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Senior officials' quarterly return: meetings, Q4 (January 2024 to March 2024)

Updated 29 August 2024
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Senior Official's Name Date Name of individual or organisation Purpose of Meeting
Antonia Romeo 2024-01-12 Timpson Group Discuss review of HMPPS Learning and Development
Antonia Romeo 2024-02-05 Thomas Heatherwick Meeting to discuss design
Antonia Romeo 2024-02-22 Heywood Foundation Meeting to discuss the Heywood Foundation’s quarterly publication
Adrian Hannell Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
James McEwen 2024-01-25 Mace Group, Gleeds, Galliford Try, ISG Ltd, Kier, Lendlease, Wates & Laing O' Rourke Meeting with key contractors to discuss construction projects.
James McEwen 2024-02-16 Newton Europe A meeting to discuss progress on a project on which Newton has been engaged by another Government department.
Jonathan Nancekivell-Smith Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Caroline Patterson Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Jerome Glass Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Ross Gribbin Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Richard Price Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Ian Blakeman Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Amy Rees 2024-01-08 Magistrates Association Teams meeting, Discussion on the prison capacity reforms announced in October 2023 and the work that is taking place following them.
Amy Rees 2024-01-10 Timpson Group In person meeting, Presentation on progress and emerging themes from the Independent Review of Prison and Probation Service Learning and Development commissioned by the Permanent Secretary.
Amy Rees 2024-01-15 Michael Spurr, former Chief Executive Officer of Prison and Probation Service. Teams meeting, Discussion on Area Executive Director Model and future planning
Amy Rees 2024-01-15 Prison Reform Trust Teams meeting, Discussion on shared projects
Amy Rees 2024-01-18 Revolving Doors Agency Teams meeting, Discussion on the prison capacity reforms announced in October 2023 and the work that is taking place following them.
Amy Rees 2024-01-18 Manchester City Council, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Teams meeting, Discussion on future prison building.
Amy Rees 2024-01-22 Cook Teams meeting, Discussion on supporting offenders into employment.
Amy Rees 2024-01-24 Student, University of Kent Teams meeting, Mentoring session for a student of the University of Kent through the Graduate Aspiration Programme.
Amy Rees 2024-01-25 Newton Europe Teams meeting, Discussion on the format and attendees of the Reform roundtable in May 2024
Amy Rees 2024-01-29 Prison Governors Association Quarterly meeting with a prison trade union, discussion on Prison Governor Issues.
Amy Rees 2024-02-01 Accenture Teams meeting, discussion on integrated offender management
Amy Rees 2024-02-01 Newson Health Teams meeting, discussion on improving hormonal health
Amy Rees 2024-02-22 Prison Officers' Association Teams meeting, Quarterly Meeting with prison trade union, discussion on Prison Officer Issues.
Amy Rees 2024-03-12 Nesta and Behavioural Insights Team In person roundtable with Nesta BIT on initial scoping for a What Works Centre for Justice Outcomes.
Amy Rees 2024-03-18 Cumbria County Council Teams meeting, discussion on future prison building.
Amy Rees 2024-03-20 Employment Advisory Board Teams meeting, discussion on supporting offenders into employment.
Amy Rees 2024-03-28 Tracey Westacott, Electronic Monitoring Critical Friend Teams meeting, discussion on Electronic Monitoring with Critical Friend.
Jim Barton 2024-01-24 Trade Unions Probation Service and Trade Unions Away Day
Jim Barton 2024-01-26 Confederation of European Probation (CEP) CEP Electronic Monitoring 2024 online preparation group for conference in Lisbon
Jim Barton 2024-02-09 Trade Unions Probation Service and Trade Unions Pay and Workload
Jim Barton 2024-02-20 Trade Unions Probation Service and Trade Unions Reset talks Pay and Workload
Jim Barton 2024-02-22 Trade Unions Implementation Agreement Dedicated meeting with probation Trade Unions
Jim Barton 2024-02-22 Trade Unions Probation Definition, Terms and Conditions Group
Jim Barton 2028-03-06 The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) Discussion re capacity and increased workload in Probation.
Jim Barton 2024-03-15 NAPO, GMB and Unison Victim Liaison Officer job evaluation outcome
Jim Barton 2024-03-25 Confederation of European Probation (CEP) CEP Electronic Monitoring 2024 preparation group for conference in Cascais, Portugal
Jim Barton 2024-03-27 NAPO, GMB and Unison Probation Definition, Terms and Conditions Group
Phil Copple 2024-01-08 Magistrates Association Discussion on the prison capacity reforms announced in October 2023 and the work that is taking place following them.
Phil Copple 2024-01-08 Timpson Group Introductory call ahead of presentation on the new Prison Officer training model
Phil Copple 2024-01-10 Timpson Group Presentation on the new Prison Officer training model
Phil Copple 2024-01-10 National Association of Probation Officers (NAPO), Unison, General Municipal Boilermakers (GMB) and Society of Chief Officers of Probation (SCOOP) Joint Negotiation Council Quarterly meeting with probation trade unions
Phil Copple 2024-01-15 National Trade Union Side NTUS Discuss pay review body evidence with prison trade unions
Phil Copple 2024-01-15 National Prison Radio Recorded monthly interview to answer questions from prisoners
Phil Copple 2024-01-15 Michael Spurr, former Director General of Prison and Probation Service Teams meeting, Discussion on Area Executive Director Model and future planning
Phil Copple 2024-01-17 Sodexo To discuss Lowdham Grange prison
Phil Copple 2024-01-17 European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS) Discuss European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services EUROPRIS priorities
Phil Copple 2024-01-29 Prison Governors Association PGA Discussion on Prison Governor issues
Phil Copple 2024-02-14 Oscar O'Mara, Senior Research Fellow Interview to be used in a report and board level workshop to inform strategy priorities and organisational objectives of the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services EuroPris
Phil Copple 2024-02-19 Scottish Prison Service Discussion on population challenges
Phil Copple 2024-03-12 JUSTICE Lunch and learn session to discuss the report Time Better Spent: Improving Decision-Making in Prisons finding, overview of the work of JUSTICE, and for the Chief Executive Officer to talk about her transition from Minister of Justice to JUSTICE.
Nick Goodwin Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Andrew Baigent Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return