FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, February 2022
Updated 31 March 2023
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Record Ref No | Outcome of RFI | Summary | Completed Date | |
IA/00032/22 | Information Partially Delivered | Driving test pass rate data ( but broken per centre on a week-by-week basis for the last two years | 09/02/2022 | Not set |
IA/00050/22 | Information Partially Delivered | Cost to run the following test centresBarryCardiffBridgendLlantrisantFirst timePass rates of the following test centresBarryLlantrisantBridgendCardiffNo shows for testsBarryLlantrisantBridgendCardiffGross profit per test centreBarryCardiffLlantrisantBridgend | 09/02/2022 | Not set |
IA/00054/22 | All Information Delivered | Please provide me with the total number of electronic devices reported lost or stolen within your organisation over the last five calendar years (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017) | 07/02/2022 09:20 | Not set |
IA/00055/22 | All Information Delivered | Please provide me with the total number of malicious emails blocked by your organisation over the last three calendar years (2021, 2020, 2019) broken down by year and categorised accordingly. | 09/02/2022 13:30 | Not set |
IA/00057/22 | All Information Delivered | o How many vehicles have failed an MOT as a result of having cracked or damaged glass? Please provide a breakdown for the following years: 2017- 2021. o How many drivers in the UK were pulled over by police forces for driving with cracked or otherwise damaged glass on their vehicle? Please provide a breakdown for the following years: 2017- 2021. o How many drivers in the UK have had points added to their licence as a result of driving with cracked or otherwise damaged glass on their vehicle? Please provide a breakdown for the following years: 2017 - 2021. o How many drivers in the UK have received a fine as a result of driving with cracked or otherwise damaged glass on their vehicle? Please provide a breakdown for the following years: 2017 - 2021. o What is the highest number of penalties received by a single driver as a result of driving with cracked or damaged glass on their vehicle? Please provide a breakdown for the following years: 2017 - 2021. | 11/02/2022 | Not set |
IA/00058/22 | All Information Delivered | If you could let me know when the announcement of the closing [Basingstoke] test centre was and the date that examiners were told that Basingstoke had available space | 09/02/2022 17:55 | Not set |
IA/00071/22 | All Information Delivered | Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:" The total spend by the organisation on social media advertising, including a breakdown by year and by form of social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) | 07/02/2022 11:44 | Not set |
IA/00087/22 | All Information Delivered | With the upcoming closure of the driving test centre in Whitchurch, Shropshire, could you tell me the overall running costs of keeping it open? How does it compare with Shrewsbury and Crewe? | 10/02/2022 11:31 | Not set |
IA/00098/22 | All Information Delivered | " For the year 2021:" By month:o Number of LGV licence tests conductedo AND Number of LGV licence tests passed" Split by category of vehicle:o 7.5to C (rigid)o C+E (articulated) - upgrade from Cat Co C+E - from Cat B (car licence) directly to Cat C+Eo Other (and define what these are, if any… C1E?)" AND THEN, for the months October, November and December:o For each vehicle category, further split by test candidate age in one-year increments (18 - 61+) | 09/02/2022 18:07 | Not set |
IA/00101/22 | Withdrawn | During 2021 how many accidents were recorded during Driving Tests? Were any fatalities recorded? Can you provide a list of cause of accidents. | 23/02/2022 17:13 | Not set |
IA/00102/22 | All Information Delivered | Total amount spent on language services, including interpreting, telephone interpreting and translation/transcription, for the period January to December 2021 inclusive. | 15/02/2022 10:16 | Not set |
IA/00122/22 | Information Partially Delivered | Q1) For each of the last ten calendar years can you advise how many 'Pass Plus' certificates have been issued by the DVSA. Q2) Provide a further breakdown by age and gender.Q3) For each of the last five calendar years can you advise:i) How many ADIs were registered with DVSAii) How many instructors were re-assessed as a result of standards checks were triggered.iii) For each of the four triggers that cause a standards check, can you advise how many instructors fell into each trigger category.iv) How many instructors, for each of the five years, had their ADI-accreditation revoked and what were the reasons for this? | 15/02/2022 11:57 | Not set |
IA/00129/22 | All Information Delivered | how many fully qualified ADI's there are in PE1-PE5 | 03/02/2022 09:29 | Not set |
IA/00132/22 | All Information Delivered | How many driving test examiners are employed and how many of these are men and how many are women. How many driving tests for a regular car were conducted by male examiners and how many by female examiners last year, or for the most recent year you have the data. | 14/02/2022 12:34 | Not set |
IA/00137/22 | Information Partially Delivered | The number of passed and failed driving tests for every registered driving instructor in the UK? The make and model for each of these driving instructors? Per Driving Instructor: " The total number of passes they have accumulated" The total number of fails they have accumulated" The make and model of each instructor's vehicle" The name of the council each instructor is registered/associated with. | 14/02/2022 09:41 | Not set |
IA/00139/22 | All Information Delivered | 1. How many people, including full-time, part-time and temporary employees, are currently recorded as being based at your main office, either by having a desk or a security pass or any other metric that you use?2. Of these, how many were recorded as having entered the building on the following days:a. Monday 6th September 2021 b. Monday 13th December 2021c. Monday 24th January 2022 | 28/02/2022 14:44 | Not set |
IA/00141/22 | Information Partially Delivered | " Separate pass rates for each day of the week (e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc)" Pass rates for each test slot of the day (e.g. 8:10am etc) Split separately for each different test centre? | 09/02/2022 10:02 | Not set |
IA/00144/22 | Information Partially Delivered | Inverness Test CentrePeriod:- 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020 01/01/2021 TO 31/12/2021The number of Test Passes and Test Failures, Abandoned Tests by Examiner related to Specific ADI Badge Number. | 10/02/2022 12:13 | Not set |
IA/00146/22 | All Information Delivered | The number of roadside spot checks carried out during the past 3 years on the B1190 between Bardney and Horncastle Lincolnshire, specifically those monitoring motorcycle noise compliance.In addition the number of prosecutions resulting from those roadside spot checks. | 10/02/2022 07:32 | Not set |
IA/00150/22 | All Information Delivered | I would like a breakdown by year and percentage, of pay rise to driving examiners since 2012 or soonest available.This should not include any adhoc bonus that were paid in lieu of payrises. This should not include examiners who started the job on a lower basic which was increased after probation. | 14/02/2022 09:49 | Not set |
IA/00160/22 | Information Partially Delivered | How many driving examiners does DVSA employ broken down by gender and age. | 10/02/2022 11:46 | Not set |
IA/00165/22 | Information Partially Delivered | IA/00056/20 request published foisa | 08/02/2022 12:06 | Not set |
IA/00172/22 | Information Partially Delivered | I would like the category B pass rates for first time pass, second time pass and third time pass for years 2018/19/20/21 and 2022. Average number of serious/ dangerous faults for those periods?Since tests were terminated after a serious or dangerous fault do you have data on how long the average test lasts? | 14/02/2022 09:55 | Not set |
IA/00176/22 | All Information Delivered | There have been a number of occasions in the Inverness area where a number of practicalcar tests have been made available at very short notice (24hrs approx.) On the 8th of February, 14 tests were on the system at short notice for the 9th February. Can you detail the number of occasions this has happened. The number of tests made available and the take up rate of these short notification tests? Can you also explain, why this is happening? | 16/02/2022 11:08 | Not set |
IA/00184/22 | Information Partially Delivered | Could you tell me the number of pass and fails for LGV licence tests by male and female? | 14/02/2022 16:01 | Not set |
IA/00195/22 | All Information Delivered | The data for people taking their driving test where no ADI certificate was presented at test compared to all candidate data over the last 5 years. | 16/02/2022 | Not set |
IA/00238/22 | All Information Delivered | Can you provide the number of driving tests where their badge (ADI certificate) was on display vs the number of tests where their car registration was recorded over the last five years please. | 28/02/2022 16:16 | Not set |
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