National statistics
Total income from farming - real terms table
Updated 6 June 2024
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item | 2022 | 2023 | Value change | Percentage change |
Output of cereals | 6,537 | 4,436 | -2,101 | -32.14% |
Wheat | 4,351 | 2,912 | -1,439 | -33.08% |
Barley | 1,948 | 1,351 | -596 | -30.61% |
Oats and summer cereal mixtures | 228 | 163 | -65 | -28.42% |
Output of industrial crops | 1,461 | 1,111 | -350 | -23.98% |
Oilseed rape | 940 | 483 | -457 | -48.60% |
Protein crops | 249 | 210 | -39 | -15.58% |
Sugar beet | 217 | 368 | 151 | 69.92% |
Output of forage plants | 214 | 263 | 50 | 23.23% |
Output of vegetables and horticultural products | 3,460 | 3,547 | 87 | 2.50% |
Fresh vegetables | 1,812 | 1,860 | 48 | 2.65% |
Plants and flowers | 1,648 | 1,686 | 39 | 2.34% |
Output of potatoes | 823 | 1,005 | 182 | 22.14% |
Output of fruit | 1,091 | 1,039 | -51 | -4.72% |
Output of other crop products | 645 | 589 | -56 | -8.62% |
Total crop output | 14,230 | 11,990 | -2,240 | -15.74% |
Output of livestock | 12,651 | 12,139 | -513 | -4.05% |
Livestock for meat | 11,055 | 10,920 | -135 | -1.23% |
Beef | 4,016 | 3,908 | -108 | -2.69% |
Pigmeat | 1,853 | 1,838 | -15 | -0.82% |
Mutton and lamb | 1,742 | 1,582 | -160 | -9.20% |
Poultry | 3,394 | 3,542 | 149 | 4.38% |
Livestock gross fixed capital formation | 1,596 | 1,219 | -377 | -23.63% |
Cattle gross fixed capital formation | 871 | 716 | -155 | -17.82% |
Pigs gross fixed capital formation | 3 | 1 | -2 | -67.50% |
Sheep gross fixed capital formation | 479 | 257 | -222 | -46.37% |
Poultry gross fixed capital formation | 243 | 245 | 2 | 0.83% |
Output of livestock products | 8,091 | 7,091 | -1,001 | -12.37% |
Milk | 7,132 | 5,983 | -1,149 | -16.11% |
Eggs | 829 | 1,003 | 174 | 20.94% |
Total livestock output | 20,743 | 19,229 | -1,514 | -7.30% |
Other agricultural activities | 1,671 | 1,637 | -34 | -2.02% |
Diversification | 1,889 | 1,863 | -26 | -1.38% |
Output at market prices | 38,533 | 34,720 | -3,813 | -9.90% |
Total subsidies less taxes on products | 51 | 48 | -3 | -6.58% |
Gross output at basic prices | 38,584 | 34,767 | -3,817 | -9.89% |
Seeds | 981 | 881 | -100 | -10.19% |
Energy | 2,066 | 1,913 | -153 | -7.41% |
Electricity and fuels for heating | 728 | 790 | 62 | 8.54% |
Motor and machinery fuels | 1,338 | 1,123 | -215 | -16.08% |
Fertilisers | 2,039 | 1,362 | -677 | -33.20% |
Plant protection products | 1,034 | 1,048 | 14 | 1.31% |
Veterinary expenses | 533 | 510 | -24 | -4.43% |
Animal feed | 8,803 | 7,820 | -983 | -11.17% |
Compounds | 5,371 | 4,772 | -598 | -11.14% |
Straights | 2,180 | 1,853 | -327 | -14.99% |
Feed produced and used on farm or purchased | 1,253 | 1,195 | -58 | -4.63% |
Total maintenance | 2,205 | 2,197 | -8 | -0.36% |
Materials maintenance | 1,253 | 1,230 | -23 | -1.80% |
Buildings maintenance | 952 | 967 | 15 | 1.54% |
Agricultural services | 1,671 | 1,637 | -34 | -2.02% |
Bank charges | 178 | 114 | -64 | -35.85% |
Other goods and services | 3,722 | 3,603 | -119 | -3.21% |
Total intermediate consumption | 23,234 | 21,086 | -2,148 | -9.24% |
Gross value added at market prices | 15,299 | 13,634 | -1,666 | -10.89% |
Gross value added at basic prices | 15,350 | 13,681 | -1,669 | -10.87% |
Total consumption of fixed capital | 5,484 | 5,140 | -344 | -6.28% |
Equipment total consumption of fixed capital | 2,589 | 2,531 | -58 | -2.25% |
Buildings total consumption of fixed capital | 1,302 | 1,262 | -40 | -3.09% |
Livestock total consumption of fixed capital | 1,593 | 1,347 | -246 | -15.43% |
Cattle total consumption of fixed capital | 896 | 752 | -144 | -16.02% |
Pigs total consumption of fixed capital | 5 | 1 | -4 | -80.34% |
Sheep total consumption of fixed capital | 438 | 376 | -62 | -14.08% |
Poultry total consumption of fixed capital | 254 | 218 | -36 | -14.35% |
Net value added at market prices | 9,815 | 8,493 | -1,321 | -13.46% |
Net value added at basic prices | 9,866 | 8,541 | -1,325 | -13.43% |
Other taxes on production | 103 | 96 | -7 | -6.64% |
Other subsidies on production | 3,128 | 2,905 | -223 | -7.14% |
Net value added at factor cost | 12,891 | 11,349 | -1,541 | -11.96% |
Compensation of employees | 3,237 | 3,020 | -216 | -6.68% |
Rent | 577 | 587 | 10 | 1.75% |
Interest | 487 | 510 | 23 | 4.71% |
Total income from farming | 8,589 | 7,232 | -1,358 | -15.81% |
Entrepreneurial labour | 201 | 201 | 0 | -0.05% |
Total income from farming per unit of entrepreneurial labour | 42,788 | 36,040 | -6,748 | -15.77% |