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Home Office's ministerial meetings, January to March 2024

Updated 29 August 2024
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Minister Date Name of Individual or Organisation Purpose of Meeting
James Cleverly 10/01/2024 Jonathan Fisher KC, Chair of the Independent Review of Disclosure and Fraud Offences Introductory meeting to discuss the progress of Part 1 of the Review of Discloure & Fraud Offences
James Cleverly 10/01/2024 Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester To discuss the Report into Historic child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester and Police performance
James Cleverly 11/01/2024 Lady Elish Angiolini LT DBE PC KC, Chair of the inquiry into the Murder of Sarah Everard To discuss the publication of the report and Lady Angiolini's progress on the second part of the inquiry
James Cleverly 11/01/2024 Metropolitan Police To discuss the priorities and requirements of the Metropolitan Police force for the first quarter of 2024
James Cleverly 15/01/2024 Southend Essex Police Visit: Essex Police Fire & Crime Commissioner; Essex Police The Home Secretary visited Southend Central Police Station to see the work that Essex Police are doing to reduce knife crime and utilise hotspot policing
James Cleverly 17/01/2024 Professor Alexis Jay OBE, former chair of IICSA; Fay Maxted, OBE, CEO of The Survivors Trust and former consultative panel member at IICSA; Victims and Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse The Home Secretary attended a Parliamentary event organised by Jess Philips MP aimed at maintaining engagement in tackling Child Sexual Abuse in the wake of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse published in 2023
James Cleverly 23/01/2024 Steven Kavanagh QPM DL,Executive Director for Police Services at the International Criminal Police Organisation A meeting to discuss the challenges of international police operations and re-affirm Home Secretary's support of Steven Kavanagh's candidacy for Secretary-General of INTERPOL
James Cleverly 24/01/2024 Idris Elba, Yemi Hughes (Knife crime campaigner and mother of Andre Aderemi a victim of knife crime), Patrick Green CEO of The Ben Kinsella Trust, Faron Paul (Knife Crime victim and Campaigner) To listen to the experiences and ideas of key stakeholders leading campaigns against Knife Crime
James Cleverly 24/01/2024 Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony - Holocaust Memorial Day Trust The Home Secretary attended an event organised by the Holocaust Memorial Trust to mark Holocaust Memorial Day
James Cleverly 25/01/2024 Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London To discuss policing priorities for London, including the Metropolitan Police Force
James Cleverly 25/01/2024 National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) To discuss the priorities of the National Police Chief's Council (NPCC) and maintain the strong NPCC - Home Office working relationship
James Cleverly 25/01/2024 Stamp out Spiking To listen to experience and ideas of veteran campaigner against Spiking - a key concern of the Home Secretary
James Cleverly 26/01/2024 Community Security Trust (CST) Volunteers The Home Secretary met with Community Security Trust volunteers in Golders Green to show his support for their work in the wake of the Israel-Gaza conflict
James Cleverly 29/01/2024 Families of the Victims of the Nottingham Knife attacks carried out by Valdo Calocane Alongside the Prime Minister and other senior cabinet members the Home Secretary met the families of the Victims killed by Valdo Calocane in Nottingham on 13/06/23
James Cleverly 30/01/2024 National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC); Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC); Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner; College of Policing; His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary & HM Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS); Metropolitan Police; National Crime Agency (NCA); Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC); Police Superintendents’ Association; Police Federation of England and Wales; Greater Manchester Police; Police Digital Service The Home Secretary chaired a meeting of National Policing Board, a gathering to update Ministers on the progress made toward key policing objectives and discuss the current challenges faced by police forces
James Cleverly 01/02/2024 Apple Inc. To discuss the impact of the Investigatory Powers Amendments Bill
James Cleverly 05/02/2024 Association of Police and Crime Commissioners To discuss Policing issues and the priorities of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
James Cleverly 06/02/2024 Essex Police; Staffordshire Police; College of Policing; Metropolitan Police; National Police Coordination Centre; His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary & HM Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) The Home Secretary chaired a roundtable discussion bringing together senior police leaders to discuss the police response to protest activity
James Cleverly 06/02/2024 Google To discuss the impact of the Investigatory Powers Amendments Bill
James Cleverly 07/02/2024 Police Federation of England and Wales Introductory meeting to discuss the priorities of the Police Federation of England and Wales
James Cleverly 07/02/2024 National Association of Police and Crime Commissioners The Home Secretary gave a speech at the annual General meeting of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
James Cleverly 08/02/2024 Call open to all Police Firearms officers To listen to the concerns and suggestions of Firearms officers and discuss the Use of Force Accountability review
James Cleverly 22/02/2024 Sir Mark Rowley QPM Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Meeting to discuss the Use of Force Accountability Review
James Cleverly 22/02/2024 Archbishop of York, Bishop of Southwark, Archbishop Nikitas, Archbishop Angaelos:; Bishop Tedroy Powell; Bishop Paul McAleenan; The Revd Tessa Henry-Robinson The Home Secretary met with Christian faith leaders to discuss the how to best safeguard the interaction between the church and asylum system
James Cleverly 26/02/2024 Discord Discussion on election security, lawful access, and online safety
James Cleverly 26/02/2024 YouTube Discussion on election security, lawful access, and online safety
James Cleverly 26/02/2024 Apple Inc Discussion on election security, lawful access, and online safety
James Cleverly 26/02/2024 Google Discussion on election security, lawful access, and online safety
James Cleverly 26/02/2024 Meta Discussion on election security, lawful access, and online safety
James Cleverly 26/02/2024 Reid Hoffman Reid Hoffman interviewed the Home Secretary in an 'in conversation' on the topic of 'Balancing the Risks and Rewards of Emerging Technologies'
James Cleverly 27/02/2024 X Corp (Formerly Twitter) To discuss election security, lawful access, and online safety
James Cleverly 27/02/2024 Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Mayor To share experience on the various impacts of Illegal migration and on the policing major cities in the wake of the Israel-Hamas conflict
James Cleverly 05/03/2024 The Times Discussion of the Home Secretary's Home affairs priorities
James Cleverly 06/03/2024 His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary and His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services The Home Secretary received a regular update on performance of Police & Fire Services
James Cleverly 06/03/2024 Meta To discuss election security, lawful access, and online safety
James Cleverly 11/03/2024 The Times Discussion of the Home Secretary's Home affairs priorities
James Cleverly 12/03/2024 DCC Maggie Blyth, Deputy CEO of the College of Policing and National Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Policing Lead Introductory meeting to discuss the VAWG Taskforce’s plans and priorities for 2024/25
James Cleverly 12/03/2024 Sir John Mitting, Chair of Undercover Policing Inquiry Introductory meeting to discuss the successful delivery of the Inquiry
James Cleverly 18/03/2024 National Police Chief's Council, Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, Resolve, Local Government Association, Welsh Local Government Association, College of Policing, Crimestoppers, Anti-Social Behaviour Help, Neighbourhood Watch To discuss the progress to date on Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan commitments and completed milestones.
James Cleverly 18/03/2024 Metropolitan Police To discuss public order policing and the Accountability Review
James Cleverly 18/03/2024 Women's Aid Introductory meeting to discuss the government’s priorities for tackling Violence Against Women
James Cleverly 18/03/2024 Travis Frain, Campaigner for Victims of Terrorism To discuss proposals for remembering and honouring to Victims of Terrorism
James Cleverly 18/03/2024 Professor Alexis Jay OBE, former chair of Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse; The Survivors Trust To discuss the top priorities in tackling Child Sexual Abuse and progress against the Independent Inquiry's recommendations
James Cleverly 20/03/2024 Jeremy Everard, Susan Everard To discuss the findings of Part 1 of the Angiolini Inquiry with the Parents of Sarah Everard
James Cleverly 26/03/2024 Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Regular meeting to discuss the priorities and concerns of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
James Cleverly 27/03/2024 The College of Policing Regular meeting to discuss the priorities and concerns of the College of Policing
James Cleverly 28/03/2024 Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London Regular bi-lateral meeting to discuss Policing and Crime in London
Chris Philp 11/01/2024 Auror Meeting to discuss retail crime and a demonstration of their incident reporting technology.
Chris Philp 15/01/2024 His Majesty Inspectorate Meeting with Andy Cooke to discuss the Inspectorates budget and upcoming productivity review.
Chris Philp 17/01/2024 Mobile Phone Sector Directors Mobile Phone Theft round table. Working to reduce thefts of Mobile phones by design.
Chris Philp 18/01/2024 Chief Constable Merseyside Briefing by Chief Constable Serena Kennedy - (National Policing Chief Constable lead) Historical Data wash of officers on the Police National Database
Chris Philp 22/01/2024 National Fire Chiefs Meeting with Fire Chiefs and Ministers from DfT, DLUHC and Baroness Twycross to discuss Personal Light Electric Vehicles and their safety.
Chris Philp 22/01/2024 Directors of Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Meeting to discuss retail crime and violence against shopworkers.
Chris Philp 24/01/2024 Idris Elba Ministerial roundtable to discuss knife crime.
Chris Philp 24/01/2024 Fire Chiefs Meeting with Fire Chief and officials to discuss the 6th convey of Fire & Rescue Service equipment being sent to Ukraine.
Chris Philp 29/01/2024 Nottinghamshire Police Briefing by Chief Constable Rob Griffin into Nottingham Attached and Independent Office for Police Complains referrals.
Chris Philp 29/01/2024 Victims Commissioner To discuss the Criminal Justice Bill, and how the police could involve victims more in their Case Reviews
Chris Philp 29/01/2024 Tool Manufacturers and Retailers Ministerial roundtable to discuss equipment theft.
Chris Philp 31/01/2024 Grenfell Ministerial Forum Forum to discuss the collaboration of the Fire Service and Healthcare in relation to Grenfell
Chris Philp 31/01/2024 College of Policing Meeting with Andy Marsh to discuss the College of Policing's budget and upcoming activity.
Chris Philp 31/01/2024 National Policing Board Bi-Annual Meeting with all Police Chairs and Chiefs, PCC's, the Inspectorate and others chaired by the Home Secretary.
Chris Philp 01/02/2024 Humberside Police Crime Commissioner Discussion on police shooting with Humberside Police Crime Commissioner
Chris Philp 01/02/2024 British Retail leaders Roundtable on retail crime with Policing leads and retail companies.
Chris Philp 05/02/2024 Police Crime Commissioners Roundtable with Crown Prosecution Service and policing leads, with the aim of bringing consistency to Criminal Justice Units (CJUs).
Chris Philp 05/02/2024 Police Leads on Forensic To discussing the forensic market place with police leads
Chris Philp 05/02/2024 Police Knife Crime Leads Roundtable on London knife crime with Policing and victims families.
Chris Philp 05/02/2024 Police and Crime Commissioner Regular Bilateral with Donna Jones
Chris Philp 06/02/2024 Lincolnshire Police Meeting with Lincolnshire Police to discuss pay and funding.
Chris Philp 07/02/2024 National Chair of Police Federation Bilateral with the Home Secretary and Steve Hartshorn to discuss litigation, election cycles and pay.
Chris Philp 08/02/2024 Lincolnshire Police Crime Commissioner Meeting with Marc Jones to discuss the financial position of Lincolnshire Police and the proposed migrant centre at RAF Scampton.
Chris Philp 08/02/2024 Knife Detection Tech Event Home Office run event showcasing different capabilities from technology companies.
Chris Philp 19/02/2024 Strategic change investment board Ministerial bi-monthly meeting to discuss Investment and roll out of technology in policing
Chris Philp 19/02/2024 Police Supers Meeting to review and agree the annual report ahead of publication. To receive an update on the work under priority 13, Clinical Governance, and the mental health crisis line.
Chris Philp 20/02/2024 Chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Regular bilateral with ACMD Chair to discuss priorities and ongoing workstreams
Chris Philp 22/02/2024 Metropolitan Police Crime Commissioner Meeting with the Home Secretary, Mark Rowley and Matt Twist to discuss The Metropolitan police, protests and funding.
Chris Philp 22/02/2024 London Fire Commissioner Meeting with Andy Roe to discuss the outcome of the investigation into the tragic death of Jaden Francois-Esprit
Chris Philp 22/02/2024 National Fire Commissioner Meeting with Mark Hardingham and Matt Wrack to understand the role national organisations (NFCC and FBU) are playing to drive and embed culture change in services.
Chris Philp 22/02/2024 Chairman Forensics Analytics Meeting Forensic Analytics to hear how they analyse data to find missing people and package evidence for prosecutions.
Chris Philp 22/02/2024 Honourable Minister of State for Police Affairs and NTERPOL Vice President for Africa Meeting the Policing Minister from Nigeria to discuss the various challenges they face, to speak about the British policing model and learning opportunities in this country
Chris Philp 26/02/2024 Staffordshire Chief Constable Briefing from Chief Constable Chris Nobel on the response by Staffordshire Police to a pro-Palestine protest that gate gashed a political fundraising event in Stoke.
Chris Philp 26/02/2024 National Association Retired Police Officer Meeting with Alan Lees, Richard Critchley, President, of the National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) to discuss the Police Covenant and the wellbeing of retired officers.
Chris Philp 04/03/2024 Police Leads for Digital Public Contact Ministerial Briefing for the new mobile phone application
Chris Philp 05/03/2024 Metropolitan Operational Chief Officer Discussion on Policing of section 7 of the Public Order Act and possible amendments to it.
Chris Philp 05/03/2024 Chairman of National Police Crime Commissioners Regular Bilateral with Gavin to discuss pressing topics such as Protests and Reasonable Lines of Enquiry
Chris Philp 06/03/2024 His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services Regular Meeting with the Home Secretary and Andy Cooke to discuss HMIC Funding and Priorities.
Chris Philp 07/03/2024 Chief Constable Warwickshire Police Discussion on firearms licensing fees.
Chris Philp 07/03/2024 National Police Chiefs Council and Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Meeting to discuss the overall governance of digital services in the policing sector.
Chris Philp 11/03/2024 Youth Endowment Fund Quarterly meeting to discuss the work of the Youth Endowment Fund.
Chris Philp 11/03/2024 Chief Constable Warwickshire Police Discussion on firearms licensing fees.
Chris Philp 11/03/2024 Senior Chief Constables Roundtable to discuss the online sale of knives.
Chris Philp 18/03/2024 Leaders of Sports Associations Policing Protest found table with sports associations and senior police leaders.
Chris Philp 18/03/2024 Police Leads on Antisocial Behaviour High level review of progress to date on Action Plan commitments and completed milestones
Chris Philp 18/03/2024 Metropolitan Police Commissioner Regular Bilateral with Mark Rowley and the Home Secretary to discuss pressing topics such as Protests, Israel/Palestine and Funding.
Chris Philp 18/03/2024 National Police Lead for Serious Organised Crime Introductory meeting with new Police Lead for serious organised crime
Chris Philp 19/03/2024 Cheshire Police Chief Constable Discussion in finances planning for the force
Chris Philp 19/03/2024 Police Leads on Transgender Ministerial discussion on guidelines for transgender police officers conducting strip searches
Chris Philp 19/03/2024 President National Black Police Association Introductory meeting with Andy George and policy leads to discuss the Black experience of Police vetting, misconduct cases and cultural differences.
Chris Philp 19/03/2024 National Police Chief Councils Spring Operational risk group. Senior Police leaders to brief Minister Philp on forecast risks and possible police responses.
Chris Philp 20/03/2024 His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services Home Affairs Select Committee on Fire Culture and Integrity.
Chris Philp 21/03/2024 Police Leads on Vehicle Crime National Vehicle Crime Working Group with Policing and vehicle manufacturers to discuss vehicle crime.
Chris Philp 21/03/2024 University Professors Artificial Intelligence - Policing by consent discussion with University and industry representatives.
Chris Philp 26/03/2024 Chairman of Association Police Crime Commissioners Meeting with Donna Jones to discuss PCC Pay, Funding and Misconduct Panels.
Tom Tugendhat 09/01/2024 Security in Complex Environments Group Discussion on the work SCEG is doing to support UK security exports and HMG's role in this
Tom Tugendhat 22/01/2024 Snap Inc Discussion on online safety for young people and the efforts Snap are taking to support this
Tom Tugendhat 23/01/2024 Meta Discussion on online safety for young people and the efforts Meta are taking to support this
Tom Tugendhat 25/01/2024 Saxxavord Space Station Introductory meeting online to understand Saxxavord's objectives and its role in UK security
Tom Tugendhat 25/01/2024 CyberFraud Centre, Banking Sector Visit to understand the work of the CyberFraud Centre and the banking sector to tackle online fraud
Tom Tugendhat 31/01/2024 Martyn's Law Campaign Team Discussion on the commencement of the public consultation for Martyn's Law
Tom Tugendhat 08/02/2024 Various UK universities Roundtable discussion on the radicalisation implications from the Israel/Hamas conflict and how the long-term implications are likely to manifest.
Tom Tugendhat 23/02/2024 Virgin Media O2 Discussion on communications data for investigations
Tom Tugendhat 21/02/2024 OPORA War Crimes Documentation Centre Discussion to understand OPORA's work to investigate war crimes in Ukraine and to reaffirm HMG’s support to justice for Ukraine
Tom Tugendhat 24/03/2024 Stand with Hong Kong and All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hong Kong Discussion on the UK's support for Hong Kongers who have settled in the UK
Tom Tugendhat 05/03/2024 Israel National Police Short meeting to hear how they responded to the October 7th attacks and the impact it has had on victims
Andrew Sharpe 18/01/2024 GREVIO-Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence To discuss the effectiveness of the UK in implementing the Istanbul Convention
Andrew Sharpe 12/03/2024 Community Security Trust To better understand the work of the Community Security Trust in supporting the Jewish community and see first-hand how the Protective Security Grant is being utilised
Andrew Sharpe 13/03/2024 Security and Policing Exhibition 2024 - Official UK Gov Global Security Event To see first hand the work that is being done across HMG (His Majesty Government) and in the Private Sector to develop new solutions to upcoming threats and challenges. Chaired a panel discussion of Chief Scientific Advisors on how HMG can utilise S&T to bolster our security
Laura Farris 08/01/2024 Refuge Introduction Meeting to discuss their work and to meet victims of Domestic Abuse
Laura Farris 08/02/2024 AAFDA - Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse - CEO Introduction and to Discuss Domestic Homicide and Domestic Violence
Laura Farris 08/02/2024 SEA - Surviving Domestic Abuse Introduction and to raise awareness of Economic Abuse
Laura Farris 28/02/2024 Victim Support Introduction with an Independent Charity providing a range of support to victims - Domestic abuse and Hate crime
Laura Farris 29/02/2024 CWJ - Centre for Women's Justice Discussion to call for a change in the Law and Practices- increasing investment into Women and Girls specialist services
Laura Farris 04/03/2024 Safeguarding Alliance To discuss registered sex offender name changes
Laura Farris 12/03/2024 Hourglass Abuse of Older people and Supporting Safer Ageing
Laura Farris 25/03/2024 Katy Balls - Political Editor - Spectator Podcast - Women with Balls
Laura Farris 26/03/2024 Safelives Introduction into their Charity and to discuss their Domestic Abuse training programme for Multi Agencies
Laura Farris 26/03/2024 Women's Aid Domestic Abuse Flee Fund, Funding, Operation Soteria, DA Matter Training, Protective Orders
Michael Tomlinson Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Thomas Pursglove 21/03/2024 Eurostar, HS1 Operational Visit to understand European Entry Exit System preparations
Thomas Pursglove 13/03/2024 Port of Dover - Jason Holt (Chair) and Doug Bannister (CEO) Operational Visit to understand European Entry Exit System preparations
Thomas Pursglove 19/03/2024 Scottish Seafood Association, Seafood Scotland,Seafood Scotland, Seafood Scotland, Communities Inshore Fisheries Alliance, Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, Scottish Seafood Association, Salmon Scotland, Scottish Pelagic Processors Association, Associated Scottish Shellfish Growers, Scottish White Fish Producers Association, Scottish Fishermen’s Federation Cross-Government engagement with seafood industry regarding fishing labour market shortages