Transparency data
PHE spend over £25,000: August 2018
Updated 4 February 2019
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Department Family | Entity | Supplier | Date | Invoice Id | Line Amount SUM | Project# | Po Budget Centre | Expense Area | Po Subjective | Expense Type | Description | Vendor Type Lookup Code | Wga Ref |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CLOWES ENGINEERING LIMITED | 01-Aug-18 | 7228883 | 5548.32 | 111137 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | 6608213 PO DOESN'T MATCH INVOICE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CLOWES ENGINEERING LIMITED | 01-Aug-18 | 7228883 | 27741.58 | 111137 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | 2018 Consulting Work and expenses for Porton Resilience Project (DJ) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7271589 | 70148.23 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6618126 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7271589 | 350741.17 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Emcor Engineering services for NIS Porton, baseline costs (contract year 9) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7271591 | 5897.24 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | 6618062 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7271591 | 29486.19 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | PHE Porton - Security Baseline Contract (18/19 Target Cost) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TERRENCE HIGGINS TRUST | 01-Aug-18 | 7288837 | 19979.33 | NULL | UIB3 | HI: SH&HIV: HIV Prevention | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6612171 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TERRENCE HIGGINS TRUST | 01-Aug-18 | 7288837 | 99896.67 | NULL | UIB3 | HI: SH&HIV: HIV Prevention | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National HIV Prevention Programme for Most at Risk groups (Year 3) VAT Reclaimable | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293637 | 5897.24 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | 6618062 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293637 | 29486.19 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | PHE Porton - Security Baseline Contract (18/19 Target Cost) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 477.47 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68120 | Grounds Maintenance | 6614800 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 660.3 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6614800 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 2387.34 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68120 | Grounds Maintenance | GROUNDS MAINTENANCE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 3301.5 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | MANAGEMENT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 4180.75 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | 6614800 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 6113.46 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68110 | Security Costs | 6614800 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 20903.76 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | CLEANING | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-18 | 7293638 | 30567.32 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68110 | Security Costs | SECURITY | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRAVOSOLUTION UK LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7343579 | 9212 | NULL | PLV1 | FCD: Procurement Team | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6620749 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRAVOSOLUTION UK LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7343579 | 46060 | NULL | PLV1 | FCD: Procurement Team | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 25 x Sourcing licences 21 x Programme Manager licences 30 x Evaluators | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 01-Aug-18 | 7362580 | 1221.52 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59004 | Social Marketing - Publishing | 6616149 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 01-Aug-18 | 7362580 | 2076.59 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59004 | Social Marketing - Publishing | 6616149 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 01-Aug-18 | 7362580 | 8387.79 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59004 | Social Marketing - Publishing | CCS0418534820 - PHE - BCOC Blood in Pee Assets production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 01-Aug-18 | 7362580 | 14259.25 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59004 | Social Marketing - Publishing | CCS0418534820 - PHE - BCOC Blood in Pee Assets production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 01-Aug-18 | 7369575 | 8641.5 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6588612 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 01-Aug-18 | 7369575 | 43207.5 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | C4L Pack Pre-registration leaflet Voucher mailer | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7370617 | 4920 | NULL | UMA6 | MKT: Starting Well:Riseabove | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6619571 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7370617 | 24600 | NULL | UMA6 | MKT: Starting Well:Riseabove | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | Rise Above Social Media | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEFINE | 01-Aug-18 | 7403640 | 4954 | NULL | UMA2 | MKT: Starting Well:Start4Life | 59030 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | 6606092 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEFINE | 01-Aug-18 | 7403640 | 24770 | NULL | UMA2 | MKT: Starting Well:Start4Life | 59030 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | Planning, delivery and debriefing of Start4Life weaning discovery research | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DE LAGE LANDON LEASING LIMITED | 01-Aug-18 | 7405691 | 178651.2 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | MICROSOFT LICENCE (SEE V1243506 & V1357132) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7405717 | 4624.96 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | MiSeq Reagent Kit V2 (300 Cycles) MS-102-2002 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7405717 | 10341.2 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | HiSeq® Rapid Duo cBot™ SampleLoading Kit CT-403-2001 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7405717 | 18043.55 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | 6618163 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7405717 | 31634.8 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | HiSeq® Rapid PE Cluster Kit v2 PE-402-4002 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 01-Aug-18 | 7405717 | 43616.8 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | HiSeq® Rapid SBS Kit v2 (200 cycles) FC-402-4021 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THERMO ELECTRON MANUFACTURING LIMITED T/A THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC | 01-Aug-18 | 7421574 | 82254.87 | 111118 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | To purchase UltiMate 3000 system as per sales quotation CPQ-00113005 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIVEWORK STUDIO LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7265675 | 4944.83 | 111151 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | 6617820 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIVEWORK STUDIO LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7265675 | 24724.17 | 111151 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | PHE Live evaluation discovery work. SOW DOS-PHE-D-EvaluationDiscovery. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CDW LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7272622 | 17200 | 111062 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | 6618215 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CDW LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7272622 | 86000 | 111062 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | CDW - Application packaging service as per contract | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST | 06-Aug-18 | 7412573 | 25108 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | North Bristol NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2018-19 Avon LAV. | NHS | RVJ |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KINGS COLLEGE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 06-Aug-18 | 7420577 | 41669 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Kings College Hospital NHS FT: Breast Age Extension 2018-19 South East London (GCA). | NHS | RJZ |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TROUP BYWATERS & ANDERS | 06-Aug-18 | 7420581 | 4436.62 | 111137 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | 6620239 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TROUP BYWATERS & ANDERS | 06-Aug-18 | 7420581 | 22183.11 | 111137 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | Troup Bywaters & Anders Porton Down Tactical Building Services Work. Review of Site infrastructure and preparation of draft schematics –visits to site, meeting attendance and preparation of reports plus expenses | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 06-Aug-18 | 7421601 | 16294.55 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6621233 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 06-Aug-18 | 7421601 | 81472.76 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | PHE Porton - Soft Services Baseline Contract (18/19 Target Cost), inc B30, PADG, B32a CEs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 06-Aug-18 | 7423584 | 33696 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Imperial College Healthcare NHST - Breast Age Extension 2018-19 West of London (ECX). | NHS | RYJ |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CHANGE GROW LIVE LIMITED (CGL) | 06-Aug-18 | 7425577 | 64633.6 | NULL | UBC1 | HI: DWP - IPS | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Payment to CGL Birmingham for IPS-AD RCT Trial Delivery. | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIVEWORK STUDIO LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7425578 | 4288 | 111096 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6619273 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIVEWORK STUDIO LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7425578 | 21440 | 111096 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | end of understand phase | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 06-Aug-18 | 7425581 | 6000.57 | 108911 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6618014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 06-Aug-18 | 7425581 | 30002.86 | 108911 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive maintenance services for D & P (PBL) & ancillary services for Porton. Inclusive of Critical spare exspenses | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7426584 | 12524.01 | NULL | UGB6 | MKT: Sport England | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | 6616794 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7426584 | 62678.07 | NULL | UGB6 | MKT: Sport England | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | C4L Star wars TLAJ Cinema Media | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SITEL UK LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7426668 | 26432.25 | 111199 | FRA1 | DCE: BSPNE | 62110 | Telecommunication Charges | 6619908 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SITEL UK LIMITED | 06-Aug-18 | 7426668 | 132161.25 | 111199 | FRA1 | DCE: BSPNE | 62110 | Telecommunication Charges | Breast screening helpline, surge capacity costs 2018 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLLEGE OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS | 06-Aug-18 | 7426797 | 8400 | NULL | UIB7 | HI:Health and Work ¿ Projects | 54110 | Consultancy Fees | 6617426 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLLEGE OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS | 06-Aug-18 | 7426797 | 42000 | NULL | UIB7 | HI:Health and Work ¿ Projects | 54110 | Consultancy Fees | P1011 - RCOT PHE Health and Work Champions 2018/19 Joint Unit funding | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OWR GMBH | 07-Aug-18 | 7215856 | 34900 | 110574 | SML0 | HP: Rapid Support Team Project Centre | 41170 | Laboratory Clothing & Safety | Quote: 5165.18 Mobile Glovebox RCK03 Units include: RCK 03 kit "Munich" ABAS incl. two transfer ports and transport box -Blower Kit "Munich" ABAS -Sample handling kit "Munich" -Test equipment for glove acc to ABAS -LED working lights | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OWR GMBH | 07-Aug-18 | 7349832 | 69800 | 110574 | SML0 | HP: Rapid Support Team Project Centre | 41170 | Laboratory Clothing & Safety | Quote: 5165.18 Mobile Glovebox RCK03 Units include: RCK 03 kit "Munich" ABAS incl. two transfer ports and transport box -Blower Kit "Munich" ABAS -Sample handling kit "Munich" -Test equipment for glove acc to ABAS -LED working lights | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - PANFLU | 07-Aug-18 | 7436712 | 1500000 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96292 | NHSSC account: Panflu | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TFR OF FUNDS | NHS | DOH033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - VACCINES | 07-Aug-18 | 7436714 | 27500000 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96293 | NHSSC account: C&A vaccines | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TFR OF FUNDS | NHS | DOH033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401670 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401705 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401706 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 402138 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401671 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401668 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 402137 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401699 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 1485.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401700 E182-10/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 2421.57 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403006 E602-12/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 2421.57 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403004 E602-12/600 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 2497.04 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403882 E48-FDC-R5-81TB | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 2497.04 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403881 E48-FDC-R5-81TB | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 3837.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 2015001 1538NCE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 3837.22 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 2012639 1538NCE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 4235.13 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 402453 E602-12/600 402453 402454 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 6048.7 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401662 E602-12/600 401662 403832 403834 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 6048.7 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401663 E602-12/600 401663 403054 403056 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 6048.7 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401237 E602-12/600 401237 401601 403055 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 6048.77 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 401427 E602-12/600 Nexsan E60 401427 401600 402998 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 9089.74 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403844 E60VT2J24P0/600 Nexsan E60VT 403844 403839 403838 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 9089.74 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403848 E60VT2J24P0/600 403848 404260 404261 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 9089.74 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403849 E60VT2J24P0/600 403849 404336 404337 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 9089.74 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | Nexsan 403843 E60VT2J24P0/600 Nexsan E60VT 403843 403842 403841 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PARK PLACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7426733 | 19133.52 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61310 | Computer Repairs & Maintenance | 6618326 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY | 08-Aug-18 | 7435667 | 34800 | 108938 | JKJ0 | HP: ERD Training Core Activities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Year 8 HEPRR Certificate 1 payment | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7435792 | 4910.57 | NULL | PYK2 | People: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | I6610846 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7435792 | 24552.85 | NULL | PYK2 | People: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Payroll Services 2018-2019 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7436779 | 10792.92 | NULL | VEA6 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6594225 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7436779 | 53964.58 | NULL | VEA6 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National Pandemic Flu Service (NPFS) - Core telephony support | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7436784 | 10792.92 | NULL | VEA6 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6594225 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 08-Aug-18 | 7436784 | 53964.58 | NULL | VEA6 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National Pandemic Flu Service (NPFS) - Core telephony support | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS CONFEDERATION CHARITY | 08-Aug-18 | 7436921 | 13900 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 64105 | Advertising (non recruitment) | 6606205 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS CONFEDERATION CHARITY | 08-Aug-18 | 7436921 | 69500 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 64105 | Advertising (non recruitment) | PSBC/PCOE No: 7726 - NHS Flu Fighters Campaign 2017-18 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7232633 | 8923.88 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6604978 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7232633 | 44619.4 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P19 NEC PSC Stage 1 Phase 4 Bridging instruction. PO amount not to be exceeded. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 319 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7232638 | 62972.18 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6613284 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7232638 | 314860.9 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P19 NEC PSC Stage 1 Phase 4 & 5 duties and deliverables. PO amount not to be exceeded. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 352 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7232644 | 64328.85 | 110304 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6613152 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7232644 | 321644.24 | 110304 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P23 NEC PSC Stage 1 Phase 4 & 5 duties and deliverables. PO amount not to be exceeded. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 351 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS | 13-Aug-18 | 7287665 | 9409.21 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61320 | Minor Computer Leasing Costs | 6623415 RENTAL CHARGES | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS | 13-Aug-18 | 7287665 | 47046.07 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61320 | Minor Computer Leasing Costs | Service Charges - This is to pay Inv. No. 917315-101, Dated: 01/07/2018 for A/C No. 917315 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | IN PRACTICE SYSTEMS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7287786 | 4434.25 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6611229 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | IN PRACTICE SYSTEMS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7287786 | 22171.25 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | GP Uptake Data Extracts (INPS) 2018/19 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7298641 | 11121.38 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6592517 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7298641 | 55606.91 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P19 Stage 1 Harlow Site Surveys (BIM) to create 3D Revit models as stated in CENQ for CEN197. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 290 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST | 13-Aug-18 | 7335574 | 1430.4 | NULL | UFA3 | HI: NCS Cervical | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | North Bristol NHST: Pilot HPV Primary Screening Services SLA 18-19 admin support | NHS | RVJ |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST | 13-Aug-18 | 7335574 | 39225 | NULL | UFA3 | HI: NCS Cervical | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | North Bristol NHST: Pilot HPV Primary Screening Services SLA 18-19 actual Screens | NHS | RVJ |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7354767 | 22055.27 | 111199 | FRA1 | DCE: BSPNE | 62110 | Telecommunication Charges | 6621649 NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7354767 | 110276.33 | 111199 | FRA1 | DCE: BSPNE | 62110 | Telecommunication Charges | Breast screening helpline costs for Serco | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE | 13-Aug-18 | 7435803 | 250000 | NULL | KGB3 | HI: Global Burden of Disease | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | NIHR PHPES Funding from PHE for 2018-19 | NHS | DOH033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WALKER SAFETY CABINETS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7436769 | 14704.83 | NULL | EUQ1 | NIS: CL4 High Containment Colindale | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | 6616300 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WALKER SAFETY CABINETS LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7436769 | 73524.15 | NULL | EUQ1 | NIS: CL4 High Containment Colindale | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | ECM: 5975 Quote:-13423-18 6 monthly service of Colindale High Containment Lab | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION (DFE) | 13-Aug-18 | 7439656 | 100000 | NULL | UIA4 | HI: Children, Young People and Families (CYP&F) | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Early Intervention Foundation - PHE contribution to OGD contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | DFE022 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 13-Aug-18 | 7439661 | 101029.55 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | ELECTRICITY 01.07.18 - 31.07.18 COLINDALE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WATES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7439664 | 15000 | 110304 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6607816 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WATES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7439664 | 75000 | 110304 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P23 - Pre-Construction Services Agreement for RIBA Stage 3 element of P23 project. Expected duration is 97 weeks and includes 10% contingency. M-309 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 13-Aug-18 | 7439667 | 166904.82 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | ELECTRICITY 01.07.18 - 31.07.18 PORTON 6388052 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 13-Aug-18 | 7439671 | 43020.83 | 110577 | JUF0 | SH: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 01.07.18 - 31.07.18 ELECTRICITY CHARGES NEW FRONTIER PARK NORTH 2, COLD HARBOUR LANE, THE PINNACLES, CM19 5AD | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ANCALA WATER SERVICES (DEFENCE) LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7439681 | 52438.01 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66420 | Water | 01.03.18 - 30.06.18 HPA MAIN SITE PORTON DOWN SP4 0JG METER 1 15W723655 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ANCALA WATER SERVICES (DEFENCE) LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7439683 | 47217.83 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66420 | Water | 01.03.18 - 30.06.18 HPA MAIN SITE PORTON DOWN SP4 0JG METER 1 15W705112 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7452708 | 19308.17 | NULL | UMB1 | MKT: Contact Centre | 59006 | Social Marketing Helpline | 6600888 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7452708 | 96540.83 | NULL | UMB1 | MKT: Contact Centre | 59006 | Social Marketing Helpline | Marketing contact centre running costs (BAU) 2017/18 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7452709 | 12938.93 | 111199 | FRA1 | DCE: BSPNE | 62110 | Telecommunication Charges | 6621649 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7452709 | 64694.67 | 111199 | FRA1 | DCE: BSPNE | 62110 | Telecommunication Charges | Breast screening helpline costs for Serco | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL | 13-Aug-18 | 7458585 | 49294.64 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6621414 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL | 13-Aug-18 | 7458585 | 246473.19 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | Provision of Project Management support services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the framework agreement. M-314 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KIER CONSTRUCTION (MAJOR PROJECTS) | 13-Aug-18 | 7459600 | 75685.36 | 110298 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6607810 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KIER CONSTRUCTION (MAJOR PROJECTS) | 13-Aug-18 | 7459600 | 378426.81 | 110298 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P18 - Pre-Construction Services Agreement for RIBA Stage 3 element of P18 project. Expected duration is 112 weeks and includes 10% contingency. M-306 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 13-Aug-18 | 7459663 | 80488.8 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | 6611968 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 13-Aug-18 | 7459663 | 402444 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | Star Wars summer pack | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 13-Aug-18 | 7459664 | 99491.46 | NULL | VEA1 | NIS: Immunisation Hepatitis and Blood Safety | 51105 | Office Consumables Stationery | Protecting your child against flu - information for parents - 3500035 pcs - CCS0518614468 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TRANSPUTEC LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7459667 | 5468.2 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6619611 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TRANSPUTEC LIMITED | 13-Aug-18 | 7459667 | 27341 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 1 year contract for Transputec (Crises Control) to provide PHE with services for Mass notification capabilities | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 13-Aug-18 | 7459675 | 6 | NULL | BFB7 | NIS: National Mycobacterium Reference Service- North | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | MISEQ DISPOSABLE WASH TUBES QUOTE 4094538 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 13-Aug-18 | 7459675 | 100.17 | NULL | BFB7 | NIS: National Mycobacterium Reference Service- North | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | PHIX CONTROL V3 QUOTE 4094538 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 13-Aug-18 | 7459675 | 418.59 | NULL | BFB7 | NIS: National Mycobacterium Reference Service- North | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | NEXTERA XT INDEX KIT 24 INDICES 24 INDICES QUOTE 4094538 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 13-Aug-18 | 7459675 | 4729.91 | NULL | BFB7 | NIS: National Mycobacterium Reference Service- North | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | 6584092 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 13-Aug-18 | 7459675 | 23124.8 | NULL | BFB7 | NIS: National Mycobacterium Reference Service- North | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | MISEQ REAGENT KIT V2 (300 CYCLES) QUOTE 4094538 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ST GEORGES HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 15-Aug-18 | 7321628 | 35198.16 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | St George's Healthcare NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2018-19 South West London (HWA). | NHS | RJ7 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MEDICAL DATA SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7370606 | 19192 | 111181 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | 6619564 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MEDICAL DATA SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7370606 | 95960 | 111181 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | Capital Project - 111181 for MDSAS Beta Phase of the Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Newborn Outcomes Screening Project IT System ECM: 5866 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7426593 | 55439.98 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | 6612346 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7426593 | 277468.74 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | Be Clear on Cancer- bladder/kidney cancer campaign – TV advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7426597 | 8273.9 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | 6612346 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7426597 | 41409.62 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | Be Clear on Cancer- bladder/kidney cancer campaign – TV advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-18 | 7459593 | 25201.72 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | 6621772 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-18 | 7459593 | 126008.61 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | Smokefree/Stoptober/Production fees/2018 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7460631 | 8781.41 | 110303 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6613154 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7460631 | 43907.03 | 110303 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P20 NEC PSC Stage 1 Phase 4 & 5 duties and deliverables. PO amount not to be exceeded. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 353 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIFRENT LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7460636 | 29385 | 110530 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6618161 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIFRENT LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7460636 | 146925 | 110530 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | SOW: DOS-PHE Intranet, DATED 4-06-18 Release type: BETA. Duration of SOW 8 weeks, charge against Capped time and materials | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 15-Aug-18 | 7460648 | 70148.23 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6618126 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 15-Aug-18 | 7460648 | 350741.17 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Emcor Engineering services for NIS Porton, baseline costs (contract year 9) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS | 15-Aug-18 | 7460850 | 30325 | NULL | PYK1 | People: Occupational Health and Wellbeing | 54105 | Legal Fees | 6620843 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS | 15-Aug-18 | 7460850 | 151625 | NULL | PYK1 | People: Occupational Health and Wellbeing | 54105 | Legal Fees | This has PSBC P1024 clearance. Advice and assistance regarding Review of Breast Screening Service Phase 1 & 2 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UK HEALTH FORUM | 15-Aug-18 | 7461614 | 7998 | NULL | QAA4 | STR: Health Economics - Commissioning | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6604523 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UK HEALTH FORUM | 15-Aug-18 | 7461614 | 39990 | NULL | QAA4 | STR: Health Economics - Commissioning | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Health Economics project: Modelling 2; Interaction of risk factors. P969. PSBC8390 Additional funding relating to PO 6604523 in 2017/18 in KDA4 budget. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 15-Aug-18 | 7461672 | 7680.2 | NULL | KDA4 | STR: Health Economics | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6594377 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 15-Aug-18 | 7461672 | 38401 | NULL | KDA4 | STR: Health Economics | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Health Economics - Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) prevention ROI tool. Business ref: P790 (PSBC-7707) Controls team reference P970. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 15-Aug-18 | 7461674 | 16142.6 | NULL | UCC4 | HI: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6596009 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 15-Aug-18 | 7461674 | 80713 | NULL | UCC4 | HI: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Surveillance for the prevention of colorectal cancer in people with polyps | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM | 15-Aug-18 | 7461679 | 4999.8 | NULL | BGK2 | NIS: Real Time Syndromic Surveillance Team | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6619424 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM | 15-Aug-18 | 7461679 | 24999 | NULL | BGK2 | NIS: Real Time Syndromic Surveillance Team | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | ECM3835 Anonymised Real-time GP Data for Health Protection Purposes - University of Nottingham 2018-2019 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TROUP BYWATERS & ANDERS | 15-Aug-18 | 7461805 | 4422.82 | 111137 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6623662 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TROUP BYWATERS & ANDERS | 15-Aug-18 | 7461805 | 22114.1 | 111137 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Troup Bywaters & Anders: Tactical Work for April & May and Building Services Remedial Works for March as per attached quotations | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COSTELLO MEDICAL CONSULTING LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7461816 | 4526.33 | NULL | UCC4 | HI: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6587563 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COSTELLO MEDICAL CONSULTING LIMITED | 15-Aug-18 | 7461816 | 22631.64 | NULL | UCC4 | HI: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | A project to model the potential impact of second trimester, ultrasound based, screening for vasa praevia in a one year UK pregnancy cohort | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARTER SYNERGY LIMITED T/A CPC (UK) | 15-Aug-18 | 7461833 | 5519 | 110919 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 6606547 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARTER SYNERGY LIMITED T/A CPC (UK) | 15-Aug-18 | 7461833 | 27595 | 110919 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | Carter Synergy: Connection of Labs 051 and 053 onto the Main Chilled Water Circuit as per unreferenced proposal | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DOGFISH MOBILE | 15-Aug-18 | 7461856 | 4400 | NULL | UMA1 | MKT: Digital Products and Estate | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6621205 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DOGFISH MOBILE | 15-Aug-18 | 7461856 | 22000 | NULL | UMA1 | MKT: Digital Products and Estate | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 'Agency Development Fees/Activity campaign/Dev work to add open activity data to our products/PH. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NAFIC NFSW | 15-Aug-18 | 7461931 | 915.05 | NULL | BBF7 | NIS: York FWE Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | YORK FWE Blocks 9&10 - PHE 2 Service Charge | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NAFIC NFSW | 15-Aug-18 | 7461931 | 10548.9 | NULL | BBF7 | NIS: York FWE Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | 6621922 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NAFIC NFSW | 15-Aug-18 | 7461931 | 12286.5 | NULL | BBF7 | NIS: York FWE Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | YORK FWE Blocks 9&10 - PHE 2 Rent | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NAFIC NFSW | 15-Aug-18 | 7461931 | 39542.95 | NULL | BBF7 | NIS: York FWE Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | YORK FWE Blocks 9&10 - PHE 2 Service Charge | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 6351593 | 32339.2 | NULL | UFA5 | HI: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Heart of England NHSFT: Service Agreement of Bowel Scope Screening Services 2016/17 - Heart of England Screening Centre | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7072895 | 63609.6 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | BHH HOSPITAL SITE ACCOMMODATION CHARGES | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7083732 | 37808.62 | NULL | BFB1 | NIS: Birmingham Lab | 41125 | Molecular Test Kits | CONSUMABLES | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7421606 | 12361.46 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6621419 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7421606 | 61807.32 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive maintenance services for R&D (PHE) & ancillary services for Porton Invoices - year 9 of contract. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7426589 | 28579.04 | NULL | UMA9 | MKT: Ageing Well: Stroke | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | 6611277 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7426589 | 143033.76 | NULL | UMA9 | MKT: Ageing Well: Stroke | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | ACT FAST Stroke TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7426591 | 19981.96 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | 6615747 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7426591 | 100000 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | Be Clear on Cancer- bladder/kidney cancer campaign 2018 – Out Of Home advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7459650 | 63609.6 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | FULL CREDIT REC'D SEE OP/C000135 | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7460650 | 5897.24 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | 6618062 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7460650 | 29486.19 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | PHE Porton - Security Baseline Contract (18/19 Target Cost) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7460651 | 16294.55 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6621233 PO NOT RECEIPTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7460651 | 81472.76 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | PHE Porton - Soft Services Baseline Contract (18/19 Target Cost), inc B30, PADG, B32a CEs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDCOMS LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7460694 | 4399.2 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 6615016 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDCOMS LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7460694 | 21996 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | resource development | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460733 | 54855 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6613133 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460733 | 274275.02 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi Consulting: CCN015 Extension of Agreement by 2 years | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460734 | 7368 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6601578 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460734 | 36840 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi Consulting: CCN022 to provide an additional resource to carry out Support services and activities for the National Breast Screening System - improve Information Governance & provide NBSS Demo Release | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460736 | 6658.8 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6611821 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460736 | 33294 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi Consulting: CCN006 Annex 4 NBSS Project Manager | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460738 | 14022.6 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6613518 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460738 | 70113 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi Consulting: CCN009 Annex 4 Additional NBSS Cache Developer support | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460739 | 9348.4 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6613518 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7460739 | 46742 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi Consulting: CCN009 Annex 4 Additional NBSS Cache Developer support | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7461785 | 6827.67 | 110303 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6621638 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BAKER HICKS LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7461785 | 34138.35 | 110303 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | PR20 NEC PSC Stage 2 Commencement. Not to exceed PO amount. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 391 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7463609 | 12363 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6620533 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7463609 | 61815 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi Consulting: CCN027 (Previously provided under CCN016) additional resource to carry out Second Line Support to the National Breast Screening System | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7463777 | 40400 | NULL | UGB4 | MKT: Mental Health | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | 6623353 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7463777 | 202000 | NULL | UGB4 | MKT: Mental Health | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | M&C Saatchi - Mental Health Campaign - Creative production (50%) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WAVEMAKER LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7463961 | 5969.4 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6607465 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WAVEMAKER LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7463961 | 29847 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | Search and SEO: tools and reporting | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7465609 | 53008 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | BHH SITE ACCOMMODATION CHARGE | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7465616 | 53008 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | BHH SITE ACCOMMODATION CHARGE | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7465618 | 53008 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | BHH SITE ACCOMMODATION CHARGE | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7465619 | 53008 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | BHH SITE ACCOMMODATION CHARGE | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 20-Aug-18 | 7465621 | 53008 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | BHH SITE ACCOMMODATION CHARGE | NHS | RRK |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNI HOSPITALS SOUTHAMPTON NHS FT | 20-Aug-18 | 7465805 | 48500.55 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 47240 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | PHLS overheads | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | RHM |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7465901 | 4768.4 | NULL | FTM6 | NIS: TARGET - Divisional Office | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | 6619975 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7465901 | 23842 | NULL | FTM6 | NIS: TARGET - Divisional Office | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | 1A53 Office Carry out refurbishment works as per itt 3024 Framework tender revised scope | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7465905 | 14317.82 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | 6624053 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7465905 | 71589.09 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | Smokefree/Stoptober/Production costs/2018 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7466131 | 5232.6 | 111191 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 6617474 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 20-Aug-18 | 7466131 | 26162.99 | 111191 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | Upgrade chiller compressor and display panel as per quotation dated | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M & W GROUP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469575 | 2832.2 | 110512 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | M&W Group: Project Mac - CEN002 Rev1 (for JL) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M & W GROUP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469575 | 9567.5 | 110512 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6580366 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M & W GROUP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469575 | 13447.75 | 110512 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | M&W Group: Project Mac - CEN001 - Revision of URS (for JL) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M & W GROUP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469575 | 31557.55 | 110512 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | M&W Group: Project Mac Design and Pre-Construction Services (for JL) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7469584 | 5324.93 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6566798 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 20-Aug-18 | 7469584 | 26624.63 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | Programme Security Project Manager service to 30 March 2018. framework T&Cs apply. CEI 201 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469585 | 4898.56 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6614176 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469585 | 6161.73 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P19 - Continuation of Phase 2 & 3 duties & deliverables - NEC PSC Stage 1 (RIBA 2) Project Close Out. Not to exceed PO amount. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 297 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469585 | 8832.87 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P19 NEC PSC Stage 1 Phase 4 & 5 duties and deliverables. PO amount not to be exceeded. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 360 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 20-Aug-18 | 7469585 | 9498.22 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P19 NEC PSC Stage 1 Phase 4 Bridging instruction. PO amount not to be exceeded. Framework partner T&C apply. CEI 318 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CKC LIMITED T/A CK GROUP SERVICES | 20-Aug-18 | 7469625 | 15600 | 111222 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 6622062 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CKC LIMITED T/A CK GROUP SERVICES | 20-Aug-18 | 7469625 | 78000 | 111222 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | ECM 6057 (Framework itt 3294) Refurbishment of Laboratories 3C27-3C38 Carry out construction works as per quote. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KINGS COLLEGE LONDON | 20-Aug-18 | 7469665 | 27168 | 110598 | JMY0 | HP: ERD Science and Technology Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Kings College London PhD fees for year 3, C Symons, Phoenix project. Invoice No.: RDI-17185945 Ref: PR-ST-1015-10016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7469742 | 4624.93 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | MiSeq Reagent Kit V2 (300 Cycles) MS-102-2002 ECM 5124 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7469742 | 10341.15 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | HiSeq® Rapid Duo cBot™ SampleLoading Kit CT-403-2001 ECM 5124 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7469742 | 18043.58 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | 6621310 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7469742 | 31634.83 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | HiSeq® Rapid PE Cluster Kit v2 PE-402-4002 ECM 5124 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 20-Aug-18 | 7469742 | 43616.97 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | HiSeq® Rapid SBS Kit v2 (200 cycles) FC-402-4021 ECM 5124 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CHILDCARE VOUCHERS LTD | 21-Aug-18 | 7480584 | 91061.1 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96965 | Other non-trade creditors | C10349509/ORDER 173176163 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BIAERA TECHNOLOGIES LLC | 22-Aug-18 | 7271818 | 91225 | 111133 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | Biaera: AeroMP as per attached quotation 592 | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UK HEALTH FORUM | 22-Aug-18 | 7405815 | 10000 | NULL | KDA4 | STR: Health Economics | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6604518 OB | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UK HEALTH FORUM | 22-Aug-18 | 7405815 | 14000 | NULL | KDA4 | STR: Health Economics | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Health Economics Project: Modelling 1, costs of comorbidity. P969. PSBC 8389 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UK HEALTH FORUM | 22-Aug-18 | 7405815 | 18000 | NULL | KDA4 | STR: Health Economics | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Health Economics project; Modelling 3, Forecasting NCD outcomes. P969. PSBC 8391 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UK HEALTH FORUM | 22-Aug-18 | 7405815 | 18000 | NULL | KDA4 | STR: Health Economics | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Healthe Economics project: Modelling 2; Interaction of risk factors. P969. PSBC8390 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KANTAR UK LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7460779 | 5975 | NULL | UMB2 | MKT: Strategy and Planning | 59030 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | 6618616 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KANTAR UK LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7460779 | 29875 | NULL | UMB2 | MKT: Strategy and Planning | 59030 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | Be clear on cancer, blood in pee evaluation 2018 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH AFRICAN VACCINE PRODUCERS (PTY) LTD | 22-Aug-18 | 7463686 | 260 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 54343 | Storage and Distribution Services | 6623209 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH AFRICAN VACCINE PRODUCERS (PTY) LTD | 22-Aug-18 | 7463686 | 1300 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 54343 | Storage and Distribution Services | Airfreight cost for SAIMR Boomslang Monospecific Antivenom | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH AFRICAN VACCINE PRODUCERS (PTY) LTD | 22-Aug-18 | 7463686 | 39600 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 58319 | Vaccine Stocks - Other Costs | SAIMR Boomslang Monospecific Antivenom | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 22-Aug-18 | 7475627 | 24760.33 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 18-19 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). | NHS | RR8 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 22-Aug-18 | 7475627 | 24760.33 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 18-19 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). | NHS | RR8 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 22-Aug-18 | 7475627 | 24760.33 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 18-19 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). | NHS | RR8 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 22-Aug-18 | 7475627 | 24760.33 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 18-19 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). | NHS | RR8 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 22-Aug-18 | 7475627 | 24760.33 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 18-19 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). | NHS | RR8 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7475633 | 4970.04 | NULL | PYK2 | People: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6610846 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7475633 | 24850.21 | NULL | PYK2 | People: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Payroll Services 2018-2019 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476596 | 11276 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Maidstone. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476596 | 14070.66 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Medway. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476596 | 14585 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Canterbury. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476598 | 11276 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Maidstone. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476598 | 14070.66 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Medway. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476598 | 14585 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Canterbury. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476600 | 11276 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Maidstone. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476600 | 14070.66 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Medway. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476600 | 14585 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Canterbury. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476603 | 11276 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Maidstone. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476603 | 14070.66 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Medway. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476603 | 14585 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Canterbury. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476605 | 11276 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Maidstone. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476605 | 14070.66 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Medway. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7476605 | 14585 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Canterbury. | NHS | RVV |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FREEDOM COMMUNICATIONS (UK) LTD | 22-Aug-18 | 7476622 | 10117.2 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61320 | Minor Computer Leasing Costs | 6622490 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FREEDOM COMMUNICATIONS (UK) LTD | 22-Aug-18 | 7476622 | 50586 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61320 | Minor Computer Leasing Costs | Skype and Alcatel support - inc 1 year alcatel hardware support | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TH WHITE INSTALLATION LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7476660 | 21228.35 | 110277 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | TH White: Installation of photovoltaic power generation system as per attached | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TH WHITE INSTALLATION LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7476660 | 25638.27 | 110277 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6489722 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS CONFEDERATION CHARITY | 22-Aug-18 | 7476673 | 9500 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 64105 | Advertising (non recruitment) | 6621663 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS CONFEDERATION CHARITY | 22-Aug-18 | 7476673 | 47500 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 64105 | Advertising (non recruitment) | PSBC/PCOE P88, PSBC --8458 - NHS Flu Fighters Campaign 2018-19 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CBRE MANAGED SERVICES LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7478578 | 22887.77 | 109123 | JUF0 | SH: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | 6578914 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CBRE MANAGED SERVICES LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7478578 | 114438.86 | 109123 | JUF0 | SH: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | Provision of FM services as per contract covering the service extension to existing PO | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 22-Aug-18 | 7479575 | 12075 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6615757 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 22-Aug-18 | 7479575 | 60375 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | PHE Change4Life Summer Pack 2018 - Final cost inc courier | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VOLKERFITZPATRICK LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7480575 | 26070.13 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6607831 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VOLKERFITZPATRICK LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7480575 | 130350.66 | 110300 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P19 - Pre-Construction Services Agreement for RIBA Stage 3 element of P19 project. Expected duration is 88 weeks and includes 10% contingency. M-307 | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON | 22-Aug-18 | 7480586 | 32000 | NULL | RPV2 | HI: RTI Divisional Office | 35305 | Training | PhD studentship costs for XXX, year 1 of 3, Oct 2017 - Sept 2018 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 22-Aug-18 | 7480611 | 4543.11 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 51105 | Office Consumables Stationery | 6613684 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | APS GROUP (ALLIED PUBLICITY SVS (MANCHESTER) LTD ) | 22-Aug-18 | 7480611 | 22715.53 | NULL | VEA7 | VAC: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 51105 | Office Consumables Stationery | Prolog distribution and storage costs based on 2017-2018 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7480636 | 21840 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Newcastle (ANE). | NHS | RTD |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7480636 | 21840 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Newcastle (ANE). | NHS | RTD |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-18 | 7480636 | 21840 | NULL | UFA2 | HI: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 18-19 Newcastle (ANE). | NHS | RTD |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7480669 | 6668.31 | 111170 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6607342 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7480669 | 33341.55 | 111170 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | T Squared: 064 Mech non-process works as per attached quotation T2P2-645/Q/Mech. Non-Process/2 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7480673 | 6270.24 | 110736 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6589925 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 22-Aug-18 | 7480673 | 31351.21 | 110736 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | T-Squared: Lab 051/053 refurbishment work as per attached preliminary activity schedule T2P2-613 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MISC: One-off Payments | 22-Aug-18 | 7480768 | 30000 | NULL | UMA6 | MKT: Starting Well:Riseabove | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | INVOICE FOR GOODS | NULL | NOT CGA |