FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, December 2023
Updated 28 March 2024
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Request reference | Request status | Request summary | Date the response was issued |
2311-033386 | Successful | obtain statistics regarding the number of vehicles being stopped for / charged with being the figures to be broken down by time period? Furthermore, are there statistics available (again, broken down by time period) regarding: • Accidents / incidents that have been caused by illegally overlength vehicles? • Accidents / incidents that have been caused by overhanging loads (for example, rail track or cabins)? | 20/12/2023 |
2311-033389 | Successful | (Q1) How many Class 4 vehicles on the road in Great Britain had an expired MOT as of the following dates? • 1 January 2019 • 1 July 2019 • 1 January 2020 • 1 January 2022 • 1 July 2022 • 1 January 2023 • 1 July 2023 (Q2) How many Class 4 vehicles failed their MOTs because of incorrect headlamp aim over each of the following periods? • Whole of 2019 • Whole of 2022 • 1 January to 30 September 2023 (Q3) Of these, how many of these were for Class 4 vehicles that were having their first ever MOT (ie for vehicles three years old)? | 05/12/2023 |
2311-033391 | Partially successful | 1. The average driving test waiting time yearly from 2019 to 2023 in each test centre of Greater Manchester? 2. What is the passing rate yearly from 2019 to 2023 in each test centre of Greater Manchester? 3. How many examiners, instructors and learners yearly from 2019 to 2023 in each test centre of Greater Manchester? 4. How many tests have been taken yearly from 2019 to 2023 in each test centre of Greater Manchester? 5. How many driving tests have been arranged in each test centre of Greater Manchester in the first half of 2024? 6. Do you have any new policies/procedures held in 2024 to make more test dates available? If yes, please supply a copy. 7. Under advice and assistance, please advise the reason for the continued backlog/unavailability of tests. | 15/12/2023 |
2311-033659 | Successful | 1. The number of complaints made about not being able to book a test since 1st January 2022 and up to the present day. 2. The test centres, with postcodes, of the top 10 test centres that received the most complaints about not being able to book a test since 1st January 2022 and up to the present day. | 11/12/2023 |
2311-033727 | Successful | Access to all datasets under the following: Traffic Commissioners: goods and public service vehicle operator licence records When I attempt to preview the following, no records are returned: West Midlands, London and the South East of England, north west of England, north east of England and east of England Data is returned for all other areas. | 05/12/2023 |
2311-033728 | Partially successful | in regards part time staff and staff who have been granted part time flexible work after being employed on a Full Time basis? 1. From 1 Nov 2022 to 1 Nov 2023 staff who were employed full time who were then granted a change of contract to part time hours. 2. Break down for each month please. 3. Break down grades from AOs highlighting if they were PTS stopping officers, EOs with a further break down which were Traffic Examiners and which were Vehicle Examiners as well as being either BAU or HRTI. And HEO grades. | 01/12/2023 |
2311-033876 | Successful | How many group 1 drivers attending for a driving test at a test centre, failed the eyesight (number plate recognition) test prior to undertaking a driving test and how many passed? | 07/12/2023 |
2311-034224 | Successful | 1. What is the national annual MOT (Class 7) failure rate of N1 ICE light-commercials and N1 Electric (EV) light-commercials over the past 5 years? 2. What is the national annual MOT at ATFs failure rate of N2 ICE commercials up to 4.25 tonnes GVW and N2 Electric (EV) commercials up to 4.25 tonnes GVW over the past 5 years? | 15/12/2023 |
2311-034228 | Successful | How many driving test appeals have been applied for and heard in England since 2014 and how many of those were successful | 13/12/2023 |
2311-034452 | Partially successful | 1. The overall monthly pass rates for Wakefield MPTC, broken down by Male and Female, for the following periods: July 2022 through to and including up to Friday 17th November 2023. 2. The overall number of sick absence days for the same centre for the same period. 3. The amount of compensation paid out due to late cancellations by DVSA for that same period, specifically for sick absence for the same centre. 4. Since the implementation of the reverse park in public car parks, the breakdown of how many times this manoeuvre was conducted in public car parks by individual examiners for the same centre. 5. For the same centre, how many times since the centre returned to normal business following Covid. How many times has a test been terminated for dangerous driving on Albert Drive? | 15/12/2023 |
2311-034650 | Successful | confirm under which legislation NAME was prosecuted and the specific offence(s) committed that led to the imposition of a fine. | 04/12/2023 |
2311-034794 | Partially successful | breakdown by country car test only breaking down past/fail % part 1 theory and part 2 hazard perception by gender for the past 3 years | 20/12/2023 |
2311-034983 | Partially successful | 1. How many driving examiners are there at Bury St.Edmunds Centre? 2. Does that and other centres have targets of the proportion of passes and failures it must try to meet? 3. How many tests has the centre carried out in each of the last 5 years? 5. How many test failures have been given in each of those last 5 years? | 13/12/2023 |
2311-035020 | Successful | how many 18 / 19-year-old drivers pass their module 3b driving test with no minor faults (a clean sheet pass). Can this data be provided for: - Test passes for categories D1, D1+E, D and D+E (bus / coach) - Test passes for categories C1, C1+E, C and C+E (good vehicles) | 13/12/2023 |
2311-035022 | Successful | How many practical driving tests have remained un-booked over the last 4 recordable weeks? - How many practical driving test remained un-booked during July and August – broken down by week? - How many tests were wasted over the same times periods – broken down by week if possible? | 21/12/2023 |
2311-035023 | Successful | the percentage of failures for the last 3 years split into vehicles aged up to 9 years of age, vehicles aged 9 to 12 years and vehicles aged over 12 years of age up to 40 years of age. I am not interested in buses, lorries or other larger vehicles but the classification that includes passenger vehicles up to 8 passengers. | 21/12/2023 |
2311-035044 | Successful | Average age of candidates passing their car practical test, broken down by city or test centre. Also broken down by year. | 19/12/2023 |
2312-035316 | Successful | how many HGV/LGV tests have been conducted each week in October and November, across Great Britain how many examiners are employed to conduct HGV/LGV tests. how many HGV/LGV test slots went unused during that two-month period. | 21/12/2023 |
2312-035320 | Successful | the number of successful prosecutions bought by the DVSA for the fitment of DEF Emissions Cheat Devices in the last 12 months. | 14/12/2023 |
2312-035350 | Successful | someone failed their theory test 59 times before finally passing. Has anyone ever had a higher number of theory test failures than this in the past (who has subsequently passed) | 20/12/2023 |
2312-035388 | Successful | The number of people in the last year for which data is available who undertook a test for: 1. A category G licence 2. A category H licence 3. A category M licence | 21/12/2023 |
2312-035633 | Successful | The number of prosecutions for illegal number plates on cars and vans each year for the past five years, ie 2023 to date, 2022, 2021... The number of prosecutions for illegal modifications on cars and vans each year for the past five years, ie 2023 to date, 2022, 2021... Question 1: Could you please give me the figures for number plates deemed illegal: 1. because of offensive language or mispellings. 2. Non-compliant font or colours Question 2: I am referring to drivers caught with illegal modifications they have made themselves. | 14/12/2023 |
2312-035866 | Successful | For the period 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022, 1. The total number of tests conducted for category C+E. 2. The total number of tests passed for category C+E. and For the period 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023, 1. The total number of tests conducted for category C+E. 2. The total number of tests passed for category C+E. For each month from April 2023, where data is available for release, can I please have the following information? 1. The total number of tests conducted for category C+E. 2. The total number of tests passed for category C+E. | 13/12/2023 |
2312-036071 | Partially successful | the age and/ or who the current youngest ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) is in the UK. | 21/12/2023 |
2312-036216 | Partially successful | the data for the last 5 years for car / motorbike practical examinations which have been cancelled because the initial roadside vision test was not passed. | 19/12/2023 |