Transparency data
DWP commerial pipeline at January 2024
Updated 7 February 2024
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Reference number | Contract titleÿ | Contract description | Spend Category | Estimated Procurement Start Date | Estimated New Contract Start Date | Estimated New Contract Length | Current or New Contract Value | Planned Procurement Sourcing Route SUGGESTED OPTIONS INCLUDE: 1) Open 2) Competitive quotation 3) Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) 4) Call off from a Dynamic Purchasing System 5) Catalogue purchase 6) Single tender action 7) Unknown | Business Area | Commercial Strategy FIXED OPTIONS PLEASE DO NOT DEVIATE 1. New Requirement 2. Re-procurement (same scope) 3. Re-procurement (different scope) 4. Extension (in contract) 5. Contract amendment | Existing Contract Name | Existing Contract Reference No | Contract Needs To Be In Place By | Estimated Extension Option - Length | Estimated Extension Value œ | Framework/DPS ID | Framework/DPS Name | Framework/DPS lot |
ecm_10011 | VMWare ELA Renewal 2022 | VMWare Software and Support Licence renewal (ELA). ELA consists of software to support Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Hybrid Cloud Services (HCS). Contracted via a Re-seller. | Digital | 03/09/2023 | 29/03/2024 | 24 | œ3,503,638 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | VMWare ELA Renewal 2022 | ecm_10011 | 29/03/2024 | Not set | Not set | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_10012 | PCI Pal - Secure Card Payment System (SCPS) | A PCI Solution is to ensure that cardholder datais protected and secured when handled withinDWP and to ensure compliance againstPCI DSS and contribute to securing cardholderdata for GDPR purposes. | Digital | 01/02/2024 | 16/03/2024 | 36 | œ3,382,498 | Restricted | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | PCI Pal - Secure Card Payment System (SCPS) | ecm_10012 | 16/03/2024 | 36 months | TBC | N/A | N/A | N/A |
ecm_10042 | Application Services for Customer Information System (CIS) | Application Services for Customer Information System (CIS) - The Application Services for Customer Information System (CIS) involves the monitoring, management and maintenance of the Orange network (also known as DWP AWS ADEP Dev environment) to ensure the functionality, availability and security that the DWP and IBM teams need for the Application Development (AD) and Application Maintenance (AM) services for CIS. | Digital | Not Known | 01/07/2022 | 24 | œ3,900,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Application Services for Customer Information System (CIS) | ecm_10042 | 01/07/2024 | 24 months | œ3,900,000.00 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10061 | DWP Conversational Platform [SMP] | Provision of Conversational Platform licensing and services. Please note that this contract is related to the Service Modernisation Programme (SMP). | Digital | Not Known | 01/03/2025 | 12 | œ4,281,575 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Unknown | DWP Conversational Platform [SMP] | ecm_10061 | 01/03/2025 | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC |
ecm_10065 | Network Support Services | Outcome Based Services delivering a range of initiatives encompassing Network enhancements, implementation and transformation activities including cloud network migration. | Digital | 02/01/2024 | 01/04/2024 | 12 | œ5,100,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Network Support Services | ecm_10065 | 01/04/2024 | 12 months | œ0.00 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10076 | DSP Big data arcitecture aas | The Data Service Platform is a critical service used within DWP for the management and exploitation of big data which provides busines critical services for the departments Integrated Risk and Intelligence Service and Children and Analytics Division. The platform is a Cloudera/Hadoop, Informatica BDM and QlikSense Stack on Nutanix hardware. A service is required to support and maintain the applications and develop and deliver ongoing changes as part of platform modernisation. | Digital | 01/02/2024 | 15/04/2024 | Not Known | œ4,888,750 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | DSP Big data arcitecture aas | ecm_10076 | 15/04/2024 | 24 months | 1195000 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10094 | Architectural Outcomes | DWP Digital Corporate Service (DCS) requires Digital Architecture Services to provide technical expertise to deliver and maintain new and existing enterprise IT and back office services within DWP?s Cloud environment. Where appropriate this will include DWP services to support cross government programmes. | Digital | 05/02/2024 | 11/05/2024 | 24 | œ4,834,263 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Architectural Outcomes | ecm_10094 | 11/05/2024 | Not set | Not set | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10095 | project_24236 - Mobiles Data and Minutes | Provision of Mobile Data and Minutes to DWP | Digital | 01/09/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 12 | œ3,434,194 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | project_24236 - Mobiles Data and Minutes | ecm_10095 | 01/04/2024 | 12 months | œ1,717,097.04 | RM3808 | Network Services 2 | Lot 6: Mobile voice and data services |
ecm_10108 | DWP Data Pipeline Tooling | DWP is migrating existing DWP IT Operations analytics into a single data layer for the department , breaking down existing silos, whilst maintaining delineation at the search layer for both security and logistical reasons.DWP are commencing this project to allow for data analytics platform to be used as a strategic enterprise operations and security tool, ensuring data can be ingested once and be used by many teams for many use cases.DWP has a requirement for a Data Pipeline service capability to simplify and enhance the collection and processing of data prior to ingestion into the strategic data analytics platform . DWP requires a distributed and highly scalable architecture which allows for the collection of data across infrastructure including on premise data centres, cloud and SaaS solutions | Digital | 08/01/2024 | 04/05/2024 | 12 | œ4,000,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | DWP Data Pipeline Tooling | ecm_10108 | 04/05/2024 | 12 months | œ567,270.00 | ecm_10364 | Software One Stop Shop (Tactical VAR) | Tactical Software VAR |
ecm_10137 | Working Age Projects | Working Age Projects | Digital | Not Known | 17/05/2024 | 24 | œ2,041,667 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Working Age Projects | ecm_10137 | 17/05/2024 | 6 months | TBC | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10173 | Access to Work Agile Transformation/Development | This is a Service contract, where the supplier and it?s subcontractors personnel will be using DWP kit to deliver agile transformation/development services. To transform the current end to end Access to Work service to ensure it is as digital, accessible, usable and efficient as possible. Please note that this contract is related to the Service Modernisation Programme (SMP). | Digital | 27/09/2023 | 06/03/2024 | 12 | œ4,905,320 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Access to Work Agile Transformation/Development | ecm_10173 | 06/03/2024 | 12 months | œ2,300,000 | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10209 | Using medical evidence - Agile Transformation/ Development | To support some of the priority areas set out in the Green paper and the objectives of the Health Transformation Programme DWP Digital Health and Disability are mobilising a new theme to focus on: ? Opportunities to make better use of medical evidence through improved data sharing, quality of information and join-up with the NHS ? Transforming the journey where special rules for terminal illness apply ? Testing a possible Severe Disability Group This theme will ensure legislative deadlines for new rules for terminal illness are met (April 2023) and that through 2022/3 we support a proof of concept and trials for a Severe Disability Group. In addition, we will build upon work that has commenced to understand what opportunities exist to join up with the NHS | Digital | 14/11/2023 | 01/03/2024 | 6 | œ4,678,512 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Using medical evidence - Agile Transformation/ Development | ecm_10209 | 01/03/2024 | 12 months | œ3,400,000 | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10210 | Health and Disability - Agile Transformation/ Development | DWP are transforming the way in which citizens experience our services and ensure they get the support they need. Our objective is to transform the digital journey for citizens with a disability or health condition through providing clear information, linking many new and existing systems to allow more consistent and responsive provision of services over the web to provide better claimant outcomes. By transforming our services, we aim to provide simple, responsive services and make timely, accurate and understandable decisions that help people get the right support for them. | Digital | 01/03/2024 | 19/06/2024 | Not Known | Not Known | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Health and Disability - Agile Transformation/ Development | ecm_10210 | 19/06/2024 | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC |
ecm_10211 | Retirement, Bereavement and Care Product Design Services [SMP] | Digital services to support Retirement, Bereavement and Care digital transformation. Please note that this contract is related to the Service Modernisation Programme (SMP). | Digital | 12/09/2022 | 13/09/2024 | 24 | œ9,900,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Retirement, Bereavement and Care Product Design Services [SMP] | ecm_10211 | 13/09/2024 | 6 months | TBC | RM1043.7 | Digital Outcomes & Specialists 5 | Lot 1: Digital Outcomes |
ecm_10380 | Insight and Performance Programme - Dashboard development | The Buyer is facing a significant pressure to stabilise services and improve performance effectiveness in the wake of the pandemic; respond to a surge in demand; and address growing backlogs across products.There will be 3-Data Review products that are in scope for Dashboard Delivery from 3rd October 2022 to 30th June 2023.These are:?UC Expansion ?Pensions (State Pensions) ?Disputes | Digital | 01/10/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 6 | œ3,090,325 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Insight and Performance Programme - Dashboard development | ecm_10380 | 01/01/2024 | 6 months | œ3,090,325.00 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10386 | Provision of Resource for the Transformation of Working Age Benefit Services | Provision of Resource for the Transformation of Working Age Benefit Services | Digital | Not Known | 25/10/2024 | Not Known | œ4,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | Provision of Resource for the Transformation of Working Age Benefit Services | ecm_10386 | 25/10/2024 | TBC | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_10390 | DWP Digital - CRCF - DCBT Agile Digital Architecture Services | Outcome Based Architecture Services to support DWP Digital Cross Boundaries portfolio of programmes and projects | Digital | Not Known | 01/10/2024 | 24 | œ2,074,580 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | DWP Digital - CRCF - DCBT Agile Digital Architecture Services | ecm_10390 | 01/10/2024 | TBC | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_10393 | CRCF - DCBT Delivery and Analyst Services | Outcome based digital services in the form of Delivery Management and Business Analysis to support the DCBT portfolio of programmes and projects | Digital | Not Known | 01/10/2024 | 24 | œ4,125,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | CRCF - DCBT Delivery and Analyst Services | ecm_10393 | 01/10/2024 | TBC | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_10424 | Data Management System Subscription and Support | Data management system subscription and support | Digital | Not Known | 19/11/2024 | Not Known | œ2,051,546 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Data Management System Subscription and Support | ecm_10424 | 19/11/2024 | 12 months | 2051546.3 | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot 1: Hosting |
ecm_10510 | UC Resources for UC Programme and Move to UC | UC Resources for UC Programme and Move to UCx7 Java Developersx4 Dev Opsx2 User Researchx2 Interaction Designers | Digital | 01/06/2024 | 17/10/2024 | 24 | œ4,900,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | UC Resources for UC Programme and Move to UC | ecm_10510 | 17/10/2024 | 6 | œ1,000,000 | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_10692 | Actian Software Support | Actian 36m contract.Licensing , Software & Maintenance.Rohan Shah never entered details on to Jaggaer. | Digital | 01/03/2023 | 22/02/2024 | 36 | œ13,180,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Actian Software Support | ecm_10692 | 22/02/2024 | Not set | Not set | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_10757 | Provision of Resource for the Local Intelligence Tools (LIT) | The purpose of this resource-based contract is to identify a third-party Supplier who can support the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) in the delivery of, collatingÿvarying sets of relevant data for operational and policy uses. The collation and presentation of datasets will enable evidence-based decisions utilising local environment / socioeconomic climate information to be made utilising a variety of metrics.ÿÿÿWithin DWP this contract is led by Digital Group who are tasked with providing data that enables operational colleagues to make data driven decisionsÿpertinent to local demographics and the labour market.ÿThis will be a new acquisition using a supplier who can deliver the outcomes for LIT.ÿThe supplier will be a single supplier in accordance with the Public Contracting Regulations regulation 32.LIT data will also be utilised to analyse trends in local information at a macro level to support policy makers in how to achieve an increase of citizens moving into sustained employment and an increase of citizens earning more.As a resource-based procurement, VAT would apply and will be accounted for in the total budget. | Digital | 06/01/2025 | 15/03/2025 | 12 | œ2,443,435 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Provision of Resource for the Local Intelligence Tools (LIT) | ecm_10757 | 15/03/2025 | 6 months | 3,054,294 | RM6263 | Digital Specialists and Programmes | Lot 1: Digital Programmes |
ecm_10759 | Synergy Programme Digital Services | Digital services to support Synergy Programme. | Digital | 01/04/2024 | 04/07/2024 | 12 | œ2,840,511 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Synergy Programme Digital Services | ecm_10759 | 04/07/2024 | 12 months | 2500000 | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10803 | Second Hyperscale Cloud Services | Provision of cloud services | Digital | 31/03/2025 | 01/04/2026 | 24 | œ21,340,181 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-Procurement (same scope) | Second Hyperscale Cloud Services | ecm_10803 | 01/04/2026 | 12 months | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_10895 | DWP Citizen Residency | Procurement is to provide a delivery service which will provide application development, maintenance, architecture, business analysis, content and interactive design, QA and product management services | Digital | 28/11/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 6 | œ2,000,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | DWP Citizen Residency | ecm_10895 | 01/04/2024 | 3 months | œ1,000,000.00 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10896 | SD-WAN Licences and Support | This is a 2-year contract with CDW providing the required licences and support for the departments existing SD-WAN estate. The contract also has the provision within it, to enable DWP to purchase additional software licencing and hardware if required. | Digital | 01/09/2024 | 10/03/2025 | 12 | œ3,336,993 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | SD-WAN Licences and Support | ecm_10896 | 10/03/2025 | 12 months | œ1,500,000 | RM6068 | Technology Products & Associated Services | Lot 3: Software and Associated Services |
ecm_10913 | DWP Non-Geographic Numbers | Provision of NGN free phone call minutes across mobile, landline and payphone. | Digital | 20/02/2025 | 20/02/2026 | 24 | œ57,818,742 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | DWP Non-Geographic Numbers | ecm_10913 | 19/02/2026 | TBC | TBC | RM3808 | Network Services 2 | Lot 3: Traditional telephony services |
ecm_10959 | OPH Refresh, Adaptive Security remediation and support for CIA delivery | OPH Refresh, Adaptive Security remediation and support for CIA delivery | Digital | 01/05/2024 | 20/03/2025 | 12 | œ2,916,667 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | OPH Refresh, Adaptive Security remediation and support for CIA delivery | ecm_10959 | 20/03/2025 | 12 months | œ1,500,000 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_10960 | Security, Architectural and Health check services for WA and UC | Delivery of Security, Architectural & Health Check Services to the Working Age and Universal Credit Digital units. | Digital | Not Known | 01/04/2025 | 24 | œ2,500,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Security, Architectural and Health check services for WA and UC | ecm_10960 | 01/04/2025 | TBC | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_11035 | MongoDB Atlas Enterprise Package UC 2023 | MongoDB Atlas Enterprise Package UC 2023 | Digital | 01/11/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 36 | œ7,200,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | MongoDB Atlas Enterprise Package UC 2023 | ecm_11035 | 01/04/2024 | 12 months | œ7,000,000 | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_11088 | DWP MI New Demand Resources | DWP MI is part of the Data & Analytics Directorate with the Digital domain of DWP. It has been operating for a number of years now and has developed and implemented over 50 suites of dashboards that cover many areas of DWP?s services, which are available to approximately 9000 users. Currently we are focussing on creating a scalable MI reporting capability that is leading the way in producing high-quality, accessible, catalogued & consistent MI data visualisations, and facilitating self-service and standardised MI reporting across DWP. In terms of development of new dashboards we offer business areas the opportunity to either develop their own where they have the right skills to do so, supported by our Centre of Excellence who are trusted source that defines standards and governance of MI reporting, or to commission DWP MI to develop it for them | Digital | 03/03/2025 | 21/08/2025 | 6 | œ4,000,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | DWP MI New Demand Resources | ecm_11088 | 21/08/2025 | 6 months | TBC | RM6263 | Digital Specialists and Programmes | Lot 1: Digital Programmes |
ecm_11108 | Synergy Programme Digital Resources | The Synergy Programme requirement is for the Digital, Data and Technology services, to produceaccurate Technical and Functional detailed requirements that meet organisational, and user needsin respect of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) SaaS solution, that will be implemented via aService Integrator, and include Business Process Outsourcing Services (BPS), where appropriate. | Digital | 02/01/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 12 | œ3,507,682 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Synergy Programme Digital Resources | ecm_11108 | 01/04/2024 | 12 months | 35000000 | RM6263 | Digital Specialists and Programmes | Lot 2: Digital Specialists |
ecm_11117 | Innovation Lab Partner | Digital services to support DWP Innovation Lab projects. | Digital | 01/10/2024 | 01/04/2025 | 24 | œ3,166,667 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Innovation Lab Partner | ecm_11117 | 22/05/2025 | Not set | Not set | RM6100 | Technology Services 3 | Lot 1: Technology Strategy and Service Design |
ecm_11144 | Unified Network Access Service (UNAS) | This contract provides DWP with a unified Local Area Network (LAN) and Wi-Fi solution across all DWP sites. The service includes the required infrastructure, software and ongoing break/fix support. | Digital | 01/08/2027 | 07/08/2028 | 60 | œ48,736,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Unified Network Access Service (UNAS) | ecm_11144 | 07/08/2028 | 24 months | œ48,000,000 | RM3808 | Network Services 2 | Lot 1: Data access services |
ecm_11153 | Low Code Remediation, Support, and Live Service Management | To provide support in remediating Shadow IT Applications using Low Code Solutions through the Microsoft Power Platform; and their Service Management following go live | Digital | Not Known | 01/04/2025 | 12 | œ4,158,333 | Single Tender Action | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Low Code Remediation, Support, and Live Service Management | ecm_11153 | 05/06/2024 | 12 months | TBC | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_11203 | UC Targeted Case Review 2023-2025 | Provision of a multi-disciplinary team with the capabilities required to Design, Build, Test and Iterate enablers within the UC Full Service digital product to make the targeted review process more efficient and user friendly. | Digital | Not Known | 03/07/2025 | Not Known | œ5,710,075 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | UC Targeted Case Review 2023-2025 | ecm_11203 | 03/07/2025 | TBC | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_11219 | PIP CS Development Service? | Over the length of the 24 month contract the current expectation is that there will be a need to deliver between 8 and 12 releases onto the PIPCS service. One release overlaps with the previous, to ensure a continuous cycle of research, design, development, test and release. The Supplier?s team will work with the Buyer?s Designers and Test Team to deliver enhancements and problem fixes to the PIPCS Application. Direction about the ongoing scope to be provided by the Buyer?s Product Manager / Delivery Manager. Whilst the Buyer will work in an Agile manner through to completion of functional test, the enhancements and problem fixes will be packaged up into more traditional releases for Witness Test, OAT and subsequent delivery into Production. | Digital | 01/05/2025 | 01/07/2025 | 24 | œ3,199,680 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | PIP CS Development Service? | ecm_11219 | 01/07/2025 | 6 months | œ799,920 | TBC | DOS | TBC |
ecm_11257 | Provision of Data as a Service (DaaS) | This is a 12-month Contract that provides for the provision of Data as a Service Directorate (DaaS). At a high-level DaaS requires a supplier to deliver specific digital outcomes to meet Data Services delivery needs across DWP and Government, supporting the large Departmental Change Projects, e.g. Universal Credit (UC), Personal Independent Payments (PIP) and the Fraud & Error Programme.In DaaS the Contracting Authority analyse, report and protect information in line with DWP?s needs, fully exploiting data in support of the ?One DWP? vision. The Contracting Authority also support the detection of fraud in the benefits systems providing data and MI to support both DWP and cross government reform programmes. The Contracting Authority want to encourage the majority of interaction with citizens through digital self-service | Digital | 01/02/2024 | 13/07/2024 | Not Known | œ3,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Provision of Data as a Service (DaaS) | ecm_11257 | 13/07/2024 | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC |
ecm_11267 | SCE Wide Augmented Resources | Provision of Augmented resources to support Shared Channels including CCAMS, CCMP & Colleague & Customer View | Digital | 30/09/2025 | 01/02/2026 | 24 | œ8,176,543 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | SCE Wide Augmented Resources | ecm_11267 | 25/08/2025 | 6 months | 1,600,000 | RM6263 | DSP | Lot 2 |
ecm_11285 | Transaction Risking: DSP Exit ? Data Capability | Transaction Risking: DSP Exit ? Data Capability | Digital | 31/07/2024 | 13/09/2024 | 12 | œ2,257,900 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Transaction Risking: DSP Exit ? Data Capability | ecm_11285 | 13/09/2024 | 12 months | TBC | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_11306 | Generative AI Centre of Excellence and Lighthouse Projects | Digital services to support DWP Lighthouse Gen AI Projects and setting up Centre of Excellence. | Digital | 02/01/2024 | 01/04/2024 | 7 | œ2,500,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Generative AI Centre of Excellence and Lighthouse Projects | ecm_11306 | 01/04/2024 | 7 months | œ2,500,000.00 | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot 3: Cloud Support |
ecm_11330 | IAG: Enterprise Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Platform | 3-year enterprise license agreement for UiPath products | Digital | Not Known | 18/10/2026 | Not Known | œ9,993,614 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | IAG: Enterprise Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Platform | ecm_11330 | 18/10/2026 | TBC | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_11551 | Digital Health & Disability Live Service | Supplier required to support and maintain live services that have reached Cabinet Office Public Beta status. | Digital | 12/10/2024 | 13/12/2024 | 12 | œ2,512,080 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Digital Health & Disability Live Service | ecm_11551 | 13/12/2024 | N/A | N/A | RM1557.13 | G-Cloud 13 | Lot3: Cloud Support |
ecm_2911 | BT PSNCC Further 12 month Extension | The existing PSNCC managed service is required to extend by a furtjer 12 months to accomodate the Contact Centre Modernisation Programme (?CCMP?) retender via FaTS using Competitive Procedure with Negotiation. Currently extended through to Msarch 2025 and this extension will take the services through to March 2026. | Digital | 18/06/2020 | 04/04/2025 | 12 | œ149,420,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | PSN Contact Centre Services | ecm_2911 | 30/03/2025 | 12 months | œ23,220,000 | Not set | Network Services | Lot 4 |
ecm_5886 | Multi-Functional Device & Reprographic Service | Multi-Functional Device & Reprographic Service: This contracts provides DWP with office devices providing local print, scan and copy functionality through a managed service, and also includes an offsite reprographics service. The Reprographic Service covers the requests of non standard print requests throughout DWP. The print and postage of Appeal Tribunal Packs to customers through the electronic appeal portal and the print of RAR requests [Right of Access]. | Digital | 01/09/2024 | 01/11/2024 | 36 | œ5,595,540 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Multi-Functional Device & Reprographic Service | ecm_5886 | 01/11/2024 | 24 months | œ4,000,000 | RM6068 | Technology Products & Associated Services | Lot 1: Hardware & Software & Associated Services |
ecm_7990 | ITSM Tooling - Technology Services | 1.The delivery of DWP?s critical services rely on the availability of its IT and Digital services to support benefits calculation and payment, provide on-line access to services and information to 84,000 DWP staff and over 20 million citizens.2.To effectively manage these services DWP require a Strategic IT Service Management (ITSM) capability supported by a single automated suite of ITSM software tools. DWP has a critical dependency on the availability of such an ITSM Toolset.3.The current 5 year ITSM contract expires on 28th March 2020; a procurement exercise has been undertaken and a recommended supplier has been selected.4.DWP is seeking final approval to award this contract to Unifii Ltd (a registered Small & Medium Enterprise (SME)) for the ITSM Strategic Toolset to a value of œ12,359,222 (exc recoverable VAT & including yr 4 option). | Digital | 02/01/2023 | 30/03/2024 | 36 | œ12,359,222 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | ITSM Tooling - Technology Services | ecm_7990 | 30/03/2024 | 24 months | œ3,990,000.00 | RM6194 | Back Office Software | Lot 1: Back Office Software |
ecm_8726 | Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tooling | Stage 1 Executive Summary ? for information purposes ONLYThe APM Digital roadmap produced in 2018 assumed a roll-out schedule of between 36-48 months therefore the extension options were placed to enable the continuity of roll-out and in parallel expose the commercial option regarding a 24 month extension to the external market. The approved Stage 1 CAD allowed further opportunity to explore the extension of the current G-Cloud contract as an option for a further 24 months to Dec ?22Since 2018 via this G-Cloud contract Dynatrace has provided DWP with an Application Performance Management (APM) capability to allow visibility of application performance and also Real User Monitoring (RUM) allowing knowledge of how the applications users experience actually is, as oppose to the users subjective view. Allowing full stack management of the application allows the UXCC to have a full visibility of how the user population is experiencing a specific digital service provision. This allows action to be taken proactively before users suffer total loss or major degradation of their service. Early action allows DWP to reduce agent hours lost due to service downtime and reduce the number of calls being taken by the Service Desk driving up the user satisfaction scores. | Digital | 02/10/2023 | 31/12/2023 | 12 | œ6,349,225 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tooling | ecm_8726 | 31/12/2023 | 0 | 0 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 2: Cloud Software |
ecm_9217 | Network Access Service (NAS) | The Network Access Service / implementation enables the Department to achieve the following specific objectives:Exit, Transition and Transformation - Progress exit from the current BT contract and deliver disaggregation, taking on support for the WAN devices, as part of the SD WAN rollout, to provide DWP with the flexibility to procure and move when it wishes between different network providers. Reduce dependency on and deprecate Private Network (MPLS) Technology, moving to a Zero Trust Network - Commence deprecation of the private (MPLS) network, and increasing consumption of internet access services using Broadband, Fibre and Mobile technologies via SD-WAN.Single Access Fibre and Multiple VRFs - Through procurement of the Network Access Service which is delivered through single-access fibre bearers with multiple Virtual Routing Frameworks (VRFs) wherever possible, combined with the use of SD-WAN intelligent routing, the DWP will be able to flexibly scale internet and private (MPLS) traffic. Commercial Flexibility - As the SD-WAN technology matures on DWP infrastructure, increasing volumes of traffic could be directed over the internet, thereby reducing the reliance on private (MPLS) circuits. This will enable the bandwidth requirements for MPLS to reduce, and ultimately for MPLS circuits to be removed entirely in line with the strategic aim of delivering a Zero Trust network environment. Consequently the Department will be to flexibly procure and switch between providers of fixed network circuits or mobile circuits as and when required.Reduction in WAN Charges - Enable DWP to reduce its WAN run charges by between œ10m (ex VAT) over 5 years, based on forecasted scenarios of between x5 bandwidth growth due to Digital Workplace Demand. DWP is currently exiting the PSN Connectivity Managed Wide Area Network (WAN) contract which expires in Sept 2021 and will replace this service with a single fibre access wires only and b'band | Digital | 01/12/2023 | 27/03/2026 | 60 | œ28,800,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Network Access Service (NAS) | ecm_9217 | 27/03/2026 | 12 | œ1,760,000 | RM3808 | Network Services 2 | Lot 2: Local Connectivity |
ecm_9478 | Managed LAN and On-site Support Services (MLOSS) | Managed LAN and Onsite CPE & Cabling Support Service (MLOSS) will cover the provision, support, management and maintenance of network connectivity between devices within each DWP site. | Digital | Not Known | 07/10/2024 | Not Known | œ7,300,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Managed LAN and On-site Support Services (MLOSS) | ecm_9478 | 07/10/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9566 | Strategic Enterprise Infrastructure Tooling (BMC) | DWP having undertaken a further competition via CCS TePAS this contract is with Computacenter to resell to DWP BMC Software Technology & Standard Support @ s. The current breadth of BMC software covers subscription licensing for OPH Infrastructure Monitoring, OPH & Cloud Discovery, Network Monitoring & Management including Automation; & OPH Capacity Management. | Digital | 02/01/2024 | 20/09/2024 | 36 | œ7,688,887 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Strategic Enterprise Infrastructure Tooling (BMC) | ecm_9566 | 20/09/2024 | 12 months? | œ10,000,000 | RM6068 | Technology Products & Associated Services | Lot 3: Software and Associated Services |
ecm_9585 | Find a Job Service | Provision of job search platform procured as Software as a Service, with an ongoing service support & build that includes consultancy/development service. | Digital | 15/10/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 12 | œ6,732,411 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Find a Job Service | ecm_9585 | 01/04/2024 | 12 months | œ3,500,000.00 | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 2: Cloud Software |
ecm_9705 | DWP Digital Children - Application Development & Live Support [SMP] | Provide application development and live service support services and outcomes for the DWP Digital Children & Families platform technology estate, primarily the Child Maintenance Scheme (CMS) 2012 System. Support the delivery of required regular releases of business change, transformation portfolio and provide live service support to ensure performance remains stable and optimised for service. Please note that this contract is related to the Service Modernisation Programme (SMP). | Digital | Not Known | 01/09/2024 | Not Known | œ30,000,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | DWP Digital Children - Application Development & Live Support [SMP] | ecm_9705 | 01/03/2024 | TBC | TBC | To Be Determined | To Be Determined | To Be Determined |
ecm_9747 | Palo Alto 5450 Hardware Edge - SDX Firewall ? Replacement and increased Capacity Network Services | CC Resell of Palo Alto 5450 Edge devices - for SDX upgrade replacement of hardware in the Network Category. | Digital | 31/01/2024 | 21/11/2024 | 36 | œ2,500,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Palo Alto 5450 Hardware Edge - SDX Firewall ? Replacement and increased Capacity Network Services | ecm_9747 | 21/11/2024 | 0 | 0 | RM6068 | RM6068 | Lot 1: Hardware & Software & Associated Services |
ecm_9827 | Project 24314 Citrix Cloud Services | Annual renewal of licences and support to maintain citrix environments | Digital | 01/02/2024 | 17/12/2024 | 36 | œ5,999,174 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Project 24314 Citrix Cloud Services | ecm_9827 | 17/12/2024 | 24 months | œ4,000,000.00 | RM6098 | Technology Products & Associated Services 2 | Lot 3: Software |
ecm_9869 | Data Analytics Protective Monitoring - SPLUNK | 1 year contract to Softcat PLC for the resell to DWP of SPLUNK Software Technology PMDA Service @ œ4,997,691.10 (inc irrec VAT). This contract renews the SPLUNK software for a further 12 months via a reseller competition using CCS TEPAS Framework. Splunk provides DWP with a Data Analytics service. | Digital | 02/10/2023 | 31/01/2024 | 24 | œ9,014,127 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Data Analytics Protective Monitoring - SPLUNK | ecm_9869 | 31/01/2024 | 24 months | œ11,000,000 | RM6068 | Technology Products & Associated Services | Lot 3: Software and Associated Services |
project_23210 | Contact Centre Modernisation Programme | The Contact Centre Modernisation Programme (?CCMP?) is tasked with building a new Digital Channels Contact Centre (?DC3?) platform to replace the current platform provided by BT. The DC3 platform will as a minimum replicate the current contact centre capabilities and be the enabler for new features and capabilities once delivered.The DC3 platform will ensure that all inbound calls from citizens can be processed, but also enhances our ability to develop and deploy future solutions and improvements at pace which will reduce the Authority?s total cost to serve, improve customer experience and modernise our services. The DC3 platform will be used by the Authority?s advisors and supervisors working in 27 Business Groups from over 205 different locations. | Digital | 01/11/2019 | 04/04/2025 | 84 | œ159,200,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | PSN Contact Centre Services | ecm_2911 | 30/03/2026 | 24 months | œ45,280,000 included in the previous TCV value | Find a Tender | Find a Tender | Find a Tender |
project_25266 | Oracle Technical Support Renewal 2026 | Oracle Technical Support Renewal 2026 - renewal of main support contracts and opportunity to co-term other Oracle contracts | Digital | 01/04/2025 | 06/04/2026 | 24 | œ24,000,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Oracle Software Technical Support 2022-2024 | ecm_10299 | 05/03/2026 | 24 months | œ24,000,000.00 | RM6194 | Back Office Software | Lot 1: Back Office Software |
project_25560 | Digital Workflow Service Platform (DWP Place) | This is a procurement exercise to re-tender the service platform that supports the existing DWP Place service to DWP Users.Value of this contract is likely to be c œ20m and will require 4 Stage approvals | Digital | 05/01/2023 | 31/03/2024 | 36 | œ24,000,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | ITSM Tooling - Technology Services | ecm_7990 | 31/03/2024 | 24 months | œ15,600,000.00 | RM6194 | Back Office Software | Lot 1: Back Office Software |
project_25922 | DWP Strategic Video Channel Solution | Video Channel Solution | Digital | 14/06/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 36 | œ6,000,000 | project_21918 - Above OJEU Threshold - Open & Restricted Procedure with Early Engagement | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Strategic Video Channel Solution | ecm_9790 | 30/11/2023 | 24 months | œ4,000,000.00 | RM6225 | Audio Visual Technical Consultancy and Commissioning | N/A |
project_25962 | DSP IAG Development and Live Service | DSP IAG Development and Live Service | Digital | 01/01/2024 | 01/04/2024 | 12 | œ12,000,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | IAG Core Team Support 2022 | ecm_10329 | 31/03/2023 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_25975 | Technical Vulnerability Assessment 2023 | Project for TVA re-procurement. Number of contracts to be decided - using a single placeholder project until this is known. | Digital | 06/07/2023 | 01/12/2023 | 36 | œ3,000,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Not set | Not set | 01/12/2023 | 24 months | œ2,000,000.00 | RM3764.3 | Cyber Security Services 3 | Lot 1: Cyber Security Services 3 |
project_25989 | Database as a Service Renewal 2024 (UC&DWP) | Database as a Service for DWP & UC (Budget owned by ITAM) | Digital | 12/07/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 36 | œ25,000,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | MongoDB | ecm_11035 | 01/04/2024 | TBC | TBC | RM1557.13 | G-CLOUD 13 | Lot 2: Cloud Software |
project_26062 | Digital Health & Disability - Access to Work | Service contract for an external supplier to provide agile transformation/development services to support the transformation of the overarching E2E Access to Work service. ? | Digital | 27/09/2023 | 06/03/2024 | 12 | œ2,300,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Access to Work Agile Transformation/Development [SMP] | ecm_10173 | 06/03/2024 | 12 months | œ2,300,000 | RM1557.13 | G-CLOUD 13 | LOT 3 CLOUD SUPPORT |
project_26136 | FED CFEMS Development & Migration | Team of augmented resources to support DWP in the continuing delivery of the CFEMS Development & Migration Project | Digital | 06/11/2023 | 01/01/2024 | 24 | œ4,200,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | CFEMS Development and Migration | ecm_10920 | 01/01/2024 | 3 months | œ907,608.00 | RM6263 | Digital Specialists and Programmes | Lot 2: Digital Specialists |
project_26165 | VMware Subscription Renewal | VMware Subscription Renewal | Digital | 27/10/2023 | 29/03/2024 | 24 | œ3,500,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | VMWare ELA | ecm_10692 | 29/03/2024 | TBC | TBC | RM6098 | TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS & ASSOCIATED SERVICES 2 | LOT 3 SOFTWARE |
project_26190 | SCE Augmented Resources for Customer Communications and Media Services (C-CAMS) | Team of Augmented Resources to support ongoing activity across Customer Communications and Media Services (C-CAMS) | Digital | 09/11/2023 | 02/01/2024 | 12 | œ3,342,811 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | Preference Store Part 2 | ecm_11194 | 02/01/2024 | 3 months | œ671,573.00 | RM6263 | Digital Specialists and Programmes | Lot 2: Digital Specialists |
various | Ongoing end user device tranches | DWP has an ongoing programme of end user device (laptops etc) refreshment to ensure devices remain sufficiently modern and secure. We usually go to market several times a year for c4-6,000 devices at a time to support this programme. | Digital | Not Known | Various | 3 | œ4,500,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Device Tranche x | Not set | various | None. | N/A | RM6098 | Technology Products & Associated Services 2 | Lot 2 Hardware |
ecm_9210 | Restart CPA 1a West Central | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2024 | 24 | œ270,813,823 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 1a West Central | ecm_9210 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9218 | Restart CPA 3b Greater Manchester | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ172,916,699 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 3b Greater Manchester | ecm_9218 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9219 | Restart CPA 4a South West | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s.. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ150,669,151 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 4a South West | ecm_9219 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9220 | Restart CPA 4b South Central | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ181,846,693 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 4b South Central | ecm_9220 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9221 | Restart CPA 1b East Central | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ222,284,527 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 1b East Central | ecm_9221 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9222 | Restart CPA 5a Central and West London | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ398,241,888 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 5a Central and West London | ecm_9222 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9223 | Restart CPA 6 Wales | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ133,987,418 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 6 Wales | ecm_9223 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9224 | Restart CPA 2a North East and Humberside | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ183,561,639 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 2a North East and Humberside | ecm_9224 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9225 | Restart CPA 5c Home Counties | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ300,145,882 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 5c Home Counties | ecm_9225 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9226 | Restart CPA 2b South and West Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ266,903,269 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 2b South and West Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire | ecm_9226 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9227 | Restart CPA 5b South and East London | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ234,275,571 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 5b South and East London | ecm_9227 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9228 | Restart CPA 3a North West | The new Restart Scheme will give Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance claimants who have been out of work for 9 months or more, enhanced support to find jobs. The Restart Scheme will break down employment barriers that could be holding them back from finding work. Providers will work with employers, local government and other partners to deliver tailored support for individuals. Referrals will be made over a 3-year period and will provide up to 12 months of tailored support for each participant. Restart will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 CPA?s. | Employment Services | 23/11/2023 | 30/06/2026 | 24 | œ166,241,774 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Restart CPA 3a North West | ecm_9228 | 30/06/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_25924 | Access to Work Mental Health Support Service (AtW MHSS) | AtW: MHSS is designed to support individuals in the workplace who are experiencing mental ill health. The MHSS provides a period of support which is tailored to the individual?s needs. The Department for Work and Pensions wishes to establish two (2) contracts, each with a different supplier, to deliver AtW: MHSS under the Access to Work Programme on a national basis (excluding Northern Ireland). In respect of each contract, Services are to be delivered throughout England, Wales and Scotland. The contracts will be awarded for an initial referral period of four (4) years. The anticipated contract value for the Programme for the initial four years + additional two years will be œ68,800,000 exc. VAT (œ82,560,000 inc. VAT) across both AtW: MHSS Contracts. | Employment Services | 14/06/2023 | 20/08/2024 | 48 | œ45,870,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Access to Work Mental Health Support Services 1 & 2 | ecm_5879; ecm_5878 | 20/08/2024 | 24 | œ22,930,000 | Not set | CAEHRS | LOT 8 - NATIONAL |
ecm_10120 | Standard Office Furniture | The Supplier shall provide the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Standard Office Furniture including office desks and workstations, office seating, office storage, collaboration/break out furniture, reception furniture, restaurant furniture, chairs, lockers and office accessories. | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/05/2024 | Not Known | œ9,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Standard Office Furniture | ecm_10120 | 01/05/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10238 | Specialist Furniture | The Specialist Furniture Supplier will be expected to work with Integrator and other Supply Chain members such as office fit-out Suppliers and project professionals to co-ordinate furniture installation. This includes Ergonomic Assessments. | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/05/2024 | Not Known | œ8,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Specialist Furniture | ecm_10238 | 01/05/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10508 | Lease and Landlord Management Services (LLM) 2 | Lease and Landlord Management Services (LLM) 2 | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/11/2026 | Not Known | œ12,300,001 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Unknown | Lease and Landlord Management Services (LLM) 2 | ecm_10508 | 01/11/2026 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10881 | Water Contract for England sites 2023 | Provision of Water and Wastewater Services for England sites | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/02/2025 | Not Known | œ5,200,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Water Contract for England sites 2023 | ecm_10881 | 01/02/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_11352 | Workplace Services Procurement Programme Support. (WPSPPS) | Mini competition via RM6187 MCF3 Lot 6 | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 21/09/2025 | Not Known | œ6,951,700 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Workplace Services Procurement Programme Support. (WPSPPS) | ecm_11352 | 21/09/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_11521 | Security Technical Advisor for the DWP Critical Infrastructure & Workplace Transformation Programme | The purpose of the CSI Programme is to replace the end-of-life and obsolete electronic security systems on the DWP Estate, this will make DWP staff, customers, and visitors safer and will enable DWP to right-size the numbers of Security Officers deployed on the DWP Estate. The CSI programme is being delivered by G4S and is scheduled to run until December 2024 and there are in total 605 sites in-scope. DWP estimates that from February 2024 there will be 303 sites remaining, although this may change. WTP is looking at DWP?s property portfolio to determine which sites to retain and which to divest. Some REEP sites are being retained and brought up to full Job Centre Plus (JCP) standard. There are 29 sites in scope of WTP, which is being delivered by third party security installers. | Estates & HR Services | 01/05/2023 | 01/02/2024 | 14 | œ3,360,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (Different or same scope??) | Security Technical Advisor for the DWP Critical Infrastructure & Workplace Transformation Programme | ecm_11521 | 14/11/2023 | 6 months | 1.4m | RM6257 | SECURITY PHYSICAL, TECHNICAL AND SUPPORT SERVICES | Lot 4 |
ecm_4592 | Provision of Total Facilities Management Services | The Facilities Management Supplier (FM); providing building and asset maintenance services including but not limited to mechanical, electrical and building fabric works and soft facilities management services including cleaning, catering, waste management, and minor building works. | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/04/2024 | Not Known | œ500,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Provision of Total Facilities Management Services | ecm_4592 | 01/04/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_4927 | DWP Estates Security Services | The Security Services Supplier; providing manned guarding, security systems (including hardware), 24/7 systems monitoring / control centre and reactive services/incident response and management, also assisting in the preparation of site specifications based on risk assessments and managing changes to Government security threat status. | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/04/2025 | Not Known | œ716,440,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | DWP Estates Security Services | ecm_4927 | 01/04/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | N/A | N/A |
ecm_9851 | Estates Programme Management Services | The EPMS shall provide the Estates Programme Management function including the on-going development and management of a rolling five-year portfolio pipeline plan and budget, detailing all the anticipated, forecasted and planned projects the Authority is committed to and other projects as they arise. This will be in response to the Authority?s strategic portfolio plans, lease events and wider change programmes. This will include a full programme and budget management function, allocation of pipeline for Lifecycle works, relocations, refurbishments, minor and major projects | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/06/2025 | Not Known | œ4,856,827 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Estates Programme Management Services | ecm_9851 | 01/06/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9893 | DWP Estates Integrator Services | To deliver and manage the provision of a function to co-ordinate all Authority Supply Chain Members. Focus on the day to day operational performance management of the supply chain and taking financial risk on the success of this. In addition to this to provide an information system for DWP which would provide a single version of the truth and transparency of the estate. | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 18/01/2027 | Not Known | œ25,043,182 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | DWP Estates Integrator Services | ecm_9893 | 18/01/2027 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9923 | Estates Security Technical Advisor | The Security Technical Advisor (STA) will provide DWP with expert advice and guidance on security systems designs, security systems products and security systems installation assurance and cost audit functions relating to security systems and processes. | Estates & HR Services | 01/10/2021 | 01/04/2022 | 36 | œ5,971,000 | Open | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | Estates Security Technical Advisor | ecm_9923 | 01/04/2022 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9988 | Gas Contract 2022 onwards | Gas Contract | Estates & HR Services | Not Known | 01/04/2025 | Not Known | œ39,000,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Gas Contract 2022 onwards | ecm_9988 | 01/04/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9990 | Electricity HH and NHH Contracts | Electricity Contract | Estates & HR Services | 02/01/2024 | 01/04/2024 | 36 | œ62,000,000 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Electricity HH and NHH Contracts | ecm_9990 | 01/04/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_26066 | DWP Fire Risk Assessment Services | To assist DWP in complying with its statutory duty to manage fire safety across the DWP estate. | Estates & HR Services | 04/03/2024 | 11/06/2024 | 40 | œ4,000,000 | Open | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | Not set | Not set | 19/08/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_26067 | DWP Water Safety Management Services | To assist DWP in complying with it statutory duty to manage water safety across the DWP estate | Estates & HR Services | 19/02/2024 | 28/05/2024 | 40 | œ10,000,000 | Open | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | Not set | Not set | 03/09/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_26177 | Management and Operation of the Quarry House Leisure Centre - 2024 | The management and operation of the Quarry House leisure centre in Leeds. | Estates & HR Services | 06/11/2023 | 01/04/2024 | 60 | œ5,230,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (Different or same scope??) | Not set | Not set | 01/04/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_26208 | Provision of Asbestos Management Services | Provision of Asbestos Management Services | Estates & HR Services | 15/11/2023 | 01/10/2024 | 60 | œ7,665,000 | Open | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | N/A | N/A | 01/10/2024 | 24 | 3,066,000 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
project_26228 | WPS Security Control Centre | WPS Security Control Centre | Estates & HR Services | 21/11/2023 | 21/03/2024 | 132 | œ36,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | Not set | Not set | 21/03/2024 | Not set | Not set | RM6257 - SECURITY PHYSICAL, TECHNICAL AND SUPPORT SERVICES | RM6257 - SECURITY PHYSICAL, TECHNICAL AND SUPPORT SERVICES | LOT 3 |
ecm_11098 | Health Transformation Agile Digital Services | The provision of Agile Digital Services to support DWP?s Health Transformation Programme (HTP) objectives to transform the digital journey for citizens with a disability or health condition. Focusing on the Personal Independence Payment Service and the Health Assessment Service elements of the Programme. | Health & Assessment Services | Not Known | 15/05/2027 | Not Known | œ42,017,280 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New requirement | Health Transformation Agile Digital Services | ecm_11098 | 15/05/2027 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_25264 | WCA and Specialist Benefit IT Service | IT Infrastructure to support the delivery of the supporting suite of functions that allow for our Health suppliers to conduct assessments for WCA and Specialist benefits. | Health & Assessment Services | 09/09/2022 | 01/09/2024 | 60 | œ52,000,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | AS IS Contract | ecm_2208 | 14/05/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10500 | Advanced Software Renewal for Enterprise Runtime Production | Advanced Software Renewal for Enterprise Runtime Production (SFCS, HBCS, JSAPS, DR Licence) | Major Change | Not Known | 01/04/2026 | Not Known | œ6,460,222 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Advanced Software Renewal for Enterprise Runtime Production | ecm_10500 | 01/04/2026 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10502 | Renewal of Advanced Software Licence S&M - Runtime | Renewal of Advanced Software Licence S&M - JSAPs, SFCS, WPCS, HBCS runtime | Major Change | Not Known | 01/01/2026 | Not Known | œ6,674,254 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Renewal of Advanced Software Licence S&M - Runtime | ecm_10502 | 01/01/2026 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10276 | Media Buying | Call-Off Contract for the provision of a range of DWP Media Buying Campaigns to buy media space across all media channels. It is a single supplier agreement which aggregates all media buying across government and some wider public sector organisations to leverage best value deals for media space regionally, nationally and internationally which covers all online and offline channels. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 21/06/2025 | Not Known | œ45,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | 24904 Media Buying | ecm_10276 | 21/06/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10550 | Online analytics | The Credit Reference Agency Services (CRA) Call Off Contract (form the G-Cloud 12 Framework) provides DWP agents with access, via a secure online portal or integrated API service, to a range of information including CRA data. The information obtained is used to support the agreement of sustainable payment plans for the recovery of overpaid benefit and child maintenance arrears and to support fraud investigations. | Service Delivery Commercial | 08/09/2023 | 21/09/2024 | Not Known | œ6,100,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Reprocurement ( different Scope ) | Credit Reference Agency Services - UI + API Licence Agreement | ecm_10550 | 21/09/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10665 | Phase 2 Contact Centre Services | Delivery of a telephony-based contact centre service to support customer enquiries across a range of DWP benefits and services to the public. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 13/03/2026 | Not Known | œ120,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Phase 2 Contact Centre Services | ecm_10665 | 13/03/2026 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10671 | Universal Credit Contact Centre Services | Provision of Call Centre services for Universal Credit General enquiries. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 16/08/2025 | Not Known | œ160,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Universal Credit Contact Centre Services | ecm_10671 | 16/08/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10748 | Provision of Travel Management Services | Provision of On-Line and Off Line Travel Booking Services for Rail, Air, Ferry, Coach, Eurostar and Hotel Accommodation in the UK and Abroad | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 27/02/2025 | Not Known | œ20,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Provision of Travel Management Services | ecm_10748 | 27/02/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_10749 | Provision of Venue Booking Services | Provision of Booking Services for Conferences and Events including event services such as AV and lighting for Face to Face , Hybrid and 100% virtual events | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 27/02/2025 | Not Known | œ2,100,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Provision of Venue Booking Services | ecm_10749 | 27/02/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_11142 | DWP Bulk Mail Postal Service | The Bulk Mail contract covers the collection and delivery of 2nd class mail (including physical mail items up to 2kg). Collections are made from 19 fixed sites and delivered throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. The majority of the mail output is collected from APS print centres, the Departments Bulk Print supplier. However, there are a number of DWP operational locations that also utilise this service as a cost effective alternative to Royal Mail 2nd class services. The key deliverable is that 99% of mail is delivered to the Royal Mail (RM) Access Point to allow 'Final Mile' delivery by RM to the end customer within agreed timescales. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 01/09/2025 | 24 | œ67,472,846 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | DWP Bulk Mail Postal Service | ecm_11142 | 01/09/2025 | 24 | œ67,472,846 | RM6017 | Postal Goods, Services and Solutions, Collection and Delivery of Letters, Large Letters and Parcels | LOT 3 |
ecm_11509 | 25297 Campaign Development Research Services | Research Call-Off Contract - To provide robust quantitative research and analysis that will enable the evaluation of communications activity on a regular and on-going basis. This evaluation will guide the development and delivery of future communication activity.The research provider may also need to provide qualitative research to gather audience insights and inform the development of, for example, campaign creative, messaging, and/or information products. This would be commissioned on an ad-hoc basis. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 30/10/2025 | Not Known | œ3,000,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Reprocure ( same scope ) | 25297 Campaign Development Research Services | ecm_11509 | 30/10/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_8929 | New Payment Exception Service NPES | Payment Exception Service for customers who are unable to use a transactional bank account. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 08/06/2024 | Not Known | œ17,417,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | New Payment Exception Service NPES | ecm_8929 | 08/06/2024 | TBC | TBC | RM1557.12 | G-Cloud 12 | Lot 2 |
ecm_8948 | Office Supplies and Electronic Office Supplies | Provision of Office Stationery and Electronic Office Supplies to DWP | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 01/11/2025 | Not Known | œ4,313,832 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Office Supplies and Electronic Office Supplies | ecm_8948 | 01/11/2025 | Not Known | Not Known | RM6299 | Office Stationery Supplies and Electronic Office Supplies | LOT 1 |
ecm_9144 | Provision of Vehicle Hire Services | Provision of Vehicle Hire Services for DWP | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 06/05/2024 | Not Known | œ4,500,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | Provision of Vehicle Hire Services | ecm_9144 | 06/05/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9371 | Managed Print Service | Managed Print Services ?The service provides DWP?s core business print products (claim packs, leaflets, booklets, letters inserts and business reply envelopes) and associated print related services including direct mail House and Command Papers and alternative formats. The service is also used by external public bodies such as the NHS and Citizens Advice Bureau. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 01/12/2024 | Not Known | œ17,900,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Reprocure ( same scope for now ) | Managed Print Service | ecm_9371 | 01/12/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9465 | Legal Services - Scotland | This contract is with Harper Macleod LLP to provide DWP with legal support and advice in relation to debt recovery services in Scotland. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 22/08/2025 | Not Known | œ4,982,547 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Legal Services - Scotland | ecm_9465 | 22/08/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9561 | Postal Services - International Mail | The International Mail Service provides a postal channel solution to communicate with overseas domestic customers through the collection and outbound delivery of printed customer notifications to international destinations. The contract provides the service to two DWP sites and third-party supplier APS. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 01/12/2025 | Not Known | œ4,491,027 | Call off from a Framework agreement (inc Direct award or mini comp) | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | Postal Services - International Mail | ecm_9561 | 01/12/2025 | Not Known | Not Known | RM6280 | Postal Services and Solutions - Collection and Delivery of Letters, Large Letters and Parcels: International | LOT 3 |
ecm_9889 | Printed Customer Communications | Printing of Customer Communications relating to benefit entitlement and internal reports, distributed to offices nationwide. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 17/03/2025 | Not Known | œ16,200,000 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement ( same scope) | Printed Customer Communications | ecm_9889 | 17/03/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
ecm_9953 | DWP Courier Service | Internal Courier Service to securely transport DWP Internal mail items within the DWP courier network (including key third party suppliers) to support the customer journey. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 02/05/2025 | 24 | œ19,805,432 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract | DWP Courier Service | ecm_9953 | 02/05/2025 | 24 | TBC | RM6171 | Courier & Specialist Movements, ? Collection & Delivery | LOT 1 |
ecm_9968 | Language Services (Interpretation & Translation) | A contract for the provision of spoken (foreign language) and non-spoken interpretation and translation services, and for the translation of foreign language customer documents. | Service Delivery Commercial | Not Known | 09/05/2025 | Not Known | œ13,111,899 | Unknown | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Extension in contract followed by reprocurement same scope | Language Services (Interpretation & Translation) | ecm_9968 | 09/05/2025 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_25103 | Fleet Management Contract | The Provision of Vehicle Leasing and Fleet Management.For Private User Scheme Vehicles and Official Vehicle leases to DWP, and the provision of associated fleet management activities | Service Delivery Commercial | 08/08/2022 | 01/05/2024 | 60 | œ8,100,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (same scope) | The Provision of Vehicle Leasing and Fleet Management | ecm_5814 | 01/05/2024 | Not set | Not set | RM6268 | VEHICLE LEASE, FLEET MANAGEMENT AND SALARY SACRIFICE CAR SCHEMES | LOT 1 |
project_25690 | Inbound Mail and Document Management | This project is for the aggregation of DWP contracts for inbound mail and records management into a single contract covering post opening, sortation, scanning, indexing and digital ingestion of all DWP's inbound communications and storage, maintenance, retrieval and destruction of all DWP's hard-copy records. DWP are undertaking a procurement with a view to the potential aggregation of 4 existing contracts into one single Inbound Mail and Document Management contract. An aggregated approach has previously been explored with the market, with early indication validating this approach. This strategy was previously abandoned to allow Service Modernisation / DWP Digital time to explore the opportunities of service improvements ahead of tendering.The 4 independent contracts are detailed below.Pre-Sortation Agreement: This contract, with Royal Mail, is for the envelope level sortation of all of DWP's hard-copy inbound customer communication. This high-level envelope sortation facilitates the sortation at a Mail Opening Unit.Document and Data Management Services (DDMS): The DDMS contract is for the post opening, document sortation, scanning, indexing and digital ingestion of all DWPs written communication from citizens. Bring referred to during this procurement as the service element of Digital Mailroom.Licence Provision: The scanning devices used in the DDMS contract require Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to automatically index items that are scannable and readable. This contract provides the required software.Off-Site Records Management (RM): The RM contract provides services for the storage, maintenance, retrieval and destruction of all DWP's hard-copy citizen records. Historically, this contract does not contain any scanning abilities, narrowing down the options for reducing the reliance on paper-records. | Service Delivery Commercial | 14/03/2023 | 04/07/2024 | 72 | œ95,000,000 | Open | DWP / Commercial Directorate | Re-procurement (different scope) | Not set | Not set | 04/07/2024 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
project_25888 | Universal Credit Targeted Case Review Resource Augmentation | Resource augmentation for Universal Credit Case Review Support to address the continued challenge on Fraud and Error. By increasing DWP?s capacity to conduct targeted case reviews, the project will contribute directly to the aims of the ?Target Case Review? project. The expected increase in AME savings will make a material and positive difference to DWP meeting the total expected AME savings of œ6.4bn by March 2027/28. | Service Delivery Commercial | 01/06/2023 | 13/05/2024 | 48 | œ430,000,000 | Framework / DPS | DWP / Commercial Directorate | New Requirement | Not set | Not set | 13/05/2024 | Not set | Not set | RM6181 | OUTSOURCED CONTACT CENTRE AND BUSINESS SERVICES | LOT 1 |