National statistics

Child and Working Tax Credits Finalised Annual Awards 2022 to 2023 Geographical Tables Metadata

Updated 24 July 2024
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Column_name Column_type Unit Description
tax_credit_group Filter Not set Tax credit group
work_flag Filter Not set Whether claimant is in work or out of work
child_flag Filter Not set Whether claimant has children or not
adults Filter Not set How many adults are in a claim
inc_band_iw Filter Not set Income band for the claimant
number_of_children Filter Not set Number of children in claim
average_family_count Variable Not set Average number of families over the year
average_child_count Variable Not set Average number of children over the year
average_annual_entitlement Variable £ Average annualised entitlement
average_families_benefitting_childcare_element Variable Not set Average number of families benefitting from the childcare element
average_families_benefitting_disabled_worker_element Variable Not set Average number of families benefitting from the Disabled Worker element
average_childcare_element_weekly_entitlement Variable £ Average weekly value
total_annual_entitlement Variable £ Total annualised entitlement