FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, November 2020
Updated 31 December 2021
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Request reference | Request status | Request summary | Date the response was issued |
IA/01087/20 | Fully successful | Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) statistics, including initial qualifications and periodic training completed | 02/11/2020 |
IA/01089/20 | Fully successful | Number of motorcycles with sidecars given MoT test in 2019. | 05/11/2020 |
IA/01102/20 | Fully successful | :o What, if any, bespoke software is used for managing and tracking FOI, Subject Access, DPA disclosure requests?o If bespoke software is used, what was the start date, duration and value of the contract?o Is there an extension clause in the contract and, if so, the duration of the extension?o Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract is are being either extended or renewed?o Who is the senior officer/s (outside of procurement) responsible for managing the FOI, Subject Access, DPA disclosure request process? | 04/11/2020 |
IA/01104/20 | Fully successful | As from 19th October 2020, how many Vocational Examiners are engaged in full-time (4 tests per day) LGV driver testing, and what are the forecasts that the DVSA has in volume of numbers regarding the likely demand for additional LGV driving examiners in the financial years ending March 2021 and March 2022 and have the DVSA/DFT committed to the financial resources to meet that likely additional demand? | 06/11/2020 |
IA/01115/20 | Fully successful | 1. Who is responsible for your Windows 10 environment? 2. How many end users do you have across the organisation?3. How many Windows end point devices do you have? 4. Roughly what % are running on Windows 7? 5. Do you still use Java, Flash or Internet Explore based applications?6. Are you Cyber Essentials Plus accredited? 7. Do you have any devices that require Windows 7 connectivity such as SMB1? 8. Who is responsible for IT Security? | 02/11/2020 |
IA/01121/20 | Fully successful | How many prosecutions from 2018 and 2019 there were for overloading 3.5t trucks? - What are the fines and penalties for these successful prosecutions?- How many prosecutions in the same time frames as above for driving/operating 3.5tonne trucks without operator's license.- How many incidents with prosecutions in the same time frame leading to RTC or similar due to overloading 3.5t vehicles? | 10/11/2020 |
IA/01138/20 | Fully successful | 1. The email address of the Senior person responsible for your organisation. 2. A copy of your organisational structure, particularly that of the customer services department.3. A copy of you Policy detailing what contingency plans you have in place when driving test are cancelled at the very last minute. 4. What additional resources have you put in put inlace to reduce these delays? | 13/11/2020 |
IA/01140/20 | Fully successful | I note that DVSA has continued the practice of ending car tests if a 'serious' fault is committed.I request a copy of your Risk Assessment in this practice be emailed to me, without delay. | 05/11/2020 |
IA/01141/20 | Fully successful | A copy of the latest car standard operating procedure SOP that's has been updated and amended for October that has been issued to driving examiners. | 12/11/2020 |
IA/01148/20 | Fully successful | Response to signals (traffic lights) is currently in the top 10 reasons for why candidates fail the driving test. I am looking for the statistics on the number of people who have received a serious or dangerous fault in The United Kingdom and if possible are there figures for Oxford (Cowley) driving test centre? | 12/11/2020 |
IA/01159/20 | Fully successful | I am requesting the average age of Approved Driving Instructors (ADI's) in the UK as of October 2020. | 18/11/2020 |
IA/01161/20 | Fully successful | How many accidents or deaths have occurred as a result of test candidates carrying out the swerve manoeuvre either in practice or in actual DVSA tests? | 24/11/2020 |
IA/01178/20 | Fully successful | How many accidents occurred during a driving test in the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020? Please break these figures down by month and also give a yearly total. A total so far for 2020 is sufficient. | 18/11/2020 |
IA/01180/20 | Fully successful | Distribution of results achieving in theory tests taken for card and motorcycles. | 26/11/2020 |
IA/01185/20 | Fully successful | 1. The process of getting a vehicle formerly registered in Singapore approved for IVA by the DVSA; the policy / guidance documents containing the process and legislative basis for these policies / guidance; 2. The details of appeals process against DVSA decision not to approve a vehicle for IVA 3. Details of how many vehicles were successfully approved for IVA after being imported from Singapore in 2018, 2019 and 2020.4. Details of what documents the owners of these vehicles submitted in order to be approved for IVA - e.g. registration documents from the Singapore Land Transport Authority, letters from vehicle manufacturer etc. | 20/11/2020 |
IA/01214/20 | Fully successful | The amount of cessation action taken against VTS for the year 2019 / 2020. | 25/11/2020 |
IA/01219/20 | Fully successful | How many class 4 and 7 testing stations are live in west lothian scotland and how many mots are carried out in this area each year for the past three years. | 25/11/2020 |
IA/01224/20 | Fully successful | How many male and female instructors we have. | 25/11/2020 |
IA/01267/20 | Fully successful | I request the source information/documents/materials relied upon by the DVSA for it to make the foregoing warnings about the said vacuum effect. | 27/11/2020 |
IA/01283/20 | Fully successful | " The number of laptops, mobile phones and tablet computers (iPads etc) issued to employees within your organisation " The cost of the laptops, mobile phones and tablet computers (iPads etc) issued to employees If possible I would like this data broken down quarterly for each of the last five years, with a year-end of September 30 or whatever year-end is used internally. If you are unable to provide five years of data, please provide three years of data, otherwise please provide data for the last two years. | 26/11/2020 |