Official Statistics
Pension funds consolidated data metadata: 2023 to 2024
Updated 28 November 2024
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Variable | Description |
Authority_Name | Name of authority |
Ecode | Ecode for the authority, used by DLUHC for unique indentification |
ONSCode | Ecode for the authority, used across government for unique indentification |
pension | Expenditure on pension or annuities for members and dependants |
lump_retire | Expenditure on lump sums on retirement (including deferred) |
lump_opt | Expenditure on optional lump sums, for retirements in the financial year |
lump_death | Expenditure on lump sums on death |
othben | Expenditure on any other benefits charged to the fund |
transf_out | Expenditure on transfers out of the fund, including apportionments out |
penprem | Expenditure on Pensions Act premiums |
mgmtexp | Expenditure on administration and fund management costs, inccluding costs that may be netted off from investment income from fund managers |
othexp | Other expenditure, primarily including refunds of contributions, including any interest |
totpens_exp | Total expenditure (sum of rows 1 to 9 of section 1) |
contrib_empee | Income from employee contributions |
contrib_emper | Income from employer contributions |
invinc | Income from investment gross of tax, before deduction of fund management costs (included in mgmtexp) but net of any collection costs |
transf_in | Income from transfers into the fund |
othinc | Other income, excluding profit on realisation of assets |
totpens_inc | Total income (sum of rows 11 to 15 of section 1) |
empler_gp1 | Total employers in group 1 (local authorities and connected bodies) |
empler_gp2 | Total employers in group 2 (centrally funded public sector bodies) |
empler_gp3 | Total employers in group 3 (other public sector bodies) |
empler_gp4 | Total employers in group 4 (private sector, voluntary sector, and other) |
empler_tot | Total number of employers |
contmem_gp1 | Total contributing members in group 1 (local authorities and connected bodies) |
contmem_gp2 | Total contributing members in group 2 (centrally funded public sector bodies) |
contmem_gp3 | Total contributing members in group 3 (other public sector bodies) |
contmem_gp4 | Total contributing members in group 4 (private sector, voluntary sector, and other) |
contmem_tot | Total number of contributing members |
pensioner_gp1 | Total pensioners in group 1 (local authorities and connected bodies) |
pensioner_gp2 | Total pensioners in group 2 (centrally funded public sector bodies) |
pensioner_gp3 | Total pensioners in group 3 (other public sector bodies) |
pensioner_gp4 | Total pensioners in group 4 (private sector, voluntary sector, and other) |
pensioner_tot | Total number of pensioners |
defmemb_gp1 | Total former members entitled to deferred benefits in group 1 (local authorities and connected bodies) |
defmemb_gp2 | Total former members entitled to deferred benefits in group 2 (centrally funded public sector bodies) |
defmemb_gp3 | Total former members entitled to deferred benefits in group 3 (other public sector bodies) |
defmemb_gp4 | Total former members entitled to deferred benefits in group 4 (private sector, voluntary sector, and other) |
defmemb_tot | Total number of former members entitled to deferred benefits |
flexret_gp1 | Total flexible retirees in group 1 (local authorities and connected bodies) |
flexret_gp2 | Total flexible retirees in group 2 (centrally funded public sector bodies) |
flexret_gp3 | Total flexible retirees in group 3 (other public sector bodies) |
flexret_gp4 | Total flexible retirees in group 4 (private sector, voluntary sector, and other) |
flexret_tot | Total number of flexible retirees |
totmember_gp1 | Total members in group 1 (local authorities and connected bodies) |
totmember_gp2 | Total members in group 2 (centrally funded public sector bodies) |
totmember_gp3 | Total members in group 3 (other public sector bodies) |
totmember_gp4 | Total members in group 4 (private sector, voluntary sector, and other) |
totmember_tot | Total number of members |
fundprofit | Profit on realisation of fund assets |
fundloss | Loss on realisation of fund assets |
netprofit | Net profit on realisation of fund assets |
contrib_prim | Employers' primary contributions |
contrib_rate | Employers' primary conribution rate as a percentage of pensionable employees' remuneration |
contrib_second | Employers' secondary contributions |
contrib_s162b | Employers' secondary contributions of which subject to regulation 16(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 2003 |
contrib_emper_calc | Total employers' contributions, equal to contrib_emper except for rounding differences |
invinc_prop | Income from investments of which is from properties, net of collection costs |
invinc_oth | Other investment income |
invinc_divi | Income from dividents receivable on investments |
invinc_interest | Income from interest receivable on cash and interest bearing securities |
mktval_startyr | Market value of the fund at the start of the financial year (1 April) |
mktval_endyr | Market value of the fund at the end of the financial year (31 March) |
penspay_tot | Pension increase payments eimbused by emploters |
staff_admin | Number of full-time equivalent staff in pension administation duties within the authority |
staff_fund | Number of full-time equivalent staff in fund management duties within the authority |
mgmtexp_invest | Management expenses of which investment management expenses |
mgmtexp_admin | Management expenses of which administration expenses |
mgmtexp_gov | Management expenses of which oversight and governance expenses |
retire_redund | Number of members made redundant in the financial year |
retire_ill | Number of members who took ill health retirement in the financial year |
retire_tier1 | Number of Tier 1 ill health retirements |
retire_tier1_m | Number of Tier 1 ill health retirements of which were male members |
retire_tier1_f | Number of Tier 1 ill health retirements of which were female members |
retire_tier1_age | Average age of members who took Tier 1 ill health retirement. This data point is suppressed if it concerns three or less members |
retire_tier2 | Number of Tier 2 ill health retirements |
retire_tier2_m | Number of Tier 2 ill health retirements of which were male members |
retire_tier2_f | Number of Tier 2 ill health retirements of which were female members |
retire_tier2_age | Average age of members who took Tier 2 ill health retirement. This data point is suppressed if it concerns three or less members |
retire_tier3 | Number of Tier 3 ill health retirements |
retire_tier3_m | Number of Tier 3 ill health retirements of which were male members |
retire_tier3_f | Number of Tier 3 ill health retirements of which were female members |
retire_tier3_age | Average age of members who took Tier 3 ill health retirement. This data point is suppressed if it concerns three or less members |
tier3_stop | Number of Tier 3 payments which were stopped under Regulation 37(3) and 37(7)(c) in the financial year |
tier3_uplift | Number of Tier 3 payments were uplifted to Tier 2 under Regulation 37(7)(b) and 37(10) in the financial year |
age45protect | Number of awards which made use of the age 45 protection in Transitional Regulation 12 in the financial year |
earlypay_choice | Number of members who took early payment of pension per Regulation 30(5) of the 2013 regulations |
earlypay_ill | Number of members who took early payment of pension due to ill health per Regulation 38 of the 2013 regulations |
retire_subtot | Total number of redundancies, ill health retirements and early payments of pensions |
retire_normal | Number of "normal" retirements in the financial year |
retire_tot | Total number of all retirements |