Transparency data

MMO's prompt payment data April 2021 to December 2023

Updated 22 January 2024
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Financial Year Quarter Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid with 30 days Total interest liability (£) The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement in regulation 113 during the financial year (£)
2021-22 Q1 81% 95% £788 0
2021-22 Q2 75% 91% £116 0
2021-22 Q3 80% 95% £333 0
2021-22 Q4 90% 98% £362 0
2022-23 Q1 84% 97% £2,083 0
2022-23 Q2 84% 98% £353 0
2022-23 Q3 81% 98% £4,865 0
2022-23 Q4 82% 97% £4,808 0
2022-23 Q1 81% 85% £4,779 0
2022-23 Q2 77% 94% £2,968 0
2023-24 Q3 77% 97% £314 0