Transparency data

DWP's senior officials' meetings, April to June 2024

Updated 28 November 2024
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Senior Official's Name Date Name of individual or organisation Purpose of Meeting
Peter Schofield 12/04/2024 Graham Hooper - CEO CfCS (Charity for Civil Servants). As chair of the charity, Peter conducted an end of year review with the CEO.
Peter Schofield 23/04/2024 Edward Elliott - Pro Bono Economics. Chair position.
Peter Schofield 07/05/2024 CfCS (Charity for Civil Servants) Recruitment of new CEO
Peter Schofield 30/05/2024 CfCS (Charity for Civil Servants) Shortlist meeting for new CEO
Peter Schofield 05/06/2024 CfCS (Charity for Civil Servants) Fireside meeting with potenial CEO
Peter Schofield 06/06/2024 CfCS (Charity for Civil Servants) Fireside meeting with potenial CEO
Peter Schofield 07/06/2024 CfCS (Charity for Civil Servants) Fireside meeting with potenial CEO
Peter Schofield 10/06/2024 CfCS (Charity for Civil Servants) Panel interviews for new CEO