesss support. | 01/08/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £3,162,193.00 | £3,952,741.00 | 80.00% | EC3N 1LS | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cornwall Development Company | BIG Productivity | ERDF | 3 | BIG Productivity is the successor of the successful BIG2 project, run by CDC, and will co-invest in growth projects brought forward by innovative, ambitious and well-managed businesses leading to increase in productivity and new job creation. The project will support the transformation of the Cornish economy through investments in long term and sustainable business growth. Throughout BIG2 a consistent pipeline in the region of £1Millon of grant potential has been maintained, showing a strong demand for such a service. The BIG2 project was predominantly oriented towards job creation, so was not always capable of meeting particular business needs, such as gradual or sustained growth. Therefore, BIG Productivity will build upon the strengths of the BIG2 project, whilst also offering a more targeted and innovative approach towards enhancing the capabilities of local SMEs to raise productivity, collaboration and competitiveness regionally and nationally. Specifically, the BIG Productivity project aims to 1) invest in growth projects brought forward by innovative, ambitious and well-managed Cornish based businesses; 2) work in collaboration with partner institutions to enable local SMEs gain access to national and global markets; 3) provide a targeted advisory support to identified businesses. | 11/05/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £4,100,485.00 | £7,951,707.00 | 51.57% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 073 Support for social enterprises (SMEs) |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd (CDC) | Cornwall Trade and Investment (was Invest In Cornwall Ph 2) | ERDF | 3 | Extension request. The principal objective of the existing IiC project is to market and promote Cornwall and the IoS (CIOS) as a location for UK, European and International inward investment. Phase 2 is seeking to enhance the effectiveness of the current programme of IiC activities. | 01/10/2018 | 31/08/2023 | £2,109,576.02 | £2,859,655.02 | 73.77% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Cornwall Council | Green Infrastructure for Growth 2 (GI4G2) | ERDF | 6 | Green Infrastructure for Growth 2 (GI4G2) Project provides an opportunity to deliver a major capital investment on at least 28 hectares of Cornwall Council-owned and managed urban green space throughout Cornwall, increasing their wildlife value, accessibility and community enjoyment and providing health benefits in deprived communities. GI4G2 will expand upon the success of the existing GI4G project currently underway. | 01/08/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £2,682,186.46 | £3,352,733.07 | 80.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Natural England | Growing Goss | ERDF | 6 | Growing Goss?will?deliver better conservation status of?577ha?of nationally and internationally important wetland habitats within Goss Moor National Nature Reserve (NNR) and its surroundings.?The project contributes?to?ERDF?Output Indicator C23,?delivering?more than a third of?national?total target of 1459ha.? | 01/04/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £1,041,327.00 | £1,351,654.00 | 77.04% | YO1 7PX | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
University of Plymouth | E-Health Productivity & Innovation in Cornwall (EPIC2) | ERDF | 1 | This application seeks to extend the current EPIC project. It will continue to adopt a user led approach to take digital health in C&IoS from a nascent market to one which is more developed, productive, accepted and embedded within the health and care sector by delivering research and innovation led growth and productivity | 01/05/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £3,315,987.83 | £4,147,471.83 | 79.95% | PL6 8BT | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Cornwall Development Company | AeroSpace Cornwall – Phase 2 | ERDF | 1 | Cornwall Development Company (CDC) is seeking ERDF funding to support the extension and enhancement of the current AeroSpace Cornwall project to accelerate innovation in CIoS businesses, increase the productivity and capability of the local aerospace and space supply chains and secure private investment in Research and Development (R&D). This application builds upon the AeroSpace Cornwall project which has supported CIoS SME’s to commit c.£1m of private investment in R&D, to create / safeguard over 30 jobs, develop 5 new cutting edge products for the aerospace and space markets, create collaborations / co-operations with research institutions and has attracted two inward investors to date. | 01/12/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £3,402,543.00 | £5,605,682.00 | 60.70% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Exeter | Marine-innovation 2: Coordinated support for Marine technology RD&I (MI 2) | ERDF | 1 | This MI 2 project learns from and builds on the excellent support through Marine-I (Jan 2017- Dec 2019) to provide the necessary continuation and further development of demand-led coordination services for marine technology RD&I. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £4,146,161.00 | £5,519,710.00 | 75.12% | TR1 3HD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Exeter | Smartline Extension | ERDF | 1 | Smartline is a highly innovative project that is attracting national and international attention. The project has engaged over 300 households in the Camborne--Pool-Illogan-Redruth (CPIR) area, who are now digitally connected and engaged with the project; and from whom a unique dataset about the people, their homes and their community is being created. This anonymised information, providing a detailed insight in to the challenges and reality of people’s lives, is being shared with CIoS SMEs; driving innovation in product and service design. Nowhere else in the country is innovation being driven by the needs of the community and the individual in this way. | 01/03/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £3,150,436.00 | £4,134,629.66 | 80.00% | TR13HD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Exeter | Deep Digital Cornwall | ERDF | 1 | New ‘Digital Hub for Mining’, Penryn Campus - state of art 3D modelling / visualisation suite and software for local businesses, British Geological Survey (BGS) full time presence in SW, expertise to model and visualise data, better links to national datasets / samples, RD&I digital mining. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £3,485,461.38 | £4,358,901.78 | 80.00% | TR13HD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Pure Energy Professional Limited (PEP) | C&IoS Marine Hydrogen-Electric Propulsion Centre of Excellence | ERDF | 1 | R&D into potential use of hydrogen in marine propulsion systems. | 01/01/2021 | 30/04/2023 | £713,199.16 | £891,499.16 | 80.00% | TR1 3HD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal, |
Cornwall Council | Superfast 3 – Inclusive Growth | ERDF | 2 | Support businesses in most deprived areas of Cornwall & Isles of Scilly or businesses who have low levels of technological expertise to connect to 30+Mbps superfast broadband & improve business performance. | 01/07/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £2,882,812.00 | £3,603,515.00 | 80.00% | TR13 8EL | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network |
Falmouth University | Immersive Business | ERDF | 3 | Immersive Business will establish a new and unique immersive technology facility, designed to enable SMEs in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to access and benefit from virtual reality1 (VR), augmented reality2 (VR) and mixed reality3 (MR) technologies. Led by Falmouth University in collaboration with University of Exeter, Immersive Business will ensure that eligible SMEs can compete nationally and globally through the development and application of the next competitive edge: immersive technologies. | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,697,401.10 | £2,121,751.38 | 80.00% | TR11 4RH | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
The Cornwall College Group (TCCG) | Future Focus 2 | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide focussed support to SMEs based in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (C&IoS) helping them to realise their growth potential through innovation. FF2 will improve productivity and deliver economic growth by stimulating early stage RD&I activity. The project will address identified strategic gaps - helping businesses to raise productivity and supporting SMEs neither high-growth nor start-up. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £2,247,520.31 | £2,809,388.38 | 80.00% | TR7 2LZ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
University of Plymouth | Acceleration Through Innovation 2 (ATI2) | ERDF | 3 | ATI2 will continue to deliver high value, high impact interventions by providing acceleration support to innovative SME’s with the potential to commercially exploit new ideas and technology. The project will increase productivity by developing a culture of innovation at firm level, increasing the understanding of innovation and its fundamental link to increased productivity resulting in new to market products and services. | 01/04/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £2,729,139.00 | £3,411,419.00 | 80.00% | PL6 8BT | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Creative England Ltd | Creative Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | The Creative Growth programme delivered by Creative England’s business support and investment teams will provide meaningful specialist support to SMEs in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly working in the wider creative sector and specifically in the supply chain to the film and TV production industry as well as new market entrants to ensure they are well placed to start and grow their own business. The programme will deliver a series of workshops and one-to-one interactions leading to economic growth for programme beneficiaries. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £459,243.00 | £574,054.00 | 80.00% | BS1 5SP | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Creative Kernow Ltd | Cultivator Business Support Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | Provides bespoke, expert-led support, responding to needs of creative industries SMEs across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly; adding value to generic programmes; enabling a seamless journey between business and skill support through alignment of ERDF and ESF delivery. | 01/07/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £3,506,826.45 | £4,614,245.33 | 76.00% | BS1 5SP | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
SWMAS Ltd | Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Manufacturing Advisory Programme (CMAP) | ERDF | 3 | The Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Manufacturing Advisory Programme (CMAP) will support productivity, competitiveness and growth of SME manufacturing businesses by offering hands-on specialist manufacturing advice and support. This will be delivered ‘in the field’ by a local SWMAS manufacturing specialist supported by an experienced management team and proven systems and processes designed to deliver ERDF programmes. he Programme will enhance the productivity and competitiveness of SME manufactures. This proposal has been informed by our experience of delivering manufacturing support programmes in the South West since 2002 and best practice and learning from the delivery of our current LMAP and HVMIP programmes in C&IoS and the wider South West. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £501,048.00 | £626,310.00 | 80.00% | TA1 3NW | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
The Cornwall Council | Penzance Creative Cluster | ERDF | 3 | The specific project activities are the design and construction of 1,534m2 of BREEAM Excellent, fully accessible, high quality office and workshop space, targeted at micro & SMEs in the creative industries sector, on an identified Cornwall Council owned site at Causeway Head, which forms part of Penzance High Street in the centre of Penzance. | 01/10/2019 | 30/11/2023 | £6,567,813.00 | £10,114,095.00 | 64.93% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
The Cornwall Council | Liskeard Cattle Market Digital & Creative Workspace | ERDF | 3 | The specific project activities are the design and construction of 1,307m2(GIA) of BREEAM Excellent, fully accessible, high quality office and workshop space for micro & SMEs on the Liskeard Cattle Market site, which is owned by Cornwall Council. | 01/09/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £2,264,573.00 | £4,403,553.00 | 51.43% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
The Cornwall Council | Hayle Marine Renewables Business Park (MRBP) Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | This project builds upon the success of Hayle Marine Renewable Business Park (MRBP) Phase 1 to create a further 1,576m2 of high quality new build, BREEAM Excellent and 273m2 of re-furbished, BREEAM Very Good workspace adjacent to Hayle MRBP Phase 1,within the Marine Hub Cornwall Enterprise Zone, providing a total of 1,849m2 (GIA) The building have been designed to be flexible with the ability for additional mezzanine space to be added at a later date which if installed would expand the total GIA to in excess of 2,100m2 | 01/10/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £3,289,186.00 | £6,578,372.00 | 50.00% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Kensa Utilities Ltd (KUL) | Heat the Street | ERDF | 4 | The project will deliver a low carbon, village-wide heating system using sea water as the heat source. For just 62% of the budget represented by this call, it will deliver: - 101% of the Programme Targets for Renewable Energy Production (4a); - 291% of the Programme Targets for households with improved energy consumption (4c); Specific Activitie: A heat pump, how water cylinder and new/modified heat distribution system will be installed at 845 properties. Of these 808 will be domestic properties and 37 commercial properties. These heat pumps will be connected to a 'heat main' running below the street network which contains fluid warmed by seawater using large heat exchangers located in a building adjacent to the harbour. Typical retrofit efficiencies are 325% which means the systems will provide significantly lower heating costs and carbon emissions than present systems (typically oil boilers and night storage heaters). | 01/03/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £6,246,859.00 | £7,600,004.00 | 82.20% | TR4 8RJ | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock |
Highways England | A30 Carland Cross to Chiverton Cross (Construction Phase) | ERDF | 7 | The scheme comprises a 14km (8.7 mile) 70mph dual carriageway, connecting to the existing A30 dual carriageway at Chiverton and Carland Cross. It qualifies as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and has been assessed in accordance with the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. Our proposal includes the construction of: a 14Km, high quality 112Kmh (70mph) dual carriageway, connecting to the existing A30 dual carriageway at either end; replacement of Chiverton Cross roundabout with a new, two-level motorway style roundabout; a new, two-level partial junction at Chybucca, with west-facing slip roads connecting to the new dual carriageway; replacement of the existing roundabout at Carland Cross with a two-level motorway style junction; new bridges and accesses across the new road and the old road; retention of the existing A30 for local traffic | 06/02/2020 | 31/12/2023 | £12,000,000.00 | £243,093,512.00 | 4.94% | BS1 6HA | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 033 TEN-T Reconstructed or improved road |
The Cornwall Council | St Agnes to Threemilestone Saints Trail | ERDF | 7 | The Saints Trails comprises four new off road multi user trails totalling 30km including links between Newquay, Perranporth, St Agnes and Truro. These schemes were conceived as part of Highways England (HE) Designated funds Cycling, Safety and Integration (CSI) programme to address long standing severance issues associated with the A30 trunk road and to complement their Environmental Designated funds projects that include planting, habitat and wetland creations plus access to heritage assets. | 01/01/2021 | 31/12/2023 | £5,158,456.00 | £6,448,070.00 | 80.00% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 036 Multimodal transport |
Eden Geothermal Limited | Eden Geothermal | ERDF | 4 | To drill and test one well to a depth of 4,500 metres and then to operate the well for one year producing heat to demonstrate greenhouse gas savings. The ultimate solution would be a two-well system, whereas this proposal is a first phase that seeks to prove the first well. The energy produced will be used on the Eden site and this will prove the approach and will allow accurate long-term predictions to be made. | 01/04/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £19,327,030.71 | £22,267,000.00 | 86.80% | PL242SG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Cornwall Development Company Ltd | CPGH CIOS Growth Hub (Phase 2) (Parent 05R17P02255) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme. The main priority for the project will provide grants to SME's in the range of £1000 - £3000 (up to £5,000 in exceptional circumstances) to support 1-2-1 specialist advice or purchase minor equipment. This is to assist the SME to adapt or adopt new technology in order for them to continue to deliver business or diversify in direct response to COVID-19. | 03/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £1,568,902.00 | £1,568,902.00 | 100.00% | TR15 3QG | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
The Cornwall Council | Truro Loops | ERDF | 7 | The project would supplement County Council led cycle trail and connectivity projects in the wider area by extending the possibilities for high quality cycling and walking provisions into Truro, thereby supporting a shift to low carbon, environmentally friendly travel solutions. The reduction of cars for normal everyday travel will reduce the A390 traffic flow to allow more cars to travel from the A30 into Truro. This will support local businesses by creating a better ambience and a place where people want to live and work. With more pedestrian and cycle travel available to railway users, there will be an increase in the use of the railway, as currently the railway station is situated outside of the City centre. This in turn will allow more traffic to flow, especially people coming from areas without the railway service, i.e. north of the A30. | 11/06/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,206,773.00 | £3,466,773.00 | 63.65% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 036 Multimodal transport |
The Cornwall Council | Centre for Space Technologies | ERDF | 1 | Spaceport Cornwall will be the first horizontal satellite launch location in Western Europe, creating - for the first time - a UK launch capability by 2022. Amongst many other important attributes, the Spaceport Cornwall project will create opportunities for Cornwall to capture new technology-based markets, using the magnet of a UK launch facility to attract technology developers. | 01/04/2021 | 31/03/2023 | £2,799,071.00 | £5,598,142.00 | 50.00% | TR1 3AY | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Wave Hub Development Services Limited | Cornwall FLOW Accelerator | ERDF | 4 | Floating offshore wind (FLOW) has the potential to deliver 10GW of Britain's target of 50GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050. FLOW can deliver renewable energy at unprecedented scale and with unprecedented speed, combining floating foundations with the world's largest offshore wind turbine sizes, 10-15MW with existing fixed bottom offshore wind experience and capability. The potential FLOW market is at least twice the size of existing offshore wind, itself the quickest growing of the renewable energy sectors. There are clear signals that industry players across the world are beginning to mobilise and project developers assessing potential offshore sites and supply chain capability. | 04/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £4,837,623.00 | £6,047,029.00 | 80.00% | TR27 4DD | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | Not set |
Bennamann Energy Ltd | Off-Grid Rural EV Charger with Bioheat | ERDF | 4 | The project will research, develop, and demonstrate technologies that will enable biomethane sourced from farm slurry and other organic waste materials, such as cut grass, to be efficiently stored and used to deliver rapid elctric vehicle (EV) charging in rural locations (without access to the power grid) and EV charging in combination with bioheat for space/water heating and cooking in off-gas-grid domestic dwellings. Three applications will be demonstrated: a farm based EV charger, a village based EV charger, and a domestic dwelling EV charger with biomethane and hot water provision for bioheat, and business models for their commercial roll-out will be developed. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction delivered by the demonstrators will be estimated and verified and an assessment undertakenof the climate change mitigation potential of the technologies if rolled-out at scale across the C&IoS area. | 01/04/2021 | 28/06/2023 | £686,575.00 | £858,222.00 | 80.00% | PL27 6HB | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 011 Renewable energy: biomass |
Cornwall Council | DRIVE EV2 | ERDF | 7 | EcoDrive has been active since 2005 in building and supporting Electric Vehicle (EV) markets and infrastructure by working with all the main EV manufacturers on trading and strategy and has enabled over £10m of EV trading activity. | 01/07/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,900,000.00 | £3,625,000.00 | 80.00% | TR15 3PL | Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly | England | 043 Clean urban transport infrastructure and promotion |
Warwickshire County Council | Coventry and Warwickshire SME Growth Programme – Warwickshire County Council | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver a package of activity designed to increase the number of new businesses; improve the sustainability of new businesses; tackle the underrepresentation of women in the digital creative sector; provide intensive business readiness support to businesses with the characteristics and ambition for growth; and attract businesses from CWLEP’s priority sectors to the sub-region and help existing businesses to expand. In particular, it will: • Support 324 new enterprises; • Support 250 enterprises with their growth plans including 89 innovation-led and knowledge intensive SMEs; • Create 294 new jobs. The project is part of the Coventry and Warwickshire SME Growth Programme. The value for money tool shows good value across all indicators and a good return compared to the Operational Programme targets. Individual strand totals have been tested through the VFM Tool | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £1,107,156.00 | £2,214,323.00 | 50.00% | CV34 4SX | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Coventry City Council | Innovative Coventry and Warwickshire: Place Test-bed | ERDF | 1 | This project will ensure that the benefits of innovation and new technology are felt in the local economy of Coventry and Warwickshire. The area’s urban and rural centres will be used as test-beds for emerging technologies in the fields of data capture, energy usage, IT connectivity, smart systems, digital technology and health and assistive technologies. This activity will encourage collaboration between the knowledge base, innovative businesses and local authorities, and support SMEs to develop, test and market new products. It will also demonstrate the benefits of new technology to local decision-makers to ensure it is adopted more quickly. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £1,759,786.00 | £5,186,242.00 | 33.93% | CV1 5RR | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Coventry City Council | Coventry and Warwickshire Low Carbon Programme | ERDF | 4 | The project will deliver a cohesive package of activities that will enhance the renewable energy infrastructure across Coventry & Warwickshire, and facilitate the growth of the low carbon economy, through focused SME support activities that will foster the development of new products and development/adoption of new low carbon technologies. The project will: • Support 287 SMEs to develop low carbon products or technologies; • Create 15 sustainable new businesses; • Create 50 new jobs; • Generate £5.5m in additional GVA ; • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent) by 1,230 metric tonnes. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £2,575,259.00 | £10,668,184.12 | 24.14% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Coventry University Enterprises Ltd | Innovate to Succeed | ERDF | 1 | Innovate2Succeed (i2s) will provide tailored support to SMEs to help them enhance their innovation management capability, resulting in increased effectiveness in generating and commercially exploiting their ideas. Beneficiaries will undergo an in depth diagnostic assessment of their business and a bespoke package of support will be then designed and delivered to embed innovation management capability within the company. This improved capability will provide long-term benefit to the SME and the economy. This activity forms part of a programme being delivered across 12 pilot LEPS as part of Innovate UK’s agenda to increase innovation management capacity in UK’s small businesses. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £256,145.00 | £512,291.00 | 50.00% | CV1 2TT | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Coventry University Enterprises Ltd | Proof of Concept | ERDF | 1 | The project will raise innovation levels amongst Coventry and Warwickshire SMEs and Universities through grant support towards the costs of Proof of Concept (PoC) activities to help determine and shape the innovation potential of new ideas. PoC grants will fund external expenditure related to IP due diligence and protection, market research / analysis / assessment, business plan and prototype development. Targeted at SMEs as well as the two Universities who are based in the LEP area, the project offers support from £2k - £10k per project to university academic and research staff as well as innovative local companies developing ideas. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £700,178.00 | £1,404,691.00 | 49.85% | CV1 2TT | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Coventry City Council | Coventry and Warwickshire SME Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | A cohesive package of business support services, tailored to meet the growth dynamics of Coventry & Warwickshire SMEs. Activities include support for new start-ups (including bespoke support for BAME, youth, student, technology-based, and social enterprises), in-depth support to address barriers to growth faced by SMEs (including addressing recruitment difficulties), and an investment fund providing grant finance. The project will: • Create 559 sustainable new enterprises; • Support 352 existing SMEs to grow or modernise their business; • Create 655 new jobs within Coventry and Warwickshire; • Support the generation of around £70m in additional GVA in local SMEs by 31/12/2021. The value for money tool shows good value for money across all indicators. Individual strand totals have been tested through the VFM Tool and generally show a lower average cost when compared to the OP values. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £4,641,446.00 | £15,523,246.00 | 29.90% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Warwickshire County Council | Extending the superfast network and building SME ICT capability in Coventry and Warwickshire | ERDF | 2 | The project delivers against a key national and local priority by extending access to superfast broadband to areas of market failure in Coventry and Warwickshire. It will also offer connection vouchers and provide specialist ICT business support so that businesses can take advantage of the new infrastructure and effectively utilise digital technologies. The unit cost for the broadband infrastructure is above the programme benchmarks, however, these are in the process of being revised with the Commission. Taken in isolation the business support element of the project offers good value for money. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £2,506,669.00 | £5,013,338.00 | 50.00% | CV34 4SX | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network |
Coventry City Council | CW Innovation Test Bed | ERDF | 1 | “CW Innovation Test Bed” will provide a cohesive programme of support to enable Coventry & Warwickshire SMEs to develop and test new products, services and technologies. It is the successor to “Innovative Coventry & Warwickshire: Place Test Bed” (which ends 31/12/2018), and through applying lessons, will advance the area as a “test bed” for new products, services and technologies. | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £3,556,181.00 | £7,579,028.00 | 46.92% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Coventry City Council | CW Green Business Programme | ERDF | 4 | Draft GFA issued in Oct - with GR awaiting legal team review. | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £5,035,161.17 | £10,935,287.03 | 46.04% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes |
Coventry City Council | CW Business Support | ERDF | 3 | The objective of “CW Business Support” is to provide a cohesive support programme which will create sustainable new businesses, support young start-up businesses (less than 12 months) and address SMEs’ barriers to growth. | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £9,190,583.32 | £33,539,259.66 | 27.40% | CV34 4SX | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Warwickshire County Council | Coventry and Warwickshire SME Growth Programme – Warwickshire County Council –Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | This application is for a second phase of activity to the current “Coventry & Warwickshire SME Growth Programme – Warwickshire County Council” project. Building on the successful delivery of the current project, the mid-term evaluation and other lessons learnt, the project will deliver a focused package of activity designed to increase the sustainability of new businesses; provide intensive business readiness support to SMEs with the characteristics and ambition to grow and scale-up; support the creative sector; and attract businesses from CWLEP’s priority sectors to the sub-region and help existing businesses to expand. | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,834,988.00 | £3,669,976.00 | 50.00% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Coventry University | 5G SME Demonstrator (Coventry & Warwickshire) | ERDF | 2 | Under the banner of the Digital Connectivity Demonstrator (DCD), the project will establish a range of physical and virtual business support options for eligible companies across the Coventry & Warwickshire area. The DCD support offer will encompass a broad range of connectivity infrastructure, helping companies to maximise business opportunities by enhancing digital know-how for businesses - spanning superfast broadband, 4G, fibre, and the cutting-edge innovation of 5G. The DCD will enable businesses to develop and showcase new products and services across multiple sectors e.g. transport & mobility, healthcare, manufacturing, creative industries, financial services. | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £1,902,164.00 | £3,804,328.00 | 50.00% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | Not set |
Coventry City Council | Coventry City Council Solar PV Self-Supply | ERDF | 4 | The project aims to support the decarbonisation and energy security of public buildings in the City of Coventry through increasing the amount of renewable self-generation capacity associated with public buildings owned and occupied by Coventry City Council. Coventry City Council’s estate currently imports 100% of its annual 9,523 MWh electricity demand from the grid each year across 156 operational locations. This accounts for 25% of the annual carbon emissions of Coventry City Council’s operations. | 01/09/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £625,496.00 | £1,250,993.00 | 50.00% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
Coventry City Council | CPGH ERDF Specialist Grants (Parent project E-claims Ref: 06R18P02718) | ERDF | 3 | The main priority for the funding will be to provide grants to SMEs between £1,000 - £3,000 and, in exceptional circumstances, the recipient may be able to acquire a maximum of £5,000 for specialist advice and support. Eligible recipients of these grants will be able to use the funds for the following activity: • 1-2-1 specialist advice which SMEs could call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists etc; and / or • purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19. | 24/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £540,908.00 | £540,908.00 | 100.00% | CV1 2PY | Coventry and Warwickshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Cumbria Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd | Cumbria Business Growth Hub (07R15P00053) | ERDF | 3 | Building on established success, partnerships and our market leading portal, it will be a focal point for Cumbrian businesses looking to enhance their performance and grow, providing a range of support to help SMEs improve their competitiveness, grow and create jobs, link them into relevant support available more widely and encourage take up of commercial support. | 01/12/2015 | 31/12/2019 | £1,561,321.00 | £3,122,642.00 | 50.00% | CA3 8DA | Cumbria | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cumbria Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd | Cumbria Business Start-Up Support (07R15P00052) | ERDF | 3 | It aims to increase start-up activity throughout Cumbria and enhance sustainability and competitiveness of start-ups and young businesses. Promotional and engagement activity will raise awareness of the opportunities and encourage people to consider this as an option. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £680,560.00 | £1,361,120.00 | 50.00% | CA3 8DA | Cumbria | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Lancaster University | Cumbria Innovations Platform (CUSP) | ERDF | 1 | The Cumbria Innovations Platform will support the growth of the Cumbrian economy through accelerating innovation and productivity in SMEs across the County’s geography and key economic sectors. To deliver this, a platform of activity will be initiated using the University of Cumbria’s infrastructure based at Ambleside, Barrow in Furness, Carlisle, and Workington alongside engaging the academic expertise within Lancaster and Cumbria universities to drive new collaborations with Cumbrian SMEs. The aim is to take a multi-layered approach to innovation support that includes: master classes; workshops; student placements; deep-technical assists and PhD supported R&D collaborations. | 15/11/2016 | 28/02/2021 | £2,449,833.00 | £4,083,055.00 | 60.00% | LA1 4YW | Cumbria | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Cumbria | Eco-Innovation Cumbria | ERDF | 4 | Supporting SME's through knowledge exchange to develop low carbon prodcts and technhology | 05/09/2016 | 28/02/2021 | £1,215,982.00 | £2,026,637.00 | 60.00% | CA1 2HH | Cumbria | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Kingmoor Park Properties Limited | Kingmoor Park Properties Limited | ERDF | 3 | This project involves the development of 2.08 hectares of development land at Kingmoor Park, Carlisle to provide 5,058 m² (54,444 ft²) of speculative business workspace. The proposal is to provide nineteen individual business units of varying sizes (144 m² - 421 m²) designed to offer high quality modern business space providing ideal grow on space for high growth SME’s in the Cumbria LEP area. | 31/03/2017 | 31/03/2019 | £637,079.00 | £2,506,549.00 | 25.42% | CA6 4SJ | Cumbria | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Allerdale Borough Council | ICTIS - Information and Communication Technology Improvement Support | ERDF | 2 | The project will provide expert ICT advice to individual SMEs. The programme will be to raise awareness within the SMEs of the benefits of superfast broadband to allow them to better utilise improved ICT equipment and software and to convey information and data at reliable, superfast speeds. The demand stimulation will generate 100 new connections. This is based upon one third of those receiving ICT business support taking up a connection. As a result of these improvements to their business performance, businesses will become more competitive, increase their turnover and become more confident to create jobs. | 06/05/2019 | 31/01/2023 | £501,000.00 | £835,000.00 | 60.00% | CA14 3YJ | Cumbria | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
BARROW IN FURNESS BOROUGH COUNCIL | Waterfront Gateway Managed Business Centre | ERDF | 3 | new 1,494m2 (16,081.28ft2) two storey managed business centre will be built and operated by Barrow in Furness Borough Council. Build cost is £3.855m with £2.313m ERDF grant required. A 2 acre “Gateway” site, at Harding Rise on the new Waterfront Business Park, Barrow in Furness, NW England has planning consent and is in the ownership of the Council. The site stands between the port of Barrow and BAE Systems shipyard, is in a UK Assisted Area in part of Barrow Island Ward, one of the 3% most deprived in England. The project will result in new jobs for residents in the Borough. 66 new indirect jobs by 2023 will be created by companies which occupy the 9,914ft2 of offices in the new building which may be attractive to expanding local firms, inward investors operating in supply chains servicing global markets. The project will deliver a forecast additional £5,364,050 Gross Value Added (GVA) for Cumbria. | 19/12/2018 | 30/09/2021 | £2,144,024.00 | £3,573,373.00 | 60.00% | LA142LD | Cumbria | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Lake District National Park Authority | Low Carbon Lake District | ERDF | 4 | The Lake District National Park Partnership has a well established strategic place-based framework for reducing carbon emissions. This programme will integrate a range of interventions from renewable energy and efficiency to low carbon transport to maximise impact in relation to meeting our carbon budget reduction requirements and to deliver wider benefits to the local economy. | 01/09/2018 | 30/06/2021 | £4,261,683.00 | £7,314,990.00 | 58.26% | LA9 7RL | Cumbria | England | 090 Cycle tracks and footpaths |
South Lakeland District Council | North Kendal Industrial Area Flood Risk Management Scheme | ERDF | 5 | North Kendal Industrial Area Flood Risk Management Scheme is a project that will deliver a flood protection scheme for the Cumbrian town of Kendal which includes: linear defences (walls and embankments) through the town centre, a pumping station, drainage and culvert improvements and two flood storage areas upstream of the town to slow the flow and reduce the volume of flood water impacting Kendal during flooding. Once delivered in full, this flood risk management scheme will increase flood protection in Kendal from the current 1 in 5 year event to a 1 in 100 year event. | 07/05/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £5,340,000.00 | £17,864,337.00 | 29.89% | LA9 4DQ | Cumbria | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of climate change |
Cumbria Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd | Business Start-Up Support | ERDF | 3 | Not set | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £856,804.71 | £1,428,007.71 | 60.00% | CA3 8DA | Cumbria | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Cumbria Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd | Cumbria Growth hub | ERDF | 3 | "The project is intended to support growth and competitiveness of Cumbrian businesses. It will do this through Cumbria Growth Hub which will help to unleash the potential of Cumbria’s businesses, acting as a focal point for all businesses (and potential businesses) but in particular those businesses that wish to be sustainable, increase their competitiveness, productivity and grow, driving activity, providing a focus for access to support and providing relevant support and programmes, complementing and referring into what currently exists. The project will benefit from the already well established Cumbria Business Growth Hub brand (established over 6 years) which is well recognised and regarded throughout the county and operate as part of our wider Growth Hub which covers both ERDF and non ERDF eligible activity, business start-up, etc." | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £3,298,809.70 | £5,601,119.70 | 58.90% | CA3 8DA | Cumbria | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Lake District National Park Authority | Low Carbon Lake District II | ERDF | 4 | This project will develop Keswick as a sustainable transport hub for the North Lakes, enabling visitors to be based in the town and travel to surrounding attractions by bike, on foot, by bus or boat.Along with the Keswick to Threlkeld route (under construction) the Bassenthwaite and Derwentwater connections will provide a network of routes from Keswick suitable for cyclists, walkers and wheelchair users. This will provide popular and attractive alternatives to driving which will lead to modal shift and a reduction in carbon. | 01/10/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £3,128,850.00 | £5,214,753.00 | 60.00% | LA9 7RL | Cumbria | England | 090 Cycle tracks and footpaths |
The National Trust | Fix The Fells | ERDF | 6 | The Lake District National Park attracts 19 million visitors annual, who come to enjoy natural heritage that the Lake District provides, generating £1.4 billion annually. The increasing number of visitors who want to access the fells are putting increasing pressure on the footpaths and associated fragile upland habitats. This has resulted in unprecedented levels of erosion which is exacerbated by the extreme weather conditions that can occur throughout the year on the fells. This erosion impacts the fragile fell habitats which are rare and vulnerable to disturbance and can take decades to repair and significantly impact on the landscape visitors come to see. The National Trust who own 20% of the land area of the Lake District have worked with LDNP and other partners on Fix the Fells initiative for many years and have developed techniques for effectively repairing erosion and creating suitable footpaths, which have been adopted as a standard elsewhere. ERDF will enable the process of repair to be hugely accelerated, ensuring the habitats are protected and visitors continue to enjoy the unique landscapes. Fix the Fells have an overarching 10 year plan for delivering the work and the Trust has provided a detailed plan of work for 2019 and broader ones for 2020 and 2021 which will be refined and submitted annually due to issues around winter erosion The project has started at risk from April 2019, as the work is seasonal and will support a team skilled rangers to work on the footpaths, as well as costs for materials, tools and annual helicopter lifts to take stone to the fells for the footpaths. The National Trust is a very large complex Charity that has in place the necessary management and financial systems to deliver the ESIF funding and has provided a clear rationale for how the project supports the delivery of PA6. While access is normally a minor part of PA6 projects, the impact of so many people accessing the fells is having a detrimental impact on these rare and fragile habitats which the proposed work will help resolve. The project offers good value for money when comparing unit costs with those of the Operational Programme and the work will also have significant benefits to the tourism economy of the area by protecting the National Parks major asset the unique Lakeland | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,508,362.64 | £2,513,936.64 | 60.00% | LA22 9QZ | Cumbria | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Lancaster University | Cumbria Innovations Platform Phase 2 (CUSP 2.0) | ERDF | 1 | The Cumbria Innovations Platform 2 will support the growth of the Cumbrian economy through accelerating innovation and productivity in SMEs across the County’s geography and key economic sectors. To deliver this, a platform of activity will be initiated using the University of Cumbria’s infrastructure based at Ambleside, Barrow in Furness, Carlisle, and Working alongside engaging the academic expertise within Lancaster and Cumbria universities to drive new collaborations with Cumbrian SMEs. The aim is to take a multi-layered approach to innovation support that includes: master classes; workshops; student placements; deep-technical assists and PhD supported R&D collaborations. | 01/01/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £2,333,241.00 | £3,888,733.00 | 60.00% | LA1 4YW | Cumbria | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
BARROW IN FURNESS BOROUGH COUNCIL | Low Carbon Barrow | ERDF | 4 | Programme of investment across Barrow in Furness aimed at reducing carbon emissions through practical and demonstration projects across the ‘whole place’ and supporting the economic growth of the Borough. | 01/04/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £998,706.00 | £1,997,411.00 | 50.00% | LA9 7RL | Cumbria | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Cumbria Chamber of Commerce | CPGH Cumbria Growth hub (Parent 07R19P02652) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme | 14/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £818,872.00 | £818,872.00 | 100.00% | NG1 1GF | Cumbria | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
University of Derby | Centre for supply chain competitiveness in transport engineering | ERDF | 3 | The project will assist 110 companies in transport equipment manufacturing (TEM) supply chains to review their current business and provide a package of business support activities and events. It will complement other business support activities by adding value within the existing referral network including the Growth Hub. This project will strengthen SME competitiveness by building the business capability of SMEs in, or wishing to join TEM supply chains. The project will both extend the reach of SMEs along the TEM supply chain and across into other sectors for improved business resilience stimulating higher productivity, business growth and jobs. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £636,766.00 | £1,273,532.00 | 50.00% | DE22 1GB | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Medilink East Midlands Limited | INSTILS (Inspiring Networking to Stimulate Technology Innovation in Life Sciences.) | ERDF | 1 | The project will allow SMEs to access high value cutting edge expertise from:- • sector specific specialists and services; • local research entities (university and NHS Trusts); • other life science • other sectors. businesses; Access to this support will ensure that businesses can grow by introducing new products and services that benefit from:- • innovations; • identified clinical needs; • incorporation or utilisation of cutting edge technologies; • early incorporation of market understanding, regulatory and IP management strategies. All leading to:- • improved commerciality of products; • reduced product development timescales; • improved resource efficiencies; • creation of potentially ground breaking healthcare products; • business growth and creation. | 01/10/2015 | 30/06/2023 | £4,877,190.09 | £9,754,380.18 | 50.00% | NG1 1GF | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of Derby | D2EE (D2 area Energy and Efficiency) | ERDF | 4 | D2EE is a collaborative project involving the University of Derby (UoD) and Derby City and County Councils (LAs). Through this project, the partnership will deliver a holistic and accessible programme of services to encourage and support SMEs in the D2 area to make carbon savings and support the move of D2N2 towards a low carbon economy (LCE). | 01/11/2016 | 31/10/2022 | £4,454,840.00 | £8,978,698.00 | 49.62% | DE1 3HD | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
University of Nottingham | Enabling Innovation | ERDF | 1 | ‘Enabling Innovation’ will deliver an inclusive, joined-up programme of innovation support activities for SMEs across the D2N2 area by combining the resources of 3 local universities to achieve scale and impact. The emphasis will be on ‘enabling technologies’ as a driver for innovation within and between sectors. Both technical and non-technical interventions, from introductory workshops through to long-term research and innovation collaborations, will be provided including support for spin-out and graduate start-ups. The project will deliver D2N2’s innovation strategy Time to Innovate and will result in an increase in the number of SMEs bringing new products and processes to market. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £9,871,139.71 | £19,742,279.43 | 50.00% | NG7 2TU | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of Nottingham | Environmental Technology Centre 6 | ERDF | 4 | The Environmental Technology Centre (ETC) project will promote low-carbon innovation for SMEs in the D2N2 region through facilitating research, innovation, development and the adoption of low-carbon technologies, as well as encouraging greater energy efficiency and renewable energy use in SMEs. The objective of the project is to assist companies to survive, grow and diversify whilst becoming smarter about how they do things in an energy efficient way and increasing their productivity through low-carbon innovation and ultimately boosting savings in GHG emission. This will be achieved through a number of mechanisms including technology and knowledge transfer, access to the University’s hub of expertise and facilities and small capital grants. | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £3,595,380.00 | £7,192,266.00 | 49.99% | NG7 2TU | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
Visit Peak District and Derbyshire | Growing and Developing the Visitor Economy Sector within Derbyshire. | ERDF | 3 | The project will support the capacity of SMEs in the visitor economy and its supply chains to grow in regional, national and international markets. It will do this by: • providing visitor economy sector specific business advice and guidance; • providing expertise and knowledge to enable visitor economy businesses access new and emerging markets that have been identified by Visit England; • supporting the visitor economy to achieve economic growth within its domestic markets by aligning provision through the D2N2 Growth Hub. This is a partnership proposal led by Visit Peak District and Derbyshire (VPDD), supported by the Peak District National Park and D2 partners. | 01/05/2016 | 30/04/2023 | £1,272,714.85 | £2,635,872.05 | 48.28% | S41 7NA | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Nottingham City Council | The D2N2 LEP Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | This project ensures the further development of the Growth Hub information and referral service (Core Service), and enhances capabilities in several partner organisations so that an increasing number of businesses achieve their growth potential (Enhanced Local Service).The Growth Hub will significantly improve take up of business support and hence competitiveness of D2N2 SMEs. The success of this bid will strengthen its position as the focal point of the D2N2 business support ecostructure with at least 2,000 businesses per annum benefitting | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £1,266,908.00 | £2,533,815.00 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
East Midlands Business Limited (LOGASNET APPLICATION) | D2N2 SME Growth and Innovation Programme | ERDF | 3 | The D2N2 Growth & Innovation Programme will help to stimulate economic growth, employment and innovation in the D2N2 area by providing grants to small and medium enterprises to grow, innovate and create sustainable new employment. The D2N2 Growth & Innovation Programme brings together three grant schemes that between them cover the whole of the D2N2 area: • University of Derby Invest to Grow Programme; • University of Nottingham N2 Business Growth Programme, • D2 Enterprise Growth Fund. ERDF funding will increase the number of grants that can be awarded by these partner grant schemes and provide resources to assist businesses to make applications. | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £7,678,878.71 | £16,184,466.71 | 47.44% | LE19 1RJ | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Nottinghamshire County Council | D2N2 Digital Business Growth Programme | ERDF | 2 | D2N2 Digital Business Growth Programme will deliver a bespoke, structured business support programme, intensively supporting 852 businesses and developing 39 new businesses with real growth aspirations, to explore and introduce new and emerging ICT products / services to their business to improve competitiveness, productivity, perceptions about ICT’s role in business growth and to take advantage of commercial opportunities – consequently driving economic growth across the D2N2 area. | 01/07/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £3,394,743.00 | £6,789,486.00 | 50.00% | NG2 7QP | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs |
Nottingham City Council | The Creative and Digital Industries D2N2 Consortium for increased SME Competitiveness | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide coordinated and relevant sector-specific support for CDI sector business growth, emphasising SMEs working within the information economy. This approach will create a robust D2N2 CDI support cluster, maximising the potential for job/business creation, and increased productivity for growth. Delivery will be through a partnership of specialist CDI business support organisations across D2N2. The ambitious programme integrates expert provision with generalist support from the Growth Hub, and others, to ensure the creative and digital industries develop new products and services supporting growth and addressing low productivity. | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £4,414,439.44 | £8,828,877.45 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
East Midlands Business Limited | Internationalising SMEs | ERDF | 3 | The ‘Internationalising SMEs’ project will support SMEs from across the 5 LEPs specifiedset out in Annex B of call OC5015P 0118 to access new overseas markets for their goods and services. The project will provide a targeted programme of advice, events and financial support to encourage and assist SMEs to investigate and move into new markets. The project will enhance the capability and capacity of SMEs to exploit international opportunities, leading to increases in turnover, productivity and jobs created in SMEs. All SMEs in the target geography are eligible but additional support will be available to LEP priority sectors. | 01/10/2015 | 30/09/2021 | £1,413,583.49 | £2,942,272.37 | 48.04% | LE19 1RJ | South East Midlands | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Nottingham City Council | Invest in D2N2 | ERDF | 3 | The project is designed to bring new businesses and investment to the D2N2 area and provide support to SME businesses looking to expand into the D2N2 area. At a time of business uncertainty, this project will help project a positive business message, demonstrating to businesses, SMEs and international investors that D2N2 is open for business. | 22/11/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £2,626,871.62 | £5,253,747.00 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Derbyshire County Council | Developing A World Class Destination - Green Infrastructure in North Derbyshire | ERDF | 6 | The project will develop a new 7.4km accessible green corridor and restore areas of semi-natural grassland on calcareous substrate (6210 - Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC). The green corridor, a former railway line, will provide a well-defined new multi-user trail that links the urban centre of Clowne to the wider trails network. The new green corridor will play a key role in supporting the local economy by attracting business, visitors and people to live and work in the area, providing links to centres of employment and economic opportunities, including the growth of the visitor economy and a low-carbon sustainable transport offer.The project shall be delivered by Derbyshire County Council’s Consulting and Contracting Engineers, through competitive tendering procurement process. The project shall be phased over 3 consecutive years. | 01/10/2018 | 31/03/2021 | £584,730.00 | £1,169,460.00 | 50.00% | DE4 3AG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Derby City Council | Project Munio | ERDF | 5 | Project MUNIO will promote climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management through the delivery of interventions to address specific flood related risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems within key areas of the Lower Derwent corridor, in and around Derby City Centre. The investment made into Project MUNIO will support growth and job creation by enabling sustainable economic growth through the delivery of interventions to reduce significant flood risk to businesses and properties. The value for money is reasonable in view of logistical circumstances and options available to the applicant. As a result the interventions will address key investment and economic growth constraints currently in the Lower Derwent corridor. | 01/06/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £4,610,620.55 | £9,221,244.15 | 50.00% | DE1 2FS | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of climate change |
University of Derby | Catalysing Growth through Research for Transport Equipment Manufacturing | ERDF | 1 | This initiative delivers a programme of intensive research and innovation support to SMEs engaged in transport equipment manufacturing product and process technologies and associated supply chains. The support will - i) proactively identify opportunities for research and innovation collaboration between SMEs and research institutes; ii) provide finance to assist SMEs to access support provided by specialised research institutes across the UK and further afield; iii) allow project partners to deliver research and innovation collaborations with target SMEs. It will assist transport equipment manufacturing SMEs to promote their competitiveness by developing more efficient processes and products, boosting turnover and creating jobs | 01/07/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £1,352,920.00 | £2,705,839.00 | 50.00% | DE22 1GB | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Nottingham City Council | Derby-Nottingham Metro Area Biodiversity | ERDF | 6 | The project will improve urban open spaces in line with the Derby-Nottingham Metro Strategy, and enrich the biodiversity of priority habitats and species identified in the Local Biodiversity Action Plan . The project offers value for money in line with the benchmarks in the operational programme. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2021 | £3,895,097.50 | £7,790,195.00 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Nottingham City Council | DREeM (Deep Retrofit Energy Model) | ERDF | 4 | DREeM (Deep Retrofit Energy Model) is a scalable demonstration project which tests the roll out of an innovative financial and commercial model of deep retrofits to houses and public buildings to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy generation. | 01/10/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £5,567,493.00 | £11,134,987.00 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock |
Nottingham City Council | N2EG (N2 Energy Grants) | ERDF | 4 | The project, N2EG, will promote energy efficiency and renewable energy use in SMEs by: 1. conducting diagnostics to at least 200 businesses via an expert energy audit; 2. providing grants to at least 50 of those businesses in the form of vouchers to fit equipment which will reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions by 550 tonnes a year. All the businesses involved will be actively encouraged to adopt energy efficiency including renewable energy solutions and innovative technologies. Advice and suggestions will be given to businesses concerning energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. In energy efficiency, this could include low energy LED lighting, more efficient new heating systems, insulation, more efficient cooling and air-conditioning systems using heat exchange, and in renewable energy such as Solar PV, Air Source Heat Pumps, Ground Source Heat Pumps, and the potential for small scale wind power. Innovative technologies will include battery storage solutions and water source heat. Staff are already in place within Nottingham City Council with experience of delivering innovative solutions who could advise the Business Energy Adviser employed as part of this project. Energy efficiency advice shall include the control of current utilities, such as timings of energy use being in line with building operations, temperature set points, switch off campaigns, advice on data monitoring and targeting unusual consumption patterns, and strategies for reduction of energy use in peak charging periods to reduce industry pass through charges. | 01/07/2018 | 31/01/2021 | £599,999.95 | £1,199,999.95 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
Nottingham Trent University | Up-Scaler | ERDF | 3 | Up-scaler’ will target ERDF eligible ‘Scale-Up’, ‘Potential Scale-Up’ anSOL ‘Ambitious’ D2N2 businesses, enhancing their competitiveness and driving demand for high skilled jobs across D2N2. | 01/09/2018 | 31/07/2021 | £699,131.75 | £1,529,331.00 | 45.71% | NG1 4FQ | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Nottingham City Council | Nottingham SUD Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | The project supports the preparation, implementation and delivery of the D2N2 Sustainable Urban Development Strategy. There are no performance framework targets or benchmarks available under the Technical Assitance Priority Axis. However the project offers a good level of efficiency in light of costs being limited to one full time equivalent staff member and allowable indirect costs. The support through the project will help ensure that projects developed under the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy offer the best value for mony and meet local strategic priorities. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2021 | £125,964.00 | £251,928.00 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
University of Nottingham | Productivity Through Innovation | ERDF | 1 | This project will deliver an in-depth programme of productivity support for D2N2 SMEs. Academically supervised placements into businesses will identify and implement both technical and non-technical improvements over an extended period of time. | 01/04/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £6,941,238.82 | £6,941,238.82 | 50.00% | NG7 2TU | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Derby | Enscite 3 | ERDF | 3 | A 3-stage support programme will be provided: 1. Management and leadership support through a series of cluster events and specialist workshops focusing on sector productivity and competitiveness drivers e.g.: Driving continuous improvement; Digital transformation and Industry 4.0; Gaining competitive advantage through new business models and diversification; Using data to understand productivity levers, market drivers and the competition; 2. Support to develop an SME productivity and competitiveness action plan; 3. Sustained Graduate employment support (12 months) to implement one or more strategic projects identified in action plan with mentoring support. | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £911,992.87 | £1,823,985.87 | 50.00% | DE22 1GB | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs |
Nottingham City Council | D2N2 Growth Hub 2.0 | ERDF | 3 | The Growth Hub 2.0 bid is for a continuation of the D2N2 Growth Hub and Digital Grants Programme (DGP). The bid expands on current delivery bringing new partners into the Growth Hub. These are all local authorities/local authority partnerships who will deliver employer support in their area. The two projects align as they have several partners who are the same, processes are the same, and any duplication will be removed. This gives it impact and scale and improves value for money. | 01/04/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £8,867,661.55 | £17,735,323.10 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Nottingham City Council | Derby-Nottingham Metro Area Biodiversity Action: Phase 2 | ERDF | 6 | The Derby-Nottingham Metro Area Biodiversity Action: Phase 2 project builds on work from Phase 1 to improve the biodiversity in green/blue locations across the Trent Corridor and associated spaces. Projects are all small scale (up to £500,000) to ensure deliverability | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,050,602.00 | £2,101,204.00 | 50.00% | NG2 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
University of Nottingham | Driving Research and Innovation | ERDF | 1 | Activity will be delivered by the University of Nottingham using its established business engagement centres, Chemistry Innovation Laboratory (CIL), Food Innovation Centre (FIC) and Precision Manufacturing Centre (PMC). The project will deliver deep, long term interventions to SMEs with a focus on raising productivity. Activities will include R&I audits, projects (13 hours to 12 months), consultancy (academics and business experts), dissemination events (workshops and cluster group meetings), and reviews of literature and patents. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £2,333,460.00 | £4,666,920.00 | 50.00% | NG7 2TU | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Derby | Innovate 4 Rail - Accelerating SME Innovation in D2N2 for Rail Sector Sustainability & Growth | ERDF | 1 | The purpose of this project is to stimulate and support innovation amongst SMEs in the D2N2 rail sector supply chain. This will include developing new applications in rail for existing products or developing new products, processes or services to add value to the rail sector. | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £565,661.92 | £1,131,314.92 | 50.00% | De22 1GB | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Nottingham Trent University | NTU Enterprise and Innovation Centre (V2) (2) | ERDF | 2 | Nottingham Trent University is seeking £2,818,520 ESIF investment to create a new 2,000 sqm Enterprise & Innovation Centre (EIC) and Innovation Cluster for Nottingham SUD area, opening in 2020. | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £12,333.06 | £24,666.40 | 50.00% | NG1 4FQ | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs |
Nottingham Trent University | NTU Enterprise and Innovation Centre (V2) (3) | ERDF | 3 | Nottingham Trent Uni is seeking £2,818,520 ESIF investment to create a new 2,000 sqm Enterprise and Innovation Centre (EIC) and Innovation Cluster for Nottingham SUD area, opening in 2020. | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,806,186.94 | £8,926,360.54 | 31.44% | NG1 4FQ | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
East Midlands Chamber trading as D2N2 LEP | The D2N2 ERDF Technical Assistance Programme Phase 2 | ERDF | 9 | The project will deliver a D2N2 LEP wide continuation (phase 2) to the ERDF Technical Assistance (TA) Project from January 2019, involving key delivery partners to increase the understanding, engagement and delivery of quality applications to the ERDF MHCLG Gateway. The project, a hub and spoke delivery model provides bespoke services to ERDF applicants to successfully deliver the targets identified in the D2N2 ESIF Strategy and Operational Programme. The TA Project model, delivered by D2N2 LEP, Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council promotes opportunities and ensures support to applicants to address | 01/01/2019 | 31/03/2021 | £90,114.00 | £180,228.00 | 50.00% | S41 8ND | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 123 Information and communication |
Nottingham City Council | CPGH D2N2 Covid Recovery Grant (Parent e-claims ref: 08R18P02701) | ERDF | 3 | We propose to use this funding to deliver a grant scheme in line with the specification provided by MHCLG. We will offer a grant scheme for SME support, offering grants of between £1,000 - £2,499. These grants will typically support:- 1-2-1 specialist advice which SMEs could call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists etc; and / or- purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID-19. | 01/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £983,986.32 | £983,986.32 | 100.00% | NG32 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Nottingham City Council | Accelerating Reduction in Carbon (ARC) (PA4) | ERDF | 4 | ARC will help SMEs within the SUD area of Greater Nottingham to decarbonise by providing a virtual ‘accelerator’ support service which will provide carbon reduction advice and an associated grants programme to enable them to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It will accelerate companies onto the next stage of growth through the introduction of energy and resource efficiency measures and the reduction of operating costs, leading to increased productivity. | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £809,250.00 | £1,618,500.00 | 50.00% | NG32 3NG | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
University of Nottingham | Live Experiential and Live Experiential and Digital Diversification - Nottingham (LEADDNG) | ERDF | 2 | LEADD:NG offers a holistic programme of expert support for SMEs in the Nottingham SUDS area to understand and use online immersive technologies to both respond to the very real opportunities that exist in this sector and to specifically address the ongoing challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic and the longer term challenges arising from environmental pressures to reduce travel. LEADD:NG will support SMEs to use the full range of technologies required to deliver commercial online immersive experiences. These include interface technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and Internet of Things, but also enabling platform technologies including streaming, social media and data analytics that are required to integrate these into an online experience. It will also grow their capacity to deliver commercially viable immersive experiences, communicate with potential customers in branding and marketing, and exploit the data generated by immersive systems at all stages of the experience journey in an ethical and legally compliant way. | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £812,101.00 | £1,624,202.00 | 50.00% | NG7 2TU | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | Not set |
Nottingham Trent University | Sustainability in Enterprise | ERDF | 4 | The programme is a comprehensive approach to improving sustainable growth through a focus on the three key areas of business performance: process, premises and design. SMEs will benefit from consultancy, grants and graduate talent to reduce the environmental impact of their production/service provision and optimise costs through efficiency savings. In addition to competitive advantage, cost reductions will also lead to productivity improvements in SMEs. The result will help achieve low-carbon growth, thus improving the overall sustainability of the SUDS economy. | 01/04/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £1,995,990.00 | £3,991,980.00 | 50.00% | NG1 4PQ | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
NBV Enterprise Solutions Ltd | entrnce | ERDF | 3 | Incubation Extension Project delivered across 30 months is to extend both the physical space coupled with an extension of the reach of incubation growth and productivity support to local SMEs, delivered from the NBV Enterprise Centre in Basford. The project will be delivered by NBV Enterprise Solutions Ltd; an established not-for-profit Enterprise Agency with an exceptional 36 year track record of successful contract delivery and business support for new and growing SMEs, including through ERDF PA3 funding. | 04/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £816,000.00 | £1,632,000.00 | 50.00% | NG7 7FN | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Rushcliffe Borough Council | Offices at Chapel Lane, Bingham. | ERDF | 3 | The project will create an office block containing 12 own front door offices for new and growing SMEs with a programme of business support for resident SMEs and those in the area | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £1,675,000.00 | £3,407,208.00 | 49.16% | NG2 5LN | Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire | England | Not set |
WSX Enterprise Ltd (GapcapLtd) | Dorset Business Growth (Dorset Growth Hub) | ERDF | 3 | Comprehensive business support package targets key sectors- Dorset & demonstrating good vfm. It fits national priorities and will add to existing provision to meet identified needs agreed by LEP & local authorities | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £9,549,798.00 | £19,099,596.00 | 50.00% | BH12 5AG | Dorset | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) | AUB Innovation Studio | ERDF | 1 | Prov of refurbished premises,new equipment & accompanying business support offering tailored 'business journeys' to promote innovative development. The project offers low unit costs, providing good vfm and helps to deliver national innovation policy. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £599,959.00 | £1,199,926.00 | 50.00% | BH12 5HH | Dorset | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Dorset County Council | Dorset Low Carbon Economy Programme | ERDF | 4 | The Dorset Low Carbon Economy Programme will provide technical and financial support (grants) to SMEs, communities, and public sector organisations to de-risk and accelerate deployment of low carbon projects and demonstrate low carbon technologies in busi | 01/09/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £8,275,863.00 | £16,551,727.00 | 50.00% | DT1 1XJ | Dorset | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
SWMAS Ltd. | High Value Manufacturing Advisory Programme - Dorset | ERDF | 3 | The proposed programme will provide specialist support to the manufacturing sector in Dorset. The focus of the programme will be on supporting domestic strategic priorities including national industrial strategy and make a meaningful contribution to priority axis 3 of the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme. Working with SME manufacturers the programme will deliver targeted interventions to improve productivity and promote growth. It will achieve this by opening the eyes of manufacturers to current best practice in manufacturing and supporting the development and deployment of enabling technologies in production processes and products. The programme will be a catalyst for change in SME manufacturing businesses, providing specialist insight into potential improvements that would not otherwise be identified or available. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £515,800.00 | £1,031,600.00 | 50.00% | TA6 4FJ | Dorset | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
Arts University Bournemouth | AUBIT | ERDF | 1 | Arts University Bournemouth Innovate and Test (AUBIT) is the overarching concept linking our industry and community engagement. This project builds on work in ESIF PA1a embedding Research and Innovation in the region, and the Dorset Growth Deal creating a hatchery and incubator space. | 01/04/2019 | 31/03/2022 | £463,925.00 | £927,849.00 | 50.00% | BH12 5HH | Dorset | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
WSX Enterprise Ltd | CPGH Dorset Business Growth (Dorset Growth Hub) (Parent 09R16P00230) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme - The main priority for the project will provide grants to SME's in the range of £1000 - £3000 (up to £5,000 in exceptional circumstances) to support 1-2-1 specialist advice or purchase minor equipment. This is to assist the SME to adapt or adopt new technology in order for them to continue to deliver business or diversify in direct response to COVID-19. | 01/09/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £545,384.00 | £545,384.00 | 100.00% | BH12 5AG | Dorset | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Oxford Innovation Services Ltd | Innovate to Succeed (i2s) | ERDF | 1 | Tailored support to SMEs to enhance innovation management capability. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £499,976.00 | £999,953.00 | 50.00% | OX1 1BY | Enterprise M3 | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
University of Surrey | Digital Business Acceleration Hubs | ERDF | 1 | Network of acceleration hubs in EM3 identified key growth towns. | 01/09/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £987,498.00 | £1,974,996.00 | 50.00% | GU2 7XH | Enterprise M3 | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship |
EB Charging Ltd | Hants 2025 e-Taxi Trial | ERDF | 4 | The specific aim of the project is to deliver a material improvement in air quality in a number of local authority areas in Hampshire through rapidly accelerating the uptake of zero emission electric vehicles (EVs) within the taxi industry. This will be achieved by addressing the market failure surrounding a lack of information and awareness of the benefits, availability and capabilities of EVs and the lack of appropriate city centre charging points. | 01/07/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £759,353.00 | £1,518,704.00 | 50.00% | AL5 2JN | Enterprise M3 | England | Not set |
University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation | EMphasis3 (CO2 reductions) | ERDF | 4 | Deliver 200 energy efficiency audits, promote an economic case for low carbon technologies, build a low carbon demonstrator and conduct innovation audits with follow on interventions. | 01/07/2019 | 30/06/2022 | £1,294,084.00 | £2,588,168.00 | 50.00% | PO1 2UP | Enterprise M3 | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs |
Royal Agricultural University (RAU) | Inspiring Agri-technology Innovation | ERDF | 1 | Delivers support activities for existing local agri-tech businesses & other sectors intending to diversify to agri-tech sector & start-up businesses. Aligns with local SMART Specialisation & the UK Innovation & Research Strategy, provides good vfm. | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2022 | £550,000.00 | £1,105,556.00 | 49.75% | GL7 6JS | Gloucestershire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Gloucestershire | Gloucestershire Research and Innovation Programme (GRIP) | ERDF | 1 | Improving innovation capacity among Gloucestershire’s SMEs. Project aligns with local growth needs; increasing innovation’s impact on productivity/links between education & business. VfM analysis shows 164% contribution to PA1 PF targets. | 01/02/2017 | 30/04/2020 | £433,416.00 | £866,994.00 | 49.99% | GL50 2RH | Gloucestershire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Gloucestershire | Gloucestershire’s Accelerated Impact Network Support (GAINS) | ERDF | 3 | Provides support to SMEs in high growth sectors, to increase productivity and innovation. The project aims to support 220 SMEs and create 200 new jobs at an ERDF cost per output below national average. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £340,595.00 | £681,191.00 | 50.00% | GL50 2RH | Gloucestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Severn Wye Energy Agency Ltd | Gloucestershire Target 2030 – Countdown to a Low Carbon Economy | ERDF | 4 | Energy effic diagnostic & advisory service to 300 SMEs in Glos.Prov of voucher/grant scheme & enhancement of domestic installer/supplier network. Aligns with national energy efficiency policy & the local ESIF strategy, providing good vfm. | 01/04/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £2,555,163.49 | £729,264.00 | 41.48% | GL2 8DN | Gloucestershire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
University of Gloucestershire | The Core Growth Hub Service | ERDF | 3 | Addresses challenges in business support accross Gloucestershire. Builds on current growth hub provision within GFirst LEP area. Aligns with the national policy on supporting LEP growth hubs and offers excellent vfm with ouptuts well ahead of benchmarks. | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £3,544,634.00 | £7,007,467.00 | 50.58% | GL50 2RH | Gloucestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Gloucestershire | Start and Grow Enterprise (SaGE) | ERDF | 3 | Aims to reduce the SME failure rate by helping enterprises deliver their entrepreneurial ambition. The project aims to support 1,028 SMEs and lead to 19 new-to-firm products at an ERDF cost per output below national average | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £525,906.00 | £1,051,812.00 | 50.00% | GL50 2RH | Gloucestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Gloucester City Council | Urban Greening Project | ERDF | 6 | The Green Infrastructure (GI) strategy of Joint Core Strategy (JCS) for Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury articulates a vision for the area where anyone in an urban environment can walk out of their home/workplace and by going through a series of inte | 03/04/2017 | 30/06/2022 | £729,264.00 | £1,405,568.00 | 49.99% | GL1 2EQ | Gloucestershire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Cheltenham Borough Council | Connecting Habitat : Fixing Flooding – Central Cheltenham | ERDF | 6 | Cheltenham was developed to a verdant town plan throughout the 1800s. But whilst the plan’s suburban parks and public gardens approach the town centre edge in a cruciform of significant green spaces from the town’s rural edge; they fail to penetrate it, l | 01/10/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £635,448.00 | £1,270,896.00 | 50.00% | GL50 9SA | Gloucestershire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
GFirst LEP CIC | Inward Investment Gloucestershire | ERDF | 3 | Project aims to attract foreign inward investment into the GFirst LEP area. | 21/01/2019 | 30/04/2023 | £464,898.00 | £1,077,176.00 | 43.16% | GL2 9HW | Gloucestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust | Wild Towns | ERDF | 6 | To create, connect and enhance green spaces for wildlife and more generally improve biodiversity in some of Gloucestershire market towns | 01/10/2018 | 31/03/2023 | £1,031,034.00 | £2,064,091.00 | 49.95% | LGL4 6SX | Gloucestershire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Gloucestershire County Council | Gloucestershire Canal Tow Paths Upgrade | ERDF | 6 | The project is clear. It is a 2.6 km length of Tow Path to be renovated with wildlife habitat provided. | 08/04/2018 | 30/12/2021 | £435,864.00 | £876,598.00 | 49.72% | GL1 2EQ | Gloucestershire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
SWMAS Ltd | Gloucestershire Manufacturing Advisory Programme (GMAP) | ERDF | 3 | The proposed programme will support the growth of SME manufacturing businesses in the Gloucestershire area by offering hands-on specialist manufacturing advice and support, with a focus on high growth potential businesses and the advanced manufacturing sector e.g. aerospace and precision engineering. | 01/10/2019 | 30/09/2022 | £499,350.00 | £998,700.00 | 50.00% | TA64FJ | Gloucestershire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Royal Agricultural University | Wild Campus Cirencester | ERDF | 6 | This project will make transformative habitat improvements across three educational sites - a university, college and school – to create a Wild Campus connecting Cirencester to surrounding countryside. It will create a dark corridor for bats and a haven for birds, small mammals and amphibians, and for the pollinators and other bugs they eat. | 03/02/2020 | 30/05/2023 | £356,460.00 | £712,920.00 | 50.00% | Gl76JS | Gloucestershire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
University of Gloucestershire | Start and Grow Enterprise (SaGE) - Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | The project will support pre-starts and early-stage businesses to overcome common barriers, supporting entrepreneurs and new businesses to achieve high and sustained growth. The Start and Grow Enterprise project will build upon the existing project’s offer by providing targeted and bespoke short training courses, workshops, and 1-to-1 support. The project has demonstrated success in providing baseline support to beneficiaries; the additional activities set out in this proposal will continue to provide this, together with tailored support needed to successfully drive high growth. Initially, the experienced project team will evaluate client applicants to successfully diagnose entrepreneurs and businesses with passion and potential for high growth. If this and the ERDF eligibility criteria are met, clients will be accepted onto the project. Non-eligible entrepreneurs/enterprises will be sign-posted to any relevant available support. Project offer: Start-up Programme - c.30 two-day intensive courses for pre-start entrepreneurs, or 4 x 3-hour sessions for students. 1-day Grow Your Business course x 24 - for existing enterprises - trading for 2 years or less. Followed by 2 x 3-hour Workshops - suite of essential training for enterprises with potential for high growth (new format to address specific business needs). These activities will be organised by the experienced project team and delivered in conjunction with external professionals and University academics. Additional support provided to clients: Start-up Programme - c.30 two-day intensive courses for pre-start entrepreneurs, or 4 x 3-hour sessions for students. 1-day Grow Your Business course x 24 - for existing enterprises - trading for 2 years or less. Followed by 2 x 3-hour Workshops - suite of essential training for enterprises with potential for high growth (new format to address specific business needs). These activities will be organised by the experienced project team and delivered in conjunction with external professionals and University academics. Peer Groups – network meeting organised by project team; High Growth Vouchers - £1,000 (competitive); 1:1 Coaching (competitive) - delivered by professionals; Route to Funding - selected businesses recommended to join clinics held regularly by GFirst’s Banking and Finance Committee; Mentors - selected clients linked to a pool of Volunteer Mentors to offer further support for 3-month period, or specific mentors with expertise in a particular field (e.g., high-tech or FCMG); Onward referral to the Growth Hub and/or other business support services. | 06/02/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £725,902.00 | £1,451,804.00 | 50.00% | GL50 2RH | Gloucestershire | England | 063 cluster support and business networks primarily benefiting SMEs |
University of the West of England | Scale Up 4 Growth Gloucestershire | ERDF | 3 | Scale Up 4 Growth Gloucestershire (S4GG) will provide £1,000,000 of grant funding and £530,000 of business support to SMEs across Gloucestershire tohelp them scale and grow. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,482,520.00 | £3,388,189.00 | 43.76% | BS16 1QY | Gloucestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Hartpury University | Digital Innovation in Agri-Tech | ERDF | 1 | The Digital Innovation in Agri-Tech Project will provide an innovation workspace and dedicated support programme for SMEs in Gloucestershire operating, or seeking to operate, within the agri-tech sector. This innovation workspace, located within a purpose-built Tech-Box Park at Hartpury, will deliver an immersive innovation programme of in-house and external experts with on-site live demonstrations from their farm to SMEs who have gone through an eligibility check and diagnostic assessment. The project will offer: - Workspace in which to develop innovative products, utilising: - Robotic testbeds - undertaking experiments and tests on new/enhanced products using robotics; located within an on-site diagnostic workshop; Artificial intelligence - able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence; Artificial intelligence - able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence; Access to?agri-tech and cyber-security experts, and academics at Hartpury, Royal Agricultural University, and University of West of England to support SMEs in: - Understanding how digital technology and data can enhance farming techniques and equipment, and increase their commercial application; Understanding how academic research can support new product development; Improving productivity through development and enhancement of product design; Ensuring the inclusion of robust digital security to mitigate cyber risks. Access to Innovation Vouchers worth £1,000 towards the cost of expert innovation advice. Engagement opportunities at Innovation Networking Cluster events involving businesses, academics, and customers, creating collaborative partnerships and increasing knowledge exchange. By ‘agri-tech’ we mean the use of?technology?in agricultural products, services and applications, including data and security, to improve productivity. | 01/11/2020 | 31/10/2023 | £739,586.00 | £1,542,416.00 | 47.95% | GL19 3BE | Gloucestershire | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SM |
University of Gloucestershire | CPGH The Core Growth Hub Service (Parent 11R16P01216) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme. The main priority for the project will provide grants to SME's in the range of £1000 - £3000 (up to £5,000 in exceptional circumstances) to support 1-2-1 specialist advice or purchase minor equipment. This is to assist the SME to adapt or adopt new technology in order for them to continue to deliver business or diversify in direct response to COVID-19. | 15/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £464,655.00 | £464,655.00 | 100.00% | GL50 2RH | Gloucestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Birmingham Science Park Aston | Innovation Engine | ERDF | 1 | The Innovation Engine simulates demand for new or improved products, services, and processes by issuing challenges to SME businesses from large organisations operating within the Health, Life Sciences, Digital & Creative, Transport and Low Carbon sectors to drive smart, sustainable and inclusive growth via the SMEs. The project increases SME investment in research and innovation by stimulating new markets, resulting in new products, services and processes by enabling the businesses to collaboratively solve the challenges. The SMEs will be engaged in knowledge exchange, collaborative and contract research and innovation in conjunction with Universities, research institutions, public institutions and large enterprises. | 04/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £971,132.00 | £1,942,264.00 | 50.00% | B7 4BB | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Aston University | BSEEN | ERDF | 1 | BSEEN is a student and graduate start-up support project. It is a collaborative project led by Aston University sharing the delivery with three partner universities, Birmingham City University, University College Birmingham and Newman University. The beneficiaries of the project are students from the four partner universities and graduates living in the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP (GBSLEP) area who graduated less than five years ago. The BSEEN project aims to create sustainable profitable businesses with growth potential. The key goal is to create additional jobs for the GBSLEP: By increasing the number of students and graduates starting businesses to reduce graduate unemployment rates; By building a culture of enterprise among the local student and graduate community that equips each individual with the skills, knowledge and confidence required to start a business or secure graduate level employment, contributing to local and UK economic wealth. | 01/06/2016 | 31/05/2019 | £697,363.00 | £1,394,726.00 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) | Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | Provide an evolving GBSLEP Growth Hub with a seamless, diagnostic led ‘single point of contact’ for the coordination and delivery of business information and national and local business support by delivery partners. Run by a qualified and experienced team using state of the art customer relationship management software and systems and referral routes between the Growth Hub and partners. Achieve: Improve the competitiveness, and productivity and growth of SMEs leading to the creation of enhanced levels of new jobs and investment stimulating a balanced and thriving economy. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £904,958.00 | £1,809,916.00 | 50.00% | B15 3DH | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Birmingham City Council – Digital Birmingham | Big Data Corridor: A New Business Economy | ERDF | 1 | Big Data Corridor will satisfy the demand for new or improved services based on the availability of, access to and new insights gained from data. It will create an innovative, connected data marketplace - a new disruptive economy - centred on a user led demonstrator in East Birmingham. SMEs will be supported to use data to create new services and products that respond to specific challenges to deliver to beneficiaries in East Birmingham, generating social and environmental value alongside hard economic impacts. It will create new businesses, help existing companies expand and provide quality new jobs for local people. | 01/10/2016 | 31/07/2019 | £1,201,688.00 | £2,403,381.00 | 50.00% | B1 1BB | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Birmingham City University | STEAMHOUSE | ERDF | 1 | STEAMHouse is a demand-led demonstrator showing how the Arts can be combined with Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEAM) to generate innovative products and drive economic growth. The project will support innovation in the Priority Growth Sectors identified in the LEPs Smart Specialisation Strategy (Advanced Manufacturing, Low Carbon, Health and Creative & Digital); will accept challenges in fields connected to the eight great technologies identified nationally; and meets the priority identified in the ESIF Strategy to strengthen collaboration between elements of the innovation ecosystem and between sectors. The project offers good value for money and compares favourably with the programme benchmarks. | 30/09/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £1,748,388.00 | £3,496,780.00 | 50.00% | B5 5JU | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust | Centre for Medical Devices Testing and Evaluation (MD-TEC) | ERDF | 1 | The project will grow existing markets and stimulate new ones for Life Sciences’ businesses by enabling them to bring products to market more quickly and more cheaply by making products easier to use and patient tested. Life sciences is one of the four priority sectors for the local enterprise partnership area. The project offers value for money in line with the benchmarks in the operational programme. | 19/12/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £3,367,165.00 | £6,734,333.00 | 50.00% | B15 2TH | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Birmingham | GBSLEP - Alternative Raw with Low Impact (ARLI) | ERDF | 1 | The programme is directly aligned with GB&S LEP ESIF Strategy, which supports the growth of the low carbon economy and the key priorities of the LEP Climate Change Strategy, particularly through supporting businesses to deliver a low carbon economy which is less wasteful The project offers very good value for money against a range of outputs. | 01/07/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £864,794.00 | £1,729,586.00 | 50.00% | B15 2TT | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Aston University | Transforming SMEs to improve their revenues through the adoption of advanced services. (TRAN-SIP) | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver the sustainable growth of technology-focused SMEs, capturing significant untapped value from their customers through advanced services (servitization). It will review the competitiveness of 80 SMEs and equip them to redesign their business model (Project phase 1). Phase 2 will lead the 50 most promising through an in depth, intensive longitudinal engagement, delivering business model innovation, organisational transformation and new technology adoption. These SMEs will be supported throughout by a community of practice and a package of specialised financial and legal expertise. It will achieve a minimum increase of £19.2m GVA and create at least 70 jobs. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £584,067.03 | £1,168,092.00 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council | Enterprise Development & Growth – Greater Birmingham & Solihull | ERDF | 3 | It will ensure the delivery of start-up and new business growth support across GBS, coordinated through the GBS Growth Hub (with a new, dedicated resource), giving entrepreneurs access to advice, support and networking, with specialist expertise including social enterprise, women’s enterprise and innovation, working with delivery partners focussing on key areas and communities with low levels of enterprise and innovation activity and on under-represented groups. It will achieve increases in entrepreneurship, business creation, job creation and growth, and then link these growing businesses into the full range of support available to them in the next phases of their growth. | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £2,700,730.00 | £5,115,785.00 | 52.79% | B91 9QS | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Birmingham City Council | Property Investment Programme | ERDF | 3 | The Property Investment Programme (PIP) is a discretionary grant scheme available to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the GBSLEP area to part-fund capital works to industrial and business premises. For eligible costs up to €200,000, grant will be 40%. Total grant eligibility will be subject to De Minimis limit. The PIP will fund:• Refurbishment and new-build of industrial and business premises.• Professional fees incurred after grant offer (EU procurement rules apply)The PIP will achieve:• £3,000,000 million (minimum) private sector investment. • 40SMEs supported • 120 jobs created • 20,000 Sq.M of commercial floor space created/refurbishe. This project is split by category of region as follows: More Developed 91.23% (90% of the capital spend available to SMEs) and Transitional 8.77% (10% Capital) which is £200k. The PIP will fund: • Refurbishment and new-build of industrial and business premises. • Professional fees incurred after grant offer (EU procurement rules apply) The PIP will achieve: • £3,000,000 million (minimum) private sector investment • 40SMEs supported • 120 jobs created • 20,000 Sq.M of commercial floor space created/refurbished This project is split by category of region as follows: More Developed 91.23% (90% of the capital spend available to SMEs) and Transitional 8.77% (10% Capital) which is £200k. | 01/11/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £5,563,712.00 | £11,127,424.00 | 50.00% | B4 7DJ | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Innovation Birmingham (Aston Science Park) | Birmingham Knowledge Economy Business Incubation Partnership | ERDF | 3 | This project creates a partnership between Birmingham’s two science parks, providing accessible support for emerging innovative hi-tech SMEs, enabling a diversity of expertise and experience to be shared, driving focussed interventions targeted at companies with growth potential. It will utilise access to both digital and life-science / wet-laboratory facilities and expertise at the two locations, the support of Entrepreneurs-In-Residence (sector and business development experts) and a wide community of associates, actively complementing the Growth Hub. It will enhance the survival and growth of regional hi-tech start-ups, promote innovation and investment by the region’s SME base, and promote greater SME-Academia engagement. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £1,025,489.00 | £2,050,978.00 | 50.00% | B7 4BB | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
West Midlands Growth Company | Investing in Greater Birmingham | ERDF | 3 | Marketing Birmingham through its Business Birmingham team will be proactive in the development of new Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and business expansions from UK/EU over the next 3 years across the project geography. This is a strategic scheme to tackle underperformance within businesses established in the area. The project will implement a co-ordinated and integrated range of activity. Sustainable, broad based growth will be achieved by tackling issues and challenges identified in research. Investment will be attracted into 5 priority sectors and a number of key locations. The project will support and attract 45; (C1), and (C5) and increase employment by 90 (C8). | 01/01/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £1,786,673.50 | £3,573,347.00 | 50.00% | B1 2ND | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of Birmingham | Accelerating Thermal Energy Technology Adoption (ATETA) | ERDF | 4 | It will promote innovation and adoption of low carbon technologies by working closely with SMEs within the GBS LEP area, in order to meet local development needs. It delivers activity under one of the eight great technologies identified nationally (energy and its storage.) This project exploits the existing and emerging facilities and expertise from the Thermal-Energy Research Accelerator, ensuring that the world leading research arising from this high profile, central government funded initiative lead to economic benefits for SMEs in the local Greater Birmingham and Solihull economy. The project offers good value for money with all outputs forecast to be delivered at costs below the average for the operational programme. | 01/03/2017 | 29/02/2020 | £2,034,792.00 | £4,069,583.00 | 50.00% | B15 2TT | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Aston University | Low Carbon SMEs | ERDF | 4 | The project helps small and medium sized enterprises to adopt energy efficient and low carbon options, this was identified as a local priorityand will improve business competitiveness and resilience. The project offers good value for money, with unit costs below the programme benchmarks. | 01/03/2017 | 28/02/2023 | £1,172,519.92 | £2,345,035.76 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council | Solihull Habitat and Nature Improvements | ERDF | 6 | The Solihull Habitat and Nature Improvements Project will support 121 hectares of land to attain better conservation status. This will be achieved through a three year programme of infrastructure and habitat improvements that are aligned with national and local investment priorities including the for the GBSLEP and UK Central. The project offers very good value for money against the key performance outputs | 01/04/2017 | 28/02/2020 | £946,633.00 | £1,893,275.00 | 50.00% | B91 3QB | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Birmingham City Council | BASIS - Birmingham and Solihull Industrial Symbiosis | ERDF | 6 | The project helps businesses optimise the use of resources in ways that improve business performance and contribute to the protection and preservation of the environment. It is aligned to local waste strategies and supports local development plans for efficient use of resources. The project offers extremely good value for money when compared against programme benchmarks. | 01/04/2017 | 30/04/2023 | £1,609,494.74 | £3,098,588.00 | 51.94% | B1 1BB | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes and |
Birmingham City Council | Natural Rivers and Green Corridors | ERDF | 6 | The project will be delivered by Aggregate Industries (AI), Birmingham City Council (BCC), Environment Agency (EA), Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (SWT) and the Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country (WTBBC). Project activities will be delivered by partner organisations’ staff, contractors procured by project partners and, where possible, local community groups and other volunteers. BCC will act as the lead organisation and accountable body. | 01/08/2018 | 31/12/2022 | £627,445.67 | £1,254,892.67 | 50.00% | B2 2JE | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council | Greening the Grey | ERDF | 6 | Greening the Grey, building on the successful Habitats and Nature Improvements project, looks to improve and provide green corridors improving the communities and businesses ability to access green space across the urban part of the Borough more sustainably and resource efficiently. The project is poor value for money but this is explained by the complex nature of the works and is funded on the basis of strong local strategic value. | 01/05/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £7,659,738.00 | £15,319,476.00 | 50.00% | B91 9QS | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
University of Birmingham | The Centre for Innovation in Advanced Measurement in Manufacturing (CIAMM) | ERDF | 1 | The Centre for Innovation in Advanced Measurement in Manufacturing (CIAMM) will create an internationally significant incubation centre to support sensor technologists, systems engineers and SME businesses to develop new businesses, products and services which are built on commercial applications of quantum technology and advanced metrology, with a particular focus on new medical imaging technologies for improved patient stratification, early diagnosis & more effective treatment. | 01/09/2018 | 31/08/2021 | £614,912.07 | £1,229,830.07 | 50.00% | B15 2TT | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Aston University | Innovation Vouchers Phase 3 | ERDF | 1 | £803,275 ERDF -The project will deliver 100 vouchers. 80 will be valued at £2,500, 10 at £3,500 and 10 at £1,500. Each SME will provide an equivalent value of match funding. The voucher will be delivered by third party knowledge base organisations / research institutes. The projects offers value for money and is consistent with bench marks for similar projects | 01/07/2019 | 30/06/2022 | £803,273.00 | £1,606,542.00 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Aston University | BSEEN (Birmingham Skills for Enterprise and Employability Network) | ERDF | 1 | Aston University would like to apply to extend an approved project BSEEN (Birmingham Skills for Enterprise and Employability Network) 12R16P00205. The project which is led by Aston in collaboration with Birmingham City University, University College Birmingham and Newman University, has a successful track record of supporting students and recent graduates to set up their own businesses since 2012. It equips highly skilled students and graduates from the world class universities in the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP (GBSLEP) with the skills and confidence to set-up, sustain and grow new innovative businesses. The extension of the project will allow the universities to continue to deliver a comprehensive programme to ensure 225 student and graduate entrepreneurs have the best chance to start-up and grow their business in the first year of trading. The current project is partway through a three year project timescale and has already supported 125 newly established SMEs, with three more boot camps to come in 2018. The independent evaluation of the project that ran from 2012–2015, reported ‘97% of surveyed BSEEEN participants said that they found the intensive start-up training useful in helping them to develop the skills needed to develop their proposed businesses’. | 01/06/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,173,802.01 | £2,347,604.02 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Aston University | Diverse Supply Chains | ERDF | 3 | This project will assist minority owned businesses to enter the supply chains of major contractors, particularly with reference to HS2. In this project, minority owned businesses are those owned and managed by women (particularly women with children), people with limiting disabilities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) people, ethnic minorities and young entrepreneurs. | 01/11/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £547,219.00 | £1,094,437.00 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Birmingham City University | STEAMhouse – Digital Technologies Enabling Innovation | ERDF | 1 | The aim of the project is to show how companies can innovate more effectively through the use of digital technologies. The project will develop demonstrator facilities for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Digital Circuitry and Digital Design, alongside a programme of business support. | 01/10/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £1,739,207.00 | £3,478,414.00 | 50.00% | B5 5JU | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Birmingham City Council | Ward End Park Lakeside Renewal Project (4) | ERDF | 4 | The project is part of a wider vision for regeneration of the Park, linked to the HS2 Growth Strategy, which we have already shared with officers from HS2 via the HS2 Environment and Landscape Board. We will be working with them over the coming months to develop a more robust partnership for this key community asset. The project is located in Ward End Park, Washwood Heath Ward directly opposite the HS2 Depot site, the two sites linked by the Wash Brook. The Dolphin Centre, a public building owned by Birmingham City Council and leased to Norton Hall, fronts onto Washwood Heath Road and overlooks the lake within the park. | 01/06/2018 | 14/11/2022 | £544,429.75 | £1,088,859.50 | 50.00% | B2 2JE | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | Not set |
Birmingham City Council | Ward End Park Lakeside Renewal Project (6) | ERDF | 6 | The project is part of a wider vision for regeneration of the Park, linked to the HS2 Growth Strategy, which we have already shared with officers from HS2 via the HS2 Environment and Landscape Board. We will be working with them over the coming months to develop a more robust partnership for this key community asset. The project is located in Ward End Park, Washwood Heath Ward directly opposite the HS2 Depot site, the two sites linked by the Wash Brook. The Dolphin Centre, a public building owned by Birmingham City Council and leased to Norton Hall, fronts onto Washwood Heath Road and overlooks the lake within the park. | 01/12/2018 | 14/11/2022 | £544,429.75 | £1,088,859.50 | 50.00% | B2 2JE | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | Not set |
Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP | GBSLEP Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | This bid is for a continuation of the successful delivery of the current GBSLEP Growth Hub project. However, it will enhance the offer, making it more growth orientated by expanding operational capacity, developing specialist services and a new account managed approach. This will enable the hub to work intensively with over 900 growth businesses across Gt Birmingham focused on LEP key sectors, which will lead to improved economic growth, productivity gains and high quality job creation. It will continue to offer IDB info through the hub website to all companies and entrepreneurs as a one stop shop for enquiries. This project should follow on directly from the existing project to ensure no histus in service (ie from 1st October). | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,556,337.03 | £5,083,311.37 | 51.00% | B1 2ND | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Aston University | Advanced Services Growth: Developing Innovative Strategies for Improved Growth in SMEs | ERDF | 1 | This project will help SMEs in the Greater Birmingham and Solihull, specifically those with an existing product offering, to understand how to create innovative ‘advanced services’ that co-create value for them and their customers. We will provide support to enable these SMEs to understand the strategic drivers for change, help them to innovate their business model, and their revenue model where appropriate, to take advantage of the development of innovative services leading to significant growth opportunities (improved GVA/SME). | 01/01/2019 | 31/03/2022 | £701,923.00 | £1,403,847.00 | 50.00% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Aston University | Aston University Advanced Prototyping Facility (AU-APF) | ERDF | 1 | The project will create a facility to deliver and provide access to advanced manufacturing design with support from dedicated technicians and business engagement managers. The project will support SMEs who are seeking exploratory product development or production trials, by fitting out a space in the main University building to develop an Advanced Prototyping Facility (APF). This will provide sophisticated equipment that SMEs would not ordinarily have funds to access. SMEs will also be able to access assistance with design for manufacture, prototyping, test manufacturing, post processing and testing. | 01/12/2020 | 31/05/2023 | £618,666.00 | £1,205,082.00 | 51.34% | B4 7ET | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | Not set |
Birmingham City University | EcRoFit (SUD) | ERDF | 4 | The EcRoFit project offers a precision software tool for Smart Building Energy Assessment iRet to support players in the new build and retrofit markets for domestic and non-domestic buildings, and will engage businesses who assess buildings and supply, install, maintain energy saving solutions. | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £717,086.00 | £1,434,172.00 | 50.00% | B5 5JU | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes and |
GBSLEP Growth Hub | CPGH GBSLEP Growth Hub (Parent E-claims ref: 12R19P02973) | ERDF | 3 | The scale of the impact from Covid-19 is wide-ranging and deep, affecting almost all businesses in some way and for many being deeply damaging. GBSLEP Growth Hub proposes this grant intervention for a highly targeted cohort of businesses which are able to demonstrate a clear negative impact of Covid-19. They will also fall within the general strategic priorities of the LEP and WMCA, with account taken of other sectors which have been hard hit or are otherwise critical to the future recovery of the region. | 10/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £990,173.00 | £990,173.00 | 100.00% | B1 2ND | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Birmingham City Council | Home Energy Housing | ERDF | 4 | The Home Energy Housing project will combine a range of energy generation and efficiency strategies to increase renewable energy capacity and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from Birmingham City Council’s future house building program. A number of interventions will be developed to improve the current Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust (BMHT) specification, creating low carbon homes assisting in the national drive towards decarbonisation of the grid within the construction and housing sectors. The proposal includes the development of a bespoke enclosure or ‘pod’ designed to coordinate the installation of renewable technology products, allowing improved maintenance access and avoiding further reduction of storage space within the home. Additionality will be pursued through the inclusion of car and bike charging points, integrated into the unit to support access to green transport, as well as external storage facilities for secure delivery. BMHT housing performance targets have historically sought to deliver an improvement over the standard open market by requiring a space heating target more demanding than the Building Regulations Part L approved document, using a higher Fabric Energy Efficiency (FEE) requirement. | 01/02/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £521,077.00 | £1,042,157.00 | 50.00% | B2 2JE | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demonstration projects and supporting measures |
University of Birmingham | Climate Innovation Platform | ERDF | 4 | The Climate Innovation Platform will engage, develop, support and nurture new energy technology businesses by providing incubation and collaborative facilities at the rapidly developing Tyseley Energy Park (TEP) in Birmingham. Businesses will have the opportunity to stimulate innovation, develop/demonstrate new technologies and create commercially viable energy system solutions that positively contribute to local communities and the citizens of Birmingham’s whilst reducing CO2 emissions by 2030. The project will bring together a package of support to help those businesses thrive and grow. | 01/10/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £524,947.00 | £1,049,894.00 | 50.00% | B15 2TT | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 065. Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Birmingham | The River Cole and Tyseley Energy Park: Creation of community commons | ERDF | 6 | The project is seeking to improve the habitat along the River Cole in the Tyseley area of Birmingham. This is primarily a capital project, but there are elements to help encourage community engagement in a range of environment improvement activities. This is a PA6 (Environment) focused project and also forms part of the portfolio of projects that are being delivered in Birmingham’s Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) portfolio. The Grant recipient is University of Birmingham (UoB), who are also working with the following delivery partners: Birmingham City Council (primary landowners), TAWS (voluntary sector – community engagement) and Environment Agency (Technical support). The project delivery period is Oct 2021 – June 2023 | 01/04/2021 | 30/08/2023 | £748,019.00 | £1,496,038.00 | 50.00% | B15 2TT | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | Not set |
Birmingham City Council | HS2-Decarbonsing Construction | ERDF | 4 | Not set | 02/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £205,276.00 | £410,552.00 | 50.00% | B1 1BB | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | Not set |
Birmingham City Council | Birmingham City Council Technical Assistance (SUD) | ERDF | 9 | BCC is applying to run the SUD technical assistance project for a 3 year period which commenced in September 2017 and to end in September 2020. BCC as the Intermediate body will carry out the administrative functions to enable the SUD budget to be advertised to potential applicants, receive and comment on applications and recommend those for approval. It will carry out publicity to ensure the budget allocated is utilised effectively. | 01/09/2017 | 30/09/2020 | £88,124.00 | £176,248.00 | 50.00% | B1 1BB | Greater Birmingham and Solihull | England | 007 Not applicable |
NWES | Signpost2Grow | ERDF | 3 | The Project will provide an expanded Growth Hub offer for the GCGP LEP area; a central location and organisation for the strategic management, coordination and access to information and support for local businesses, in line with Government policy. The focus is on proactive, targeted ‘wrap-around’ support to established and start-up businesses that have the potential to grow, combining online services with experienced start-up and business growth advisors to deliver sustainable job creation, business start-ups, and increased efficiency, productivity and GVA. | 16/11/2015 | 15/02/2019 | £2,504,487.00 | £5,164,484.00 | 48.49% | NR2 1JH | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Cambridgeshire County Council | Connecting Cambridgeshire Phase 2 Superfast Broadband | ERDF | 2 | Connecting Cambridgeshire has been allocated funding by government agency Broadband Delivery UK for a follow on phase to extend broadband deployment in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The Superfast Broadband Phase 2 funding is necessary to meet the government’s 95% superfast broadband coverage target by 2017 and must be matched with local funding. Connecting Cambridgeshire’s Phase 2 project will address the market failure in broadband deployment in an intervention area which was identified from a new Open Market Review concluded in Oct 2014 by Connecting Cambridgeshire. | 07/08/2015 | 30/12/2017 | £579,245.00 | £1,158,492.00 | 50.00% | CB3 0AP | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
Anglia Ruskin University | REACTOR | ERDF | 1 | REACTOR will stimulate innovation based economic growth by creating a cross-disciplinary, business led ecosystem to underpin the creation of an ‘applied games’ sector in the GCGP area. The project will provide expertise and support to new start-ups and SMEs to enable them to innovate new products through the application of games technologies, creative digital methodologies and knowledge exchange. Specific Achievements: Over 36 months REACTOR will:-• Support 38 new enterprises and create 22 new jobs • Provide innovation support to 93 SMEs • Enable 34 enterprises to create and launch new products or services | 01/07/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £504,272.00 | £1,008,544.00 | 50.00% | CM1 1SQ | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Peterborough Environment City Trust ( formerly NWES) | Business Energy Efficiency Cambridge & Peterborough (BEECP) | ERDF | 4 | BEECP will provide one-to-one tailored and impartial energy efficiency support/facilitation and discretionary grants to catalyse investment in energy efficiency initiatives. 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) • 303 detailed on-site reviews to identify, prioritise and quantify opportunities for cost- and carbon-savings; • 303 detailed on-site reviews to identify, prioritise and quantify opportunities for cost- and carbon-savings; • The provision of delegated grant support to 124 to catalyse investment in low-carbon initiatives and cleantech, unlocking £1.37 million of private investment; • The provision of specialist technical consultancy; • A verifiable reduction in GHG emissions of at least 733 tonnes of CO2e. | 01/07/2016 | 30/06/2020 | £1,368,262.00 | £2,744,280.00 | 49.86% | PE1 1NA | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Allia Ltd | Future Business - Ideation, Innovation, Incubation | ERDF | 3 | Future Business – Ideation, Innovation, Incubation is a comprehensive business support project driving social venture and environmental business start-up, survival and growth by maximising the use of existing innovation and incubation spaces. Through a series of targeted interventions it will stimulate entrepreneurial activity; support business start-ups; accelerate early stage businesses to improve survival and success rates; and incubate those with potential to scale and create both economic and social impact. It will also deliver an Innovation Lab – a test, prototype and demonstration facility for SMEs developing hardware. | 01/12/2015 | 31/01/2019 | £853,970.00 | £1,707,943.00 | 50.00% | CB4 2HY | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Cambridgeshire County Council | Cambridgeshire’s Smart Energy Grid Demonstrator Project for St.Ives Park and Ride | ERDF | 4 | To deliver a Smart Energy Grid Demonstrator project on the St Ives Park and Ride site. | 01/07/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £2,006,837.00 | £4,013,675.00 | 50.00% | CB3 0AP | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 007 Not applicable |
Cambridgeshire County Council | Connecting Cambridgeshire Phase 4 | 2020 | ERDF | 2 | The Connecting Cambridgeshire Phase 4 superfast broadband rollout is one of the projects managed by Connecting Cambridgeshire. It is part of an ambitious programme of significant public investment, which includes: broadband infrastructure roll-out; faster connectivity and support for businesses; improving mobile telecoms coverage; smart city and future digital projects, and increasing digital inclusion across of the county. The Connecting Cambridgeshire superfast broadband project is addressing market failure in areas where it is not commercially viable for telecommunications providers to roll out a superfast broadband network. The contract with Openreach is gap-funded – i.e. it is funding the difference between the commercially viable cost and the actual cost of rolling out the network. The infrastructure rolled out under the contract remains the property of the supplier (in this case Openreach) and is an open access network, which enables a wide range of internet service providers to sell superfast broadband services to business and residential consumers, using the infrastructure delivered by the project. | 01/12/2018 | 31/12/2021 | £983,969.00 | £1,967,938.00 | 50.00% | CB3 0AP | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
University of Cambridge | Innovation Centre in Digital Molecular Technologies (iDMT) | ERDF | 1 | The project will develop laboratory/innovation space facility to support SMEs in acquiring new knowledge and developing new projects/services in the area of digital molecular technologies. It will also support for SMEs to develop new products and services in DMT. | 03/01/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £2,488,991.00 | £4,977,981.00 | 50.00% | CB3 0AS | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 059 Research and innovation infrastructures (private, including |
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, acting through the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) | Sustainability Hub and Accelerator- ‘Innovate to Adapt’ | ERDF | 3 | The project intends to address the need for business to innovate; faster, more extensively and where innovation may not have been essential before. The particular focus of the project will be on adapting and flexing business models to meet economic, environmental and market changes. Innovation will be embedded to deal with legislative changes, to cope with change in the external environment and to meet new demands. The project will address the needs of all kinds of SMEs from graduate start-ups, to spin out companies or established SMEs seeking to innovate. It will also stimulate the creation of new businesses and new business models to address the global sustainability challenges. This project consists of a capital and revenue element. | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2022 | £4,000,000.00 | £8,240,034.00 | 46.97% | CB2 1QA | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Health Enterprise East Ltd | MedTech Navigator | ERDF | 1 | The project will: 1. Innovation Vouchers – these will be issued to selected SMEs as a tool to facilitate bespoke interactions between healthcare professionals and SMEs in the East of England, thus enabling knowledge transfer between product developers and end users. 2. Identification of Unmet Needs - unmet needs drive innovation. HEE will work with its extensive NHS member network to identify high-level gaps and opportunities for transforming care pathways through technology-enabled solutions and communicate these to industry thereby facilitating new R&D collaborations between SMEs and healthcare institutions. 3. Market Insight & Validation – we will support SMEs to develop a clear understanding of the route to market, customer requirements and procurement processes by utilising our extensive knowledge of the healthcare market. 4. Stakeholder Engagement – the Connect project will stimulate interactions between SMEs and clinical stakeholders, both individual and events based, and so placing them at the heart of product development. 5. Health Economics – support to develop an early assessment of the clinical and cost-effectiveness business case to support adoption of new technology. | 01/11/2019 | 31/01/2023 | £426,821.92 | £853,643.85 | 50.00% | CB24 6WZ | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
Cambridgeshire County Council | Connecting Cambridgeshire Digital Grant Scheme | ERDF | 2 | A grant scheme (the Digital Technology for Business Grants) intended to support businesses to grow and increase productivity, competiveness and resilience through new or improved digital technology solutions. The project will also provide advice and guidance built around support for ICT use in business processes including distribution/logistics, resource management, product and service design, aspects of production, marketing/promotion and the identification of any training requirements. | 01/12/2020 | 31/03/2022 | £704,491.00 | £1,408,982.00 | 50.00% | CB3 0AP | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3 |
Opportunity Peterborough | Advanced Capacities for Manufacturing Industries 4.0 (ACMI4.0) | ERDF | 3 | The project is to deliver an Inclusive Growth Coaching Service, to engage the highest potential growth firms to better support them to accelerate their growth, increase their capacity and capability for growth, sustain their period within growth, or all three. The service will be delivered in each of the three sub-economies (Greater Cambridge, Greater Peterborough and the Fens) in a tailored manner to better spread growth more evenly across the total economy. The Growth Coaching Service will incorporate and expand the role of the Growth Hub (and advisers), providing a free service for businesses across the FGCGPLEPA (the area). This will take the form of the telephone based and field staff, plus a web site, focused on engagement, diagnosis of need and brokering (EDB) to expert support. | 01/06/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £566,312.00 | £1,218,067.00 | 46.49% | PE2 8AN | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Allia Ltd | Allia Future Business 3.0 | ERDF | 3 | The project has two main elements: 1.To create an extension to the existing Future Business Centre Cambridge that will increase the availability of much-needed space to assist impact businesses to grow and; 2.To deliver appropriate business support programmes to local businessesthat will increase the quantity and quality of start-up and scale-up impact businesses. | 01/09/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,379,552.00 | £4,759,115.00 | 50.00% | CB4 2HY | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Centre for Process Innovation Limited (CPI) | SPRINT (Supporting PRocess Innovation for Novel Therapies) | ERDF | 1 | SPRINT will provide innovation support to developers of novel therapies and enabling technologies (e.g. process and analytical equipment, data and process control solutions) in the GCGP LEP area, particularly the Greater Cambridge biotech/life sciences cluster. | 01/04/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £530,079.00 | £1,060,158.00 | 50.00% | TS10 4RF | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority | Growth Coaching/ROAR Service | ERDF | 3 | The project is to deliver an Inclusive Growth Coaching Service, to engage the highest potential growth firms to better support them to accelerate their growth, increase their capacity and capability for growth, sustain their period within growth, or all three. The service will be delivered in each of the three sub-economies (Greater Cambridge, Greater Peterborough and the Fens) in a tailored manner to better spread growth more evenly across the total economy. The Growth Coaching Service will incorporate and expand the role of the Growth Hub (and advisers), providing a free service for businesses across the FGCGPLEPA (the area). This will take the form of the telephone based and field staff, plus a web site, focused on engagement, diagnosis of need and brokering (EDB) to expert support | 01/01/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £3,067,640.00 | £6,135,280.00 | 50.00% | CB7 4LS | Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of Lincoln (LOGASnet application) | Innovation Programme for Greater Lincolnshire | ERDF | 1 | UoL have worked with Greater Lincolnshire LEP (GLLEP) to define an ambitious economic growth vision that will increase the value of the region’s economy by £3.2Bn. Under an overarching innovation framework the project will deliver a comprehensive range of innovation and research-based interventions to SMEs with a key focus on the GLLEP’s priority and emerging sectors. Project delivery will enable businesses to: access equipment and specialist support; draw on sources of technical expertise and hands on support; engage in tailored workforce skills development; and obtain grant funding and seed finance to exploit and bring new products, processes and services to market.d | 01/09/2016 | 01/12/2019 | £1,826,962.27 | £3,256,154.69 | 56.11% | LN6 7TS | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Lincolnshire County Council | Business Lincolnshire Sustainable Business Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | The £4.1m project will provide a strategic and comprehensive business growth programme, tailored to the specific needs of Eligible SMEs within the Greater Lincolnshire LEP area and aligned with the GLLEP strategic economic plan. It offers a range of one to one support, including Business Growth, Supply Chain Development, Resource Efficiency and Investment Readiness, complemented by a small grant pot with the intention of unlocking private sector investment and job creation. Finally there is an enterprise creation element, supporting recent graduates to start up in enterprise. The programme will support 920 enterprises and create 252jobs whilst increasing productivity. | 01/06/2016 | 31/05/2019 | £2,466,179.00 | £4,143,445.00 | 59.52% | LN1 1YL | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Lincolnshire County Council | Business Lincolnshire Digital Growth Programme | ERDF | 2 | The project will deliver ICT focused business support tailored to address the specific needs of eligible SMEs within the Greater Lincolnshire LEP area as part of the Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub offer. The project will offer a range of support, including a digital health check, focused 1:1 support to develop an action plan, workshops and conferences, as well as a grant scheme to accelerate the adoption of ICT improvements or secure further expertise. The project will support 235 small businesses and will be strongly aligned with the GLLEP strategic economic plan and support the delivery of other key strategic aims. | 01/08/2016 | 31/07/2019 | £578,349.00 | £963,915.00 | 60.00% | LN1 1YL | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
South Holland Council | Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Growth & Efficiency (GL-LEGE) Programme | ERDF | 3 | The proposed programme is an innovative package of grant-based support centred on the administration and distribution of capital grants as a catalyst for investment by SMEs. Beneficiaries will be supported to purchase/install efficient new processes, production facilities and equipment, helping them invest-to-grow, improve efficiency and reduce collective carbon emissions. Support includes assistance to access grants and technical advice on efficiency technologies. The programme will support at least 210 SMEs, create 95 new jobs, secure private investment by SMEs of £3,250,182 and lead to positive impacts in terms of GVA, jobs safeguarded, CO2 emission reductions and the adoption of new processes. | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £4,837,446.00 | £15,889,897.60 | 31.14% | PE11 2XE | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Bishop Grosseteste University | Lincolnshire Open Research & Innovation Centre | ERDF | 1 | This project aligns with the Greater Lincolnshire LEP economic strategy of a commitment to ‘substantially raise levels of innovation by raising awareness, improving levels of support and access to it, and building strong relationships between the Research and Development services of Higher Education and the local economy’.When assessed using the programme benchmarks the value for money is mixed, although it represents a good return on investment against the capital related outputs. | 01/07/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £2,133,276.00 | £3,555,460.00 | 60.00% | LN1 3DY | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Lincoln BIG | Collaboration 4 Growth | ERDF | 3 | Collaboration 4 Growth (C4G) is a pilot project aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of businesses in Central Lincolnshire. The project will facilitate growth by supporting the creation and extension of advanced capacities for products, services and development through targeted business support activities, including a small grants programme. | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £1,909,126.26 | £3,182,290.26 | 59.99% | LN2 1HA | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Witham Fourth District Internal Drainage Board | Wrangle Sea Banks Flood Defence Scheme | ERDF | 5 | This project is a priority for Greater Lincolnshire as it addresses the key issue of flood risk in an area of strategic economic importance where flooding, and the associated risk of flooding is having a negative impact on economic growth. The project represents good value for money when assessed using the programme benchmarks. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2018 | £486,433.00 | £1,357,696.00 | 35.83% | PE21 6PP | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
The University of Lincoln | Centre of Excellence in Agri-food | ERDF | 1 | £4.201m ERDF. This project is a capital development project involving the construction of a Centre of Excellence facility to deliver support for innovation, research and knowledge exchange. The project offers value against its output indicators and will offer significant added value outside of the three year project lifecycle by contributing to the local and national strategies for the Agri-food. Sector. | 01/11/2018 | 31/12/2021 | £4,201,800.00 | £7,003,000.00 | 60.00% | LN6 7TS | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
The University of Lincoln | GLAFIP: The Greater Lincolnshire Agri-Food Innovation Platform | ERDF | 1 | GLAFIP will stimulate Agri-food technological innovations and provide underpinning support for the technical, economic and environmental performance of Greater Lincolnshire’s largest industry. The project will deliver applied research, innovation, knowledge and demonstration activities across the sector and will create an Agri-robotics Centre to galvanise the take-up of robotics. Food Manufacturing and Agri-food technology companies and their supply chains will be supported in developing and commercialising new innovative products, processes and services by fostering long-term partnerships between businesses and the research community enabling research to be targeted on commercial need, securing inward investment and growth in the sector’s GVA. | 01/10/2017 | 31/07/2021 | £2,338,398.78 | £3,897,337.32 | 60.00% | LN6 7TS | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
E-Factor Group Limited | GAIN Enterprise Growth | ERDF | 3 | E-Factor is the local provider of the GLLEP Growth Hub & would support (and extend) this service by integrating and extending the growth service, through additional specialist advisory services, matched into the key LEP sectors. This would develop new business networks and supply chain support, business innovation, productivity improvement, market planning and product and service innovation. | 01/03/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,456,956.98 | £2,428,260.98 | 60.00% | DN31 3AT | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Bishop Grosseteste University | Business Inspiration | ERDF | 3 | Business Inspiration aligns to the Greater Lincolnshire Strategic Economic Plan by supporting small and medium sized businesses to develop focused growth strategies and develop new business models through entrepreneurial leadership and management development. The project offers good value for money against key performance indicators for the programme. | 01/03/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £527,254.00 | £878,729.00 | 60.00% | LN1 3DY | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
North East Lincolnshire Council | Smart Energy, Greater Lincolnshire | ERDF | 4 | The Smart Energy Businesses for Greater Lincolnshire (SEB for GL) programme is a product of partnership between North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC) and the University of Applied Sciences Trier’s Institut für angewandtes Stoffstrommanagement (IfaS). This partnership has been facilitated by local authority partners Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) who have submitted an independent project application, titled ‘Smart Energy Businesses’. SEB for GL has two core objectives: first, to establish a one stop shop for energy-focused business support, specifically for SMEs, that is currently absent from the local energy efficiency and renewable energy market; and second, to develop and deliver highly innovative energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy projects for public infrastructures in Greater Lincolnshire. SEB for GL has two core objectives: first, to establish a one stop shop for energy-focused business support, specifically for SMEs, that is currently absent from the local energy efficiency and renewable energy market; and second, to develop and deliver highly innovative energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy projects for public infrastructures in Greater Lincolnshire. | 01/04/2018 | 21/09/2021 | £4,899,046.00 | £8,355,167.00 | 58.63% | DN31 1HU | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Lincolnshire County Council | Business Lincolnshire Sustainable Business Growth 2 (BLSBG2) | ERDF | 3 | BLSBG2 is a continuation of BLSBG delivered by Lincolnshire Growth Hub providing business support, advice and 3 types of Growth Grants to SMEs in the GLLEP Area. | 01/07/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £4,207,773.69 | £7,012,956.00 | 60.00% | LN1 1XX | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of Lincoln | Productivity Programme for Greater Lincolnshire | ERDF | 3 | A multi-strand project to improve productivity levels in Greater Lincolnshire. | 01/09/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,875,859.57 | £4,798,008.92 | 59.80% | LN6 7TS | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Greater Lincolnshire LA | Broadband Connectivity in Rural Lincolnshire | ERDF | 2 | This Project will help to enable up to 97% of premises in Lincolnshire to access Superfast Broadband (>30mbps), by December 2019, through development of infrastructure in rural Lincs areas. | 07/04/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £1,502,310.00 | £4,700,002.00 | 31.96% | LN1 1XX | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
University of Lincoln | Advanced Engineering R&D Centre (‘The Bridge’) Oct'18 | ERDF | 1 | The project will support R&D under PA1 through the construction of a new-build, state-of-the-art 788m2 integrated facility to catalyse growth and productivity for advanced materials in Greater Lincolnshire, promoting research and innovation in the SME supply chains applicable in several key sectos in the regional economy. | 01/07/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £3,702,170.00 | £6,258,952.00 | 59.15% | LN6 7TS | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Lincoln Science & Innovation Park Ltd | Lincoln Grow-on-Space | ERDF | 3 | LSIP will develop c.929m2 grow-on-space building for firms requiring highly specified offices, laboratories and R&D workshops. The building is targeted at expanding SMEs, coming out of incubation facilities, start-up space and managed work-space on the Science Park and elsewhere. It will have a particular focus engineering, digital and agritech. The project will also provide consultancy support to companies seeking to graduate from incubation space and managed workspace in the Greater Lincolnshire area. These will principally be innovative firms with the potential for high growth. | 01/09/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,491,935.00 | £2,983,872.00 | 50.00% | LN6 7DJ | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
City of Lincoln Council | Lincoln : Growing Environmental Resilience Oct 18 | ERDF | 6 | The Project is an opportunity, through habitat improvement and creation, accessible natural greenspace extension and provision of conservation linkages to build additional environmental resilience | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £201,420.00 | £335,701.00 | 60.00% | Not set | Greater Lincolnshire | Not set | Not set |
South Kesteven District Council | The Witham / Slea Blue Green Corridor | ERDF | 6 | Improvement of blue/green infrastructure around the towns of Grantham and Sleaford, in particular along the river corridors. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £743,560.00 | £1,239,268.00 | 60.00% | NG31 6PZ | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
East Midlands Business Limited | Greater Lincolnshire Digital Grant Programme | ERDF | 2 | The Greater Lincolnshire Digital Grant Programme will provide grants to eligible small and medium enterprises located in Greater Lincolnshire that want to invest in digital technology products and services that will enable them to grow and create new employment in digital markets. | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £357,995.00 | £614,688.00 | 58.24% | LE19 1RJ | Greater Lincolnshire | England | Not set |
University of Lincoln | Greater Lincolnshire Productivity Hubs | ERDF | 3 | Greater Lincolnshire Productivity Hubs will extend the reach of the current business support infrastructure in Greater Lincolnshire and add value to the University’s Productivity Programme through the creation of series of hubs in areas where there are specific clusters of businesses with innovation and growth potential but no University of Lincoln Business Support or Greater Lincolnshire Growth Hub physical presence – specifically in Scunthorpe, Boston and Grimsby. The programme will engage SMEs in these areas in a range of activities designed to help address the low levels of productivity in the Greater Lincolnshire area through helping SMEs to advance and develop their ambitions. Activities will include workshops/surgery sessions, one to one guidance and advice, an accelerator programme and the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £10,000. | 01/09/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £787,681.00 | £1,314,336.00 | 59.93% | LN6 7TS | Greater Lincolnshire | England | Not set |
Bishop Grosseteste University | Lincolnshire Open Research and Innovation Centre (LORIC) 2.0 | ERDF | 1 | The Lincolnshire Open Research and Innovation Centre (LORIC) is a collaborative project that delivers data-driven innovation, advice, and consultancy, to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Greater Lincolnshire. It does so by delivering a variety of low, medium, and high-intensity support activities, and encouraging collaborations between the academic community and businesses. | 01/02/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £395,170.00 | £665,050.00 | 59.42% | LN1 3DY | Greater Lincolnshire | England | Not set |
Lincolnshire County Council | CPGH Business Lincolnshire Sustainable Business Growth 2 COVID Grants (Parent E-claims ref: 14R18P02601) | ERDF | 3 | The additional funding will be used to design, administer and deliver a grant scheme of grants between £1,000 and £3,000 to eligible Visitor Economy and non- Visitor Economy businesses across Lincolnshire. These grants will be used by eligible SMEs to purchase: -1-2-1 specialist advice which SMEs could call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists etc. ; and / or-purchase of minor equipment to adapt business processes, e.g., wash station, disinfectant fogging machine; hands free thermometer; equipment to support movement of business activities outside;and/ or-toadopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19–ecommerce platforms, contactless payment systems, website developments such as e commerce systems, software development, IT hardware and software to support remote working. | 01/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £776,842.00 | £776,842.00 | 100.00% | LN1 1XX | Greater Lincolnshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
GM Business Support Limited | Business Growth Hub Sector Support Service (15R15P00039) | ERDF | 3 | The Sector Support project is a targeted service delivering sector development and specialist support to SMEs and their supply chains in the Digital and Creative, Life Sciences, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, and Low Carbon Environmental Goods/Services sectors. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £3,729,578.00 | £7,459,157.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Women’s Organisation | Excelerate Labs (15R15P00058) | ERDF | 3 | Excelerate Labs will be an integrated hub and spoke business support and incubation model operating across the GM area supporting pre and post start venture creation and growth. It will work with a range of pre-start, start and growth businesses, particularly targeting female led, young entrepreneurs, social enterprises and business who have not traditionally accessed mainstream support. | 01/01/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £756,540.00 | £1,513,080.00 | 50.00% | M4 5FY | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GM Business Support Limited | Business Growth Hub Innovation Service (15R15P00048) | ERDF | 1 | This project promotes increased business investment in Research and Innovation in Greater Manchester by delivering integrated universal in-depth Innovation advice for SMEs, including specialist Digital and Eco-innovation Services and by supporting large company innovation cooperation opportunities, which will benefit SMEs. Through practical support and access to a network of technical expertise and facilities including under smart specialisation, the project will support and add value for 945 enterprises overall, with the knowledge, information and resources needed to develop 110 new to the firm or market products and 84 collaborations with research entities. The project will generate 348 new jobs. | 01/10/2015 | 30/06/2019 | £3,016,777.00 | £6,033,555.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Manchester | Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (15R15P00056) | ERDF | 1 | The National Graphene Institute second building is a wider project (total of £60m) for which £10.038m has been allocated for equipment of which £5m ERDF has been approved for the purchase of equipment to aid the running of the facility. The equipment will support the following uses: Pilot Production Laboratory, Characterisation Facilities, Composites Laboratory, Solution Formulations and Coatings Laboratory, Energy Laboratory, Membranes Lab and the Electronics Lab. The equipment will be available for Open Access areas of the facility and will be used by large companies and SMEs on collaborative research. The GEIC’s focus is on industry led Technology Development in collaboration with academia. It will accommodate leading academics, from a range of engineering and science disciplines, working closely with industrial partners. The GEIC will generate jobs, fill a critical gap in the ecosystem for graphene development and application in the UK, and attract significant inward investment, which will support and grow local and national businesses. Research and development will focus on all applications and manufacture of materials within the Technology Readiness Levels 4-6. It will specifically concentrate on industrial process and scale-up across numerous sectors leading to commercial opportunities. The project will help 44 researchers working in improved research or innovation facilities but will support 22 enterprises to collaborate with research institutions as part of a wider benefit of the project. | 01/04/2016 | 31/07/2020 | £4,266,014.00 | £8,532,028.00 | 50.00% | M14 9PL | Greater Manchester | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
The Manchester Metropolitan University | The Manchester Fuel Cell Innovation Centre (MFCIC) | ERDF | 1 | The Manchester Fuel Cell Innovation Centre (MFCIC) is a strategic innovation asset in the heart of Manchester which will exploit and accelerate research and development into renewable energy and advanced materials. The Centre will enable cutting-edge innovation through developing academic research partnerships with SMEs. Firms will work within the Centre, accessing world-leading research and innovation facilities, technical support and research collaboration, to support rapid prototyping and product development. The MFCIC’s academic-business collaboration will develop solutions for future commercial use of fuel cells, and deliver the Greater Manchester Strategy targets for renewable energy in this rapidly developing global market. | 01/12/2016 | 31/03/2021 | £1,850,260.00 | £3,700,520.00 | 50.00% | M15 6BH | Greater Manchester | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
GM Business Support Limited | Business Growth Hub Carbon Reduction Support Service | ERDF | 4 | Supporting SME's in driving greater energy efficiency and also developing low carbon technologies. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £1,276,861.00 | £2,553,722.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Greater Manchester Combined Authority | Greater Manchester Fund of Funds (1) | ERDF | 1 | Financial instrument in Manchester | 01/11/2016 | 31/12/2023 | £30,000,000.00 | £60,000,000.00 | 50.00% | M60 2LA | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Greater Manchester Combined Authority | Greater Manchester Fund of Funds (4) | ERDF | 4 | Financial instrument in Manchester | 01/11/2016 | 31/12/2023 | £30,000,000.00 | £60,000,000.00 | 50.00% | M60 2LA | Greater Manchester | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
GM Business Support Limited | Start Smart | ERDF | 3 | The project will support GM residents to start sustainable lifestyle businesses with a specific focus on engaging residents from disadvantaged wards and underrepresented groups through working with GM local authorities, housing associations and third sector organisations. GMBS will manage the project and field the referrals, embedding the service within the GM Business Growth Hub (BGH). GMBS has procured a lead provider, PeoplePlus, and may procure additional provider(s), to provide start up and survival support. This will include • Awareness raising about self-employment; • Helping residents understand the key elements of running a business and develop a business plan; • Providing tailored support to the specific needs of their business idea, including social enterprises; • Support to access a Start Up Loan or grant finance, where appropriate; • Support to sustain their business; • Providing a clear handover to complementary provision that will help their business survive and grow.; Support will be delivered through a mixture of events, workshops, online support and face-to-face meetings across Greater Manchester, with Business Advisors also available by email and over the phone.• The project’s match funding package has not been fully confirmed to date and the overall value for money has significantly diminished between Outline to Full Application due to reduced outputs, however the unit costs are still below the maximum thresholds for this type of project as per above VfM calculation table. • Cost breakdown seems reasonable and corresponds with the required quality and market rates. | 01/04/2017 | 30/03/2019 | £653,500.00 | £1,307,000.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Procure Plus Holdings Limited | Homes as energy systems | ERDF | 4 | Domestic properties are currently ‘dumb’ loads on the electricity network, playing little part in the wider electrical energy system other than as a point of demand on a network with an increasing, yet variable, consumption pattern. This project will: 1. Enable properties to actively contribute to energy systems through installation of technologies to deliver ‘deep’ energy demand reduction, embed generation, offer grid services, electrify heating and store energy 2. Develop innovative works’ warranty models and monitor and educate end users 3. Demonstrate enhanced business case for energy storage and associated services from deep energy demand reduction retrofit 4. Facilitate development of innovative heating and energy tariffs and financial models to support domestic energy demand reduction 5. Support a rebalance of regional energy flows, matching reduced demand to buffered renewable energy capacity Approximately 700 properties in Greater Manchester will receive one or more measures: deep energy demand reductions, energy monitoring, standard energy efficiency measures (e.g. EWI), heat pump heating, solar PV and / or energy store (battery or thermal). Project partners will develop the performance based works’ specifications, confirm monitoring requirements needed to support innovative warranties, agree the budgets for works and develop performance monitoring and education programmes. Project partners will identify the participating properties and provide match funding. The installation works will be delivered by local companies collaborating to form ‘design and build’ consortia, who will bid for one or more work packages. The properties are predominantly owned by social landlords, offering scale and security to contractors but via enhanced engagement with ‘right to buy’, the targeting of the fuel poor and first mover ‘pioneers’, private homeowners will participate. Works will start in 2018-19 to benefit occupants in fuel poverty, social housing landlords, local supply chain companies and the Greater Manchester local economy. Using existing and new performance data captured by this project (including consumer insight and behaviour), business models will be developed to provide a sustainable exit plan, supporting the case for funding future interventions when this project is complete. This project will achieve: • increase the production and distribution of renewable energy • support energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in the housing sector • promote research and innovation in, and adoption of, low-carbon technologies • carbon savings • increase in businesses offering energy efficiency related products and services • innovative business models and new commercial services to support financing energy demand reduction works and the commercialisation of ‘heat’. | 01/10/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £6,932,998.00 | £13,865,996.00 | 50.00% | M32 0FP | Greater Manchester | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
University of Manchester | Bridging the Gap – Supporting Graphene Commercialisation in Greater Manchester | ERDF | 1 | the Graphene SME support at present is very limited with no dedicated resources or pro-active SME engagement. The project will pro-actively target existing SMEs and potential new emerging enterprises within Greater Manchester that have the desire to innovate in the field of advanced 2D materials. allowing them to explore and apply Graphene in a wide range of applications and markets. | 01/11/2018 | 31/12/2023 | £946,874.86 | £1,893,749.73 | 50.00% | M13 9PL | Greater Manchester | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
The Manchester Metropolitan University | Greater Manchester Cyber Foundry | ERDF | 1 | Greater Manchester Cyber Foundry will deliver a series of targeted business engagement sessions which will specialise in innovative cyber security and guidance. The project will work across 4 universities to identify SMEs who can harness the research and innovation expertise to bring new cyber security products and services to the market. | 01/10/2018 | 31/07/2023 | £3,522,570.78 | £7,045,141.56 | 50.00% | M15 6BH | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Women’s Organisation | Excelerate Labs (2) | ERDF | 3 | The applicant has presented a well thought out project which will build upon the successes of Excelerate Labs project. The project will support an entirely new cohort of pre-start, start and growth businesses in the GM area. | 01/04/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £677,950.00 | £1,355,900.00 | 50.00% | M4 5FY | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GM Business Support Limited | Business Growth Hub Carbon Reduction Support Service (Extension) | ERDF | 4 | The project fits squarely within PA 4 meeting the expressed preference for a single project, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions, increases the share of renewable energy and improves SME energy efficiency | 01/10/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £2,012,744.00 | £4,025,488.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
GM Business Support Limited | Business Growth Hub Innovation Service | ERDF | 1 | This project tackles the headline challenge of securing and converting excellent research and innovation into economic outcomes, doing this through improving how SMEs innovate, commercialise research and how they collaborate with research institutions, the objective at the heart of this Call. It will provide a single point of contact for SMEs located in GM seeking access to research and innovation support services. The activities will work across sectors and focus specifically, but not exclusively on areas of Smart specialisation, developing links and synergies between enterprises, higher education institutions and research and development centres to stimulate collaboration." | 01/10/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £3,886,082.00 | £7,772,164.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GM Business Support Limited | Start Smart (2) | ERDF | 3 | This project will focus on all elements of start up support to Greater Manchester individuals wishing to start a business and those early stage businesses looking to become sustainable or those looking to scale. This project is therefore split into 2 key areas. • Livelihood start-up support and support for early stage businesses to sustain their businesses in the first 3 years of trading. • Growth Start-up support and support for early stage scaling businesses in their first 3 years of trading who have the potential to become scale-ups of the future. | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £2,560,661.50 | £5,121,323.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GM Business Support Limited | Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub Services | ERDF | 3 | Delivering a GM Business Growth Hub function: Under investment priority 3c and d the Call is seeking projects that provide Business Growth Hub and Services functions. Across Greater Manchester this project will directly deliver against the Call requirement to provide a GM Business Growth Hub function that fits with the Government’s policy for local Growth Hubs. Greater Manchester developed the core Business Growth Hub model that Government based its national Growth Hub strategy and funding on. This Growth Services project develops that model and reinforces the original objective set out by Greater Manchester, and subsequently by Government, that “business support at the local level will be brought together through Growth Hubs – a single place businesses can go to get help. Working with other public and private provision: The Business Growth Hub will continue to ensure that entrepreneurs and companies are referred through to the right support at the right time. The delivery teams have developed wide and deep relationships with private and publicly backed providers who operate across Greater Manchester. This will be further embedded and enhanced during the period of this project. | 01/10/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £9,925,198.00 | £19,850,397.00 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Salford | Energy House 2 | ERDF | 4 | Energy House 2 will be a world-class low carbon Research & Innovation (R&I) centre of excellence, an international test facility and the centrepiece of one of the university’s Industrial Collaboration Zones, creating a space for cross-fertilisation of concepts between industry and academia, facilitating engagement in joint enterprise, research and teaching activities. It will build on the success of the original Energy House but move way beyond the original (limited) energy efficiency scope – allowing for testing of many more factors, for example: acoustics, greater extremes in temperature, weather simulations (wind, rain, snow etc.), electro-magnetic radiation (EMF), air quality, human health & interface with smart controls and sensors. As such, Energy House 2 represents a quantum leap forward - allowing for the bespoke engineering and design of the buildings of the future with improved materials and both traditional and accelerated construction methods. Such strides will put Greater Manchester – as a place and its business base – in a unique position to meet its local urban development needs in a sustainable way. | 05/03/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £8,244,043.50 | £16,488,087.00 | 50.00% | M5 4WT | Greater Manchester | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Manchester Metropolitan University | Greater Manchester AI Foundry | ERDF | 1 | The Project will support SME's in the region to become innovation ready and to utilise artificial terchnologies to develop new products and services | 01/07/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,982,266.00 | £5,964,532.00 | 50.00% | M15 6BH | Greater Manchester | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Manchester Metropolitan University | Printopolis | ERDF | 1 | The project will house state-of-the-art printing and scanning equipment and will provide resources with expertise that the SMEs can draw upon. SMEs will be assisted in the creativity and innovation of their products, which will result in a product that is commercially ready. | 01/07/2020 | 30/07/2023 | £1,608,201.00 | £3,216,402.00 | 50.00% | M15 6BH | Greater Manchester | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | R&I Biohealth Accelerator | ERDF | 1 | The project will accelerate the development and improve commercialisation of innovative health & care products and services within the life sciences sector. The project will engage with SMEs across a range of health & care products and services, but with a particular focus on AI & digital technologies, medical devices, biosensors, genomics & precision medicine, diagnostics, biopharmaceuticals, and applications of advanced materials. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £143,991.50 | £3,271,044.00 | 50.00% | M13 9NQ | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Salford | Centre of Excellence in Intelligent Automation and Robotics | ERDF | 1 | The proposal is to create a new centre of excellence, stimulating research and innovation in the field of intelligent automation and robotics. The project will combine a new 2,098m2 facility, with equipment and on-site expertise. The project will be delivered on the University of Salford campus on Frederick Road, Salford. | 01/09/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £6,440,631.00 | £12,881,264.00 | 50.00% | M5 4WT | Greater Manchester | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Islington Mill Arts Club CIC | The Other City | ERDF | 3 | The Other City project led by Islington Mill Arts Club will: • Refurbish two derelict floors of Islington Mill and purchase and refurbish the adjacent New Islington Mill wing to provide a total 2,334 square metres of additional managed workspace accommodating circa 75 additional SME ‘micro enterprises’ and serve a further 200 from Greater Manchester. • Provide a bespoke business support package for creative industries located at the new workspace and drawn from across Greater Manchester targeting underrepresented groups at both start up and growth stages. Managed Workspace Programme (capital) - First phase is the refurbishment of Islington Mill commencing January 2020 to provide x2 floors of managed workspace. Second phase is the acquisition and refurbishment of the adjacent New Islington Mill wing currently under third party ownership. Both phases will progress in tandem and refurb will be undertaken under one contract to same specification designed to meet the needs of creative industries. The additional workspace will more than double SME / micro enterprises working from Islington Mill from 75 to 150 with a projected increase of 110 additional jobs resulting in a cluster of circa 240 micro enterprises including enterprises immediately adjacent Regents Trading Estate. The project delivers the first Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) compliant creative workspace in the North West. Creative Enterprise Support Programme (revenue) will provide coaching, mentoring and collaborative challenges via 1:1’s, workshops and events designed to assess, incubate and accelerate growth of the creative sector based in Islington Mill and drawn from across GM. The programme is supported by expertise from University of Salford, Manchester University, Lowry and The Women’s Organisation. | 01/02/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £3,348,783.00 | £6,837,191.00 | 48.98% | M5 | Greater Manchester | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Manchester City Council | Build-A-Business in GM Libraries | ERDF | 3 | The Build-A-Business in GM Libraries project will support people from diverse backgrounds to turn their business idea into a reality and improve their chances of success by establishing a coordinated network of business support offers through 8 Greater Manchester authorities, led by the Business & IP Centre Manchester in Manchester Central Library. The project will provide a practical ‘grass roots’. solution to business support with a pan-GM approach, breaking down barriers to entrepreneurship and giving people the skills, information, confidence and connections they need to make their enterprises viable, competitive and successful. Build-A-Business will help participants view entrepreneurship as an attractive economic prospect, and provide the appropriate support to help more people become prosperous business owners. | 01/01/2021 | 31/08/2023 | £1,300,980.00 | £2,601,960.00 | 50.00% | M60 2LA | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Energy System Catapult | Unlocking Clean Energy in Greater Manchester | ERDF | 4 | The Project brings together energy and clean growth experts, Energy Systems Catapult and six GM Local Authorities to supply their assets with 7 Megawatts of additional clean energy. UCEGM will demonstrate innovation and scalable energy buisness models, allowing greater participation in the emerging Local Energy Market, reducing reliance on subsidy and enabling future investment in clean energy. | 01/06/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £8,616,721.00 | £17,233,446.00 | 50.00% | B4 6BS | Greater Manchester | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
University of Manchester | Sustainable Plastic Innovation in Greater Manchester | ERDF | 1 | The project supports SMEs involved in all stages of the plastics agenda, from manufacturing, use and disposal to both use and provide innovative solutions to adopting existing zero waste solutions embracing truly sustainable plastic technologies and developing new sustainable material processes and systems. | 01/04/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £3,690,370.05 | £7,388,324.14 | 49.95% | M14 9PL | Greater Manchester | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
GM Business Support Limited | Business Growth Hub Sector Support Service | ERDF | 3 | The Sector Support project is a targeted service delivering sector development and specialist support to SMEs and their supply chains in the Digital and Creative, Life Sciences, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, and Low Carbon Environmental Goods/Services sectors. | 01/10/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £4,683,925.30 | £9,367,850.61 | 50.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Southway Housing Trust | Arrowfield Zero Carbon Community | ERDF | 4 | Arrowfield is a Social Housing neighbourhood in Chorlton, South Manchester built between 1977 and 1980, comprising of over 400 properties, of which 387 are owned by Southway Housing Trust. The project aims to create a zero carbon community, through the provision of energy efficient technologies in homes across the estate and community engagement, which leads to greater carbon literacy amongst residents and behavioural change to support reductions in demand and increases in efficiency. The project responds directly to growing concerns of climate change, which is now becoming acknowledged as a climate emergency, and the ambitious targets for Greater Manchester to become carbon neutral be 2038. The project will be innovative by taking the opportunity to test and provide energy upgrades at a housing estate level, and accompany changes in technology with activities to deliver social and behavioural change across the local community. | 15/02/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £1,957,001.00 | £3,914,004.00 | 50.00% | M20 2LT | Greater Manchester | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demonstration projects and supporting measures |
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council | Merseyway Innovation Centre | ERDF | 3 | Merseyway Innovation Centre (MIC) will repurpose vacant upper retail floorspace within Stockport town centre to provide a centrally located business innovation centre. The centre will offer flexible serviced office and co-working accommodation for new start and small businesses, accompanied by funded onsite business support, business lounge and meeting space. | 15/07/2022 | 30/06/2023 | £1,126,060.00 | £2,347,421.00 | 47.97% | Not set | Greater Manchester | England | Not set |
Rochdale Borough Council | Fired Up! Digital Creative Co-creation space @ Former Rochdale Fire Station | ERDF | 3 | The main aim of the project is to refurbish two buildings situated in/on the former fire station site in Rochdale and develop them into flexible office spaces. The first facility shall provide a range of dedicate desks, hot desks and bookable private offices. The second building will be converted into offices, an artist studio and contain a fitness studio. | 01/02/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £717,513.07 | £1,435,026.13 | 50.00% | OL16 1XU | Greater Manchester | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
GM Business Support Limited | CPGH Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub Services (Parent 15R18P02707) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme | 03/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £1,394,073.00 | £1,394,073.00 | 100.00% | M1 5JW | Greater Manchester | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
YTKO Ltd | Start Up and Grow | ERDF | 3 | YTKO and partners will deliver a programme of seamless, tailored and specialist business start-up support facilitated by expert advisors and an established network of experienced volunteer mentors, using various locations across the HotSW LEP area as ‘Bus | 01/01/2017 | 31/05/2020 | £750,000.00 | £1,333,333.00 | 56.25% | CB4 2QH | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Devon County Council | HotSW Growth Support Programme | ERDF | 3 | Single holistic POA local & Nat bus suppt.. Engage 44,000 bus with GH provid 4100 with diagnostic services and 820 more intensive support. Meets national obj promote access to buss supp through single access portals & provides excellent vfm | 01/11/2016 | 31/03/2021 | £1,294,301.99 | £2,277,012.40 | 56.84% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GWE Business West Ltd T/A Business West | Innovate2succeed - HotSW | ERDF | 1 | innovate2succeed (i2s) will provide tailored support to SMEs to help them enhance their innovation management capability, resulting in increased effectiveness in generating and commercially exploiting their ideas. | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £499,966.00 | £999,932.00 | 50.00% | BS8 3RA | Heart of the South West | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Devon County Council | Zero Energy Buildings Catalyst (ZEBCat) | ERDF | 4 | ZEBCat aims to demonstrate an innovative low carbon building retrofit model. As well as providing immediate carbon savings, support will also be given to grow businesses in the supply chain. This project represents value for money. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2021 | £1,217,534.00 | £2,080,683.00 | 58.52% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
Torbay Council | Electronics and Photonics Innovation Centre | ERDF | 1 | The £4.76m project is to develop a 3,700 Sqm Electronics and Photonics Innovation Centre (EPIC), providing specialist facilities and support for 70 electronics and photonics companies in the Heart of the South West area. | 01/02/2017 | 31/12/2022 | £1,375,000.00 | £4,759,652.00 | 28.89% | TQ2 5QW | Heart of the South West | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Devon County Council | Enhance Social Enterprise | ERDF | 3 | Support for Social Enterprises comprising network strengthening and tailored support including grants. The project represents good value for money in terms of its contribution to the strengthening of a growing sector. | 01/11/2016 | 30/04/2021 | £1,041,526.00 | £1,843,952.00 | 56.48% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Somerset County Council | Superfast Extension Programme | ERDF | 2 | Broadband infrastructure approx 2,230 eligible SMEs & overcome issue of restricted access & connectivity in rural areas.Contributes towards the EU’s ‘Digital Agenda for Europe target’. Offers good vfm & is consistent with bench marks for similar projects. | 01/03/2017 | 30/09/2023 | £4,280,705.00 | £7,361,405.00 | 57.45% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
University of Exeter | Environmental Futures & Big Data Impact Lab | ERDF | 1 | The project will create an Impact Lab to exploit the growth potential of HotSW LEP’s ‘Environmental Futures’ and ‘Big Data’ Smart Specialisation sectors. This project is considered representing satisfactory value for money; • Value for money in relation to the Operational Programme is satisfactory to good for the majority of outputs; • Value for money in relation to Heart of the South West’s performance framework targets is satisfactory. Additionally, the establishment of an ecosystem to enable and support innovation in these sectors is a key priority for the LEP area; the value of establishing an ecosystem is not taken into account in this appraisal and could be considered of extra benefit to the HotSW Transition region. | 01/11/2017 | 31/08/2022 | £4,847,669.00 | £8,079,449.00 | 60.00% | EX4 4QJ | Heart of the South West | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Plymouth | Plymouth Materials Characterisation Project (PMCP) | ERDF | 1 | The Plymouth Materials Characterisation Project (PMCP) will significantly enhance the capability of the current Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre (PEMC) facility providing a world-class imaging and analysis centre for accessible to small businesses. | 01/07/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £1,028,529.00 | £1,714,215.00 | 60.00% | PL6 8BT | Heart of the South West | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Devon County Council | Innovation in Healthy Ageing | ERDF | 1 | The project will develop new products, applications and models to grow the ‘healthy ageing’ market. Public, private and voluntary organisations throughout the supply chain will be collaborate and stimulate innovation. This project's good value for money. | 01/05/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £657,714.00 | £1,096,190.00 | 60.00% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Plymouth City Council | Marine Business Technology Centre | ERDF | 1 | The Marine Business Technology Centre Project will be based at the UK’s first marine enterprise zone, Oceansgate. | 05/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £3,329,189.47 | £5,871,362.56 | 56.70% | PL1 3BJ | Heart of the South West | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Somerset County Council | Wiveliscombe Enterprise Centre | ERDF | 3 | The Wiveliscombe Enterprise Centre will create a new, purpose built 203m2 enterprise facility in rural Somerset that will accommodate a cross-section of SMEs and provide on-site business support services and brokerage to wider provision to address their needs. Units will be purpose built to respond to business requirements. They will be ultrafast broadband enabled and let on all-inclusive easy-in, easy-out terms that suit the requirements of new, early stage and growing businesses across a variety of economic sectors. Once constructed, Torbay Development Agency, as Somerset County Council’s appointed enterprise centre network operator, will manage the Wiveliscombe Enterprise Centre and provide enhanced business support services linking with the Heart of the South West Growth Hub other ERDF funded business support services. The value for money assessment is positive when the wider impacts of the project are considered | 31/10/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £472,130.00 | £944,260.00 | 50.00% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Somerset County Council | Wells Technology Enterprise Centre | ERDF | 3 | The Centre will create a new, purpose built 291m2 enterprise facility in rural Somerset that will accommodate a cross-section of SMEs. Modern, ultrafast broadband enabled and flexible premises will be provided with all-inclusive easy-in, easy-out terms that suit the requirements of new, early stage and growing businesses, so tenants can adapt their space over time as they grow. Once constructed, Torbay Development Agency, as Somerset County Council’s appointed enterprise centre network operator, will manage the Wells Technology Enterprise Centre and provide enhanced business support services linking with the Heart of the South West Growth Hub and other ERDF funded business support projects. Consideration of the wider impacts means that the project offers value for money. | 01/09/2017 | 30/09/2020 | £563,764.00 | £1,127,527.00 | 50.00% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
South Devon College | High-Tech & Digital Workhubs | ERDF | 3 | This ERDF project will enable the creation of 15 individual work-hubs plus 2 large open plan collaboration zones with 2 meeting rooms within the new South Devon College Hi-Tech & Digital Centre (HTDC). The project offers good value for money on both the Capital and Revenue elements. VFM was checked as part of the appraisal process and the project offers good VFM when compared to the OP average. | 01/04/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £928,210.00 | £1,547,017.00 | 60.00% | TQ4 7EJ | Heart of the South West | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Somerset County Council | iAero Innovation Centre | ERDF | 1 | iAero will deliver 2,717m2 of office and light industrial workspace, including collaboration space, meeting space and innovation testing facilities built to BREEAM Excellent accreditation. | 01/07/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £3,020,557.97 | £7,308,057.97 | 41.33% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
University of Plymouth | Graduates into Business | ERDF | 1 | The project will overcome the barriers to SMEs employing graduates, through the delivery of an incentive scheme and associated support for businesses that will: • Address SME innovation challenges through graduate internships focused on transformational business projects; • Raise leadership and management capability levels in SMEs, particularly regarding recruitment and employment; • Create a cohort of “graduate employing” SMEs across the area, leading to longer term opportunities for graduates and their retention in the local economy. In addition, although this is an ERDF and therefore business focused project, it will provide invaluable experience for recent STEM graduates, leading to greater employability; Value for money has been considered and found to be excellent across all outputs detailed in the application. | 01/07/2018 | 30/06/2021 | £366,860.61 | £767,068.61 | 47.83% | PL6 8BT | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Exeter City Council | Water Lane Smart Grid & Storage Project | ERDF | 4 | Development and implementation of ground mounted solar PV co located with energy storage technology (1MW) and a smart grid control system at Water Lane, plus battery & smart grid connection at Livestock Centre, Mary Arches street and John Lewis car parks. | 01/01/2019 | 31/01/2023 | £1,599,754.00 | £3,555,000.05 | 45.00% | EX1 1JJ | Heart of the South West | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Somerset County Council | HotSW Inward Investment Support | ERDF | 3 | This will deliver inward investment support, with a focus on the identified key sectors in the Heart of the South West (HotSW). | 01/06/2019 | 31/08/2023 | £760,461.00 | £1,948,863.22 | 42.37% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
YTKO Ltd | New Start Devon | ERDF | 3 | The project will empower individuals to develop self-employment opportunities, and start and sustain micro and small businesses, including social enterprises. It will focus on supporting individuals from the more deprived and disadvantaged areas of Devon, | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,572,157.80 | £2,620,263.00 | 60.00% | CB6 1RA | Heart of the South West | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
University of Plymouth | Low Carbon Devon | ERDF | 4 | The University is undertaking a £733k refurbishment of a building on the main campus, Kirkby Lodge to house the Sustainable Earth Institute. | 01/01/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,537,367.00 | £2,613,405.00 | 58.83% | PL4 8AA | Heart of the South West | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Devon County Council | Devon and Exeter Low-carbon Energy and Transport Technology Innovator (DELETTI) | ERDF | 4 | The project aim is to accelerate the uptake of Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) | 01/10/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £817,712.00 | £1,362,850.00 | 60.00% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 043 Clean urban transport infrastructure and promotion |
Devon County Council | North Devon Enterprise Centre | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver a purpose-built Enterprise Centre to serve northern Devon. Comprising 2,139 m2 (net internal) of high quality flexible business space and incubation support. | 01/12/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £3,743,798.45 | £7,620,189.11 | 51.83% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Petroc | Petroc Centre of Technology and Innovation Excellence | ERDF | 1 | The Centre of Technology & Innovation Excellence (CoTIE) will be a technology-based research and innovation facility, centred on the strong manufacturing SME sector of Northern Devon (which is clustered around several larger manufacturing businesses), but encouraging innovative cross-sectoral relationships. | 02/01/2018 | 31/07/2021 | £1,113,070.00 | £1,855,117.00 | 60.00% | EX31 2BQ | Heart of the South West | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Plymouth City Council | Oceansgate Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | Oceansgate Enterprise Zone is the flagship project in the Plymouth and South West Peninsula City Deal and is one of Heart of the SW LEP’s Transformational Opportunities. The vision is to transform 7.5 ha of under-utilised land in Devonport Dockyard into a major hub for innovative high-tech businesses creating 25,000m2 of floor space and up to 1,200 jobs The delivery is split into three phases; Phase 1 is complete and this proposal is the catalyst to the delivery of Phase 2. This project will provide gap funding for the second phase of development as well as address market failures to sustainable, productivity-enhancing support. It will, through outreach work, support businesses across the transition area that could, with support, start to share similar characteristics to those based at Oceansgate and who could therefore become part of the supply chain to larger manufacturing businesses in Plymouth such as Princess Yachts and Babcock International, other Enterprise Zones and Innovation Centres or even tenants of the future. | 18/12/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £2,636,893.00 | £4,532,902.37 | 58.17% | PL1 3BJ | Heart of the South West | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Somerset County Council | Bruton Enterprise Centre | ERDF | 3 | Creation of 355 m2 flexible office/studio space in Bruton, Somerset which will be let on an all-inclusive, easy-in, easy-out terms which will be open to new businesses and established SMEs. | 01/07/2019 | 30/09/2022 | £712,886.00 | £1,559,940.00 | 45.70% | TA14DY | Heart of the South West | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
SWMAS Ltd. | High Value Manufacturing Advisory Programme - HoSW | ERDF | 3 | The proposed programme will provide specialist support to the manufacturing sector in Heart of the South West. The programme will fund activity in both categories of region with a split 77% of in the Transition area and 23% in the More developed area. The focus of the programme will be on supporting domestic strategic priorities including national industrial strategy and make a meaningful contribution to priority axis 3 of the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme. The programme will address local development needs expressed in the call and set out by the Heart of the South West in their ESIF strategy. It will specifically focus on providing specialist support to the area’s manufacturing sector. Working with SME manufacturers the programme will serve to address the persistent and deteriorating productivity gap between the Heart of the South West and the rest of England, as expressed in the call and local ESIF strategy. It will achieve this by opening the eyes of manufacturers to current best practice in manufacturing and supporting the development and deployment of enabling technologies in production processes and products. The programme will be a catalyst for change in SME manufacturing businesses, providing specialist insight into potential improvements that would not otherwise be identified or available. Through established stream-lined processes and support provided at every step by the manufacturing specialists, and ERDF support team, the support will be easy to access and easy for SME manufacturers to administer. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,571,492.70 | £2,840,886.83 | 55.94% | TA64FJ | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Real Ideas Assets CIC | The Market Hall Workspace | ERDF | 3 | Market Hall Workspace will create 3485sqm of bespoke workspace with business support in the Devonport Market Hall, Plymouth including flexible spaces and memberships offers; excellent networking; master classes, workshops and mentoring. Located in the Market Hall it will offer the style of conducive cultural and creative environment today’s entrepreneurs are looking for. | 01/05/2018 | 31/03/2022 | £3,011,956.00 | £5,030,595.00 | 59.87% | PL1 4EL | Heart of the South West | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Somerset County Council | Digital Utilisation for Growth (DUG) Project | ERDF | 3 | The Digital Utilisation Project will combine digital business support with the roll out of digital infrastructure thirough the Connecting Devon & Somerset Phase 2 Programme (CDS 2), building on the good practice identified within the ‘Get Up to Speed’ prog | 01/11/2019 | 31/03/2022 | £234,705.58 | £424,936.10 | 55.23% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
YTKO | GetSet for Growth | ERDF | 3 | This project’s activities concentrate on helping eligible SMEs become investment ready and to secure finance to unlock their future growth, plus increase knowledge and skills to grow revenues organically by developing more effective growth strategies, particularly enhanced sales, marketing and supply chain and procurement development. This is an enhanced grant-based programme, drawing upon our extensive experience to maximise the amount of ERDF resource reaching eligible SME’s enabling direct investment in their business growth. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £600,000.00 | £1,200,000.00 | 50.00% | EC3N 1LS | Heart of the South West | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of the West of England | Enabling Rapid Health Tech Product Development in HotSW (ER HotSW) | ERDF | 3 | This 3-year project will assist entrepreneurs and businesses to grow their capability to create and commercialise new Medical/Health Technology. This will contribute to the NHS goals of maximising independent living and delivering citizen-centric health. | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £585,999.00 | £1,075,335.00 | 54.49% | BS16 1QY | Heart of the South West | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of Plymouth | Plymouth Material Characterisation Network (PMCN) | ERDF | 1 | ‘Plymouth Materials Characterisation Network’ (PMCN) builds on the success of previous ERDF supported projects ‘Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre’ (PEMC) and ‘Plymouth Materials Characterisation Project’ (PMCP). PMCN supports enterprises in the HotSW region to use advanced imaging and analysis to underpin the development & advancement of R&D led growth through the development of new products and services, improved quality control and waste reduction. The project will enable local businesses access to R&D facilities and expertise that would otherwise be out of reach. PMCN will continue to invest in state of the art equipment to ensure HotSW enterprises have access to facilities that allow them to compete with larger companies. The project will also continue to deliver a programme of knowledge exchange and technology transfer events toAdditionally, PMCN will bring previous beneficiaries of industry support from PEMC together to generate a network of experts (industry, technical and academic) so that enterprises can benefit from the industry professionals already using electron microscopy at Plymouth. promote the benefits and opportunities available through the PEMC. | 01/03/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £999,999.00 | £1,733,101.00 | 57.70% | PL4 8AA | Heart of the South West | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centre |
University of Exeter (UoE) | University of Exeter Enterprise Zone (UEEZ) | ERDF | 3 | This bid, to provide Business Support / Incubation at the new University of Exeter Enterprise Zone (UEEZ), supports the delivery of the Environmental Futures & Big Data Impact Lab Extension application submitted on 30/9/2019 under call OC16R19P 0940 – Research & Innovation in the Heart of the South West | 01/04/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £679,796.38 | £1,222,101.46 | 55.63% | EX4 4PY | Heart of the South West | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Somerset County Council | Digital Innovation Centre | ERDF | 1 | The Digital Innovation Centre will be a 986m2 new-build and BREEAM Excellent innovation facility in Taunton targeting ERDF eligible start-ups and existing SMEs operating in, or moving into, the digital economy1. The centre will support digital businesses with recognised scope to innovate in the development of new or improved products, services and processes, including, but not limited to, marine geospatial, health technologies and risk analysis businesses. By providing both an accommodation offer and specialist innovation support services in a single location, the project will support clustering and collaboration amongst like-minded innovative businesses. It will build on recognised strengths in the Somerset economy as well as identified scope for productivity-led growth. The new centre and innovation support services have been designed in response to identified unmet business needs and demand and have been informed by recognised best practice models including the Geovation Accelerator in London and findings from the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth. The centre will provide flexible, ultrafast broadband-enabled office, collaboration and meeting space let on all-inclusive, easy-in, easy-out terms. | 01/09/2021 | 31/07/2023 | £1,700,000.00 | £3,634,431.00 | 46.77% | TA1 4DY | Heart of the South West | England | 058 Research and Innovation Infrastructure (Public) |
Somerset County Council | Chard Enterprise Centre | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to develop an Enterprise Centre in Chard, to address an identified need and fill a geographical gap in the Somerset Enterprise Centre Network (SECN). [Project formally known as Somerset Accelerator Programme]. The Centre will comprise a two storey office building of 466 m2 gross flexible office space with approximately 20 offices. Units will have NGA broadband and will be let on all-inclusive, easy-in, easy-out terms. It will be open to new businesses and established SMEs with growth potential across all sectors of the economy (subject to ERDF eligibility checks). | 01/07/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £1,726,328.00 | £4,038,131.00 | 42.75% | Not set | Heart of the South West | England | Not set |
Devon County Council | Growth Hub Service for All | ERDF | 3 | This Service for All programme fully integrates business support activity and GHub engagement, marketing and signposting activity delivering a ’one stop shop’ for HotSW businesses. The Service for All staff team will take learning and experience from current GSP, future transition; and engaging rural micros programmes to catalyse businesses to: develop a ‘growth mindset’, take up tailored, relevant business support and grow and increase productivity. Service for All will be delivered using an in-house team (including a focussed Somerset resource) for marketing, engagement and diagnostic while business support will be contracted to appropriate business support agencies. A business support procurement framework (OEJU and ERDF compliant) is currently being procured, which will cater for modules offered (see below). Local engagement and delivery will forge strong links with business networks and organisations, taking a decentralised hub and spoke approach and co-locating where possible. | 01/01/2021 | 31/03/2023 | £781,965.00 | £1,381,444.00 | 56.60% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Business West | Heart of the South West Export Trade Development | ERDF | 3 | The Centre will comprise a two storey office building of 466 m2 gross flexible office space with approximately 20 offices. Units will have NGA broadband and will be let on all-inclusive, easy-in, easy-out terms. It will be open to new businesses and established SMEs with growth potential across all sectors of the economy (subject to ERDF eligibility checks). | 01/04/2020 | 30/06/2022 | £500,000.00 | £916,667.00 | 54.55% | BS8 3RA | Heart of the South West | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Devon County Council | CPGH HotSW Growth Support Programme (Parent 16R16P00378) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme The main priority for the project will provide grants to SME's in the range of £1000 - £3000 (up to £5,000 in exceptional circumstances) to support 1-2-1 specialist advice or purchase minor equipment. This is to assist the SME to adapt or adopt new technology in order for them to continue to deliver business or diversify in direct response to COVID-19. | 01/08/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £771,164.00 | £771,164.00 | 100.00% | EX2 4QD | Heart of the South West | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Exemplas | Get Growing | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide comprehensive support to mid sized SMEs with the latent potential to grow. The programme will consist of business advice, delivered by a team of specialist advisers, and integrated with a series of business workshops. Specialisms covered will include Sales & Marketing, Inward Investment, Finance, Productivity and Business Planning, with advisers working as a team to implement SME Growth Plans. The project will target SMEs who form part of the “missing middle”, those which were ineligible to access national business support and which can be the “gazelles” of future growth. | 01/01/2016 | 30/12/2018 | £773,177.00 | £1,546,356.00 | 50.00% | AL7 3AX | Hertfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Building Research Establishment Limited | Hertfordshire Low Carbon Innovation Network | ERDF | 4 | Strategic Fit and Value for Money requirements met. The project will provide sector-specific support to local SMEs to develop innovative low carbon technologies for the built environment, bringing new innovations to markets, delivering jobs, growth and carbon emission reductions. VFM fulfilled against Government requirements with the 17% of the LEPs 4 C1 target being met for 9.9% of the LEPs 4 £ allocation. Total outputs proposed off er good VFM measured against average unit costs of the Operational Programme. | 01/05/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £356,312.00 | £712,626.00 | 50.00% | WD25 9XX | Hertfordshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Creative England | ProConnect Hertfordshire | ERDF | 3 | This programme will provide meaningful specialist support to SMEs working in or in the supply chain to the film and TV production industry as well as new market entrants to ensure they are well placed to start their own business. The programme will deliver a series of workshops and one-to-one interactions leading to economic growth for programme beneficiaries. These will deliver advice, support and guidance to help the companies plan better growth and new business strategies. They will also introduce the companies to industry buyers - at the appropriate level in the supply chain - to forge connections with new, potential customers and secure contracts. The programme will also work in partnership with local college and university graduates to provide entrepreneurship and business ready start-up workshops. Additionally the project will offer small grants to business to access specialist consultancy advice to support business growth. | 01/07/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £435,731.00 | £871,466.00 | 50.00% | BS1 5SP | Hertfordshire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Wenta | Hertfordshire Start-Up Programme | ERDF | 3 | Wenta and partners, Stanta and Dacorum Borough Council (Dacorum business services), will deliver a Hertfordshire business start up (HSUP) and grant award programme, providing a consistent and coherent service for those looking to start and grow a business; creating 220 new businesses and 150 new jobs. The project meets ESIF priorities by tackling slow growth and meeting a specific growth need in Hertfordshire; the ‘start up escalator’ will create new businesses with both capacity and capability to grow. The hub and spoke delivery model will offer free face to face Advisory support, including access to finance, thus providing the best possible growth opportunities. Collaboration between existing providers including Growth Hub and mainstream provision will ensure strategic fit and avoid duplication. | 01/01/2016 | 30/08/2023 | £2,894,018.00 | £5,788,038.00 | 50.00% | WD24 7ND | Hertfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Rothamstead Research | AgRIA: Agricultural Research and Innovation Accelerator | ERDF | 1 | Provision of research and innovation mechanisms drawn from multiple sectors to co-create solutions to problems in the agri-food sector | 31/03/2018 | 30/06/2021 | £788,440.00 | £1,576,880.00 | 50.00% | AL5 2JQ | Hertfordshire | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult | CGTC GMP Facility & Business Engagement | ERDF | 1 | Designed to bridge the gap between scientific research and commercialisation in the gene cell therapy industry | 01/04/2018 | 30/09/2021 | £3,500,000.00 | £12,456,857.00 | 28.10% | SE1 9RT | Hertfordshire | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation | Hertfordshire Knowledge and Innovation Centre for Science (H-KICS): Critical Interventions for Open Innovation in the Life Sciences | ERDF | 1 | H-KICS will stimulate economic growth and support Smart Specialisation in the LEP area's high-value life sciences sector. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £1,440,036.00 | £2,880,072.00 | 50.00% | AL10 9AB | Hertfordshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
EB Charging Limited | Herts 2025 e-Taxi Trial | ERDF | 4 | The proposed project is seeking to deliver significant air quality improvements in Hertfordshire towns by increasing the uptake of zero emission electric vehicles (Evs) within the taxi industry by addressing the market failure surrounding a lack of information and awareness of the benefits, availability and capabilities of Evs. The specific activities that will be undertaken as part of the project are: An electric vehicle (EV) marketing and awareness campaign through each of the participating local authorities (Las) and the respective local licensed taxi drivers / fleets - The Las will be key to engaging their respective local taxi communities; EV trials, during which licensed taxi drivers will be able to claim a voucher to partly fund the trial of an electric vehicle for at least 3 months; Provision to each taxi driver of a personal report about the benefits and future opportunities for permanently switching to Evs; Pre- and post- trial evaluation and support for the drivers as well as dissemination activities and events on the key findings, for the Las and other key stakeholders. | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £759,303.00 | £2,034,616.00 | 37.32% | AL5 2JD | Hertfordshire | England | 043 Clean urban transport infrastructure and promotion |
University of Hertfordshire | InCampus: the All-Campus Incubator | ERDF | 3 | InCampus will deliver: Access to six differently styled work zones with Wi-Fi and refreshments, including (from 2019) a newly-created Business Space; Membership of Hertfordshire Business School’s3 Business Academy coaching and support programme; Enterprise events with partners such as Herts Chamber, Local Chambers, Wenta, the Herts Growth Hub, EEN-East, Low Carbon Innovation Network, and the Manufacturing Growth Programme; Enterprise events with partners such as Herts Chamber, Local Chambers, Wenta, the Herts Growth Hub, EEN-East, Low Carbon Innovation Network, and the Manufacturing Growth Programme; Quarterly enterprise ‘boot camps’; Online ‘virtual incubator’ business advice platform; 5-day 9-5 support helpdesk (24x7 for ICT and cloud services); | 01/01/2018 | 31/03/2021 | £668,034.00 | £1,336,068.00 | 50.00% | AL10 9AB | Hertfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (accountable body - Hertfordshire County Council) | Hertfordshire Business Expansion Grant Scheme | ERDF | 3 | A £7.5M Grant Expansion Scheme for grants between £10k and £75k with a 60% contribution from SMEs and the creation of approx 200 jobs. | 01/01/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £2,830,216.00 | £5,660,432.00 | 50.00% | SG13 8DQ | Hertfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Exemplas Limited | Get Growing 2 (Hertfordshire Growth Hub 2) | ERDF | 3 | Since 2015, Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has been working with the University of Hertfordshire subsidiary, Exemplas to deliver a Growth Hub for Hertfordshire. During this time Exemplas has delivered the ERDF Get Growing project presented to the market as a Growth Hub service. The Hertfordshire Growth Hub 2 (HGH2) ERDF project will be delivered through the LEP’s outsourced Growth Hub and will provide a structured package of comprehensive support to SMEs with the potential to grow or to become a scale up business - the project operating from 1st October 2018 to 30th September 2021. The project will add scale to key elements of the Growth Hub service, but with a particular focus on intensive support targeted at growth propensity SMEs to help them to scale up and grow. | 01/10/2018 | 31/12/2021 | £2,253,631.00 | £4,507,262.00 | 50.00% | AL10 9NE | Hertfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
East Hertfordshire District Council | Launchpad 2 | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide: • Business incubator facilities building on and upscaling the Council’s ‘Launchpad’ programme which has been running for 6 months; • Provision of grow on space/flexible space for businesses in the post start-up phase using the South side of the 3rd floor of the Charrington’s House building which is vacant offering 5550 sq ft (510sqm) office space; • A package of revenue support for business start-up including: o Finance, tax advice, HR, Health and Safety, company direction and other relevant services – This will build on and upscale services already being provided at the Launchpad; • A package of revenue support for established/ early businesses to access including: o Advice on product/service development and entering new domestic or international markets; o Advice on product/service development and entering new domestic or international markets; o Events, peer networking, consultancy support; • Grant finance for businesses to invest in product, process and service improvements; • Specific support for Social Enterprise and demographic groups | 01/07/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £509,746.98 | £1,019,493.96 | 50.00% | SG13 8EQ | Hertfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
North East Lincolnshire Council | NEL LAG Preparation Phase - ERDF (18R15L00337) | ERDF | 8 | The project is the preparatory phase of CLLD in NEL – it will focus on the inner urban area of Grimsby and Cleethorpes and in particular the wards which lie in the bottom 20% IMD. The project will focus on building community networks, adding value to exi | 15/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £14,000.00 | £20,000.00 | 70.00% | DN31 1HU | Humber | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | Hull Local Action Group (18R15L00333) | ERDF | 8 | We will form a Local Action Group (LAG) and develop a draft strategy to support people in the 20% most deprived areas of Hull into or towards employment, including self employment. One LAG in Hull will provide a joined up approach, with cross city solutio | 12/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £14,000.00 | £20,000.00 | 70.00% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
North Lincolnshire Council | North Lincolnshire and Goole CLLD Preparatory Stage | ERDF | 8 | The project will develop a Local Development Strategy, and Local Action Group, for the delivery of Community Led Local Development in the eligible areas of North Lincolnshire and Goole. North Lincolnshire Council will partner with Voluntary Action North | 12/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £14,000.00 | £20,000.00 | 70.00% | DN16 1AB | Humber | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | River Hull +PA5 (18R16P00705) | ERDF | 5 | To provide a comprehensive system of flood defences along the river hull to protect existing businesses, and act as a catalyst for economic growth and regeneration in the riverside area. | 01/12/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £3,352,664.00 | £5,683,299.00 | 58.99% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | River Hull+ ( 18R16P00716) | ERDF | 6 | To provide a comprehensive system of flood defences along the river hull to protect existing businesses, and act as a catalyst for economic growth and regeneration in the riverside area. | 01/12/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £699,964.00 | £1,211,849.00 | 57.76% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
North East Lincolnshire Council | World Class Environment: World Class Industry (18R15P00564) | ERDF | 6 | The South Humber Gateway is one of the last and largest remaining estuaries with industrial land availability in the UK. The estuary is a Special Protection Area for its ornithological interest, designated a Special Area of Conservaton for its habitats and notable fauna and a Wetland of International Importance for its bird population and non-avian fauna and habitats which are collectively referred to as Natura 2000 Sites. The project involves North East Lincs Council aquiring and developing 122.5 ha of land across 7 sites as habitats for the protection of estuarine birds, flora and fauna which will be managed under contract for a period of 25 years. Strategic mitigation essentially involves designing, creating, managing and maintaining protective habitat. This mitigation is delivered by the public sector ahead of development and is of a sufficient quantum that it mitigates against the full develpoment of all industrial land within the South Humber Gateway. | 02/04/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,273,098.00 | £2,121,831.00 | 60.00% | DN31 1HU | Humber | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
East Riding of Yorkshire Council | Gypsey Race Park – Phase 1 ( 18R15P00612) | ERDF | 6 | The project will improve 3100 square metres of derelict land and 120 m of water course in Bridlington town centre, creating the first phase of the Gypsey Race Park and Avenue which will form an attractive boundary to a 14700 square metre strategic develop | 01/05/2016 | 31/08/2019 | £735,579.00 | £1,225,968.00 | 60.00% | HU17 9BA | Humber | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Goodwin Trust | Enterprising Neighbourhoods Renewal & Growth 2 (ENRG2) - 18R15P00499 | ERDF | 3 | ENRG2 will continue a vital start-up and growth support service that promotes entrepreneurship in an area of significant deprivation and amongst under-represented groups by providing support & guidance for people considering self-employment and for those | 01/01/2016 | 31/01/2019 | £1,061,180.00 | £1,768,633.00 | 60.00% | HU3 2HQ | Humber | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | Hull Local Action Group (Stage 2 CLLD) | ERDF | 8 | To support the residents in the CLLD area in achieving equal opportunities in achieving good employment, the creation and growth of businesses and an improved quality of life. | 01/11/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £1,868,935.00 | £2,669,907.00 | 70.00% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
North Lincolnshire Council | North Lincolnshire Community Led Local Development (CLLD) | ERDF | 8 | The project is community led and addresses social and economic deprivation in the most deprived areas of Scunthorpe. | 01/10/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £236,548.00 | £394,247.00 | 60.00% | DN16 1AB | Humber | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
University of Hull | Aura Innovation Centre | ERDF | 4 | The Aura Innovation Centre (AIC) is a low carbon innovation accelerator providing innovation and associated support to Humber businesses. It forms the first phase of the Aura Low Carbon Technology Innovation Quarter, part of ‘Project Aura’ a transformative renewable energy initiative in the Humber - the UK’s Energy Estuary. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 08/03/2018 | 31/08/2023 | £4,902,390.00 | £10,333,988.00 | 47.44% | HU6 7RX | Humber | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | Humber Business Growth Hub - Business Growth Scheme | ERDF | 3 | The Humber Business Growth Hub – Business Growth Programme is a comprehensive programme of interventions aimed at enabling SMEs in the Humber to grow and become more productive. The programme will be led and administered by Hull City Council on behalf of the Humber Business Growth Hub and three other Humber Local Authorities. It will significantly enhance and provide additional resource to support the Business Growth activities currently delivered by the Humber Business Growth Hub. It will encourage and support businesses to grow and develop by delivering the following activities: • One-to-one advice to determine the needs of the client, including a detailed diagnostic and development of an action plan of support required to achieve growth objectives; • A comprehensive programme of workshops / masterclasses, delivered by industry experts across a range of topics (see below); • Sector Development and Supply Chain activity; • A Leadership Development programme for leaders and managers within SMEs with a potential for growth; • Voucher support to SMEs based on projects identified through one-to-one advice and support; • Electronic delivery – suite of webinars, online content, masterclasses available through the Growth Hub Website | 01/10/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £3,758,635.27 | £6,264,392.09 | 60.00% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Hull | FIC – Flood Innovation Centre | ERDF | 1 | FLIC will provide bespoke research and innovation services to 100 local SMEs, including 54 detailed R&D project interventions, to support the development of innovative products, processes and solutions to mitigate flood risk, and improve resilience and response to flood events where complete flood prevention is impossible. The three-year programme will equip a facility, employ 9 core staff, and provide 6 research and innovation technical support strands for SMEs to access, ranging from product design through to prototyping and testing services. A diagnostic process will identify SME R&D requirements and then connect them directly into the University’s unique word class research and knowledge transfer (KT) capabilities in climate change and flood risk management. The unique aspect of this programme will be the provision of bespoke packages of innovation support for SMEs that blend the University’s climate change research expertise with practical scientific disciplines (e.g. engineering, logistics, ICT and materials). The objective is to provide SMEs with inter-disciplinary technology transfer to optimise the design, test and prototyping of high quality flood products and solutions. | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,649,947.28 | £2,942,225.00 | 56.08% | HU6 7RX | Humber | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
East Riding of Yorkshire Council | Grovehill Enterprise Park Phase 2: Business Centre | ERDF | 3 | The construction of a new business centre for SMEs in Grovehill, Beverley | 01/05/2020 | 31/08/2022 | £1,500,000.00 | £4,939,865.00 | 30.37% | HU17 9BA | Humber | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Hull Culture & Leisure Limited | Innovate Humber | ERDF | 1 | To provide an expert team to work with SMEs to drive innovation, research and development and knowledge exchange in the Humber area. To increase productivity and enable the creation of new products. To ensure at every step of the journey SME's have access to the knowledge and support that will help them understand the cycle of product and service development and to see a return on their investment. The project team will be based in the dedicated Research and Innovation Centre at Hull Central Library, but will work across the Humber region. The team will work across the Humber using a well-developed network of partners and new partnerships will be developed through the project. | 01/12/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £502,239.00 | £837,045.00 | 60.00% | HU1 3AR | Humber | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | Humber Business Growth Hub - Investment Readiness Scheme | ERDF | 3 | The Scheme will deliver an intensive Humber wide programme of Investment Readiness support through a network of specialist advisors and associated small grants scheme that will cover up to 40% of the eligible costs of SME beneficiary projects. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/06/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £2,562,987.00 | £4,271,644.00 | 60.00% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | Humber Business Growth Hub - ICT Voucher Scheme | ERDF | 2 | The scheme will encourage and support the uptake of digital technologies, build business confidence in the use of such technologies and extend understanding of how digital technologies can be employed to solve business problems. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/06/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £3,051,257.50 | £5,085,429.50 | 60.00% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme (HBEES) | ERDF | 4 | The PEES project will be a three year series of interventions aimed at enabling Hull based SME’s to contribute to the reduction in Greenhouse Gases (GHG) through the implementation of resource efficiency schemes – in many cases this will also result in productive/financial benefits by increasing energy efficiency, including through the implementation of low carbon technologies. The project will be open to all eligible SMEs, but subject to meeting eligibility criteria etc, there will be a focus on businesses which are able to deliver VfM, the largest GHG reductions in relation to £ inputs. | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,800,000.00 | £3,000,000.00 | 60.00% | HU1 2AA | Humber | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Watergate Developments Ltd | Phase 3 Completing @thedock | ERDF | 3 | The project is both capital and revenue and builds on the success of the C4Di complex which was funded through the 07-13 ERDF Programme. The capital element is to build two offices, one funded by the LEP, the other by ERDF. The revenue element is to provide targeted business support, mentorship and advice to businesses mainly in the Digital and Tech sector | 01/01/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,058,732.65 | £4,385,158.76 | 41.23% | HU1 1UU | Humber | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
East Riding of Yorkshire Council | South Withernsea Coastal Defence Scheme | ERDF | 5 | The proposed scheme is to upgrade Withernsea's infrastructure by extending the existing rock armour coastal defences to the south of the town by 400m in order to mitigate the risk of further rapid and extensive coastal erosion. This will protect businesses, essential road links and homes in the area, which in turn will contribute to safeguarding the visitor economy of Withernsea, sustaining the jobs and livelihood of people residing in an area already classified as deprived. | 04/03/2019 | 30/04/2021 | £3,019,622.00 | £5,142,065.00 | 58.72% | HU17 9BA | Humber | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
Kingston upon Hull City Council | CPGH Humber Business Growth Hub Business Growth Scheme (Parent 18R17P02217) | ERDF | 3 | Will provide a grant scheme for SMEs who have been directly impacted by Covid 19 to enable them to access grants of between £1,00 to £3,000 to support - One to one specialist advice which SMEs could call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial. H &S, IT/digital or sector specialists etc. For the visitor economy, this couldalso include supporting SMEs with productivity improvements such as enhanced use of digital tools such as yield management software, mentoring, networing or other measures. It could also support to develop innovative delvery in a socially distanced economy for example , new ways of delivery cultural events and festivals that are so critical to the visitor experience. Purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19. | 31/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £500,535.00 | £500,535.00 | 100.00% | HU1 1UU | Humber | England | 063 cluster support and business networks primarily benefiting SMEs |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | UClan Innovation Clinic | ERDF | 1 | The Innovation Clinic project will support enterprises to grow through development of new-to-firm and new-to-market products, delivered through a programme of support workshops, idea feasibility studies and bespoke development activities specific to the needs of individual businesses. Working across disciplines it will deliver a tiered programme to cater for different levels of business maturity and the level of readiness of their new product or service idea. The project will support 141 enterprises to grow their business for which 78 enterprises will introduce new-to-firm and new-to-market products resulting in 12 new jobs being created. | 01/11/2015 | 30/09/2023 | £2,628,378.43 | £4,380,630.71 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Engineering Innovation Centre (EIC) | ERDF | 1 | This project will equate to 2,069m2 of floorspace resulting in 40 researchers working in improved research facilities . This will be used to fund the equipment and building costs of the innovation space and facilities within the EIC. | 01/04/2016 | 01/05/2019 | £5,800,000.00 | £9,670,000.00 | 59.98% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | UNITE+ | ERDF | 3 | The UNITE+ project aims to bring together SMEs wanting to develop their capacity through the uptake of new tools and techniques with graduates looking for high quality job roles in Lancashire. Short term internships and projects working with SME businesses will be identified by the project teams who will then find students and graduates to fulfil the brief, providing business benefits to the company and experience development for the students/graduates. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £2,813,596.12 | £4,689,326.87 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 073 Support for social enterprises (SMEs) |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Investment Readiness | ERDF | 3 | It is a coherent, structured programme of investor-led input, investment readiness guidance and support activities with the objective of supporting SMEs with demonstrably improved chances of raising third party equity investment. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,669,370.00 | £2,782,284.00 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Digital First | ERDF | 3 | Digital First will assist SMEs in Lancashire to take advantage of digital innovation in their business. It will focus on the on-line presence of business, looking at 4 themes: Improving online performance, data integrity and cyber security, harnessing the power of the cloud, and digital marketing. This will support SMEs to grow a dynamic and far reaching on-line presence. | 01/09/2016 | 31/08/2019 | £956,079.00 | £1,593,466.00 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Digital Integrated Manufacturing Execution 2 (DigitME2) | ERDF | 1 | DigitME2 will provide access to equipment, technologies, and specialist engineering and research staff who, through workshops and 1-to-1 tailored programmes, will help SMEs introduce data driven technologies within existing and planned manufacturing operations. | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £2,587,158.80 | £4,311,931.34 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Princes Trust | Better off in Business (19R15P00040) | ERDF | 3 | Better Off in Business will engage young people aged 18-30 from under-represented groups in Lancashire, who have the potential to establish and grow a business. The project will promote an entrepreneurial culture, providing tailored packages of business start-up and growth support, aligning with Boost Business Lancashire and other local and national initiatives. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £133,693.00 | £222,821.00 | 60.00% | EC2M 7LS | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Lancaster University | U Start | ERDF | 3 | U Start is a solution proposed by two of the region’s HEIs – Lancaster University and University of Central Lancashire. It will deliver more resilient graduate start-up businesses in Lancashire contributing to the local economy, particularly within priority sectors such as advanced manufacturing, low carbon energy, creative and digital, social enterprise and health sector innovation | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £3,015,754.32 | £5,026,268.33 | 60.00% | LA1 4YW | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Lancashire County Council | Boost Business Lancashire - Lancashires Growth Hub (19R15P00041) | ERDF | 3 | This Project is to continue and enhance Boost, Lancashire's Business Growth Hub, which has been operating since early 2013. The overall aim is to accelerate the growth of Small to Medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Lancashire, to stimulate new investment and job creation by systematically identifying and removing the barriers to their growth, by encouraging innovation and in promoting enterprise. | 01/01/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £3,454,376.00 | £6,856,660.00 | 50.38% | PR1 8XJ | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Lancaster University | Low Carbon Lancashire Innovation Hub (LoCaL-i) | ERDF | 4 | Supporting SME's through knowledge exchange to develop low carbon prodcts and technhology | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2021 | £3,059,345.93 | £5,098,910.00 | 60.00% | LA1 4YW | Lancashire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Lancaster University | The Lancashire Forum | ERDF | 3 | The Lancashire Forum will develop a environment of trust and collaboration between SMEs, driving growth from change and new business models. Simultaneously increasing productivity to create new high quality products, processes and services for regional and international markets | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £3,907,200.00 | £6,512,000.00 | 60.00% | LA1 4YW | Lancashire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Innovation Agency | Lancashire - Building capacity and capability in health and life science businesses | ERDF | 3 | The project will enable SMEs to better understand, work with and sell to the health and social care markets. The delivery partners are uniquely placed to help SMEs with a focus on innovative technologies and systems that bring efficiency and innovation to healthcare across Lancashire; to work with healthcare providers to achieve these changes and in doing so build capacity and capability within the businesses to deliver economic growth. | 01/10/2016 | 31/01/2020 | £759,578.00 | £1,265,964.00 | 60.00% | WA4 4AB | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Chorley Council | Digital Office Park- Euxton Lane, Chorley | ERDF | 3 | The Digital Office Park will support the growth of Lancashire’s digital sector and other priority sectors with a focus on digital. A prestigious digital office development will be delivered on Euxton Lane, Chorley, providing 5,016m2 of bespoke, grade A digital office and start up accommodation. This will be supported by a tailored on-site business support package available to all tenants and other businesses referred by BOOST. | 01/07/2016 | 30/06/2022 | £3,871,896.00 | £7,743,792.00 | 50.00% | PR7 1AL | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Transmission | ERDF | 3 | Transmission is a leadership programme for owner-managers / leaders of SMEs targeted at two of the LEP priority sectors; the advanced manufacturing and engineering and the creative and digital sectors. It will develop the internal capability of these SMEs by creatively developing their leadership and management capabilities in order to stimulate innovation and growth. When the wider impacts are taken into consideration the project offers value for money | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £946,454.00 | £1,577,424.00 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Rivers Trust | BRiLLIaNCE - Blackburns Rivers Important to Lancashire Landscape Investment and Natural Capital Economy (Brilliance) | ERDF | 6 | Improving the biodiversity of two rivers in Lancashire through the creation of a natural river bed and introdution of fish passes to allow fish to access the river upstream | 01/11/2016 | 30/03/2020 | £626,515.00 | £1,044,192.00 | 60.00% | PL17 8PH | Lancashire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Vedas Services Ltd | High Growth Potential "Propel 2 Grow" | ERDF | 3 | By dovetailing with other local and national support programmes, the project will support the capability and capacity of SME businesses within Lancashire to achieve high growth (minimum 20% p.a) by providing in depth market and current state analysis, strategic direction, and then the practical implementation of these growth strategies by developing people capability / operational capacity / new product development through access to world class specialist providers. | 01/07/2016 | 30/06/2022 | £2,105,703.48 | £4,211,406.97 | 50.00% | BB11 1DR | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Pendle Borough Council | Earby Flood Resilience Scheme | ERDF | 5 | The Project involves the delivery of a series of flood prevention measures to enable Earby and its commercial and residential communities to become more flood resilient.Specific activities include:• Flow control and flood water storage at key locations to limit the amount of flood water entering the flood susceptible areas of the town• Upland moorland management to delay the speed at which surface water run-off progresses down the catchment• Waterproofing of building walls (commercial property) and raising of parapet heights directly adjacent to the watercourse• Creation of mini flood water storage basins in pocket parks allowing both flood water storage and the disruption of flowThe activities will be delivered by Pendle’s Engineering Department (designed, procured and implemented). Following outline approval of the ESIF bid the detailed scheme design will be undertaken by Pendle’s expert engineering team (in consultation with the Environment Agency and local landowners), then procured through the Lancashire Procurement Hub thus ensuring value for money resulting in the appointment of competent Contractors to undertake the schemes. The project is realistic and achievable.The location of the activities is in accordance with Drawing 1The activities will benefit in terms of improved flood resilience for commercial and residential properties in accordance with Drawing 2 The activities will be delivered following outline approval of the ESIF bid. Design and procurement would be completed by March 2018. Works commencement would be anticipated June 2018 with completion December 2019The activities will achieve a greater level of flood resilience for the businesses and residents of Earby. It will compliment capital works highlighted by the Environment Agency. The scheme will help to minimise East – West strategic road network disruption | 01/01/2021 | 28/02/2023 | £635,260.00 | £1,083,000.00 | 58.66% | BB9 7LG | Lancashire | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
Edge Hill University | Productivity and Innovation Centre | ERDF | 1 | r Trust and two strategic development sites. The project area also runs through Weavers Triangle and sits within the Burnley – Pendle Growth Corridor both of which are key development sites for the Lancashire LEP. 1. SMEs adopt and embed highly effective rapid innovation processes in their business; a framework of evidence based decision making regarding the business and market case for an (technical/technological) innovation and evidence based practice (need/demand/efficacy based) in product, service or process development. This outcome specifically improves the productivity of SME innovation. 2. The release of new to firm and new to market product, service or process innovations by the SME participants. SMEs participants in the Centre will be identified from the outset on the basis that they have existing innovation assets at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 2, 3 or 4, and would benefit from support (experiencing barriers and or need to reduce to time to market) in order to efficiently move those assets through to TRL level 7 ready for commercial release. This outcome directly aligns with the following 1b Operational Programme Investment Priority objectives: With regards to costs this appears to offer excellent value for money for C1, C4, C26 & C29 but poor value for money for C28. | 01/11/2017 | 30/06/2021 | £586,465.00 | £1,033,798.00 | 56.73% | L39 4QP | Lancashire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Canal & River Trust | Finsley Gate Canal Corridor | ERDF | 6 | The project will rehabilitate a 6km stretch of the Leeds Liverpool Canal adjacent to Burnley Town Centre to provide a quality environmental setting for a major capital restoration scheme being promoted by Canal & River Trust and two strategic development sites. The project area also runs through Weavers Triangle and sits within the Burnley – Pendle Growth Corridor both of which are key development sites for the Lancashire LEP. | 21/10/2019 | 30/09/2022 | £531,300.00 | £885,500.00 | 60.00% | WN3 4BN | Lancashire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Making Carbon Work (MaCaW) | ERDF | 4 | Project MaCaW is an academic/industry collaboration designed to assist Lancashire SME’s to overcome the challenges and barriers in moving towards a low carbon economic model. The market failure of why SMEs are not engaging in carbon reduction. compared to the average unit costs for this project in the transition areas, this appears to offer good value for money for enterprises supported (C1 – 80), a saving of £12,467 against the Operational Programme average of £27,578. This is also the same for annual decrease of GHG; the project will save £235 against Operational Programme average of £1,194. Overall, the delivery costs for the outputs are lower than the Operational Programme average unit cost. | 01/11/2017 | 30/09/2023 | £1,919,134.84 | £3,234,474.84 | 59.33% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes and |
East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Renewable Energy Technology Commercialisation and Deployment & Energy Efficiency and Renewables Promotion and Implementation | ERDF | 4 | Working across the 2 investment priorities of 4B and 4F the project will –4B – work with the Lancashire SME community, to stimulate take up of energy efficiency measures, • auditing the participating SMEs • to identify and• to implement installation of energy efficiency and• renewable generation technologies, (leading where appropriate with Lancashire manufactured products) working to achieve the best economic benefit for the SMEs whilst helping them calculate the resulting greenhouse gas production decreases.4F – work with Lancashire SME technology developers who have low carbon technology products that are now “close to market” and now need support to move their products into full commercialisation – we will work to – • identify potential manufacturers in the advanced manufacturing community of Lancashire who are keen to diversify into the low carbon market, • find development partners/early adopter customers • to enable demonstration of the products (including but not limited to, wave and wind energy, smart grids, distributed generation, solar and photovoltaics, heat networks, heat pumps) • supporting market exploration, • manufacturing commencement and • promotion into the SMEs across Lancashire• The full client journey is detailed in the attached narrative (2 page word document).The activities will be carried out by –East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, Business Wise Solutions LtdNewground CICRegionally/NW based specialist consultants, to be procured in line with EU funding requirements.The activities will be delivered across Lancashire, with a central Low Carbon Technology Information Centre, both virtual and physical, within the lead applicant – East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and Industry.Referrals will be stimulated and encouraged from all regional partners – especially BOOST, wider Growth Hub initiatives and Universities. Care has been taken to ensure this project is complimentary to others being developed within the P4 call - jointly with Lancaster University we are able to say – “We are aware of other projects applying to this call and will engage with them as they move through outline and full application to delivery, with a desire to ensure smooth cross referral. Preliminary discussions suggest complementarity with the Lancaster University project ProToCoL”. The activities will be delivered between 1/7/17 and 30/6/20, with the program designed to achieve outputs supporting enterprises within the first 6 month period, and ensuring a broad spread of outputs are achieved early in the funding program, enabling confidence in the deliverability of the scheme.The project will support 500 general SMEs (plus 10 new SMEs) to audit their energy efficiency needs/implement action plans to reduce energy consumption/stimulate new renewable energy production. It will work with 100 low carbon technology developer SMEs (plus 20 new SMEs) to support their low carbon products into market, stimulating advanced manufacturing diversification into low carbon production. Resulting in 5000 tonnes per annum reduction of greenhouse gas production, 15 new to firm products and 5 new to market products being produced. With regards to costs this project appears to be delivering very good value for money with all the unit costs falling well below the unit cost target from the Operational Programme. | 01/07/2017 | 30/09/2023 | £3,206,789.00 | £5,998,275.00 | 53.46% | BB5 5JR | Lancashire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Lancaster University | Health Innovation Campus | ERDF | 1 | The Health Innovation Campus (HIC) will deliver:• A 3 year programme of revenue innovation activity, supporting 300 Lancashire based ERDF eligible SMEs to engage with the rapidly growing health and care marketplace for digital and technological solutions, creating 50 innovative new products, 25 new to the market products and 35 new jobs.• 3750m2 of eligible innovation space for the exploitation of opportunities in digital health and preventative healthcare markets, within a new 8000m2 facility on the Lancaster Campus;Lancaster University will deliver the project and has a demonstrable track record of increasing the innovation capacity of SMEs within Lancashire Revenue activities will provide SMEs with the resources to allow them to innovate digital and technological solutions successfully into the significantly growing health and care markets using established models including:• Open Innovation Digital Health Workshops providing a forum for NHS and Social Care providers to describe issues and market opportunities to SMEs who can respond through innovation (supporting 300 SMEs); • An ‘Innovators in Residence’ programme for SME owner managers with the potential to work with health related sectors, generate ideas for innovation and potentially become resident on the HIC when complete (supporting 50 SMEs);• Bespoke technical solutions resulting in new innovative products and services for the health marketplace. Graduate talent and underlying academic expertise will provide SMEs with the absorptive capacity to develop the innovation ideas established above into products, processes and services (supporting 50 SMEs).The HIC capital project will establish specialist facilities and associated infrastructure in the form of an 8000m2 building, (of which at least 3750m2 will be ERDF eligible), to allow SMEs to engage with a range of organisations in exploiting the emerging markets presented by health related innovation through:• Promoting inter-disciplinary working between a range of partners to enable the development, testing and evaluation of new product, process and services innovation;• Providing long-term accommodation for businesses to locate on the HIC and flexible, shorter-term project based accommodation (for use by SMEs designing specific innovations);• Including space for activities and staff to enable successful implementation of innovation in SMEs.Lancashire has a growing reputation with NHS England as a unique area in which to develop health and care technologies and digital solutions. It is the only area nationally which houses three successful NHS England innovation programmes (the Healthy New Town, Test Bed and Vanguard projects) and the HIC will build on these strategic partnerships and combination of assets to provide opportunities for Lancashire SMEs.The support will initially benefit digital SMEs with a health interest reflecting the opportunities for digital process and productivity innovations to support healthy ageing and improve illness prevention. However, the health market provides opportunities for companies working across a range of sectors (including manufacturing). A 3 year revenue programme starting August 2017 to deliver a critical mass of innovative SMEs ready to fully utilise the HIC once completed. Capital works will take place between August 2017 and December 2019. Overall the project will be 4 years in duration to ensure all snagging issues have been resolved following the completion of the construction phase. In terms of value for money both capital and revenue outputs appear to compare favourably against the Operational Programme unit cost benchmarks. | 01/01/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £9,809,474.89 | £16,349,124.89 | 60.00% | LA1 4YE | Lancashire | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Lancaster City Council | Lancaster Caton Road (Phase 3) Flood Risk Management Scheme | ERDF | 5 | The Caton Road Flood Risk Management Scheme addresses the unacceptably high level of flood risk immediately upstream of Lancaster city centre between Haldon Weir and Skerton Bridge. The most vulnerable parts of this area have a 1 in 5 (20%) chance of flooding from the River Lune in any given year. Construction of a flood risk management scheme in this location protects the Riverside Industrial Estate, the Lansil Industrial Estate and the Caton Road Industrial Park from flooding. On the right bank of the river, it provides improved protection for 34 residential properties. Due to the relatively small number of domestic properties, the business case for the Environment Agency could not deliver the necessary value for money as their focus is on domestic properties. The scheme will primarily protect business and without the intervention of ERDF the scheme would not progress despite the extensive flooding in 2016. The flood defences will be constructed between Skerton Bridge (downstream) and Junction 34 of the M6 motorway (upstream). The defences will consist of 2.7km of walls on the left bank and 0.12km on the right bank (60m of walls and 60m of embankment) on the River Lune adjacent to Caton Road and Aldrens Lane and Halton Road. Surface water mitigation will also be delivered within the vicinity of the scheme. This will tackle surface water arising from overland flow routes around Junction 34 of the M6 Motorway and Caton Road, Newton Beck and around Lansil Golf Club. | 02/01/2019 | 31/08/2021 | £3,850,398.00 | £10,058,520.00 | 38.28% | LA1 1QR | Lancashire | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
University of Sheffield - Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre | AMRC North West (Lancashire) Revenue Programme | ERDF | 1 | The University of Sheffield’s AMRC North West (Lancashire) Revenue Project will provide revenue support as part of the establishment of an Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) on the Samlesbury Aerospace Enterprise Zone. The AMRC North West (Lancashire) Project will assist manufacturing companies to enter new markets in a number of sectors, and will facilitate a transformational effect on the region's manufacturing businesses. | 01/01/2018 | 30/09/2022 | £3,399,741.00 | £5,666,234.00 | 60.00% | S60 5TZ | Lancashire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Together Housing Association | Domestic Low Carbon Community Energy Solutions | ERDF | 4 | The ESIF national programme has a priority: Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors; including: - Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management; - Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency It also states that: Government estimates that through socially cost-effective investment in energy efficiency, final energy consumption in 2020 could be 11 per cent lower than the “business as usual” baseline. | 02/12/2018 | 30/06/2021 | £1,025,525.50 | £2,051,051.00 | 50.00% | BB1 1JD | Lancashire | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Pendle Borough Council | Lomeshaye Industrial Estate Extension Green and Blue Infrastructure | ERDF | 6 | The project involves the delivery of green and blue infrastructure linked to the Lomeshaye Industrial Estate extension Phase 1 scheme – a key economic growth and investment project planned in Pendle. Specific activities to be delivered as part of this project include: • river bank reinstatement/stabilisation and land remediation to enable the creation of new habitats within the Phase 1 Extension; • creation of sustainable drainage measures, including holding ponds which will create new wetland habitats, • creation of a mosaic of wildlife habitats, such as wetlands and grasslands to improve the bio-diversity of the site; linking them to habitats on the existing Estate, including the Lomeshaye Marsh Nature Reserve where further improvements will be made; • the creation of green cycling and walking routes through the Estate and linking to adjoining areas (Victoria Park, Northlight (Brierfield Mill) and key routes to Nelson and Brierfield) and connecting with existing cycle routes. The Lomeshaye Industrial Estate is located on the edge of Brierfield and Nelson just off J12 of the M65. Lomeshaye is Pendle’s strategic employment site, currently providing approx 40 hec of employment space and accommodating approx 3500 jobs. The area which will be the focus of this project is land predominantly along the river valley floor of the existing Estate and on the site of the proposed Phase 1 extension which is currently agricultural grazing land. | 01/03/2019 | 30/04/2023 | £569,896.71 | £949,809.00 | 60.00% | BB9 7LG | Lancashire | England | 089 Rehabilitation of industrial sites and contaminated land |
Lancashire County Council | Boost Business Lancashire (Boost 3) | ERDF | 3 | This application is for continuation funding for Boost, the Business Growth Hub for Lancashire. For purposes of description during this application it is referred to as Boost 3, it having received two previous rounds of ERDF funding – Boost 1 ran from 2013-15 and Boost 2 from 2016-18. It is a Lancashire-wide project. Objectives The role of the Growth Hub is to promote access to high quality business support to SMEs who have the desire and ambition for growth. The Hub engages with and undertakes initial diagnostics within the SMEs and works with them on an ongoing basis to ensure that their needs can be advocated to the various strands of Boost support and to appropriate help provided by other business support agencies and private sector services at local, regional and national level. The updated service will be backed up with by the National Business Support Helpline and highly skilled account managers together with a web based information service. The core objectives of Boost are: • To promote entrepreneurship and the sustainable growth of Lancashire businesses • To encourage innovation, product development and business resilience; • To encourage business support agencies to work together to provide a coordinated and easily understood business growth offer; • To promote a programme of high quality business support to Lancashire SMEs Location The project will be provided to businesses within the administrative area of the Lancashire LEP, comprising the Boroughs of Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool, Burnley, Chorley, Fylde, Hyndburn, Lancaster, Pendle, Preston, Ribble Valley, Rossendale, South Ribble, West Lancashire and Wyre, and delivered in a wide range of locations to suit business needs. | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £5,556,750.00 | £9,261,250.00 | 60.00% | PR1 8XJ | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Lancashire County Council | UDF Lancashire | ERDF | 3 | Financial Instrument to support UDF Development | 17/10/2019 | 31/12/2023 | £20,000,000.00 | £33,333,333.00 | 60.00% | PR1 8XJ | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Lancaster University | NEXT GENeration CHEMistry Hub | ERDF | 1 | The project will focus on next generation chemistry, specifically next generation catalysis, chemical processes and polymers to enable chemistry using SMEs to innovate within target sectors. The project will provide workshops, masterclasses and support session. Supporting SMEs to develop new chemical substances/molecules and introduce new/ improved products, process and formulation based intellectual property. Eligible SMEs will then progress through to the R&D collaboration stage where one to one support shall be provided ranging from 1 month to 2 years, noting this time spent on the project will vary and be dependent on SME need. The applicant has provided client journey examples demonstrating tangible examples of how an SME shall progress through the project, these examples clearly describe the varied support and vast potential opportunities to be provided to a SME within the collaboration stage. | 01/11/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £2,952,066.00 | £4,920,110.00 | 60.00% | LA1 4YE | Lancashire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Lancaster University | Lancashire Cyber Foundry | ERDF | 1 | The main aim of the project is to support SMEs to develop new products and services underpinned by cyber security innovation. The project has three main overarching strands of activity in which the SMEs if eligible/appropriate will flow through whilst receiving support on the project. The first being business engagement session which shall provide specialised cyber security guidance and innovation advice. Following this eligible SMEs will engage with the business intervention programme, where a structured assessment identifying a tailored business strategy and operational plan will be developed. Following the realism of SMEs which can harness the support of cyber security research and innovation expertise, SMEs shall engage with the technical support stage of the project; here SMEs will apply cyber security research and innovation to a range of business products and services. This stage will allow for the development of proof of concept demonstrators (PoCD) and provide market analysis of the new/developed product/service. | 01/12/2019 | 31/08/2023 | £1,261,473.00 | £2,102,452.00 | 60.00% | LA1 4YE | Lancashire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Lancashire Health MATTERS | ERDF | 3 | The project proposes to support SMEs in Lancashire enabling them to better understand, work with and sell to the NHS and health and social care markets. Activity will be spilt into two levels, the first being the provision of specialist advice around how products and services are commissioned, clinical need, how the market works and support on getting a product to market. Level 2 of the support programme focuses on SMEs with market ready products and will provide them with access to pilot sites, enabling them to validate their products in a real world setting and increasing the likelihood of adoption and commissioning by the sector. This enhanced approach addresses the market failure facing many SMEs attempting to introduce technologies to a complex healthcare system as it enables them to sell the benefits of their product but also with a business case. | 01/10/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,416,997.00 | £2,361,661.00 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Rivers Trust | Primrose Lodge Blue and Greenway | ERDF | 6 | Historically the rivers in Lancashire were the power supply behind the Industrial Revolution, and many of the remnants, such as old mills, culverts and weirs still remain, causing degradation of the river ecosystem and a lack of biodiversity that those rivers should support. These ecosystems or blue “natural capital” play a pivotal role in attracting and supporting visitors, businesses and residents. In Clitheroe the historic industrial legacy remains, and little or no effort has been invested into the blue infrastructure to address the issues. As such the blue infrastructure is in poor condition and continues to decline along with the provision of benefits. By improving this key blue infrastructure feature and making it more accessible, benefits can be provided to the local community and Lancashire as a whole. This project meets the needs of Clitheroe and its natural capital which in turn meets the call specification - by delivering improved environmental assets that deliver ecosystem services and associated benefits including; flood alleviation and water management, pollution management, health & well-being, recreation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, whilst improving the sense and quality of place to attract visitors (and associated spend), inward investment and promoting local employment. This project offers the opportunity to deliver these benefits in a unique location, which aid in the delivery of a range of other local and national policies, including the 25 Year Environment Plan, Biodiversity 2020, the Water Framework Directive, the Flood Directive and the local development strategy. Beyond national policy, the Lancashire LEP ESIF strategy has clearly identified that Lancashire’s environmental quality and diversity “sets it apart from other areas”, and this is crucial in attracting investment. The project’s proposed improvement to the environmental quality of Lancashire maps onto two of the LEP ESIF priorities: 1. Investing in strategic infrastructure, development and environmental resilience. 2. Encouraging inward investment and marketing Particularly Theme 1 - Investing in strategic infrastructure, development and environmental resilience through support and investment in green/blue infrastructure to support and sustain business growth and enhance environmental resilience. | 01/11/2018 | 30/09/2021 | £578,289.86 | £963,816.43 | 60.00% | PL17 8PH | Lancashire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | MediComm | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to identify commercially viable Med-tech products and service innovations in the Hospitals and Universities and to work with Lancashire based SMEs to develop these innovations into commercially viable products and services that meet a clinical need. This will be completed by either the generation of a ‘spinout’ business built around the new IP or through the licensing of IP’s to local Lancashire SME’s for them to develop and commercialise | 01/09/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,090,041.00 | £1,816,735.00 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Lancashire Innovation Drone Zone | ERDF | 1 | The project targets SMEs in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and related sciences sector and aims to increase SME investment in research and innovation by raising awareness of the benefits and opportunities emerging through the advancement of drone technologies. Activity will focus on addressing the knowledge gap around drone usage in business, conducting technology audits with SMEs and then supporting them through product design, development, testing and commercialisation. Outcomes will be to help supported SMEs bring new products and processes to market, increasing their competitiveness and productivity, increasing local growth in Lancashire and increasing R&D. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,109,028.00 | £1,848,304.00 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Environment Agency | Cutting the Carbon: Carbon Innovation in flood defence | ERDF | 4 | Blackpool Council will be used to deliver the ‘Grange Park Garden Estate’ project which adopts a whole place based approach to increasing community resilience to climate change and carbon reduction. This shall be achieved by: 1. Housing improvement work to reduce energy consumption. (Retrofit) 2. Increased Energy Efficiency for Public Building at The Grange (Ground Source Heat pump) 3. Low Carbon technology for New Build energy smart homes (Air source heat pumps and thermal insulation). 4. Using nature based solutions for Climate adaptation and resilience (Tree planting, cycle paths) 5. Encouraging Positive Behaviour Change (Through ‘Eco Coaches’) | 31/07/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £1,260,000.00 | £2,489,000.00 | 50.62% | FY1 1NA | Lancashire | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Blackpool Council | Grange Park Garden Estate | ERDF | 4 | Padiham Flood Risk Management Scheme, Phase 1 & 2 Construction will cost £3,666,702 and will address flood risk from the River Calder and surface water in the Town Centre of Padiham, a small town in the Borough of Burnley, Lancashire. | 31/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £658,619.00 | £1,097,708.00 | 60.00% | BB11 9SA | Lancashire | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
Selnet Ltd | DRIVE! | ERDF | 3 | This project, through a blend of one-to-one and one-to-many activities, will cater to specific needs of both new enterprises and to established enterprises looking to grow, provision of specialist start-up support to potential entrepreneurs and to new (under 12 months) SMEs and social enterprises, and provision of development, growth and capacity building support to established entrepreneurs, SMEs and social enterprises. | 01/11/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £505,500.00 | £842,500.00 | 60.00% | PR2 8PS | Lancashire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Ribble Catchment Conservation Trust (Operating as Ribble Rivers Trust) | Opening Up the River Douglas | ERDF | 6 | This project seeks to improve the conservation status of 106 ha of one of Lancashire’s major river catchments, the Douglas, through the construction of 8 fish pass structures | 01/05/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £505,828.00 | £949,454.00 | 53.28% | BB7 4QF | Lancashire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
University of Sheffield - Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre | Enhancing SME competitiveness through the adoption of RApid, Digital Assist pRogramme. (RADAR) | ERDF | 3 | The RADAR project (Rapid Digital Assist pRogramme) will enhance the competitiveness and productivity of Lancashire's small and medium sized enterprises. The project will help the regions manufacturing SMEs develop new products and manufacturing processes through the application of rapid, flexible digital manufacturing techniques. The use of software, automation and connected manufacturing equipment will enable manufacturing processes to be rapidly accelerated, creating the catalyst for a step change in productivity and profitability. Additionally, resource efficiency through technology adoption will improve sustainability and social responsibility ensuring SMEs can compete in an increasingly environmentally aware and competitive markets. | 02/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,317,500.00 | £3,862,500.00 | 60.00% | S10 2TN | Lancashire | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Together Housing Association | Renewable Heat and Power in new Build Social Housing | ERDF | 4 | This project is designed to test and research what changes can be made to design specification, investment models and operational models to develop a model that could be commercially sustainable while delivering a range of value-added benefits. To do this the project will use the planned development of an 80-unit affordable housing site in Colne Lancashire at Harrison Rd to test the installation and performance of renewable heat (ground source heat pumps) and renewable power (solar PV roof tiles and centralised battery storage) working together to service 80 properties on a new housing site owned by THA. ERDF is being requested as the purpose of the project is to test energy models that can be applied to deliver reduced and guaranteed heat and power to the new build social houses and potentially deliver a return in the long term. The benefit of this is that the technology can be installed in the new build and not retrofitted. Currently this approach is an unknown as the energy systems doesn’t allow for local energy management in this way. The Local Energy Bill that is currently going through parliament will deregulate the energy sector allowing for local energy production and management, such as is being proposed here. Testing the model will enable other social landlords to understand the benefits of providing energy as a service to their tenants. | 01/05/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £983,312.50 | £1,966,625.00 | 50.00% | HX1 2EB | Lancashire | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) | Digital Plus | ERDF | 2 | The project will offer 2 - 25 days (with majority of assists at 12 days) assistance to SMEs to develop and implement a digital strategy to increase SME turnover (average 20%/SME), GVA (average £26k/SME) and employment (average 0.6 FTE/assist). | 01/09/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,468,779.00 | £2,447,965.00 | 60.00% | PR1 2HE | Lancashire | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Edge Hill University | Productivity and Innovation Centre. | ERDF | 3 | The project will offer 2 - 25 days (with majority of assists at 12 days) assistance to SMEs to develop and implement a digital strategy to increase SME turnover (average 20%/SME), GVA (average £26k/SME) and employment (average 0.6 FTE/assist). The project provides intensive support in 6 key areas - • Data Analytics • Social Media Support • Rich Content i.e. motion graphics, animated infographics, digital media, interactive video • Extended Reality, VR, AR, MR and XR • Tools for productivity • Evaluating and improving User experience | 01/12/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £553,809.00 | £923,011.00 | 60.00% | L39 4QP | Lancashire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Lancashire County Council | CPGH Boost Business Lancashire (Boost 3)(Parent 19R18P02484) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme. In response to the COVID 19 pandemic the project aims too support business restart and recovery and improve resilience of SMEs in Lancashire operating in the Visitor and Wider Economy through provision of grants to purchase specialist advice, minor equipment and adopt new technologies. | 14/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £1,134,550.00 | £1,134,550.00 | 100.00% | LA1 4YE | Lancashire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Health for All (Leeds) Ltd | South Leeds CLLD | ERDF | 8 | The project is the preparatory stage of the CLLD strategy for inner south Leeds. Intensive work with the local community and stakeholders will result in a coherent, effective, innovative Local Development Strategy to build capacity within communities as a foundation for economic growth. | 15/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £4,686.65 | £13,784.00 | 34.00% | LS10 4HX | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Keighley and Ilkley Voluntary and Community Action (KIVCA) | Keighley CLLD (20R15L00401) | ERDF | 8 | The Keighley CLLD aims to operate across Keighley East, West and Central wards of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. We will recruit a Local Action Group to oversee development of a strategy. Key stakeholders and target beneficiaries will be consulte | 01/03/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £7,239.00 | £12,137.00 | 59.64% | BD21 3JD | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
City of York Council | 4Community Growth York | ERDF | 8 | 4 Community Growth will work with its partners to deliver a multi funded approach. It will deliver improved access to the emaployment market tailored to the areas needs. This will be achieved through community consultation and support | 11/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £11,991.00 | £19,985.00 | 60.00% | YO1 6GA | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Gipton Supported Independent Living Limited (GIPSIL) | Inner East Leeds Community Led Local Development (OC20R15L0223) | ERDF | 8 | This is a Community Led Local Development Project preparatory stage project for Inner East Leeds. The initial project is targeted on the LSOAs in and adjacent to the Inner East Leeds area, which fall within the 20% most deprived nationally. | 10/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £3,503.93 | £8,757.35 | 40.01% | LS9 6QH | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Barca-Leeds | Leeds West CLLD (20R15L00334) | ERDF | 8 | The project will establish an effective Local Action Group that will provide a funding and co-ordination function for the target area, write a locally based strategy to meet he ambition and aspirations of local communities and appoint an Accountable Body. | 14/03/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £4,404.00 | £7,842.00 | 56.16% | LS13 3JT | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Action for Business (Bradford) Limited | Bradford Central – Getting it Going (20R15L00330) | ERDF | 8 | The consortium partners will: a) Engage and consult with stakeholders in the 20% most deprived LSOAs (IMD 2010) in City, Great Horton and Manningham wards in Bradford Central through direct communications, events, and meetings in local venues. B) Establish the Local Action Group (LAG) involving local stakeholders. C) Undertake research with the community and business to identify issues and challenges to be addressed. D) Develop, consult on, and sign-off the strategy overseen by the LAG. | 07/03/2016 | 26/08/2016 | £10,204.00 | £17,007.00 | 60.00% | BD8 8BD | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Council of the City of Wakefield | People Enabling Area Transformation (PEAT) (20R15L00332) | ERDF | 8 | Wakefield Council, working in partnership with Nova Wakefield District and its voluntary and community sector organisations (VSCOs) will engage with local people, organisations and businesses in the Five Towns and South East Coalfield Areas to launch the | 01/03/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £6,924.00 | £11,540.00 | 60.00% | WF1 2EB | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Leeds City Council | Ad:Venture | ERDF | 3 | Ad:Venture will be delivered by a consortium of nine local authorities in the Leeds City Region (LCR) ESIF area, the two chambers of commerce, their CDFIs and universities. The programme has been designed to ensure delivery partners play to their strengths, for example, Leeds City Council will provide accountable body functions including contract management, management of delivery partners, financial and performance management and control. University partners add value to the customer journey through Director Development Groups for new entrepreneurs and supported incubator space. The programme will target two groups of beneficiaries - people who are planning to start a business within the Leeds City Region and existing businesses in their first 3 years of trading. Both sets of beneficiaries will be in ERDF eligible sectors (aligned to LCR priority sectors) and demonstrate clear growth potential. Ad:Venture will offer a tailored programme of support to beneficiaries that reflects both national and local growth priorities and takes into account the specific demographics across the Leeds City Region. The programme will be specifically marketed to groups that are under-represented in enterprise and business start-ups within the city region. | 01/07/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £10,505,649.46 | £21,011,298.92 | 50.00% | LS2 8HD | Leeds City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
RTC North Limited | Innovate2Succeed (Enhancing Management Innovation Capacity in SMEs) (20R15P00533) | ERDF | 1 | The food industry is the UK’s largest manufacturing sector and through collaborative R&D partnerships with companies and SMEs, the NCEFE will promote growth and competiveness by providing engineering and advanced manufacturing solutions to industry chall | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £500,000.00 | £1,000,000.00 | 50.00% | SR5 3XB | Leeds City Region | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Leeds City Council | Digital Enterprise (20R15P00625) | ERDF | 2 | Digital Enterprise is a specialist business support programme, that will focus on helpinh businesses to achieve growth through the exploitation of digital technology in the Leeds City Region. | 01/06/2016 | 31/08/2019 | £4,231,475.00 | £8,462,953.00 | 50.00% | LS2 8HD | Leeds City Region | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Leeds City Council | Lincoln Green District Heating in Multi Storey Flats (20R15P00600) | ERDF | 4 | The project will install an innovative and highly energy efficient district heating network (DHN) serving 17 council owned multi-storey blocks in the Lincoln Green area of Leeds, replacing older inefficient heating systems within 1,080 flats. This will provide lower cost, low carbon heating and hot water to vulnerable tenants. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2023 | £7,368,152.90 | £16,341,428.70 | 45.09% | LS1 3DL | Leeds City Region | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Resource Efficiency Fund (REF) (20R15P00590) | ERDF | 3 | To establish a new business support product that will remove barriers preventing SMEs investing in cost effective resource efficiency measures that reduce waste, energy, water or greenhouse gas emissions. The fund will support a minimum of 300 businesses | 01/11/2016 | 31/01/2020 | £1,143,951.00 | £2,848,402.56 | 40.16% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Superfast West Yorkshire & York Broadband Phase 2 | ERDF | 2 | The project will support the installation of capital infrastructure in areas not covered by the market, creating fibre connections to individual street cabinets, thereby providing the capability to at least 3,400 eligible SMEs to access the internet with Broadband speeds in excess of 30Mbps. | 01/01/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £7,299,918.00 | £14,599,836.00 | 50.00% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
Creative England Limited | GamesLab (20R15P00396) | ERDF | 1 | The project is focused on enabling a mix of established and start up companies to take advantahe of the growing games market by; Seed funding to allow businesses to innovate and develop their own IP based games Provide high level business support from successful games enterpreneurs Establish direct links between university courses to provide graduate placement opportunities Intensive business workshops to suppport the commercilisation of new products Improved links between private investors and research institutions | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £466,652.00 | £933,303.00 | 50.00% | BS1 5SP | Leeds City Region | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Strategic Business Growth | ERDF | 3 | The project provides an integrated package of advisory and financial support to 'scale-up' businesses, defined as those with the ability to increase turnover and/or employment levels by 20% year on year for a period of three years. | 01/02/2017 | 30/04/2020 | £1,767,894.39 | £5,786,943.78 | 30.55% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Leeds | 3D Weaving Innovation Centre (3D WIC) | ERDF | 1 | The 3D Weaving Innovation Centre (3D WIC) at the School of Design, University of Leeds, will provide LCR SMEs with access to state of the art weaving technology and facilities and university technical expertise which will support them to innovate and grow, strengthening the advanced manufacturing supply chain in the Leeds City Region (LCR) with applications across a number of strategically important sectors. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £881,193.00 | £1,762,458.00 | 50.00% | LS2 9JT | Leeds City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Access Innovation 2.0 | ERDF | 1 | Access Innovation (hereafter known as either “Access Innovation”, “AI” or the programme”) is a 3 year grant programme. It will support research, development and innovation in growth oriented SMEs seeking to improve productivity and enhance competitiveness through developing and commercialising new and innovative products and services. Innovation support grants of up to £50,000 will be awarded based on clear investment criteria. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £2,711,941.00 | £5,839,441.00 | 46.44% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Leeds City Council | Leeds South CLLD | ERDF | 8 | The project will fund the delivery of the Leeds South CLLD Local Development Staretgy co-funded with ESF. | 01/04/2017 | 01/10/2022 | £750,000.00 | £1,500,000.00 | 50.00% | LS12 4PT | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Leeds City Council | Inner East Leeds CLLD | ERDF | 8 | The project will fund the delivery of the Inner East Leeds CLLD Local Development Strategy co-funded with ESF. The value for money assessment is positive when the wider impacts of the project are considered. | 01/04/2017 | 31/12/2022 | £750,000.00 | £1,500,000.00 | 50.00% | LS7 3EX | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Leeds City Council | Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme (Stourton Extension) | ERDF | 5 | The project will provide flood protection as an extension to the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) between Thwaite Mills and the M1. Protecting 90 existing businesses in an important employment area, safeguarding over 4,000 existing jobs. | 01/05/2017 | 31/07/2019 | £531,803.00 | £1,398,558.00 | 38.03% | LS1 1UR | Leeds City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
The Borough Council of Calderdale | Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme: Caldene Bridge | ERDF | 5 | This project will concentrate on reducing flood risk for existing businesses and new start-ups in the town of Mythlmroyd. The relocation of the existing caldene bridge will significantly improve the standard of protection from flooding to 66 businesses and 316 jobs in Mytholmroyd. In addition to this 130 businesses will indirectly benefit through reduced risk of flooding to the A646 and utility infrastructure in Mytholmroyd. This will provide a secure physical environment to allow new and existing businesses to flourish and prosper in the centre of Mytholmroyd, where multiple historic floods have severely impacted the local economy. | 12/02/2018 | 30/09/2020 | £1,621,089.00 | £5,096,160.00 | 31.81% | HX1 1PG | Leeds City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
University of Huddersfield | Leeds City Region Supply Chain Programme | ERDF | 3 | The programme will have three main strands: | 17/09/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £2,603,354.00 | £5,220,154.00 | 49.87% | HD1 3DH | Leeds City Region | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Park Valley Huddersfield Limited | The Mending Rooms at Park Valley | ERDF | 3 | The programme will have three main strands: 1) A Supply Chain Diagnostic Process, each SME will undergo a detailed assessment to establish where the business sits in its supply chain; 2) Opportunity Mapping Exercise, this second phase will develop a supply chain opportunity map of the region; 3) Supply Chain Strategy & Action Plan, each SME will receive a bespoke opportunity map to combine with its year action plan. The project will refurbish a former textile mill 'The Mending Rooms' at Park Valley Hudderfields site into 1,920 sqm of high quality business space for occupancy by SMEs in growth sectors. The refurbishment will be completed in Q4 2020 with the building expected to be fully occupied by end 2021. | 01/08/2018 | 31/07/2021 | £1,177,588.00 | £2,397,426.00 | 49.12% | HD4 7BH | Leeds City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
University of York | Product and Process Innovation (PAPI) (LCR) | ERDF | 1 | Product and Process Innovation - Leeds City Region (PAPI LCR) is a grants scheme running over three years and working with Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) to stimulate investment in research and innovation. Delivered by the University of York, it will do this through the provision of small capital grants (of between £8,000 to £20,000) that are specifically aimed at encouraging the development of new products and processes. | 02/07/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £3,386,771.22 | £6,773,544.22 | 50.00% | YO10 5DD | Leeds City Region | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Biorenewables Development Centre | Bioeconomy Growth Programme | ERDF | 1 | The Bioeconomy Growth Programme (BGP) project will drive the growth of the emerging bioeconomy sector across the Leeds City Region. The EU bioeconomy is estimated to have a £1.7 trillion annual turnover and is set to continue | 01/09/2018 | 01/09/2023 | £2,577,314.02 | £5,154,629.02 | 50.00% | YO19 5SN | Leeds City Region | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Kirklees Council | Kirklees Grey to Green | ERDF | 6 | Kirklees ‘Grey to Green’ is a proposal that seeks to substantially transform, enhance, enlarge and upscale the green infrastructure on A62 Smart corridor transport scheme. This eco-corridor will be created by reallocating existing highway space to create | 01/02/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,194,586.00 | £2,389,172.00 | 35.56% | HD1 2TG | Leeds City Region | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
The Borough Council of Calderdale | Calder Greening | ERDF | 6 | The project covers a range of initiatives designed to establish a resilient green infrastructure along the Calder valley corridor, and providing an increasingly attractive natural environment with multiple benefits to the local economy, people and wildlife | 19/03/2018 | 31/05/2023 | £723,252.00 | £1,446,504.07 | 50.00% | HX1 1UN | Leeds City Region | England | 089 Rehabilitation of industrial sites and contaminated land |
Leeds City Council | Fitting Future Housing | ERDF | 4 | The project will trial the installation of flexible low or zero carbon energy assets such as battery storage, electric vehicle charge points, smart heating controls and smart storage heaters. Engagement with the local supply chain community will be the priority to allow them to join in and shape the creation of the regenerated area. | 15/10/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £2,159,176.50 | £4,318,353.00 | 50.00% | LS1 3DL | Leeds City Region | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Leeds City Council | Stourton Park & Ride Smart Energy Grid | ERDF | 4 | Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority are developing a new Park and Ride site in Stourton, including associated Bus Corridor Improvements, adjacent to Junction 7 of the M621. | 01/04/2018 | 28/03/2022 | £3,193,389.91 | £6,860,128.68 | 46.55% | LS1 3DL | Leeds City Region | England | 043 Clean urban transport infrastructure and promotion |
Leeds City Council | Transformational Insulation for Back to Backs (TIBB) | ERDF | 4 | This project aims to transform the market for external wall insulation (EWI) starting with back to back housing within Leeds. The 17,000 back to backs in Leeds are expensive to insulate with solid walls and original attic rooms. They often have problems with damp as they have no through ventilation. | 01/08/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £5,256,713.00 | £10,513,426.00 | 50.00% | LS1 3DL | Leeds City Region | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Investor Readiness Support Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project will offer support to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to better understand the full range of finance options and products currently available. It will then support them in accessing the ones most capable of meeting their growth needs. Activities will include both one-to-many support via workshops covering key themes related to finance, including but not restricted to traditional bank funding options, research & development (R & D) related funding, crowd-funding, asset/invoice finance, factoring, platform-based finance and other alternative funders, such as challenger banks. One-to-one support will also be made available that will provide more intensive, impartial support to businesses to strengthen their investment applications and to present themselves (on paper and in person) in the most attractive and investable manner. This includes how to present clear, detailed and compelling financial information in a way that appeals to business lenders and investors i.e. conveys the current strengths, future opportunities and likely yields from such opportunities. | 01/01/2019 | 31/03/2022 | £598,009.87 | £1,196,019.74 | 50.00% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce | WNY Chamber, SME offices and managed workspace, Bradford. | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver quality high serviced offices and managed workspace for SMEs in two locations in Bradford. | 01/04/2018 | 31/12/2020 | £636,065.00 | £1,272,130.00 | 50.00% | BD1 5AH | Leeds City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Leeds City Council | West Leeds Community Led Local Development | ERDF | 8 | The project will fund the delivery of Leeds West CLLD Local Development Strategy co-funded with ESF. | 01/04/2017 | 30/09/2022 | £750,000.00 | £1,500,000.00 | 50.00% | LS18 5BL | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | Keighley CLLD | ERDF | 8 | The project will fund the delivery of the Keighley CLLD Local Development Strategy (LDS) co-funded with ESF. The ERDF project funds M&A costs for the GR and DPs to manage and deliver the CLLD programme, and provides an allocation of ERDF grant for the LAG to distribute to local organisations through a local application process who will deliver the interventions and outputs. The LAG will also distribute an ESF pot from its ESF GFA with DWP and seek to integrate ESF and ERDF provision. The LAG will fund ERDF applications which deliver local buisness support and entrepreneurship provision, and provide business start up and social enterprise support. | 02/01/2018 | 31/03/2023 | £641,152.00 | £1,282,305.00 | 50.00% | BD1 1NN | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | Bradford Central CLLD – Getting it Going | ERDF | 8 | The project will fund the delivery of the Bradford Central CLLD Local Development Strategy co-funded with ESF. ERDF provides grant for the management and administration of the CLLD programme by the Local Authority GR and 3 delivery partners including animation work. ERDF also provides an allocation of grant for the LAG to distribute to organisations through a local application process who will deliver the interventions and outputs. Local ERDF funded projects will deliver business support and enterprise activity, and support individuals with entrepreneurship pathways to starting a new business. ERDF will integrate with locally tailored ESF provision which will provide leaning and skills. | 02/01/2018 | 31/12/2022 | £1,499,993.00 | £2,999,985.00 | 50.00% | BD8 8BD | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Council of the City of Wakefield | People Enabling Area Transformation (PEAT) | ERDF | 8 | The project will fund the implementation of the Wakefield PEAT CLLD Local Development Strategy co-funded with ESF. The target areas are Castleford and South East Wakefield. The Local Action Group (LAG) will call for applicants to deliver activities which support local business support and enterprise growth, and support individual entrepreneurs with pathways to start their own businesses. ESF will be integrated with ERDF activity and will support provison for those farthest from the labour market with skills provison to acess employment or start businesses. | 01/10/2017 | 31/12/2022 | £950,000.00 | £1,583,336.00 | 60.00% | WF1 2EB | Leeds City Region | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Leeds City Region Growth Service | ERDF | 3 | The project will cover the activities of 19 full-time equivalent SME Growth Managers, who collectively will deliver a new project to be integrated within the Leeds City Region LEP Growth Service for three years from April 2019. The Growth Managers (GMs) will be located within the districts of Leeds City Region, and employed by the Local Authorities of the City Region. Their role will be to specifically undertake Information, Diagnosis and Brokerage (IDB) support to SMEs in Leeds City Region that are eligible for ERDF support. This will involve an initial meeting with an eligible SME to determine their business needs via the use of a diagnostic tool, and to then broker the SME to the most appropriate support to meet those needs. | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,232,375.21 | £4,464,674.21 | 50.00% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Council of the City of Wakefield | Backstage Innovation Hub | ERDF | 1 | The BackStage Innovation Hub project will create a specialist knowledge and innovation centre that will focus on research and development (R&D) for the live events industry and its supply chain. Located in South Kirkby, Wakefield, the Innovation Hub will be situated at the heart of a cluster of live events industry specialists. The Innovation Hub and its specialist equipment will be used to deliver a support programme targeting SMEs across the live events industry, covering specialisms such as music, TV, film, sports, corporate events, theatre and arts. | 01/03/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £3,560,263.50 | £8,821,056.00 | 40.36% | WF1 2EB | Leeds City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Leeds City Council | Digital Enterprise 2.0 | ERDF | 2 | Digital Enterprise 2.0 (DE 2.0) is an extension to the current Digital Enterprise programme, which is providing innovative business support to eligible growth-focused SMEs (Small to Medium Sized Enterprises) to access, invest and deploy digital technologies which stimulate digital transformation and growth. | 02/09/2019 | 26/09/2023 | £10,464,259.00 | £20,928,518.00 | 50.00% | LS2 8BB | Leeds City Region | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
University of Bradford | Chemistry Assets for Yorkshire Manufacturing – Project CAYMAN | ERDF | 1 | Project CAYMAN will support the Leeds City Region's chemical sector by refubishing existing equipment to provide new analytical technicques and refubishing the supporting lab areas. These assets will be used to provide industrially relevant reseaerch and development activity by providing a package of support to regional companies that will allow them to engage with University expertise and to have access to the upgraded facilities. | 04/07/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,070,342.40 | £2,151,265.75 | 49.75% | BD7 1DP | Leeds City Region | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of York | Creative Media Labs | ERDF | 1 | The Creative Media Labs project aims to help SMEs operating in the screen industries sector in Leeds City Region to increase levels of Research & Development and innovation in rising to the challenge and opportunity offered by new immersive and interactive technologies for digital storytelling. CML forms a crucial component in a wider initiative called XR Stories. The project’s objectives are to overcome barriers to R&D and innovation in the screen industries sector, and specifically to: Enhance the innovation potential of the sector; Enhance the sector’s ability to engage with the next generation of digital storytelling; Grow the sector’s economic and commercial strength; and Create a sustainable collaborative partnership. | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £648,065.00 | £1,296,130.00 | 50.00% | YO10 5DD | Leeds City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Connecting Innovation | ERDF | 1 | The project will create a specisalist innovation support and brokerage service that co-ordinates, simplifies, promotes and communicates the innovation landscape to SMEs in the City Region. | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,358,790.00 | £2,777,323.00 | 50.00% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | ForTaMP – the ‘Formulation Technology applied to Materials and Products’ | ERDF | 1 | CPI’s ForTaMP programme supports enterprising SMEs across the Leeds City Region (LCR) to commercialise formulated products. CPI will proactively engage in region with the LCR SME base from its Formulation Campus, situated at NETPark, County Durham. Specifically, CPI will assist SMEs active within or seeking to access the health/personal care, consumer goods, materials and food & drink sectors via the application of colloid chemistry, nano-technology, powder processing and materials science. ForTaMP provides bespoke support relevant to the stage of development of the SME. This includes innovation management, access to CPI’s Innovation Integrator® toolbox, assistance with supply-chain construction and technical development. Support for SME product/process development will be offered at appropriate scales, ranging from laboratory to pilot and prototyping. | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,299,062.00 | £2,598,124.00 | 50.00% | TS21 3FG | Leeds City Region | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
The Borough Council of Calderdale | Brighouse Catchment Improvement Project (5) | ERDF | 5 | The project will reduce flood risk to 248 businesses and the local community which will provide economic resilience, and by reducing uncertainty, will encourage furter investment in the local area. | 01/10/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £2,000,001.00 | £7,003,074.00 | 28.56% | HX1 1PG | Leeds City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
The Borough Council of Calderdale | Brighouse Catchment Improvement Project (6) | ERDF | 6 | The project will reduce flood risk to 248 businesses and the local community which will provide economic resilience, and by reducing uncertainty, will encourage furter investment in the local area. | 01/10/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £999,999.00 | £1,845,046.00 | 54.20% | HX1 1PG | Leeds City Region | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Northern Trust Company Limited | SME Industrial Units at South Kirby Business Park, Wakefield | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver approximately 3,855 sq.m. of SME focused industrial/workshop units at South Kirkby Business Park, South Kirkby within the Wakefield Council Region. The new space will provide units from 46.45 sq.m. to 464.51 sq.m. and be available on flexible short form tenancy agreements to meet the needs of new and growing businesses. | 06/03/2019 | 04/03/2023 | £1,954,380.00 | £3,908,760.00 | 50.00% | PR7 1NF | Leeds City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Leeds City Council | Kirkstall Road Corridor Flood Alleviation Scheme | ERDF | 5 | The Kirkstall Road Corridor scheme will enhance level of flood protection along the corridor, and contribute to the wider Leeds FAS Phase 2, currently being developed. | 01/05/2019 | 31/05/2023 | £1,685,454.00 | £7,626,490.00 | 22.10% | LS1 1UR | Leeds City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | Top of Town Public Realm Improvements (5) | ERDF | 5 | With the support of ESIF, the project will build on all this positive regeneration activity with a project of public realm improvements to make the ‘top of town’ more economically attractive to local businesses and their customers, becoming a vibrant, well connected, city centre quarter. | 01/09/2019 | 09/09/2023 | £370,000.00 | £892,000.00 | 41.47% | BD1 1HX | Leeds City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | Top of Town Public Realm Improvements (6) | ERDF | 6 | With the support of ESIF, the project will build on all this positive regeneration activity with a project of public realm improvements to make the ‘top of town’ more economically attractive to local businesses and their customers, becoming a vibrant, well connected, city centre quarter. | 01/09/2019 | 09/09/2023 | £555,000.00 | £1,338,000.00 | 41.47% | BD1 1HX | Leeds City Region | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
CRT Property Investments Ltd | Former Kellingley Colliery | ERDF | 3 | CRTPI are proposing to speculatively develop the small business units of between 2,000 – 5,000 sq feet at Kellingley which will be available for lease to occupiers. The units will be modern, high quality also consists of external works including new car parking, private access roads, cycle parking and landscaping. The development is for construction of units for B1c, B2 and B8 usage. The project will create new quality floorspace in an area where there is little supply of quality accommodation. It is envisaged that the units will house expanding occupiers within the area as well as potential inward investment companies looking to relocate. | 01/05/2019 | 30/06/2022 | £1,830,199.00 | £3,660,400.00 | 50.00% | S73 0BB | Leeds City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
University of Huddersfield | Leeds City Region Smart Rolling Stock Maintenance Research Facility | ERDF | 1 | The vision is to enhance the rail research and innovation infrastructure in the Leeds City Region (LCR) by establishing a ground breaking, internationally recognised, Smart Rolling Stock Maintenance Research Facility (SRSMRF) at the University of Huddersfield’s internationally renowned Institute of Railway Research. Based on the University campus, the 100 m2 rail maintenance and automation test facility, will provide regional businesses with R&D support to design, develop, test and prototype innovative rolling stock maintenance products and solutions required to support the UK’s 21st century rail network. SRSMRF will facilitate a new area of research that adds to the University’s existing world class simulation and testing facilities for Rail Infrastructure and Rolling Stock, to provide businesses with 6 R&I support activities: Diagnostics & Testing; Rolling Stock Future Proofing & Process Design; Maintenance Optimisation Solutions; Proof of Concept; Demonstrators, Prototyping and Infrastructure Scale-up. The facility will provide 100 m2 of research and innovation space to include (i) rail vehicle subassemblies for testing and prototyping rolling maintenance stock solutions; (ii) a maintenance optimisation and automation test facility, supported with state of the art industrial robots and AI technology platforms; (iii) a digital twin ’virtual depot‘ for developing novel new software platforms to model and optimise rail depot work flows, manipulators and sensing systems; (iv) a unique remote condition monitoring (RCM) data process and development centre to design, develop and test new RCM sensors and integrate them into asset management and maintenance planning tools; and (v) an augmented realty suite, supported by informatics and analytics to develop intuitive and responsive diagnostic asset management and infrastructure maintenance systems. | 01/09/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £883,113.00 | £1,766,227.00 | 50.00% | HD1 3DH | Leeds City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Wakefield and District Housing Limited | Airedale Carbon Reduction Retrofit | ERDF | 4 | Project will deliver a range of innovative energy efficiency measures to 205 unisulated social housing properties within LCR LEP area. 205 households will benefit from a greater awareness of the wider impacts and use of energy efficiency measures in their homes resulting in behavioural change; help to tackle fuel poverty and ultimately improve the health and wellbeing of tenants. | 01/06/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £2,835,150.00 | £5,670,302.00 | 50.00% | WF10 5HX | Leeds City Region | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
University of Huddersfield | Manufacturing Champions – Achieving Growth Potential through Productivity Improvement by Technology Adoption. | ERDF | 3 | This is a partnership proposal between Leeds City Council and Unity Enterprise to bring about the extensive upgrade of Leeds Media Centre (LMC). Leeds City Council owns the freehold of the media centre; UE has managed LMC for the last 10 years, and will continue to do so on a long lease. UE will work with architects to design the building upgrades, manage the capital improvement contract, manage the completed facilities, recruit a full time business advisor. This application is built on the successes of previous jointly delivered ERDF projects. The premises have fallen into disrepair and urgently need major refurbishment. Although substantial improvement is needed, LMC continues to act as a small-scale hub for creative businesses; including a regional TV station, internet radio station and small media producers. By significantly upgrading the facilities, the centre will attract more ambitious media businesses that aspire to be part of the growing media eco-system in the Leeds City Region. The project aims are two-fold : 1. To provide a well-equipped, energy efficient Media Centre offering serviced offices, workspace, media production facilities, meeting and break-out areas, new business incubation space, super-fast internet connectivity and reception support services. This could begin as early as summer 2020. 2. To deliver business support aimed at existing businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs to enable them to launch and grow new businesses and social enterprises that are capable of creating new jobs. The business support will be facilitated by 1 FTE business advisor, offering 1:1 support, group workshops and peer networking events: activity will commence in spring 2021, as the refurbished centre opens. | 01/07/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,266,602.00 | £2,538,186.00 | 49.90% | HD1 3DH | Leeds City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Leeds City Council | Leeds Media Centre | ERDF | 3 | This proposal requests an extension to the existing ESIF funded Strategic Business Growth Programme (SBGP), which is due to end as at 31 March 2020. The project provides an integrated package of advisory and financial support to 'scale-up' businesses, defined as those with the ability to increase turnover and/or employment levels by 20% year on year for a period of three years. The current SBGP is being delivered in Leeds City Region (except Barnsley) by West Yorkshire Combined Authority (the Combined Authority) and a procured third-party business support provider. At present, it is on target to exceed key contractual outputs of numbers of enterprises supported and employment increase in supported enterprises by over 10%. | 01/12/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £929,691.00 | £1,859,382.00 | 50.00% | LS2 8BB | Leeds City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | Strategic Business Growth Programme (Extension) | ERDF | 3 | This proposal requests an extension to the existing ESIF funded Strategic Business Growth Programme (SBGP), which is due to end as at 31 March 2020. The project provides an integrated package of advisory and financial support to 'scale-up' businesses, defined as those with the ability to increase turnover and/or employment levels by 20% year on year for a period of three years. The current SBGP is being delivered in Leeds City Region (except Barnsley) by West Yorkshire Combined Authority (the Combined Authority) and a procured third-party business support provider. At present, it is on target to exceed key contractual outputs of numbers of enterprises supported and employment increase in supported enterprises by over 10%. | 01/04/2020 | 28/04/2023 | £1,630,307.81 | £3,273,841.09 | 49.80% | LS1 2DE | Leeds City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Music and Arts Production Leeds | Hope Foundry | ERDF | 3 | The Hope Foundry project will provide newly refurbished workspace and access to specialised creative, tech and digital facilities, equipment and co-working space for SMEs. Upon completion in 2021, this refurbishment project will unlock premises to accommodate 20 resident businesses and 50 further professionals per year all under one roof. Hope Foundry will function as a mutually-supportive ecosystem themed especially for creative SMEs, building on the site’s 200 year old history of manufacturing and innovation as part of Leeds’ proud industrial heritage. | 01/06/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £640,653.00 | £1,281,306.00 | 50.00% | LS9 7DR | Leeds City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Leeds City Council | Clustering For Warmth | ERDF | 4 | Clustering For Warmth will install low carbon district heating in 18 high rise blocks, serving 930 council flats. This will replace inefficient, poorly controlled and high carbon storage heaters, transforming heating provision for these tenants. The district heat network will use a biomass boiler as the primary fuel source with gas boilers to provide backup and cover peak heat demand. This arrangement will give a 65% carbon saving compared to installing only gas boilers. | 31/05/2020 | 31/08/2023 | £7,402,351.00 | £14,804,703.00 | 50.00% | LS1 3DL | Leeds City Region | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects |
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | Naturalising Bradford Beck | ERDF | 5 | This flood risk management project is located within the Shipley and Canal Road Corridor (SCRC). The SCRC Area Action Plan sets out the importance of the ‘Corridor’ as a significant driver of growth for Bradford in terms of meeting its housing requirements, but also in terms of promoting economic growth and development. The project aims to deliver this vision to a section of the Corridor between Gaisby Lane and Briggate. | 09/09/2020 | 02/06/2023 | £1,625,035.00 | £3,250,070.00 | 50.00% | BD1 1HX | Leeds City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council | Erringden Hillside Flood Alleviation | ERDF | 5 | Following the floods in July 2013, the EnvironmentAgency and Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (CMBC) (as well as Yorkshire Water (YW), Canal & River Trust (CRT) and others) have worked together to develop a programme of flood risk and resilience improvements. Following the floods of December 2015, there was an increased pressure to deliver investment in the Upper Calder valley.As part of this programme, the Upper Calder Flood Risk Reduction Schemes (FRRS1) package of flood risk reduction projects, including Erringden Hillside, was developed to reduce the risk of flooding from fluvial and pluvial. Flood protection will be improved to 33 residential properties on Erringden Hillside and 25 commercial properties on Market Street, Hebden Bridge. | 06/08/2020 | 28/05/2023 | £479,244.00 | £958,488.00 | 50.00% | HX1 1SP | Leeds City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) | CPGH Leeds City Region Growth Service (Parent 20R18P02404) | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver an impartial, high quality access and referral service that directly links SMEs in Leeds City Region to the full range of publically-funded products and services that can assist with their growth. This sub-project is part of a targeted response to Covid-19 and is providing SMEs with 100% grant support | 01/09/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £1,803,704.00 | £1,803,704.00 | 100.00% | LS1 5ES | Leeds City Region | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce Limited t/a East Midlands Chamber | LLEP Digital Business Growth Programme | ERDF | 2 | The project will address the priority set out in the LEP Strategy to help small and medium sized businesses to make the maximum benefit from information communication technologies and to exploit e-commerce opportunities. The project offers value for money against the key target of number of enterprises supported. | 01/07/2016 | 31/03/2022 | £4,659,850.00 | £9,319,700.00 | 50.00% | S41 7NA | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Leicester City Council | Green Business Energy in Leicester and Leicestershire (Green BELLE Project) | ERDF | 4 | Green BELLE will support eligible SMEs based within Leicester and Leicestershire to shift towards the low carbon economy. This will be accomplished through the provision of capital grants to increase energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and increase the uptake of renewable technology. SMEs may also be supported through energy audits, online advice through a designated project website, information events and phone advice. The project interventions will contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions within the SME sector which will be measured through analysis of energy bills, which SMEs will be required to submit pre and post installation. | 17/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £1,538,416.47 | £3,076,832.94 | 50.00% | LE1 6RN | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Loughborough University | Smart Innovation and Networking for Growth | ERDF | 1 | This project delivers specific innovation support measures to SMEs in priority sectors, to accelerate growth and demonstrate the value of working with the Knowledge base to exploit Smart Specialisation opportunities. It will achieve: • Measurable contribution to economic development in LLEP area through targeted support for research and innovation in the SME community • Increased level of products and processes developed within and with SMEs • Higher level of technology and knowledge transfer through SMEs engaging with the knowledge base Exploitation of supply and value chain synergies locally to enhance SME competitiveness in UK & global markets, increasing business turnover and skilled jobs | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £989,734.00 | £2,000,763.00 | 49.47% | LE11 3TU | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Loughborough University | Productivity And Capability Enhancement [PACE] | ERDF | 3 | The application is a business support programme to increase the capability and productivity of SMEs in LLEP key sectors; Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering, Food & Drink Manufacturing, Textiles Manufacturing, Low Carbon, Logistics & Distribution and Creative Industries. The main objectives are to:- • Raise awareness amongst SMEs of the potential to improve business competiveness, through assistance in reaching new markets. • Stimulate and facilitate business investment by SMEs to become/remain competitive • Targeted support for investment in enhanced capabilities and new technologies including equipment required to take new products, processes and services from early development to production. • Increase levels of products and processes developed within and with SMEs. This project will provide practical and financial assistance, delivering: • a mix of “market access” and grant support • grant towards external capital and revenue project spend • specialist 1:1 SME engagement capability to target eligible businesses reaching businesses which are often unaware of available schemes | 23/11/2016 | 29/02/2020 | £995,619.00 | £2,174,548.00 | 45.79% | LE11 3TU | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Medilink East Midlands Ltd | SoLSTICE – Smart Life Sciences Technology Innovation & Commercialisation Enabler. | ERDF | 1 | The project will allow SMEs to access high-value cutting-edge expertise from:- • research entities (universities, NHS Trust); • clinical technologies and life sciences sector specialists; • advanced / high-technology manufacturing and medical businesses; • other sectors. Access to this support will ensure businesses can grow by introducing new products and services benefiting from:- • innovations; • identified clinical needs; • incorporation or utilisation of cutting-edge technologies; • early incorporation of market understanding, regulatory and IP management strategies. All leading to:- • sector development through local knowledge-base; • improved commerciality of products; • reduced product development timescales; • improved development efficiencies; • creation of potentially ground breaking high-technology products; • business growth, creation and survival. | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £440,023.00 | £880,047.00 | 50.00% | NG1 1GF | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of Leicester | Leicester Innovation Accelerator (LIA) in the Innovation Hub | ERDF | 1 | This project will deliver targeted incubation and innovation support to a minimum of 105 SMEs with the Leicestershire LEP region. Two University owned buildings will also be refurbished to provide a flagship Innovation Hub in the area. The costs and benefits show a positive value for money position. | 01/04/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £2,423,211.00 | £4,846,414.00 | 50.00% | LE1 7RH | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Leicester City Council | Collaborate – for Business Growth | ERDF | 3 | This project will offer a package of support to small and medium sized businesses operating in the eight priority sectors identified by the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership. The project offers good value for money against programme benchmarks. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £3,100,690.00 | £7,293,051.00 | 42.52% | LE1 1FZ | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Leicester City Council | Leicester and Leicestershire Business Gateway | ERDF | 3 | The Business Gateway project offers SMEs across Leicester and Leicestershire a single point to access business support to help them achieve their growth aspirations. It will champion entrepreneurship and the take up of business support, to achieve sustainable growth. This single channel enables efficient local referral routes, based on a common infrastructure, and ensures easy access to the most appropriate business support based on the needs of the SME, identified through a two-stage diagnostic process. The outcome of this support is for SMEs to engage in the innovation of new products, markets and processes to achieve their aspirations for growth. | 01/09/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £675,158.00 | £1,350,312.00 | 50.00% | LE1 1FZ | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Leicester City Council | Leicester Low Carbon Transport Accelerator | ERDF | 4 | Leicester Low Carbon Transport Accelerator will co-ordinate targeted low carbon activity in innovative ways across four specific themes in two areas namely ‘Transport’ and ‘Energy Generation’. | 21/09/2018 | 30/10/2022 | £5,111,080.20 | £10,224,919.44 | 49.99% | LE1 1FZ | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 043 Clean urban transport infrastructure and promotion |
University of Leicester | Space Technology Applications from Research (STAR) Accelerator | ERDF | 1 | The STAR (Space Technology Applications from Research) Accelerator project (previously National Space Park - Space Technology Applications from Research (STAR)) is a centre of excellence providing dedicated advanced manufacturing and engineering based innovation solutions/support to qualifying SMEs in Leicester and Leicestershire utilising expertise and research of our academics obtained over 57 years, as illustrated in the pictures below over the decades, conceiving, designing, prototyping and manufacturing bespoke high specification collaborative ‘one of’ instruments for space missions that work in deep space and can withstand extreme temperatures and environments. | 01/11/2019 | 31/10/2022 | £2,305,296.00 | £4,610,593.00 | 50.00% | LE1 7RH | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Harborough District Council | Harborough Grow on Space | ERDF | 3 | The HDC Grow-On Space project will address the key objective of the December 2016 Call for Proposals under Priority Axis 3 (PA3) in relation to Investment Priority 3A (IP3A) regarding the provision of grow-on space in improving the competitiveness of SMEs through the provision of expansion space that can address issues where the under-provision of such space is restricting business growth. In terms of vfm The application demonstrates good value for money and presents a clear case in terms of business growth opportunities and the provision of a grow-on-space with business support that is currently not available in the region. | 01/06/2017 | 07/10/2019 | £3,282,500.00 | £7,378,833.00 | 44.49% | LE16 7AG | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Medilink East Midlands Limited | SoLSTICE Phase 2 | ERDF | 1 | SoLSTICe2 is a continuation of SoLSTICE. It covers Leicester & Leicestershire LEP. Focus is on SMEs in the Life Sciences area | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £973,525.54 | £1,947,051.09 | 50.00% | NG1 1GF | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of Leicester | Leicester Life Sciences Accelerator | ERDF | 1 | The aim of this project is to support beneficiaries (SMEs, established and start-ups) to more easily commercialise IP (Intellectual property)/inventive ideas, increase their R&D capacity in response to changing consumer markets driven by the revolution in digital health, by accessing a suite of innovation support services, access to finance and specialist clinical knowledge, data and facilities Ultimately this will enhance and grow the nascent life sciences ecosystem, the innovation culture within the life sciences sector, drive greater numbers of knowledge exchange oppertunitiesbetween industry and academics and clinicians, improve the economic performance of this priority sector by driving innovation and productivity. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £705,216.00 | £1,410,432.00 | 50.00% | LE1 7RH | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Leicester City Council | Leicestershire Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver a comprehensive business support package, providing businesses with diagnostic support to identify and support the company needs, which will be supported via one to one, networks, event and enhanced business support provision. This will drive economic growth and job creation through a focus on increasing the capacity and capability of SMEs and supply chain networks and promoting entrepreneurship. | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £5,972,570.00 | £12,050,780.00 | 49.56% | LE1 1FZ | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Loughborough University | Supporting PRoductivity INnovation & Growth (SPRING) | ERDF | 3 | This project delivers intensive and higher value interventions that support growth and productivity measures to SMEs seeking to increase their capacity and capability. It will help accelerate production of new products and to access new markets through undertaking tailored specialist support activities and providing financial assistance in the form of grants, mentoring and technology growth opportunity assessment. | 01/07/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £1,104,127.00 | £2,208,253.00 | 50.00% | LE11 3TU | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Leicester Arts Centre Limited (Phoenix) | Phoenix: Leicester’s Creative Digital Incubator | ERDF | 3 | Not set | 24/05/2021 | 31/07/2023 | £665,638.00 | £1,331,240.00 | 50.00% | LE1 1TG | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects |
University of Nottingham | Energy Innovation & Collaboration - Energy for Business LLEP | ERDF | 4 | We aim to accelerate low-carbon innovations into the market, leading to SME growth in the region and to nurture energy clusters to facilitate the diffusion of innovation to LLEP based SMEs, helping to increase productivity. Collaborations will be formed between the University and businesses across the region and beyond, enhancing relationships and further contributing to knowledge exchange between the academic sector and industry. | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £872,096.00 | £1,744,664.00 | 49.99% | NG7 2RD | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Loughborough University | PROmoting Sme Product Enhancement and research (PROSPER) | ERDF | 1 | This project delivers intensive and higher value business and product innovation support measures to SMEs that are operating in priority industry sectors and seeking to: • invest in R&D and innovation (including adopting proven methods and technolo-gies) • develop and introduce new or significantly improved products, processes, systems and services | 01/01/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £747,276.00 | £1,495,253.00 | 49.98% | LE11 3TU | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Leicester | Leicester Innovation Accelerator | ERDF | 1 | Leicester Innovation Accelerator (LIA) based in the Leicester Innovation Hub is “front door” for all SMEs in the area into the university capability. LIA will enable easy identification of and timely access to research knowledge, expertise and facilities associated with the University of Leicester. The LIA project will promote and deliver support to SMEs to exploit research in areas of excellence at the University such as space science (engineering and AI/data), data analytics, advanced manufacturing, environmental and business processes and create a referral mechanism for life sciences through the Leicester Life Sciences Accelerator, which is also part-funded by ERDF. | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,297,097.00 | £2,594,195.00 | 50.00% | LE1 7RH | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Leicester City Council | CPGH Leicestershire Growth Hub (Parent E-claims ref: 21R19P02976) | ERDF | 3 | The project will be undertaking a grant scheme for sme’s to support on the following basis. Grants between £1,000 - £3,000, although on an exceptional basis the grant recipient may be able to grant up to a maximum of £5,000. These grants will typically support: - 1-2-1 specialist advice which SMEs could call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists etc; and / or - purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19. | 01/08/2020 | 31/05/2021 | £568,313.00 | £568,313.00 | 100.00% | LE1 7FZ | Leicester and Leicestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
City of Liverpool College | The Enterprise Hub (EB) (22R15P00044) | ERDF | 3 | Enterprise Hub (EH) is a comprehensive entrepreneurship promotion and business support programme, which will foster the creation of new enterprises from pre start to early stage businesses (up to 36 months). Providing detailed assistance to 4067 potential-entrepreneurs and helping create 1627 new business ventures EH will reach and provide high quality business brokerage and business support services to a diverse customer profile. | 01/12/2015 | 30/01/2019 | £4,631,302.00 | £9,262,604.00 | 50.00% | L13 0BQ | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Liverpool John Moores University | Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory (22R15P00045) | ERDF | 4 | Supporting SME's through knowledge exchange to develop low carbon prodcts and technhology | 01/10/2015 | 30/09/2023 | £5,649,052.00 | £11,401,574.00 | 49.55% | L2 2QP | Liverpool City Region | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
RTC North Limited | Innovate2Succeed (i2s) | ERDF | 1 | Innovate2Succeed (i2s) will provide tailored support to SMEs to help them enhance their innovation management capability, resulting in increased effectiveness in generating and commercially exploiting their ideas. Beneficiaries will undergo an in depth diagnostic assessment of their business and a bespoke package of support will be designed and delivered to embed innovation management capability within the company. This improved capability will provide long-term benefit to the SME and the economy. This activity forms part of a national programme to be delivered across 13 pilot LEP areas to increase innovation management capacity in UK’s small businesses. | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £500,000.00 | £1,000,000.00 | 50.00% | WA4 4FS | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Sensor City Ltd/LJMU | Sensor City Liverpool | ERDF | 1 | The centre will house, support and establish commercially viable high tech businesses working on sensor systems and applications. Sensors play an important role in our day-to-day lives. Detecting and monitoring change in temperature, light, pressure, sound and humidity, their uses are wide reaching in industry, safety and security, and within our personal gadgets and devices. The project will have significant economic benefits, providing 2,494 sqm of new high quality research space, which will lead to the creation of three new direct research posts and an estimated 29 researchers actively undertaking activities in the Centre as well as supporting 50 enterprises engaged in collaboration research, and, over a period of 10 years, an estimated 300 new businesses, 2,200 gross and 1,700 net additional jobs, and £370m in cumulative net additional GVA. | 01/08/2015 | 31/12/2022 | £5,000,000.00 | £10,467,272.00 | 47.77% | L3 2AJ | Liverpool City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
University of Liverpool | LCR 4.0 (22R15P00069) | ERDF | 1 | LCR 4.0 is a knowledge transfer programme with an unbridled range of facilities and expertise which will work together to drive innovation. With Liverpool City Region SMEs as beneficiaries, it provides a unified and transformational programme which will help them adopt 4.0 technologies and support the associated supply chain. Its aim is to create jobs, support sub regional economic growth, and create a national identity for LCR 4.0, as a sophisticated cluster of organisations engaged in 4.0. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £4,244,822.00 | £8,489,586.00 | 50.00% | L69 3GL | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group | LCR Health Enterprise Innovation Exchange (22R15P00070) | ERDF | 1 | The Health Enterprise Hub Innovation Exchange will address market failures and exploit opportunities for economic growth in the health, social care and innovation sector. It will support Liverpool City Region (LCR) SMEs, across the innovation cycle, to develop and commercialise innovative products and services within sub-sectors where LCR is a market leader and has a smart specialization strategy (including assisted living, well-being, eHealth, children’s health and some life sciences). It will boost development of supra-sectoral technologies, like sensor technology and materials, and repurpose existing technologies through applying them to health and social care. It will benefit innovation businesses whilst generating financial and service gains for the health and care sector. | 01/09/2016 | 29/02/2020 | £1,381,620.00 | £2,763,240.00 | 50.00% | L1 2SA | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Redsun Developments Limited | Thermal Road, Bromborough, (22R15P00083) | ERDF | 3 | This project involves the purchase and development of a 2.1- hectare brownfield site located off Thermal Road, Bromborough to provide a total of 8,630 m² (92,900 ft²) of speculative business workspace accommodation. The proposal is to provide seven individual business units of varying sizes (371 m² - 3,716 m²) designed to offer high quality modern business space providing ideal grow on space for high growth SME’s in the Liverpool City Region LEP area. | 06/01/2016 | 30/09/2018 | £1,982,676.00 | £6,180,148.00 | 32.08% | L3 9LQ | Liverpool City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Place Marketing for Investment | ERDF | 3 | The project has been designed with the primary objectives of developing a coherent approach to the place marketing of the Liverpool City Region and improving co ordination among stakeholders. It will also increase the number of SMEs relocating to the Liverpool City Region | 13/01/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,949,603.97 | £3,899,207.97 | 50.00% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Liverpool John Moores University | LCR Activate | ERDF | 1 | This project will establish a cohesive business offering targeted at stimulating economic growth in local SMEs in the digital innovation sector. It will provide an interface to interlink SMEs with the big data, supercomputing, and cognitive computing capabilities at STFC Hartree, plus other key innovation assets. The project will raise SMEs’ awareness and enable companies to exploit opportunities afforded by cognitive computing, big data, natural language processing and high performance computing. Companies will enter into intensive R&D, acquiring knowledge to develop concept ideas through to commercialisation. This application fulfils the Government's requirements for ERDF Grant Funding Agreements signed after the 2016 Autumn Statement on good value for money and domestic strategic priorities | 01/07/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £2,004,898.08 | £4,009,796.17 | 50.00% | WA4 4AB | Liverpool City Region | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Inventya Solutions Ltd | LCR Future Energy | ERDF | 4 | Providing support to SME's who are or could enter the renewables supply chain. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2018 | £986,733.00 | £1,973,466.00 | 50.00% | WA3 7QX | Liverpool City Region | England | 009 Renewable energy: wind |
Halton Borough Council | Greening Derelict, Underused and Neglected (DUN) Land Demonstrator Project Previously Green in Business Parks | ERDF | 4 | The activities that the project will deliver are as follows;• Generate decentralised renewable energy• Reduce CO2 emissions in the LCR• Contributes to our regional MW generation output target• Part of a regional strategy for developing renewable energy on disused and contaminated sites• Supports optimisation of the power grid, and reduce load on substations • Grid balancing and capacity scheme using community venues• Linking to Community Benefit Funds and Community Energy Bonds• Demonstrate renewable technologies to the wider community• Generate revenue to support the development of future infrastructure projects• Pilot Municipal Investment in large scale generation projects for Liverpool City Region• Links to a wider green business park that provides low carbon trains and will be a major LCR site for economic and employment growth and will provide educational/training opportunities for employment• Links to LCR wide cycling/walking networks• Linking to the wider energy initiatives such as ‘Warm up North’.With regards to costs this appears good value for money for C30 and C34. Especially on the C30 output this project is delivering well above the LEP target of 6. | 01/09/2017 | 30/10/2020 | £692,943.00 | £1,385,886.00 | 50.00% | WA8 7QF | Liverpool City Region | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
Sefton Council on behalf of VIRIDIS | retroFIT for the FUTURE | ERDF | 4 | The project will deliver low carbon retrofit of homes that are fit for the future. This will be achieved by improving the thermal and energy efficiency of properties, along with support for residents to ensure that they understand and know how best to use the products and measures that have been installed in their homes. | 01/07/2018 | 31/07/2023 | £6,311,674.40 | £14,153,494.00 | 45.00% | L20 3NJ | Liverpool City Region | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
Cheshire West and Chester Council (The Mersey Forest) | Whole Place Low Carbon Solutions | ERDF | 4 | The project has proposed a multitude of small schemes which seek to contribute to the development of the low carbon agenda on a wide scale throughout the LCR LEP region. There are 4 component parts to the project which are: Green Infrastructure and Tree Planting in Birkenhead Green Infrastructure and Tree Planting within the Liverpool Business District Phase 2 of the Northbank Cycleway Scheme The Bluecoat School Building Project The Green Infrastructure projects will involve the planting of trees in urban areas to provide shading and cooling to buildings in order to mitigate pollution. These projects will be delivered in the Birkenhead Dock area and Liverpool City Centre Business District. Phase 2 of the Northbank Cycleway Scheme will be a continuation of Phase 1 (not included in this bid). This seeks to extend the coastal cyclepath along the River Mersey. It will connect Tower Road to the sites on Northbank on the Dock Road. The Bluecoat School Cultural Project will be delivered as part of a wider refurbishment of the Grade 1 listed building. The ERDF will allow for investment in energy efficient equipment being installed such as innovative underfloor insulation and smart heating and lighting controls. The project will be delivered by a number of partners who are as follows: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council: who will act as the accountable body for the project. Mersey Forest sit under CWAC as a delivery arm of the council and will be the main lead on the day to day work. Mersey Forest will also lead on the GI The Bluecoat: These will lead on the Bluecoat Cultural Project on oversee the installation of the equipment. Wirral Borough Council: WBC will lead on the cycleway scheme Liverpool BID Company: Will be providing match for the Liverpool Central GI scheme and will be working with Mersey Forest Peel Group: Will be providing a lead on the delivery for the GI scheme on the Wirral and some overall project management expertise within the delivery of the project. | 01/11/2017 | 31/10/2021 | £903,670.00 | £1,807,339.00 | 50.00% | WA3 6QX | Liverpool City Region | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Liverpool City Region Integrated Business Support Project | ERDF | 3 | The project will build both the capacity and confidence within SMEs reluctant to engage with existing business support providers due to local market failures. It will provide participating SMEs with not only a clear route way to sustainability, but also a dedicated human face, and a cohesive blend of complementary support, to help businesses to begin the journey to growth and to navigate additional, commercial, business support provision. | 01/11/2015 | 30/09/2023 | £6,757,404.72 | £13,514,809.44 | 50.00% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Liverpool CA/MerseyTravel | New Markets 2: Building Business Capacity | ERDF | 3 | The New Markets 2 Project is an integrated programme of business support for SMEs in the Liverpool City Region with the potential to grow. It involves a wide range of partners who will each target different sub sets of the business community, working to a common framework and CRM system, coordinating their contact and intervention through the Liverpool City Region Growth Hub. | 01/12/2015 | 30/09/2023 | £7,309,053.59 | £14,618,107.18 | 50.00% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Baltic Creative CIC | Baltic Norfolk Street | ERDF | 3 | Through ERDF, Baltic Creative will bring new space to the market for creative and digital (CDI) SMEs at 61-63 Norfolk Street providing: (i) grow-on units for existing Baltic Creative tenants; and (ii) new accommodation for prospective SMEs seeking to locate in the area, benefiting from the agglomeration effects of clustering. The project will develop 12,785 sq ft net lettable floorspace, bringing 20 business units to the market. | 01/04/2016 | 31/10/2019 | £768,512.00 | £2,614,295.00 | 29.40% | L1 0AH | Liverpool City Region | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Liverpool City Region Green Sustainable Travel Corridors (4) | ERDF | 4 | Ferry services across the River Mersey are one of the most recognisable images and associations with the Liverpool City Region (LCR). They have served local residents for many centuries, providing vital sustainable links for commuting and for trade links between the Wirral and Liverpool City Centre. Fundamental to the success of the Merseytravel strategy is the purchase of two new vessels over the next 25 years at an estimated cost of £19,175,438 (if the Diesel Electric Hybrid is purchased) to replace the current vessels which have served the operation well, but are now Within this application we are specifically seeking a contribution of £1,959,767 from ESIF to allow us to revise our affordability model to purchase two hybrid vessels. We foresee that with a small investment there is a significant opportunity to once again put the Mersey Ferries at the heart of the LCR as part of ambitious regeneration plans for the region, by facilitating sustainable transport links between both Liverpool Waters and Wirral Waters growth zones. If progressed, the new vessels could potentially be designed, built and operational in the LCR by 2021. The injection of funding will directly influence a contribution to enabling the LCR to promote low carbon alternatives, building on the Liverpool City Region’s coastal location meaning it is in a strong position to capture and realise the job growth potential from the low carbon economy. Clean air and managing air quality and carbon emissions is a key priority area for the LCR and the upgrade of the iconic ferry service to meet these new challenges will be a bold and visual statement from the LCR. | 01/10/2018 | 31/12/2022 | £8,005,343.00 | £16,010,688.00 | 50.00% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 090 Cycle tracks and footpaths |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Liverpool City Region Green Sustainable Travel Corridors (6) | ERDF | 6 | "Ferry services across the River Mersey are one of the most recognisable images and associations with the Liverpool City Region (LCR). | 01/10/2018 | 31/07/2023 | £643,149.00 | £1,286,297.00 | 50.00% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
University of Liverpool | LCR4 START | ERDF | 3 | LCR 4 Plus is a high-impact business support programme designed to open new market opportunities for agile, innovative SME’s using unique digital technologies, facilities and expertise. In its conception LCR 4 Plus is designed to offer a proactive business outreach approach in tandem with utilising the Growth Hub as its “front door”. The initial diagnostic will focus on business improvement, product development (new and existing) and opening up new commercial and growth opportunities for SMEs, micro businesses and start ups. LCR 4 Plus will remove two barriers to adoption of digital tools including; confusion due to the array of tool sets available, and the misunderstanding that digital technologies are expensive to adopt. Digitalisation is transforming businesses and supply chains. In order to consolidate, grow and export, businesses need to adopt appropriate technologies to enhance productivity and competitiveness and enable access to market opportunities based on new business models such as “product as a service | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,949,997.00 | £3,899,994.00 | 50.00% | L69 3GL | Liverpool City Region | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
The Women’s Organisation | Enterprise Hub 2 (2) | ERDF | 3 | Enterprise Hub (2) aligns with the call specification, national and domestic strategic priorities in the following ways; ? It will help increase entrepreneurship and address a market failure in LCR which has lower levels of enterprise activity and in particular amongst under-represented groups. ? It reflects the ambitions identified within LCR’s Growth Strategy which highlights the need to address the gap in business density, the need to tackle disparities of business start-up and business survival rates in LCR and amongst particular groups identified in State of Liverpool City Region Report 2017. ? It will help embed a culture of enterprise, by improving enterprise promotion, knowledge capacity, and routes to business sustainability growth, finance and business innovation. ? It is designed to promote and engage residents in entrepreneurial thinking and activity across diverse communities in LCR as a means of fostering the creation of new enterprises. ? It will support people to become enterprise ready, improve the survivability of new enterprises and facilitate new businesses to progress into other growth focused support within the Local Growth Hub portfolio through an integrated link and deployment of the LGH current Business Brokerage offer and the continued deployment of the LGH CRM system Evolutive. ? It will help strengthen the collaboration between other LGH programmes by providing a bridge for newly established and existing businesses to be more sustainable and to grow with the support of the wider Local Growth Hub portfolio and by working closely with the LGH programme leads to promote improved integration. | 01/12/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £4,832,684.00 | £9,665,368.00 | 50.00% | L25 9SE | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Innovation Agency (the Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast) | LCR Health MATTERS: Market access and Adoption of health Technologies - Tailored support and Evaluation in Realworld Settings | ERDF | 3 | The project will help SME's in the Liverpool City Region to strengthen their product evidence to facilitate market entry and engage with health and care commissioners | 25/07/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,183,000.00 | £2,366,000.00 | 50.00% | WA4 4AB | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | LCR Urban Development Fund (1) | ERDF | 1 | The Liverpool City Region Urban Development Fund (LCR UDF) will see the creation of a new Financial Instrument which will deliver assets for research and innovation activity, new and refurbished premises for SME occupancy and low carbon initiatives. The Ex-Ante Assessment, completed by PWC, identified the market failures in the availability of commercial finance for property development and physical growth projects. The LCR UDF has been designed to complement other sources of public sector finance in the city region, unlock significant levels of private sector investment and deliver growth. As the fund will be revolving, it will create a sustainable fund to enable transformational local growth and support the City Region’s ambition to transition from a grant first to grant last approach, presenting significant value for public money. Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) have been entrusted to deliver the LCR UDF, they will established a new Special Purpose Vehicle to directly implement the fund. A key design feature of the project is to ensure the UDF compliments the existing public sector funds which are available to support growth in the City Region. This includes the Strategic Investment Fund, Chrysalis and Growing Places Fund. The LCRCA Investment Team will provide a coordination role to develop and secure a viable pipeline for the LCR UDF. Overall the project, will benefit the Liverpool City Region significantly through the development of new, refurbished and energy efficient premises which will enable local growth. | 01/04/2019 | 31/12/2023 | £5,000,000.00 | £8,640,000.00 | 57.87% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | LCR Urban Development Fund (3) | ERDF | 3 | Financial Instrument to support UDF Development | 01/04/2019 | 31/12/2023 | £10,000,000.00 | £17,280,000.00 | 57.87% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | LCR Urban Development Fund (4) | ERDF | 4 | Financial Instrument to support UDF Development | 01/04/2019 | 31/12/2023 | £10,000,000.00 | £17,280,000.00 | 57.87% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes and |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | LCR High Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide a range of business support mechanisms for high growth SME businesses or SME businesses estimated to have high growth potential (potential to grow turnover or headcount >20% per year for 3 years) across the Liverpool City Region (LCR). | 01/03/2021 | 31/08/2023 | £5,616,974.61 | £19,604,275.64 | 27.99% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including management, marketing and design services) |
University of Liverpool | LCR Holistic | ERDF | 1 | The application is submitted under Investment Priority 1b. LCR4.0 HOLISTIC is a PA1 Research and innovation support project that provides collaborative R&D support with access to specialist academic expertise and facilities, unique in the LCR and not available through any other project. LCR4.0 HOLISTIC provides LCR SME’s with the ability to take their digital priorities and to co-develop and de-risk adoption and or product/service development and provide expertise in helping them to adapt to become part of a new robust and adaptable SME supply chain for LCR and beyond. The majority of assists in this project will be intensive and form collaborative links with the academic knowledge base to address the lack of SME’s engaging with the R&D community. Delivery of the project will involve a programme of collaboration with SMEs which starts by an inclusive recruitment process, which via a productive process of collaboration is filtered to intensive and long-term assistance to SMEs and enterprises which are innovation ready i.e. those which have a greater chance of successfully translating R&D assistance to new product and market development and overall growth and sustainability – TRL 3 – 6 level. Project activity relates to support through advice, workshops and events. A key design feature of this project will be to maximise leverage through other support available to the business including either ERDF projects such as Liverpool City Port Innovation Hub, Made Smarter, LCR4.0 START, Growth Platform, Catapults, local Chambers and sector bodies. The role of 3 of the 4 Delivery Partners (VEC –UoL, ULM – UoL and LJMU, ) will be to work with SMEs to get them ready to meet the supply chain challenges set by the Strategic Partners. The Strategic Partners will act on behalf of their sector and the challenges they set will be those of the broader industry and not solely issues related to the individual company. The Liverpool Growth Company/Growth Platform single business growth delivery body for the City Region ), the fourth Delivery Partner, will ensure the project contributes to and continually adapts to the emerging Local Industrial Strategy and supporting business robustness and scale-up. | 01/11/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,072,311.79 | £4,144,623.57 | 50.00% | L69 3BX | Liverpool City Region | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine | Formulated Materials for Infectious Disease Prevention | ERDF | 1 | The project will establish partnerships between local SMEs, research institutions, donors and large-scale local industry to co-develop and validate new infectious disease prevention formulations and diagnostics produced by the SMEs. Three development and validation workspaces will be established that SMEs can access with dedicated staff, directly supporting SME projects. The 3 workspaces will allow SMEs in the LCR LEP area, in collaboration with LCR research institutes to assess the potential for new SME products designed to kill or prevent the growth of new (e.g. corona virus COVID-19) or resistant (e.g. Salmonella or mosquito) infectious disease agents. | 01/08/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £3,033,827.00 | £6,067,661.00 | 50.00% | L3 5QA | Liverpool City Region | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Wirral Council | Liverpool Port City Innovation Hub Development | ERDF | 1 | ‘Port City Liverpool’ is a proposed collaboration platform project embedded within the emerging Liverpool City Region Industrial Strategy with the aim of developing the strengths and opportunities afforded by the unique geographical location and deep port facilities of the River Mersey. A core component of this concept is to maximise the significant opportunities of the maritime sector in the region. The proposed ERDF Port City Innovation Hub Development Project offers an ideal opportunity to pilot activity in advance of the scheduled launch of MKH II, building cluster capacity, facilitating wider engagement of the sector and initiating test and trial innovation accelerator activities in readiness for full roll-out of the concept of the new Hub within the LCR Innovation Ecosystem. | 01/04/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £965,462.00 | £1,930,924.00 | 50.00% | CH27 9FQ | Liverpool City Region | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including management, marketing and design services) |
Liverpool John Moores University | LCR Founders | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to increase entrepreneurship activities amongst students and graduates; creating an innovation oriented, cofounding culture and startup community from the students and alumni of the partner institutions. With a potential audience of 2,400 online participants in a digital community supporting an entrepreneurial culture in higher education, connected through a project website. Anticipated 400 Potential entrepreneurs supported to validate their business ideas using the lean startup model of product/market fit. This will include a number of models including innovation retreats, boot camps and summer schools based on the LJMU Idealab model, with 40 new companies formed during the project period. Activates include 1. Outreach, coaching, mentoring and networking 2. Provision of advice and support for entrepreneurship and self-employment for students and graduates. 3. Provision of specific advice and support for new business start-ups 4. To work pro-actively with funders and investors to promote early stage support for university-based businesses. | 01/01/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £608,630.00 | £1,217,260.00 | 50.00% | WA4 4AB | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | CPGH Liverpool City Region Integrated Business Support Project (Parent 22R16P01380) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme | 01/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £1,178,940.24 | £1,178,940.24 | 100.00% | L69 3HN | Liverpool City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
SPACE | The London Creative Network | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to increase the growth capacity of SMEs in the creative sector in London (visual arts, design, craft and photography) by developing their capacity to grow and increase their economic performance. An aim is to lower business failure rates and increase the employment potential of the sector. value for money (VFM) is provided. | 01/01/2016 | 31/03/2023 | £2,263,829.37 | £4,527,658.74 | 50.00% | E8 3RH | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
British Fashion Council | Commercialising Creative Fashion Businesses | ERDF | 3 | The project supports fashion design businesses to grow and become more competitive. Businesses benefit from a programme which includes support specialist to the fashion industry. It provides opportunities to promote designers’ products at seasonal selling events including London Fashion Week, and trade missions to showcase collections to domestic and international buyers. It offers value for money (VFM). Businesses will grow, become sustainable, and boost the fashion sector in London. | 10/01/2015 | 30/06/2019 | £5,501,750.00 | £11,003,500.00 | 50.00% | WC2R 1LA | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Capital Enterprise | Capital Accelerate & Scale-up Tech Superstars (CASTS) | ERDF | 3 | The project expands the provision of London’s accelerator programmes to generate more innovative tech and tech-focused fast growth companies. It provides support to help them rapidly scale by providing expertise to overcome technical challenges. It will enable London to create and nurture potential world-beating tech companies that collectively will raise private investment and create new high value jobs. It offers value for money (VFM). | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £3,678,952.00 | £7,357,904.00 | 50.00% | NW1 2SD | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
East London Small Business Centre | Enterprise for Everyone | ERDF | 3 | The project supports clients with ambitions and aspirations to start up a business, and work with SMEs during their early stages, including social enterprises and entrepreneurs wishing to set up social enterprises. It will create jobs and support SMEs to grow and become more competitive; the project offersvalue for money (VFM). | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £631,726.00 | £1,263,452.00 | 50.00% | E1 7SA | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Newable Ltd | Global Growth | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to increase the uptake of international business support among London SMEs, helping them to mitigate costs and risks in unfamiliar cultural and regulatory environments. It will create new jobs and encourage business growth in the capital, and offers value for money (VFM). | 01/04/2016 | 01/01/2020 | £3,500,000.00 | £7,000,000.00 | 50.00% | SE1 2JN | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Brunel University London | Brunel Co-Innovate Journeys | ERDF | 1 | The project connects SMEs to researchers at Brunel to identify, design, develop and test products, services or systems. It expands existing smart specialism strengths in advanced manufacturing and food & packaging. It seeks to tap into emerging opportunities for innovation in the London economy. The project offers value for money (VFM). | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £2,215,255.40 | £4,430,510.80 | 50.00% | UB8 3PH | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Newham College of Further Education | Building Legacies | ERDF | 3 | The project targets SMEs, predominantly in the construction, digital/creative and care-related sectors, to support them to become fit to supply by advising on procurement and supply-chain requirements. It will create jobs and support SMEs to grow and become more competitive. The projects provides value for money (VFM) according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £2,026,985.00 | £4,053,970.00 | 50.00% | E6 6ER | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Newable Ltd | Innovate2Succeed (i2s) | ERDF | 1 | The project supports SMEs to enhance their innovation management capability, resulting in increased effectiveness in generating and commercially exploiting their ideas. This activity forms part of a programme being delivered across several Local Enterprise Partnership areas as part of Innovate UK’s agenda to increase innovation management capacity in small businesses. It offers value for money (VFM) in line with national ERDF benchmarks. | 03/01/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £500,000.00 | £1,000,000.00 | 50.00% | SE1 2JN | London | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Health Innovation Network, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust | The London Digital Health Accelerator Programme (LDHA) | ERDF | 1 | The project supports start-ups to grow and capitalise on London’s world-class research, medical technology, and health innovation resources. The project provides access to clinical expert mentors, NHS managers and technologists and, through its networks, to universities, hospitals and businesses. It provides value for money (VFM) in comparision with national benchmarks for ERDF projects. | 01/01/2016 | 30/04/2023 | £3,582,943.00 | £7,165,886.00 | 50.00% | SE19BB | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
King’s College London | Collaborate to Innovate | ERDF | 1 | The project supports life-science businesses with research and product development needs that seek collaboration with academics and researchers to develop their ideas. Businesses are matched with experts from leading London universities. It will encourage business growth and new jobs in the capital, and offers value for money (VFM). | 01/11/2015 | 31/07/2021 | £1,236,044.85 | £2,472,089.70 | 50.00% | SE1 1UL | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Greater London Authority | Better Futures | ERDF | 4 | The project will provide managed co-working space and innovation support to improve the success rate and speed of new low-carbon enterprises in London seeking to achieve growth. It will bring technical and business expertise to help low-carbon enterprises to optimise prototypes for the market and develop their business for growth investment. It will deliver CO2 reductions and job growth. The project provides value for money (VFM) according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/02/2017 | 31/12/2022 | £2,130,214.98 | £4,260,430.00 | 50.00% | SE12AA | London | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
London South Bank University | Simulation for Digital Health (SimDh) | ERDF | 1 | The project supports health-sector SMEs to develop novel products, processes or services by giving them access to state of the art facilities to test their ideas in a realistic simulated environment. It will enable SMEs to grow and become more competitive. The project provides value for money (VFM) according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,199,515.00 | £2,399,030.00 | 50.00% | SE1 0AA | London | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University College London | EDUCational Technology Exchange (EDUCATE) | ERDF | 1 | The project will provide a physical and virtual co-working space for Higher Education researchers dedicated to education-sector SMEs. Through this collaboration it will translate research investment into new and better educational technology and stimulate demand for educational products thereby supporting SMEs to grow and become more competitive. The project intends to make London the centre of Educational Technology products, the industry is forecast to grow from £45bn to £129bn by 2020. Consideration of the wider impacts means that the project offers value for money (VFM). | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £2,250,000.00 | £4,500,000.00 | 50.00% | WC1E 6BT | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
The Trampery Ltd | Legacy for Growth | ERDF | 3 | The project will give early stage and startup creative and technology companies incubation facilities, and support from mentoring experts and peers running enterprises at more advanced stages of development. The project will provide access to a new fabrication workshop and grow-on facilities. The project will accelerate business growth in the Hackney Wick community and seeks to build a talent pool of peer entrepreneurs which successful clients can join. The project presents a good value for money (VFM) compared to similar projects | 01/01/2017 | 30/06/2022 | £2,266,800.00 | £4,533,600.00 | 50.00% | N1 6AS | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
University of the Arts London; London College of Fashion (UAL;LCF) | Fashion & Technology Emerging Futures | ERDF | 3 | The project will promote collaboration between fashion and tech SMEs in London; to capitalise on the fashion and tech eco-system emerging in the capital, to drive growth through promoting cross sector collaboration and develop innovative products and services (e.g. new fashion and lifestyle product innovation, digital marketing and retail solutions, digital supply chain tools). The project aims at achieving greater international exposure for SME fashion brands. it offers value for money (VFM) and is consistent with bench marks for similar projects. | 03/01/2016 | 30/11/2019 | £1,906,238.22 | £3,812,476.45 | 50.00% | WC1V 7EY | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Virgin Start Up Limited | Ready, Steady, Grow with Virgin Start Up | ERDF | 3 | The project develops growth potential in start-up businesses in London, particularly in areas with low levels of enterprise activity and amongst under-represented groups. It seeks to enhance the culture of entrepreneurship in London, create jobs and encourage business growth. It provides avlue for money according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,888,886.57 | £3,777,773.14 | 50.00% | W2 6NB | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Queen Mary University of London | Cardiovascular Devices Hub (CVDhub) | ERDF | 1 | The project will create a one-stop Cardiovascular (CV) Device Innovation Centre “CVDhub” to engage CV businesses through bespoke innovation support and broker collaborations with London’s academic/scientific knowledge base. value for money (VFM) will be delivered by the project. | 01/01/2018 | 31/03/2023 | £3,066,108.03 | £6,132,216.05 | 50.00% | E1 4NS | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Enterprise Enfield Agency | Inspiring Women | ERDF | 3 | The project provides business mentoring support, managed work space to support women, including those from BAME backgrounds and disabled women, to overcome barriers for either starting a business or sustaining an early stage business, including social enterprises. The project aims to support the creation of sustainable business start-ups, leading to growth in jobs and the economy.The project offers value for money (VFM) compared to similar projects. | 01/05/2016 | 31/12/2021 | £928,083.76 | £1,856,167.52 | 50.00% | EN3 5JH | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The University of West London | West London Food Innovation Lab | ERDF | 1 | The project supports London SMEs in the food & beverage sector to engage with research and innovation. It supports SMEs to create new markets by developing new product lines and improving existing products to meet new market demands. It will create jobs and support SMEs to grow and become more competitive. The costs and benefits show a positive value for money (VFM). | 01/09/2016 | 29/05/2020 | £739,160.00 | £1,478,320.00 | 50.00% | W5 5RF | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Newham College of Further Education | Enterprise Steps | ERDF | 3 | The project will engage pre-trade and early stage SMEs in London in areas of low enterprise activity and amongst under-represented groups to create new enterprises and help existing enterprises survive, prosper and grow. The project offers value for money (VFM) compared to similar projects. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2022 | £1,206,748.00 | £2,413,496.00 | 50.00% | E6 6ER | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB) | Advance London: Circular Economy SME Support Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project supports the scale-up of existing circular economy businesses, or transitioning existing businesses, to more circular models. It offers business support, addressing the key market failures encountered by SMEs seeking to increase growth and deliver resource efficient outcomes. A business club forum provides a peer-to-peer network of support. The project supports companies to improve their productivity through resource efficiency, developing capacity and creating jobs. The project offers value for money (VFM) compared to similar projects. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £1,335,664.11 | £2,671,328.18 | 50.00% | SE1 0LL | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
London Training and Employment Network | Inspiring Enterprise and Growth | ERDF | 3 | The project equips potential entrepreneurs and fledgling SME and social enterprises in London with skills and competences to become more enterprising, start up new businesses and to ensure their sustainability. It targets BAME and other under-represented groups (e.g. women, people with disability or health conditions) in geographically disadvantaged parts of London. The project provides value for money (VFM) according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £2,047,500.00 | £4,095,000.00 | 50.00% | N7 8QJ | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
London Borough of Lewisham | The deK Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver a programme of business support to meet the needs of high-growth potential SMEs in creative/digital/business services/social enterprise sectors. Businesses across south-east and east London will benefit from academic expertise, leading to SME growth and job creation. The project offers value for money (VFM) compared to similar projects. | 01/03/2017 | 31/03/2021 | £863,970.88 | £1,727,941.77 | 50.00% | SE6 4RU | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
London & Partners | Business Growth Programme (formerly London Growth Network) | ERDF | 3 | As London’s official promotional organisation, London and Partners' project will attract foreign-owned SMEs to London; increase the growth of foreign-owned SMEs across London; enhance the productivity of foreign and London-owned SMEs by supporting collaboration with larger corporates, and enable access to international supply chains. It seeks to create new jobs and encouarge business growth. The project offers value for money (VFM) compared to similar projects. | 01/10/2016 | 31/03/2023 | £4,831,328.40 | £9,662,656.80 | 50.00% | SE1 2RR | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Brunel University London | Bridging the Gap Project | ERDF | 1 | The project seeks to increase the quality of graduate start-ups in London by providing a support ecosystem to enable entrepreneurs to use the university’s knowledge, expertise and networks to develop, launch and operate companies. It will create jobs and support small businesses to grow and become more competitive. The costs and benefits show a good value for money (VFM) position. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £837,969.58 | £1,675,939.90 | 50.00% | UB8 3PH | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Westminster City Council | Connect Westminster | ERDF | 2 | This project will target an area of London which has one of the lowest percentages of affordable superfast broadband availability out of any parliamentary constituency in the UK. The project will deliver a demand-side voucher scheme to support SMEs to get connected to super and ultrafast broadband. As a result, businesses will become connected to super or ultrafast broadband. value for money (VFM) is offered. | 01/01/2017 | 30/09/2022 | £1,400,032.00 | £2,800,064.00 | 50.00% | SW1E 6QP | London | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
London South Bank University | Greentech Access to Innovation (A2i) | ERDF | 4 | The project empowers SMEs to develop and commercialise innovative low carbon technologies rapidly and at low cost and low risk to the business. It does this by offering a combination of advanced equipment and testing facilities, specialised technical expertise and business skills and networking opportunities in the low carbon and tech sectors. It will reduce CO2 emissions and support SMEs to grow. The projects offers value for money (VFM). | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,142,760.00 | £2,285,520.00 | 50.00% | SE1 0AA | London | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Greater London Authority | Retrofit Accelerator Workplaces | ERDF | 4 | This project is now called Retrofit Accelerator Workplaces following a PCR on 25/02/2020 | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2022 | £3,965,973.09 | £7,931,945.47 | 50.00% | SE12AA | London | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Greater London Authority | Local Energy Accelerator (formerly DEEP) | ERDF | 4 | The project provides public sector intervention to help realise larger-scale decentralised energy (DE) projects in London that the market is failing to deliver. It will procure and direct technical, commercial, financial support to help SMEs bring into operation schemes that deliver significant CO2 reductions at market-competitive prices. The project will deliver capital investment, create jobs and reduce carbon emissions. The projects provides value for money (VFM) according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £4,750,000.00 | £9,500,000.00 | 50.00% | SE12AA | London | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Central Research Laboratory (Hayes) Ltd | Central Research Lab | ERDF | 1 | The project will enable provision of workspace, rapid prototyping equipment and mentoring to new and growing businesses that design and make innovative physical products. It will create jobs and support SMEs to grow and become more competitive. based on a pilot the applicant ran for a year, costs and outputs figures show the project gives good value for money (VFM). | 09/01/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £1,452,605.12 | £2,905,210.24 | 50.00% | SW1P 1DZ | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
London & Partners | Mayor’s International Business Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to improve London’s competitiveness by increasing SMEs' exports; deliver a Mayoral-led campaign to highlight the benefits of exporting to London SMEs; arrange trade missions for SMEs. It will create new jobs and encourage business growth in the capital. The project provides value for money (VFM). | 01/08/2015 | 30/06/2023 | £4,555,161.23 | £9,110,322.46 | 50.00% | SE1 2RR | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
The British Library Business & IP Centre | Innovating for Growth - Phase 2 Start-ups and Scale-ups | ERDF | 3 | The project helps new and existing entrepreneurs on their personal journey from the first spark of inspiration to successfully launching and developing a business. It provides access to the largest collection of business and intellectual property information in the UK for the SMEs. The aim is to achieve increased growth and competitiveness for each business, and provide value for money (VFM). | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2022 | £2,458,439.38 | £4,916,878.76 | 50.00% | NW1 2DB | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Greater London Authority | Retrofit Accelerator Homes | ERDF | 4 | This project has had a PCR on 19/6/2020. There was a name change and an extension in time. | 01/06/2018 | 31/08/2022 | £1,799,349.00 | £3,598,698.00 | 50.00% | SE1 2AA | London | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
London South Bank University | London Agri-Food Innovation Clinic (LAFIC) | ERDF | 1 | The project will support London Agro-Food SMEs to invest on research and development by offering an innovation support programme and product development that will allow them to develop innovative products, processes and services. The projects provides value for money (VFM) according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/01/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £1,001,660.00 | £2,003,320.00 | 50.00% | SE1 0AA | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Capital Enterprise (UK) Limited | CAP-AI - Knowledge Exchange Partnerships in Artificial Intelligence | ERDF | 1 | The project will help artificial intelligence and machine learning SMEs to access the technical expertise, data and computation power, knowledge and innovation they need to survive and grow. The projects provides value for money (VFM) according to national ERDF benchmarks. | 01/07/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £4,115,026.00 | £8,230,052.00 | 50.00% | EC2A 2BB | London | England | 063 cluster support and business networks primarily benefiting SMEs |
University of East London - Sustainability Research Institute | ARENA - Advancing Resource Efficiency and Urban Ecology Innovations | ERDF | 1 | To support SMEs to accelerate their innovations to market. The focus of support for beneficiaries will be technical validation of new innovations, and in-situ demonstration trials and assessment at the new Ecology Centre and Urban Ecology Living Lab at Barking Riverside. The project will provide routes to market for new, cross sectoral, resource efficiency and urban green infrastructure products and services; and contribute to London’s aspirations of a leading low carbon capital. | 04/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £552,989.00 | £1,105,978.00 | 50.00% | E16 2RD | London | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Amber Infrastructure Ltd | Fund Manager for Mayor of London's Energy Efficiency Fund (MEEF) | ERDF | 4 | Building on the legacy of the London Green Fund, the Mayor of London’s Energy Efficiency Fund (MEEF) will invest, by way of loans and equity investments, in low carbon projects that will help to achieve London’s own carbon strategic ambition of 60% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025. The MEEF expects to invest in 30 enterprises, secure £260m of additional funding, create an additional capacity of 17 MW of renewable energy, save 36,746 tonnes of CO2 per annum, improve 774 household’s energy consumption and reduce energy consumption of public buildings by 747,190kWh/year. | 06/01/2018 | 31/05/2023 | £71,200,000.00 | £142,400,000.00 | 50.00% | SE1 2AQ | London | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
SME Wholesale Finance (London) Ltd on behalf of GLIF Ltd | Greater London Investment Fund | ERDF | 3 | As per the ex-ante assessments, we propose a new £100m fund of funds for London’s SMEs, providing loan and equity finance at several stages of the funding gap. The fund of funds would be corner-stoned by £32m of ERDF grant under Priority Axis 3 of the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme. Cornerstone funding will also be provided by LWARB and this will facilitate the provision of finance for SMEs operating in the Circular Economy. | 06/01/2018 | 31/12/2023 | £35,000,000.00 | £100,000,000.00 | 35.00% | WC2B 4HN | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Prince's Trust | Boost Your Business | ERDF | 3 | To provide pre-start up support to potential entrepreneurs aged 18-30 and assist new businesses to start up and grow. To offer a bespoke programme that builds on The Princes Trust’s existing provision: to address business skills barriers to continued growth and promoting social inclusion though self-employment. | 10/01/2018 | 30/11/2021 | £616,997.00 | £1,233,994.00 | 50.00% | EC2M 7LS | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
British Library | Start ups in London Libraries (SiLL) | ERDF | 3 | To support entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds to turn business ideas into a reality by establishing a coordinated network of business support offers through ten London boroughs, led by the British Library’s Business & IP Centre. To offer tailored business start-up support by using the specialist collections, resources, support and expertise of the public library network. | 01/07/2018 | 31/03/2022 | £1,870,577.00 | £3,741,155.00 | 50.00% | NW1 2DB | London | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
British Fashion Council | Showcasing Fashion through Strategic Partnerships | ERDF | 3 | To support designer fashion SMEs to maximise growth by increasing their competitiveness and international sales, resulting in strong, sustainable businesses. To address changes that are affecting the fashion industry including the use of technology business models such as “see now/buy now” that allows consumers to purchase direct from the catwalk. This project aims to support designers to reach new markets both through trade sales business to business (B2B), and to support growth in direct to consumer models (B2C). | 01/04/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £4,265,532.00 | £8,531,064.00 | 50.00% | WC2R 1LA | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
London South Bank University | Accelerating the Creative Economy through Innovative Tech (ACE IT) | ERDF | 1 | To accelerate investment in research and development by SMEs in the creative and technology sectors. To enable SMEs to grow by exploring the development and commercialisation of innovative products, processes and services in immersive technologies. To achieve this by combining innovation and technical support with access to technical facilities and academic expertise. | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2022 | £721,589.00 | £1,443,178.00 | 50.00% | SE1 0AA | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
London South Bank University | LC_LDN | ERDF | 4 | To assist SMEs to develop renewable energy technologies, by focussing principally on technologies at proof of concept stage. The project will tackle barriers to innovation and bring renewable energy technology to market. Technologies targeted will include solar, wind, energy efficiency, "smart" algorithms controlling the generation and demand side of energy, energy storage and reuse of waste heat. | 01/10/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £778,249.00 | £1,556,498.00 | 50.00% | SE1 0AA | London | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
King's College London | Gene Therapy Production Facility | ERDF | 1 | Refurbishment of facilities, including additional equipment, to expand King's College's current gene therapy facility at the Rayne Institute. Researchers will devise and implement vector production procedures, often in response academics and SME users. | 01/08/2020 | 30/09/2022 | £2,933,000.00 | £5,866,000.00 | 50.00% | SE1 1UL | London | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Westminster City Council | Digital Street Markets | ERDF | 2 | The project supports market-trader SMEs by delivering free wifi to street markets and a business support programme focussed on digital skills to ensure the SMEs make the best use of this new connectivity. | 01/01/2020 | 30/03/2023 | £572,599.49 | £1,145,198.99 | 50.00% | SW1E 6QP | London | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Greater London Authority | London Growth Hub - Hub & Spoke | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver a suite of physical (face to face) business support activity initiatives to support entrepreneurial activity among underrepresented groups, increase productivity and business growth (both through employment and turnover growth), within existing SMEs. The objective of this project is to provide a targeted business support offer to established and start-up businesses that have potential to grow. The project main offer will be ‘business navigators’ that will act as the first point of contact for SMEs and will deliver a free and impartial Information, Diagnosis and Brokerage (IDB) services to local businesses. Alongside business navigators the project will make available to SMEs a suite of business advisors, with specialism in specific fields to provide high intensity business support and account management. | 01/11/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,291,261.01 | £2,582,522.03 | 50.00% | SE1 2AA | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Department for International Trade | The London Internationalisation Fund | ERDF | 3 | The project co-funds new SME projects, involving third party consultancy or other services with participation in trade missions and fairs. The aim is to help buisnesses to grow, and create and safegaurd jobs. This is one of four across England, the other overseen by MHCLG. | 01/04/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £2,837,400.00 | £5,674,800.00 | 50.00% | SW1A 2AW | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (Imperial College London) | The Centre for Climate Change Innovation (CCCI) | ERDF | 1 | The project seeks to support the development of new cleantech businesses. It will focus on supporting new start-ups with teams and ideas that have high growth and impact. The focus is on two challenges: a cleantech eco-system; and a cleantech accelerator programme. | 01/09/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,980,456.00 | £3,960,912.00 | 50.00% | SW7 2AZ | London | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
F6S Network Limited | EDUCational Technology Exchange 2.0 | ERDF | 1 | The project will provide virtual co-working space for researchers in the ed tech sector. Through collaboration, this will translate into research investment into new/better ed tech and increase demand for educational products. | 01/03/2021 | 31/07/2023 | £947,049.90 | £1,894,099.90 | 50.00% | EC1V 2NX | London | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Greater London Authority | CPGH London Growth Hub-Hub & Spoke (Parent 23R19P03286) | ERDF | 3 | The proposal aligns with BEIS £10 million Kick-starting Tourism Package and £20 million package for wider economy recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Project will help London SMEs adapt their businesses following the coronavirus pandemic and will assist a total of 288 SMEs of which 75 will be from tourism sector and the rest (213) from the wider economy. | 28/09/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £1,620,325.00 | £1,620,325.00 | 100.00% | SE1 2AA | London | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Hethel Ltd | Innovation New Anglia | ERDF | 1 | Innovation New Anglia (INA) is an innovation-led business support program operating in Norfolk/Suffolk | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £538,255.00 | £1,114,397.00 | 48.30% | NR14 8FB | New Anglia | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Norfolk County Council | Building a Cultural Economy in New Anglia 2016-19 | ERDF | 3 | This project will deliver targeted, specialist business support to SMEs and start-ups in the cultural sector (music, theatre, literature), with match-funds from Arts Council England. We will support at least 180 SMEs to: • Increase the number of start-ups and early stage survival rates. • Reduce the number of business closures. • Create sustainable opportunities for businesses at all stages of development to access growth support. • Ensure social and community enterprise start up and growth is integral to the landscape of specialist business support. • Support an increase in businesses developing plans and taking actions to improve their resilience and growth potential. | 01/10/2016 | 01/12/2019 | £609,770.00 | £1,219,540.00 | 50.00% | NR1 2UA | New Anglia | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Suffolk County Council | Business Energy Efficiency Anglia | ERDF | 4 | The project will drive growth in the low carbon economy by supporting SMEs to implement business energy efficiency initiatives through a single point of contact, tailored to business need. Beneficiaries will deliver energy efficiency savings, reduce carbon emissions and realise the associated business benefits: reduced operating costs; competitiveness; business growth; resilience. | 11/01/2016 | 24/07/2022 | £4,161,880.00 | £8,323,760.00 | 50.00% | IP1 2BX | New Anglia | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
New Anglia LEP | New Anglia Business Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | The Business Growth Programme will deliver proactive, targeted ‘wrap-around’ support to existing and start-up businesses which have the potential to grow exponentially. Activity will be delivered by an experienced Partnership and forms a cohesive suite of support comprising: 1. A Growth Hub, providing in-depth advice and guidance to businesses; 2. The provision of a Micro Grant scheme to enable business growth. 3. A Start-Up programme, supporting individuals during prestart stage and businesses during the first two years of operation. | 01/09/2015 | 30/09/2023 | £14,029,290.00 | £28,058,581.00 | 50.00% | NR4 7UG | New Anglia | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Norfolk County Council | Invest East | ERDF | 3 | To increase economic prosperity and jobs by raising the profile for inward investment purposes both internationally and from locally based SME’s so as to support growth through better use of investment opportunities. | 01/09/2017 | 28/12/2021 | £906,910.00 | £1,813,820.00 | 50.00% | NR1 2UA | New Anglia | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Hethel Innovation Ltd | Breakthrough | ERDF | 1 | BREAKTHROUGH creates unique environments that stimulate innovation, by leading diverse and cross-cutting teams on expeditions to new cross-cluster market opportunities. | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2021 | £598,176.00 | £1,196,352.00 | 50.00% | NR14 8FB | New Anglia | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Norfolk County Council | DRIVE – Delivering Rural Investment & Vital Employment | ERDF | 3 | Delivering Rural Investment and Vital Employment (DRIVE) is an up to 40% capital grant opportunity for eligible businesses that are prepared to engage with a mentored business planning journey. The business will be mentored to create a project plan, this will provide the basis for the business to independently complete the DRIVE concept form. If this concept is progressed, a DRIVE business mentor will provide focused support to the business to complete a full business plan that will form the rationale for a grant application for up to 40% of eligible costs and grants of between £5,000 and £30,000 | 01/06/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £3,000,157.00 | £6,356,266.00 | 47.20% | NR1 2DH | New Anglia | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership | New Anglia Innovation, Research and Development Grant Scheme | ERDF | 1 | The New Anglia Innovation, Research and Development Grant Scheme (The Scheme) has been developed in response to a lack of grant support to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) seeking to undertake research and development, the introduction of new/innovative goods and services, and the implementation of innovative production and/or delivery methods. Grants between £1,000 and £25,000, at up to 50% of costs, will be awarded to 160 eligible SMEs, to enable them to invest in innovation, research and development. | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,483,418.00 | £4,966,836.00 | 50.00% | NR4 7UG | New Anglia | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Broadland District Council | The Food Innovation Centre | ERDF | 1 | The Food Innovation Centre project will deliver bespoke food-grade incubator units, test kitchens and industry-standard sensory testing facilities, integrated with a Food Hub delivering in-depth innovation support to 90 food processing businesses (including incubator tenants). A linked innovation cluster programme will encourage and develop an innovation ecosystem in the food sector in Norfolk and Suffolk, engaging hundreds of businesses with the world-renowned knowledge sector on Norwich Research Park and each other. | 01/03/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £5,715,529.00 | £11,431,058.00 | 50.00% | NR7 0DU | New Anglia | England | 058 Research and Innovation Infrastructure (Public) |
New Anglia LEP | CPGH New Anglia Business Growth Programme (Parent 24R16P01026) | ERDF | 3 | This is a Growth Hub Child Project linked to the parent project of New Anglia Business Growth Programme (Parent 24R16P01026), This PCR proposes to deliver ERDF funding announced for the Visitor Economy and Wider Economy funds in response to Covid19 | 03/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £586,728.00 | £586,728.00 | 100.00% | NR4 7UG | New Anglia | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Durham County Council | North Durham CLLD (25R15L00324) | ERDF | 8 | The project will look to confirm an Accountable Body, establish a Local Action Group and produce a Local Development Strategy. North Durham CLLD area has been identified based on top 20% most deprived SOA's and the eligible adjacent wards including Chest | 12/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £7,150.00 | £10,600.00 | 67.45% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Durham County Council | South Durham CLLD (25R15L00164) | ERDF | 8 | The project will look to confirm an Accountable Body, establish a Local Action Group and produce a Local Development Strategy. South Durham CLLD area has been identified based on top 20% most deprived SOA's and the eligible adjacent wards including Bisho | 12/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £7,150.00 | £10,600.00 | 67.45% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
North Tyneside Council | North Tyneside/South Tyneside CLLD (25R15L00325) | ERDF | 8 | This preparatory project will deliver Stage 1 of the North Tyneside and South Tyneside CLLD area which includes the 20% most deprived wards of Riverside, Chirton and Howden and Jarrow/Hebburn respectively. The project will deliver three key outputs: ident | 12/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £11,373.00 | £19,373.00 | 58.71% | NE27 0BY | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
The Borough Council of Gateshead | Gateshead - Goes Local (GGL) (25R15L00329) | ERDF | 8 | This application will help develop the Local Action Group (LAG) and formulate Local Development Strategy (LDS) as part the Gateshead “Goes Local” CLLD programme. The LDS will utilise the experience of Public, Private and Third sector bodies, along with un | 12/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £7,750.00 | £17,750.00 | 43.66% | NE8 1HH | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Northumberland County Council | Northumberland and North Tyneside CLLD (25R15L00327) | ERDF | 8 | This project will deliver the preparatory work required for the development of a full CLLD programme. It will cover a geographic area of wards in Northumberland and two wards within North Tyneside, included to create geographic coherence and also access | 01/03/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £5,500.00 | £9,500.00 | 57.89% | NE61 2EF | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Newcastle City Council | North of the Tyne CLLD Preparatory Phase (25R15L00326) | ERDF | 8 | The project delivers the preparatory phase of the North of the Tyne CLLD area which includes 20% of the most deprived wards in Newcastle and Wallsend in North Tyneside (population range 120,000-140,000). Key outputs will be to produce a CLLD strategy, de | 01/03/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £11,993.00 | £19,993.00 | 59.99% | NE1 8QN | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
The Council of the City of Sunderland | Sunderland Economic Corridor - CLLD Preparatory Stage (ERDF) (25R15L00328) | ERDF | 8 | The project will develop a local straegy for the Sunderland economic corridor. It will adress local gaps in provision, stimulate pilot projects and build capacity of client groups, organisations, potential entrepreneurs and local enterprises. This project will fund consultation and research work to develop a Local Strategy. | 12/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £12,000.00 | £20,000.00 | 60.00% | SR2 7DN | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
The Borough Council of Gateshead | Northern Centre for Emerging Technologies (25R15P00456) | ERDF | 1 | The Project will acquire and convert an existing building to deliver a Northern Centre for Emerging Technologies, with the objective of bringing forward a specilaist research and development testing facility, complemented by workspace, for the accelerated incubation of North East SMEs seeking to exploty the market potentail of emerging technologies. | 09/12/2015 | 30/11/2018 | £3,294,539.62 | £8,209,207.37 | 40.13% | NE8 1HH | North Eastern | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
North Tyneside Council | Made in North Tyneside (MINT) (25R15P00405) | ERDF | 3 | SME start up, innovation and social enterprise programme and existing SMEs to develop new products and enter new markets | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £899,997.00 | £1,800,000.00 | 50.00% | NE27 0BY | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
North East Enterprise Agency Limited (NEEAL) | Enterprise Support in the North East (25R15P00420) | ERDF | 3 | LEP-wide comprehensive support to individuals considering starting a business. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £874,937.00 | £1,631,113.00 | 53.64% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Northumberland Business Service Limited (NBSL) | North East Business Support Fund (NEBSF3)(25R15P00029) | ERDF | 3 | Development support to SMEs to grow markets, innovate products and services | 12/08/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £3,882,148.00 | £7,627,175.00 | 50.90% | NE63 8AP | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
North East Business & Innovation Centre Limited | North East SME Innovation Programme (25R15P00422) | ERDF | 1 | Support to SMEs to innovate and undertake the innovation process, facilitating access to expertise and enabling them to achieve sustained growth | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £963,134.00 | £1,824,997.00 | 52.77% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Northumbria University | Northumbria Enterprise and Business Support (NEBS) (25R15P00406) | ERDF | 3 | Enhance competitiveness of SMEs and creation of new enterprises in NELEP. Also support graduate internship scheme | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £991,913.90 | £1,993,476.89 | 49.76% | NE1 8ST | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
RTC North Limited | Innovate2Succeed (25R15P00408) | ERDF | 1 | Support to SMEs to help them enhance their innovation management capability, forms part of a programme being delivered across 13 pilot LEPS | 01/01/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £498,917.85 | £997,835.70 | 50.00% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
North East Worldwide Limited | Expanding North East presence in International Markets (25R16P00355) | ERDF | 3 | In a ground-breaking collaboration between NELEP and the emerging Growth Hub this 3 year £4.8m project will transform the performance of 300 new and existing exporters throughout the NELEP area, providing innovative tailored help – particularly for companies in LEP sectors - including grant assistance for Export Growth Action Plans. Complementing actions undertaken in the UKTI Core contract with an Export Development Fund and Specialist Support the project will increase the capability and capacity of SMEs to internationalise, increasing the numbers of local exporters and the value of exports with 300 Enterprises Supported, creating 285 new jobs. | 01/03/2016 | 31/03/2022 | £3,104,466.22 | £6,034,445.22 | 51.45% | DH1 5TS | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
RTC North Limited | The Innovation Pathway (25R15P00140) | ERDF | 1 | Increase competitiveness of SMEs in healthcare sector through programme of support for development of new products | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2017 | £1,033,632.00 | £2,018,176.00 | 51.22% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
RTC North Limited | Designing Better Business (25R15P00096) | ERDF | 3 | Support SMEs to increase internal capacity to innovate and respond to the evolving needs of markets. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £1,475,338.00 | £3,021,305.00 | 48.83% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Newcastle City Council | The Biosphere (25R15P00417) | ERDF | 1 | Build of commercial laboratory facility for SMEs mainly within healthcare and life sciences and promote innovation, products and services | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2020 | £4,706,977.74 | £12,696,759.00 | 37.07% | NE1 8QN | North Eastern | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | Emerging Electronics Manufacturing Centre (EEMaC) at NETPark - 25R15P00414 | ERDF | 1 | Provision of specialist equipment and staff - enable local SMEs, businesses and universities to access facilities and expertise for development industrial and consumer products. | 01/01/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £2,595,800.00 | £4,553,600.00 | 57.01% | DL5 6XN | North Eastern | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
NE Automotive Alliance | Advancing the Competitiveness of NE Automotive SMEs (ACE SME) (25R15P00421) | ERDF | 3 | Improve the competitiveness of SMEs in the automotive sector. Attracting new SMEs into the sector and supporting entrepreneurship. | 01/10/2015 | 31/03/2019 | £606,309.72 | £1,161,207.66 | 52.21% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Newcastle University | Northern Accelerator (25R15P00446) | ERDF | 1 | The objective is to create 15 high technology spin-out companies over the 3 year period. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £433,864.50 | £814,728.00 | 53.25% | NE1 7RU | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Generator North East Limited | Digital Futures (25R15P00425) | ERDF | 3 | The project provides business support to SMEs in the NELEP area | 18/01/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £706,132.12 | £1,389,224.28 | 50.83% | NE1 2PQ | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Newcastle University | Creative Fuse North East 25R15P00447 | ERDF | 1 | Creativity Works will utilise university expertise to embed research and innovation potential and processes within creative and cultural SME’s across the North East, including facilitation of exchange of best practice within the sector. | 01/06/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £801,301.00 | £1,635,441.00 | 49.00% | NE1 7RU | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
The Council of the City of Sunderland | Sunderland Software City (Phase 3) (25R15P00426) | ERDF | 3 | Support the continued growth of the software sector in the North East. Builds upon two previous phases of delivery and will provide direct support, financial assistance and access to markets for new and existing software businesses. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £1,167,182.00 | £2,319,291.00 | 50.32% | SR2 7DN | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
North East Business & Innovation Centre Limited | North East Innovation Supernetwork - 25R15P00413 | ERDF | 1 | Support to SMEs to innovate through collaboration with other SMEs and wider networks | 01/01/2016 | 28/02/2019 | £553,016.34 | £1,067,608.88 | 51.80% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Northern Film & Media Limited | Creative Industries SME Business Support & Development (25R15P00435) | ERDF | 3 | Work with the North East film and TV sector and digital arts businesses providing events, briefings, talent development, mentoring and market access. | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £370,739.90 | £904,673.00 | 40.98% | NE8 3BA | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Sunderland | Internships and Enterprise (25R15P00427) | ERDF | 3 | Support the start up and growth of businesses in NE through placement of graduates into SMEs to work on business growth projects and new products/services. | 01/10/2015 | 31/10/2018 | £1,897,125.00 | £3,706,976.00 | 51.18% | SR1 3SD | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Prince's Trust | Better off in Business (25R15P00429) | ERDF | 3 | Provide tailored packages of business start-up/growth support to young people in NE | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £228,514.34 | £442,430.36 | 51.65% | EC2M 7LS | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
NEPIC | SME Growth via Facilitated Market Access and Energy Management (25R15P00423) | ERDF | 3 | Support SMEs to develop within the process sector through mentoring by industry experts and external consultants. Also strengthen the regions’ manufacturing supply chain capability. | 01/01/2016 | 01/12/2019 | £387,243.00 | £745,747.00 | 51.93% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Durham County Council | Business Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) 25 R15P00464 | ERDF | 4 | BEEP will provide an intensive package of support for SMEs on energy efficiency, renewable energy and business resilience to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and bottom line costs, enhancing competitiveness and supporting business growth. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £533,886.82 | £889,811.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Durham County Council | Durham Business Opportunities Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide a 3 year programme of business support to encourage and enable SMEs in County Durham to grow, through engaging the businesses and connecting them to opportunities. | 01/12/2016 | 31/05/2023 | £1,377,171.27 | £2,295,285.18 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | CIF ESM Outreach (25R15P00459) | ERDF | 1 | The project will support regional/ national formulation SMEs to extract additional value from enhanced engineered surfaces and materials. This will be achieved by supporting development of improved products and provision of marketing support to ensure opt | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £1,300,351.00 | £2,301,506.00 | 56.50% | TS21 3FE | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Arch Commercial Enterprises Limited | Business Northumberland 2016-19 (25R15P00432) | ERDF | 3 | Delivering a package of support to promote development of the Northumberland business base, focussing on established SMEs in the Northumberland area. | 01/05/2016 | 31/07/2019 | £696,523.00 | £1,393,046.00 | 50.00% | NE63 9JZ | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Borough Council of Gateshead | HEIGHTS – High-rise Energy Infrastructure for Gateshead Housing Tenants (25R16P00653) | ERDF | 4 | The project will install new district heating and power networks to high-rise social housing, and nearby public buildings, taking heat/power from low to zero carbon sources, therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions. | 01/10/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £4,699,449.39 | £10,532,089.21 | 44.62% | NE8 1HH | North Eastern | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
The Borough Council of Gateshead | Bringing Plastic District Heating technology to the UK market (25R16P00654) | ERDF | 4 | Taking into consideration the wider | 01/10/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £994,700.00 | £2,319,960.00 | 42.88% | NE8 1HH | North Eastern | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
North East Combined Authority | Going Ultra Low North East (25R16P00657) | ERDF | 4 | The scheme will install a 1km mini-heat network, designed upon a new, plastic insulated pipe system. Working with designers and installers of district heating systems, the project will seek to engage appropriate suppliers to bring this technology into the | 01/01/2017 | 30/04/2021 | £1,519,784.00 | £3,019,784.00 | 50.33% | NE1 8QH | North Eastern | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Durham University | Development of a North East Water Hub(25R15P00478) | ERDF | 1 | The project will deploy innovative electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure based on an integrated plan to accelerate low carbon transport in the NECA area. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/07/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £344,222.48 | £688,444.95 | 50.00% | DH1 3LE | North Eastern | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Sunderland | Hope Street Xchange (25R15P00415) | ERDF | 1 | The Water Hub will support North East enterprises to drive, develop and commercialise research, helping them to bring products and processes to market, gaining greater access to the water market. The Project will help develop new market opportunities and facilitate the creation of new jobs, encouraging business growth in the region. The Value for Money assessment is positive when the wider long term impacts of the project are considered | 12/08/2015 | 30/06/2017 | £2,227,742.00 | £4,612,450.00 | 48.30% | SR1 3SD | North Eastern | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Durham County Council | SWIi (Solid Wall Insulation Innovation) (25R16P00911) | ERDF | 4 | New build centre - to accommodate businesses seeking to collaborate with Uni, develop products and support student start ups. | 01/06/2017 | 31/07/2020 | £1,506,423.00 | £2,510,705.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
Durham University | Durham Internships and Collaborative Enterprise (DICE) Project | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver an integrated enterprise support programme and internship service to Durham University students, graduates and SME’s from within the County Durham area. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/01/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £1,579,124.59 | £2,631,874.13 | 60.00% | DH1 3LE | North Eastern | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Durham County Council | Community Enterprise Durham (25R16P00916) | ERDF | 3 | The project will deliver an integrated enterprise support programme and internship service to Durham University students, graduates and SME’s from within the County Durham area. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/09/2017 | 30/09/2020 | £525,000.00 | £875,000.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Northumberland Business Service Limited (NBSL) | North East Business Support Fund 4 - County Durham (NEBSF4) (25R16P00912) | ERDF | 3 | This countywide project will increase the number of community enterprises in County Durham and support them to grow and thrive by promoting entrepreneurialism. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/01/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £3,481,120.00 | £5,803,861.30 | 59.98% | NE63 8AP | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Durham County Council | Durham SME Digital Engagement Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project is a three year programme of support to SMEs to improve their competitiveness through take-up of digital technology. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/10/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £4,740,000.00 | £7,900,000.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
The Council of the City of Sunderland | Sunderland Energy Storage and Efficiency Project (SESEP) | ERDF | 4 | The project is a small-scale energy storage and renewable energy pilot that aims to test the effectiveness of solar PV and new battery storage technology on five publically owned buildings within the city of Sunderland. It will be complemented by energy efficiency advice, support and access to finance for SMEs in Sunderland. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/01/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,704,236.00 | £3,839,368.00 | 44.39% | SR2 7DN | North Eastern | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | Collaborative Outreach in Applied Surface Engineering Technologies (COAST) | ERDF | 1 | COAST supports SMEs offering high-tech products based upon engineered surfaces and advanced polymer composites. Nano-technology and materials know-how will be used to create superior, light-weighted products using bespoke functional particles. By increasing levels of innovation, businesses will be better equipped to exploit market opportunities in this sector, leading to the creation of new jobs and business growth. Given the nature of the project then overall the project offers value for money. | 01/07/2017 | 31/01/2021 | £2,709,737.02 | £4,516,231.13 | 60.00% | TS21 3FE | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | SME SPOTLIGHT - Photonics and Emerging Technologies for Healthcare SME Support Programme (25R16P00922) | ERDF | 1 | CPI and Durham University will deliver this project through a seamless, synergistic offering, combining their knowledge, and research and innovation facilities. Value for money was assessed as part of the appraisal and considered consistent with projects undertaking similar activity. | 01/10/2017 | 30/09/2021 | £848,784.00 | £1,414,641.00 | 60.00% | TS21 3FG | North Eastern | England | 059 Research and innovation infrastructures (private, including |
The North East Fund Limited | The North East Fund - supported by the European Regional Development Fund (3) | ERDF | 3 | Provision of investment finance for North East LEP area SMEs who have a viable business plan but are unable to attract money elsewhere. A £120m investment fund delivering finance to 600 SMEs via a fund of funds model and five sub-funds. | 01/03/2018 | 31/12/2023 | £53,500,005.00 | £128,034,200.00 | 41.79% | NE1 6EE | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The North East Fund Limited | The North East Fund - supported by the European Regional Development Fund (4) | ERDF | 4 | Provision of investment finance for North East LEP area SMEs who have a viable business plan but are unable to attract money elsewhere. A £120m investment fund delivering finance to 600 SMEs via a fund of funds model and five sub-funds. | 01/03/2018 | 31/12/2023 | £4,999,995.00 | £11,965,800.00 | 41.79% | NE1 6EE | North Eastern | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
The Borough Council of Gateshead | Gateshead Goes Local (Stage 2) | ERDF | 8 | Gateshead Goes Local will provide a mechanism for grass roots community economic development to stimulate employment and enterprises in urban Gateshead. The programme led by the Local Action Group (LAG) will deliver the Local Development Strategy (LDS) prepared in stage 1 of the CLLD bidding process. | 01/05/2017 | 30/06/2022 | £810,000.00 | £1,350,000.00 | 60.00% | NE8 1HH | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Durham County Council | South Durham CLLD Implementation (25R17L01883) | ERDF | 8 | This full application represents the final development stage in the application for ESIF grant funding using the Community Led Local Development model. It will provide support in the wards identified in the South Durham CLLD strategy. The Project will lead to stronger more coherent local communities, helping to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and enterprise. The value for money assessment is positive when the wider impacts of the project are considered | 01/10/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £986,501.00 | £1,409,287.00 | 70.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Durham County Council | North Durham CLLD Implementation (25R17L01881) | ERDF | 8 | This full application represents the final development stage in the application for ESIF grant funding using the Community Led Local Development model. It will provide support in the wards identified in the North Durhm CLLD strategy. The Project will lead to stronger more coherent local communities, helping to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and enterprise. The value for money assessment is positive when the wider impacts of the project are considered. | 01/10/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £744,202.00 | £1,063,146.00 | 70.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Teesside University | Innovate Durham | ERDF | 1 | This project will provide an intensive and coherent response to the innovation needs of SMEs. Support will benefit SMEs who have the capability, but lack the absorptive capacity, to innovate and grow by exploiting the opportunities offered through key technological developments and challenges. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/08/2017 | 31/10/2019 | £373,844.00 | £623,073.88 | 60.00% | TS1 3BA | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
RTC North Limited | Scale-Up North East | ERDF | 3 | The project aims to increase the density of high-growth businesses and improve the success of high-growth (scale-up) businesses by removing barriers to growith and supporting the creation and implementation of scalable models. In order to tackle the Scaleup challenge the project will focus on enabling more businesses with ScaleUp potential to achieve Scaleup levels of growth. It will support existing Scaleups to continue scaling with a particular focus on supporting more businesses to cale paast £3M. The programme approach is focused on delivering strands of activity that target specific challenges whilst aat the same time remaining flexible to specific business needs. Strand A - will build on best practice approaches that enable businesses with Scvaleup potential to achieve Scaleup performance. Focus on businesses with a turnover of in exess of £500K which have potential to grow by 50% over 3 years. Strand B - businesses over £1-2M with a view to increase beyond £3m. Strand C - supporting businesses that have developed a robust and compelling Scaleyp action plan (via A & B) and are committed to its delivery. There will be a range of tools developed to support businesses through this Scaleup process. Growth Hub Connectors will provide impartial account-managed support and action planning information relevent to the businness needs of the business being supported. They will analyse business needs to broker services that have greatest impact and match business with scaleup partners. | 01/01/2018 | 31/03/2021 | £2,500,000.00 | £5,000,000.00 | 50.00% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
RTC North Limited | Pathways to Innovation | ERDF | 1 | The aim of Pathways to Innovation is to offer services across the entire innovation cycle in a coherent fashion to North East SMEs and to be the recognised vehicle for the delivery of IP support in the smart specialisation sectors. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/01/2018 | 30/09/2020 | £787,500.00 | £1,500,000.00 | 52.50% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Newcastle University | Arrow | ERDF | 1 | The aim of Arrow is to deliver an ‘Innovation Catalyst’ which will identify, enable and translate established and emerging Newcastle University research and innovation (R&I) and enterprise projects into a pipeline of operational business innovation programmes and services . The project will administer an Innovation Accelorator scheme for regional and national SMEs providing grants up to £20,000 to support research and innovation projects between SME's and regional partners. | 01/04/2018 | 31/03/2023 | £1,696,187.50 | £3,392,375.00 | 50.00% | NE1 7RU | North Eastern | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of Sunderland | Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing (SAM) | ERDF | 1 | The University of Sunderland will establish the Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing (SAM) project to deliver intensive innovation support to enable North East businesses to achieve smart and sustainable manufacturing operations. SAM focuses on open innovation supporting the transition of manufacturing SMEs to the innovative, productivity-focussed, knowledge-intensive and interconnected ecosystems required to implement the ‘factory of the future’. | 01/01/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £5,770,513.03 | £10,924,598.46 | 52.82% | SR1 3SD | North Eastern | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
North East Business & Innovation Centre Limited | Catalysing Innovation in North East Clusters | ERDF | 1 | This project is designed to catalyse innovation activities by providing funding and advice to relevant cluster groups in the North East LEP area. | 01/04/2018 | 31/03/2021 | £1,235,226.00 | £2,398,497.00 | 51.50% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 063 cluster support and business networks primarily benefiting SMEs |
Durham University | Intensive Industrial innovation Programme - North East (IIIP-NE) | ERDF | 1 | IIIP-NE will directly connect SMES from the smart specialisation sectors with the regions university research expertise and will work actively with them to address their specific research issues. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. Value for money considered as part of the appraisal and deemed satisfactory. | 01/10/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £3,420,856.82 | £6,533,534.76 | 52.36% | DH1 3LE | North Eastern | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
The Council of the City of Sunderland | Digital Innovation Partnership | ERDF | 1 | This project will deliver a series of activities aimed at driving productivity, efficiency and new product/service development through digital innovation. Specifically the project will focus on achieving the three-fold benefit of: 1. Helping the North East region’s key sectors become more internationally competitive through the use of digital innovation to solve global problems; 2. Driving forward the digital economy in the region through the creation of new market opportunities for services and products. 3. Improving access to markets and innovation engagement opportunity nationally and internationally through links to other national and international projects | 01/04/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £2,235,191.49 | £4,359,785.49 | 51.27% | SR2 7DN | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
South Tyneside Council | Viking Energy Network Jarrow | ERDF | 4 | This first phase of the project will be delivered in the South Tyneside town of Jarrow. The project activities encompass cutting edge technologies which will help to alleviate fuel poverty and reduce greenhouse gas. | 07/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £4,620,142.42 | £11,957,125.14 | 38.64% | NE33 2RL | North Eastern | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult | eGrid | ERDF | 4 | The Project seeks capital funds to allow for an upgrade of research infrastructure by the installation of an electric power converter system, GES. GES provides a platform for electrical power quality research and testing in a controlled environment in Blyth. The project will engage with high potential SMEs to assess their innovations and assist them into potential commercialisation by offering innovation advisory support; technological assistance, training and potential secondment opportunities. | 28/02/2017 | 30/09/2020 | £2,842,478.27 | £5,938,015.87 | 47.87% | NE24 1LZ | North Eastern | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Durham County Council | Chester-le-Street Flood Alleviation Scheme | ERDF | 5 | The project proposes to mitigate the reoccurring flood events in Chester le Street and provide stability to the Cong Burn area of Chester le Street. This will enable businesses to develop in a stable environment. | 01/10/2018 | 31/03/2022 | £1,938,173.96 | £3,230,289.93 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
Newcastle City Council | Business Energy Savings Team (BEST) | ERDF | 4 | BEES will provide an intensive energy efficiency support programme for up to 250 SMEs in the More Developed NELEP area. It will aim to help SMEs achieve reductions in energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions, thereby increasing business resilience and adaptive capacity. | 01/06/2018 | 30/06/2022 | £670,700.00 | £1,341,400.00 | 50.00% | NE1 8QN | North Eastern | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Newcastle City Council | The Low Carbon Energy Centre (Science Central) | ERDF | 4 | The Low Carbon Energy Centre is a new plant facility designed to provide the Science Central site in Newcastle with heat, cooling and power to all buildings on site in a way that is phased alongside the proposed masterplan. | 01/04/2018 | 31/03/2022 | £3,600,000.00 | £16,661,290.00 | 21.61% | NE1 8QN | North Eastern | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
NewcastleGateshead Initiative | GX | ERDF | 1 | The project will provide business support and grants throughout the NELEP area in both Transition and More Developed, aiming to support local SMEs with manufacturing, creating new products and create local job growth. | 06/11/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £860,892.54 | £1,721,785.08 | 50.00% | NE8 3AE | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Newcastle City Council | North East ERDF SUD IB Technical Assistance project | ERDF | 9 | The project will provide Intermediate Body support for the North East’s Sustainable Urban Development ERDF programme, which will be delivered across part of the More Developed category of region in the North East LEP area. | 01/07/2017 | 30/06/2021 | £67,098.00 | £134,196.00 | 50.00% | NE1 8QN | North Eastern | England | 121 Preparation, implementation, monitoring and inspection |
North East Business & Innovation Centre Limited | North East SME Innovation Programme 2 | ERDF | 1 | The SME Innovation Programme aims to encourage SME’s to experience, understand and have confidence to undertake change through exploiting innovation. | 01/10/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £1,081,231.30 | £2,076,538.30 | 52.07% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | Innovative Materials via Precision Additive Coating Technologies (Project IMPACT) | ERDF | 1 | IMPACT, a CPI/University of Newcastle (NU) collaboration, supports the regional development of new products through application of additive manufacturing processes. | 01/04/2018 | 30/09/2022 | £3,271,353.60 | £5,723,408.00 | 57.16% | TS21 3FG | North Eastern | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
North Tyneside Council | Made in North Tyneside extension | ERDF | 3 | Made In North Tyneside (MINT), will increase the levels of enterprise activity with additional support for new and growing businesses to achieve enhanced levels of turnover, innovation and productivity. | 01/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,275,000.00 | £2,550,000.00 | 50.00% | NE27 0BY | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Sunderland | Internships and Enterprise Phase 3 | ERDF | 3 | This project is a continuation and evolution of the University’s current Internship and Enterprise project, which will support the start-up and growth of businesses in the North East through the deployment of graduate level skills. | 01/10/2018 | 29/09/2023 | £3,326,398.60 | £6,517,828.03 | 51.04% | SR1 3SD | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The Council of the City of Sunderland | Sunderland Economic Corridor - CLLD Implementation Stage | ERDF | 8 | This project will delivery the Local Development Strategy, improving connections between areas of need and opportunity by responding to community and resident priorities in the target area. The project will support potential entrepreneurs, enterprises and employment increase. | 26/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £900,000.00 | £1,500,000.00 | 60.00% | SR2 7DN | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Newcastle City Council | North of Tyne Community Led Local Development | ERDF | 8 | North of Tyne Community Led Local Development is a 5-year programme of support for the most disadvantaged communities in Newcastle and Wallsend. The value for money assessment is positive when the wider impacts of the project are considered. | 01/12/2016 | 31/03/2023 | £896,580.00 | £1,494,300.00 | 60.00% | NE1 8QN | North Eastern | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Northumberland Business Service Limited (NBSL) | North East Business Support Fund 5 (NEBSF 5) | ERDF | 3 | The project is a continuation of NEBSF3, activities will include pre-scale up support to SMES and a small grants scheme. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/04/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £2,960,434.00 | £5,922,989.00 | 49.98% | NE63 8AP | North Eastern | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
RTC North Limited | Supply Chain North East | ERDF | 3 | This programme will become an integral part of the North East Growth Hub, creating value for money through economies of scale, bringing together 4 existing, highly successful, strategically important (ERDF funded) supply chain development programmes in the North East LEP area. | 01/10/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £4,056,302.74 | £8,705,950.74 | 46.59% | SR5 3HD | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
North East Enterprise Agency Limited (NEEAL) | Enterprise Support in the North East 2 | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide business support to start up SMEs in the NELEP area, including 1-2-1s, networking and enterprise training. | 01/07/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,558,738.46 | £2,873,784.02 | 54.24% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Arch Commercial Enterprises Limited | Business Northumberland (2019-2022) | ERDF | 3 | Project activity will be an extension to the Business Northumberland 16-19 programme. Building on the success of the current ERDF funded project Business Northumberland 16-19, the project extension will continue to focus on encouraging growth within established SME’s and micro businesses in Northumberland and across the wider NELEP area. | 01/07/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £723,083.19 | £1,446,166.39 | 50.00% | NE63 8QZ | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Durham County Council | County Durham Growth Fund | ERDF | 3 | The County Durham Growth Fund will provide grant support to SMEs in County Durham for capital investment projects to stimulate and enable sustainable business growth. It will help address the deficit of private sector employment in County Durham by catalysing and enabling more and better-quality jobs to increase productivity and provide a broader range of opportunities for the workforce. Grants will be given towards capital investments by SMEs, where these investments have the potential to unlock growth. The SME activities that will be deemed eligible will include: • Acquisition of premises. • Capital works to extend or expand premises or to diversify their output. • Acquisition of plant, machinery, equipment or other tangible or intangible assets allowed under the State aid rules. | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £10,836,523.00 | £27,708,272.00 | 39.11% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Newcastle University | Northern Accelerator II | ERDF | 1 | This project builds on the current and successful ERDFfunded Northern Accelerator I project, which seeks to attract experienced business managers to commercialise university research through developing a business plan, making the company investor ready and raising investment funds to take the business forward. | 01/10/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £500,770.00 | £941,809.00 | 53.17% | NE1 7RU | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Northumberland County Council | County Hall Solar Carport, Storage and EV Charging | ERDF | 4 | County Hall Solar Carport EV Charging and Storage Project intends to install a solar farm in the car park of Northumberland County Council’s County Hall building. The solar farm would be suspended above the car parking spaces by steel frame canopies known as carports, utilising the specialist mounting frame would allow cars to continue to park underneath. | 11/12/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,940,616.50 | £3,881,233.00 | 50.00% | NE61 2EF | North Eastern | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
Durham County Council | Durham Ambitious Business Start-ups (DABS) | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide a three-year programme to encourage more high quality start-ups in County Durham, and to support them during the critical first 12 months of trad-ing. The purpose of this project will be to foster an eco-system within County Durham to support the creation of businesses, which have both the ambition and the capacity to grow rapidly from the first twelve months of inception. | 01/02/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £687,082.00 | £1,145,137.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
North Tyneside Council | Killingworth Sustainable Retrofit Project | ERDF | 4 | The Sustainable Urban Development funding will give the Authority an opportunity to build upon previous successful carbon reduction undertakings and create a whole place solution approach to energy reduction and generation on a key operational depot facility in Killingworth. It will also contribute to local surface water flood mitigation and biodiversity. | 01/10/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £2,851,257.00 | £5,702,516.00 | 50.00% | NE27 0BY | North Eastern | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
The Council of the City of Sunderland | Electric Vehicle Hub | ERDF | 4 | The project will create a Regional Electric Vehicle Hub to support the operation and maintenance of both new and electric commercial vehicles for public sector users. | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,619,375.00 | £3,238,750.00 | 50.00% | NE37 1EQ | North Eastern | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Intu Eldon Square Limited | intu Eldon Square - Integrated Solar PV & EV Charging Project | ERDF | 4 | The purpose of this project is to substantially decarbonise the energy supply to this major public site through the delivery of a substantial on-site (embedded) Solar PV installation. | 02/07/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £758,520.00 | £1,517,040.00 | 50.00% | SW1H 0BU | North Eastern | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
The Metrocentre Partnership | intu Metrocentre - Integrated Solar PV & EV Charging Project | ERDF | 4 | The purpose of this project is to substantially decarbonise the energy supply to this major public site through the delivery of a substantial on-site (embedded) Solar PV installation. | 02/07/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,742,361.11 | £3,484,722.23 | 50.00% | SW1H 0BU | North Eastern | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
The Council of the City of Sunderland | Next Generation Advanced Manufacturing Accelerator (N-GAMA) | ERDF | 1 | This project will support the transformation of the region's innovation eco-system for advanced manufacturing. The project will deliver bespoke and intensive innovation support to businesses to achieve smart and sustainable manufacturing operations which will build capacity and address the productivity puzzle. It will also strenghten regional capability to successfully commercialise product, process and service innovation within advanced manufacturing Power Electronics and Machine Drives (PEMD) sectors, and related supply chains. The support package will involve activities such as workshops, events, networking/knowledge transfer, supply chain activities, innovation grant support and provide open access to state of the art equipment. | 01/07/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £613,500.00 | £1,213,500.00 | 50.56% | SR2 7DN | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and incubation (including support to spin offs and spin outs) |
Durham County Council | Business Energy Efficiency Project 2 (BEEP2) | ERDF | 4 | BEEP 2, which is an extension of the current Business Energy Efficiency Project, will continue to provide a range of support to enterprises by actively promoting and pursuing achieving efficiencies via water, transport, and waste alongside electricity and gas, through undertaking green audits and providing a grant to implement the findings. When the BEEP project was initially contracted the guidance restricted the project to achieving CO2e savings through electricity and gas; BEEP 2 will be in a strong position to actively promote and enact efficiencies through water, transport, waste and behaviour change alongside electricity and gas through lessons learnt and experience gained by the BEEP team. | 01/10/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £1,038,010.00 | £1,730,017.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
North of Tyne Combined Authority | North of Tyne Growth Fund | ERDF | 3 | The North of Tyne Growth Fund will establish a fund of £15,140,938 with an ERDF contribution of £4.640,938 to provide financial incentives to help support indigenous SME’s. It will be ran by the North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA). • The objective of the project is to provide discretionary grants of approximately £125,000 and leverage £10.5m of private sector investment, creating 252 new jobs to the area, an average number of 9 jobs per grant equating to £13,888 investment per job created. • The primary aim of the fund is to support investment into the NTCA area that will create employment and stimulate growth. Businesses seeking support will need to demonstrate that financial assistance is required in order for the investment to progress. The grant will overcome barriers to make job creating projects viable and allow the NTCA to put forward financially attractive packages to potential SME projects. It is expected that the programme will also support the development of new products and services, with deeper and global market penetration. • The North of Tyne Growth Fund will support business growth and foster innovative processes which will drive productivity resulting in increased profitability, wage growth and employment growth in SME’s It will target indigenous North of Tyne businesses (SMEs including Social Enterprises), especially those in priority sectors, wishing to expand their operations. • It will attract Private Sector Investment, and will have multiplier effects in the local economy, as some of the spending will be with suppliers in the local area. | 01/01/2020 | 31/08/2023 | £4,640,938.00 | £15,140,938.00 | 30.65% | NE27 0QC | North Eastern | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Newcastle University | Creative Fuse North East | ERDF | 1 | Creative Fuse North East builds on the existing university-sector collaboration (Creativity Works 25R1600751) that utilises broad cross-university expertise to catalyse, develop and embed innovation potential and processes within North-East creative, cultural and digital SMEs, including the exchange of best practice from within the sector into the wider economy. The specific activities to be undertaken: • Practical, financial and material support for the innovation process within businesses. • Stimulating and enabling graduate start-up and spin out from universities. • Knowledge transfer, linked to priority growth sectors as set out in “Smart Specialisation in England”. • Support to engage more businesses in knowledge transfer and innovation. | 01/01/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £1,080,353.00 | £2,072,759.00 | 52.12% | NE1 7RU | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | SONNET - Smart cONNected tEchnology innovaTion Programme | ERDF | 1 | SONNET will establish the NELEP region as the ‘go-to’ location for development of IoT technology and process solutions, strengthening the complete ecosystem and supporting its SMART specialisation agenda. It will identify and attract new and established SMEs, investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and university spin-outs to the hub of excellence where they can solve manufacturing and systems challenges in IoT. SONNET brings together beneficiaries, support providers, customers and suppliers, resulting in a unique innovative cross-sector supply chain, facilitating inward investment, promoting job creation and assuring existing jobs in high value roles. | 01/02/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £2,010,926.00 | £3,879,105.00 | 51.84% | TS21 3FG | North Eastern | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
Durham County Council | Durham Future Innovation Building | ERDF | 1 | The purpose of the project is to increase the number of SMEs in County Durham engaged in research and innovation in order to help them bring new products and processes to market. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £813,803.00 | £1,356,338.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Durham County Council | Low carbon measures at Durham History Centre - whole building solution | ERDF | 4 | Durham Council aims to lower carbon emissions by 60% this project will build a vertical 150m deep 300KW ground source heat pump to meet 89% of the building’s heating demand and 60% of the cooling demand. A 945m2 array of solar photovoltaics to meet 31.8% of the building’s electrical requirements. A 35m2 evacuated tube solar thermal collector to generate up to 57% of the History Centre’s domestic hot water requirement. These will connect to the Hisorty Centre's building management system which will manage the heating and cooling of the whole History Centre. | 01/12/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,530,850.00 | £2,551,417.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
RTC North Limited | Scaleup North East - Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | Scale Up NE phase 2 will build on the lessons learned from Scaleup NE phase 1 to deliver bespoke support to increase the pool of scaleup businesses in the NE and to increase the success rate of existing Scale ups. The Outcome of phase 1 is the support specification which will then be used to assign ScaleUp partners to SMEs to support with delivery of more high intensive support/access to finance around building management and leadership capability, prepare for next stage of growth, managing finance, solving infrastructure requirements, sourcing skills required, accessing new customers, business recovery, continuity and resilience planning, leadership, markets (international/national) and supply chains and signposting to specialist expertise. Workshops/peer to peer support and learning, bootcamps, masterclassses will be used to target companies with potential to scale up. Grants will be available to support the scalup journey. Key areas of focus are around Life Science & health, advanced manufacturing, subsea and offshore technology and Creative, Digital, software & Technology based services. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,888,829.00 | £3,563,830.00 | 53.00% | SR5 3XB | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | PROSPECT | ERDF | 1 | PROSPECT is a 36month NELEP capital and revenue project. CPI, via PROSPECT, will provide competence in formulation & colloid science, nano-technology, powder processing and material science to the regional SME community operating within ‘construction’; ‘consumer goods’; ‘chemical & lubricants’; ‘food & drink’; ‘healthcare’; ‘homecare’; ‘industrials; ‘energy & security’; ‘materials’; ‘packaging’ and ‘personal-care’. PROSPECT will deliver radical new product design and new and enhanced products-by-process enabling (i)enhanced performance, (ii)better product stability, (iii)improved dispensing, (iv)ingredients substitution/minimisation and (v)superior manufacturing/processability properties. | 13/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,707,454.21 | £3,035,956.00 | 56.24% | TS21 3FG | North Eastern | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
The Borough Council of Gateshead | The Growth Fund | ERDF | 3 | Gateshead Council is establishing a £3.5m SME grant fund to provide financial incentives to help support: -Indigenous businesses located in Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland, especially those in priority sectors, wishing to expand their operations. -Inward investors (SMEs) looking to locate new operations in Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland, to support the objective of attracting new foreign direct investment into England. The project will provide discretionary grants of approximately £125,000 and leverage £10.5m of private sector investment, creating 252 new jobs to the area with an average number of 9 jobs per grant equating to £13,888 investment per job created. The grant funds will support eligible expenditure including land and buildings, premises lease costs, premises fit-out costs, plant, machinery and other capital equipment and revenue costs directly associated with a capital investment where eligible under ERDF rules. | 01/09/2020 | 31/08/2023 | £4,495,715.00 | £14,995,715.00 | 29.98% | NE8 1HH | North Eastern | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Northumbria University | Northumbria Enterprise & Business Support (NEBS) 2 | ERDF | 3 | Northumbria Enterprise and Business Support 2 (NEBS2) will provide a coherent package of services to enhance the competitiveness and growth of small/medium-sized enterprises and the creation of new enterprises in the North East LEP’s more developed areas. Overall the project will support 230 new and existing SMEs, benefiting from specialist sector expertise and knowledge within the University to support SME growth, improve business performance and competitiveness. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £953,841.00 | £1,907,682.00 | 50.00% | NE1 8ST | North Eastern | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
North East Business & Innovation Centre Limited | Catalysing Innovation in North East Clusters 2021-2023 | ERDF | 1 | The objective is to increase the number of innovation active businesses and increase investment in business, research, development and innovation. | 01/04/2021 | 31/07/2023 | £1,277,855.00 | £2,481,273.00 | 51.50% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 063 cluster support and business networks primarily benefiting SMEs |
Durham County Council | Low Carbon Depot | ERDF | 4 | This project will deliver an innovative low carbon retrofit to a council owned depot, incorporating a range of technologies providing the infrastructure to future proof and decarbonise the depot. The range of technologies implemented will turn this site into a very low carbon depot that is predicted to reach carbon neutrality as all fleet based there will transition to electric vehicles. | 01/05/2020 | 30/04/2023 | £5,005,618.00 | £8,342,698.00 | 60.00% | DH1 5UQ | North Eastern | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
Advance Northumberland (Commercial) Limited | Rural Design Centre Innovation Project (RDCIP) | ERDF | 1 | The project will provide innovation support to small and medium sized enterprises from across the More Developed region of the North East of England in order to develop new to firm products and services to address issues faced by the rural economy. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £787,889.00 | £1,724,692.00 | 45.68% | NE63 8QZ | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Northumberland County Council | North of Tyne Rural Business Growth Service | ERDF | 3 | The North of Tyne Rural Business Growth Service Project will establish a fund of £7,869,020 with an ERDF contribution of £3,477,345 which seeks to address barriers associated with a lack of appropriate business infrastructure and growth development in rural areas. In support of local priorities, the project will focus on ensuring that needs of rural businesses are met, and the growth of the rural economy supported. Delivered by Northumberland County Council and Advance Northumberland, activities will reflect local and regional demand in collaboration with North of Tyne partners. The project will deliver a locally accessible business support and advice service, to support the development of business growth. The service will provide a single point of contact, access to one-to-one specialist advice and a suite of workshops to help rural SMEs develop business plans to maximise their chances of securing funding to realise business growth opportunities. Rural SME’s will also have access to capital grants for investment in growth projects to increase productive capacity or support market diversification which will create new FTE jobs. | 03/02/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £3,468,873.09 | £7,849,851.71 | 44.19% | NE1 8QH | North Eastern | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Newcastle International Airport Limited | Newcastle Airport Solar Farm Phase 1 | ERDF | 4 | Newcastle Airport are proposing to install a solar farm at its site to provide the airport with a renewable energy source to meet some of its energy requirements. The solar farm will supply renewable energy to the Airport and contribute tomeet its energy needs in a sustainable manner, delivering carbon savings helping the airport to meet its sustainability responsibilities.The solar farm will be constructed on land at Newcastle International Airport. The specific activities undertaken as part of the project include thefeasibility,design, construction, operation and maintenance of the solar farm. Newcastle International Airport will appoint a specialist contractor to install and maintain the solar farm. | 06/12/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,820,880.00 | £3,641,760.00 | 50.00% | NE13 8BZ | North Eastern | England | 010 Renewable energy, solar |
South Tyneside Council | Hebburn Minewater Project | ERDF | 4 | This project will harvest the water from abandoned mines as a valuable heat source and provide heat through a small cluster of heat networks. | 01/01/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £4,882,759.78 | £9,765,519.57 | 50.00% | NE34 2RL | North Eastern | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
North East Business & Innovation Centre Ltd (BIC) | CP68 North East SME Innovation Programme 2 (Parent 25R17P02285) | ERDF | 1 | Action Note 68 Child project. NOTE - Parent Project is 25R1702285 | 22/07/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £225,913.90 | £225,913.90 | 100.00% | SR5 2TA | North Eastern | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Northumberland Business Service Limited (NBSL) | CPGH North East Business Support Fund 5 (NEBSF 5) (Parent 25R18P02323) | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide grants to SME's in the range of £1000 - £3000 to support 1-2-1 specialist advice or purchase minor equipment. This is to assist the SME to adapt or adopt new technology in order for them to continue to deliver business or diversify in response to COVID-19. | 01/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £2,409,907.00 | £2,409,907.00 | 100.00% | NE63 8AP | North Eastern | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Sunderland City Council | Vaux Housing Smart Energy Grid | ERDF | 4 | The Vaux West site will create a smart energy network combining on-site renewable energy generation, battery storage and demand-side management, showcasing the role of emerging zero-carbon technologies, accelerating demand and adoption and empowering future occupiers to take control, manage their energy use and lead healthy and sustainable lifestyles. | 01/01/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £2,054,895.00 | £4,109,791.00 | 50.00% | SR2 7DN | North Eastern | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
University of Northampton | Innovate Northamptonshire (IN) | ERDF | 1 | The project will increase productivity, growth and competitiveness in Northamptonshire’s SMEs by unlocking their potential through innovation. Focussing on key priority sectors for the county, the scheme will build an innovation culture, giving SMEs the knowledge, skills and support they need to innovate. It will enhance links between Northamptonshire SMEs and experts in the UK’s universities, and other sources of innovation and research expertise. This will address a historic serious under-performance in levels of innovation, investment in R&D, the adoption of ICT and patent applications. The project will develop a cohort of businesses who are engaged in innovation. | 01/03/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £1,182,694.00 | £3,671,633.00 | 32.21% | NN2 7AL | South East Midlands | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Northamptonshire County Council | DIGITAL NORTHAMPTONSHIRE | ERDF | 2 | Digital access is a key enabler and central to Northamptonshire’s growth plans. The project will work with SMEs to develop their digital capabilities, and provide vouchers to enable SMEs to upgrade their connection to Next Generation Access speeds. Overall the project provides value for money based on analysis of previous successful projects, and against programme benchmarks. | 01/12/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £300,540.00 | £601,086.00 | 50.00% | NN1 1D | South East Midlands | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
University of Northamtonshire | Ready2Grow (R2G) | ERDF | 3 | Ready2Grow will support 425 enterprises, 220 start-ups and create 550 new jobs. We will deliver these outputs by addressing gaps in the business support provision for SMEs with growth potential that do not qualify for national programmes, R2G is underpinned by a front-end diagnostic and segmentation tool, designed to target support-to-grow services to each key segment: • Inspire2 Grow – motivational events • Start2Grow – business skills, advice, grants • Plan2Grow - strategic training and development, growth planning and tailored support including grant funding up to £50K to support growth NGH will oversee an integrated client journey by brokering appropriate support. | 01/03/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £1,397,093.00 | £2,818,587.00 | 49.57% | NN2 7AL | South East Midlands | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Low Carbon Hub CIC | Growing Oxfordshire’s Low Carbon Economy | ERDF | 4 | Grow collaborations focussing on developing technologies. | 01/04/2017 | 31/03/2023 | £2,134,802.00 | £4,269,614.00 | 50.00% | OX1 1HU | Oxfordshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Oxfordshire County Council | Oxfordshire Business Support (OBS) – Innovation Support for Business (ISfB) Phase 2 | ERDF | 1 | Physical and digital innovation support programme to connect research and innovation centres and SMEs | 01/04/2017 | 31/12/2022 | £3,982,302.63 | £7,964,605.26 | 50.00% | OX1 1ND | Oxfordshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Oxfordshire County Council | Oxfordshire Business Support (OBS) – Start-Up and Growth | ERDF | 3 | Provide support infra-structure to accelerate SME formation. | 01/10/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £1,000,000.00 | £2,000,000.00 | 50.00% | OX1 1ND | Oxfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership | eScalate – Oxfordshire’s ScaleUp Project | ERDF | 3 | The project will be delivered by OxLEP through the Growth Hub and will sit alongside the Start-up and Growth and Innovation Support for Business ERDF funded projects, providing a seamless range of support services for eligible SMEs. OxLEP’s holistic GrowthHub offer aligns with and adds value to existing activities and provides greater ability to cross refer, reduces duplication and increases opportunities for collaboration. eScalate will provide the following business support elements; 1.ScaleUp Adviser –delivered by OxLEP;.2. Social enterprise support . 3.eScalate Grants –delivered by OxLEP–grants of between £1,000 | 01/04/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £1,655,913.43 | £3,311,887.47 | 50.00% | OX1 1SA | Oxfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) | CPGH eScalate – Oxfordshire’s ScaleUp Project (Parent 27R19P03063) | ERDF | 3 | The project is delivered by OxLEP by using the available £367,374 of ERDF to fund a grant scheme for SMEs. The scheme has been developed to offer COVID support grants typically in the range of £1,000 - £3,000, although on an exceptional basis the grant can be awarded up to a maximum of £5,000. These grants will typically support 1-2-1 specialist advice which SMEs could use to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists, etc. In addition, SMEs from the visitor economy, could also use grant funding to support: • productivity improvements, e.g. enhanced use of digital tools such as yield management software, mentoring, networking, etc.; • development of innovative delivery in a socially distanced economy – e.g. new ways to deliver cultural events and festivals; and • purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19 (N.B. As per the Specification, this could not include “purchase of equipment and consumables associated with PPE and social distancing measures”). For the avoidance of doubt, the project will not allow one single SME to receive both a Visitor Economy and a Wider Economy grant under this scheme and will make that clear in the Guidance Note. | 01/08/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £367,374.00 | £367,374.00 | 100.00% | OX1 1SA | Oxfordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Community Media Solutions Limited | Social Enterprise Exchange (28R15P00578) | ERDF | 3 | Social Enterprise Exchange will provide a comprehensive programme of social enterprise support contributing to jobs, growth and social inclusion across the Sheffield City Region, linked to the Regional Growth Hub and delivered by a consortium of specialists. | 01/07/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £1,262,226.00 | £2,162,462.00 | 58.37% | S1 2BX | Sheffield City Region | England | 073 Support for social enterprises (SMEs) |
EV Waddington Limited | Vantage Park Phase 2 (28R15P00566) | ERDF | 3 | The speculative development of a new 10,209m2 business park for knowledge based start-up businesses within 15 new build hi-tech units in a mix of sizes from 445m2 to 1,358m2. | 10/12/2015 | 30/09/2018 | £1,914,802.00 | £6,382,673.00 | 30.00% | S64 8AT | Sheffield City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | Superfast South Yorkshire Business (28R15P00574) | ERDF | 2 | This project will actively raise the awareness and understanding of what new technology, enabled by faster broadband, can achieve with the aim of raisingtake up and supporting businesses to access new markets, remain competitve and grow. | 01/04/2016 | 30/04/2019 | £500,000.00 | £833,333.00 | 60.00% | S70 2TA | Sheffield City Region | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
Sheffield Hallam University | The AWRC Emerging Technologies Hub (28R15P00571) | ERDF | 1 | The project will take place in the Advanced Well Being Research Centre (AWRC) in Sheffield, which is a £14.8m facility on the Olympic Legacy Park funded by the Dept of Health and Social Care (DoHSC).The AWRC’s aim is to connect large and small enterprises with the DoHSC’s desire to improve health outcomes. | 01/09/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £905,000.00 | £1,815,000.00 | 49.86% | S1 1WB | Sheffield City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
University of Sheffield | iCAIR – integrated Civil And Infrastructure Research ( 28R15P00608) | ERDF | 1 | Develop in conjunction with SMEs and large industrial partners the thematic innovation pipelinewith iCAIR providing research and innovation infrastructure and open access to specaliised equipment to advance four strategic themes; i. House a real world scale infrastructure test platform linking Smart Specialisations to remote inftastructure monitoring. ii.Space provision for an Advanced Materials and Manufacturing in Construction test platform to support the migration and uptake of transferable technology from high value sectors iii. Provide space for a unique automation and robotics test platform to aid the transition and adoption of automation technology within the infrastructure and construction sectots iv. Provise space for a Rapid Innovation and Systems Engineering platform that is capable of systematic evaluation of emergent innovations from other sectors and evaluate these against the needs of the construction and infrastructure sectors | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2020 | £1,999,707.00 | £7,288,873.00 | 27.44% | S10 2TN | Sheffield City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
University of Sheffield | Laboratory for Verification and Validation (LVV) (28R15P00605) | ERDF | 1 | This £11.2m project will create a unique 650m2 research and innovation facility for the validation and verification (V&V) of computational models of engineered aerospace, automotive and off-shore structures at all test scales and in all environments. | 01/09/2015 | 30/06/2019 | £3,199,864.00 | £7,552,195.00 | 42.37% | S10 2TN | Sheffield City Region | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Sheffield Hallam University | National Centre of Excellence for Food Engineering (NCEFE) (28R15P00596) | ERDF | 1 | The National Centre of Excellence for Food Engineering (NCEFE) is being developed as a UK leading R&D facility by Sheffield Hallam University in collaboration with the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) and private industry. ESIF investment will create food industry standard production space with workshops for collaborative R&D purposes, with production lines which will be flexible and able to accommodate a range of equipment and production processes representative of the needs of industry. | 01/05/2017 | 30/06/2020 | £2,781,488.00 | £5,854,671.00 | 47.51% | S1 1WB | Sheffield City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | Sheffield City Region Launchpad (28R15P00397) | ERDF | 3 | The Sheffield City Region (SCR) Launchpad aims to increase economic growth through fostering the development of new and sustainable growth businesses across the whole of the SCR. | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £2,359,663.52 | £3,971,316.05 | 59.42% | S70 2TA | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | Superfast South Yorkshire Connection and Innovation Vouchers (28R16P00895) | ERDF | 2 | This programme will deliver a demand led voucher scheme to at least 600 eligible SMEs in the Sheffield City Region LEP area over a two year and eighth month period. It will encourage firms to take-up faster digital connectivity (connection vouchers) and/or introduce enhanced ICT systems and/or processes that can improve business performance through faster digital connection. | 01/11/2016 | 31/03/2019 | £1,281,160.00 | £2,534,533.00 | 50.55% | S70 2TA | Sheffield City Region | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
Sheffield City Council | Sheffield City Region (SCR) Growth Hub (28R15P00586) | ERDF | 3 | SCR Growth Hub is part of the business growth strand of the Strategic Economic Plan and a key delivery mechanism as part of the response to the challenges facing the City Region over the coming decade. It will address barriers to growth of SMEs y establishing a Growth Hub model which will provide a uniform quality assured service across the Sheffield City Region. | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £2,667,542.00 | £4,841,802.00 | 55.09% | S1 2HH | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Sheffield Hallam University | Sheffield Innovation Project (28R15P00582) | ERDF | 1 | Sheffield Hallam Innovation Programme (SHIP) will deliver intensive innovation support to 100+ businesses in Sheffield City Region (SCR). It will provide SMEs with access to academic expertise, facilities and resources to deliver new products and services | 01/08/2016 | 31/03/2020 | £1,464,923.00 | £2,488,796.00 | 58.86% | S1 1WB | Sheffield City Region | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
University of Sheffield | Royce Translational Centre in Metal Alloy Powder-to-Part Manufacture (RTC-MP2) (28R15P00580) | ERDF | 1 | Our aim is to enable accelerated transfer of emerging research on Advanced Materials and Processing from the £36m Sir Henry Royce Institute - Sheffield Wing (SHRI-SW) to drive the development of novel processing routes as competitors to conventional proce | 01/09/2015 | 30/06/2019 | £4,005,654.00 | £8,011,303.00 | 50.00% | S10 2TN | Sheffield City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
University of Sheffield | Translational Energy Research Centre (Equipment) | ERDF | 4 | The centre will deliver two main activities, 1. provide innovation facilities for local enterprises to develop The project aims to establish a Translational Research Centre which brings together a range of low carbon energy (heat and power) generation facilities for biomass, biogas, and waste alongside PV, hydrogen-fuel cell technology, energy storage and smart energy management systems to deliver dual complementary benefit of: (1) demonstrating individual or integrated energy systems and wider energy ecosystems enabling business to explore different technology configuration scenarios and to better evaluate how these can be best utilised and exploited for their specific needs with the purpose of encouraging the uptake of low carbon technologies, process and systems and in particular renewable energy generation. (2) Promoting research and innovation in, and adoption of, low-carbon technologies by stimulating, nurturing and supporting collaborative R&D and fostering industry to industry and industry-research base collaboration and transfer of technology and ideas to stimulate to catalyse the development and commercialisation of new low carbon and clean-technology products, processes and services; underpinned by leading technology expertise at the University of Sheffield . | 01/06/2018 | 30/06/2022 | £1,769,141.00 | £3,027,900.00 | 58.43% | S10 2TN | Sheffield City Region | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
EV Waddington Limited | Northfields, Forge Way, Rotherham | ERDF | 3 | The speculative development of a new 5,156m2 business park for knowledge based start-up businesses within 2 new buildings to provide 10 new build hi-tech units in a mix of sizes from 444m2 to 914m2. The scheme will provide SCR with much needed commercial property stock that will be essential in helping to: • Provide premises available for immediate occupation • Accelerate development in the region • Attract inward investment into the city region • Promote new employment space to help growth key growth sectors • Create more private sector (high skilled) jobs • Reducing the productivity gap. | 01/08/2018 | 31/12/2020 | £1,473,283.00 | £4,394,902.00 | 33.52% | S64 8AT | Sheffield City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Sheffield Hallam University | ScaleUp 360 (formerly know as SCR Virtual Incubation & Accelerator Network VIAN) | ERDF | 3 | ScaleUp 360 will address specifici objectives; targeting high growth, scalable, early stage businesses and ambitious entrepreneurs, and increase entrepreneurship, particularly in areas with low levels of enterprise activity and amongst under-represented groups. It will achieve this by investing in resource which in addition to providing enterprise and mentoring support will reach into and beyond existing business start up pipelines and also into colleges, communities and business networks. It will combine local knowledge with advanced mentoring expertise and will strengthen early stage propspects which may have been generated by individuals with limited entrepreneurial experience and link them to collborative partnerships of peer entrepreneurs, industry buddies and mentor, and investor networks, | 01/02/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,868,028.57 | £3,180,815.47 | 58.73% | S1 1WB | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Barnsley Business & Innovation Centre Limited | Phase 5 Development | ERDF | 3 | This proposed project is to build a fourth phase within the grounds of the BBIC at Wilthorpe. It will be a two storey building with a total internal floor area of 13,110 sq ft. The project also consists of external works including new car parking, private access roads, cycle parking and landscaping. | 03/08/2018 | 30/06/2021 | £1,468,131.00 | £2,511,136.00 | 58.46% | S75 1JL | Sheffield City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | Launchpad | ERDF | 3 | The Launchpad aims to provide entrepreneurs in the SCR the opportunity to explore and challenge their business ideas. It is aimed at those individuals wanting to start a business, and those in the initial stages of their enterprise journey, and will support them up to 3 years of trading. | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £2,934,330.75 | £4,917,232.75 | 59.67% | S70 2TA | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Sheffield City Council | RISE Enhancement | ERDF | 3 | The RISE Enhancement Project is a programme of activity designed to help Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) access graduates, enabling increases in turnover, productivity and innovation within participating businesses across Sheffield City Region (SCR). | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £744,008.01 | £1,282,772.43 | 58.00% | S1 2HH | Sheffield City Region | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Sheffield Hallam University | Sheffield Innovation Programme Continuation | ERDF | 1 | Sheffield Innovation Programme 2 is an enhanced continuation of the current highly successful SIP programme which ends on 31st July 2019. SIP 2 will deliver intensive innovation support to 200+ businesses in the Sheffield City Region. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,265,578.00 | £3,906,172.00 | 58.00% | S1 1WB | Sheffield City Region | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Community Media Solutions Limited | Social Enterprise Exchange 2 | ERDF | 3 | Social Enterprise Exchange 2 is a follow-on project to the 36 month ERDF funded Social Enterprise Exchange launched in 2016 and which has built a strong profile in SCR as a focal point for social enterprise support with a pipeline of 30-40 new enquiries per month from entrepreneurs, social enterprises start-ups and existing social enterprise. | 01/07/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £1,327,306.00 | £2,288,451.00 | 58.00% | S1 2BX | Sheffield City Region | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | Business Productivity Programme | ERDF | 3 | The aim of this Programme is to create a single, coherent business support system for Barnsley to deliver sustainable and inclusive growth for the borough's economy using a partner-based approach alongsde the other support products being delivered using the Growth Hub 'umbrella' including the Launchpad, Sheffield Innovation Project, SFSY Innovation Vouchers, the Skills Bank and Access to Finance. | 01/04/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £5,866,788.00 | £9,777,980.00 | 60.00% | S70 2TA | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Sheffield Hallam University | Digital Innovation for Growth | ERDF | 1 | The partnership will deliver a range of digital support interventions into enterprises to promote increased business competiveness through digital innovations and the increased adoption of digital technologies in the production, process and operations of enterprises. Provision will include Cyber security, GDPR, E-Commerce, 3D printing, development and effective use of social media, search engine optimisation, Internet of things (IOT), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. | 01/03/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,066,970.00 | £1,809,228.00 | 58.97% | S1 1WB | Sheffield City Region | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
EV Waddington Limited | DINNINGTON BUSINESS PARK | ERDF | 3 | The speculative development of a new 7,500m2 business park for manufacturing and knowledge based start-up or expanding businesses within 3 new buildings to provide 10 new build hi-tech units in a mix of sizes from 503m2 to 1,252m2. The scheme will provide SCR with much needed commercial property stock that will be essential in helping to: · Provide premises available for immediate occupation · Accelerate development in the region · Attract inward investment into the city region · Promote new employment space to help expanding businesses in key sectors | 02/10/2019 | 31/12/2021 | £1,622,864.00 | £5,590,142.00 | 29.03% | S64 8AT | Sheffield City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | Digital Innovation Grant (DIG) | ERDF | 2 | DIG is a demand led voucher scheme designed to help small and medium sized businesses to develop their use of digital technology. By exploiting the digital technologies, businesses can access new markets, promote their products and services more effectively and develop new cost effective ways of working. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,601,065.00 | £2,668,565.00 | 60.00% | S70 2TA | Sheffield City Region | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council | Rotherham Renaissance Flood Alleviation Scheme – Phase 2A | ERDF | 5 | The project is to undertake the design and construction of 0.5km of new flood defences that will also improve riverside amenity. These defences would fill in two short low points adjacent to existing higher level embankments, railway bridges and high ground. The works are located immediately upstream of Rotherham Town Centre, alongside the River Don, canal and railway. They would prevent flood water spilling onto the railway, flowing along it and then flooding properties in adjacent employment areas, as occurred in the major floods of June 2007 (which impacted on approximately 400 existing properties and Town Centre infrastructure). | 01/03/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £4,120,000.00 | £8,560,000.00 | 48.13% | S60 1AE | Sheffield City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
University of Sheffield | Translational Energy Research Centre (Building) | ERDF | 4 | The UoS proposes to establish a multi-platform flagship national technology centre of excellence for Translational Energy Research Centre (TERC) at the (Advanced Manufacturing Park) AMP2 in the Innovation District. It proposes to: 1. Build a new bespoke building, 2. Install renewable energy generation and smart grid equipment 3. Bring in equipment from the National (BEIS –funded) Pilot-Scale Advanced CO2-Capture Technology (PACT) facilities focused on bioenergy with CCS, and 4. Acquire and install additional pilot-scale equipment for low carbon energy generation and research | 19/09/2018 | 31/08/2023 | £11,099,063.59 | £19,018,332.12 | 58.36% | S10 2TN | Sheffield City Region | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Sheffield City Council | Castlegate Grey to Green Phase 2 (4) | ERDF | 4 | The project will transform 1.4 Ha in the Castlegate area of the city centre by a ‘whole place’ approach to economic, environmental and cultural regeneration. | 25/03/2019 | 31/08/2022 | £1,481,878.00 | £4,079,164.00 | 36.33% | S1 2SF | Sheffield City Region | England | 090 Cycle tracks and footpaths |
Sheffield City Council | Castlegate Grey to Green Phase 2 (5) | ERDF | 5 | The project will transform 1.4 Ha in the Castlegate area of the city centre by a ‘whole place’ approach to economic, environmental and cultural regeneration. | 25/03/2019 | 31/08/2022 | £240,017.00 | £1,081,219.00 | 22.20% | S1 2SF | Sheffield City Region | England | 087 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention of clim |
Doncaster Borough Council | SHEFFIELD CITY REGION COMMUNITY WEALTH BUILDERS (CWB) | ERDF | 3 | Community Wealth Builders (CWB) will be accessible to the Sheffield City Region (SCR), pioneering new approaches to community wealth building through supporting the emergence of social entrepreneurs, community owned enterprises and cooperatives, to enable them to bring new products and services to the market place and meet the purchasing needs of anchor public and private sectors organisation. | 01/01/2020 | 31/10/2022 | £505,530.00 | £849,630.00 | 59.50% | DN1 3BU | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Carnell Management Services Ltd | Capitol Park Phase 2 | ERDF | 3 | The project comprises the speculative development of a new 4,166m2 (44,848sf) business park for grow on space within 2 units sized at 1.804 (19,417sf) and 2,363m2 (25,431sf) respectively. It will be targeted at attracting Inward Investors from outside SCR and also expanding indigenous businesses within the region. Phase 2 is expected to deliver around 120 gross FTE jobs (105 net) for 2 new SME businesses. | 01/08/2020 | 31/03/2022 | £1,003,520.00 | £3,325,407.00 | 30.18% | WF2 7AW | Sheffield City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Blue Deer Ltd | The Glass Yard | ERDF | 3 | The speculative development of new office accommodation and ancillary retail/leisure space in Chesterfield town centre. | 01/07/2020 | 31/12/2022 | £3,115,810.09 | £6,572,650.00 | 47.42% | S32 1BR | Sheffield City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Magna 34 Business Parks Ltd | Magna 34 Business Park, Rotherham | ERDF | 3 | The speculative development of a new 4,675m2 business park comprising B1 office accommodation and B2 work-shop space targeted at small or expanding business start-ups in the knowledge-based and manufacturing sectors. The development comprises 7 new buildings; 2 x B1 office units; 5 x B2 units, with the B2 units subdivided into 13 units - to provide a total of 15 new build hi-tech units in a mix of sizes from 204m2 to 494m2. | 01/10/2020 | 31/03/2022 | £1,142,779.00 | £3,120,344.00 | 36.62% | S35 9XB | Sheffield City Region | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
The University of Sheffield | The Sustainable Aviation Fuel Innovation Centre (SAF-IC) | ERDF | 1 | We will create a state-of-the art facility: the Sustainable Transport Fuels Research & Innovation Centre, delivering: 1) Construction of a bespoke new building, 2) enable regional SMEs to access the wide range of existing related technological capabilities in the University’s Faculty of Engineering, 3) 3. Specialist teams will provide dedicated support to regional SMEs to drive innovation and economic development for growing markets. | 22/01/2020 | 31/08/2023 | £4,960,315.00 | £8,267,191.00 | 60.00% | S10 2TN | Sheffield City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Sheffield City Council | Low Carbon Business Support | ERDF | 4 | This project will provide business support for c240 SMEs in three Local Authority areas in Sheffield City Region (SCR), helping to identify, fund and implement Low Carbon improvements within eligible businesses. SMEs receiving support will be helped to tackle barriers to the introduction of efficiency measures/technologies that reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. | 01/01/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £1,382,808.00 | £2,304,683.00 | 60.00% | S1 2BQ | Sheffield City Region | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects |
Capital Enterprise (UK) Limited | Tech Ecosystem Acceleration and Market-making (TEAM) | ERDF | 3 | TEAM will expand and improve business support and investment eco-system in South Yorkshire (SY) by delivering high-quality pre-accelerator, accelerator and investment readiness programmes to further grow the high value digital and tech cluster and thereby create high value jobs and prosperity. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £2,767,381.90 | £4,612,303.17 | 60.00% | EC2A 2BB | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Key Fund Investments Ltd | SCR Investing for Growth Fund | ERDF | 3 | The project will increase the number of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Social Enterprises (SME’s) in the Sheffield City Region (SCR) that are ‘investment ready’ (IR) and can access the finance that they need to grow and develop. The project will aim to make use of the developing technology allowing for online applications. Applications will be assessed by our experienced team and if eligible and required, applicants may receive IR support. Where or when applicants are deemed to be IR, grants will be made available to support growth. | 01/04/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,987,530.00 | £3,354,196.00 | 59.26% | S9 2RX | Sheffield City Region | England | 073 Support for social enterprises (SMEs) |
University of Birmingham | DIGI-RAIL (Sheffield City Region) | ERDF | 1 | FUTURE-RAIL will develop a programme of work to support the regions manufacturing, digital and service based businesses access the increasing number of R&D, commercial and emerging technology opportunities that exist in the rail sector. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,132,349.00 | £2,264,698.00 | 50.00% | B15 2TT | Sheffield City Region | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Sheffield Hallam University | SHU Testing, Imaging and Characterisation Centre for Innovation | ERDF | 1 | The Testing, Imaging and Characterisation Centre for Innovation (TICCI) will combine recognised strands of Sheffield Hallam University expertise into a business-accessible unit. The ESIF investment will fund the procurement of additional equipment in the University with R&D applications aimed at promoting innovation in enterprises, in particular SMEs in the Sheffield City Region (SCR). | 01/09/2020 | 31/12/2022 | £1,616,600.00 | £2,740,000.00 | 59.00% | S1 1WB | Sheffield City Region | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Devonshire Property (B2D) Limited | Hartington Business Park | ERDF | 3 | The speculative development of a new 11,134m2 (119,850 sq.ft) business park comprising 28 small high-quality B2 indus-trial units ranging from 175m2 – 655m2. The units will be targeted at small start-ups or expanding business as grow-on space i | 01/07/2021 | 30/04/2023 | £1,066,069.43 | £2,557,452.14 | 41.68% | DE45 1PJ | Sheffield City Region | England | Not set |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | CPGH Business Productivity Programme (Parent 28R18P02880) | ERDF | 3 | As a direct response to COVID 19 this project plans to suport SME businesses with direct grant awards both in the visitor and wider economy to survive and develop with the primary aims of business survival and safeguard jobs. Awards will prioritise visitor economy businesses and where they exceed the allocated grant allowance under visitor economy the wider economy grant pot will be prioritised for VE businesses and the project will therefore predominantly target VE businesss across SCR. These acitivites and grant awards are not currently offered by the Growth Hub | 10/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £1,118,978.00 | £1,118,978.00 | 100.00% | S70 9EX | Sheffield City Region | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Southampton | Innovation Network (IN) | ERDF | 1 | Strategic Fit and Value for Money requirements met. Through specialist innovation brokers and flexible forms of finance, SMEs will be supported to accelerate and increase the development of innovative products and services. Strong VFM has been demonstrated. The project will focus support on approx. 185 SMEs. Of the 5 Outputs, 2 will be delivered at an average unit cost of a third as compared to the Operational Programme's average unit costs and a further 2 at at an average unit cost of two thirds against the OP. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £1,500,000.00 | £3,000,000.00 | 50.00% | SO17 1RJ | Solent | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of Portsmouth | Supporting Innovation and Growth in Healthcare Technologies(SIGHT) | ERDF | 3 | The SIGHT project will support the development of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in regional, national and international markets within the medtech sector by developing a unique partnership between the SMEs, academics based at the University of Portsmouth (UoP), and clinicians and patients at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT). The project will be supported by the Wessex Clinical Research Network (CRN) who will help identify suitable sites and facilitate timely set up of appropriate clinical research projects. This new model will provide the specific market evidence and insight required for SMEs to ensure their products meet real, identified market needs along with the necessary guidance and support to enter and expand in new healthcare markets. | 01/07/2019 | 30/09/2022 | £851,951.00 | £1,703,903.00 | 50.00% | PO1 2UP | Solent | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Portsmouth | Low Carbon Solent | ERDF | 4 | The main delivery partners are the University of Portsmouth, University of Southampton, University of Winchester, and the Isle of Wight Council and Eastleigh Borough Council. Greentech South is a Technology and Innovation Cluster, created by Future Solent and hosted by Eastleigh Borough Council. Low Carbon Solent will be delivered by a combination of directly employed LCTS and dedicated activity of staff from the partner organisations. The main benefits of this project will be the development of an active cluster of low carbon companies and increasing the number working with research institutions and developing new-to-firm products. WP3 will result in anticipated GHG reductions in line with the LEP’s target | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £942,927.00 | £1,885,855.00 | 50.00% | PO1 2UP | Solent | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Isle of Wight Council | Rural Productivity Hubs and Spokes | ERDF | 3 | The project will support the creation of a co-working and incubation space on the Isle of Wight comprising of 1000 sq. meters of co-working/ event space and 1600 sq. meters of office/ workshop/ laboratory space. These will be linked to 6 smaller 'spokes' around the Solent LEP area providing business support and opportunities to collaborate for start ups and existing business. | 01/07/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,590,929.00 | £3,181,866.00 | 50.00% | PO30 1UD | Solent | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and incubation (including support to spin offs and spin outs) |
University of Portsmouth | CPGH Supporting Innovation and Growth in Healthcare Technologies(SIGHT) (parent 29R19P03285) | ERDF | 3 | This is a Growth Hub Child Project linked to the parent project of Supporting Innovation and Growth in Healthcare Technologies (SIGHT) (29R19P03285), delivering ERDF funding announced for the Visitor Economy and Wider Economy funds in response to Covid19 | 03/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £407,341.00 | £407,341.00 | 100.00% | PO1 2UP | Solent | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation | GetSet Solent | ERDF | 3 | Date published 21 September 2016 | 01/02/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £2,887,011.00 | £5,774,022.00 | 50.00% | PO1 2UP | Solent | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Hastings Borough Council | CHART | ERDF | 8 | Promoting self-employment, small business start-ups, supporting micro-businesses, attracting inward investment as key contributions to creating new jobs and securing economic benefits. Achieved by providing facilities, training/education, business support services, fostering and assisting local entrepreneurs and identification of employment opportunities to local candidates. | 01/03/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £9,875.00 | £19,750.00 | 50.00% | TN34 3UY | South East | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Thurrock Borough Council | Tilbury Community Led Local Development – Preparatory Stage | ERDF | 8 | Support local people secure jobs, develop skills for local job market, stimulate local micro and small enterprises, improve local infra-structure for businesses and promote volunteering as a route to employment. Provision of a new business advice and support programme and associated start-up grants, dedicated provision of education, training advice and support focussing on digital, tendering, business planning and marketing. | 01/04/2016 | 30/09/2016 | £9,332.00 | £18,664.00 | 50.00% | RM17 6SL | South East | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council | South East Business Boost - SEBB | ERDF | 3 | The SEBB Programme is an ‘enhanced’ business support service for SMEs across the SELEP area. It will deliver a suite of new ‘pan-LEP’ business support services alongside a set of products and services specifically designed and targeted to meet the needs of specific local business communities. The Programme will: • Support 964 businesses from SELEP growth sectors and ‘hard to reach’ areas of the business community • Provide ‘growth grants’ to 520 SELEP businesses, creating 241 new jobs and 130 ‘new to the firm’ products • Provide specialist support to 364 ‘high-potential’ businesses and SMEs in priority sectors • Support 160 ‘pre-start’ companies and 240 ‘start-up’ companies | 01/07/2016 | 31/03/2023 | £12,960,109.00 | £25,920,223.00 | 50.00% | SS2 6ER | South East | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
NWES | Essex Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | This project is successor to the successful Ready, Set, Go and From Hub to Spokes ERDF projects, integrating three core elements corresponding to need at different stages of business development: intensive support for pre-start individuals, tailored support for those new/established SMEs best-placed to unlock growth and discretionary grants to catalyse investment in growth and efficiency. | 01/09/2015 | 30/09/2019 | £1,212,270.00 | £2,612,270.00 | 46.41% | NR2 1JH | South East | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Shepway District Council | Folkestone CLLD – Developing the Stage 1 application | ERDF | 8 | Promote social and economic cohesion through interventions to help the most deprived communities. Achieved by helping residents access jobs, support local businesses and creation of job opportunities. Total outputs proposed offer good Value for Money measured against average unit costs of the Operational Programme. | 01/03/2016 | 30/09/2016 | £9,347.00 | £18,695.00 | 50.00% | CT20 2QY | South East | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Essex County Council | SOUTH EAST INVEST | ERDF | 3 | Strategic Fit and Value for Money requirements met. The project will create an inward investment service to meet the LEP area's key priority of increasing and attracting inward investment. The aim is to attract high quality investors to create long-term high worth jobs, increasing R&D spend and developing new technologies. The project demonstrates strong Value for Money delivering 5 of its 6 Outputs at average unit costs that are significantly below the Operational Programme's average unit costs. Additionally the project represents an 18% ERDF investment of the LEP's financial allocation but delivers 32% of its Output targets. | 01/05/2017 | 30/04/2020 | £1,795,463.00 | £3,590,926.00 | 50.00% | CM1 1LX | South East | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Thurrock Council | SECCADS (South East Creative, Cultural and Digital Sector) | ERDF | 3 | SECCADS will support the development of a growing creative, cultural and digital sector. Barriers to cluster expansion will be addressed through a range of measures. Total outputs proposed offer good VFM measured against average unit costs of the Operational Programme. | 01/01/2018 | 31/08/2021 | £2,578,973.00 | £5,157,946.00 | 50.00% | RM17 6SL | South East | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Kent County Council | LOCASE | ERDF | 4 | LOCASE will provide a consistent, accessible business support programme across the SELEP area that helps businesses optimise the use of resources and adopt eco-innovative and low carbon solutions in ways that improve business performance in terms of resilience, profitability and competitiveness, at the same time contributing to the protection and preservation of the environment. The project will provide business support to 1,050 SMEs, cut emissions by 6,510 TCO2, support 67 new businesses, introduce 80 new products, knowledge transfer with 33 businesses, create 270 new jobs in LCEGS sector, invest £18,761,888 in business, and raise awareness of LCEGS to 200,000+ people. | 29/02/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £10,379,264.00 | £21,722,335.00 | 47.78% | ME14 1XX | South East | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Kent County Council | Foreign Inward Investment Kent | ERDF | 3 | Led by Kent County Council and delivered in collaboration with a competitively procured contractor, this 36 month (May 2016 – April 2019) £3.489m project will attract and support high value, high technology, leading edge and high growth UK and foreign inwardly investing SMEs, creating 350 new high quality jobs, helping existing overseas investors to expand their operations and working with UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) as a partner both in the UK and through its global network. The project will operate in Kent and Medway. | 01/08/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £4,208,098.00 | £8,416,196.00 | 50.00% | ME141XX | South East | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Shepway District Council | Folkestone CLLD Programme: Folkestone Community Works | ERDF | 8 | Promote social and economic cohesion through interventions to help the most deprived communities. Achieved by helping residents access job and supporting local businesses. Total outputs proposed offer good VFM measured against average unit costs of the Operational Programme. | 26/10/2016 | 31/12/2022 | £1,515,783.00 | £3,031,566.00 | 50.00% | CT20 2QY | South East | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Hastings Borough Council | CHART (Connecting Hastings and Rother Together) | ERDF | 8 | Promoting self-employment, small business start-ups, supporting micro-businesses, attracting inward investment as key contributions to creating new jobs and securing economic benefits. Achieved by providing facilities, training/education, business support services, fostering and assisting local entrepreneurs and identification of employment opportunities to local candidates. | 26/10/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £1,974,920.00 | £3,949,840.00 | 50.00% | TN34 3UY | South East | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Thurrock Borough Council | Tilbury Tomorrow | ERDF | 8 | assesses profile of jobs and readiness of local workforce to access jobs. It reaches out to the most deprived and marginalised members of the community. | 01/10/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £426,099.00 | £852,198.00 | 50.00% | RM17 6SL | South East | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
Colchester Borough Council | Mercury Rising | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide much needed business support to 100 SME’s working in the creative industries and allied to the performing arts who are already located in the SELEP region or wish to do so, and who have the potential to expand, but who are restricted by the lack of suitable work spaces and suitable business support in the region. | 01/11/2018 | 30/11/2021 | £1,258,287.00 | £2,741,072.00 | 45.90% | C03 3WG | South East | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Maidstone Borough Council | Kent Medical Campus Innovation Centre | ERDF | 3 | This project will deliver the construction of a 2,787sqm Innovation Centre at Kent Medical Campus Enterprise Zone, offering flexible, serviced office accommodation for SMEs focused on life science, healthcare and medical technology activities, with onsite and offsite business support providing a nurturing environment for start-ups and growing businesses in these sectors. Within the Innovation Centre itself, SMEs will benefit from access to a combination of high-grade office accommodation and workshop space to facilitate the development of new products and services, in doing so addressing a significant under provision across the SELEP area. The centre will also provide conferencing and meeting space to assist in the formation of a “research hotel” where businesses, academics and medical professionals can collaborate to enable new ideas to be developed and new to the firm and market products introduced. Accompanying the physical build will be a comprehensive business support programme tailored to cater for life science, medical technology and social care and health businesses across the SELEP area, complementing existing provision available through the Growth Hubs, South East Business Boost and Manufacturing Growth Programme and acting as a route for referral. | 11/05/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £5,787,782.00 | £13,315,604.00 | 43.47% | ME15 6JQ | South East | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
London South Bank University | R&D-4-SMEs | ERDF | 1 | Project R&D-4-SMEs will deliver a programme for SMEs serving the creative, cultural and media sector adopt new digital technologies. The highly competitive nature of this sector means that companies working within it must keep pace with advances in technology. THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES WILL BE DELIVERED a) in Purfleet, in refurbished buildings at High House Production Park (HHPP); and b) throughout the SELEP area, on both sides of the river, via a mobile lab. | 06/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £3,061,666.00 | £6,123,332.00 | 50.00% | SE1 0AA | South East | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of East London | South East New Energy | ERDF | 4 | South East New Energy will help organisations better understand their energy needs and reduce energy consumption, generate renewable energy, and reduce carbon emissions; stimulate demand for Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS) and help the local supply chain meet that demand; support start-ups in the LCEGS sector; facilitate low-carbon building retrofit projects (domestic and non-domestic); and support innovation in the LCEGS sector by helping innovators collaborate with research institutions, commercialise new LCEGS products and services, and initiate demonstration and pilots for new technologies and services. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £3,181,512.00 | £6,363,024.00 | 50.00% | E16 2RD | South East | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Southend on Sea Borough Council | CPGH South East Business Boost - SEBB (Parent 30R16P00092) | ERDF | 3 | This is a Growth Hub Child Project linked to the parent project of South East Business Boost - SEBB (Parent 30R16P00092) delivering ERDF funding announced for the Visitor Economy and Wider Economy funds in response to Covid19 | 01/09/2020 | 31/05/2021 | £880,960.00 | £880,960.00 | 100.00% | SS2 6ER | South East | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Kent County Council | Low Carbon Across the South East (LoCASE) 2 | ERDF | 4 | This is an extension of the current LoCASE project, which will continue to provide a consistent, accessible business support programme across the SELEP area that helps SMEs optimise the use of resources and adopt eco-innovative and low carbon solutions in ways that improve business performance in terms of resilience, profitability and competitiveness, at the same time creating jobs and contributing to the protection of the environment. It will achieve this by bringing together 3 key requirements for the growth of a low carbon economy - “Stimulating Demand”, “Supporting Supply” and “Transferring Knowledge”. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £7,138,388.00 | £14,719,275.00 | 48.50% | ME141XQ | South East | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Luton Borough Council | RENEW (Luton / Corby / Kettering) | ERDF | 4 | The aim of the project is to find a cost effective and reliable way of delivering comfortable, low carbon solution to 224 homes First by improving the performance of the fabric and core building services; followed by the whole house energy solutions. The project RENEW aims to develop area-wide replicable solutions for hard to treat homes within Luton. This includes current innovative, retrofit insulation products specifically for EWI (External Wall Insulation), energy saving technology and heat recovery. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2021 | £1,487,746.00 | £2,975,490.00 | 50.00% | LU1 2BQ | South East Midlands | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
South East Midlands LEP | Velocity Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | Velocity is the Growth Hub for the South East Midlands. It will join up, simplify and strengthen support to: ? Increase growth among existing enterprises; ? Increase investment in the area by foreign-owned enterprises. • Velocity will work with national and local providers to add value beyond their individual service offers to assist SMEs on their growth journey. • The expected results: ? 912 SMEs receiving information, diagnosis and brokerage; ? 695 SMEs receiving support; ? 265 new jobs created; ? 205 SMEs receiving grants; ? 40 SMEs supported to introduce new products and services | 01/01/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £2,077,357.00 | £4,154,709.00 | 50.00% | MK43 0BT | South East Midlands | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
The University of Bedfordshire | ICT Escalator | ERDF | 2 | ICT Escalator will enhance access to, and increase the use and quality of, Information and Communications Technology and Broadband provision for SME’s across SEMLEP’s area Through a structured programme of triage, expert development support, higher skilled internships, promotional and network activities, interlinked with regional and national support programmes, and a number of small development grants the project will increase demand for technology adoption and enable SMEs to build and develop more successful ICT-driven business. This project builds on existing models of excellence, and draws upon best practice identified inn SQW’s evaluation report of the BIS Small Business Digital Capability programme. | 01/09/2016 | 31/08/2019 | £576,403.26 | £1,209,192.26 | 47.67% | LU1 3JU | South East Midlands | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Medilink East Midlands Ltd | ACTIS - Advanced Clinical Technology Innovation Support | ERDF | 1 | The project will allow SMEs to access high-value cutting-edge expertise from:- • research entities (universities, NHS); • advanced clinical-technologies and life-sciences specialists; • advanced / high-technology manufacturing and medical businesses; • intellectual property and regulatory affairs experts; • peer groups via network building; • other sectors. Access to support will ensure businesses can grow by introducing new products / services benefiting from:- • innovations; • identified clinical needs; • incorporation or utilisation of cutting-edge technologies; • incorporation of market understanding, regulatory and IP strategies. All leading to:- • sector development through local knowledge-base; • improved commerciality of products; • reduced development timescales; • creation of ground breaking high-technology products; business growth, creation and survival. | 01/07/2016 | 30/06/2023 | £1,288,548.61 | £2,577,097.21 | 50.00% | NG1 1GF | South East Midlands | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Cranfield University | Innovation In Manufacturing, Aerospace and Green economy (IMAGE) | ERDF | 1 | The IMAGE project is a programme of support for businesses within Manufacturing and Advanced technologies; Aerospace; and The Green Economy, which e align to three of the key sectors identified by SEMLEP as offering the greatest potential to grow. The project offers good value for money with all outputs forecast to be delivered at costs below the average for the operational programme. | 01/03/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £549,623.00 | £1,099,249.00 | 50.00% | MK43 0AL | South East Midlands | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
The Open University | CityLabs | ERDF | 1 | This project will address low innovation levels in SMEs, which is a local priority for investment. The project will address the specific gap in both technological and business skills that prevent SMEs from taking full advantage of the opportunities for innovation emerging in the region. The project represents reasonable value for money when compared to the programme benchmarks for similar projects. | 01/06/2017 | 31/05/2019 | £264,079.00 | £529,282.00 | 49.89% | MK7 6AA | South East Midlands | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Wenta | South East Midlands Start Up Programme (SEMSUP) | ERDF | 3 | The project will meet key local priorities for prestart and start-up business; and provide specialist support for start-up Social Enterprises. The project delivers very good value for money against the key performance outputs. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £908,741.00 | £1,817,482.00 | 50.02% | WD24 7ND | South East Midlands | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
The University of Bedfordshire | ALPHAS | ERDF | 3 | The ALPHAS project seeks to create a conduit for knowledge exchange between Universities and SMEs in order to solve business problems that are preventing SME growth, creating capacity within the business for further employment and supporting the regional aim to retain graduate talent. ALPHAS is focussed on Knowledge Exchange Projects (KEPs); placing an up-to-date and business-ready graduate within the SME to boost the capacity of that company for scale-up and to provide opportunities for graduates to work in local firms rather than leaving the region. This creates a pipeline for the exchange of modern intellectual property, using the most current business improvement methods, focussed on solving a current problem that has been identified as inhibiting company growth. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2022 | £1,434,717.00 | £2,887,886.00 | 49.68% | LU1 3JU | South East Midlands | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership Limited | GrowthCurve | ERDF | 3 | GrowthCurve will provide tailored and targeted support to high-potential and scaleup SMEs in the South East Midlands. Led by SEMLEP’s two Growth Hubs (Velocity and Northamptonshire) and three local universities (University of Northampton, Cranfield University and the University of Bedfordshire), the project will seek to stimulate growth within the region’s most promising small and medium sized businesses. | 01/07/2019 | 30/06/2022 | £2,496,754.00 | £4,993,506.00 | 50.00% | MK43 0BT | South East Midlands | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Northampton Borough Council | Northampton Cultural Hub – Creative Industries Workspace | ERDF | 3 | The project will involve the development of 5,375 sq m of new floorspace through the refurbishment of existing histroci and Grade 2 listed buildings and the development of a new block focussed on accommodating and nurturing new and growing Creative Industries SMEs. | 26/02/2019 | 30/11/2020 | £3,062,315.00 | £11,330,000.00 | 27.03% | NN1 1DE | South East Midlands | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Luton Council | Renew2 | ERDF | 4 | The applicant is proposing improve the thermal efficiency of five tower blocks, thus reducing their carbon footprint and improving the thermal comfort for the residents. The measures taken will impact upon 560 flats and includes, external cladding; the installation of heat exchange ventilation systems, LED lighting, solar panels and battery storage. This is a second phase project. | 01/08/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £6,529,405.00 | £13,058,811.00 | 50.00% | LU1 2BQ | South East Midlands | England | 014 Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demo |
University of Bedfordshire | Productivity Escalator | ERDF | 2 | Productivity Escalator (PE) is a practical assistance project that will run for 3 years from July 2020 to June 2023 and will help SMEs from the SEMLEP area to do more online or with digital technology, thus improving their productivity and their potential to export. | 01/01/2021 | 30/06/2023 | £899,953.00 | £1,918,748.00 | 46.90% | LU1 3JU | South East Midlands | England | Not set |
Luton Borough Council | Open-Lea (De-culverting River Lea in Luton) | ERDF | 6 | “Open-Lea” involves de-culverting part of the River Lea, creating a park with biodiversity gains in the centre of Luton (opening up a covered river). | 01/04/2020 | 01/04/2023 | £958,201.00 | £1,916,402.00 | 50.00% | LU1 2BQ | South East Midlands | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection |
Wenta | South East Midlands Start Up Programme (SEMSUP 2.0) | ERDF | 3 | The project will meet ERDF principles of inclusion and address local priorities for prestart and start-up business. SEMSUP fills a well-recognised, strategic and economic gap across the SEMLEP area where no start up provision across the whole patch is available at present. | 28/11/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £659,588.00 | £1,319,177.00 | 50.00% | WD24 7ND | South East Midlands | England | 007 Not applicable |
South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership | CPGH SEMLEP kick start recovery scheme (Parent 31R18P02609) | ERDF | 3 | We plan to use the funding to respond to the immediate crisis and impact of COVID19 by building resilience and recovery potential which aligns with our plans for the additional funding we have received from BEIS in response to the impact of COVID19. We plan for our activity to comprise of the followingelements:•Deliveryof kickstart COVID recovery grants for the visitor economyAs part of the activity, we want to deliver a kickstart recovery grant scheme for the visitor economy sector. We recognise locally that this sector has been heavily impact by COVID19. In line with the scheme guidance, we would offer grants to visitor economy businesses to do the following: •Specialist advice in the form of consultancy which visitor economy SMEs could call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists. •Purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19•Support with productivity improvements such as enhanced use of digital tools such as yield management software, mentoring,web applications to improve productivity. •Support withinnovative delivery in a socially distanced economy –for example, new ways of delivering cultural events and festivals that are so critical to the visitor experience.We anticipate that the average grant size will be £3000. We do not aim to do many (ifany) grants above this figure. We have profiled to deliver 68visitor economy grants within the budget available, which would mainly be £3000 grants. | 14/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £692,532.00 | £692,532.00 | 100.00% | ST16 2DH | South East Midlands | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Staffordshire County Council | Rural Enterprise Programme | ERDF | 3 | Grants will be awarded to sympathetically convert under-utilised buildings, transforming them into productive workspaces that increase productivity and/or create/safeguard jobs. Grants to construct new rural workspaces, creating new jobs for local people, will also be available. The Programme will be open to SMEs, operating in eligible activities, in rural areas of the Stoke & Staffordshire LEP area. Outcomes include increased availability of rural workspaces; creation and retention of rural jobs; increased SME productivity; investment in the wider rural economy; and a strengthening of the social and environmental fabric of rural areas. | 07/09/2016 | 31/07/2019 | £655,662.00 | £1,394,803.00 | 47.01% | ST16 2DH | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Staffordshire County Council | Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme (LCBEP) | ERDF | 4 | The Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme (LCBEP) is going to help businesses across SSLEP area improve their productivity, energy efficiency and environmental performance by evolving into low carbon businesses. We will help businesses engage in more energy efficient processes and practices. We will support businesses to operate within the low carbon goods and services sector by taking an innovative approach to diversifying and evolving their products and services into the low carbon sector. Innovation and collaboration between businesses and Universities will encourage commercialisation of new low carbon energy efficient technologies, products and services. | 20/08/2015 | 30/06/2023 | £1,949,199.67 | £3,248,667.26 | 60.00% | ST16 2DH | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Staffordshire & Black Country Business Innovation Centre Ltd | Staffordshire Business Innovation and Incubation Support 3 (SBIIS3) | ERDF | 1 | CONTINUATION AND EXPANSION OF EXISTING SUCCESSFUL SBIS2 ERDF PROJECT The key aims of the project are to: 1. Increase the culture of Innovation within Staffordshire SMEs. 2. Increase the number of New Products or Processes developed within Staffordshire. 3. Increase the number of High Value businesses within Staffordshire. 4. Increase the number of High Growth businesses within Staffordshire. 5. Increase the number of High Value, High Growth Jobs within Staffordshire. 6. Increase the interaction of businesses with Research Institutions This will be achieved through: • Innovation Workshops • Specialist Intensive Assistance • Incubation & Virtual Incubation • New Product or Process Development assistance (Proof of Concept) Over the life of the project we expect to achieve: • 300 Individuals attending the Innovation Workshops • 180 SMEs Receiving Intensive Business Assistance • 200 Jobs Created • 60 New Products or Processes developed • 60 Businesses interacting with research institutions • A 10% increase of GVA overall | 01/01/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £3,680,150.24 | £6,133,354.65 | 60.00% | ST11 9AU | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Keele University | Keele Institute for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Leadership (KIEIL) | ERDF | 3 | The KIEIL project will provide an intensive innovation leadership programme for entrepreneurs and established business leaders in innovation-intensive sectors including medical technology, healthcare, environment and energy, alongside individual support for the development and implementation of bespoke start-up and growth plans. The programme will be delivered by a team of experienced business leaders and academics based in Keele Management School. 45 entrepreneurs and business leaders will benefit from the latest global thinking on innovation management. It will enable ten enterprises to become enterprise ready with the acceleration of new products to market, and create 20 new, high value jobs during the project period. The overriding aim is to catalyse a new eco-system of innovative business leaders helping to establish Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire as a prime location for high value industries. | 01/07/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £826,051.00 | £1,376,752.00 | 60.00% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Staffordshire Chambers | Mentoring Growth Service | ERDF | 3 | Mentoring Growth Service will work with new and growing SME’s to increase company performance and business survival in over 382 Staffordshire businesses. It will help businesses access support provided by mentors who run successful businesses, and provide companies with the motivation, ability, ideas and resources to grow, focusing on those not previously receiving support. The project enhances mentors’ skills through shared best practice and knowledge transfer. It will primarily work with key sectors, such as, manufacturing, professional services & creative businesses referred to us by the Growth Hub and those deemed not yet ready to access the Business Growth Service. | 01/09/2015 | 30/09/2023 | £1,325,766.00 | £2,209,710.00 | 60.00% | ST1 5BE | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Staffordshire University | be inspired Staffordshire University (biSU) | ERDF | 3 | Provide a highly skilled and knowledgeable ‘one stop shop’ to promote and support entrepreneurialism amongst the Higher Education Institution (HEI) student / graduate population in the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent area. 160 (P11) people intensively assisted to start a business, will lead to 100 C1 (C2) outputs, 100 new graduate led businesses created during the lifetime of the project and 100 FTE new jobs. This project was extended when the biSU+ project (447) was approved. A PCR extension was signed off in December 2018 and the extension project was shown as withdrawn on this database. (DC 01/02/19) | 04/01/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £1,600,040.00 | £2,666,734.00 | 60.00% | ST4 2DE | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Stoke on Trent City Council | Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Grants For Growth | ERDF | 3 | To allow the Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Growth Hub to provide grant aid to local SME’s to offer the opportunity to grow in regional, national and international markets and as a direct consequence create new jobs within the company. Grants provided will cover both capital and revenue items with a minimum grant level at £10,000 to a maximum of £250,000. This will be a complementary service to the local Growth Hub grants which will be limited to £10,000 and provide an option for SME’s with an appetite to make a larger investment and result in higher employment. | 13/09/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £5,139,181.90 | £16,213,636.56 | 31.70% | ST4 1HH | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Staffordshire County Council (Enjoy Staffordshire) | Staffordsheer Excellence | ERDF | 3 | This project will address the market failure and underperformance of the Staffordshire visitor economy through improving the quantity, quality, performance, productivity and sustainability of the Staffordshire tourism sector. Sector SMEs will benefit from dedicated business support which will improve SMEs capacity to attract increased numbers of domestic and inbound leisure and business visitors which will in turn drive increased spend and revenue, enabling SMEs to create more employment and become more sustainable over the long term. | 09/09/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £536,993.00 | £894,981.00 | 60.00% | ST16 2DH | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Staffordshire County Council | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | Do: This project will address the objectives of the Open Call through increasing private-sector investment & growing SME capacity via business support, 1-2-1 advice & small grants through the provision of a ‘one stop shop’ for business support across the Staffordshire LEP geography. Achieve: It will streamline business support in the SSLEP area, and will achieve SME growth and sustainable start-ups by providing a) localised business support and b) referrals to national programmes. This will create jobs and wealth. Some 75% of beneficiaries are expected to be eligible SMEs. | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £1,565,805.00 | £2,788,249.00 | 56.16% | ST16 2DH | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Keele University | Keele University Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND) | ERDF | 4 | The Smart Energy Network Demonstrator will be a world class demonstrator facility for smart energy research, development and innovation (RD&I), enabling businesses to develop, test and evaluate new energy technologies, and allied services, on a smart energy network demonstration system, in order to assess their efficiencies in terms of system integration, energy reduction, cost and greenhouse gas emissions. An investment of £15.3m, of which £5.9m has already been secured by contingent co-investment from the former Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) (now BEIS), will fund 3 things: (1) Capital equipment, facilities and plant to convert an existing energy supply network into a smart energy network demonstrator (SEND) RD&I facility; (2) A supply change development programme for smart energy technologies and services; and (3) a collaborative Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) product development programme with eligible companies and universities to support the development and commercialisation of new SMART energy products and services using the SEND RD&I facility. | 01/01/2017 | 30/09/2023 | £9,971,246.00 | £16,631,469.00 | 59.95% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 015 Intelligent Energy Distribution Systems at medium and low voltage |
Keele University | Keele Research & Innovation Gateway | ERDF | 1 | Keele Research & Innovation Gateway (KRIG) will support 160 SMEs across the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP area, over a 3-year period, to increase investment in research, development and innovation (RD&I). | 01/07/2016 | 31/05/2019 | £1,351,708.00 | £2,294,403.00 | 58.91% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Keele University | MRDC Revenue Phase 1 | ERDF | 1 | The project will drive investment in research and innovation amongst SMEs operating in the Healthcare/ Medtech sector. This is a key strategic sector for Stoke and Staffordshire LEP. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £623,657.00 | £1,039,429.00 | 60.00% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Keele University | Keele University Science & Innovation Park Smart Innovation Hub | ERDF | 1 | The project will provide an enhanced research and innovation (R&I) infrastructure in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire with capacities to develop R&I excellence in identified areas of comparative advantage. Support will promote/increase investment by Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) in R&I through the development of the strength and number of collaborative links between enterprises and centres of R&I excellence. The project proposal represents VFM against the Operational Programme’s benchmark output unit. It also represents VFM from a LEP allocation perspective | 13/04/2017 | 30/09/2023 | £10,229,918.00 | £17,049,865.00 | 60.00% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 059 Research and innovation infrastructures (private, including |
Stoke on Trent City Council | Trent SUNRISE ( Stoke & Urban Newcastle Rediscovering Its Secret Environment ) | ERDF | 6 | Trent SUNRISE is a targeted programme of habitat restoration projects across Stoke and urban Newcastle –under-Lyne. It will deliver a network of high quality green and blue infrastructure with over 200 hectares of biodiversity habitat. | 02/01/2018 | 31/12/2022 | £2,103,629.30 | £3,600,597.30 | 58.42% | ST1 4HH | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Staffordshire University | Staffordshire Digital Innovation Partnerships | ERDF | 1 | Over the three-year programme 36 digital innovation partnerships will be delivered in the SSLEP area. These will be Digital Innovation Partnerships (12), Business Intelligence Partnerships (12) and Social Challenge Innovation Partnerships (12). This will equate to 12 businesses in each strand receiving specialist support and advice. The interventions are of an intensive nature, lasting for 24 weeks with an academic/researcher working for half day each week and a full time graduate or student intern for the 24-week term. This will demand significant input from the beneficiary businesses and the relatively low number of 36 businesses is therefore a realistic and deliverable figure. In addition to the placements, the Social Challenge strand will also include 12 £10k grants to the businesses to help R&D of early prototypes to address social issues as identified by Staffordshire County Council. All support will be free to businesses and will be offered on a competitive basis. The value for money is good, with efficiency output unit costs being, on the whole, below programme benchmarks. Effectiveness measures are delivering 5% of the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP C1 output targets for 3.4% of the Priority 1 budget. | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,011,900.00 | £1,686,500.00 | 60.00% | ST4 2DE | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Keele University | MRDC Revenue Phase 2 (Business Bridge) | ERDF | 1 | the project supports innovation led growth for SMEs in the healthcare/medtech market. The assistance offered will include SME collaboration with University experts, and where needed an innovation voucher scheme to fully fund help from external independent advisors. This builds on the successful phase 1 activity. The value for money is good, with the project requesting 2.81% of the SSLEP PA1 budget for 5.47% of the C1 PA1 outputs to be delivered. | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £999,873.00 | £1,666,455.00 | 60.00% | ST4 2DE | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Staffordshire County Council | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Growth Hub (Extension) | ERDF | 3 | From April 2019 to march 2022 the Growth Hub will provide all businesses (start up, small, medium & large companies) with the following business support services. This application contains only those elements of the service that are eligible for ERDF i.e. working with SME’s providing support across the SSLEP area. | 01/04/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £2,793,461.00 | £4,655,769.00 | 60.00% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Staffordshire University | Staffordshire Advanced Manufacturing and Technology Prototyping and Innovation Demonstrator | ERDF | 1 | The applicant proposes to deliver a project which develops the R&D and innovation capabilities of SMEs through the provision of access to advanced manufacturing facilities and expertise based at Staffordshire University. The project will target 50 SMEs across a number of sectors that would benefit from advanced manufacturing methods. The project will be delivered through a ‘demonstrator facility’ based in the Staffordshire University campus. In practice, this will be a room containing a number pieces of advanced manufacturing equipment including 3D metal printers, a robotic arm and probe station. Eligible SMEs will have access to this equipment through a booking system and will be supported by technicians on site providing inductions, training and general support with the machinery. Support will also be delivered through 12-week interventions where the SME will have access to knowledge transfer through an allocated academic expert and prototyping consultant at the university. Successful SMEs will be allocated a dedicated academic, selected based on the type and needs of the business, The support will be led by demand from the SMEs and the intervention will be project managed with standard project management methodology being deployed. They will work together on delivering an agreed project over the twelve week period; completing a case study at the end and being referred to a relevant support programme. The project will also develop an advanced manufacturing cluster, bringing together a group of SMEs to share research, innovations and market challenges; holding regular development meetings at the university and supported by large companies. This aligns with the Industrial Strategy and the reported need for ‘Innovation Clusters’. Timescale The project will run from November 2019 with activity ending in December 2022 and will have a financial completion date in March 2023. The SME journey will follow the timelines below: Eligibility assessment 5 – 10 working days ? Full application and approval 10 working days ? Live project intervention 12 weeks ? Completion, review and case studies Following the 12-week intervention Beneficiaries Following an eligibility assessment – with ERDF criteria being reviewed - the SME will complete a full application and strategic fit will be assessed. Strategic fit will be assessed through: • Level of innovation • Potential to deliver new products (to company and market) • Propensity for the creation of new jobs • Market • Potential for growth in turnover and profit • Efficiency gains • Alignment to LIS The project will achieve the following outputs: • 50 enterprises supported (C1 and C4 outputs) • 5 new enterprises supported (C5 outputs) • 8 jobs created (C8 outputs) • 24 enterprises supported to cooperate with a research institution (C26 outputs) • 10 enterprises supported to introduce new to market products (C28 outputs) • 12 enterprises supported to introduce new to firm products (C29 outputs) Additionality The applicant has conducted demand analysis covering businesses in target sectors across the SSLEP area. The analysis demonstrated demand for the services proposed and identified that a lack of access to specialist facilities and knowledge in the area as a barrier to innovation. | 01/11/2019 | 31/07/2023 | £1,064,906.00 | £1,774,850.00 | 60.00% | ST4 2DE | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Staffordshire University | Staffordshire Connected & Intelligent Mobility Innovation Accelerator (SCIMIA) | ERDF | 1 | This project will support eligible Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire SMEs with product, service and process research, development and innovations for the Intelligent Mobility market which is predicted to reach £900billion by 2025. | 01/11/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £986,766.00 | £1,644,609.00 | 60.00% | ST4 2DE | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Keele University | Innovation Centre Seven | ERDF | 3 | The project will initially see the creation of BREEAM excellent managed workspace and grow on space within the Keele Growth Corridor University Enterprise Zone. This capital build is then supported by a revenue element that will focus on supporting SME’s to develop their understanding and use of advanced data analytics and related digital technologies. | 01/07/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £8,499,929.00 | £14,166,549.00 | 60.00% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |
Staffordshire County Council | Information Technology Business Enhancement Programme (ITBEP) | ERDF | 2 | ITBEP will via their Digital Advisors will provide eligible businesses (start up, small and medium companies) with the option of the following services: | 01/11/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £404,834.00 | £676,527.00 | 59.84% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Staffordshire County Council | CPGH Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Growth Hub (Extension) (Parent 32R18P02614) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme | 24/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £872,784.00 | £872,784.00 | 100.00% | ST5 5BG | Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Wiltshire Council | Porton Science Incubator | ERDF | 1 | The project comprises the first phase of development at Porton Science Park. It will deliver a health and life sciences incubation and innovation centre, providing flexible laboratory and office facilities for new and growing science and research based en | 23/02/2016 | 28/02/2018 | £2,999,999.00 | £6,860,000.00 | 43.73% | BA14 8JN | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Wiltshire Council | Wiltshire and Swindon Health and Life Sciences Innovation Hub | ERDF | 1 | Promote new and growing businesses to establish at EU funded Science incubator building at Porton. Project will support approx 200 researchers,improved facilities & provide direct specialist health & life science support to over 70 enterprises. | 01/11/2016 | 31/01/2020 | £344,794.00 | £717,325.00 | 48.07% | BA14 8JN | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Wiltshire Council | Supporting SME Growth, Innovation and Export in Swindon and Wiltshire | ERDF | 3 | build entrepreneurship and self-employment, facilitate efficient local referral routes, provide targeted engagement, outreach & mentoring and a diagnostic service to SME’s. It will thus create and strengthen an entrepreneurial and enterprise culture. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £1,200,000.00 | £2,400,000.00 | 50.00% | BA14 8JN | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GWE Business West Ltd T/A Business West | Innovate2succeed -S&W | ERDF | 1 | innovate2succeed (i2s) will provide tailored support to SMEs to help them enhance their innovation management capability, resulting in increased effectiveness in generating and commercially exploiting their ideas. | 01/04/2016 | 30/06/2019 | £470,648.00 | £941,296.00 | 50.00% | BS8 3RA | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Swindon Borough Council | Swindon and Wiltshire Inward Investment and Business Growth | ERDF | 3 | Building on Swindon and Wiltshire’s significant business capabilities and opportunities, to strengthen the area’s profile as a viable and attractive place to do business; targeting and attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) SMEs from outside the EU, particularly from Asia and Pacific and the Americas to relocate to the area to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, creating new high value jobs. Due to the nature of Inward Investment activity it is considered that this project offers limited VFM however this is expected in projects of this nature where VFM will be felt once the project has ended. | 12/10/2018 | 25/02/2022 | £250,000.00 | £595,205.00 | 42.00% | SN1 2JH | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Bath | Digital Business Acceleration Hub | ERDF | 1 | The Digital Business Acceleration Hub, led by the University of Bath, will enable the partners to develop new types of place based SME digital innovation1support across the Swindon and Wiltshire LEP (SWLEP) area that draws on the world leading innovation support expertise of the SETsquared Partnership2(SSQ), which has been independently ranked as the top global university business incubator. | 01/09/2019 | 30/05/2023 | £500,000.00 | £1,013,459.48 | 49.34% | BA2 7AY | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Wiltshire Council | Porton Science Park – Phase two | ERDF | 1 | The project will deliver a 22,000 sq ft Innovation centre (‘the centre’) to support scientific activities linked to the Porton campus. The centre will be a research education facility providing; collaborative space, flexible office and laboratory bench space and accommodation for visiting researchers (student and commercial) taking part in research projects and/or conferences. Sector specific Business Support will be provided by a HE partner, along with training and development at the Centre. The project will help academics and businesses achieve and accelerate growth by investing in innovation, research and development activities. | 01/01/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £2,500,000.00 | £5,324,157.00 | 46.96% | BA14 8JN | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
SWLEP | SME Competitiveness Project | ERDF | 3 | The current Swindon & Wiltshire Growth Hub (S&WGH) delivers information and advice in the main online signposting to the most appropriate solutions after an initial conversation (First Contact). Currently the focus of the Growth Hub service delivery is mainly online, this project will enable us to introduce a new face-to-face service, complimenting the existing service. This project aims to evolve the S&WGH by enriching the delivery to provide a diagnostic, light touch IAG, signposting and client managing the service from ‘first contact to finish’ – This would ensure that all client SWOTs were addressed upfront and followed through, enabling greater growth and competitiveness. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,190,383.00 | £2,380,766.00 | 50.00% | EX1 9UU | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
SWMAS Ltd | High Value Manufacturing Advisory Programme - Swindon & Wiltshire | ERDF | 3 | The proposed programme will provide specialist support to the manufacturing sector in Swindon and Wiltshire. The focus of the programme will be on supporting domestic strategic priorities including national industrial strategy and make a meaningful contribution to priority axis 3 of the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme. The programme will address local development needs expressed in the call and set out by SWLEP in their ESIF strategy. It will specifically focus on priority sectors that offer the greatest potential for growth and where intervention can add most value, specifically advanced engineering and high value manufacturing. The programme will work to address the SWLEP local growth priority of low productivity of manufacturing businesses in the region when compared with comparable LEPs areas. It will achieve this by opening the eyes of manufacturers to current best practice in manufacturing and supporting the development and deployment of enabling technologies in production processes and products. The programme will be a catalyst for change in SME manufacturing businesses, providing specialist insight into potential improvements that would not otherwise be identified or available. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £593,995.00 | £1,187,990.00 | 50.00% | TA6 4FJ | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Severn Wye Energy Agency Ltd | Swindon–Wiltshire Target 2030 – Countdown to a Low Carbon Economy | ERDF | 4 | The overall aim of the Swindon-Wiltshire Target 2030 project is to improve the productivity of rural SMEs in Swindon and Wiltshire through energy efficiency technologies, better energy management practices and on-site renewable energy generation. Swindon-Wiltshire Target 2030 will deliver a dedicated energy efficiency and renewable energy advisory service targeting rural SMEs, integrated as part of SWLEP’s business support service. Eligible SMEs will receive tailored expert advice (ie, a detailed diagnostic), informed by a site survey and robust data analysis, on the practical steps they can take to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. They will also receive a 35% grant towards the cost of implementing capital measures recommended in their Action Plan | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £899,138.87 | £2,043,638.87 | 44.00% | GL2 8DN | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
University of the West of England | Swindon & Wiltshire Innovation 4 Growth (SWI4G) | ERDF | 1 | The Swindon & Wiltshire Innovation 4 Growth Programme (SWI4G) will deliver research and innovation grants and workshops. SWI4G will support SMEs in the SWLEP key sectors which include: Manufacturing, Advanced Engineering, ICT, Automotive, Defence, New Energy Systems, Micro-electronics and Professional Services. SWI4G will enable SMEs to; develop new products and services, validate new and existing products, develop production and manufacturing capabilities highlighting KETs (Key Enabling Technologies) and strengthen research and innovation technologies. The programme will also link businesses to research bodies, facilities and further support services. We will use targeted marketing and engagement to ensure we reach key local sectors and to ensure that we have participation from across the region including remote and rural locations. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £760,000.00 | £1,678,485.00 | 45.28% | BS16 1QY | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Public Power Solutions ltd | Waterside Park Innovation Zone (Energy Workstream) | ERDF | 4 | The project comprises the development and implementation of integrated battery energy storage technology (12MW power / 12MWh energy capacity); a demonstrative solar PV canopy (50kWp capacity) situated over an existing car park, an array of electric vehicle (EV) charge points (for both personal and fleet vehicles); a smart grid control system; and a satellite 1.5MW / 3MWh battery connected to the existing Chapel Farm solar site with power ‘sleeved’ back to Waterside Park via innovate power purchase agreements. he project development will consist of acquiring all necessary consents to enable construction and electrical connections, undertaking outline design, arranging matched financing through business case and investment gate approvals, creation and agreement of necessary legal contracts, creation of financial structures, undertaking OJEU procurement and management of construction through to final energisation. | 01/07/2021 | 30/05/2023 | £2,394,384.20 | £8,084,648.20 | 29.62% | SN2 2PN | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 010 Renewable energy, solar |
The Swindon & Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP) /The Swindon & Wiltshire Growth Hub | CPGH SME Competitiveness Project (Parent 33R18P02870) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme. The main priority for the project will provide grants to SME's in the range of £1000 - £3000 (up to £5,000 in exceptional circumstances) to support 1-2-1 specialist advice or purchase minor equipment. This is to assist the SME to adapt or adopt new technology in order for them to continue to deliver business or diversify in direct response to COVID-19. | 17/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £414,453.00 | £414,453.00 | 100.00% | EX1 9UU | Swindon and Wiltshire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Teesside University | Innovate Tees Valley 34R15P00416 | ERDF | 1 | Support to SMEs around innovation and collaboration between sectors, leading to 27 new research collaborations | 01/02/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £3,512,932.49 | £5,854,887.80 | 60.00% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Tees Valley Business Fund – Innovation Vouchers - 34R15P00472 | ERDF | 1 | Contribute to the Tees Valley Business Fund through contributing ERDF resources to provide financial assistance in specific relation to strengthening research, technological development and innovation including through the provision of innovation vouchers | 02/01/2017 | 30/06/2021 | £558,352.03 | £1,534,423.03 | 36.39% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Tees Valley Business Compass and Tees Valley Business Fund – Broadband Vouchers - 34R15P00473 | ERDF | 2 | Contribute to the Tees Valley Business Fund through utilising ERDF resources to provide financial assistance in specific relation to overcoming barriers to better connectivity for Tees Valley SMEs. This will be achieved through the provision of Broadband | 02/01/2017 | 30/06/2021 | £79,988.00 | £219,512.00 | 36.44% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 082 ICT Services and applications for SMEs (including ...) |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Tees Valley Business Compass and Tees Valley Business Fund - 34R15P00474 | ERDF | 3 | Contribute to the Tees Valley Business Fund through making ERDF resources available to provide that financial assistance. This assistance can be used to address a number of barriers, as dictated by the needs of the individual SME, and is complementary to | 02/01/2017 | 30/06/2021 | £10,263,507.09 | £24,129,068.09 | 42.54% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Tees Valley Business Fund – Energy Efficiency Grants - (34R15P00476) | ERDF | 4 | Contribute to the Tees Valley Business Fund through making ERDF resources available to provide financial assistance to SMEs to enable them to overcome barriers to improving their energy efficiency, to drive productivity growth and catalyse the adoption of | 02/01/2017 | 30/06/2021 | £310,320.00 | £851,588.00 | 36.44% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
North East Enterprise Agency Limited (NEEAL) | Business Compass Start Up (34R15P00419) | ERDF | 3 | Business start up/entrepreneurship support in Tees Valley Area | 01/10/2015 | 31/12/2018 | £725,470.00 | £1,209,116.00 | 60.00% | SR5 2TA | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Teesside University | Leading Growth | ERDF | 3 | The Leadership Forge programme will be delivered Teesside University. Expert staff and consultants based at the University will deliver two support streams, Leading Growth and Management Catalyst. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/09/2017 | 31/03/2021 | £518,360.00 | £863,935.29 | 60.00% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Limited | IBB Scale Up Capability Programme (34R16P00659) | ERDF | 1 | This proposal will provide the necessary enhanced capability to de-risk commercialisation of next generation technologies for both start-up and mature SMEs in Industrial Biotechnology (IB). | 03/10/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £537,665.00 | £896,110.00 | 60.00% | TS10 4RF | Tees Valley | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Northumberland Business Service Limited (NBSL) | Business Compass Leadership & Management Support Fund (BCLM) | ERDF | 3 | Increase economic growth in the Tees Valley region by developing the Leadership and Management (L&M) capacity of SMEs to grow their businesses. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. | 01/07/2018 | 30/06/2022 | £678,993.08 | £1,131,731.72 | 60.00% | NE63 8AP | Tees Valley | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
North East Worldwide Limited | Expanding Tees Valley Presence in International Markets | ERDF | 3 | Expanding Tees Valley Presence in International Markets to deliver enhanced International Trade assistance to Tees Valley companies. Working closely with Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) and the Tees Valley Business Compass Growth Hub (TVBC) team, support will have a focus on indigenous SMEs with high growth potential in internationally competitive key sectors such as process, chemicals, and advanced manufacturing, as well logistics, culture and leisure, business and professional services, e-commerce and food & drink. | 01/06/2018 | 31/05/2022 | £1,385,288.01 | £2,359,027.26 | 58.72% | DH1 5TS | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Teesside University | Graduates for Growth | ERDF | 3 | The primary aim of this project is to provide business support to Tees Valley SMEs by identifying recent graduates with relevant higher level skills, matching them with company growth and development needs and placing them with local companies on an internship or employment basis. The GFA has been signed and returned. The project is currently at Pipeline stage on Eclaims and needs moving along by Appraisal before it can be executed. Then then the document can be attached and project made live. | 01/06/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,039,809.18 | £1,696,141.56 | 61.30% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Teesside University | Tees Valley Hydrogen Innovation Project (TV-HIP) | ERDF | 4 | This is a research and demonstration project. It will inform and stimulate hydrogen process activity and develop capacity and infrastructure supporting the development of a low carbon economy, providing knowledge transfers services to SMEs. It will support the development of new products and processes, overcome technical, product, process commercial or regulatory challenges and de-risk market entry or business growth. The laboratory will be used to support innovators, entrpreneurs, RD&U companies, business, investors, new entrants and existing operators to: Develop new products and processesm overcome technical, prduct, process, commercial or regulatory challenges and de-risk market entry or business growth. The laboratory will servce to identifym develop, test and demonstrate the most appropriate system components and processes required to deliver hydrogen for a variety of markets and uses at low cost with lower levels of carbon and will support the development of an SME supply chain and a wider hydrogen economy in the TV. | 01/09/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £1,053,243.00 | £1,755,414.78 | 60.00% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal) |
Durham University | Intensive Industrial Innovation Programme - Tees Valley (IIIP-TV) | ERDF | 1 | The IIIP-TV project is an intensive support programme for SMEs in the Tees Valley LEP area. IIIP-TV will directly connect SMES from the identified priority sectors with the regions university research expertise and will work actively with them to address their specific research issues. Value for money has been considered from both a unit cost perspective and contribution to domestic strategic priorities. Input costs have been examined to ensure all costs are reasonable and represent the minimum required to deliver the project. Overall VFM is considered satisfactory. Value for money assessed as part of the appraisal and considered satisfactory | 01/10/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £346,341.80 | £577,230.06 | 60.00% | DH1 3LE | Tees Valley | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
TWI Limited | Centre for Materials Integrity | ERDF | 1 | The project will deliver a new research and validation centre located in Middlesbrough focused on the research, development and validation of non-destructive testing (NDT) technologies mainly for the civil nuclear, processing and offshore sectors. | 01/06/2018 | 30/09/2023 | £4,054,821.77 | £6,913,230.67 | 58.65% | TS2 1DJ | Tees Valley | England | 061 Research and innovation activities in private research centres |
Teesside University | National Horizons Centre | ERDF | 1 | ERDF funding will support the construction of an integrated research, training and innovation facility, which will catalyse and support growth in the region’s digital, process, digital health and advanced manufacturing sectors providing access to collaborative R&I facilities, cutting edge research and technical expertise and pilot process/plant equipment. Value for money was assessed during appraisal and considered satisfactory | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2020 | £3,057,502.43 | £10,664,466.10 | 28.67% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
North East Enterprise Agency Limited (NEEAL) | Business Compass Start Up 2 | ERDF | 3 | Provide a continuation of the current Business Compass Start Up project and additional support for recent business starts primarily between 0 -12 months when they are at “pre-growth” stage and ineligible for the Business Compass Growth support. Indeed, this additional activity will provide a greater number of “growth-ready” referrals to the Business Compass Growth offer. | 01/07/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,617,143.39 | £2,695,239.03 | 60.00% | SR5 2TA | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Northern Film & Media Limited | Tees Valley Creative Industries SMEs Business Support & Development | ERDF | 3 | The project sees NFM expand its services and activities into the Tees Valley LEP area which will raise the region’s profile, attract national and international productions to film and build and sustain commercially successful creative and digital businesses. | 01/01/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £963,294.00 | £1,677,794.00 | 57.41% | NE8 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Teesside University | Grow Tees Valley | ERDF | 3 | This project will carry forward a number of initiatives currently being delivered through the Innovate Tees Valley and Leading Growth projects. It will complement existing provision in TV by providing a suite of support activities, seamlessley transitioning from current University support programmes. The project will provide a programme to drive SME growth, support new enterprises at different stages of readiness, specialist business support activities for existing and new business, improving productivity, improving skills level to address future demand, by linking highly skilled graduates to growth and product development projects. There are 4 key work strands - 1. The Leadership Forge - previously Leading Growth 2. Growth Spark 3. Growth Associate Programme 4. Venture Fest TV. SMEs will be able to access more than one strand except for the grant programmes where they can only access either Growth Spark or Growth Associate Programme. GTV took advantage of the 100% grant flexibility (child project) £140,625 from July 2020-Dec 2020. | 01/08/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £3,148,434.72 | £5,217,396.26 | 60.34% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Teesside University | DigitalCity | ERDF | 3 | This project will support digital businesses across the Tees Valley area with 4 key strands of activity. 1. Accelerator programme - support young businesses operating less than 12 months- with growth ambition looking to develop digital products and services. - An 8 week programme that will cover business models, leadership, sourcing of finance and customer developments. 2. Tees Tech Scale Up - SME's trading over 12 months to help them grow their business, there will be a 10 week programme for business leaders, learning from opeers, strategy, finance, collaboration, masterclasses aadvice on market and supply chain development. 3. Digital Sudits - showcases, events and open door pilots will be organised to raise awareness and understnading of technologies like artificial intelligence, 5G, data management and other technologies that can have impact on growth. 12 hour tech audits will be available to identify what technologies can be adopted to increase productivity. 4. Growth through Digitalisation - offered to businesses in key sectors in the TV economy that have growth ambition and have desire to increase their competitiveness through digitalisation of systems, processes and products. 1 to 1 consultancy available. | 01/08/2019 | 30/09/2023 | £1,927,830.96 | £3,213,051.98 | 60.00% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Tees Valley Technical Assistance to deliver IB functions (ERDF) | ERDF | 9 | The project will provide technical assistance, enabling the Combined Authority to meet the Managing Authority requirements to carry out functions associated with Intermediate Body status. | 01/01/2018 | 31/12/2020 | £62,211.00 | £103,685.00 | 60.00% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 121 Preparation, implementation, monitoring and inspection |
Darlington College | Central Park Energy Centre | ERDF | 4 | The proposal is to construct an Energy Centre within Darlington College's estate at Central Park using a fully controlled CHP unit to provide heating and power via a district heating network. | 01/04/2020 | 31/05/2022 | £1,105,329.00 | £1,842,218.00 | 60.00% | DL1 1DR | Tees Valley | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Tees Valley Business Growth Fund | ERDF | 3 | The project relates to the establishment and management of a new Tees Valley Business Fund. Tees Valley Business Fund is an amalgam of capital grants and revenue based funding for services to existing businesses which can be accessed by them to contribute towards the cost of removing their barriers to growth and taking advantage of their opportunities. The activities will be delivered by a procured third party provider and delivered in, and to businesses based in, Tees Valley | 01/07/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £14,289,191.37 | £24,194,134.17 | 59.06% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | SME Energy Efficiency Scheme (SMEEES) | ERDF | 4 | This ERDF supported project is designed to deliver support under PA4 Investment Priority 4b which seeks to “promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in enterprises” and does so with the specific objective of increasing efficiency and renewable technology provision to Tees Valley SMEs leading to lowering greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) and revenue cost savings | 10/11/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,183,741.00 | £1,972,902.00 | 60.00% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Teesside University | Industrial Digitalisation Technology Centre | ERDF | 1 | To deliver a two strands of activity designed to drive innovation and product development across key Tees Valley sectors, providing a technology and skills base from which knowledge transfer will take place. It will complement and underpin the Digital City initiative, providing access to innovation and research expertise alongside the growth and productivity support provided by the DC Team. | 01/01/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £1,138,163.60 | £1,897,001.60 | 60.00% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Darlington Borough Council | Innovation Central | ERDF | 3 | The project will involve the construction of a high growth small scale incubator enabling innovative, startup and potentially high growth businesses to make the most of their new ideas, products, processes and applications in the Tees Valley target and high growth sector including life sciences. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2022 | £4,739,854.00 | £7,899,758.00 | 60.00% | DL1 5QT | Tees Valley | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
TWI Limited | SME Innovation Accelerator | ERDF | 1 | The project will address the issue around the low number of firms innovating in the Tees Valley and the difficulties they face in accessing national and EU innovation funds. It will build on the existing SME regional support activities, such as Business Compass, Innovate Tees Valley and TWI’s activities, to provide a follow on service focused on enabling local SME’s to take their technologies and enabling them to bid into programmes such as H2020 and InnovateUK | 01/04/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £1,575,338.00 | £2,625,563.00 | 60.00% | TS2 1DJ | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Teesside University | CP68 Graduates for Growth (Parent 34R17P02146) | ERDF | 3 | This sub-project is part of a targeted response to Covid-19 and is providing SMEs with 100% grant supportThe primary aim of this project is to provide business support to Tees Valley SMEs by identifying recent graduates with relevant higher level skills, matching them with company growth and development needs and placing them with local companies on an internship or employment basis. | 28/07/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £57,822.91 | £57,822.91 | 100.00% | TS1 3BX | Tees Valley | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Teesside University | CP68 Grow Tees Valley (Parent 34R18P02599) | ERDF | 3 | This project will provide support to SME's across the Tees Valley area. It will complement existing provision by providing a suite of support activities, seamlessley transitioning from current University support programmes. There are several work strands. The Leadership Forge/Growth Spark/Growth Associate Programme/Venture Fest TV. This particular project is linked to the Growth Spark element whereby the GR took advantage of flexibilities due to Covid-19. From July -Dec 2020 Grants will be offered at 100% to SMEs. £140,625 was put into this project (Child). | 28/07/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £89,986.08 | £89,986.08 | 100.00% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Tees Valley Combined Authority | CPGH TV Business Growth Fund (Parent 34R19P03394) | ERDF | 3 | Capital grants and revenue-based funding for services to existing businesses. Support can be accessed by these businesses to contribute towards the cost of removing barriers to growth and taking advantage of?growth opportunities. | 03/07/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £1,229,826.00 | £1,229,826.00 | 100.00% | TS17 6QY | Tees Valley | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Teesside University | Net Zero Industrial Innovation Campus (NZIIC) | ERDF | 1 | The project will establish a modern SME incubator and innovation campus to act as a gateway to the South Tees Development Corporation (STDC) site. The campus will consist of two distinct innovation centres linked to incubation space comprising of offices, laboratories and fully serviced “grow on” space for larger demonstrators. | 01/10/2020 | 30/09/2023 | £8,849,468.00 | £14,749,115.00 | 60.00% | TS1 3BA | Tees Valley | England | Not set |
University of Reading | Thames Valley Science Park | ERDF | 1 | Strategic Fit and Value for Money requirements met. Deliver 1st phase of Science Park - laboratory and research facilities. Project's single and key output is P2 (Public or commercial buildings built/renovated. VFM demonstrated through the TVB LEP area target of 1440 sqm being exceeded by 74% by proposed provision of 2,500 sqm. The comparison of the rate/unit cost of the project against the OP's benchmark is considered to provide good VFM. | 01/12/2015 | 31/12/2017 | £5,000,000.00 | £13,379,088.00 | 37.37% | RG6 6AH | Thames Valley Berkshire | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Oxford Innovation Services Limited | TVB Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | Strategic Fit and Value for Money requirements met. The project provides IDB, 1-2-1 account management and a 2 tier growth hub service for entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs to build the growth capacity of businesses. The project represents strong Value for Money with 6 of the measurable Outputs being delivered at an average unit cost that is significantly less than the Operational Programme's average unit cost. The application represents an ERDF investment of 24% of the LEP's financial allocation with 4 of the Output targets delivered by the project exceeding the LEP area's target and 2 others in alignment with the expected return in terms of Outputs targets against the ERDF investment. | 01/03/2017 | 30/04/2021 | £1,232,758.00 | £2,474,921.00 | 49.81% | OX1 1BY | Thames Valley Berkshire | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Ngage Solutions Limited | Low Carbon Workspaces (LCW) | ERDF | 4 | Low carbon support service to assist SMEs make energy efficiency changes and cost reductions to premises or processes to improve business competitiveness. | 01/01/2020 | 28/02/2023 | £750,000.00 | £1,500,000.00 | 50.00% | HP14 4BF | Thames Valley Berkshire | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Herefordshire Council | Sustainable Energy in Public Buildings | ERDF | 4 | The project will fund, advise, fit and showcase the installation of low carbon technologies in public buildings. The project addresses one of the Headline Challenges identified in the Marches ESIF Strategy around ‘rising resource costs and inefficient public buildings’ and ‘rates of CO2 emissions in the Marches above the national average.The project delivers under a number of local strategies including Herefordshire Council’s Carbon Management Plan, Shropshire Council’s Carbon Management Programme and Telford & Wrekin Council’s ‘A Climate for Change Strategy | 01/03/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £1,657,608.00 | £2,942,303.00 | 56.34% | HR4 0LE | The Marches | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
Herefordshire Council | “The Shell Store.” (Hereford’s Technology Innovation and Development Application Centre) | ERDF | 3 | The Shell Store will provide specialist incubation accommodation and support services to promote entrepreneurship by facilitating economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering creation of new firms. Project will focus on advanced manufacturing, engineering, defence and security, food and sustainable technologies in order to fit with the target sectors of the Hereford EZ although it will b eopen to all on a non-discriminatory basis. For SMES it will result in increased rates of entrepreneurship, competitiveness, business formation, survival and employment in the district. Herefordshire Council is requesting 37% of the LEP more developed financial allocation and delivering 64% of the square metre target for the Marches More Developed allocation for renovating public or commercial building under P2 representing good value for money. | 30/01/2018 | 31/12/2021 | £2,000,000.00 | £7,062,401.00 | 28.32% | HR4 0XH | The Marches | England | 066 Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including) |
Herefordshire Council | Marches Building Investment Grant | ERDF | 3 | The Marches Building Investment Grant will provide capital grants to SMEs ranging from £4,500 to £100,000 (up to 45% of total project costs) to refurbish, reconfigure and extend commercial premises in the Marches LEP area. Grant assistance will also be offered to qualifying landlords and tenants wishing to bring redundant buildings back into economic use (providing the end users are in the ERDF eligible categories). The MBIG Programme will achieve job creation, support SME growth and expansion, improve commercial workspace, increase productivity and provide assistance with diversification. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £1,856,514.00 | £3,829,520.00 | 48.48% | HR4 0LE | The Marches | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Telford and Wrekin Council | Marches Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | The project will increase private-sector investment and grow SME capacity by providing streamlined support accessed via the physical hubs in Telford, Shrewsbury and Hereford and the virtual hub. This includes provision of • ‘Business Diagnostic Service’ delivered by LA staff resulting in tailored and targeted support • Marches coaching and mentoring programme ‘Building Business Confidence’ (to be commissioned) for potential entrepreneurs, start-ups and established businesses Success will be measured by the following achievements: • 112 entrepreneurs assisted to start a business through the ‘Building Business Confidence’ coaching and mentoring programme • 420 SMEs receiving diagnostic support resulting in a tailored action plan • 210 SMEs helped to grow through the ‘Building Business Confidence’ coaching and mentoring programme • 71 new jobs created | 01/10/2016 | 31/03/2023 | £603,981.00 | £1,041,620.00 | 57.98% | TF1 1LX | The Marches | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Wye and Usk Foundation | Delivering Nutrient Management Plan (DNMP) | ERDF | 6 | This multi-partner project will correct environmental problems and issues with the county’s infrastructure currently impacting on the economy of Herefordshire. The project has 4 separate activities that - 1) Restore fish access to help bring the Wye SAC and Lugg SSSI into Favourable Conservation Status by Oct 2017 2) Improve degraded wetland habitats at Bodenham and increase visitor numbers to them by Dec 2018 3) Rehabilitate part of Hereford’s sewer network to reduce ground water infiltration and phosphate loading in the Wye SAC by Oct 2018. 4) Retrofit sustainable drainage systems in Leominster and Hereford to reduce the phosphate loadings in the Wye and Lugg SAC and reduce local flood risk by Dec 2018. The project offers excellent value for money, by delivering more than 5 times the performance framework output target for 2023 in the marches area for PA6. | 16/08/2016 | 31/12/2020 | £624,985.00 | £1,374,140.00 | 45.48% | BS1 5AH | The Marches | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Shropshire Wildlife Trust | Freshwater First | ERDF | 6 | Freshwater First aligns to the Government's Biodiversity 2020 strategy which aims to halt overall biodiversity loss, support healthy well-functioning ecosystems and establish coherent ecological networks, with more and better places for nature for the benefit of wildlife and people. The project offers very good value for money with all unit costs below programme benchmarks. | 01/03/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £728,548.02 | £2,197,238.00 | 33.16% | SY2 6AH | The Marches | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
University of Chester | Environmental Science Business Research Centre | ERDF | 1 | A key challenge for the Marches is to increase the level of research and innovation investment within its businessbase. This project will address this strategic priority by providing targeted research and innovation support to SMEs within the environmental sciences and supporting sectors, delivered by experts in their field, with a view to increasing innovation activity in the Marches area. The project offers good value for money with outputs forecast to be delivered at costs below the average for the operational programme. | 01/04/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £1,813,190.32 | £3,021,985.14 | 59.99% | CH1 4BJ | The Marches | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
Aston University | Agri-tech Growth and Resources for Innovation (AGRI) | ERDF | 1 | The project will seek to address the barriers in the agri-food industry by providing an innovation support service focused on companies involved in agri-tech, food manufacturing and logistics in the Marches LEP area. Agri-tech and Agri-Food are priority sectors for the Marches, which have been identified as having potential for high value growth. They link to Agri-science one of the eight great technologies identified nationally. The project offers value for money in line with the benchmarks for similar projects. | 01/03/2017 | 30/06/2023 | £2,251,241.91 | £3,824,575.91 | 58.86% | B4 7ET | The Marches | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of Wolverhampton | Connect 2 Grow | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide subsidised graduate placement and consultancy support to SMEs to help develop new products. The project supports the LEP's strategic priority to create an exceptional business support environment. It offers value for money against the performance framework target output when assessed using the programme benchmarks. | 01/04/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £302,240.00 | £537,431.00 | 56.24% | WV1 1LY | The Marches | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Shropshire Council | A Sustainable Future for Ludlow Assembly Rooms | ERDF | 4 | A strategic priority for Marches LEP is to support the shift towards a low carbon ecoonomy. This project aligns to this aim by demonstrating how to reconfigure an historic listed building with inefficient energy systems in a way that minimises carbon emissions through the use of innovative technologies creating a demonstrator of a whole place based solution. The project is relatively more expensive in terms of annual decrease in greenhouse gases, however it offers exceptional value for money in the more relevant output to this type of activity which is reduction in energy consumption for a public building. | 01/02/2017 | 31/01/2023 | £893,135.00 | £1,488,553.00 | 60.00% | SY2 6ND | The Marches | England | 013 Energy efficiency renovation of public infrastructure demons |
University of Wolverhampton | Hereford Centre for Cyber and Security | ERDF | 1 | The centre will be a 3-storey building providing 2,245m2 gross floor space located at Skylon Park Ent Zone in Hereford. The Centre will create anational point of excellence in an area already a focus for cyber and security related business expertise. Goals are: Testing facility for intenet and Global Information Grid Research Scientific use of cyber testing methods develop and deploy state of the art cyber testing capabilities Virtual environment for asssessing cyber technologies for research and on-going development | 01/07/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,940,355.00 | £3,880,710.00 | 50.00% | WV1 1LY | The Marches | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
University of Chester | Digital Solutions | ERDF | 1 | The project will build on existing expertise and resources to deliver targeted support to SMEs that aligns with the Marches LEP’s growth plans for its digital and related sectors, particularly how digital developments can be used to unlock growth in the health sector. The project represents excellent value for money in each arena when compared to the benchmarks. | 01/01/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £1,305,315.14 | £2,175,525.24 | 60.00% | CH1 4BJ | The Marches | England | 058 Research and innovation infrastructures (public) |
Connexus Housing Limited | Connexus: Warmer Homes | ERDF | 4 | The specific activities that will be undertaken as part of the project include: • The specification and installation of an innovative solid wall insulation product system • Installations of next phase domestic smart heating controls and a • Peer to peer community energy efficiency advice and support scheme | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,055,691.00 | £5,319,439.84 | 19.85% | SY7 9BW | The Marches | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Herefordshire Council | Marches Renewable Energy (MarRE) | ERDF | 4 | This project seeks to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy projects across the Marches and to address the decline in renewable energy deployment over the past 3 years. Post installation, feedback mechanisms will be used to showcase and promote the project beneficiaries whilst also establishing if there is positive effect on supply chain development. The restructuring of Feed in Tariffs (FiT’s) saw non domestic solar PV installations decline 77% from 2016-2017 in the Marches . The project is designed as a straight forward grant scheme allowing any eligible applicants (outlined below) based in the Marches to apply for a 50% grant for the installation of eligible renewable technologies on their premises. Grants shall be granted to new installations only. Eligible applicants include: Local Authorities, Statutory and non-statutory public funded organisations/bodies, Higher and Further Education Institutions, Voluntary/community organisations, Private sector companies, Registered charities and Not for Profit organisations. | 01/01/2019 | 31/03/2022 | £1,284,064.00 | £2,291,539.00 | 56.04% | HR4 0LE | The Marches | England | 010 Renewable energy: solar |
University of Wolverhampton | Digital Enterprise | ERDF | 1 | With the pace and change of new digital technology, many digital SMEs are seeking greater knowledge and understanding of future technologies, including Al, Robotics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Cloud Computing etc. Digital Enterprise will provide Digital SMEs with this knowledge whilst identifying the digital needs of industry. The project will then match the digital needs with technology solutions, supporting the significant investment in advanced manufacturing and engineering in the area and complementing proposals for a cyber-security centre in Hereford. | 08/07/2019 | 30/06/2022 | £1,290,307.00 | £2,150,512.00 | 60.00% | WV1 1LY | The Marches | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Shropshire Council | Rural Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Investment Programme | ERDF | 3 | The project will provide 50,000 ft2 of serviced B1/B2/B8 grow on space for SMEs of varing size. | 01/10/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,272,299.00 | £4,384,198.00 | 29.02% | SY2 6ND | The Marches | England | 072 Business infrastructure for SMEs (including industrial parks and sites) |
Shropshire Wildlife Trust | Freshwater First Extension | ERDF | 6 | Freshwater First [Extension] is a three year partnership programme to deliver biodiversity improvements to 7 locations across Shropshire and Telford. The programme will commence on 1st October 2019 and complete by 31st December 2022. The capital programme of physical site works will restore and enhance degraded greenspaces and water dependant habitats. The project will contribute to halting overall biodiversity loss and demonstrate a range of measures which mitigate climate change, build natural capital resilience and enhance economic value of green/blue infrastructure. | 01/10/2019 | 31/12/2022 | £437,612.00 | £745,923.00 | 58.67% | SY2 6AH | The Marches | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Herefordshire Council | Marches Business Investment Programme | ERDF | 3 | Place-holder title of 'advance gr' has been amended to Marches Building Investment Grant Programme on the database. This is now consistent with application submission and appraisal. Mbalenski 17.04.19 | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £3,899,140.00 | £7,538,228.00 | 51.72% | HR4 0LE | The Marches | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Telford & Wrekin Council | CPGH The Marches Growth Hub (Parent 36R16P00233) | ERDF | 3 | The main priority for the funding will be to provide grants to SMEs between £1,000 - £3,000 and, in exceptional circumstances, the recipient may be able to acquire a maximum of £5,000 for specialist advice and support. This application has worked off an average intervention of £2500 representing the mid-point. | 04/08/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £681,268.00 | £681,268.00 | 100.00% | TF3 4BU | The Marches | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
University of the West of England | Health Technology Hub | ERDF | 1 | The Hub provides resource to support technology development for independent living. The vfm was considered ‘good’ and strategically aligns with Government policies to support people self-management of healthcare in their homes. | 01/02/2017 | 31/01/2020 | £2,100,096.00 | £4,583,192.00 | 45.82% | BS16 1QY | West of England | England | 060 Research and innovation activities in public research centres |
University of the West of England | Innovation Enterprise Programme (IEP) | ERDF | 1 | Two distinct strands: 1. be the Centre for Graduate Enterprise,& will deliver pre-commercial incubation support. 2.Innovation 4 Growth funding scheme, will provide £1.5m of funding to enterprises to carry out research and development. | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2020 | £1,961,100.00 | £4,571,298.00 | 42.90% | BS16 1QY | West of England | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Bath | Social Enterprise & Innovation Programme (SEIP) | ERDF | 3 | Deliver pre-comm incub support to graduate led SMEs gener new to market products & Innovation 4 Growth funding scheme,. Vfm is satisfactory and fit with SMART Specilisation priorities is good. | 01/10/2016 | 31/12/2019 | £763,398.00 | £1,526,796.00 | 50.00% | BA2 7AY | West of England | England | 073 Support for social enterprises (SMEs) |
University of the West of England | Regional Arts Incubation Network (RAIN) | ERDF | 3 | SME incubation & support to generate econ grth within the WoECreative & Digital Sector. leverages network of cultural orgs to address specific challenges of growth in creative sector, domin'd by micro bus's.Spot, nurture&promote creative talent. | 01/01/2017 | 31/12/2019 | £500,000.00 | £1,000,000.00 | 50.00% | BS16 1QY | West of England | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GWE Business West Ltd T/A Business West | Enterprising West of England | ERDF | 3 | Integrated bus supp prog engage throughout WoEoffering business support and advice services. The activities will comprise low level intervention. This project delivers outputs in line with National Priorities and offers good vfm | 01/01/2017 | 31/03/2021 | £1,919,166.00 | £3,839,387.00 | 49.99% | BS8 3RA | West of England | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Bath | Sustainable Technologies Business Acceleration Hub | ERDF | 4 | The Sustainable Technologies Business Acceleration Hub will act as a central point for working with innovative, ambitious businesses that have the potential to commercialise sustainable technologies research so that it makes an impact beyond the research environment. Based on the value for money assessment this proposal represents excellent value for money in relation to the Operational Programme. VfM is excellent for all proposed output targets; | 01/10/2017 | 30/06/2021 | £703,811.73 | £1,407,623.47 | 50.00% | BA2 7AY | West of England | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
GWE Business West Ltd T/A Business West | High Growth Scale-up Coaching Grants | ERDF | 3 | In response Business West wants to deliver a targeted High Growth Scale-up Coaching Grant scheme that will support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the West of England (WoE) who have the potential to become fully fledged “Scale-Up” companies. We are using the term Scale-up as defined in the Scale-up Report, which is: 3 years sustained growth of 20% year on year. | 01/04/2018 | 30/06/2021 | £500,000.00 | £1,000,000.00 | 50.00% | BS8 3RA | West of England | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of the West of England | SABRE Programme | ERDF | 1 | This project will empower and enable SMEs in the LEP region to maximise the use of robotics for automation through delivery of targeted business assists and technological development support. | 01/07/2018 | 30/06/2023 | £910,135.00 | £1,820,295.00 | 50.00% | BS16 1QY | West of England | England | 062 Technology transfer and university-enterprise cooperation |
University of the West of England | Health Tech Accelerator Programme | ERDF | 1 | This project will assist businesses to develop their internal capability to commercialise new digital health technology/systems by providing better targeted networking and access to specialist expertise, thus improving an environment for increased busines | 01/07/2018 | 31/07/2022 | £777,774.00 | £1,555,549.00 | 50.00% | BS16 1QY | West of England | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of the West of England | ScaleUp 4 Growth | ERDF | 3 | The aim of the ScaleUp 4 Growth (S4G) Programme is to accelerate high growth potential SMEs in the region to achieve their growth ambitions, reaching scale-up status wherever possible. By providing funding and specialist business support in the areas defined above, S4G will enable beneficiaries in all sectors to attract investment and grow in regional, national and international markets. 99.6% of the West of England’s 43,100 businesses are SMEs and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has committed to assisting these enterprises ‘to expand and grow, increase productivity and realise long term potential’ – something S4G will help achieve. | 01/07/2018 | 31/10/2021 | £1,250,290.00 | £2,654,544.00 | 47.10% | BS16 1QY | West of England | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
West of England Combined Authority | West of England Low Carbon Challenge Fund | ERDF | 4 | The project is a grant fund, that will also offer technical support and advice, to support the delivery of projects that will produce outputs as required by the Priority Axis. It will support projects of the following type: SME energy efficiency projects delivering greenhouse gas savings. Community led small-scale renewable energy generation schemes delivering additional MW output and CO2 savings. Programmes of works, or specific projects, to improve the energy efficiency of public sector buildings, including housing. | 26/04/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,100,787.00 | £4,656,470.14 | 45.12% | BS1 6ER | West of England | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
University of Bath | Advanced Engineering and Digital Innovation Business Acceleration Hub | ERDF | 1 | This project will develop two business acceleration hubs, focusing on (a) Digital Innovation, primarily for the Health, Wellbeing and Creative Media sector and (b) Advanced Engineering, focused on the automotive (and aerospace) sectors. The project will deliver start-up, scale-up, open innovation and investment support programmes to grow 100 digitally innovative businesses and 130 advanced engineering businesses over three years, enabling them to undertake research, development and innovation leading to the adoption and commercialisation of new products, services and technologies that will drive the sector’s growth and productivity. | 01/05/2018 | 31/12/2021 | £1,470,411.00 | £2,940,825.00 | 50.00% | BA27AY | West of England | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of the West of England | Digital Innovation 4 Growth (DI4G) | ERDF | 1 | Digital Innovation 4 Growth (DI4G) will promote digital innovation in the areas of digital health, the digital creative economy and smart cities in the West of England LEP area, by delivering innovation funding (Stream 1) and skills development workshops (Stream 2) to a wide range of SMEs and micro businesses. Stream 1 – Digital I4G Funding. A grant funding programme will be available for SMEs with innovative digital research and development projects, specifically for Digital Health, the Digital Creative Economy and Smart Cities. Grants will value between £10k - £50k and will fund up to 37.5% of the total cost of the project. Stream 2 –Plan it /Pitch it. To ensure that businesses of all levels of maturity can benefit from the DI4G scheme a workshop programme aimed specifically at early stage businesses and more established business new to research and development funding will support development of ideas for future Digital I4G calls. The workshops would be delivered in three sets of two days, by experts from UWE Bristol and would incorporate a 1:1 meeting for each SME with a range of resident experts from the university and around the region. One business from each pair of workshops will secure a £1,000 worth of development support but everyone who participates will leave with a realistic and tangible outline and have further developed ideas so that they are more prepared to make future funding applications. | 01/01/2020 | 31/07/2023 | £1,900,000.00 | £4,268,723.00 | 44.51% | BS161QY | West of England | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
University of Bath | The CAMERA Motion Capture Innovation Studio | ERDF | 1 | The project will provide access to state of the art digital innovation facilities including a high end motion capture array and an instrumented treadmill for high end gait analysis. | 02/12/2019 | 31/03/2023 | £772,192.00 | £1,544,383.99 | 50.00% | BA2 7AY | West of England | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Bristol City Council | South Bristol SUD Intermediate Body– Technical Assistance | ERDF | 9 | The main role of the IB is to fulfil delegated management and advisory functions, in close conjustion with MHCL and the West of England ESI Funds Sub-committee, for the strategic direction of, and selection of projects of the SUD programme. The IB will carry out various functions related to, firstly, the preparation of a SUD strategy and programme calls and, secondly, the appraisal and administration of ERDF applications in conformity with a legal Memorandum of Understanding with the MHCLG and refecting national policy and business process guidance. | 08/02/2018 | 31/03/2021 | £94,562.00 | £189,124.00 | 50.00% | BS1 5TR | West of England | England | 123 Information and communication |
WECA | Business Innovation Fund | ERDF | 1 | The Research and Innovation Challenge Fund (RICF) will award small, medium and large grants to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to undertake research and innovation activities to: Increase the proportion of SMEs that are innovation active. Increase the number of SMEs actively innovating to bring new or enhanced products and processes to the market, including through developing prototypes and proving concepts, development work and exploitation of intellectual property. Increase the number of SMEs engaged and collaborating with research institutions (including universities and Catapult centres). | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,451,825.00 | £3,226,278.00 | 45.00% | BS1 6ER | West of England | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Bristol County Council | South Bristol Enterprise Support and Workspace | ERDF | 3 | Bristol City Council and 4 delivery partners will provide a package of business support and delegated grant schemes for SMEs in the South Bristol SUD area. | 01/01/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £858,015.00 | £1,716,034.00 | 50.00% | BS3 9FS | West of England | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
University of Bath | West of England Sustainable Technologies Scale-Up Programme | ERDF | 4 | The West of England Sustainable Technologies Scale-Up Programme (WoESTSP) is led by the University of Bath on behalf of the SETsquared Partnership , the global number one university business incubator . It builds on, and links to, the University’s experience in successfully delivering the ERDF funded (OC37R16P0410) Sustainable Technologies Business Acceleration Hub (STBAH) . WoESTSP will work with the Sustainable Technologies Business Acceleration hub, and links that it has made over the last two years, to support companies that already have sustainable/low carbon products but want to develop new low carbon/sustainable technology products or services, and to deliver specific sustainable tech workshops for companies which don’t currently have low carbon/sustainable technology products but want to make their services and processes greener & more sustainable. This will build on the success and value of the existing STBAH programme where greater success has been with the later stage companies who have more established products. By targeting companies from all sectors, the value of sustainable technologies to the economy and consequent carbon savings will increase. | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £791,404.00 | £1,595,599.00 | 49.60% | BA2 7AY | West of England | England | 068 Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and sup |
Bristol Community Energy Ltd t/a Bristol Energy Cooperative | Bristol Community Hydro Scheme | ERDF | 4 | This is a two year project mobilising business and community to install local renewable energy capacity. It uses Netham Weir Community Hydro Scheme, which is an already well advanced, as a focus for the larger Project. There are four strands to the Project: 1. Netham Weir Community Hydro Scheme: As part of its installation programme Bristol Energy Cooperative (BEC) has been developing a 300kwp hydroelectric scheme in Bristol capable of generating an estimated 987Mwh of renewable electricity annually. The scheme has in place Planning consent, Abstraction Licence, Agreement-for-Lease, and a local business wanting to be supplied the generated electricity by private wire. 2. Innovative Investment Instrument: BEC is experienced in raising project finance though shares and bond issues but there is now a need for other investment products in the post Feed-in-Tariff world. BEC aims to develop an additional investment instrument suitable for renewable energy projects and this may have wider application. Grant funding will support the development process. 3. Commercial Rooftop Solar Programme: The hydro scheme is generating considerable interest and local zero carbon targets are pressing. This programme would systematically approach businesses with suitable buildings across the WoE and engage them with a proposition of solar PV installation at no capital cost. 4. Public Engagement Programme: This will build on the visibility of the hydro scheme and the work of the Zero West initiative. Its aim is to dramatically increase public awareness of and engagement in practical low carbon transition with a strong focus on energy. | 05/02/2020 | 31/03/2023 | £1,153,539.00 | £2,307,078.00 | 50.00% | BS1 6BY | West of England | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal, |
The Wave Group Limited | The Wave – Integrated Solar PV, Energy Storage & EV Charging Project | ERDF | 4 | The purpose of this project is to substantially decarbonise the energy supply to this major public site through the installation of large Solar PV arrays at the site using unused land within The Wave’s current demise and creating a solar canopy above part of the visitor car park. To maximise onsite energy usage of solar energy generated, a vanadium redox flow machine will be used to store excess energy and minimise grid energy usage at the time of highest general demand on the grid. An electric vehicle charging “hub” will also be installed on site for visitors with Ultra Low Emission vehicles to support the growing Electric Vehicle market. | 21/02/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,478,819.00 | £2,856,910.00 | 51.76% | BS34 5TB | West of England | England | 010 Renewable energy, solar |
Bristol City Council | South Bristol Light Industrial Workspace | ERDF | 3 | Under the Project Bristol City Council will build and operate a new serviced light industrial workspace scheme (planning use class B1 C), which will be co-located with the Bottle Yard Film Studios, comprising 16 high quality units of an average size of 139 sq m, plus reception area and a meeting / training room, and aimed at small to medium-sized start up and growing businesses in a range of sectors (creative, light manufacturing or engineering, construction, food and drink related) which are established or emerging in the South Bristol economy. | 01/04/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £1,400,000.00 | £4,737,296.00 | 29.55% | BS3 9FS | West of England | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
GWE Business West Ltd T/A Business West | CPGH Enterprising West of England (Parent 37R16P00593) | ERDF | 3 | COVID 19 100% SME grants scheme. The main priority for the project will provide grants to SME's in the range of £1000 - £3000 (up to £5,000 in exceptional circumstances) to support 1-2-1 specialist advice or purchase minor equipment. This is to assist the SME to adapt or adopt new technology in order for them to continue to deliver business or diversify in direct response to COVID-19. | 03/07/2020 | 31/03/2021 | £384,275.00 | £384,275.00 | 100.00% | BS8 3RA | West of England | England | 012 Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal, |
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce | Worcestershire Business Central – Growth Hub | ERDF | 3 | The project is the delivery of a business support service by Worcestershire Business Central, the Worcestershire Growth Hub, which will focus on Worcestershire’s ‘scale up’ i.e. high growth businesses focussing on, but not exclusive to, the priority sectors identified within the Worcestershire Strategic Economic Plan of Agritech, Defence and Security (including Cyber) Advanced Manufacturing and Growth. ERDF funds will be used to contribute to the partnership funding available to deliver the Worcestershire Business Central initiative. By offering a support package comprising of proactive telephone support, face to face advice, account management, referrals/signposting to partner organisations and peer to peer networking, the project will enable high growth SMEs to further grow and develop. The project will support the WLEP ambitions to increase GVA by £2.9bn by 2025. | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2022 | £772,885.00 | £1,545,772.00 | 50.00% | WR4 9NE | Worcestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Worcestershire County Council | Worcestershire Proof of Concept | ERDF | 1 | Worcestershire Proof of Concept programme will support businesses to develop innovative new products and processes. Applicants will be supported to investigate and, advance innovative ideas and to commercialise new innovations. Grants of up to £30,000 (£50,000 in exceptional circumstances) will be available, up to 50% of project costs. Innovation events will be established as a collaboration platform for SMEs, research organisations and intermediaries. The programme will stimulate innovation, diversification and R&D, while increasing investment, creating new products and improving the productivity, profitability and competitiveness of 45 Worcestershire SMEs This will lever in £1.35m private sector investment in Worcestershire. | 01/04/2016 | 30/04/2019 | £1,537,393.00 | £3,074,788.00 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Worcestershire County Council | Enterprising Worcestershire SME Growth Programme | ERDF | 3 | The programme will stimulate enterprise, develop new market opportunities, encourage investment, foster survival and economic success, create new jobs, safeguard existing jobs and facilitate growth. The programme will provide a dedicated business support service for those SMEs in Worcestershire, who currently do not access national programmes. The programme will support 300 SMEs, provide grants to at least 50 SMEs and will stimulate private sector investment of by providing access to finance through match funded grants. The programme will create 75 jobs leading to an increase in GVA of £3.6m per annum. | 01/07/2016 | 31/07/2019 | £586,527.00 | £1,207,887.00 | 48.56% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Worcestershire County Council | Worcestershire Low Carbon Business Programme | ERDF | 4 | This 3 year project will provide support to 80 Worcestershire SMEs, providing a catalyst to further growth of Worcestershire's Low Carbon economy and supporting businesses at a time of transition in national low carbon energy policy. The project will enable SMEs to adopt larger scale low carbon technology, such as renewable energy, and to innovate and grow in, or diversify into, the low carbon sector. The project will provide independent consultancy support and increase SME's collaborative links within the sector, including with research institutions, to enable greater innovation, research and development leading to the development and adoption of low carbon products and processes, including low carbon energy installations, such as geothermal, biomass, hydro, PV and solar thermal. This will be financed by a grant fund of £0.9m providing 20 capital and revenue grants, with 55% matched investment from targeted SMEs (c. £1.1m private sector investment). The project will increase the number of businesses in Worcestershire's low carbon sector that are innovation active and the number of SMEs in the county generating renewable energy, (an increase of 1076KWp). It will reduce carbon emissions by 1039 tonnes CO2e and increase job creation and protection. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £1,076,247.60 | £2,152,699.93 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Severn Wye | Target 2020 – Countdown to a Low Carbon Economy | ERDF | 4 | The Target 2020 project will provide energy efficiency and renewable energy support to 200 small and medium sized enterprises (SME) across Worcestershire. It will work with local, business support organisations to recruit the 200 SMEs. Each SME will receive 5 days of support that will provide an on-site energy audit, comprehensive report of findings and finance based, prioritised action plans. A local installer network will be developed to which quotes for works will be made. An incentive voucher providing 35% of cost of improvement measures will levy SME investment, achieving carbon savings of at least 15% against an agreed baseline. | 01/07/2016 | 31/12/2018 | £298,039.00 | £629,462.00 | 47.35% | GL2 8DN | Worcestershire | England | 065 Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, technology transfer and cooperation in enterprises focusing on the low carbon economy and on resilience to climate change |
Worcestershire County Council | Enterprising Worcestershire Start-Up and High Growth Start-Up Support Programme | ERDF | 3 | The programme will provide a comprehensive package of business support with revenue and capital grants for the development and growth of small start-up and high growth potential start-up businesses within Worcestershire. The programme will work with the Districts, the Prince's Trust and the University of Worcester as delivery partners, to provide the most co-ordinated and comprehensive package of business start-up support available. The programme will stimulate enterprise, develop new market opportunities, encourage investment and economic success, create new jobs and facilitate growth. The programme will provide a specially targeted business support service for entrepreneurs in Worcestershire, particularly for those which typically do not understand or access other forms of business support. | 12/09/2016 | 30/06/2020 | £994,435.00 | £1,988,871.00 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Worcestershire County Council | Worcestershire Growing Cyber 2 | ERDF | 3 | The programme will provide a comprehensive package of business support and revenue and capital grants for non-cyber companies to develop their Cyber Security to aid the survival and growth of small businesses within Worcestershire. The programme will support Cyber Security in non-Cyber SME's, which will in turn develop new market opportunities, encourage investment, foster survival and economic success, create new jobs, safeguard existing jobs and facilitate growth in the local economy. The programme will support 85 Non Cyber SMEs through, on line, group and one to one support, hold three Cyber Show Cases, and provide grants to at least 61 cyber and non cyber SMEs which will stimulate private sector investment by providing access to finance through match funded grants. The programme will create £0.75m of private sector investment , leading to 20 new jobs leading and an increase in GVA of £1m,GVA per annum. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £833,777.00 | £1,669,796.00 | 49.93% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Worcestershire County Council | Investing in Growth | ERDF | 3 | The programme will provide a comprehensive package of investment readiness support and revenue and capital grants for the development, survival, consolidation and growth of small businesses within Worcestershire. The programme will stimulate enterprise, develop new market opportunities, encourage investment, foster economic success, create new jobs, safeguard existing jobs and facilitate growth. The programme will provide a dedicated support package for Worcestershire businesses to ensure they are investment ready in order that they can access local regional and national programmes. | 01/10/2016 | 30/09/2019 | £1,146,908.08 | £2,294,860.50 | 49.98% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Worcestershire County Council | Worcestershire Superfast Broadband | ERDF | 2 | The project will extend the roll out of broadband and support uptake of broadband and associated technologies amongst Worcestershire small and medium sized enterprises. Improving business access to superfast broadband is a key priority for the LEP. The costs have been tested by the market through procurement to ensure the best value for money is offered. | 01/10/2017 | 31/03/2021 | £1,127,416.50 | £2,254,833.00 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 046 ICT: High-Speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 3) |
Warwickshire College t/a WCG | GrowAgri Worcestershire | ERDF | 3 | GrowAgri-£1,031.310 ERDF - The GrowAgri Worcestershire project will deliver tailored business support programme for SMEs operating within the agri-tech, agri-food and related sectors (collectively the “agri-tech sector”) to support business growth, increased productivity, introduction of new products, processes and services, diversification into new markets and the establishment of new enterprises. The project strategic priorities for the LEP outweigh the poor value for outputs offered by this project. | 01/08/2018 | 31/03/2022 | £709,717.33 | £1,499,434.66 | 47.33% | CV32 5JE | Worcestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Worcestershire County Council (WCC) | Worcestershire Proof of Concept Extension | ERDF | 1 | Worcestershire Proof of Concept programme will support businesses to develop innovative new products and processes. Applicants will be supported to investigate and, advance innovative ideas and to commercialise new innovations. Grants of up to £30,000 (£50,000 in exceptional circumstances) will be available, up to 50% of project costs. Innovation events will be established as a collaboration platform for SMEs, research organisations and intermediaries. The programme will stimulate innovation, diversification and R&D, while increasing investment, creating new products and improving the productivity, profitability and competitiveness of 45 Worcestershire SMEs This will lever in £1.35m private sector investment in Worcestershire. | 01/01/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £3,775,156.93 | £7,550,313.86 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 064 Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) |
Worcestershire County Council (WCC) | Worcestershire SME Growth programme | ERDF | 3 | The programme will provide a comprehensive package of business support and revenue and capital grants for the development, survival and growth of SMEs within Worcestershire. Focusing on Worcestershire LEP key sectors, growth businesses, the programme will stimulate growth and productivity, develop new market opportunities, encourage investment, create new jobs, safeguard existing jobs and facilitate growth. The programme will provide business support services for the diverse SMEs in Worcestershire, who currently do not access national programmes. The programme will also aim to implement the recommendations from the Science and innovation audit currently being undertaken by WLEP to elevate the Cyber security sector in the county. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £1,472,000.00 | £2,944,000.00 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
Worcestershire County Council | Public Sector Energy Efficiency Programme (PEEP)1 | ERDF | 4 | This three year project is intended to sit alongside the successful ERDF funded Business Energy Efficiency Programme (BEEP) and Low Carbon Opportunities Programme (LoCOP), which currently provide support for eligible small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across Worcestershire. The intention is to run a complementary programme for the public sector in Worcestershire to provide local, high profile, low carbon exemplar projects, strengthen the local market for innovative low carbon measures, meet the need to improve energy efficiency in public sector buildings and increase local generation of renewable energy. | 01/10/2019 | 30/06/2023 | £2,050,268.00 | £4,108,268.00 | 49.91% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 069 Support to environmentally-friendly production processes and |
Severn Rivers Trust | Love your River Worcestershire | ERDF | 6 | ‘Love Your River Worcestershire’ is an innovative partnership project delivering a programme of: • green and blue infrastructure enhancements • installation of urban SUDS (sustainable drainage schemes - new and retrofit) • innovative technology to help businesses improve their resource efficiency • community awareness, education and monitoring/reporting on water and environmental impacts • wetland and riparian habitat creation and restoration • removal of significant barriers to fish movement Work will take place over a number of key locations across Worcestershire; it will make positive biodiversity gains on 126ha of habitat; and provide support to 284 enterprises across the county. The project will be led by Severn Rivers Trust (SRT) supported by ‘delivery partners’: Environment Agency EA Severn Trent Water Limited STWL Worcestershire Wildlife Trust WWT Wychavon District Council WDC Worcester City Council WCC Worcestershire County Council WCCL | 01/07/2018 | 31/12/2022 | £1,323,339.00 | £2,856,459.98 | 46.33% | WR6 6QF | Worcestershire | England | 085 Protection and enhancement biodiversity, nature protection a |
Worcestershire County Council | Data & Systems Security Business Support Programme (DASS) | ERDF | 2 | The aim of the project is to boost the competitiveness and productivity of growing SMEs in Worcestershire through increasing understanding, adoption and exploitation of and investment in new and emerging ICT business models, digital strategies and online tools, software, technologies and transformation which will drive economic growth in Worcestershire. The project will focus on engaging and inspiring SMEs in Worcestershire to focus on the adoption and investment in the right online business tools and new technologies to support the future growth of their business and to help them to improve business performance and become more productive through improved efficiency, increased revenue, reducing costs, improving business security. | 01/03/2021 | 30/09/2023 | £350,000.00 | £700,000.00 | 50.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 007 Not applicable |
Worcestershire County Council | Enterprising Worcestershire Start Up Programme (Continuation) | ERDF | 3 | The programme builds on the Worcestershire County Council’s (WCC) current Enterprising Worcestershire programme and will provide business start-up and early stage business support and advice to entrepreneurs and small businesses in Worcestershire up to June 2023. The delivery of the current programme has enabled us to identify gaps in the existing support, including the client engagement and access routes, and to also identify improvements to the delivery models that will enhance the provision of support for start-ups and small businesses. As a result, new areas of activity have been developed for the new programme to ensure individuals and small businesses are aware of and can access the appropriate support and can maximise the resources and support available and to ensure that innovative approaches are developed to deliver high quality business start-up support in Worcestershire. | 01/07/2020 | 30/06/2023 | £2,300,000.00 | £4,600,000.00 | 50.00% | WR4 9NE | Worcestershire | England | 067 SME business development, support to entrepreneurship and in |
Worcestershire County Council | CPGH Worcestershire SME Growth Programme (Parent E-claims ref: 38R19P02929) | ERDF | 3 | The Worcestershire Business Central – Kickstarting Recovery for the Wider Economy Grants & Tourism SME Grant Scheme proposal is for a grant scheme to support SMEs to restart and recover in response to the impacts of Covid-19 in Worcestershire, providing 47 grants to businesses in the visitor economy and 78 grants to businesses across the wider economy. SME’s with 1-10 employees will be targeted and the grants will range from £1,000 - £3,000, the calculations are based on most businesses claiming the maximum of £3, 000. The grant funding will help to build resilience within their business or to capitalise on new opportunities and ongoing support to innovate, scale and stimulate growth. | 01/09/2020 | 30/06/2021 | £394,896.15 | £394,896.15 | 100.00% | WR5 2NP | Worcestershire | England | 001 Generic productive investment in SMEs |
East Riding of Yorkshire Council | Yorkshire Coast Communities (39R15L00563) | ERDF | 8 | Along the Yorkshire Coast the towns of Scarborough, Whitby, Filey, Bridlington and Withernsea all demonstrate persistent challenges with unemployment, deprivation and low skills in varying degrees. There are ambitious plans in place for the growth of thes | 10/02/2016 | 31/08/2016 | £10,247.00 | £19,175.00 | 53.44% | HU17 9BA | York and North Yorkshire | England | 097 Community led local development initiatives in urban and rur |
University of York | Project and Process Innovation (PAPI) - 39R15P00591 | ERDF | 1 | The purpose of the PAPI project is to support innovation in SME's in process industries- including chemicals and biochemical, electronic based businesses and digital and media - that support the following priority sectors: Bioscience, Food and Drink an | 01/08/2016 | 30/09/2023 | £4,607,082.28 | £9,214,141.28 | 50.00% | YO10 5DD | York and North Yorkshire | England | 056 Investment in infrastructure, capacities and equipment in SMEs directly linked to research and innovation activities |