Transparency data

DHSC information asset register

Updated 25 July 2024
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Information asset name Information asset description
Administrative information This asset covers general day-to-day office management documentation such as organograms, risk registers, performance charts, memberships of professional bodies, conference bookings, travel arrangements, work instructions and operational procedures.
Anti-fraud Contains anti-fraud policies, investigation material, correspondence and material related to the administration of counter-fraud functions and the sponsorship of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority.
Arm's length bodies (ALBs), NHS England and other statutory health and care bodies Contains commission documents, sponsorship information, stakeholder management and reference information about each ALB, including evidence gathered for public body reviews. Also, policy documents and operational information relating to health and care bodies’ statutory duties and regulatory functions, and to DHSC’s oversight of the health and care system.
Capital delivery Information for the management and delivery of all programmes and projects related to hospital upgrades. Information and data to support and advise health and social care Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects. Also information relating to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs).
Contracts All contracts which assist the delivery of health and social care policies or aid DHSC's delivery of goods and services.
Corporate Corporate information that aids the management of the department, Executive Committee board papers, departmental risk registers, royal honours or awards and invitations, national appointments, information asset register, business plans, property assets and compliance with public sector duties.
Correspondence This covers all correspondence across the department regardless of subject or business area. It includes mailboxes, freedom of information requests, Parliamentary questions, urgent questions, ministerial briefings, and communications to ALBs, third parties and stakeholders.
COVID-19 Information assets created during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist the management of the pandemic and which are collated to inform the work of the public inquiry.
Data Data sets that contain data from more than one area of health or data about the administration of the department. Includes historic ALB data sets from the former Public Health England.
Data - deaths Death registrations data covering all registrations in England and Wales since 1995. Data on the number of deaths following hospitalisation at trust level; deaths categorised as drug poisonings (or drug-related deaths) registered from 1993 onwards, including information available from the General Mortality Register (GMR). Data on prevention of future death reports sent to DHSC. Information on medical examiner offices and organisations responsible for completing medical certificates of cause of death.
Data - infected blood Information on beneficiaries of the England Infected Blood Support Scheme (EIBSS) and previous UK-wide schemes, including level of support received. Applications to England Infected Blood Support Scheme for annual support, and for interim compensation payments and data around schemes in devolved administrations.
Data - musculoskeletal Data looking at musculoskeletal health including trends, risk factors and disparities in England.
Data - people Personal data received while engaging with the public via correspondence and other methods of communication.
Data - pharmacy Data on community pharmacies’ claims for payments for the delivery of NHS services and changes to pharmacy network (openings, closures, consolidations and relocations) provided by NHS Business Services Authority.
Data - primary care Data to inform ministers and senior officials about the primary care workforce. It tracks progress against manifesto commitments and models the primary care workforce over the next 10-year period.
Data - surveys and consultations Data regarding health conditions, social attitudes, physical activity, height and weight, diet, smoking and alcohol as well as population characteristics. In addition, responses to public consultations on a variety of health topics.
Data modelling Modelling tools for health and adult social care data sets to better understand and interpret data that informs policy development and delivery.
EU exit Data collected for European Union (EU) exit; the Windsor Framework for medicines, medical devices, and other medical goods; the Medicines and Medical Devices Act 2021, Trade and Cooperation Agreement, and retained EU Law.
Financial information Financial data received from, and provided to suppliers, other government departments and third parties. This includes data on clinical negligence schemes. Bank account details of third parties. Internally generated documents including meeting notes, department financial spending controls, spending plans and business cases. Documents and emails from third parties and ministers. Financial forecasting and commitment data.
Legal Legal advice and historical legal cases included legal challenges to departmental policy positions.
Marketing campaigns Campaign documents, proofs and finals, collaboration documents, reference materials, evaluation reports, digital product strategy and roadmaps, user research outputs, presentations and briefs.
Medical technology and innovation Information and records relating to the delivery of the government’s medical technology strategy, the department’s approach to innovation and documentation about the development of the digital NHS Health Check programme. Includes medical technology accreditation to issue national patient safety alerts.
Medical workforce List of medical practitioners on the GMC register to understand size of medical workforce in the UK, including demographics such as specialisms.
Office technology Information relating to the management and support of IT systems that enable and support office functions.
People data General team data containing personal information held locally by teams to enable the management of the team, rather than formal HR records (see People data - staffing).
People data - pay and pensions Financial forecasting and budget management, salary spend profiles, salary scales, previous redundancy cases, pay award options, Civil Service Pension Scheme data and travel and expenses.
People data - recruitment Recruitment data including applications, sift returns, appointments, campaigns, security clearances, organograms, induction packs and role profiles and grades.
People data - reward Reward and recognition data, nomination forms, expenditure tracking and senior management decisions.
People data - staffing Covers casework, statistics on transitions in and out of the department, Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 arrangements, staff records, talent schemes, apprenticeships, performance, diversity data, locations, annual staff survey, whistleblowing, sick records, annual leave and disciplinary records.
Policy - abortion Data, documents and records concerning abortions, care services and medications in the UK, and the provision of abortion services in Northern Ireland.
Policy - addictions Data and information relating to substance misuse, gambling, tobacco, and alcohol; their sale; and their risks to life expectancy. Also includes drug alerts about drug and alcohol-related incidents.
Policy - adult social care Information on adult social care and intermediate care policy developments, innovations, grants and models of care information on the Better Care Fund (including the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund) and the Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund (CASSH). Includes data from local authorities, integrated care boards, care homes and care providers to help set and monitor policy, monitor demand and capacity and discharges from care.  
Policy - asylum Information relating to asylum seeker and refugee health including engagement across related government bodies.
Policy - brain injury Data and information concerning acquired brain injury.
Policy - cancer Information and records regarding cancers and their treatment, including official cancer metrics.
Policy - cardiovascular Information and records relating to the prevention of cardiovascular disease including information on the 6 high-risk conditions that cause stroke, heart attack and dementia atrial fibrillation (AF), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, non-diabetic hyperglycaemia and chronic kidney disease. Includes records on the NHS Health Check programme.
Policy - children Information relating to the Ages and Stages Questionnaires; policy records on digital personal child health records (DPCHR); resources for those working in children's health and wellbeing; and information for the development of policy around children and families, children's wellbeing and safeguarding.
Policy - cosmetic surgery Information on licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures and the procedures undertaken.
Policy - data Information about how the department manages its data assets and the policies and processes in place to create, use, protect, manage and dispose of data.
Policy - dementia Policy information on the 10-year dementia plan and records of the meetings of the Dementia Programme Board. Includes data and statistics on dementia rates, care plans and prescriptions in England.
Policy - dental Information and records including policies on dentistry including ministerial briefings and information on NHS England dentistry performance. Also, the National Dental Epidemiology Programme, an annual oral health survey data across England measuring the prevalence and severity of dental caries among other oral health indicators. Includes information on areas of poor coverage and an analysis of travel times to visit dental surgeries.
Policy - diabetes Information and data from the core national diabetes audit used for official statistics on diabetic amputations and other exploratory analysis.
Policy - disabilities Information and records relating to policies concerning disabilities, including the health grant and needs of those affected by Thalidomide.
Policy - fertility Information and records relating to human fertilisation and embryology policy.
Policy - GPs Policy development regarding GP practices including data on GP appointments; GP workforce data by geographic regions and roles and GP satisfaction data.
Policy - health Information and records on health including international health strategies; meetings with G7 and G20 countries, WHO, the Commonwealth and Council of Europe; four nations border health policy; international workforce policies; health protection regulations; dangerous pathogens; antimicrobial resistance; women's health; and health incentives.
Policy - health ethics Information and records informing human tissue policy, ethics of consent; health incentives ethics; and the code on genetic testing and insurance.
Policy - hospital discharge Regional information on hospital discharge progress and returns by local authorities submitted as part of the reporting requirements for the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund.
Policy - learning disabilities Information and research looking at demand for therapists for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and information documents to support the Down Syndrome Act call for evidence, guidance and consultation.
Policy - maternity Information and research to support early years and maternity policy including inequalities in preconception and maternal health.
Policy - medicines Policy, analytical and operational documents and data relating to medicines. This includes but is not limited to both the statutory and voluntary pricing and access schemes; data obtained under the information regulations on supply, volume and cost sales data; and data obtained from the medicine margin survey. Minutes of sponsorship accountability meetings with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), documents on other policy areas including prescription charges.
Policy - mental health Beyond Places of Safety (BPOS) Programme information and policies to support manifesto commitments and mental health targets in the NHS Long-Term Plan. Information and records relating to the operation and reform of the Mental Health Act; high-security hospitals; patient safety; mental health support teams; NHS England mental health intelligence files, advisory groups and mental health services data sets.
Policy - neurological conditions Information and research looking at neurological conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessments and diagnosis and documents to support the autism statutory guidance consultation.
Policy - nursing Information relating to the commitment for 50,000 extra nurses working in the NHS compared with 2019.
Policy - nutrition Information, policy papers and briefings to support the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN), nutrition science and maternal and child nutrition; research and evidence relating to the dietary improvement programme; documents relating to the establishment and work of the United Kingdom Nutrition and Health Claims Committee (UKNHCC).
Policy - organ and blood transplants Information and records relating to the development of organ and blood transplant or donation policy
Policy - palliative care Information, policy and analytical information relating to palliative and end of life care.
Policy - pandemics Information on the future plans for pandemic preparedness and personal protective equipment (PPE) stockpile status.
Policy - public health systems Information, evidence and data relating to the development and implementation of policy on the public health system, the allocation of grant funding to local government, development and operation of the NHS Public Health Functions Agreement, health impacts of the built and natural environment, public health in English devolution, and strategic policies on the development of the public health workforce.
Policy - rare diseases Information and records relating to the development of rare diseases policy.
Policy - reciprocal healthcare Information relating to the discretionary payment for healthcare received abroad in a partner country; the policy, data sharing agreements and related policy information relating to the reimbursement of immigration health surcharges (IHS) and policy documents, operational process guides and general reciprocal healthcare information.
Policy - regulations Information to support policy developments linked to regulatory reform.
Policy - sexual health and reproduction Information to support policy development relating to sexual health; teenage pregnancy programmes; the ability to access contraception; and the reclassification of contraceptive medicines as a pharmacy medication. Data held covers sexual and reproductive health including trends, inequalities, contraceptives and spend.
Policy - start for life Information regarding the development of the Start for Life policy including the Best Start for Life vision for the nurture and development of babies and young children.
Policy - suicide Coroners’ forms and information on the national suicide prevention strategy including data on suicides and suicide prevention.
Policy - urgent and emergency care Policy and performance data relating to urgent and emergency care services. This includes accident and emergency, ambulances and NHS 111 services as well as winter planning and resilience.
Policy - vaccines Information and analysis regarding vaccines to aid policy decision making.
Procurement Information about how to procure goods and services, the development of contract clauses, monitoring contracted performance and the promotion of commercial capability.
Reference Covers the many reference materials held within teams to assist in the development of policy, processes and the teams themselves. Also includes reference materials provided by the Knowledge Centre (Library).
Security Information regarding the security of the department's buildings, staff, IT systems and information.
Sponsorship of inquiries Business cases and management data regarding DHSC sponsored inquiries. The evidence libraries linked to the inquiry will be categorised with the main area of health or specified under its own category - for example, COVID-19.
Suppliers Information related to suppliers, supplier performance, commercial relationship management and trade associations.
Training and education E-learning, information, evidence and data for people who work in the health and care sector and the extended public health workforce. Also, for those working in the department, skills assessments; submissions for foundation courses, diplomas and degrees; course training materials including their development and presentations or notes from courses attended.