Transparency data

Charity Commission board expenses 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023

Updated 24 March 2025
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Name Date of Travel Destination Purpose of trip Transport incl taxis, parking, mileage, underground Transport Costs Accommodation (£) Other: Fees, subsistence, hospitality (£) Total Cost: (£)
Britton, Pippa 29-Nov London Board Mtg Rail, Taxi 112.24 191 Nil 303.24
Britton, Pippa 04-Dec London Project Mtg Rail, taxis 138.49 137 Nil 275.49
Brooks, Rory Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Davda, Shrenik Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Fraser, Orlando 05-Oct London/Rtn Office/work Mileage 32 Nil Nil 32
Fraser, Orlando 09-Oct London/Rtn Office/work Rail 32.8 Nil Nil 32.8
Fraser, Orlando 10-Oct n/a Lunch mtg w/external n/a 0 Nil 36.28 36.28
Fraser, Orlando 16-Oct London/Rtn Office/work Rail 32.8 Nil Nil 32.8
Fraser, Orlando 23-Oct London/Rtn Office/work Mileage 32 Nil Nil 32
Fraser, Orlando 06-Nov London/Rtn Office/work Rail 32.8 Nil Nil 32.8
Fraser, Orlando 14-15 Nov Liverpool/Rtn charity visit+APM Rail, taxis 104.3 88 27.5 219.8
Fraser, Orlando 16-Nov London/Rtn Office/work Rail 32.8 Nil Nil 32.8
Fraser, Orlando 20-Nov London/Rtn Office/work Rail 32.8 Nil Nil 32.8
Fraser, Orlando 27-Nov London/Rtn Office/work Rail 32.8 Nil Nil 32.8
Fraser, Orlando 03-Dec London/Rtn Office/work Rail 24.65 Nil Nil 24.65
Fraser, Orlando 12-Dec London Office/meetings Rail 21.4 Nil Nil 21.4
Fraser, Orlando 16-Dec London/Rtn Office/work Rail 24.65 Nil Nil 24.65
Lifford, Will 03-04 Oct Cardiff, Wales Spkr, charity conference Mileage 130.5 Nil Nil 130.5
Lifford, Will 23-Nov London Committee Mtg Mileage, rail, prkg, tube 177.4 Nil Nil 177.4
Lifford, Will 29-Nov London Board Mtg Mileage, rail, prkg, tube 153.7 Nil Nil 153.7
Phillips, Ann 07-Nov London Mtg with Chair Rail 30.3 Nil Nil 30.3
Prowse, Joanne 13-Nov London Committee Mtg Rail 22 Nil Nil 22
Prowse, Joanne 29-Nov London Board Mtg Rail 30.3 Nil Nil 30.3
Prowse, Joanne 04-Dec London Project Mtg Rail 30.3 Nil Nil 30.3
Simms, Mark 15-Nov Liverpool Annual Public Mtg Rail, taxis 77.37 Nil Nil 77.37
Simms, Mark 04-Dec London Project Mtg Rail 219.09 Nil Nil 219.09
Stephenson, Helen 11-Oct Cardiff/Newport/Rtn Meetings Rail, taxis 89.6 119 27.5 236.1
Stephenson, Helen 18-Oct Liverpool/Rtn Meetings Rail, taxi 93.3 71 12.5 176.8
Stephenson, Helen 25-Oct Liverpool/Rtn Meetings Rail 101.7 Nil Nil 101.7
Stephenson, Helen 01-Nov London TV interview Taxi 10 Nil Nil 10
Stephenson, Helen 11-Nov Chester Charity visit Rail 63.35 Nil Nil 63.35
Stephenson, Helen 14-16 Nov Liverpool/London Post Annual Public Mtg Rail 47.95 166 55 268.95
Stephenson, Helen 30-Nov Taunton/Bristol/Rtn Office visits/mtgs Rail, taxi 145.3 Nil Nil 145.3
Stephenson, Helen 04-Dec Liverpool/Rtn Meetings Rail, taxi 19 92 27.5 138.5
Stephenson, Helen 13-Dec Liverpool/Rtn Meetings Rail, taxi 117.25 Nil Nil 117.25