FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, August 2022
Updated 31 March 2023
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Request reference | Request status | Request summary | Date the response was issued |
IA/00818/22 | Fully successful | 1) Number of driving examiners based at your Wyndley Leisure Centre test centre). data.2) Number of driving examiners based at your Lichfield test centre. | 02/08/2022 |
IA/00819/22 | Fully successful | Can you provide the top 5 failure items for class 1 and 2 vehicles for 2021-22 and 2017-18? In addition can you tell me what percentage for each of the failure items are a minor, major or dangerous defect? What percentage of the initial failure items (not including PRS) are a minor, major or dangerous defect? | 18/08/2022 |
IA/00820/22 | Fully successful | A monthly breakdown of the number of Class 4 MOT tests that took place between March 2022 and June 2022. Please could you provide monthly data starting March 2022 and ending June 2022.2. The number of MOT testers disqualified in the 2021 to 2022 financial year3. The number of MOT testers warned in the 2021 to 2022 financial year4. The number of private MOT test stations, other MOT test stations and MOT nominated testers in the 2021 to 2022 financial year | 08/08/2022 |
IA/00822/22 | Partially successful | How many female drivers were tested between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 20222. How many male drivers were tested between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 20223. How many female drivers were passed between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 20224. How many male drivers were passed between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 20225. How many examiners are currently employed at Colchester6. How many female examiners are currently employed at Colchester | 08/08/2022 |
IA/00825/22 | Partially successful | Total revenue in sales does the DVSA theory test app make annually? Total revenue in sales does the DVSA theory revision website make annually? % of this revenue given to the DVSA v's the company who have built and manage the theory products How much annual revenue does the DVSA receive from licensing their DVSA theory revision questions and hazard videos to 3rd party companies (excluding the above) Please list the companies who have licensed the above content form the DVSA and how each paid the DVSA annually from the royalty licence. | 23/08/2022 |
IA/00832/22 | Partially successful | Heckmondwike Driving Test Centre From 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022.A: total number of driving tests carried out individually, by driving examiners either full or part time, that are permanently based at Heckmondwike Driving Test Centre. WF160AS B: total number of emergency stops carried out individually by each examiner. C: total number of forward parks carried out individually by each examiner. D total number of reverse parks (car park) carried out individually by each examiner.E: total number of reverse parks (on road) carried out individually by each examiner. F: total number of reverse right carried out individually by each examiner. G: breakdown of show me, tell me questions used by each individual examiner. H: breakdown of the number of routes used for this office and the number of times these routes were used individually by each examiner. | 04/08/2022 |
IA/00833/22 | Partially successful | Follow on for IA/00817/22 I believe it is in the public interest to know A. The main Enforcement officers are so we may write to them for opinions. B. To know the most senior level people. C. The qualifications are a minimum to undertake the job Added. tell me who creates and how the mot testers manual is compiled. This is in the public interest to get senior opinions and compare qualifications for legal arguments when contacting these people. Finally the name of the person in public office dealing with below and this matter in reply. | 18/08/2022 |
IA/00834/22 | Fully successful | how many Examiners were off work having to self-isolate after 16/08/16 up to 01/10/21 because they were contacted by track & trace regardless of the vaccination status | 02/08/2022 |
IA/00847/22 | Partially successful | 1. What services are included in the contract(s)? (e.g. printing vs scanning etc)2. Which supplier is delivering them? (If in-house, please confirm or if multiple provider please identify them)3. How many contracts does this entail and what's the award value for each?4. When do these contracts expire and do they have any extensions?5. What is the annual volumetric data (split by Annual Mono and Annual Colour print)?6. What is the total number of devices supplied?7. What Managed Print Service software solution do you use?8. How many Mono MFDs and Colour MFDs do you have?9. What document management solution do you use?10. What High Volume printing devices do you use?11. Were any framework agreements used to procure the goods/services? If so, which ones?12. Any documentation you can provide me with, e.g. the order form13. What department is managing the contract and who's the decision-maker?14. How many Adobe Acrobat (standard, professional and reader) licenses do you have?15. What is the annual cost?16. When is the renewal date?17. Who is responsible for the contract?18. Do you use any other PDF editing tools? | 23/08/2022 |
IA/00859/22 | Fully successful | Provide the pass and fail rates for each individual examiners from the Northampton Driving Test Centre for each year between April 2021 to date. Break the data down by total number of passes and fails, the total number of passes and fails for each sex, male and female. Provide copies of documents you hold and procedures followed which relate to what happens if an individual examiner has a significantly higher or lower pass rate than their colleagues, including what measures an individual examiner may be subject to or have to adhere to in such circumstances? | 22/08/2022 |
IA/00871/22 | Fully successful | Send the start and finish times for the following MOT Test numbers e.g how long the test took from start to finish:8755 3072 58809594 0334 5754 | 10/08/2022 |
2208-001535 | Fully successful | 1) A copy to the first part (related to backlog of practical tests) of the previous FOI under reference 1A/00651/22 2) Request for the number of The Official DVSA Theory App paid downloads for the last 3 years by month shown separately for the Apple/IOS store and the Google/Android store? | 25/08/2022 |
2208-001521 | Fully successful | Contact Centre Ð target to organisations we know have a CC a. Do you have a customer/ citizen facing contact centre? If not please skip these questions. b. Do you employ and manage your own agents, or do you outsource to a third party? If you outsource who to? c. How many contact centre agents do you have? d. Do agents work from home? Or just your offices? e. Please confirm the manufacturer of your contact centre system(s) that are currently in place? f. When is your contract renewal date? g. Who maintains your contact centre system(s)? 2. CRM a. Do you use a CRM in the contact centre? What platform is used? b. Do you use the same CRM for the rest of the organisation? What platform is used? c. Do you use a knowledge base / knowledge management platform? What platform is used? 3. AI & Automation a. Does your organisation have a customer or citizen facing chatbot? If so, who provides this chatbot technology? b. Does your organisation utilise RPA technology? If so which RPA technology provider do you use? | 26/08/2022 |
2208-001242 | Fully successful | Could I get the current or most recent driving test waiting times for each test centre in the UK. | 24/08/2022 |
2208-001225 | Fully successful | Could you let me how many vehicles are still on the road with Takata airbags with ammonium nitrate as the accelerant? | 11/08/2022 |
2208-001538 | Fully successful | Provide 1. The total number of e-class Mercedes registered from new for each year between 2017 &2019 2. The number of e-class Mercedes that failed an MOT for a dangerous defect relating to a fractured wheel or wheels (MOT fail code 5.2.2a) for each year between 2020 and 2022 | 31/08/2022 |
2208-001516 | Fully successful | How many attempted or successful cyber-attacks against your department have been recorded since January 2021? | 24/08/2022 |
2208-001241 | Fully successful | How much financial compensation has DVLA paid out for data breaches since January 2020? Please break your response down by month, whether the compensation was paid to individuals or companies and whether it related to cyber attacks (including phishing/malware). What was the highest amount of compensation paid in the last 12 months? Was it paid to an individual or company? What was the nature of the breach? | 24/08/2022 |
2208-001873 | Fully successful | IÕm trying to find out the ADI to Provisional License holder ratios in The Dorchester test centre catchment area. I would appreciate this information compared to that of the Northampton Test centre. | 31/08/2022 |
2208-001192 | Fully successful | Mean and longest waiting times for driving tests at the following driving test centres: High Wycombe Slough Aylesbury Uxbridge. Data for each month from April 2021 to July 2022 (or whatever the latest month available is). | 24/08/2022 |
2208-001743 | Incomplete | A) how many times in the past 2 years have the dvsa spent public funds defending court action for Car MOT Test argument court cases where people have challenged the outcome of test and appeal test Cost of lawyers on these fights are of public interest If within budget and permitted, what where the outcomes and who where those cases with and further detail permitted like lawyer used. This is public interest to know where the DVSA are 'costly' going wrong challenging these matters. Or, indeed for the public to learn the DVSA are doing a good job. B) how many times have the DVSA had to spend public money and 'estimate' how much to defend a case to argue wrongly judged MOT failure either with a court or other body like Trading Standards Lawyers or court | Not set |
2208-001602 | Fully successful | Pass/fail rates by date, between the dates 1st January 2022, and 1st July 2022, at the test centre Wedgnock House, Warwick. | 30/08/2022 |
2208-001585 | Fully successful | Please could you send me the following data for the period July 2021 Ð July 2022 inclusive: The number of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for speeding issued by permanent speed cameras in the UK If possible, please can you provide the data per camera location (road name, city/town name) If possible, could you also supply the following information: The number of speed cameras that are functional and in use The number of speed cameras that are functional but are not in use The number of speed cameras that are non-functional but have not been removed | 30/08/2022 |
2208-001473 | Fully successful | 1. How the Department for Transport (DfT) measures its emissions which are believed to contribute to climate change? 2. How does DfT incentive "net zero" CO2 emissions in its procurement procedures and supply chain/contract management plans? 3. Is "game theory" used in respect of question 2 above? 4. Provide DfT's baseline emissions target (if known) as defined by the Climate Change Act 2008. 5. Please provide the DfT's most current measure of its emissions. | 25/08/2022 |
2208-001442 | Fully successful | provide data on the current practical driving test waiting times per test centre? If possible, could you also provide historic data for this covering August 2021, August 2020 and August 2019 too please? If those points in time arenÕt feasible, but others timeframes are please would you advise. | 25/08/2022 |
2208-001446 | Fully successful | provide me with the attached information about your organisation's ICT expenditure. | Not set |
2208-001334 | Fully successful | The total number of vehicles in your fleet broken down by fuel type. If possible I would like this data broken down by Petrol, Diesel, Hybrid Electric, Red Diesel, Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Battery with a year-end of July 31 or whatever year-end is used internally | 23/08/2022 |
2208-001466 | Fully successful | As you are the public department that is charged with ensuring that motor vehicles used on our roads meet a certain safety standard, I request access to certain information. how many similar cases of this same fault have been made to DVSA since 2015. Under the freedom of information act, similar cases reported to DVSA how many of these cases did JLR ( Landrover) actually respond to? How many cases are reported and still outstanding, awaiting a reply and how many days the cases have been waiting a reply? how many days I should wait to receive a reply from DVSA. How long can be deemed acceptable for a case of catastrophic suspension failure reported to DVSA to remain outstanding on your system and how you justify this unacceptable practice given that you are a public body and accountable to me? I have access to some case references and I am aware that most of those cases are still awaiting an outcome from JLR the manufacturer. I have also evidence of one similar case that JLR agreed to pay for. This case was reported to your department. It seems that the department charged with ensuring the safety of vehicles on our roads does not follow up on outstanding requests from the Manufacturer, but please be aware that this will not be allowed in my case. | 23/08/2022 |
2208-001522 | Fully successful | provide figures relating to driving lessons, instructors or learners in the UK? I'd be interested in information about demographics, number of instructors by area, number of instructors in the UK, number of lessons taken per week/year, average cost of lessons, anything like that would be useful. | 30/08/2022 |