
Procedural hearings

Updated 19 August 2024
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Date Time Location Application no. Mark Action no. Applicant Opponent
20-Aug-24 10am Telephone 3938022 LOVEDOGS 443675 To be advised for Designer IP Limited To be advised for Stobbs
21-Aug-24 10am Telephone 3998094 BELLAROSA 447026 Private applicant To be advised for Baron Warren Redfern
28-Aug-24 10:30am Telephone 3958083 Fox Soccer Academy 507306 Gary Johnston for Mathys & Squire Jamie Watt for Harper Macleod LLP
06-Sep-24 2pm Telephone 3949555 UKVISION 507223 Private applicant To be advised for Jones Day
23-Sep-24 11:30am Telephone 3872959 PENINSULA, VITTORIA, WATERLOO, INKERMAN,... 440681 Private applicant To be advised for Defence Intellectual Property Rights