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DSIT senior officials’ meetings, January to March 2024

Updated 29 August 2024
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Senior Official's Name Date Name of individual or organisation Purpose of Meeting
Alexandra Jones 2024-01-16 UKRI Board UKRI Board dinner Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-01-17 UKRI Board UKRI Board meeting Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-01-19 PWC Catch up meeting Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-02-05 Academy of Medical Sciences, GSK Mission Stocktake Session (held with Dept of Health and Office of Life Sciences) Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-02-12 Glasgow University, Academy of Medical Sciences, GSK Mission Stocktake Session (held with Dept of Health and Office of Life Sciences) Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-02-13 Southampton University, Academy of Medical Sciences, GSK Mission Stocktake Session (held with Dept of Health and Office of Life Sciences) Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-02-19 Imperial College, Academy of Medical Sciences, GSK Mission Stocktake Session (held with Dept of Health and Office of Life Sciences) Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-03-14 Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Policy Fellowships meeting Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-03-19 UKRI Board UKRI Board dinner Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-03-20 UKRI Board UKRI Board meeting Not set
Alexandra Jones 2024-02-09 Scale Up Science and innovation policy discussion Not set
Angela McLean 2024-01-09 Centre for Science & Policy, University of Cambridge Overview of the Policy Leaders Fellowship Not set
Angela McLean 2024-01-11 Magdalena Skipper, Nature, Editor in Chief Introductory meeting Not set
Angela McLean 2024-01-11 a16z Introductory meeting and venture capital discussion Not set
Angela McLean 2024-01-11 25/25 Introductory meeting and information on their work Not set
Angela McLean 2024-01-29 Resolution Foundation, Queen Mary University of London Discussion on graphene Not set
Angela McLean 2024-01-29 Google Deepmind Discussion on AI Not set
Angela McLean 2024-01-31 University of Cambridge Evidence and policy making discussion Not set
Angela McLean 2024-02-07 Asimov Labs Engineering biology discussion Not set
Angela McLean 2024-02-15 National Preparedness Commission Introduction to the work of the commission Not set
Angela McLean 2024-02-26 University of Chicago AI and quantum discussion Not set
Angela McLean 2024-02-26 British Academy Regular update call on UK science policy Not set
Angela McLean 2024-03-06 Turing Institute Regular update call on UK science policy Not set
Angela McLean 2024-03-25 Nuffield Council on Bioethics Bioethics policy and strategy discussion Not set
David Smith 2024-01-04 IQVIA To learn about engineering biology and how government policy can support this sector Not set
David Smith 2024-01-10 Illumina To discuss Illumina's work across the genomics space and the ways in which they can support the advancement of healthcare innovations – leveraging the potential of the biotech sector to drive growth Not set
David Smith 2024-01-10 Royal Academy of Engineering A regular meeting to discuss Centres for Doctoral Training and Setting up a CTO Forum for the UK Not set
David Smith 2024-01-10 Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society Introductory meeting to discuss areas of common interest Not set
David Smith 2024-01-15 Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) To discuss how the NTA can support opportunities for technology to transform hearing health in the NHS Not set
David Smith 2024-01-18 University of Edinburgh To discuss Edinburgh science Not set
David Smith 2024-01-23 NOKIA To discuss R&D activity in the UK to support our ambition to become a science and tech superpower by 2030  Not set
David Smith 2024-01-25 Royal Society General conversation about science Not set
David Smith 2024-01-30 ADS Group Industry annual dinner Not set
David Smith 2024-01-31 Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge Introductory meeting to discuss later keynote speech Not set
David Smith 2024-01-31 RMR Consultants To discuss aerospace policy Not set
David Smith 2024-02-05 Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) Continued discussion on how the NTA can support opportunities for technology to transform hearing health in the NHS Not set
David Smith 2024-02-08 Queen's University Belfast To discuss technology in Northern Ireland Not set
David Smith 2024-02-08 Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)  To discuss how the IET could support the DSIT Expert Exchange Programme Not set
David Smith 2024-02-08 Telecoms Supply Chain Diversification Advisory Council Introductory meeting discussing outcomes from telecoms discussions held during Finland trip Not set
David Smith 2024-02-12 PA Consulting Workshop hosted by PA Consulting: "Innovative Public Sector" strand of the Science & Technology Framework Not set
David Smith 2024-02-14 NHS England, Genomics England To gain insight into the state of technology innovation in the healthcare sector Not set
David Smith 2024-02-15 University of Cambridge Discussing manufacturing in the UK Not set
David Smith 2024-02-16 Westminster Business Forum Keynote speech on semiconductors Not set
David Smith 2024-02-20 Genomics England To discuss what more Genomics England and DSIT/Government Office for Science could do together in order to turbocharge existing work on Eng Bio Not set
David Smith 2024-02-22 Henry Royce Institute Site visit, to learn more about the research which is taking place at the institute Not set
David Smith 2024-02-22 Digital Catapult To discuss work of Digital Catapult and innovation in Manchester Not set
David Smith 2024-02-22 Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub Site visit, to learn about the research taking place at the institute and how innovative technologies for high-value manufacturing to sustainably produce pharmaceuticals, chemicals, materials and advanced synthetic fuels are developed Not set
David Smith 2024-02-23 Medicines Discovery Catapult Site visit, to understand more about the research taking place at the catapult Not set
David Smith 2024-02-26 PA Consulting To agree next steps following the IPS workshop on Monday 12th Feb Not set
David Smith 2024-02-26 Siemens To have a general discussion exploring possible areas for future collaboration Not set
David Smith 2024-02-29 BIA To understand their members' issues in the Engineering Biology sector in the UK Not set
David Smith 2024-03-05 Riverlane To discuss the UK's options around purchasing a Quantum Computer Not set
David Smith 2024-03-06 Royal Academy of Engineering Regular meeting to discuss areas of common interest including the Business Innovation Forum Not set
David Smith 2024-03-11 Manchester Prize judging panel Judging panel for Manchester AI prize Not set
David Smith 2024-03-19 Digital Catapult Site visit, deep dives into Gaming (metaverse) and virtual environments Not set
David Smith 2024-03-20 National Physical Laboratory Site visit Not set
David Smith 2024-03-20 University of Cambridge To discuss spinouts from universities Not set
David Smith 2024-03-20 Deep Science Ventures Deep Tech Ecosystem General innovation discussion Not set
David Smith 2024-03-25 Royal Society of Arts To discuss manufacturing in the UK and the Science & Technology framework (innovative public sector strand) Not set
David Smith 2024-03-26 Struc UK To discuss IT for charities Not set
David Smith 2024-03-27 IBM To introduce the role of the NTA and discuss the Innovative Public Sector stand of the S&T Framework Not set
Emran Mian 2024-01-22 Octopus Energy Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-01-22 Pinsent Masons Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-01-22 Microsoft Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-01-22 Google Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-01-22 KPMG Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-01-22 National Audit Office Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-01-22 Universal Music Group Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-02-02 Ombeline Gras Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-02-08 Three Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-02-15 Global Switch Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-02-26 Netizency Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-02-26 Google Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-03-01 OpenAI Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-03-01 AI Now Institute Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-03-06 Silver Lake Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-03-18 Mark Machin Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-03-20 Platia Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-03-26 Nokia Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Emran Mian 2024-03-26 Meta Discussion on government digital and technology policy priorities Not set
Felicity Burch Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Not set
Freya Guinness 2024-01-15 British American Tobacco Half day away day event on Shared Services, organised by Matrix for Cluster COOs. There was a discussion of shared services, various analytics and processes, success stories, learnings, experiences from BAT with Q&A Not set
Freya Guinness 2024-02-19 Reform UK This Reform Roundtable was focused on 'An innovation mindset' with Sarah Munby, Permanent Secretary, DSIT Not set
Jessica Mitchell Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Not set
Leah Sparks Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Not set
Robert Nixon 2024-03-20 Global Government Forum ExCel, Innovation 2024 Event Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-01-03 Airbus Cross-Government briefing on Airbus UK plans Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-01-12 Oxford Blavatnik School Guest lecture on policymaking Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-01-25 Franco-British Colloque Guest speaker/participant on Artificial Intelligence: How to balance innovation with regulation? Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-02-08 Royal Academy of Engineering, Tech UK, Resolution Foundation To discuss DSIT business case review Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-02-19 Reform UK To chair roundtable on innovation in Government Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-02-28 IBM To discuss requirements for DSIT’s Corporate Risk & Project Reporting tool Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-02-29 Tencent To discuss upcoming AI priorities Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-03-01 The British Academy To discuss shared priorities and build relationship between Department and British Academy Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-03-06 Kings College London, Strand Group To deliver lecture on Policy Making for the Age of AI Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-03-14 Alan Turing Institute To discuss working relationship between the department and ATI Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-03-14 Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge Policy Leaders Fellowship (PLF) course, intro meeting Not set
Sarah Munby 2024-03-27 Institute of Physics, The Whitehall & Industry Group Guest speaker, to share insights into the priorities for our department Not set
Tim Sparrow Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Not set