FOI release
DVSA FOI disclosure log, January 2019
Updated 17 December 2021
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Request reference | Request status | Request summary | Date the response was issued |
IA/02424/18 | Fully successful | I would like to make a request on information for pass rates for white compared to BAME CANDIATES Customers.If you can kindly provide a breakdown of the overall pass rates for 2016-2017.If this can be for white candidates and for candaidates from a BME background for all driving tests centers.If you can provide this for the 17-20 year old age group for both white and BAME candidates for all driving centers. If you can provide 20 to 25 year old age group for both white and BAME candidates for all driving centers. If you can provide a break down for the driving instructor qualification tests ie ADI part 2 and 3 for both white and BAME candidates for all driving centers. If you can provide a break down for the Standards Check grading for all tests carried out by your examiners for driving instructors for white and BAME driving instructors for all driving centers. If you can also provide a breakdown for your driving examiner staff for every driving test center in England with BAME staff and white staff. | 09/01/2019 |
IA/02428/18 | Partially successful | How many drivers still have to complete full CPC traning for 2018/9 cycle in England, Scotland and Wales. A have 0 to 7 hours left to complete,B have 7 to 14 hours left to complete,C have 14 to 21 hours left to complete,D have 21 to 28 hours to complete,E have 28 to 35 hours to complete,F what are the 3 most popular courses? E and the number of drivers that have completed those courses | 09/01/2019 |
IA/02434/18 | Fully successful | I would be grateful if you would provide statistics on the average pass rates of practical tests at the Swindon and Cheltenham test centres: (1) At each time: for example, 8.20. (2) On each day: for example, Monday. The most recent statistics would be preferable. | 09/01/2019 |
IA/02436/18 | Fully successful | Can you tell me how many standards check tests were conducted between Jan 2017 and March 2018 in Camborne, Bodmin and Penzance test centres. | 09/01/2019 |
IA/02439/18 | Fully successful | 1) MOD1 & MOD2 pass & fail rates for each test centre for the last year. 2) Reasons for MOD1 & MOD2 test failures in the last year including fault and test centre details. | 09/01/2019 |
IA/02441/18 | Fully successful | 1. Please confirm how many drivers (licensed and provisional) have over the last two years been convicted for offences relating the illegal use of mobile phones and so on for which they received fines and penalty points.2. Please confirm how many ADI's have over the last two years been convicted for CU80; breaching requirements as to control of the vehicle, mobile telephones and so on for which they received fines and/or penalty. 3. In respect of the ADI's referred to in 2 above, please confirm how many ADI's received fines in excess of £220.00 or more than 6 penalty points. 4. In respect of the ADI's referred to in 2 above, please confirm how many ADI's were removed from the register on the grounds that they ceased to be fit and proper persons to have their names entered in the register.5. In respect of the ADI's referred to in 2 above, please confirm how many ADI's lodged appeals against their removal from the register and how many appeals were successful.6. In respect of the ADI's referred to in 2 above, please confirm how many ADI's were still allowed to retain their names on the register after having fines and 6 penalty points or more. | 14/01/2019 |
IA/02446/18 | Fully successful | The total number of HGV (LGV) Truck MOT's carried out per (calendar) year (2016, 2017 & 2018 to date) in the following postcode areas.:NE16 to NE99 inclusiveSR1 to SR9 inclusive plus SR43 & SR98TS1 to TS29 inclusive & TS90YO7YO21YO22S14 to S17 inclusiveS33 to S35 inclusiveS46 to S48 inclusive S72 to S75 inclusive S95 to S99 Inclusive HG1 to HG5 inclusiveLS12 to LS29 inclusive LS88LS98LS99 WF1 to WF17 inclusive WF90 | 16/01/2019 |
IA/02456/18 | Fully successful | I would like to know how the hazard timings are worked out. Are they put through a panel of individuals to agree on a set begin and end time or is it purely decided by one person? | 14/01/2019 |
IA/02459/18 | Fully successful | 1. How many drivers are choosing to operate vehicles with advisory issues, since the recent MOT changes? 2. What advisory issues are the most common in the UK? | 14/01/2019 |
IA/02464/18 | Partially successful | 1. Top 20 deliverers of Driver CPC training based on attendees in the period 01.08.18-30.11.18 in order of 1-20, with their name and amount of attendees2. The names of all registered Driver Certificate of Professional Competence consortiums, how many members are in each Driver Certificate of Professional Competence Consortium and the names of their members3. The amount of hours delivered by each registered Driver Certificate of Professional Competence consortium through-out the period of: 01.08.18-30.11.18 4. The amount of attendees by each registered Driver Certificate of Professional Competence consortium through-out the period of: 01.08.18-30.11.185. The names of 'top 20' consortiums (only consortiums not any other centres) deliverers of Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) hours in: 01.08.18-30.11.18 in ranking order and the number of Driver CPC hours delivered by each of these named consortiums6. The names of 'top 20' Centres (excluding consortiums) deliverers of Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) hours in: 01.08.18-30.11.18 in ranking order and the number of Driver CPC hours delivered by each of these named centres 7. How many approved deliverers of Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC), both consortium and centres, were there during: 01.08.18-30.11.18 in and how many of these were active as at 30.11.18 | 14/01/2019 |
IA/02465/18 | Fully successful | A copy of your internal guidance for dealing with complaints. | 14/01/2019 |
IA/00024/19 | Partially successful | I am requesting information regarding a test slot each week for Driving Examiners due to an hour slot being given for Corporate Connectivity time to each Driving Examiner:Can you please tell me the following; 1) What time slot i.e. what time has been set for the last test slot on the day that the Corporate Connectivity slot is programmed in? Can you please break this down into Car tests, LGV tests, and Motorcycle tests.2) What day of the week is the Corporate Connectivity slot set for?3) How many Driving Test Centres are there which have this Corporate Connectivity slot i.e. how many on a Wednesday , How many on a Thursday etc.?4) How many Driving tests have been cancelled/terminated on the last test slot of the day since the Corporate Connectivity slot has been introduced up to the date of this FOI, and how many driving tests overall have been conducted on the last slot of the day since Corporate Connectivity time was introduced? Can you please break this down into Car tests, LGV tests, and Motorcycle tests.5) Can you provide a breakdown of the Test Centres where these test slots have been cancelled/terminated? | 30/01/2019 |
IA/00025/19 | Partially successful | 1) How many job roles in DVSA in the last 24 months have had, as part of the recruitment process, a written assessment?2) At what grade/role were these written assessments set?3) Can you tell me how many written assessments were set for permanent vacancies, fixed term appointments, career opportunity vacancies i.e. deputising vacancies? Can you please break this information down into these categories. 4) Did the written assessment/s contribute towards the scoring process for the candidates? If so what was the scoring mechanism i.e. did this have a percentage score towards the overall marking?5) Were any of the written assessments Equality screened or equality proofed?6) How many disabled candidates undertook written assessments, at what grade, and were any reasonable adjustments made for the written assessments? 7) How many Disabled candidates were successful in being appointed after undertaking a written assessment, and at what grade? | 31/01/2019 |
IA/00026/19 | Partially successful | 1) How many applicants for job roles in DVSA in the last 24 months declared themselves as Disabled?2) Can you tell me how many disabled candidates applied and at what grade? 3) Can you tell me how many Disabled applicants were sifted out, were successful at sift, and were successful at interview by grade?4) How many of the disabled candidates applied under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme?5) Do all DVSA job adverts (internal or external) advertise within the advert/Job notice that there is a Guaranteed Interview Scheme and where they can find information on this? 6) How many of these candidates filled in the Guaranteed Interview form for these posts?7) How many of these candidates were given an interview under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme?8) How many candidates under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme were successful at Interview and at what Grade? | 31/01/2019 |
IA/00027/19 | Partially successful | 1) How many DVSA staff grievances were lodged in DVSA in the last 24 months? Please break this down into financial years.2) Can you tell me of these, the grade of the person lodging the grievance? 3) Can you tell me the grade of the person/persons whom the grievance was lodged against?4) Can you tell me how many of these grievances were for Bullying and Harassment?5) Can you tell me how many Bullying and harassment grievances were upheld , partially upheld, or not found not in favour of the person/persons lodging them?6) Can you tell me overall how many grievances were upheld, partially upheld, or found not in favour of the person/persons lodging them?7) Can you tell me how many of these grievances led to disciplinary action of individuals?8) Can you tell me how many grievances were lodged by permanent staff?9) Can you tell me how many grievances were lodged by Contingent Labour staff that is, Consultants, contractors, Agency staff against DVSA staff?10) Can you tell me how many grievances were lodged by DVSA staff against Contingent Labour staff as defined above? | 30/01/2019 |
IA/00028/19 | Partially successful | 1) What is the current test pass rate for DVSA staff carrying out driving tests?2) What was the test pass rate before the introduction of the Sat Nav test in December 2017?3) What is the test pass rate prior to the Sat Nav test being introduced in December 2017?4) What is the test pass rate currently for female candidates and male candidates?5) How many Driving Examiners (broken down by grade) do DVSA currently employ?6) How many Driving Examiners currently working in DVSA are trained to conduct LGV and Motorcycle tests? Can you please break these down separately.7) How many of these Driving Examiners are male/female, again broken down as above please?8) How many Examiners have DVSA given Delegated Examiner status to?9) How many of these Delegated Examiners conduct car tests. LGV, tests, or motorcycle tests, or some or all of these? Can you please show this as per the categories. 10) For those delegated Examiners conducting car tests can you please tell me what the test pass rate for delegated Examiners was before the introduction of the Sat Nav test?11) For those delegated Examiners conducting car tests can you please tell the current test pass rate after the introduction of the Sat Nav test?12) For all test categories, can you please tell me the overall current test pass rate for all Delegated Examiners? broken down by category. 13) How many of the Delegated Examiners are male, and how many are female?14) For all test categories, what is the pass rate currently for female candidates and male candidates who took a driving test with a Delegated Examiner? broken down by category. 15) How many standards checks have been conducted this financial year for DVSA Driving Examiners?16) How many Standards checks have been conducted for Delegated Examiners this financial year?17) Can you confirm that all Delegated Examiners have had standards checks this financial year? | 30/01/2019 |
IA/00029/19 | Fully successful | The number of complaints made against driving test invigilators by people being examined over the past ten years from 2008 up until when the data was last recorded. I would like this data categorised by test centre and type of complaint (for instance whether it refers to an unfair decision or misconduct on the part of the invigilator). | 24/01/2019 |
IA/00030/19 | Fully successful | The percentage of failures (and the figures they relate to) for an MOT relating to tyre tread across the UK. These figures then broken down by city ideally (but county ok). An overview of the top 10 reasons for an MOT failure broken down by percentage across the UK. The percentage of tyres which are found to be to have no tread at all at the time of an MOT. We require the same information for 2018. | 31/01/2019 |
IA/00033/19 | Fully successful | The total number of vehicles taken off the road or fixed for the county of Suffolk for Suffolk Coastal and Waveney Districts area since May 2018 when the stricter regulations came in for MOT tests. If it is possible could I obtain the figures broken down into diesel and petrol figures? The postcode ranges I need are; IP5, IP6, IP10, IP11, IP12, IP13, IP15, IP16, IP17, IP18, IP19, IP20, NR32, NR33, NR34 & NR35. | 25/01/2019 |
IA/00035/19 | Fully successful | Since the start of 2011 to date, how many notifications, reports and complaints DVSA has received in relation to all Volkswagen Audi group vehicles, eg VW, Audi Skoda and Seat, regarding false activations of the Automatic cruise control and front assist braking systems.Could you also please clarify how many of those reports relate to VW Tiguans. | 31/01/2019 |
IA/00043/19 | Partially successful | The total number of tests that were taken in the periods stated above.- The total number of tests that were cancelled in the same time periods. - The number of tests that had to be cancelled due to weather conditions. - The number of tests that had to be cancelled due to examiner illness. - The number of tests that were cancelled by the student.- The number of tests that were cancelled as the student did not turn up.- The average wait for a learner driver to re-take their test after a cancellation. | 17/01/2019 |
IA/00047/19 | Partially successful | 1) During 2018, how many practical tests were conducted at Swansea driving test centre (DTC) (with a breakdown of category of test)? 2) During 2018, how many practical tests were failed at Swansea DTC (with a breakdown of category of test)? 3) During 2018, how many practical tests were passed at Swansea DTC (with a breakdown of category of test)? 4) During 2018, how many theory tests were conducted at Swansea theory test centre (with a breakdown of category of test)? 5) During 2018, how many theory tests were failed at Swansea theory test centre (with a breakdown of types of category of test)? 6) During 2018, how many theory tests were passed at Swansea theory test centre (with a breakdown of types of vehicle)? 7) What is the highest number of practical driving tests a candidate at Swansea DTC has failed? I would like this information for all the records you hold, and the gender of the person. 8) What is the highest number of theory tests a candidate at Swansea theory test centre? I would like this information for all the records you hold, along with the gender. 9) A breakdown of the number of tests conducted and passed by age at Swansea DTC during 2018? 10) A breakdown of the number of tests conducted and passed by age at Swansea theory test centre during 2018? | 31/01/2019 |
IA/00048/19 | Fully successful | Semi-trailer and trailer authorisation data for 2018, including chassis type and model. | 30/01/2019 |