
Marking Progress: file format

Updated 14 December 2023
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Name Description Position Validation Regular Expression Value
ExamSeries Exam series data relates to, for example: June 2022 1 ^(June)([ ][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$ Full month name of exam series and year. For example, June 2022
ReportingDate Date of reporting the data to Ofqual (dates to be provided) 2 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits)
AwardingOrganisation Name of the awarding organisation 3 ^.{1,100}$ 1 to 100 characters accepted
QualificationLevel Level of qualification (general qualifications and other performance table qualifications including.) Applied Generals, Tech Levels, Tech Certs, and Tech Awards 4 ^(GCSE|AS|A level )$ GCSE, AS, A level
QualificationNumber Qualification number, for example, 123/1234/1 5 ^.{1,10}$ 1 to 10 characters accepted or -2 where components can be used against multiple Qans
SpecificationCode Specification code, also known as Subject Award Code and Cash-in Code 6 ^.{1,7}$ 1 to 7 characters accepted or -2 where components can be used against multiple spec codes
SpecificationTitle Specification title also known as subject title designated in the specification 7 ^.{1,150}$ 1 to 150 characters accepted
ComponentCode Component code as designated in the specification 8 ^.{1,10}$ 1 to 10 characters accepted
ScriptsToBeMarked The total number of scripts to be externally marked for the series 9 ^\d{1,7}$ A count or -2
ItemsToBeMarked The total number of items to be marked for the series. This field is optional but would be useful if it can be provided 10 ^\d{1,7}$ A count or -2
ScriptsMarked Total number of scripts marked 11 ^\d{1,7}$ A count or -2
ItemsMarked Total number of items marked up to date of update to Ofqual (the Reporting Date) This field is optional but would be useful if it can be provided 12 ^\d{1,7}$ A count -2 accepted if not provided
PanelSize The total number ofexaminers in the panel for the given component (including team leaders) 13 ^\d{1,7}$ A count or -2
ExaminersWithdrawn The total number of examiners who are no longer available to mark (for example because they have been permanently suspended or have quit) 14 ^\d{1,7}$ A count or -2
MarkingPlatform, Optional field, requested by one board to identify the different marking platform being used 15 ^.{1,20}$ 1 to 20 characters of -2