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NIO's Senior Officials Meetings, January to March 2024

Updated 29 August 2024
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Senior Official's Name Date Name of individual or organisation Purpose of Meeting
Caroline Hacker Nil return Nil return Nil return
Dominic Wilson 2024-01-22 Mark Sedwill Discussion on Government approach to Strategy
Julie Harrison 2024-01-11 National Lottery Heritage Fund Discussion on the work of the Heritage Fund and how their work indirectly contributes to efforts on reconciliation in Northern Ireland.
Julie Harrison 2024-01-12 Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance (NIPSA) Discussion on potential industrial action in Northern Ireland and the pressures facing public services.
Julie Harrison 2024-02-01 Roundtable of groups from Civic Society Roundtable briefing for Civic Society groups on the Safeguarding the Union Command Paper.
Julie Harrison 2024-02-06 Co-operation Ireland Discussion on the work of Co-op Ireland and the recent restoration of the Northern Ireland Executive.
Julie Harrison 2024-02-06 International Fund for Ireland (IFI) Discussion on the ongoing funding arrangements between UK Government and the IFI.
Julie Harrison 2024-03-13 Roundtable with groups from the Women's Sector Discussion on challenges facing women's groups and third sector groups more generally in Northern Ireland, and how UK Government can work better with them for mutual benefit.
Julie Harrison 2024-03-14 Pivotal Discussion on Pivotal's work and efforts to provide insightful data reports that could assist with Government policy-making.
Julie Harrison 2024-03-21 No10-hosted Roundtable with businesses from Cyber and Fintech Discussion on challenges and opportunites facing the Cyber and Fintech industries in Northern Ireland.