FOI release

DVSA FOI disclosure log, July 2024

Updated 4 February 2025
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Request reference Request status Request summary Date the response was issued
2406-048993 Successful DVSA's National Standards & Accreditations Team undertake Driver CPC Approved Centre audits . The auditors in accordance with DVSA Procedures, where appropriate issue Requirement Notices (RN), Action Points (AP) and Continuous Improvements. (CI). Please supply a copy of these Procedures. Please include the criteria for each category RN, AP, & CI. Please supply copies of all guidance, and any further information given to Auditors in regard to undertaking DCPC Centre Audits. 02/07/2024
2406-049014 Successful 1. Currently for 2024 how many MOT testers are there? 2. Of these MOT testers, how many are female? 3. Of these testers, can you confirm what classes they are qualified to test. For example how many test Class 1 & 2, how many 4 & 7 etc. 02/07/2024
2406-049319 Successful regarding the Elgin Driving Test Centre, I’m hoping to find out the following, over the period of the last 6 months: - a breakdown of the number/percentage split of Category B driving tests conducted in Driving School cars, Private Hire cars with dual control and Private cars without dual controls. - and if possible the split of pass/fail for each of these categories. 05/07/2024
2406-049532 Successful For the period April 2021 – March 2024 (inclusive) for DVSA to supply HGV roadside enforcement encounter data as follows: 1. The total numbers of vehicles encountered (be that through DVSA stopping or Police) at roadside. 2. The total numbers of vehicles that had enforcement action taken – separated into action groups i.e. Inspection Notice, Delayed Prohibition, Immediate Prohibition. 3. The total numbers of vehicles that had clear encounters – no enforcement action taken. We would like the data to displayed in two groups: 1) UK registered vehicles 2) Non-UK registered vehicles And for those in group 1, that they be sub-separated into OCRS bands (where no OCRS recorded they be placed into a “N/A” band). 05/07/2024
2406-049894 Successful , Please supply the following information for your Agency ONLY, (do not including any data on other agencies or public bodies that may report to you) for the period of 2023: 1. Year of Creation/Launch/Establishment? 2. Your Annual Budget for the financial year of 2022/23? 3. Other Revenue received but not from government? 4. Fiscal Powers: Yes/No 5. Regulatory Powers: Yes/No 6. Do you sponsor other Public Bodies: Yes/No, if yes who? 7. Number of permanent staff? 8. Number of temporary staff (including part timers)? 9. Number of contract staff employed, (self-employed)? Points of clarification: • Questions 7,8 & 9 that is number employed during the financial year of 2022/23 • Question 7: Permanent staff who have a contract of employment issued by your HR department including those on a fixed term contract • Question 8: Temporary staff includes part timers and agency temps • Question 9: Contractor staff, those who operate under an umbrella company or as a limited company and outside IR35 09/07/2024
2406-049901 Successful 1. For the 2023 calendar year could you provide me with a table in relation to candidates who took the car practical test and made ten or more serious or dangerous faults. Please break the table down for men and women and who how many made 10, 11, 12, 13 etc serious or dangerous faults. For each of these individuals who made ten or more serious or dangerous faults please list how many of each type of serious or dangerous fault they made and the nature of these faults, by which I mean the type of dangerous/serious faults that they made? Eg Moving Off (Control), Junctions (Observation) etc. Please provide this in a similar format to a previous FoI response Ref[2310-030508]. However, the table in that response was not detailed enough in that it did not provide detail of exactly the nature of the serious and dangerous faults of EACH of the people referenced. Please could you amend the table for 2023’s candidates so that it shows that detail clearly? 2. In 2023 how many people took a practical driving test having already at some point in their past failed a practical test a total of (a) twice, (b) five times and (c) ten times. 3. In 2023 please state the greatest number of practical tests taken in the past by the person who (a) passed their practical test and (b) failed their practical test. 08/07/2024
2406-049935 Successful I would like to know the driving (Car) test pass rates at Pinner (London) broken down by time of the day the test took place grouped by every month for the last 10 years. 11/07/2024
2406-049964 Successful Could I have information related to the following test centres, please. Dundee Block 23B, Kilspindie Place, Dunsinane Industrial Estate, Dundee, DD2 3QH Forfar ASDA supercentre, Unit 1, New Road, Forfar, DD8 2AE Arbroath Asda Supermarket, Westway Retail Park, Dundee Rd, Arbroath, DD11 2NQ Perth (Arran Road) Arran Road, North Muirton Ind Estate, Tayside, Perth, PH1 3DZ 09/07/2024
2406-050138 Successful 1. The total number of driving test candidates for each month in the years 2023 and 2024, up to the present date. 2. The total number of driving test failures for each month in the years 2023 and 2024, up to the present date. 3. A detailed breakdown of the most common reasons for failing the driving test, including a list of the specific faults (both minor and major) and their frequencies, for the years 2023 and 2024. 08/07/2024
2406-050214 Successful for the tax years 2014/15 to 2022/23 inclusive, please would you please fully disclose the following details, breaking the figures by year: 1. How much revenue has been received by your organisation for services rendered to film and television productions? This could include location rental, permits and all other services related to film productions using your personnel or resources. 2. Please outline the type of work or service rendered, in each case and disclose the revenue received for each type of service. 3. How much has your organisation spent on facilitating such arrangements between 2014/15 to 2022/23, inclusive, broken down by year? 16/07/2024
2406-050474 Successful For 2023 Category b car tests Pass Rate (%) by day of the week UK wide Pass rate (%) by hour slot UK wide Pass rate (%) by day of the week for the following cities: • Birmingham • Manchester • Edinburgh • Leeds • Nottingham 19/07/2024
2406-050554 Successful regarding your facilities management approach for Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain: - How are facilities management services (hard FM, soft FM or TFM) handled across your estates? - If any services are outsourced, which services and to which suppliers? - What are the start dates and durations of these contracts, including the end date, and which services are included in each? - What are the values of the contracts? - Is there an extension clause in the contract(s) and if so, what is the duration of the extension? - Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract(s) are being either extended or renewed? - What is the job title of the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract(s)? - Do you utilise any outsourced helpdesk or FM integrator services? If so, with which supplier(s)? - Which software solution(s) are used to manage your corporate property/assets including facilities management (CAFM)? 18/07/2024
2406-050557 Successful 1. Contract Register Request: I am seeking the full and entirety of the organisation's contract register or database. The register should include the following columns/headings or something similar: • Contract Reference -Unique reference number associated with the contract. • Contract Title • Procurement Category – • Supplier Name • Spend (Total, Annual or contract value) • Contract Duration • Contract Extensions • Contract Start Date • Contract Expiry Date • Contract Description [Please provide me with as much detail as possible.] • Contact Owner (Person that manages the contract register) • Contact details of section 151 officer • CPV codes/Pro-Class • How many contracts are currently held on the contract register If any of the headings within your contract register has not been provided, please state this within your response. Please provide the contract's register file in Excel format. 2. Procurement Strategy Document Request: • Can the organisation provide a full version of their Procurement Strategy for the fiscal year 2024-2025? • If the Procurement Strategy is a strategic direction (2022-2025) instead of an annual plan, please provide an update document for 2023-2024. If an update cannot be provided, please provide information on when an update is planned to be published. • We require the full document. If any parts of this document have been removed, please state this within your response. 3. Contact Details Request: • Provide contact details of the person responsible for API or data sharing, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address]. • Provide contact details of the person responsible for the actual contract's register, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address]. 22/07/2024
2406-050686 Successful I am writing to request access to and documentation (if any) of the Application Programming Interface (API) or other programmatic methods used to retrieve available dates and locations for booking driving tests, often referred to as 'available dates'. Specifically, I am seeking the following information: - The complete documentation (up to reasonable disclosure) of the API endpoints or other programmatic methods used to query available driving test dates and locations. - The parameters required to make requests to these endpoints. - Sample requests and responses for these API calls. - Any associated authentication and authorization requirements needed to access these APIs. - Information on rate limits or usage quotas for these APIs. - Any relevant data models or schemas used in these processes. 19/07/2024
2407-050812 Successful Technology Delivery Services K280021910: The details we require are: • What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract? • Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages • Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised? • Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension? • Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed? • Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract? 25/07/2024
2407-050818 Successful Is it true that the DVSA release a large number of tests across UK test centres on a Monday at 6am? If yes, what kind of tests are released? Is it just the 24th week in order to maintain the 24-week window, or does the test drop contain test cancellations, and / or more examiners becoming available? If there are multiple reasons for tests being released on a Monday at 6am, please provide a breakdown of each reason / category along with the number of tests released for that reason, broken down by date, test centre and number of tests. I'd like the data for the last 12 months. For example: Date & Time Category Test Centre Number of Tests Monday 1st July 2024 06:00 24th week of tests Colchester 50 Monday 1st July 2024 06:00 Examiner availability Colchester 2 Are there any other known days and times that the DVSA schedule a release of tests? If yes, please include them in the above breakdown. Could you also please provide me with the responses made to the following FOI requests: March 2023: 2303-014247 2303-015896 April 2023: 2305-018706 May 2023: 2305-019489 2305-020582 October 2023: 2309-028111 April 2022: IA/00383/22 May 2022: IA/00434/22 June 2022: IA/00647/22 29/07/2024
2407-050839 Successful Last 12 months (from the date you received this email) Total tests undertaken (test centre as a whole) Total pass / fails Pass rate % Pass rate for ADI/PDI presented candidate % Pass rate for non ADI/PDI presented candidate % Average number of driver faults (all tests) Average number of serious faults Average number of dangerous faults Average number physical intervention Average number of verbal intervention Current test time I would then like a detailed breakdown of the overall statistics to an examiner level, whilst I understand you can not give examiner names, please substitute this with Examiner A, Examiner B, etc… Detailed breakdown (for the same period as above) Total tests undertaken (Examiner A) Total pass / fails Pass rate % Pass rate for ADI/PDI presented candidate % Pass rate for non ADI/PDI presented candidate % Average number of driver faults (all tests) Average number of serious faults Average number of dangerous faults Average number physical intervention Average number of verbal intervention Historic data for years 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 Total tests (test centre as a whole) Total pass / fails Pass rate % 24/07/2024
2407-050952 Successful The DVSA's National Standards & Accreditations Team hold quarterly standardisation meetings for their Auditors. Please supply:- 1. The dates of these meetings over the last two years, 2. Including format i..e in person or virtual? 3. Number of auditors attending each meeting. 22/07/2024
2407-051290 Successful • The number of complaints made to the DVSA re driving tests and driving test examiners that 'did not follow the law' in the eyes of the motorist taking the test. • The reason for the complaint - ie, what element of the law did the person taking the test suggest that the instructor had not followed? • The number of complaints made to the DVSA about a driving test examiner having behaved inappropriately or in an unprofessional manner during the test (ie, rudeness, etc) • How many of the complaints listed above did the DVSA agree with or disagree with (and any subsequent actions taken by the DVSA)? • Can I have those stats per year, from 2021 up until now? • Can I also have those complaint stats broken down by test centre location? 31/07/2024
2407-051305 Successful For the period April 2023 – March 2024 for DVSA to supply HGV roadside enforcement encounter data as follows: 1. The total numbers of vehicles encountered (be that through DVSA stopping or Police) at roadside. 2. The total numbers of vehicles that had enforcement action taken – separated into action groups i.e. Inspection Notice, Delayed Prohibition, Immediate Prohibition. 3. The total numbers of vehicles that had clear encounters – no enforcement action taken. We would like the data to displayed in two groups: 1) UK registered vehicles 2) Non-UK registered vehicles And for those in group 1, that they be sub-separated into OCRS bands (where no OCRS recorded they be placed into a “N/A” band). 25/07/2024
2407-051575 Successful Current category b driving test wait times for each UK test centre. Average UK wide wait times for each year as far back as you have available data, but ideally at least 10 years. 23/07/2024
2407-051593 Successful Could you provide information about disputed decision complaints in the last three years 31/07/2024
2407-051836 Successful Presently, I work as a researcher across transport modes and I am completing some research contracts currently. **Could I request some information (FOI - or otherwise)** Regarding driving tests - class B in the period 2018 - to - date (which relates to my research) Namely the following: (1) The number of practical driving tests annually by total in the UK (2018-to date) broken down if possible, to show 1.1. England, Wales, Scotland; over the last 5 -years (2018- to date) 1.2. And by test centre/county/region - again, over the last 5 -years (2018- to date) - the pass/fail rates ideally (broken down as much as possible related to - 1.1. & 1.2. above) (2) The ages: percentages against age groups of persons taking the driving test (across the period 2018-to date) (also the fail/pass rates within the age brackets): ideally to show the sub-sets of 1.1. and 1.2. 2.1. Those taking the practical test (class B) - pass/fail rate by sex (male/female) - again, ideally, to show the sub-sets of 1.1. and 1.2. (3) Practical (b) driving test: How many tests do students undertake before passing (including - the pass rates - 1st time, 2nd time etc) again, broken down by test centre/county/region and age/sex if possible. 3.1. And, if it is possible, also, for the theory test - (although this is less important). (4) Importantly: the number of driving tests (class B) taken in a manual car and an automatic car (across the same 5-year period). Again, if this data is able to be further broken down into the sub-sets of age, region, sex please. (5) Finally - If you could also include any documentation (links) that specifically details what the practical driving test entails (duration and content/options) and any changes to the practical driving test in the last 5-years (2018-to date) and even envisaged/planned for the future. 31/07/2024
2407-051853 Successful pass rates for the last 12 months where private cars are used for Aberdeen North & South 17/07/2024
2407-051941 Successful I would like a .csv or .xlsx of the reasons for driving test failures by test centres or local authority, with the most recent figures for each reason. Some comparative data would be great, the past 5 years for example, but the most recent data would suffice. I know the top 10 reasons are released as a bulletin each year but this data would be analysed to find out the locations where eyesight is more of an issue- this can include failures based on the eyesight test alone as well as observation faults and failures. 24/07/2024
2407-052509 Successful Please could you provide a copy of the response to foi request 2402 040839 Please could you also provide a list of the current average wait time for a practical test by county. 31/07/2024
2406-048987 Partially successful Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to know how many complaints in total have been made about driving instructors both PDI and ADI for the following years: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 02/07/2024
2406-049043 Partially successful 1, what garage is the busiest Mot Station in the UK for 2023 2, where is the busiest garage based on the uk and what district ? 3, at what station does busiest tester for 2023 work at 4, what is the age of the busiest tester, in 2023 5, How many appeals did DVSA carry out in 2023 6, how many Female Mot Testers in the industry ? currently 7, How many Mot stations Test Every Class of Vehicle currently 8, How many Vehicle examiners DVSA employ to police the MOT Scheme currently 8, how many VT8s was carried out in 2023 9, how many Mot testers did not complete there CPD Training ending 31 March 24 10, when was the last price increase of the MOT Test and how much did it increase 11, How many Red Garages in the MoT Scheme 12, Haw many amber garages in the MoT Scheme 13, How Many Gren Garages in the Mot scheme 14, How many Red Testers in the MoT Scheme 15, Haw many amber testers in the MoT Scheme 16, How Many Green testers in the Mot scheme 17, Many Tests was carried out between 11pm and 5am throughout 2023 18, How many training schools authorized to train Mot Testers 19, how many testers currently authorized to test vehicles 20, how many Mot Stations authorized to carry out Mots 21, can I have the age groups for testers ( 20-30 ) (31-40 ) (41-50 ) (51-60) (61-70) (70 – above ) 02/07/2024
2406-050359 Partially successful Can you advise me on how many catastrophic (vehicles damaged beyond economical repair) bus and coach fires there have been in the UK during the past two years? 04/07/2024
2406-050444 Partially successful Please can you provide me with statistics for Swindon DVSA test centre please. Pass rates versus tests booked and reasons for failure. From Dec 2023 to present day 04/07/2024
2406-050607 Partially successful any emails , directives or written communications that have been sent to motorcycle test examiner's within the DVSA that relate to what motorcycle clothing is considered to be suitable or unsuitable to be worn when taking a motorcycle test. In particular have the DVSA given any instructions relating to Knox mesh jackets and if so what specific jackets have been mentioned. Has the DVSA issued any guidance or directives relating to any other makes of jackets? 09/07/2024
2407-051118 Partially successful - Dataset Time-frame: The two year period spanning 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2024 - Dataset category: Driving tests for cars - Dataset Locations: Dudley and Wednesbury and Wolverhampton DVSA test centres - Data split by: Examiner name, for each examiner in each test centre. NOTE: If name cannot be disclosed then a unique identifying number - Dates examiner worked in location, if not the full two years 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2024. No adjustment required for time off due to annual leave / sick leave / other short term leave. - Total number of tests booked with each examiner, - Total number of tests sat with each examiner, - Total number of tests passed with each examiner, - Total number of tests failed with each examiner, - Breakdown of reasons for failure for each examiner with numbers - Please provide this information via email. I have included an example of an output I'd like: [EXAMPLE IN CAPS] TEST CENTRE: DUDLEY EXAMINER: JOHN SMITH DATES WORKED: 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2024 TESTS BOOKED: 100 TESTS SAT: 80 TESTS PASSED: 55 TESTS FAILED: 25 FAILURE REASON: MIRRORS 4, SPEED 15, EMERGENCY STOP 6 TEST CENTRE: WOLVERHAMPTON EXAMINER: .....ETC 19/07/2024
2407-051292 Partially successful Please disclose over the past three financial years, the number of staff subject to a final written warning and separately, the number of staff dismissed for misconduct (and the type of misconduct) 30/07/2024
2407-051873 Partially successful 1. In the past three complete calendar months: a. how many practical driving tests bookings at the Telford test centre had the candidate details changed from one person to a different person? exclude tests that were cancelled then rebooked by different people; these are tests that are "transferred". 2. If possible, from the data set above; a. what percentage of those changes were initiated by an Advanced Driving Instructor or person with access to multiple candidate details, rather than an individual 26/07/2024