Transparency data
Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP overseas travel, July to September 2021
Updated 28 January 2022
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Minister | Start Date of Trip | End Date of Trip | Destination | Purpose of Trip | Mode of Transport | Cost of private jet or RAF plane hire, if relevant (£) | Number of officials who accompanied minister if non-scheduled travel was used | Accompanied by spouse, family member(s) or friend at public expense? | Total cost (for minister only) including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc (£) |
Boris Johnson | 19/09/2021 | 23/09/2021 | New York and Washington, USA | United Nations General Assembly 76 and Bilateral with the President of the United States of America | RAF flight | £188,793 | 30 | No | £15,386.58 |
Meetings and events took place in line with the prevailing Covid pandemic regulations at the time | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |