FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, June 2019
Updated 17 December 2021
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Request reference | Request status | Request summary | Date the response was issued |
IA/00438/19 | Fully successful | FOI request IA/02010/18Can you please send me the information i have request in my request? As explained within the request some of the contract have expired and i require a full update.The previous response was provided to me, but a submitted an email after the response detailing information that was either missing or that i require further information, but i didn't receive a response.Please send me the response ASAP. | 04/06/2019 |
IA/00468/19 | Fully successful | FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST1. In the 2017 calendar year how many cars had their FIRST MOT test and how many of these failed?2. Which ten make and models of cars which underwent their first MOT test in 2017 had the highest percentage of fails? Please provide a table showing the ten makes and models and how many passed and failed. For each of these ten please state what element of the test each of them failed on most frequently.3. Please provide similar data for the ten makes and models of car which underwent their first MOT test in 2017 and had the smallest percentage of fails.NOTE: I am aware that some of this data may have been proactively placed on a website but I cannot find the specific data I want or manipulate it to get the answers above.4. If you have the data for 2018 I would like answers to the above three questions but for 2018 as well as 2017. | 03/06/2019 |
IA/00474/19 | Fully successful | under the freedom of information act. All courts proceedings relevant to the the case in other words all times that an ADI has taken the dvsa to court. In addition the email and letter states that the change was so minor no consultation was required. Please under the freedom of information act provide all changes which were consulted upon and whom were consulted. | 11/06/2019 |
IA/00482/19 | Partially successful | How many 2nd trainee licences were issued to PDI's without any rejection/appeal or tribunal during January 2018 and May 2019.Please provide the information in the form of an email reply.If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the section 16 obligations of the act, as to how I can refine my request.If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance. | 04/06/2019 |
IA/00483/19 | Fully successful | I'm writing to make a Freedom of information request regarding statistics on what percentage of UK driving instructors are female? | 08/06/2019 |
IA/00491/19 | Fully successful | I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 into the results of MOTs over the past year.On 20th May 2018 I understand the rules for failing and passing MOT changed, with a new system for passing or failure introduced. In this request I am hoping to receive data on how many vehicles received each of these failure types since the new rules were introduced. The questions are as follows:Q1. Please provide a breakdown of MOT results by vehicle type between June 2018 and May 2019 by the following categories:a. Passb. Advisoryc. Minord. Majore. DangerousQ2. If possible, please provide a breakdown of results by geographical location (such as postcode area) and date of testI appreciate Q2 may exceed the time limit for responding to FOIs, so if this is the case please only provide data if it is already in an accessible format (such as the anonymised MOT tests and results dataset published on | 04/06/2019 |
IA/00494/19 | Fully successful | I have been trying to access and make sense of the MOT data but have been struggling so I am hoping you could help me find the below information:1. What percentage of MOTs are failed due to tyre related faults. 2. What are the top 10 reasons for MOT failure3. What tyre of vehicle (age, make, model) are most likely to fail due to tyre related faults. | 05/06/2019 |
IA/00498/19 | Partially successful | 1. The number of people who have failed their practical driving test for each serious or dangerous fault (major), broken down by year (the latest year available and if possible, previous years)2. The number of people who have failed their practical driving test for each serious or dangerous fault (major), broken down by postcode area (the latest year available and if possible, previous years)3. The average number of practical car tests taken before passing, broken down by postcode area (the latest year available and if possible, previous years) | 10/06/2019 |
IA/00499/19 | Fully successful | I could not find this in existing FOI requests...What is last years pass rate for multiple choice questions and hazard perception (separately) for Learners and for PDI's.So,Multiple choice pass rate - LearnersMultiple choice pass rate - PDI'sHazard perception pass rate - LearnersHazard perception pass rate - PDI's | 19/06/2019 |
IA/00504/19 | Fully successful | Please can you tell me the numbers of driving instructors who been verbally or physically assaulted during car tests in the last two years. please also provide details of the alleged assaults.Clarification - Sorry, i meant examiners | 21/06/2019 |
IA/00507/19 | Partially successful | I wish to submit a request for some of the organisation's information around the internal plans and strategy documents regarding the ICT department.The ICT documents I require are the 2019 - Onwards iteration. If any of the documents are, for example 2017-2020 they will suffice, but it would be ideal to see the 2019 version of the document. Or the most recent update.I wish to obtain the following documents:1. ICT/IM&T/IS Strategy- The IT department strategy or plans; highlights their current and future objectives.2. ICT Org Chart- A visual document that present the structure of the IT department. If possible, please include name and job titles. If this can't be sent, please consider a version with just the job titles, and the names and any other sensitive information redacted.3. ICT Annual or Business Plan- An annual update on the progress of working according to the ICT strategy / a document that highlights specific goals that you are working towards within your ICT department.4. ICT Capital Programme/budget- A document that shows financial budget regarding current and future ICT projects or goals.If some of these documents are not yet available, please state if you have any plans to publish the documents; if so, please give a rough date of when the documents will be available. | 20/06/2019 |
IA/00508/19 | Fully successful | I would like some car theory test information from maybe 2 years pervious to the test price decrease and 2 or 3 years after the theory test price decrease please. I'm looking for statistics which show the number of attempts candidates have taken the theory test before they've passed that same test. Example - 1st attempt pass was 40% . 2nd attempt pass was 25% . 3rd attempt pass was 15% on so on. I'd like theses figures to show before and after the price decrease please. I strongly feel that the theory test has deliberately been made much more difficult in the last 2 or 3 years in order to keep up the same level of income the dvsa takes in from candidates. I would also like the information on the total number of theory tests taken 2 years before and 2 years after the price decrease. I would also like the cash amounts taken in from these same theory test time scales I've asked for please.Clarification:I would like the information to show 2013 and 2014 data which is before the price decrease and also the years 2016 and 2017 and maybe 2018 showing data after the price decrease. The candidate test information I would like is how many candidates passed the theory test 1st time, 2nd time, 3rd time, 4th time and then maybe the percentage of candidates how took more than 4 attempts. I would like the data concerning pass rates from 2 or 3 years before the price decrease and also 2 or 3 years after the decrease. I strongly believe that Pearson or the dvsa have deliberately made the theory test much harder since the price decrease. | 26/06/2019 |
IA/00511/19 | Partially successful | 1. The number of occasions where driving tests were cancelled due to poor weather conditions in the calendar years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 (up to the most recent point for which information is available). If obtaining data for all these years would exceed the time or cost limit specified in the Act, I would like to receive information covering all time periods possible under the Act.2. The average amount of time which it took for a driving test cancelled due to poor weather conditions to be rescheduled and successfully completed in the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 (up to the most recent point for which information is available). I would like this average broken down between I) the mean amount of time II) the median amount of time 3. The longest amount of time which it took for a driving test cancelled to be rescheduled, for the same years as covered in Q1-2. 4. The highest amount of successive occasions in which a driving test had to be cancelled due to poor weather conditions, for the same years as covered in Q1-2. | 14/06/2019 |
IA/00512/19 | Partially successful | What year did I Quilify as an ADI,?Where did I rank in age youngest to oldest, that year till now ?How many female ADI 's at that time?What was the ADI pass rate in that year?ADI number 282794 | 27/06/2019 |
IA/00529/19 | Partially successful | Could you please give me a full list of all the complaints made against driving examiners since January 2018?How many complaints have you received, the pass rate and a list of each one with details of the report, explaining the nature of the complaint?Could you please tell me how many of the tests taken were passed and how many of the complaints received were upheld? | 17/06/2019 |
IA/00532/19 | Fully successful | We do not need to know the identity of any of the vehicle keepers and one way of doing this would be to redact the last three digits of the registration number. We wish to know how many mobile concrete batching plants have been registered each year and the first four digits of the registration number would give us this information.Is there any other way to get this information? | 05/06/2019 |
IA/00537/19 | Partially successful | 1. How many foreign registered vehicles were fined for speeding in 2018 ?2. How many foreign registered vehicles were prosecuted for failing to change dipped headlights from right to left or not meeting our MOT standardsThe period I'm asking for on both questions is the year 2018 | 19/06/2019 |
IA/00541/19 | Fully successful | Spontaneous shattering of sunroofsAs I have recently experienced this frightening incident while driving on a slip road joining a motorway, can you please let me know the number of similar incidents by manufacturer which have come to your attention over the last three years. | 20/06/2019 |
IA/00547/19 | Fully successful | As an JAUPT Approved Driver CPC Centre we loaded drivers' licence numbers to DVSA's R&E System. There is always a fear that we may make a human error and enter an incorrect number. However the DVLA algorithm appears to be working extremely well and notifies us of the error before we can proceed. Can you tell me how many times in the last year has an incorrect entry got past the DVLA algorithm and the Driver CPC Hours were uploaded to a wrong driver. | 27/06/2019 |
IA/00555/19 | Fully successful | Customer has contacted the the ICO as they have not received about not getting a response from an email they sent in January.The email requested the following:Are lorries aloud to park next to someone's house, ie within 10 foot of the living room, and leave their engines running while they eat breakfast? | 19/06/2019 |
IA/00560/19 | Partially successful | please can you supply me with the following information;1) report of all current motorcycle MOT testing stations in UK2) report detailing motorcycle MOT failures for UK including parts the test failed on.3) report of motorcycle independent repair centers in UK4) report of motorcycle manufacturer franchises in UKThanks for your email, please could you send me the report showing the data for the following years" 2019" 2018" 2017" 2016" 2015 | 19/06/2019 |
IA/00561/19 | Partially successful | Please supply details of any bonus payments paid to LTDM and AOM's and all HEO and SEO grades within DVSA driving examiner sectors.The bonus payments I request details off are for personal performance which are seperate payments above the standard salary if you could supply in the following format :Each sector LTDMs how many payments made and total amount Each sector AOMs How many payments and total amountAlso any separate HEO and SEO grade bonus payments if applicableThe date range from 2018 to 2019Please supply financial year details | 20/06/2019 |