Transparency data

FCDO permanent under secretaries' meetings, October to December 2023

Updated 21 March 2024
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Name (Permanent Secretary Only) Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
Nick Dyer 2023-10-10 Gates Foundation Discussion on development issues.
Nick Dyer 2023-10-17 Westminster Foundation for Democracy Discussion on development related topics of mutual interest.
Nick Dyer 2023-10-17 Action Aid Introductory call. Discussion of international development and civil society issues
Nick Dyer 2023-10-23 Bond, Mercy Corps, Christian Aid, ONE Campaign, CAFOD, Oxfam, British Red Cross, Integrity Action, Save the Children, Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) Minister for Africa regular meeting with BOND CEOs. Engagement with Civil Society organisations on development and wider foreign policy issues.
Nick Dyer 2023-11-23 Westminster Foundation for Democracy To discuss the Public Bodies Review of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Nick Dyer 2023-11-27 The Sustainability Group To discuss humanitarian aid funding
Nick Dyer 2023-11-29 International Rescue Committee To discuss range of development topics including climate resilience and global health issues
Nick Dyer 2023-12-01 Southern Voices FCDO Development Conference follow-up discussion
Nick Dyer 2023-12-13 Rubkona Primary Health Care Centre During official visit to South Sudan, tour of health facilities supported by current World Bank/UNICEF health programme
Philip Barton 2023-10-05 Trinity College Dublin, Vulcan Consulting Ltd, RTE Broadcasting Company, Dublin City University During official visit to Dublin. Dinner with Irish stakeholders.
Philip Barton 2023-10-06 RTE Broadcasting Company During official visit to Dublin. Off the record discussion on UK-Ireland relationship.
Philip Barton 2023-11-27 German Institute for International and Security Affairs, International Institute for Strategic Studies - Europe During official visit to Berlin. Meeting with thinkers on foreign policy