FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, December 2017
Updated 12 February 2018
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Request reference | Request status | Request summary | Date the response was issued |
IA/01137/17 | Partially successful | (1) How many DVSA test cancellations has there been since the inception of The ATF scheme. Please answer by quoting the amount of DVSA cancelled tests per month, with reason given for cancellation. Please supply ATF location (or area/ region if exact location is not allowed or cannot be disclosed) of each DVSA test cancellation. (2) How much compensation has DVSA paid to ATF's since inception of The ATF scheme. (3) How many instances of compensation has there been.Please answer by quoting the amount paid by DVSA to each ATF (or by area/ region) ans split into months if possible. (4) How many fully qualified DVSA testers are there at present. (5) How many fully qualified DVSA testers is there forecast to be by April 2018. (6) How much has been spent on overnight accommodation by DVSA to supply London area HGV/ PSV tests. (7) How many nights accommodation has been paid for? (8) How many DVSA testers have stayed in a hotel to supply tests. (9) What is the shortfall between the amount of DVSA test sessions requested compared with the amount of test sessions supplied. Please answer by month and by ATF or by area/ region. Are you able to confirm the variation of ATF tester requests for each quarter (or month) since ATF scheme inception. | 07/12/2017 |
IA/01140/17 | Fully successful | Request for statistical data regarding the number of attempts it takes a candidate to pass their theory test | 08/12/2017 |
IA/01145/17 | Fully successful | Can you please let me have your data protection policy for the following areas:-Driver LicencingDriver CPC training informationDVSA roadside checks of vehicle and driver informationDVSA MOT & Calibration checks of vehicle tachographHow is information stored, used and protected. Our company is obviously reviewing what data we hold here but a lot of it is stored/held by DVSA and I have been asked what you have in place to meet this new regulation. | 04/12/2017 |
IA/01158/17 | Fully successful | (1) Please could you state the number of letters DVSA have received to date in regards to the Ford Focus Ecoboost petrol engines for 2013 cars? (2) How many were for engine failure and coolant loss? (3) How many related to the 1.0 litre and how many for the 1.6 litre engines? (4) How many (letters received by DVSA) related to the 'degas hose recall' not being performed? (5) How many related to all of the above in one freedom of information request? (6) How many have Ford recalled and put the problem right and at no expense to the owners? (7) How long did it take for Ford to contact each customer of an affected vehicle, book in the required repair work on their vehicle and complete the repairs? | 11/12/2017 |
IA/01159/17 | Partially successful | (1) Have all ADIs now taken at least one Standards Check? If not, how many remain to be tested? (2) How many ADIs have achieved a score of 51/51? (3) Please also advise the number of ADIs currently on the register. | 08/12/2017 |
IA/01162/17 | Partially successful | Statistical data requested regarding the practical driving test in Lincoln, Earlsfield Close, Grantham (Somerby)Louth, Meridian Leisure Centre, Scunthorpe, Onward WayBoston, Redstone Industrial Estate, Grimsby Coldwater over the last 3 years | 11/12/2017 |
IA/01167/17 | Fully successful | I require the number of approved driver cpc periodic training companies / centres in 2014 and how many are registered today? | 08/12/2017 |
IA/01189/17 | Partially successful | (1) MOT scheme operating instructions for front line MOT activities including disciplinary. (2) Case Review Team operating instructions including service level agreements. (3) The contract between DVSA and S & B Automotive Academy, Bristol. (4) The tendering process and date of award for this contract including where this contract was advertised and for how long. | 19/12/2017 |
IA/01194/17 | Fully successful | First-time pass rates for the Car Theory Test by Age & Gender Group for each Year (2015, 2016 & 2017 to date) | 08/12/2017 |
IA/01195/17 | Fully successful | Can you please explain why the Test Location information is no longer given as part of the information on a vehicles's MOT record in the facility called "Check the MOT history of a vehicle " on the website | 20/12/2017 |
IA/01196/17 | Partially successful | Statistical information requested for practical driving tests in East Lancashire for the last three calendar years available (2015, 2016, and 2017 if possible). The test centres I am requesting this for is Blackburn with Darwen (BB3 0DB), Nelson (BB9 0AH) and Chorley (PR6 0BT) | 20/12/2017 |
IA/01200/17 | Fully successful | Request for MOT testing site details for a specific vehicle | 05/12/2017 |
IA/01201/17 | Fully successful | I would like to receive information regarding driving tests in Kent. | 20/12/2017 |
IA/01206/17 | Fully successful | Request for MOT testing site details for a specific vehicle | 04/12/2017 |
IA/01209/17 | Fully successful | I am interested to know what agreements the organisation has around General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance services, replaces the 1995 EU directive (Directive 95/46/EC) and was introduced in May 2016 with full enforcement due in May 2018.If the organisation does have agreement in place, please can you provide me with the information below?a) Supplier- name of the supplierb) Contract Spend- The total annual spend of the agreement.c) Contract Duration- please provide me with the number of years and any potential extensions on the agreement.d) Contract Description- Brief description sentence of the service provided under the agreement.e) Start Date- When the agreement went like please provide me with the month and year.f) Expiry Date- When the agreement is likely to be expired. Month and year.g) Review Date- When is it likely the contract will be reviewed? Month and year.h) Contact details of the responsible for the contract(s) above. Name, Job Title, Contact Number and Email ID. If the organisation does not yet have the GDPR agreement in place please can you provide me with the following information: 1. When does the organisation plan to have this agreement in place?2. When do you plan to go out to market for GDPR3. Who within the organisation will be responsible for this agreement?4. Any other notes the organisation can provide in relation to the future procurement of compliance services. | 21/12/2017 |
IA/01212/17 | Fully successful | Information regarding an MOT testing site | 05/12/2017 |
IA/01216/17 | Fully successful | Please provide a breakdown of the number of faults recorded on Category B driving Test passes for financial years 2015/16 and 2016/17. Please provide the data broken down by number of faults 0-15. This is only for tests which were PASSED. Either the count of the number of tests, or the percentage of the total passed tests is required against each number of faults so that the distribution can be determined. | 21/12/2017 |
IA/01223/17 | Partially successful | (1) How many new applicants apply to take the test to become a driving instructor, every year for the last 20 years? (2) What are the ages of people passing the test to become a driving instructor, again over the last 20 years? (3) Is there any indication of driving intructors having a part time job on the side to provide additional income to their family | 20/12/2017 |
IA/01224/17 | Fully successful | Request for MOT testing site details for a specific vehicle | 08/12/2017 |
IA/01226/17 | Fully successful | Request for MOT testing site details for a specific vehicle | 08/12/2017 |
IA/01227/17 | Fully successful | You recently answered some questions under the FoIA with references IA/00974/17 and IA/00997/17.Could you please supply the released information from these questions to myself? | 08/12/2017 |
IA/01228/17 | Fully successful | Please provide us with a copy of your response to IA/00567/17 | 11/12/2017 |
IA/01229/17 | Fully successful | I would like to request an electronic copy of the response to FOI request IA/01002/17. | 11/12/2017 |
IA/01231/17 | Fully successful | Request for MOT testing site details for a specific vehicle | 11/12/2017 |
IA/01236/17 | Fully successful | Request for MOT testing site details for a specific vehicle | 12/12/2017 |
IA/01242/17 | Fully successful | Information regarding an MOT testing site | 13/12/2017 |
IA/01246/17 | Fully successful | Request for MOT testing site details for a specific vehicle | 15/12/2017 |