VTQ Late results: File Format
Updated 14 November 2023
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Name | Description | Position | Validation Regular Expression | Description of Regular Expression/Accepted values |
ReportingDate | Date the file was due to be submitted to Ofqual regardless of when it was actually uploaded (this date will be made available by Ofqual) | 1 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
AcademicYear | The academic year which this data submission relates to (defined as 1 September to 31 August). | 2 | ^(20)\d\d[-](20)\d\d $ | The academic year in the following format: start year (4 digits), a dash, end year (4 digits) Format accepted yyyy-yyyy |
AwardingOrganisation | Name of the awarding organisation | 3 | ^.{1,100}$ | 1 to 100 characters accepted |
QualificationNumber | This should be the unique identifier for the final qualification awarded as it appears in Ofqual’s Register of Regulated qualifications, e.g. 123/1234/1. | 4 | ^.{1,10}$ | Valid Qualification Number. 1 to 10 characters accepted |
UniqueLearnerNumber | Unique Learner Number (ESFA code) provided by the Learning Records Service | 5 | ^\d{1,10}$ | 1 to 10 digits accepted -2 accepted where the candidate does not have a ULN |
UniqueCandidateIdentifier | Unique Candidate Identifier (JCQ code), assigned to the candidate | 6 | ^.{1,13}$ | A valid UCI. Alpha numeric 13 characters accepted -2 accepted where the candidate does not have a UCI |
CandidateIdentifierOther | Any other unique candidate number allocated by individual awarding organisation. | 7 | ^.{1,20}$ | 1 to 20 characters accepted -2 permitted where at least one of UCI or ULN have been provided |
FirstName | Candidate's forenames | 8 | ^.{1,150}$ | 1 to 150 characters accepted |
MiddleNames | Candidate's middle names(s) | 9 | ^.{1,150}$ | 0 to 150 characters accepted |
Surname | Candidate's surname or family name | 10 | ^.{1,150}$ | 1 to 150 characters accepted |
DOB | Candidate's date of birth | 11 | ^(19|20|29)\d\d[- ](0[1-9]|1[012])[- ](0[1-9]|[12][0- 9]|3[01])$ | Date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) 2999-12-31 accepted if DOB unknown |
Gender | Candidate's gender | 12 | ^(M|F|-2)$ | Accepted values: M, F -2 accepted for other/unknown |
CentreURN | Centre’s Unique Reference Number as assigned by the Department for Education at the time of data submission. | 13 | ^\d{1,6}$ | Valid Centre URN. Up to 6-digit integer accepted -2 also accepted where centre does not have a URN |
CentreNCN | Centre’s National Centre Number as allocated by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) at the time of data submission | 14 | ^\d{1,5}$ | Valid NCN code. Up to 5-digit integer accepted -2 also accepted where centre does not have a NCN |
CentreIdentifierOther | Any other number allocated to the centre or assessment venue by individual awarding organisations at the time of data submission | 15 | ^.{1,15}$ | 1 to 15 characters accepted -2 permitted where at least one of NCN or URN have been provided or for candidates who are not registered to a centre |
Postcode | Postcode of the centre | 16 | ^.{1,10}$ | 1 to 10 characters accepted -2 accepted for unknown |
Centre_name | Name of the centre | 17 | ^.{1,150}$ | 1 to 150 characters accepted -2 accepted for unknown |
Country | Country where the centre is located | 18 | ^(England)$ | Accepted values: England |
RegistrationDate | Date when the candidate originally registered/entered for the qualification | 19 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
QualificationClaimDate | Date when the candidate (or the centre on their behalf) claimed the qualification. | 20 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
Reason | Whether the grade was delayed (issued after results days) or issued incorrect or expected but not issued (because either deferred or withdrawn). | 21 | ^(Delayed|Incorrect|Expected)$ | Accepted values: • Delayed • Incorrect • Expected |
AwardDate_first | The date that the first result was issued to the centre (or candidate if result issued directly to candidate) | 22 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
QualificationGrade_first | First grade for the qualification, including fail | 23 | See Annex A | See Annex A for accepted grades |
AwardDate_last | The date that the last result was issued to the centre (or candidate if result issued directly to candidate) | 24 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
QualificationGrade_last | Last grade for the qualification, including fail | 25 | See Annex A | See Annex A for accepted grades |
Reason2023 | Whether the reason for the not issuing of results, delays or incorrect results being issued was due to the specific circumstances and assessment arrangements for 2023 | 26 | ^(Yes|No)$ | Accepted values: • Yes • No |
ReasonExtended_1 | Reason why the grade was not issued, delayed or incorrect | 27 | See Annex B | Accepted values: • N1 • N2 • N3 • N4 • L1 • L2 • L3 • L4 • L5 • L6 • L7 • L8 • L9 • L10 • L11 • P1 • P2 • I1 • I2 • I3 • I4 See Annex B |
ReasonExtended_2 | Reason why the grade was not issued, delayed or incorrect | 28 | See Annex B | Accepted values: • N1 • N2 • N3 • N4 • L1 • L2 • L3 • L4 • L5 • L6 • L7 • L8 • L9 • L10 • L11 • P1 • P2 • I1 • I2 • I3 • I4 See Annex B |
ReasonExtended_3 | Reason why the grade was not issued, delayed or incorrect | 29 | See Annex B | Accepted values: • N1 • N2 • N3 • N4 • L1 • L2 • L3 • L4 • L5 • L6 • L7 • L8 • L9 • L10 • L11 • P1 • P2 • I1 • I2 • I3 • I4 See Annex B |
ReasonExtended_4 | Reason why the grade was not issued, delayed or incorrect | 30 | See Annex B | Accepted values: • N1 • N2 • N3 • N4 • L1 • L2 • L3 • L4 • L5 • L6 • L7 • L8 • L9 • L10 • L11 • P1 • P2 • I1 • I2 • I3 • I4 See Annex B |