Transparency data

APHA's prompt payment data April 2020 to December 2023

Updated 22 January 2024
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Financial Year Quarter Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid with 30 days Total interest liability
2020-21 Q1 88% 94% £1,311
2020-21 Q2 87% 94% £3,121
2020-21 Q3 90% 96% £2,546
2020-21 Q4 83% 93% £5,183
2021-22 Q1 87% 94% £2,310
2021-22 Q2 86% 93% £3,694
2021-22 Q3 90% 95% £2,842
2021-22 Q4 90% 94% £19,614
2022-23 Q1 92% 96% £8,910
2022-23 Q2 90% 94% £9,423
2022-23 Q3 93% 96% £8,777
2022-23 Q4 93% 96% £5,242
2023-24 Q1 91% 96% £34,300
2023-24 Q2 94% 97% £29,172
2023-24 Q3 93% 97% £13,998