Transparency data

NIO's Headcount and Payroll Data, February 2024

Updated 17 September 2024
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Year Month Organisation name Organisation type Main, parent or sponsoring department: Payroll staff; AO/AA; Headcount Payroll staff; AO/AA; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; EO; Headcount Payroll staff; EO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Headcount Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Headcount Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SCS; Headcount Payroll staff; SCS; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Headcount Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Total; Headcount Payroll staff; Total; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Admin and Clerical; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Admin and Clerical; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Interim Managers & Specialist Contractors & Medical; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Interim Managers & Specialist Contractors & Medical; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Other Contingent labour; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Other Contingent labour; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Total Contingent labour: Headcount Non-payroll staff; Total Contingent labour: Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Consultancy; Number of Contracts Grand Total (workforce numbers); Headcount Grand Total (workforce numbers); Full-time equivalent Payroll staff costs; Salary Payroll staff costs; Allowances Payroll staff costs; Non-consolidated performance payments Payroll staff costs; Overtime Payroll staff costs; Employer pension contributions Payroll staff costs; Employer national insurance contributions Payroll staff costs; Total paybill Non-Payroll staff costs; Contingent labour Non-Payroll staff costs; Consultancy Non-Payroll staff costs; Total staff costs Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs
2024 February Northern Ireland Office Ministerial Department Northern Ireland Office 8.00 7.68 12.00 12.00 77.00 75.64 43.00 41.62 16.00 16.00 Not set Not set 156 153 Not set Not set 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 Not set 156 153 £669,014.68 -£ 15,101.37 Not set £ 40,782.69 £ 191,919.28 £ 76,878.27 £963,493.55 Not set Not set £0.00 £963,493.55