Commercial procurement pipeline for DHSC
Updated 4 November 2024
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Reference number | Contract title | Short description | Procurement start date | Expected contract commencement date | Contract duration (months) | Value of new contract (excluding VAT and options) (£) | Procurement route | Primary CPV category: CPV description | Primary CPV category: CPV code | Contract name |
W149748 | DHSC: ASC: Workforce Dataset and Workforce Intelligence | Replacement Single Tender Award (STA) for the Workforce Dataset (WDS) - to bridge delivery of a competed approach for longer term delivery. | 01/09/2024 | 01/04/2025 | 12 | 2000000 | Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) Direct Award (Reg 32) - Negotiated Procedure Without Prior Publication | Data services | 72300000 | DHSC: ASC: Workforce Dataset & Workforce Intelligence |
W156571 | DHSC: COMMS: Comms Quality Research | Qualitative research and analysis to support the DHSC's strategic communications and inform design and implementation of policy, inform marketing campaign development, creative and message testing and evaluation of campaigns. | 01/08/2024 | 14/11/2022 | 24 | 2000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Research services | 73110000 | DHSC:COMMS: Comms Quality Research |
W59432 | DHSC: NIHR: Digital Strategy Cyber Security Services | Procurement for a cyber security partner to provide cyber security services to support the roll out of the new digital strategy for the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). c.£4m opportunity for a cyber security partner (via the Cyber Security Services 3 framework). | 06/10/2025 | 01/03/2026 | 24 | 4000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | IT services: consulting, software development, internet and support | 72000000 | DHSC: SRE: NIHR Cyber Security Services |
W156066 | DHSC: GO - Future Health Commercial System FY26/27+ | Contract for the provision of the DHSC's procurement and contract management commercial platform. | 30/06/2025 | 30/06/2026 | 60 | 25000000 | To be confirmed | Software package and information systems | 48000000 | DHSC: GO - Single eCommercial System for DHSC, Health Family and the NHS |
W140802 | Replacement Workplan - NIHR information systems (IS) provider | A contract for the provision of information systems to NIHR. | 28/02/2025 | 27/02/2026 | 24 | 9500000 | Procurement Act (PA)23 Framework - Further Competition | IT services: consulting, software development, internet and support | 72000000 | NIHR INFORMATION SYSTEMS (IS) PROVIDER |
W154195 | DHSC: OHID: Better Health Mobile App Development Partner (26/27) | Better Health mobile development application partner - Flipside Health, supporting development of new features and bug fixing existing features for 6 live mobile apps. | 06/04/2026 | 26/08/2026 | 24 | 2800000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | IT services: consulting, software development, internet and support | 72000000 | DHSC: OHID: Better Health Mobile App Development Partner (FY24-27) |
W24103 | DHSC: Ambulance Radio Programme (ARP) - CP2 (Control Room Software and Associated Services) (FY2026-31) | The replacement of control room software which maintains critical voice and data; ensures and enhances interoperable communications between ambulance trusts, the NHS and other emergency responders; and ensures integration of the solution to the Emergency Services Network delivered by the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP). Contact if you would like to learn more details of this opportunity. | 01/11/2025 | 01/11/2026 | 114 | 8239465 | PCR Competitive Dialogue (CD) | System and support services | 72250000 | DHSC: ARP: Control Room Software and Associated Services |
W93260 | R/WP - 24/26 - DHSC: ARP: Direct Award | The provision for direct network service provider (DNSP) provision and supporting services for the Ambulance Radio Programme beyond October 2024. | 01/11/2023 | 21/10/2024 | 24 | 5000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Wide area network | 32430000 | DHSC: ARP: CP5 Network Services |
W24077 | DHSC: ARP - Core Network and Management (FY2024-28) | Network management services in support of nationally resilient infrastructure. Contact if you would like to learn more details of this opportunity. | 22/05/2023 | 23/05/2024 | 60 | 3927644 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | IT services: consulting, software development, internet and support | 72000000 | DHSC: ARP: Core Network and Management |
W24093 | R/WP - 26/30 - DHSC: ARP - Field Services (FS) (FY2026-30) | To provide suitable field support, logistics and vehicle installation services of hardware for use by service recipients in vehicles used initially by English ambulance NHS trusts. Wales and Scotland optionally. Contact if you would like to learn more details of this opportunity. | 11/02/2025 | 12/02/2026 | 60 | 23632172.28 | PCR Competitive Procedure with Negotiation (CPN) | Systems and technical consultancy services | 72220000 | DHSC: ARP: Field Services (FS) |
W24223 | DHSC: ARP - Service Partner (FY2026-31) | Service partner to deliver over-arching end-to-end capabilities with appropriately trained staff to provide 24/7 service desks and associated IT service management (ITSM) tooling to ensure consistent availability of ARP solutions and services. Contact if you would like to learn more details of this opportunity. | 29/05/2025 | 01/07/2026 | 60 | 18959796.58 | PCR Competitive Procedure with Negotiation (CPN) | Technical computer support services | 72611000 | DHSC: ARP: Service Partner |
W154299 | DHSC: OHID: National Diet and Nutrition Survey 2030-37 | National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme. To provide with data from a nationa survey in regard to diet and nutrition of the nation. Information gathered will help government to understand the impact of any future actions implemented as part of the commitment to reduce obesity and improve diets. | 04/06/2029 | 01/04/2030 | 84 | 17568862 | PA23 Open or Competitive Flexible Procedure ? New Framework | Research and development consultancy services | 73200000 | DHSC: OHID: National Diet and Nutrition Survey 2023-30 |
W67439 | R/WP - 25/26 - DHSC: OHID: National HIV Prevention Programme 2026 | National HIV Prevention Programme with a focus on gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM), black Africans (BA), and other key populations in whom the evidence demonstrates a higher or emerging burden of infection. Goals: improve knowledge, understanding and uptake of combination HIV prevention interventions; promote condom use, regular testing, PrEP (Pre-exposure prohylaxis) treatment as prevention (TasP, U=U) and other evidence-based HIV prevention; increase HIV testing to reduce the undiagnosed population and proportion of late diagnoses; raise awareness of STIs and STI prevention strategies; reduce levels of HIV-related stigma within affected communities; provide support to the border HIV and STI prevention sector; and prepare regular briefings and summaries of the learnings as part of the strategic approach to dissemination. | 16/09/2025 | 01/04/2026 | 24 | 2340000 | PCR Open Procedure | Miscellaneous business and business-related services | 79900000 | DHSC: OHID: National HIV Prevention Programme 2021 |
W149273 | Chelton Air-to-Ground Transition | Replacement contract required for key air-to-ground provision, currently contracted as subcontract to Airwave. Likely to require single tender waiver (STW). | 01/11/2024 | 30/06/2025 | 60 | 2000000 | To be confirmed | Command, control, communication and computer systems | 35710000 | Chelton Air-to-Ground Transition |
W10345 | Replacement Workplan: DHSC: WIST: Info Management Services 5 (IMS5) (FY2027-34) | Procurement of an information management services system. | 05/05/2025 | 25/07/2027 | 67 | 48960000 | To be confirmed | IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support | 72000000 | DHSC: WIST - Information Management Services for IMS4 (FY21-27) |
W147710 | DHSC: FIN - Travel & Ancillary Services CCS Framework RM6217 Lot | Re-procurement of the DHSC's travel contract. | 01/05/2024 | 01/08/2025 | 36 | 6000000 | PSR Framework - Further Competition | Travel management services | 63516000 | DHSC: FIN - Travel & Ancillary Services CCS Framework RM6217 Lot 2 |
W9751 | DHSC: GOps - Facilities Management (FM3) (FY2025-30) | The provision of facilities management for a range of hard and soft building and facilities management services, across the DHSC estate. It is likely this will be procured via CCS Facilities Management and Workplace Services framework - RM6232. Contract is due to expire on 30 November 2024 - however, it does have a further 12-month extension option remaining on it, which is likely to be used. | 20/01/2025 | 01/07/2025 | 60 | 70000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Building and facilities management services | 79993000 | DHSC Facilities Management (FM2) (FY2018-25) |
W67243 | R/WP - 27/28 - DHSC: Group Ops - Records Management Services FY 27-32 | DHSC has an existing contract for for the records storage and delivery of associated services. This project is to re-procure a similar requirement. We currently plan to conduct a further competition under a CCS Framework Agreement - however, potentially new contract won't be needed until October 2027 as current contract has extension options. | 01/04/2027 | 14/10/2027 | 60 | 14251000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Storage services | 63121100 | DHSC - Records Management Services |
W113523 | R/WP - 26/27 - DHSC:Global Health:Express Freight Service (FY26-29) | The current contract for this service ends on 31 March 2025. The client is planning to extend this for 12 months after which there are no further options to extend and a new contract is required. This workplan is for the procurement for the new contract. | 01/09/2025 | 01/04/2026 | 24 | 5000000 | PA23 Open Procedure | Transport services (excluding waste transport) | 60000000 | DHSC:Global Health:Express Freight Service (FY26-29) |
W92247 | DHSC: Group Ops Comms Research Lot 2 FY24-26 | Contracts for quantitative market research and analysis to be delivered for DHSC to support strategic communication, marketing, policy decision-making, and research and evaluation requirements. | 01/10/2024 | 01/11/2024 | 24 | 2000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Market research services | 79310000 | DHSC:Group Ops Comms Research Lot 2 FY24-26 |
W141208 | Var/EXT 2 - DHSC: GOps - Facilities Management (FM2) (FY2024-25) | The provision of facilities management for a range of hard and soft building and facilities management services across the DHSC estate. Via CCS Framework. | 01/12/2024 | 01/12/2024 | 12 | 10000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Building and facilities management services | 79993000 | DHSC: GOps - Facilities Management (FM2) (FY2024-25) |
W67254 | R/WP - 26/30 - DHSC: FIN - Venue & Ancillary Services RM6217 Lot4 (FY2026-30) | Re-procurement of venues contract awarded under Lot 4 of RM6217. | 01/11/2025 | 23/05/2026 | 24 | 8000000 | PCR Framework - Direct Award | Event services | 79952000 | DHSC: FIN - Venue & Ancillary Services RM6217 Lot4 (FY2026-30) |
W67251 | DHSC: FIN - Travel & Ancillary Services CCS Framework RM6217 Lot 2 (FY2026-30) | New procurement for travel management services for rail tickets, air tickets and hotel accommodation via CCS framework RM6217 lot 2 (or its replacement framework). | 01/02/2026 | 01/08/2026 | 48 | 6000000 | PCR Framework - Direct Award | Business travel services | 79997000 | DHSC: FIN - Travel & Ancillary Services CCS Framework RM6217 Lot 2 (FY2026-30) |
W92481 | DHSC: Media Buying (FY25_26) | Contract for strategic media activation. | 08/04/2024 | 01/08/2023 | 12 | 9650000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Market management consultancy services | 79413000 | DHSC: Media Buying (FY25_26) |
W151006 | Personal Protective Equipment and Hygiene Consumables | Procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) and hygiene consumables products where there is a shortfall between the current volume held in pandemic preparedness stockpiles and target volumes needed in preparation for a future pandemic. | 31/01/2025 | 27/01/2025 | 12 | 72400000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Protective and safety clothing | 35113400 | Personal Protective Equipment and Hygiene Consumables |
W154479 | R/WP - 27/30 - DHSC: GOps - Electricity (FY2027-30) | DHSC supply of electricity. Will be transferred to new CCS Energy framework agreement from 1 April 2027. | 01/01/2027 | 01/04/2027 | 36 | 3000000 | PA23 Framework - Award Without Competition | Electricity distribution and related services | 65300000 | DHSC: GOps - Electricity (FY2027-30) |
W154254 | DHSC: GPH: National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) | Data from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) provides a key mechanism for monitoring the successful delivery of drug and alcohol treatment services. The government has stated several specific ambitions for expanding drug treatment capacity and improve the quality of provision, where performance is supported by timely and accessible monitoring of data from the NDTMS. | 01/12/2024 | 01/04/2025 | 96 | 5551399 | PA23 Competitive Flexible Procedure | To be confirmed | To be confirmed | DHSC: GPH: National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) |
W142184 | Fleming Fund Evaluator | The evaluation supplier will evaluate how far the outputs of the portfolio of country and regional grants will contribute to the outcomes and impact defined within the agreed Fleming Fund Theory of Change. | 01/06/2025 | 01/04/2026 | 60 | 2868913.33 | PA23 Open Procedure | To be confirmed | To be confirmed | Fleming Fund Evaluator |
W142182 | Fleming Fund Managing Agent | The management agent that will deliver the portfolio of country and regional grants. The Fleming Fund, a 265 million one health programme to support low and middle income countries (LMICs) in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). | 01/01/2025 | 01/10/2025 | 60 | 235000000 | PA23 Competitive Flexible Procedure | Foreign economic-aid-related services | 75211200 | Fleming Fund Managing Agent |
W147165 | DHSC: CSA: NIHR Research Commissioning and Management Services (2027-2032) | Re-procurement of the services currently delivered under the NIHR Evaluation, Trials, and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC), Central Commissioning Facility (CCF) & NORCI contracts and the NIHR Academy Service Level Agreement (SLA) which are all due to expire on 31 March 2027. NETSCC (currently held by University of Southampton) CCF & NOCRI (currently held by Labatory of the Government Chemist (LGC)) and NIHR Academy (currently held by Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust). | 02/12/2024 | 01/04/2027 | 60 | 400000000 | PCR Competitive Dialogue (CD) | Research services | 73110000 | Central Commissioning Facility (CCF) |
W147165 | DHSC: CSA: NIHR Research Commissioning and Management Services (2027-2032) | Re-procurement of the services currently delivered under the NETSCC, CCF & NORCI contracts and the NIHR Academy SLA which are all due to expire on 31st March 2027. NETSCC (currently held by University of Southampton) CCF & NOCRI (currently held by LGC) and NIHR Academy (currently held by Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust). | 02/12/2024 | 01/04/2027 | 60 | 400000000 | PCR Competitive Dialogue (CD) | Research services | 73110000 | NIHR Evaluations, Trials & Studies CC (NETSCC) |
W147165 | DHSC: CSA: NIHR Research Commissioning and Management Services (2027-2032) | Re-procurement of the services currently delivered under the NETSCC, CCF & NORCI contracts and the NIHR Academy SLA which are all due to expire on 31st March 2027. NETSCC (currently held by University of Southampton) CCF & NOCRI (currently held by LGC) and NIHR Academy (currently held by Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust). | 02/12/2024 | 01/04/2027 | 60 | 400000000 | PCR Competitive Dialogue (CD) | Research services | 73110000 | NIHR Office Clinical Research and Infrastructure |
W147165 | DHSC: CSA: NIHR Research Commissioning and Management Services (2027-2032) | Re-procurement of the services currently delivered under the NETSCC, CCF & NORCI contracts and the NIHR Academy SLA which are all due to expire on 31st March 2027. NETSCC (currently held by University of Southampton) CCF & NOCRI (currently held by LGC) and NIHR Academy (currently held by Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust). | 02/12/2024 | 01/04/2027 | 60 | 400000000 | PCR Competitive Dialogue (CD) | Research services | 73110000 | DHSC: CSA: NIHR Academy SLA |
W154263 | DHSC: WIST: Technical Support Contract for IMS3/4 | Continuation of IT technical support. | 01/02/2026 | 14/08/2026 | 24 | 2000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | IT services: consulting, software development, internet and support | 72000000 | DHSC: WIST: Technical Support Contract for IMS3/4 FY24/25 |
W140656 | Replacement Workplan - DHSC: GO: Microsoft Licences 25/26 | Procurement for office licences. | 01/11/2024 | 31/03/2025 | 36 | 7000000 | PCR Framework - Direct Award | Software-related services | 72260000 | DHSC: WIST: Microsoft Licences 24/25 |
W140658 | Replacement Workplan - DHSC: GO: Microsoft Azure SCE (Server and Cloud Enrolment | Microsoft Azure licences for cloud platforms. | 01/11/2024 | 30/04/2025 | 36 | 3000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Software-related services | 72260000 | DHSC: WIST: Microsoft Azure SCE (Server and Cloud Enrolment) 24/25 |
W84605 | Replacement Workplan: DHSC: WIST: D365 post Jan 2025 (FY 2024/25) | A procurement to identify an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that will improve the collaboration between DHSC's various internal IT systems, including those of HR and of finance. The contract was originally due to expire 31 Jan 2025 but will now need extending to allow time for assurance-related work to take place in late summer or early autumn 2024. See workplan W146935 for details of the contract extension. | 11/11/2024 | 17/03/2025 | 36 | 6000000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Software-related services | 72260000 | DHSC: WIST: D365 Support, Maint & Application Development Contract |
W47458 | DHSC: WIST: D365 Licences (FY2024 onwards) | DHSC has an ongoing requirement to procure D365 licences to be used by its staff. This will be re-procured using a CCS framework agreement. A framework mini-competition will be launched in late 2024 to early 2025. | 03/06/2024 | 30/11/2024 | 36 | 4300000 | PCR Framework - Further Competition | Licence management software development services | 72212218 | DHSC: WTD: D365 Licences (FY2021-24) |