Research and analysis

Avian influenza in wild birds: 2024

Updated 30 August 2024
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Week District County Species (Positive) Species (Latin) Pathotype Total
Week 1 (2024) Long Buckby Northamptonshire Whooper Swan (1) Cygnus cygnus H5N1 HPAI 1
Week 1 (2024) King's Lynn and West Norfolk Norfolk Mute Swan (2) Cygnus olor H5N1 HPAI 2
Week 1 (2024) Arun West Sussex Canada Goose (1) Branta canadensis H5N1 HPAI 1
Week 2 (2024) Arun West Sussex Gannet (1) Morus bassanus H5N1 HPAI 1
Week 3 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 4 (2024) Worthing East Sussex Herring Gull (1) Larus argentatus H5N1 HPAI 1
Week 5 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 6 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 7 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 8 (2024) Borough of Spelthorne Surrey Herring Gull (1) Larus argentatus H5N1 HPAI 1
Week 9 (2024) North Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Common Buzzard (1) Buteo buteo H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 9 (2024) Oldham Greater Manchester Sparrowhawk (1) Accipiter nisus H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 10 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 11 (2024) East Lothian Lothian Common Buzzard (1) Buteo buteo H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 12 (2024) Highland Highland Red kite Milvus milvus H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 13 (2024) Bamburgh Northumberland Herring Gull Larus argentatus H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 13 (2024) Bamburgh Northumberland Peregine falcon Falco peregrinus H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 14 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 15 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 16 (2024) Llangarron Herefordshire Sparrowhawk (1) Accipiter nisus H5N1 HPAI 1
Week 17 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 18 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 19 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 20 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 21 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 22 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 23 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 24 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 25 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 26 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 27 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 28 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 29 (2024) Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 30 Shetland Islands Shetland Islands Great Black-Backed Gull Larus marinus H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 31 Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 32 Shetland Islands Shetland Islands Great Skua Stercorarius skua H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 33 Western Isles Western Isles Great skua Stercorarius skua H5N5 HPAI 1
Week 34 Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0
Week 35 Not applicable Not applicable No positive birds reported Not applicable Not applicable 0