Transparency data

DESNZ ministerial travel, January to March 2024

Updated 2 September 2024
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Minister Start Date End Date Destination Purpose of Trip Mode(s) of Transport Number of officials who accompanied the minister if non-scheduled flight was taken Accompanied by spouse/ partner at public expense Subtotal of all travel costs including any non-scheduled/ RAF flights (£) Subtotal of associated costs (for minister only) including all visas, accommodation, meals etc. (£) Total Cost (£)
Claire Coutinho 2024-02-13 2024-02-14 Paris, France To attend the International Energy Agency (IEA) Ministerial Meeting Eurostar N/A No 980.2 166.9 1147.1
Claire Coutinho 2024-02-17 2024-02-20 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia To participate in UK-KSA Clean Energy Policy Dialogue Scheduled Flight N/A No 4904.59 103.26 5007.85
Graham Stuart 2024-03-04 2024-03-09 Bali, Indoesia Co-host the Forest, Agricultural Commodity and Trade (FACT) Dialogue Forum with Indonesian Government counterparts Flight, car N/A No 6005.27 688 6693.27
Graham Stuart 2024-03-19 2024-03-22 Berlin, Germany, Copenhagen, Denmark For Energy Transition Dialogue and the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial Scheduled Flight N/A No 559.47 563.5 1122.97
Amanda Solloway Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return
Andrew Bowie 2024-03-20 2024-03-21 Brussels, Belgium To attend the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Nuclear Energy Summit Eurostar N/A No 499.9 112.14 612.04
Martin Callanan 2024-02-14 2024-02-15 Oslo, Norway To attend Oslo Energy Forum Scheduled Flight N/A No 620.19 Nil return 620.19