Transparency data

RPA's prompt payment data April 2021 to December 2023

Updated 22 January 2024
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Financial Year Quarter Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid with 30 days Total interest liability
2021-22 Q1 90% 100% n/a
2021-22 Q2 91% 99% n/a
2021-22 Q3 96% 100% n/a
2021-22 Q4 90% 99% n/a
2022-23 Q1 83% 95% n/a
2022-23 Q2 82% 94% n/a
2022-23 Q3 85% 98% n/a
2022-23 Q4 49% 89% n/a
2023-24 Q1 93% 97% £3,533
2023-24 Q2 91% 98% £6,068
2023-24 Q3 97% 99% £11,824