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Updated 30 April 2024
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Field name | Description | Accepted values | Posit ion | Validation Regular Expression |
AcademicYear | Academic year that the assessment or decision being appealed was taken | Academic year in the format: Year (4 digits), a dash, year (4 digits), for example 2023-2024 | 1 | ^(20)\d\d[-](20)\d\d$ |
ReportingDate | Date the file was due to be submitted to Ofqual regardless of when it was actually uploaded | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) yyyy-mm-dd | 2 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9][12][0-9]|3[01])$ |
AwardingOrganisation | Name of the awarding organisation | 1 to 100 characters accepted | 3 | ^.{1,100}$ |
CaseReferenceNumber | Unique reference number for the appeal case assigned by the awarding organisation | 1 to 25 characters accepted | 4 | ^.{1,25}$ |
QualificationNumber | Qualification number as recorded in the Register | 1 to 10 characters accepted, for example 123/1234/1. -2 accepted for not applicable, for example appeals that are not specific to a single qualification, where a candidate has not cashed-in or where CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 5 | ^.{1,10}$ |
QualificationTitle | The qualification title as it appears on Ofqual’s Register | 1 to 100 characters accepted. -2 accepted for not applicable, for example appeals that are not specific to a single qualification, where a candidate has not cashed-in or where CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 6 | ^.{1,100}$ |
SpecificationCode | Specification code, if relevant may also be known as subject code or pathway code | 1 to 7 characters accepted. -2 accepted for not applicable, for example appeals that are not specific to a single assessment, or where CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 7 | ^.{1,7}$ |
SpecificationTitle | Specification title, if relevant must be provided if specification code is provided | 1 to 150 characters accepted. -2 accepted for not applicable, for example appeals that are not specific to a single assessment, or where CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 8 | ^.{1,150}$ |
AssessmentCode | Unique AO-assigned identifier for the assessment. When one unit is assessed by one assessment, please provide the URN (Unit Reference Number) | 1 to 50 characters accepted. -2 accepted for not applicable, for example appeals that are not specific to a single assessment, or where CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 9 | ^.{1,50}$ |
UCI | Unique Candidate Identifier | Alpha numeric 13 characters accepted. This field can also be used for unique centre staff identifier where relevant (see point 3 of general completion guidelines) | 10 | ^.{1,13}$ |
ULN | Unique Learner Number | A numeric value between 0000000001 and 9999999999. -2 accepted where ULN is unknown or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 11 | ^.{1,10}$ |
CandidateIdentifierOther | Any other unique candidate number allocated by individual awarding organisation. Must be provided where neither UCI or ULN are available | 1 to 20 characters accepted. -2 permitted where at least one of UCI or ULN have been provided, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 12 | ^.{1,20}$ |
FirstName | Candidate first name | 0 to 150 characters accepted. -2 accepted where appeal does not relate to a candidate or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 13 | ^.{0,150}$ |
MiddleNames | Candidate’s middle name(s), if able to separate out from first names | 0 to 150 characters accepted. Can be left blank if not known or unavailable, or if middle names cannot be separated from first names | 14 | ^.{0,150}$ |
Surname | Candidate surname | 0 to 150 characters accepted. -2 accepted where appeal does not relate to a candidate or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 15 | ^.{0,150}$ |
DateOfBirth | Candidate date of birth | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits). 2999-12-31 is accepted where appeal does not relate to a candidate or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 16 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9][12][0-9]|3[01])$ |
CentreNCN | Centre’s National Centre Number as allocated by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) | Up to 5-digit integer accepted. -2 accepted where the centre number is unknown, centre is not on the NCN register, candidate is not registered to a centre, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 17 | \d{1,5}$ |
CentreURN | Centre ID – Unique Reference Number as assigned by the Department for Education | Up to 6-digit integer accepted. -2 accepted where the centre number is unknown, centre is not on the URN register, candidate is not registered to a centre, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 18 | ^\d{1,6}$ |
CentreIdentifierOther | Any other number allocated to the centre or assessment venue by individual awarding organisations. Must be provided if neither CentreNCN nor CentreURN are available | 1 to 15 characters accepted. -2 accepted where at least one of NCN or URN have been provided or for candidates who are not registered to a centre, candidate is not registered to a centre, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 19 | ^.{0,15}$ |
CentreName | Name of the centre | 1 to 100 characters accepted. -2 accepted where candidate is not registered to a centre, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 20 | ^.{0,100}$ |
CentrePostcode | Postcode of the centre. Must be provided if neither CentreNCN nor CentreURN are available | 1 to 10 characters accepted. -2 accepted where candidate is not registered to a centre, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 21 | ^.{0,10}$ |
TypeOfDecisionAppealed | The type of decision that is being appealed | Accepted values: * Component or qualification result * Malpractice or maladministration * Reasonable adjustment * Special consideration Definitions of stages provided in Annex A | 22 | ^(Component or qualification result|Malpractice or maladministration|Reasonable adjustment|Special consideration)$ |
GroundOfAppeal | Ground of appeal | Accepted values: *Administrative error - centre *Administrative error - AO *Procedural inconsistency - centre * Procedural inconsistency - AO *Unreasonable exercise of academic judgement - centre *Unreasonable exercise of academic judgement - AO Definitions provided in Annex A | 23 | ^(Administrative error - centre|Administrative error - AO|Procedural inconsistency - centre|Procedural inconsistency - AO|Unreasonable exercise of academic judgement - centre|Unreasonable exercise of academic judgement - AO)$ |
CurrentStageOfAppeal | Current stage of appeal at the time data reported | Accepted values: *Application not proceeded *Preliminary appeal *Independent review *Independent review – no preliminary appeal. Definitions of stages provided in Annex A | 24 | ^(Application not proceeded|Preliminary appeal|Independent review|Independent review – no preliminary appeal)$ |
StageAppealResolved | Stage the appeal was resolved | Accepted values: *Application not proceeded *Preliminary appeal *Independent review *Independent review – no preliminary appeal *Still in process Definitions of stages provided in Annex A | 25 | ^(Application not proceeded|Preliminary appeal|Independent review|Independent review – no preliminary appeal|Still in process)$ |
ReasonNotProceeded | For ‘Application not proceeded’appeals only, to indicate the reason why the appeal did not progress | Accepted values: * Withdrawn by centre * Invalid grounds * No ROMM application * Cancelled by AO Invalid application -2 expected where CurrentStageOfAppeal is not ‘Application not proceeded’ | 26 | ^(Withdrawn by centre|Invalid grounds|No ROMM application|Cancelled by AO|Invalid application|-2)$ |
AppealUpheld | Whether appeal was upheld at the CurrentStageOfAppeal reported | Accepted values: * Yes * No * TBC (to be confirmed). -2 expected where CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 27 | ^(Yes|No|TBC|-2)$ |
PreAppealAssessmentGrade | Pre-Appeal Assessment Grade at the beginning of the CurrentStageOfAppeal | Accepted values provided in Annex B (given below). -2 if not applicable, grade is not captured when appeal is not upheld, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 28 | Annex B |
PostAppealAssessmentGrade | Post-Appeal Assessment Grade at the end of the CurrentStageOfAppeal | Accepted values provided in Annex B. -2 if not applicable, grade is not captured when appeal is not upheld, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 29 | Annex B |
PreAppealAssessmentRawMark | Pre-Appeal Assessment Raw Mark at the beginning of the CurrentStageOfAppeal | Number between 0 and 999. -2 if not applicable, mark is not captured when appeal is not upheld, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 30 | ^\d{1,3}$ |
PostAppealAssessmentRawMark | Post-Appeal Assessment Raw Mark at the end of the CurrentStageOfAppeal | Number between 0 and 999. -2 if not applicable, mark is not captured when appeal is not upheld, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 31 | ^\d{1,3}$ |
PreAppealQualificationGrade | Pre-Appeal Qualification Grade originally appealed | Accepted values provided in Annex B. -2 if not applicable, grade is not yet known (for example for mid-flight learners), grade is not captured when appeal is not upheld, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 32 | Annex B |
PostAppealQualificationGrade | Post-Appeal Qualification Grade once all stages of appeal are complete | Accepted values provided in Annex B. -2 if not applicable, grade is not yet known (for example for mid-flight learners), grade is not captured when appeal is not upheld, or CurrentStageOfAppeal is ‘Application not proceeded’ | 33 | Annex B |
DateReceived | Date when the appeal request is received | Date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) | 34 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9][12][0-9]|3[01])$ |
DateCompleted | Date when the appeal is completed. For appeals progressed to Preliminary appeal or Independent review, defined as the date when an appeal is completed and decision letter is sent. For ‘Application not proceeded’ appeals, the date when a response was sent to the parent, candidate or centre. | Date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits). 2999-12-31 accepted if appeal not yet completed | 35 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9][12][0-9]|3[01])$ |