FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, December 2019
Updated 17 December 2021
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Request reference | Request status | Request summary | Date the response was issued |
IA/01103/19 | Fully successful | For Finance only: o Total number of staff o Total number of SCS1 finance staffo Department structureo Total number of agency workers / contractors (please include those on fixed term contract but not internal secondment)o Frameworks used to procure interim staff in this area | 02/12/2019 |
IA/01086/19 | Fully successful | 1. How many Driving Examiners, EO grade, are employed by the DVSA?2. How many Driving Examiners, EO grade, are employed on a part-time/flexible working pattern?3. How many Driving Examiners, EO grade, are employed on a term-time only working pattern?4. How many vacancies are there for Driving Examiners countrywide, how many of these are in Zone D? | 02/12/2019 |
IA/01091/19 | Partially successful | Can I request further information under the freedom of information legislation to understand your conclusion better? It would also be useful under the same request to understand how many complaints you receive annually, and what there nature is. | 02/12/2019 |
IA/01140/19 | Fully successful | A copy of communications from DVSA to Honda | 03/12/2019 |
IA/01142/19 | Fully successful | 1) Number of individuals (annually) who have requested extra time on their car theory test due to dislexia.If the reason for requesting extra time is not available please just provide us with the number who have requested extra time. | 05/12/2019 |
IA/01090/19 | Fully successful | Please can you provide a link or give information on the REPEATED failure rate of candidates taking driving car theory test? There is a document of pass rates already online but I need info on the second, third, fourth try-outcome please | 05/12/2019 |
IA/01111/19 | Fully successful | 1/ Which cars that have passed an MOT over the past 12 months, have the most miles on the clock?Could I have the top 10 or top 20 - including make, model and the number of miles on the clock.I'd love to know which roadworthy UK car currently holds the title of having the most miles on the clock.. make/model/number of miles2/ Could you provide the number of cars - if any - that have passed an MOT over the past 12 months, and have 500,000 miles or more on the clock. If there are any, is it possible to categorise them by makes/models | 06/12/2019 |
IA/01138/19 | Fully successful | A: What is the agency's preferred procedure for a Judicial Review hearing of a motorcyclist challenging their Hazard Perception Test failure? This should include the preservation of the test material.B: What is the agency's procedure for the Hazard Perception Test to be conducted without a computer screen and associated computer mouse?C: What is the service address for Letters before Action (sent before filing of the JR application)?D: What is the agency's estimate of the quantity of motorcyclists clicking on computer mouses as they motor along congested and bumpy UK roads?E: How much compensation has the DVLA or the Department for/of Transport paid for successful court challenges to its computer screen "testing" regime?F: If any aspect of the computer screen testing regime is dependent on EU regulation or EU directive, please cite sufficiently for litigation purposes. | 06/12/2019 |
IA/01147/19 | Fully successful | Please state how many LCVs were pulled over and found to be overweight in the past 5 years year by year .I would also like to know the average % overweight for each year | 06/12/2019 |
IA/01137/19 | Partially successful | I am after a yearly breakdown of the number of Light Goods Vehicles (vans) MOT tests, and the share of failures, broken down by defect categories. 1) A yearly breakdown of the number of Light Goods Vehicle MOT tests2) The number of Light Goods Vehicles (vans) passed, and the number that failed their initial MOT test3) For the number of Light Goods Vehicles (vans) that have failed their Initial MOT test, are you able to break down the share or number of failures by defect category (e.g. brake defects, steering) for each year? Are you able to provide yearly breakdowns for 2017/2018, and 2018/2019. | 09/12/2019 |
IA/01160/19 | Fully successful | I am looking for data that the DVSA has on when certain vehicle parts fail and are replaced by vehicle make, model and year. For example, when a customer has their car serviced, the work that is carried out and any advisories are placed on record and submitted to the DVSA, including the mileage that the car has done. | 09/12/2019 |
IA/01155/19 | Partially successful | 1/ Could I have driving test pass rates (plus actual numbers) by age (17 to 25 year olds) for every UK driving test centre by year since 2007 to current. 2/ Could I also have figures (if there are any) for pensioners passing their driving test for the first time - so the number of men over 65 and women over 63 - over the past year? | 10/12/2019 |
IA/01139/19 | Fully successful | 1. How many posts have been filled by the DVSA since 1st April 2019?2. How many of the posts identified in response to Question 1 require the incumbent to achieve or work towards a recognised qualification?3. How many of the posts identified in response to Question 2 require the incumbent to achieve this qualification in their own time, unpaid? | 12/12/2019 |
IA/01146/19 | Fully successful | 1) How many Weight in Motion sites there are in the UK2) How many fines have been issued each year since operation3) How much revenue has been generated through fines each year4) How many cases have gone to court | 12/12/2019 |
IA/01187/19 | Fully successful | Please supply with the number of driving tests that took place at Peachman Way, Norwich, and Jupiter Road, Norwich in 2019, 2018 and 2017?Can this be broken down into days of the week please, | 12/12/2019 |
IA/01156/19 | Fully successful | For the past year:1. The number of cars first registered in 1980 to have taken the MOT Test.2. The number of cars first registered in 1980 to have failed the MOT Test.3. Reasons for test failures. 4. The number of cars first registered in 1979 on the road. | 12/12/2019 |
IA/01191/19 | Fully successful | Across all Test Centres in the UK from 1 January 2016 to 6th December 2019:1. How many incidents of threatening behaviour and/or assaults have been reported to DVSA via the HS1 procedure?2. How many of the incidents and/or assaults reported via the HSE1 procedure have been reported to HSE under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)?3. How many driving examiners have been absent from work for over 7 days as a result of HS1 reported incidents?4. How many examiners have been absent from work due to work related stress?5. When was the most recent full Health and Safety review carried out of the role of the driving examiner including lone working and the risks associated with it? | 17/12/2019 |
IA/01196/19 | Fully successful | Details of Approved driving instructors (all grades) and CBT instructors, registered with DVSA. specifically name, telephone number, email address and website. if you are able to also provide postcode that will help a lot (full or partial). | 17/12/2019 |
IA/01149/19 | Fully successful | For the financial years 2018-19 and 2019-20 to date: 1. How many driving licences were revoked because they were suspected of being obtained fraudulently? 2. How many suspected driving test impersonations have you detected?3. How many suspected theory test impersonations have you detected? | 18/12/2019 |
IA/01174/19 | Partially successful | Information for the period 1 April 2018 - 30 November 2019 by financial year;1) The amount in cost for DVSA for Hire cars used by DVSA staff.2) How many staff used Hire cars that were outside the vehicle category of their grade?3) How many accidents or collisions for Hire cars were reported in these financial years?4) How many DVSA staff hired cars for over two weeks at any one time?5) How many DVSA staff reported this hire to Fleet Management team? | 18/12/2019 |
IA/01175/19 | Partially successful | 1) How many staff in DVSA have a GPC card?2) At what grade are these staff?3) The Directorate that those staff who hold a GPC work in?4) During this period whether any abuse of GPC cards has been investigated, the number of investigations ,and whether any disciplinaries have resulted from any investigations?5) What the criteria is that DVSA use for issuing a GPC card to an employee?6) What GPC cards can be used to purchase?7) Who is permitted to use a GPC card if it is issued to an individual? | 19/12/2019 |
IA/01195/19 | Fully successful | Has the dvsa been into northlincs council operating centre to inspect the buses..... | 31/12/2019 |
IA/01207/19 | Fully successful | 1.Job Description of a car driving test centre Manager.2.Explain in detail the procedure ,how the new slots for driving test times and dates created (added) for online access,for online practical test booking for car tests.3.What authority / delegation a car test centre manager have, regarding planning and creating the dates and times for car tests and what way the managers add these in online portal,so public can make bookings for car practical tests. | 31/12/2019 |