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Charity Commission board expenses 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024

Updated 24 March 2025
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Name Date of Travel Destination Purpose of trip Transport incl taxis, parking, mileage, underground Transport Costs Accommodation (£) Other: Fees, subsistence, hospitality (£) Total Cost: (£)
Britton, Pippa 09-Aug Eisteddfod Promotion of CCEW/mtg Drive/Mileage; Rail 41 0 0 41
Brooks, Rory Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Davda, Shrenik Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Fraser, Orlando 01-Jul Liverpool Staff Intro to new CEO Rail, Taxis 118.6 0 0 118.6
Fraser, Orlando 04-Jul Taunton Staff Intro to new CEO Rail, Parking 74.9 0 0 74.9
Fraser, Orlando 09-Jul London Office/work Rail 46.8 0 0 46.8
Fraser, Orlando 15-Jul Cornwall, Devon, rtn Charity visits Drive/Mileage 195.16 80 0 275.16
Fraser, Orlando 29-Jul London Office/work Drive/Mileage 36 0 0 36
Fraser, Orlando 14-Aug London Office/mtg Rail 42 0 0 42
Fraser, Orlando 02-Sep London Office/work Rail 25.85 0 0 25.85
Fraser, Orlando 09-Sep Liverpool Site visit/mtgs Rail 65.4 95.2 0 160.6
Fraser, Orlando 10-Sep Manchester/London Charity visits Rail 41.5 0 0 41.5
Fraser, Orlando 17-Sep London Office/work Rail 46.8 0 0 46.8
Fraser, Orlando 24-Sep Cardiff Charity visits/mtg Rail 52.1 0 0 52.1
Fraser, Orlando 26-Sep Frm London to home Return Rail 25.85 0 0 25.85
Lifford, Will 04-Sep London Board Dinner Rail 108.45 0 0 108.45
Lifford, Will 24-Sep London Committee Mtg Rail 135.82 0 0 135.82
Phillips, Ann Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
Prowse, Joanne 10-Jul London Committee Mtg Rail 31.8 0 0 31.8
Prowse, Joanne 22-Jul London Committee Mtg Rail 23.1 0 0 23.1
Prowse, Joanne 04-Sep London Board Dinner Rail 23.1 0 0 23.1
Simms, Mark Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 0
David Holdsworth, CEO 02-Jul London Staff Intro to new CEO Rail 159 352.8 17.5 529.3
David Holdsworth, CEO 03 Jul-04 Jul Taunton; Newport Staff Intro to new CEO Rail 77.6 78 65 220.6
David Holdsworth, CEO 09 Jul-11 Jul Liverpool Office; charity dinner Rail, Taxi 308.24 705.6 10 1,023.84
David Holdsworth, CEO 16-Jul London Office; cathedral visits Rail 267 0 45 312
David Holdsworth, CEO 22-Jul London Office; Committee mtg Rail, Taxi 91.35 231.2 45 367.55
David Holdsworth, CEO 25-Jan Cardiff Royal Welsh Show Drive/Mileage 62.5 0 12.5 75
David Holdsworth, CEO 30-Jul London Office/work Rail 504.7 0 0 504.7
David Holdsworth, CEO 31-Jul Manchester DCMS Event Rail 23.6 0 0 23.6
David Holdsworth, CEO 30-Jul London PARTIAL CREDIT Rail -38 0 0 -38
David Holdsworth, CEO 30-Jul London PARTIAL CREDIT Rail -38 0 0 -38
David Holdsworth, CEO 30-Jul Liverpool PARTIAL CREDIT Rail -166.3 0 0 -166.3
David Holdsworth, CEO 30-Jul London Rail Refund Fee Rail 5 0 0 5
David Holdsworth, CEO 06-Aug London Office/meetings Rail 96 0 0 96
David Holdsworth, CEO 13-Aug London Office/meetings Rail 96 0 0 96
David Holdsworth, CEO 20-Aug London Office/meetings Rail 96 199.2 0 295.2
David Holdsworth, CEO 27-Aug London Office/meetings Rail 398 153 0 551
David Holdsworth, CEO 27-Aug London PARTIAL CREDITS Rail -76 0 0 -76
David Holdsworth, CEO 30-Aug Belfast Meeting, external orgs Flight 140.92 0 0 140.92
David Holdsworth, CEO 02-Sep Taunton/London Office/meetings Rail 306.4 709.6 27.5 1,043.50
David Holdsworth, CEO 04-Sep London Office/work Rail 219 0 55 274
David Holdsworth, CEO 04-Sep London PARTIAL CREDITS Rail -103 0 0 -103
David Holdsworth, CEO 05-Sep London Office/meetings Rail 171.3 0 17.5 188.8