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DHSC's senior officials' meetings, January to March 2024

Updated 2 September 2024
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Senior Official's Name Date Name of individual or organisation Purpose of Meeting
Andy Brittain 12/01/2024 DWP, Edgecumbe (consultancy), Scotish Gov OMP Sub-Tribe meeting focusing on the New Hospital Programme
Andy Brittain 19/01/2024 a NED was present DHSC 2022-23 ARA Sign Off Meeting
Andy Brittain 23/01/2024 CHP Intro Chat with community health partnerships
Andy Brittain 23/01/2024 Nuffield Trust - lead finances analyst Discuss short/long-term analyses of health service funding and spending
Andy Brittain 23/01/2024 PWC Monthly Catch Up (with Steve Crook)
Andy Brittain 25/01/2024 PRAESTA Coaching session
Andy Brittain 27/02/2024 PWC Monthly Catch up (with Steve Crook)
Andy Brittain 28/02/2024 A NED was present 2023-24 Q4 DHSC Audit and Risk Committee Meeting
Andy Brittain 05/03/2024 Robertson Bell Catch Up
Andy Brittain 14/03/2024 KPMG Introduction to the head of public sector practice.
Andy Brittain 14/03/2024 Grant Thornton Catch Up (with Jason Hurst / Rhiannon Williams)
Andy Brittain 19/03/2024 PRAESTA Coaching session
Chris Wormald 08/02/2024 Chief Executive of Sheffield Council catch up after a civil serivce live event
Chris Wormald 20/03/2024 Lord Prior Meeting to discuss the Honours Process,
Jonathan Marron 04/01/2024 Sarah Bradbury - IGD An introduction with the charities new CEO to establish connections
Jonathan Marron 18/01/2024 Institute for Government Roundtable: How can government shift spending towards preventative services?
Jonathan Marron 08/02/2024 Centre for Mental Health/Andy Bell To discuss public mental health
Jonathan Marron 08/02/2024 Food Standards Agency to discuss processes and reassurances
Jonathan Marron 22/02/2024 NHSBA / Michael Brodie Discussing health in north east
Jonathan Marron 23/02/2024 Yhealth White Paper Breakfast Launch Event
Lucy Chappell 02/04/2024 Flagship Pioneering Collabortion, BRCs, Catalytic capital
Lucy Chappell 02/04/2024 Yonder Consulting NICE Rearch - Interview: Infrastructure
Lucy Chappell 04/04/2024 Carnell Farrar Consulting Innovation Ecosystem Programme - Workstream 1 Expression of Interest Process: Innovation conditions for success
Lucy Chappell 19/04/2024 Inequalities paper discussion
Lucy Chappell 11/06/2024 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) How we could work together in strengthening the field of women’s health research, with a particular focus on potential collaboration with NIHR’s work Not set
Lucy Chappell 27/06/2024 Moderna, Inc Clinical trails/problem escalation
Natalie Forrest Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Tim Andrews 17/01/2024 Health Think Tanks Roundtable on NHS Productivity with various UK Health think tanks, hosted by HM Treasury.
Christopher Whitty 03/01/2024 The Royal College Of Surgeons Informal catch-up meeting to discuss Organisational Matters
Christopher Whitty 04/01/2024 The Royal College of Physicians Meeting with physicians, PAs and wider health system leaders to understand current challenges
Christopher Whitty 05/01/2024 Cancer Research UK To discuss smoking
Christopher Whitty 05/01/2024 Lord Filkin To discuss the Covenant for Health report
Christopher Whitty 09/01/2024 British Heart Foundation To discuss smoking
Christopher Whitty 11/01/2024 University College London Hospitals NHS Trust Attending Hospital for Tropical Diseases Grand Round
Christopher Whitty 11/01/2024 University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust To discuss general internal medicine training
Christopher Whitty 11/01/2024 University College London To discuss health and social care honours committee
Christopher Whitty 15/01/2024 Royal Academy of Engineering Attending Sewage Workshop
Christopher Whitty 17/01/2024 Leeds City Council CMO 2025 Annual report visit on ageing society
Christopher Whitty 18/01/2024 Lord Darzi Catch-up meeting to discuss public health issues
Christopher Whitty 18/01/2024 Agulhas To discuss Independent Commission for Aid Impact's Global Health Research Review
Christopher Whitty 18/01/2024 Institute for Government Roundtable to discuss how government can shift spending towards preventative services
Christopher Whitty 19/01/2024 Academy of Medical Sciences Quarterly Meeting to discuss health research
Christopher Whitty 19/01/2024 The Association of Directors of Public Health Regular meeting to discuss public health issues
Christopher Whitty 22/01/2024 Action on Smoking and Health To discuss smoking and vapes
Christopher Whitty 22/01/2024 Lord Kakkar To discuss public health and clinical research
Christopher Whitty 22/01/2024 The Association of Directors of Public Health To discuss alcohol policy
Christopher Whitty 23/01/2024 Lane Clark & Peacock LLP Discuss actuarial risk
Christopher Whitty 23/01/2024 General Medical Council Catch-up meeting to discuss good medical practice
Christopher Whitty 25/01/2024 Sightsavers In capacity as Sightsavers trustee: to discuss research strategy
Christopher Whitty 25/01/2024 Sightsavers In capacity as Sightsavers trustee: Global Board Meeting
Christopher Whitty 25/01/2024 Secretary Blair Comley PSM, the Australian Health Secretary To discuss the public health questions of both the United Kingdom and Australia
Christopher Whitty 25/01/2024 The Association of Directors of Public Health To discuss measles outbreak
Christopher Whitty 26/01/2024 The Nuffield Trust To discuss keynote address at The Nuffield Trust Summit
Christopher Whitty 26/01/2024 Pathway - Homeless and Inclusion Health To discuss homeless and inclusion health
Christopher Whitty 26/01/2024 Dame Rachel de Souza Catch-up call to discuss children and young people's public health including risks of smoking
Christopher Whitty 29/01/2024 University College London Hospitals NHS Trust Informal catch-up (own hospital)
Christopher Whitty 31/01/2024 Medical Research Council Catch-up meeting on future health trends and research
Christopher Whitty 01/02/2024 His Majesty's Prison Hewell Worcestershire To discuss prisoners health
Christopher Whitty 01/02/2024 His Majesty's Prison Oakwood Staffordshire To discuss prisoners health
Christopher Whitty 02/02/2024 Lord Filkin To discuss tobacco bill
Christopher Whitty 02/02/2024 Lord Bethell To discuss tobacco bill
Christopher Whitty 02/02/2024 The Faculty of Pain Medicine and The British Pain Society To discuss national pain services
Christopher Whitty 06/02/2024 Cardiff for CMO Meeting of four UK CMOs and teams to discuss national public health matters
Christopher Whitty 07/02/2024 University of Liverpool (prof. Tom Solomon) Medical research review
Christopher Whitty 08/02/2024 Royal Academy of Engineering Catch-up meeting to discuss public health and wastewater
Christopher Whitty 08/02/2024 Shelford Group Annual event briefing
Christopher Whitty 09/02/2024 Windlesham House School Attending science competition
Christopher Whitty 12/02/2024 Barnardo's To discuss tobacco bill
Christopher Whitty 12/02/2024 Dolitics To discuss obesity
Christopher Whitty 13/02/2024 University of Manchester Lecture on health inequalities
Christopher Whitty 14/02/2024 Manchester City Council CMO 2025 Annual report visit on ageing society
Christopher Whitty 15/02/2024 Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Monthly meeting including discussions around medical management and leadership
Christopher Whitty 15/02/2024 UK Research and Innovation To discuss obesity
Christopher Whitty 20/02/2024 University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine To discuss infant nutrition
Christopher Whitty 20/02/2024 Nesta To discuss obesity
Christopher Whitty 20/02/2024 Local Government Association To deliver a webinar on the CMO 2023 Annual Report on Health in an Ageing Society
Christopher Whitty 21/02/2024 WHO AFRO Regional Dialogue Attending annual regional dialogue meeting between the United Kingdom and WHO AFRO
Christopher Whitty 22/02/2024 Gresham College Attending Academic Board
Christopher Whitty 23/02/2024 King's Fund To discuss "Fast Start for Better Health" report
Christopher Whitty 26/02/2024 Academy of Medical Royal Colleges To discuss the reform of medical education
Christopher Whitty 26/02/2024 Cancer Research UK To discuss smoking
Christopher Whitty 27/02/2024 The Association of Directors of Public Health Monthly meeting to discuss work and health
Christopher Whitty 27/02/2024 The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Delivering an Infectious Disease Lecture
Christopher Whitty 29/02/2024 Town and Country Planning Association To deliver a presentation on the CMO 2023 Annual Report on Health in an Ageing Society
Christopher Whitty 01/03/2024 Sightsavers In capacity as Sightsavers trustee: Techical discussions meeting
Christopher Whitty 04/03/2024 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Quarterly Meeting to discuss health technologies, clinical practice, health promotion and guidance
Christopher Whitty 04/03/2024 Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare To discuss Integrated Commissioning
Christopher Whitty 04/03/2024 Royal College of Physicians Informal catch-up meeting
Christopher Whitty 06/03/2024 Cancer Research UK To discuss smoking
Christopher Whitty 06/03/2024 Imperial School of Public Health Attending SPH Building opening
Christopher Whitty 06/03/2024 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Catch-up meeting to discuss children's health
Christopher Whitty 06/03/2024 Hospital for Tropical Diseases Attending Hospital for Tropical Diseases Consultants' Forum
Christopher Whitty 07/03/2024 The Nuffield Trust To delivery keynote address at The Nuffield Trust Summit
Christopher Whitty 07/03/2024 University College London To discuss Health Equity Network Development
Christopher Whitty 11/03/2024 Pfizer To discuss occupational health
Christopher Whitty 11/03/2024 The Association of Directors of Public Health Monthly meeting, discussed work and health
Christopher Whitty 11/03/2024 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence To discuss NHSE Prevention Work
Christopher Whitty 11/03/2024 Royal College of Physicians Informal catch-up meeting
Christopher Whitty 12/03/2024 Coalition of Frontline Care for People Nearing the End of Life To discuss healthy ageing
Christopher Whitty 12/03/2024 Gauthier Willemse Meeting with the Medical Officer of the Belgian Ministry of Health
Christopher Whitty 12/03/2024 Tackling Loneliness and Connected Communities APPG To discuss health in ageing society
Christopher Whitty 13/03/2024 University College London Hospitals NHS Trust Attending Infection division Away Day
Christopher Whitty 14/03/2024 University College London Hospitals NHS Trust Attending Infection division Away Day
Christopher Whitty 15/03/2024 Sheffield City Council Annual report visit
Christopher Whitty 18/03/2024 Manchester City Council To discuss annual report
Christopher Whitty 18/03/2024 The Royal College Of Surgeons Informal catch-up meeting to discuss surgery
Christopher Whitty 19/03/2024 Bristol City Council Annual report visit
Christopher Whitty 20/03/2024 Gresham College Catch-up meeting to discuss lecture recordings and strategy
Christopher Whitty 20/03/2024 Royal Academy of Engineering Report draft discussion
Christopher Whitty 21/03/2024 Shelford Group Attending Annual Event
Christopher Whitty 21/03/2024 Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Monthly meeting including discussions around standards of care and medical education across the United Kingdom
Christopher Whitty 22/03/2024 Oxford University Hospitals Attending Oxford Bone Infection Conference
Christopher Whitty 25/03/2024 The Medical Society of London Lecture on the evolution of health in the UK and Globally over the next decades
Christopher Whitty 28/03/2024 Cancer Research UK To discuss tobacco bill
Clara Swinson 06/02/2023 Joseph Rowntree Foundation Paul Kissack is a former DG at DHSC, came to speak at DHSC Policy Day in Leeds
Clara Swinson 26/04/2023 Blavatnik School of Government Inquriey Discussions
Clara Swinson 26/04/2023 Health Foundations Inquriey Discussions
Clara Swinson 31/10/2023 Kings College London Interview for Michelle's dissertation
Clara Swinson 28/02/2024 Consultant/EY Provides coaching via contract througn Ernst & Young
Clara Swinson 07/03/2024 Landmark Chambers Fiona was involved in the Covid Inquirey Proceedings
Matthew Style 11/01/2024 NHS Confederation Virtual meeting to discuss priorities and issues arising for NHS system leaders
Matthew Style 18/01/2024 Nursing & Midwifery Council Virtual meeting to discuss priorities and issues arising surrounding the work of the NMC
Matthew Style 24/01/2024 Isio To discuss current issues in public sector pensions and their impact on NHS scheme members
Matthew Style 26/01/2024 NHS Providers Virtual meeting to discuss priorities and issues arising for NHS system leaders
Matthew Style 30/01/2024 Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry Virtual meeting to discuss next steps regarding the voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing, access and growth
Matthew Style 12/02/2024 The King's Fund In person introductory meeting to discuss key strategic challenges and opportunities in health policy
Matthew Style 29/02/2024 Imperial College Health Partners In person meeting to discuss key strategic challenges and opportunities in health policy
Matthew Style 22/03/2024 The King’s Fund Virtual session to discuss key challenges and opportunities in health policy
Michelle Dyson 09/01/2024 King College London Discussion regarding event “What next for care work? A symposium on futures” and Michelle's participation as a speaker
Michelle Dyson 11/02/2024 Care Quality Commission James Bullion/Michelle Dyson - 6 weekly CQC discussion and catchup
Michelle Dyson 12/01/2024 Christabel Ajediti Discussion and advice from Michelle to Christabel rgearding support in appointing trustees for Methodist Homes (MHA)
Michelle Dyson 15/01/2024 Association of the Adult Social Services Regular meeting to disscuss immimate issues facing Social Care
Michelle Dyson 17/01/2024 Care England Regular ceck in the the Chief Executive of Care England to disscuss pressing issues
Michelle Dyson 18/01/2024 Alzheimers uk Discussion with key stakeholder on emerging issues
Michelle Dyson 18/01/2024 Care Quality Commission Meeting with the chair of the comission on current issues.
Michelle Dyson 19/01/2024 Royal Greenwich Council Catch up regarding local authority issues
Michelle Dyson 25/01/2024 Local Government Association Montly current priorities meeting with the Director of Policy and Deputy Chief Executive
Michelle Dyson 06/02/2024 David Goodhart Policy exchange narrative feedback
Michelle Dyson 08/02/2024 Samantha Jones Perfromance feedback meeting with interim lead NED
Michelle Dyson 15/02/2024 Hertfordshire Council 6 weekly catch up with the Executive Director of Adult Care Services (DASS) for Hertfordshire
Michelle Dyson 16/02/2024 Royal Greenwich Council Catch up regarding local authority issues
Michelle Dyson 19/02/2024 Association of the Adult Social Services Regular meeting to disscuss immimate issues facing Social Care
Michelle Dyson 21/02/2024 Walnutcare, Royal Greenwich, Care Quality Commsission ASC International Recruitment exploitation discovery session
Michelle Dyson 22/02/2024 Local Government Association weekly catch up with the Director of Policy and Deputy Chief Executive
Michelle Dyson 22/02/2024 Care Quality Commission 6 weekly CQC discussion and catchup with the Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care
Michelle Dyson 26/02/2024 National Care Forum Michelle/Vic Quarterly catch up
Michelle Dyson 01/03/2024 Age uk quarterly catch up with the charity director of Age UK
Michelle Dyson 01/03/2024 National Care Association Quartley catch up with the chair of the Care association
Michelle Dyson 04/03/2024 DWP/DHSC/Age UK Joint Strategy Conversation To discuss the stragtery between social care and the benefit system
Michelle Dyson 05/03/2024 Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Regular meeting to disscuss immimate issues facing Social Care
Michelle Dyson 06/03/2024 Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Regular meeting to disscuss immimate issues facing Social Care also disccused Honours.
Michelle Dyson 07/03/2024 Leigh day litigiation Litigation discussion
Michelle Dyson 11/03/2024 Association of Directors of Adult Social Services /Haringey Council Not set
Michelle Dyson 11/03/2024 Care Quality Commission Meeting to discuss currenty pressing issues
Michelle Dyson 11/03/2024 Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) SCIE Spring Reception
Michelle Dyson 13/03/2024 Policy Profession Delivery Committee Policy Profession Delivery Committee (March)
Michelle Dyson 18/03/2024 Care England Quarterly catch up with the Chief Executive to disscuss independent care providers
Michelle Dyson 20/03/2024 UK-China Healthy Ageing Roundtable with CMO Roundtable with Chief Medical Officer to discuss the effects of an aging population.
Michelle Dyson 21/03/2024 Local Government Association Michelle Dyson/Sally Burlington - 4 weekly catchup on current priorities