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DBT's senior officials’ meetings, July to September 2023

Updated 9 February 2024
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Permanent secretary Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
Crawford Falconer Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Gareth Davies 03/07/2023 Informa Regular catch up and lunch
Gareth Davies 03/07/2023 PwC Regular catch up
Gareth Davies 04/07/2023 M&G/CityUK Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 06/07/2023 Effem Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 06/07/2023 Trade Association leaders Roundtable meeting with Trade Associations
Gareth Davies 10/07/2023 Nissan Meeting to discuss investment
Gareth Davies 17/07/2023 Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford Meeting to discuss policy making
Gareth Davies 18/07/2023 Amazon Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 18/07/2023 Sage Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 18/07/2023 BRC Roundtable meeting BRC CEOs
Gareth Davies 18/07/2023 S P Jain School of Global Management Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 20/07/2023 IFG Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 24/07/2023 FRC Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 24/07/2023 IFG Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 24/07/2023 Uber Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 25/07/2023 Google Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 25/07/2023 PIIE Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 26/07/2023 Bridgepoint Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 26/07/2023 National Grid Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 26/07/2023 Boeing Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 27/07/2023 Sainsburys Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 27/07/2023 KPMG Regular catch up
Gareth Davies 27/07/2023 Global Counsel Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 28/07/2023 Export and Investment champions Roundtable discussion and lunch with Export and Investment Champions
Gareth Davies 31/07/2023 Scale up institute Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 01/08/2023 Rolls Royce Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 14/08/2023 Stellantis Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 15/08/2023 Whitehall Industry Group Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 15/08/2023 Impact Investing Institute Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 15/08/2023 Business Growth Fund Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 16/08/2023 Arden Strategies Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 16/08/2023 SMMT Regular catch up
Gareth Davies 31/08/2023 Silver Lake Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 31/08/2023 WiredScore Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 04/09/2023 Hakluyt Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 04/09/2023 ABI Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 04/09/2023 Trade Association leaders Roundtable meeting with Trade Associations
Gareth Davies 05/09/2023 Mubadala Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 06/09/2023 Tony Blair Institute for Global Change Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 07/09/2023 Euroclear Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 11/09/2023 Babcock International Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 12/09/2023 Arup Catch up and breakfast
Gareth Davies 12/09/2023 British Chambers of Commerce Regular Catch Up
Gareth Davies 14/09/2023 RELX Introductory meeting to discuss technology, AI & innovation
Gareth Davies 20/09/2023 Scottish Power Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 21/09/2023 Nissan Meeting to discuss investment
Gareth Davies 21/09/2023 Zeroavia Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 28/09/2023 Turkish Industry and Business Association Roundtable discussion
Gareth Davies 28/09/2023 Koç Holding Introductory meeting
Gareth Davies 28/09/2023 Mey/Diageo Turkey Introductory meeting and dinner