
Court martial results from the military court centres: January to August 2024

Updated 14 August 2024
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MCS Ref Rank Service Unit Trial Court Date of Completion Final Charge(s) at Trial/Sentence Finding Overall Sentence
6365 Craftsman Army 16 Regt RA Bulford 11-Jan-24 Ch 1: Unfitness through alcohol Guilty £600 Fine.
6212 Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh Bulford 11-Jan-24 Ch 1: Possession of indecent photographs of children. Ch 2a: Making an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 2b: Substitued charge to 2a - possession of indecent photographs of children. Ch 3a: Making an indecent photograph of a child Ch 3b: Substitued charge to 3a - possession of indecent photographs of children. Ch 4: Possession of extreme pornography. Ch 1, 2b, 3b & 4: Guilty Ch 2a & 3a: Original charges substituted recorded as not guilty. Dismissed from His Majesty's Service Subject to a Service Community Order for 3 years with the following requirement: To attend an accredited sexual offending programme for up to 40 sessions; a Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for up to 25 days; 220 unpaid work requirement. Subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and Sexual Offenders Register for 5 years.
6203 Sapper Army 36 Engr Regt Catterick 11-Jan-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Ch 2-4: Battery Ch 1: Guilty Ch 2: Not Guilty Ch 3: Guilty Ch 4: Not Guilty 18 Months detention, dismissed from His Majesty's Service and subject to a restraining order until 11 January 2029.
6261 Air Specialist (Class 1) Technician Royal Air Force RAF Akrotiri Bulford 30-Jan-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault. Not Guilty Not set
6393 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Bangor Catterick 30-Jan-24 Ch 1: Absence without leave Guilty 7 Days Service detention, suspended for 8 months..
6386 Sergeant Army RDG Bulford 01-Feb-24 Ch 1: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Guilty £750 Fine
6370 Colour Sergeant Army BATUK Bulford 01-Feb-24 Ch 1 & 2: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Guilty £1,200 Fine.
6380 Lance Corporal Army 1 LANCS Catterick 02-Feb-24 Ch 1: Non-fatal strangulation Ch 2: Using violence against a superior officer Ch 3: Unfitness through alcohol Ch 4: Misconduct through alcohol Guilty 18 Months Service detention and reduction in rank to Private.
6385 Guardsman Army 1 COLDM GDS Bulford 02-Feb-24 Ch 1: Battery Guilty 28 Days Service detention.
6324 Staff Sergeant Army 15 Regt RLC Bulford 02-Feb-24 Ch 1: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty Dismissed from His Majesty's Service. Reduced to the Ranks. Subject to a Service Community Order for 12 months with 100 hours unpaid work requirement. £800 Service Compensation Order.
6264 Lieutenant Army 3 PARA Catterick 08-Feb-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault Not Guilty - No evidence offered  
6046 Air Trooper Army 4 AAC Bulford 08-Feb-24 Ch 1: Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from His Majesty's Service. 12 Month Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement and up to 15 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement Days
6329 Lance Corporal Army The Parachute Regt Catterick 09-Feb-24 Ch 1 & 2: Rape Ch 3: Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set
6371 Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force RAF Cranwell Catterick 12-Feb-24 Ch 1 - 3: Making an indecent photograph of a child Guilty Dismissed from His Majesty's Service. 12 Months imprisonment, suspended for 24 months. Subject to a Service Community Order with a 210 hours unpaid work requirement and upto 40 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days. Subject to the Sexual Harm and Prevention Order for 10 years and the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years.
6403 Sergeant Army QDG Catterick 12-Feb-24 Ch 1: Fraud by abuse of position Guilty Reduction in rank to Corporal and 12 months Service detention.
6255 Able Seaman Royal Navy RNAS Yeovilton Bulford 12-Feb-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault by penetration Ch 2: Sexual assault Ch 3: Alternative to charge 2 - Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Ch 4 & 5: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Ch 1: Guilty Ch 2: Guilty Ch 3: No further action as convicted on charge 2. Ch 4: Not Guilty Ch 5: Guilty 24 Months Service detention, £3,300 Service Compensation Order, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6402 Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 13-Feb-24 Ch 1: Driving a motor vehicle whilst unfit Guilty £935.20 Fine and disqualified from driving for 12 months.
6384 Major Army CJPU Episkopi Catterick 13-Feb-24 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol Guilty Two years' loss of seniority.
6337 Private Army 1 MWD Regt Catterick 13-Feb-24 Ch 1: Controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship Not Guilty Not set
6387 ex-Private Army Formerly of 2 SCOTS Catterick 14-Feb-24 Ch 1: Possessing a controlled drug with intent to supply Guilty 24 Months Service detention.
6421 Lance Corporal Army 26 Engineer Regiment Bulford 14-Feb-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol Guilty Reduction in rank to Private and 203 days Service detention.
6415 Air Specialist (Class 1) Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Catterick 15-Feb-24 Ch 1: Driving with excess alcohol Guilty 42 Days Service detention and disqualified from driving for 18 months.
6333 Lance Corporal Army RAF Akrotiri Catterick 15-Feb-24 Ch 1: Strangulation or Suffocation Ch 2 & 3: Battery Not Guilty - no evidence offered prior to trial. Not set
6366 Able Seaman Royal Navy HM Naval Base Clyde Catterick 15-Feb-24 Ch 1 - 3: Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty - No evidence offered Ch 2 & 3: Guilty £668 Fine.
6442 Guardsman Army 1 Coldstream Guards Bulford 15-Feb-24 Ch 1: Desertion Guilty 8 Months Service detention.
6302 Trooper Army Royal Dragoon Guards Bulford 15-Feb-24 Ch 1: Assault by penetration Guilty 6 Years imprisonment and dismissed from His Majesty's Service,
6435 Warrant Officer 2 Army DSLA Worthy Down Bulford 16-Feb-24 Ch 1: Failing to perform a duty Guilty £935.55 Fine.
6266 Lance Corporal Army 1 Lancs Bulford 16-Feb-24 Ch 1: Battery Ch 2: Assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Ch 3 to 6: Battery Ch 7: Wilful assault of a child Guilty Overall sentence is 42 weeks Service detention, suspended for 2 years and reduced in rank to Private.
6423 Sergeant Army HQ Field Army Bulford 16-Feb-24 Ch 1: Cruelty to a person under 16 Not Guilty - No evidence offered prior to trial Not set
6176 Sergeant Army 4 Regt RLC Catterick 16-Feb-24 Ch 1: Sexual assualt Ch 2: Rape Guilty 9 Years imprisonment and dismissed from his Majesty's Service.
6214 Mr Civilian Formerly of 1 Armd Div Catterick 21-Feb-24 Ch 1: Indecent assault on a boy under the age of 14 years. Ch 2 & 3: Indecent conduct towards a young child. Ch 4 & 5: Buggery. Ch 1 to 4: Not Guilty Ch 5: Not Guilty - no evidence offered  
6185 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army DSCU Bulford 23-Feb-24 Ch 1-3: Fraud Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty Ch 3: Guilty 9 Months Service detention. Dismissed from His Majesty's Service £4,336.64 Service Compensation Order.
6395 Acting Air Specalist Class 1 Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Bulford 29-Feb-24 Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders Guilty Reprimanded, £1,800 fine and disqualified from driving for 12 months.
6434 Lance Sergeant Army 1 Grenadier Guards Bulford 29-Feb-24 Ch 1: Using threatening behaviour Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders Guilty £2,557.20 Fine and reprimanded.
6348 Lance Corporal Army 28 Engr Regt Catterick 05-Mar-24 Ch 1-6: Fraud Not Guilty  
6436 Riffle Man Army 2 Rifles Catterick 06-Mar-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Guilty 63 Days Service detention.
6450 Air Recruit Royal Air Force RAF Cosford Catterick 11-Mar-24 Ch 1: Driving a motor vehicle with alchohol above the prescribed limit. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders. Guilty 9 Weeks Service detention and disqualified from driving for 2 years.
6303 Officer Cadet Army RMAS Bulford 12-Mar-24 Ch 1: Rape Not Guilty  
6351 Corporal Army 1 RSME Regt Catterick 13-Mar-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning actula bodily harm Ch 2: Alternative to charge 1: Battery Not Guilty  
6342 Major Army Northwood HQ Bulford 15-Mar-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Guilty Loss of seniority of 2 years and 7 months.
6193 ex-Air Specialist (Class 1) Royal Air Force Formerly of Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Catterick 18-Mar-24 Ch 1: Controlling or coercive behaviour Ch 2: Battery Ch 3: Making a threat to kill Ch 4: Battery Ch 5: Rape Ch 6: Unauthorised access to computer material Ch 7: Inflicting grievous bodily harm Ch 8: Alternative to charge 7: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Ch 9: Inflicting grievous bodily harm Ch 10: Alternative to charge 9: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Ch 11: Rape Ch 1, 8 & 10: Guilty Ch 2 to 7, 9 & 11: Not Guilty 24 Months imprisonment, suspended for 24 months. Suspended Sentence Order with 260 hours unpaid work requirement, 15 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days (including Building Better Relationships accredited programme). Dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6429 Lance Corporal Army 3 RIFLES Catterick 20-Mar-24 Ch 1: Inflicting grievous bodily harm Guilty 12 Months detention and reduced in rank to Rifleman.
6475 Guardsman Army 1Bn Scots Guards Catterick 21-Mar-24 Ch 1: AWOL Guilty 150 Days detention.
6432 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMNB Clyde Catterick 21-Mar-24 Ch 1 to 3: Making an indecent photograph of a child Guilty 14 Months imprisonment, suspended for 24 months. Suspended Sentence Order for 24 months with requirements: Attendance on a Sexual Offences Programme; 20 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days and 90 days Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Programme. Dismissed from His Majesty's Service. Subject to 5 years Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
6340 Acting Lance Corporal Royal Navy HMS Albion Gibraltar 22-Mar-24 Ch 1: Assault on an emergency worker Not Guilty Not set
6340 Marine Royal Navy HMS Albion Gibraltar 22-Mar-24 Ch 2: Assault on an emergency worker Not Guilty Not set
6398 Air Specialist (Class 1) Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 22-Mar-24 Ch 1: Assault occassioning actual bodily harm Ch 2: Alternative charge: Fighting Ch 1: Not Guilty Ch 2: Guilty 36 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and £1,044.26 fine
6426 Ex-Sapper Army 3 RSME Regt Catterick 22-Mar-24 Ch 1: Inflicting grevious bodily harm Guilty 22 Months imprisonment suspended for 24 months with the following conditions: 120 hours unpaid work requirement (to be added to existing requirement), 20 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days, 910 days Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement. £3,000 Service Compensation Order .
6381 Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Bulford 09-Apr-24 Ch 1: Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Not Guilty Not set
6231 Corporal Army Land Intelligence Fusion Centre Bulford 10-Apr-24 1 x Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set
6466 Petty Officer Army Mine Counter Measures 1 Catterick 11-Apr-24 Ch 1: Exceeding Alcohol limit for prescribed safety critical duties Not Guilty - No evidence offered after arraignment. Not set
6446 Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMNB Portsmouth Bulford 12-Apr-24 Ch 1: Unauthorised access to computer material Guilty 4 Months detention, suspended for 18 months with the following requirements: 150 Hours unpaid work requirement, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6377 Warrant Officer Royal Air Force RAF Cranwell Catterick 12-Apr-24 Ch 1 - 4: Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set
6468 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Raleigh Bulford 12-Apr-24 Ch 1: Assualt occasioning actual bodily harm Guilty 60 Days detention and £250 Service Compensation Order.
6336 Corporal Army 1 Para Bulford 12-Apr-24 Ch 1: Sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust Ch 2 & 3: Intimidation Ch 4: Disobedience of a Lawful Command Ch 1: Guilty Ch 2: Not Guilty - No case to answer Ch 3: Not Guilty - No evidence offered Ch 4: Guilty 19 Months Service detention, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from His Majesty's Service. Subject to a restraining order for 5 years.
6401 Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Northumberland Bulford 17-Apr-24 Ch 1: Battery Not Guilty Not set
6388 Corporal Royal Navy 40 Cdo RM Bulford 17-Apr-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault Not Guilty  
6422 Guardsman Army 1 Irish Guards Bulford 19-Apr-24 Ch 1: Battery Not Guilty.  
6350 Captain Army Andover Support Unit Catterick 22-Apr-24 Ch 1 & 2: Improper use of public electronic communications network Re-arraigned on new charge sheet dated 20 Mar 24: Ch 1 & 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty - No evidence offered. Ch 1 & 2 (new): Guilty Loss of seniority 12 months.
6318 Private Army 7 Regt RLC Catterick 23-Apr-24 Ch 1: Battery Ch 2: Wouning with intent Ch 3: Unlawful wounding Ch 1: Guilty Ch 2: Not Guilty Ch 3: Guilty Dismissed from His Majesty's Service, 10 months imprisonment suspended for 18 months, 30 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement Days and 140 hours unpaid work requirement.
6379 Corporal Army 1 RANGER Catterick 24-Apr-24 Ch 1 - 3: Battery New charge sheet dated 23 Apr 23 Ch 1 (new): Unfitness through alcohol or drugs Ch 1-3: Not Guilty - no evidence offered Ch 1 (new): Guilty 19 Weeks Service detention.
6309 Ex Sapper Army Formerly of 3 RSME Regt Bulford 25-Apr-24 Ch 1: Rape Not guilty  
6385 Guardsman Army 1 COLDM GDS Bulford 25-Apr-24 Ch 1: Unlawful wounding Not Guilty  
6196 ex-Lieutenant Commander Royal Navy Formerly of HMS Sultan Bulford 26-Apr-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault Ch 2: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol Guilty 18 Month Service Community Order with 220 hours unpaid work requirement and 30 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement Days.
6391 Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy MOD Abbey Wood Bulford 01-May-24 Ch 1: Assault occassioning actual bodily harm Not Guilty Not set
6408 Trooper Army Light Dragoons Catterick 01-May-24 Ch 1: Unlawful wounding Guilty 12 Months detention.
6311 Colour Sergeant Army Yorkshire Officer Training Regiment Catterick 02-May-24 Ch 1: Fraud by False Representation Alternative Charge: Misapplying public property Ch 1: Not Guilty - no evidence offered. Alternative charge: Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Reduced in rank to Sergeant.
6483 Private Army Joint Hospital Group South East Bulford 02-May-24 Ch 1: Negligently damaging public property. Guilty £1,043 Fine and £4,300 Service Compensation Order.
6420 Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Marham Catterick 03-May-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Ch 2: Using violence against a superior officer Not Guilty Not set
6504 Leading Air Engineering Technician Royal Navy 815 Naval Air Squadron Bulford 03-May-24 Ch 1: Assualt occasioning actual bodily harm Ch 2: Battery Guilty 20 Weeks detention and £1,100 in Service Compensation Orders.
6448 Ex-Gunner Army Formerly 14 Regt RA Bulford 13-May-24 Ch 1: Misconduct through drugs and alcohol Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with the following requirements: To attend a alcohol treatment requirement programme for 6 months. Upto 10 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days. 180 Hours unpaid work requirement.
6389 Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 13-May-24 Ch 1 - 3: Making an indecent photograph of a child Ch 4: Possession of a prohibited image of a child Guilty 16 Months imprisonment, suspended for 24 months with the following requirements: 40 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days and 240 unpaid work requirement.
6399 Air Specialist (Class 1) Royal Air Force RAF Benson Catterick 15-May-24 Ch 1 - 3: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Not Guilty Not set
6427 Corporal Army 3 Royal Military Police Catterick 15-May-24 Ch 1 & 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline Not Guilty - no evidence offered after arraignment. Not set
6427 Corporal Army 3 Royal Military Police Catterick 15-May-24 Ch 3 & 4: Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline Not Guilty - no evidence offered after arraignment. Not set
6427 Lance Corporal Army 3 Royal Military Police Catterick 15-May-24 Ch 5-7: Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline Not Guilty - no evidence offered after arraignment. Not set
6397 Lance Corporal Army 1 Armoured Medical Regt Catterick 15-May-24 Ch 1: Strangulation Not Guilty Not set
6301 Ex-Corporal Army Formerly of 28 Engr Regt Catterick 16-May-24 Ch 1 & 2: Indecent assault on a man Ch 3: Attempted buggery Ch 4 to 8: Indecent assault on a man Ch 9: Buggery Ch 10 to 12: Indecent assault on a man Ch 1, 2, 4 to 8: Guilty Ch 3, 9 ro 11: Not Guilty 9 and a half years imprisonment.
6517 Private Army Worthy Down Support Unit Catterick 16-May-24 Ch 1: Absence without leave Guilty 14 Weeks Service detention.
6455 Leiutenant Navy HMS Mersey Bulford 17-May-24 Ch 1: Negligently hazarding one of his Majestesty's ship Ch 2 & 3: Contravention of standing orders Guilty Forfeiture of all seniority as Lieutenant, a severe reprimand and £3,600 fine.
6308 Corporal Army 4 Ranger Regiment Bulford 22-May-24 Ch 1 & 2: Battery Ch 3: Making a threat to kill Not Guilty  
6260 6332 Sergeant Army CMC, Infantry Battle School Bulford 23-May-24 Ch 1: Absence Without Leave Ch 2: Bigamy Ch 1: Guilty Ch 2: Not Guilty 242 Days Service detention and reduced to the rank of Corporal.
6509 Lance Corporal Army 3 Armd CS Bn REME Bulford 24-May-24 Ch 1 & 2: Desertion Guilty Dismissed from His Mayest's Service and £3,000 fine.
6462 Sergeant Army 32 Regiment Royal Artillery Bulford 28-May-24 Ch 1: Sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust Guilty Dismissed from His Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks and 12 months detention.
6505 Guardsman Army 1 Grenadier Guards Bulford 29-May-24 Ch 1: Battery Guilty 12 Weeks detention and £250 Service Compensation Order.
6449 Ex-Staff Sergeant Army Formerly of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery Bulford 29-May-24 Ch 1: Fraud by false representation Guilty £1,000 Fine and £388.49 Service Compensation Order.
6404 Air Specialist (Class 1) Royal Air Force RAF Boscombe Down Catterick 30-May-24 Ch 1: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Not Guilty  
6392 Ex-Able Seaman Royal Navy Formerly of HMNB Devonport Bulford 30-May-24 Ch 1: Rape Ch 2 & 3: Sexual assault Ch 1: Not Guilty Ch 2: Guilty Ch 3: Not Guilty 30 Month Service Community Order with the following requirements: Horizon programme requirement for up to 15 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days, 220 unpaid work requirement to be completed within 12 months. £1,500 Service Compensation Order.
6411 Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Dauntless Catterick 30-May-24 Ch 1: Ill treatment of a subordinate Not Guilty  
6367 Fusilier Army 1 Royal Regt of Fusiliers Sennelager /Catterick 31-May-24 Ch 1: Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 11 Months detention.
6471 Air Specialist 1 Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Catterick 03-Jun-24 Ch 1 & 2: Sending a malicious communication Guilty 6 Months detention.
6457 Lance Corporal Royal Navy 47 Commando Regiment Royal Marines Bulford 05-Jun-24 Ch 1: Sexual assualt Not Guilty  
6465 Private Army 1st Infantry Training Battalion Catterick 06-Jun-24 Ch 1: Racially aggravated harassment. Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with the following requirements: 80 hours unpaid work requirement, 24 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days. Subject to an eletronic monitoring curfew for 4 weeks. Dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6447 Air Specialist 1 Royal Air Force RAF Benson Catterick 06-Jun-24 Ch 1: Battery Guilty 28 Days detention.
6488 Sergeant Army 3 Regiment Royal Military Police Bulford 06-Jun-24 Ch 1: Distributing an idecent photograph of a child Ch 2 to 4: Making an indecent photograph of a child Ch 5: Attempting sexual communication with a child Guilty 24 Months imprisonment, dismissed from His Majesty's Service and reduced to the ranks.
6494 Anonymity order in place Royal Navy Anonymity order in place Bulford 07-Jun-24 Ch 1: Burglary Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from His Majesty's Service
6494 Anonymity order in place Army Anonymity order in place Bulford 07-Jun-24 Ch 1: Burglary Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from His Majesty's Service
6355 Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Coningsby Catterick 07-Jun-24 Ch 1: Rape Ch 2: Assault by penetration Ch 3: Voyeurism Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty Ch 3: Guilty Dismissed from His Majesty's Service. 2 Year Service Community Order with a requirement to attend a specified activity programme for up to 90 days and 10 days Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement .
6544 Private Army 25 Regiment Royal Logistics Corps Catterick 07-Jun-24 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 Months detention.
6424 Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 07-Jun-24 Ch 1: Possessing a dangerous weapon Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with the following requirements: 200 Unpaid work requirement and 5 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days.
6511 Corporal Army 5 Field Force Support Batallion Bulford 11-Jun-24 Ch 1: Damage or loss of public service property or property belonging to another person. Ch 2: Unfitness or miscounduct through alcohol Guilty £2,000 Service Compensation Order and £800 fine.
6361 Ex-Air Specialist (Class 1) Technician Royal Air Force Formerly of RAF Lossiemouth Catterick 12-Jun-24 Ch 1 & 2: Damaging or loss of public or service property or property belonging to another person subject to Service law Ch 3: Contravention of standing orders Ch 1 & 2: Guilty Ch 3: Not Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 70 hours unpaid work requirement and up to 15 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days.
6522 Lance Corporal Army 1st Battalion, The Royal Regimeny of Fusillers Bulford 14-Jun-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Guilty 20 Weeks detention and £4,950 Service Compensation Order.
6320 Private Army 2 Para Bulford 19-Jun-24 Ch 1 & 2: Absence Without Leave (AWOL) Guilty 69 Days detention.
6512 Sapper Army 22 Engineer Regiment Catterick 19-Jun-24 Ch 1 & 2: Contravention of standing orders Guilty 22 Weeks detention and 37 weeks disqualification from driving.
6362 Ex-Private Army Formerly of AFC Harrogate Catterick 20-Jun-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault Ch 2: Assault by penetration Ch 3: Attempted rape Ch 4: Assault by penetration Ch 5: Attempted rape Ch 1, 3 & 5: Not Guilty Ch 2 & 4: Guilty 18 Months detention in a Youth Offenders Institute, suspended for 2 years, with a requirement to perform 180 hours unpaid work within 2 years.
6438 Air Specialist 1 Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Bulford 20-Jun-24 Ch 1: Assualt by penetration Not Guilty Not set
6500 Lance Corporal Army 6 BN Reme Bulford 21-Jun-24 Ch 4 & 5 Contravention of standing orders Ch 6 Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline Guilty 10 Weeks detention, suspended for 12 months.
6500 Lance Corporal Army 6 BN Reme Bulford 21-Jun-24 Ch 1 & 2 Contravention of standing orders Ch 3 Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline. Guilty 10 Weeks detention, suspended for 12 months.
6322 Wing Commander Royal Air Force Reporting restrictions in place Catterick 21-Jun-24 Ch 1: Fraud Guilty 15 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months, with a requirement to perform 200 hours unpaid work. Dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6345 Sergeant Royal Air Force DITG Bulford 21-Jun-24 Ch 1: Fraud by False Representation Ch 2: Fraud by False Representation Guilty 20 Weeks detention and reduction in rank to AS1.
6474 Private Army 1 Royal Horse Artillery Bulford 25-Jun-24 Ch 1: Rape Not Guilty Not set
6520 Air Specialist 1 Royal Air Force RAF Benson Catterick 27-Jun-24 Ch 1: Misconduct through drugs and alcohol Guilty 90 Days Service detention.
6521 Lance Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Halton Catterick 27-Jun-24 Ch 1 & 2: Possesion of an offensive weapon Guilty £703.96 Fine.
6478 Lance Corporal Army 3 Riffles Catterick 04-Jul-24 Ch 1 - 3: Battery Ch 4: Strangulation Guilty 2 Years Service detention, reduced in rank and dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6506 Ex-Colour Sergeant Army Formerly of 1 Grenadier Guards Catterick 05-Jul-24 Ch 1: Fraud Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 15 months with a requirement to attend up to 15 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days within 15 months. £2401.00 Service Compensation Order to be paid within 28 days of sentence.
6419 Corporal Army BATUK Bulford 08-Jul-24 Ch 1: Driving with excess alcohol Ch 2: Dangerous driving Ch 3: Alternative to charge 3 - Careless driving Ch 1: Guilty Ch 2: Not Guilty - Alternative (3) offered Ch 3: Guilty £900 Fine and disqualified from driving for 12 months.
6502 Rifleman Army 2nd Battalion The Riffles Catterick 09-Jul-24 Ch 1: Battery Guilty 26 Weeks detention
6502 Rifleman Army 2nd Battalion The Riffles Catterick 09-Jul-24 Ch 2: Battery Guilty 26 Weeks detention.
6445 Leading Seaman Royal Navy HMS Lancaster Bulford 12-Jul-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault - Alternative charge offered Ch 2: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol - Alternative charge offered. Ch 3: Alternative Charge: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty - no evidence offered, alternative charge offered. Ch 3: Guilty (alternative charge) 67 Days detention and £750 Service Compensation Order.
6341 Sergeant Army 8 Rifles Catterick 15-Jul-24 Ch 1: Fraud by false representation. Guilty 20 Weeks Service detention, suspended for 12 months. Reduced in rank to Sergeant.
6394 Ex-Recruit Royal Navy Formerly HMS RALEIGH Bulford 15-Jul-24 Ch 1, 2, 4 & 5: Sexual assault Ch 3: Disobedience to a lawful command Ch 1, 2, 4 & 5: Guilty Ch 3: Not Guilty 20 Months imprisonment
6316 Ex-Petty Officer Royal Navy Formerly of HMS Drake Bulford 17-Jul-24 Ch 1: Sexual assault Ch 2 & 3: Disobedience to a lawful command Guilty 32 Months imprisonment
6529 Trooper Army Scotts Dragoon Guards Catterick 17-Jul-24 Ch 1: Alternative charge - assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 5 Months detention and a £1,200 Service Compensation Order
6459 Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 19-Jul-24 Ch 1: Assault by beating Not Guilty  
6410 Corporal Army Defence Animal Trg Regt Catterick 22-Jul-24 Ch 1: Assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty  
6376 Mister Civilian Not set Catterick 23-Jul-24 Ch 1 - 4, 6, 8 - 10: Indecency with a child Ch 5: Taking an indecent photograph of a child Ch 7: Rape Ch 1-4: Guilty Ch 5: Not Guilty - No evidence offered by Prosecution. Ch 6-10: Guilty 4 Years imprisonment.
6490 Ex-Leading Dental Nurse Royal Navy Formerly of HMS Drake Bulford 25-Jul-24 Ch 1: Alternative charge of assault by beating. Ch 2: Assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Ch 3: Assault by beating Guilty 18 Months Service detention.
6439 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 25-Jul-24 Ch 1 & 2: Sexual assault Guilty 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years with the following requirements: Up to 30 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days within 24 months; 180 hours unpaid work requirement to be completed in 12 months. £1,000 Service Compensation Order. Dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6531 Sapper Army 22 Engineer Regiment Bulford 26-Jul-24 Ch 1: Attempted voyeurism. Guilty 90 Days Service detention and dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6492 Lance Corporal Army 1st Battilon The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment Catterick 31-Jul-24 Ch 1: Fighting Ch 2: Using threatening behaviour Guilty 18 Weeks detention.
6492 Ex-Lance Corporal Army Formerly of 1st Battalion The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment Catterick 31-Jul-24 Ch 1: Fighting Ch 2: Using threatening behaviour Not Guilty - No evidence offered after arraignment.  
6542 Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Collingwood Bulford 01-Aug-24 Ch 1: Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline Guilty 20 Weeks detention, disrated to Leading Hand and £500 Service Compensation Order.
6550 Corporal Of Horse Army Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Bulford 02-Aug-24 Ch 1: Assualt occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 46 Days detention, suspended for 18 months and £1,200 Service Compensation Order.
6535 Air Specialist Class 1 Royal Air Force RAF Conningsby Catterick 05-Aug-24 Ch 1: Harassment Guilty 14 Weeks detention, suspended for 24 months. Restraining order for 24 months. £1,000 Fine.
6406 Sergeant Army Royal Lancers Catterick 05-Aug-24 Ch 1 & 2: Sexual assault Ch 1: Not Guilty Ch 2: Guilty Reduction in rank. Dismissed from His Majesty's Service. 3 Year Service Community Order with a requirement to attend an accredited programme of up to 40 sessions, up to 20 Rehabilitiation and Activity Requirement days and 200 hours unpaid work requirement.
6523 Ex-Private Army Formerly Army Training Regiment Winchester Catterick 06-Aug-24 Ch 1: Sexual assualt Not Guilty  
6454 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS TRIUMPH Bulford 08-Aug-24 Ch 1: Attempted rape Ch 2 & 3: Rape Not Guilty  
6400 Lance Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Honington Bulford 09-Aug-24 Ch 1: Misconduct on operations Guilty 12 Months detention, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6400 Air Specialist (Class 1) Royal Air Force RAF Honington Bulford 09-Aug-24 Ch 1: Misconduct on operations Guilty 9 Months detention and dismissed from His Majesty's Service.
6547 Ex-Private Army Formerly of Defence Medical Service Whittington Catterick 09-Aug-24 Ch 1: Offering to supply a controlled drug Ch 2: Supplying a controlled drug Ch 1: Not Guilty - No evidence offered by prosecution. Ch 2: Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement and 120 days Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement.
6372 Ex-Sergeant Army Formerly of 16 Med Regiment Bulford 12-Aug-24 Ch 1-4: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 5: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 18 Month Service Community Order with the following requirements: Up to 40 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days and 150 hours unpaid work requirement within 12 months. £900 in Service Compensation Orders.