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Defra's ePCS spending over £500 for August 2023

Updated 3 November 2023
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Entity GL Date Merchant name Amount Expense Type
APHA 04/08/2023 EUROLOOS £564.00 Building Materials
APHA 04/08/2023 EUROLOOS £564.00 Building Materials
APHA 16/08/2023 LOCAL TOILET HIRE R/T £552.00 Building Materials
APHA 04/08/2023 LOCAL TOILET HIRE R/T £984.00 Building Materials
DEFRA 14/08/2023 AFFILIATED AUTO RENTAL £880.44 Vehicle Hire Charges
DEFRA 17/08/2023 ASCOT WHOLESALE £846.71 Building Maintenance and Repairs
DEFRA 24/08/2023 BLAZEMETER INC. £524.10 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
DEFRA 02/08/2023 BLAZEMETER INC. £533.14 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
DEFRA 24/08/2023 BROWSERSTACK.COM £2,399.19 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
DEFRA 02/08/2023 BROWSERSTACK.COM £2,415.08 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
DEFRA 17/08/2023 CATERING APPLIANCE SUP £831.59 Building Maintenance and Repairs
DEFRA 16/08/2023 DIGICERT £512.10 Miscellaneous Supplies
DEFRA 15/08/2023 DOOR CONTROLS DIRECT £680.76 Miscellaneous Supplies
DEFRA 21/08/2023 GSUITE_DEFRA.NET £1,630.00 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
DEFRA 30/08/2023 MINI MBA £2,274.00 Training and Educational
DEFRA 08/08/2023 NORTHSTAR SAFETY GROUP £529.20 Training and Educational
DEFRA 08/08/2023 NORTHSTAR SAFETY GROUP £529.20 Training and Educational
DEFRA 31/08/2023 PAXTON ACCESS-DOM £535.20 Miscellaneous Supplies
DEFRA 23/08/2023 PAYPAL NET-STORE £911.46 Building Maintenance and Repairs
DEFRA 02/08/2023 SLACK T73HZJ85R £3,377.90 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
DEFRA 24/08/2023 SLACK T73HZJ85R £3,915.80 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
DEFRA 30/08/2023 TA SPACAGNA LIMIT £628.00 Building Maintenance and Repairs
DEFRA 30/08/2023 TIMPSON LTD £540.00 Building Maintenance and Repairs
DEFRA 17/08/2023 WWW.BROADBANDBUYER.CO. £688.63 Telecommunication Services
DEFRA 30/08/2023 WWW.TOTALID.CO.UK £723.38 Miscellaneous Supplies
EA 11/08/2023 2U GETSMARTER (US) LLC £1,440.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 11/08/2023 12 BLOOMSBURY SQUARE L £806.16 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 0369.1807.9566 £561.60 Equipment - Office
EA 15/08/2023 A A TURNER TANKERS LTD £540.00 General Expenses
EA 31/08/2023 A B G LTD £745.44 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 02/08/2023 A CLASS CORPORATE £560.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 A CLASS CORPORATE £560.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 23/08/2023 AACCESS LOCKSMITHS £558.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 30/08/2023 ABEL ALARM COMPANY LIM £598.80 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 ABLE CRANE SERVICES £1,800.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 11/08/2023 ACCESS LOCK KEY SERVIC £663.97 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 ACCU.CO.UK £593.83 Equipment - Tools
EA 21/08/2023 Act Sustainably Limit £3,474.00 Training - Other
EA 14/08/2023 Act Sustainably Limit £3,474.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 09/08/2023 ACTION SUSTAINABILITY £4,800.00 Consultancy - Technical
EA 07/08/2023 ADLER & ALLAN £948.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 11/08/2023 £587.90 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 ALLAN BINKS TIMBER LIM £584.23 Timber - Known Source
EA 08/08/2023 ALLIED PUBLICITY S £700.67 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 30/08/2023 AMZ Leisure Outlet £2,637.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 AMZNMktplace £869.95 Computer Hardware
EA 09/08/2023 AMZNMktplace £543.67 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 AMZNMktplace £564.98 Equipment - Operational
EA 24/08/2023 AMZNMktplace £555.58 Equipment - Tools
EA 23/08/2023 AMZNMktplace £2,032.00 Equipment - Tools
EA 17/08/2023 AMZNMKTPLACE AMAZON.CO £562.20 Computer Hardware
EA 15/08/2023 ANGLIA SPARELINE LIMIT £1,580.40 Fixed Plant - Service, Repairs & Spares
EA 04/08/2023 ANTHONYS TRAVEL £600.00 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 10/08/2023 APEX HYDRAULICS LTD £1,140.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 24/08/2023 APEX HYDRAULICS LTD £4,212.00 Fixed Plant - Service, Repairs & Spares
EA 10/08/2023 APMG INTERNATIONAL £780.00 Training - Other
EA 10/08/2023 ARB & GROUNDS EQUIPMEN £809.33 Fixed Plant - Purchase
EA 21/08/2023 ASHLAWN BUILDERS LTD £3,701.24 Contractors (Other)
EA 22/08/2023 ASSET MANAGEMENT ACADE £3,552.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 10/08/2023 ASSIST KNOWLEDGE DECEL £2,628.00 Training - Exam fees
EA 24/08/2023 ASTUTIS £3,234.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 14/08/2023 ATLASSIAN £1,032.89 Computer Software
EA 09/08/2023 ATLASSIAN £597.14 General Expenses
EA 09/08/2023 AVR TRANSCRIPTION LTD £1,285.59 Other Costs
EA 08/08/2023 AVSLewes £3,269.40 Timber - Known Source
EA - AWS EMEA £1,775.15 Storage costs
EA 14/08/2023 B. D. PRINT SERVICES L £1,867.70 Printing
EA 14/08/2023 B.I.G £902.88 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 BAPP (HULL) £3,876.17 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 29/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £655.20 Equipment - Office
EA 29/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £697.20 Equipment - Office
EA 23/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £697.20 Equipment - Office
EA 29/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £739.20 Equipment - Office
EA 18/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £757.31 Equipment - Office
EA 15/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £886.91 Equipment - Office
EA 15/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £918.60 Equipment - Office
EA 22/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,080.00 Equipment - Office
EA - BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,163.99 Equipment - Office
EA 24/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,197.60 Equipment - Office
EA 10/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £655.20 General Expenses
EA 21/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £655.20 General Expenses
EA 15/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £673.31 General Expenses
EA 11/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £874.20 General Expenses
EA 07/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,152.00 General Expenses
EA 16/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £650.40 WFH Equipment
EA 03/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £655.20 WFH Equipment
EA 30/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £697.20 WFH Equipment
EA 22/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £757.31 WFH Equipment
EA 15/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £894.71 WFH Equipment
EA 11/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £926.40 WFH Equipment
EA 10/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,076.40 WFH Equipment
EA 18/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,080.00 WFH Equipment
EA 11/08/2023 BEST WESTERN PLUS NOTT £600.00 Accommodation
EA 30/08/2023 BIFFA WASTE SERVICES L £655.20 Operational Waste - Recycled
EA 21/08/2023 BIPEA £607.03 Other Costs
EA 15/08/2023 BOC GASES £979.44 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 21/08/2023 BOC GASES £545.91 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 BOCONLINE.CO.UK £685.20 Equipment Maintenance
EA 08/08/2023 BORDER TRAILERS £1,128.00 Fixed Plant - Service, Repairs & Spares
EA 23/08/2023 BPI MINSTER FILMS £4,798.01 Other Costs
EA 23/08/2023 BraunOni £1,065.30 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 18/08/2023 BRE ACADEMY £1,440.00 General Expenses
EA 04/08/2023 BREEDON TRADING LTD VT £864.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 09/08/2023 BRIGGS EQUIPMENT U £1,325.40 Equipment - Tools
EA 10/08/2023 BRIGGS EQUIPMENT U £1,857.60 Equipment Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 BRITISH FLUID POWER AS £4,200.00 Training - Other
EA 09/08/2023 BRITISH RED CROSS SOCI £1,188.00 Training - Health & Safety
EA 22/08/2023 Brookridge Timber Limi £911.55 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 18/08/2023 BRUNEL UNIVERSITY £1,096.47 Accommodation
EA 18/08/2023 BRUNEL UNIVERSITY £1,697.73 Accommodation
EA 14/08/2023 BUXTONS LTD £1,799.91 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Service & Repair
EA 04/08/2023 CALDERS £708.53 Accommodation
EA 15/08/2023 CALDERS £1,377.28 Accommodation
EA 14/08/2023 CALDERS £1,668.24 Accommodation
EA 02/08/2023 CALDERS £1,812.48 Accommodation
EA 11/08/2023 CALDERS £1,819.65 Accommodation
EA 11/08/2023 CALDERS £2,124.80 Accommodation
EA 14/08/2023 CALDERS £2,231.50 Accommodation
EA 14/08/2023 CALDERS £3,072.00 Accommodation
EA 30/08/2023 CALDERS £543.74 Catering & Hospitality
EA 30/08/2023 CALDERS £694.78 Catering & Hospitality
EA 18/08/2023 CALDERS £778.24 Catering & Hospitality
EA 18/08/2023 CALDERS £1,206.27 Catering & Hospitality
EA 24/08/2023 CALDERS £4,408.93 Conference & Seminar Fees
EA 07/08/2023 CALDERS £795.65 General Expenses
EA 03/08/2023 CALDERS £1,200.13 General Expenses
EA 25/08/2023 CALDERS £1,224.00 General Expenses
EA 10/08/2023 CALDERS £2,654.21 General Expenses
EA 16/08/2023 CALDERS £506.88 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 10/08/2023 CALDERS £512.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA - CALDERS £524.29 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 31/08/2023 CALDERS £544.77 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 16/08/2023 CALDERS £552.96 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 09/08/2023 CALDERS £552.96 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 02/08/2023 CALDERS £570.37 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 07/08/2023 CALDERS £573.44 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 09/08/2023 CALDERS £585.73 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 18/08/2023 CALDERS £598.02 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 22/08/2023 CALDERS £610.30 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 17/08/2023 CALDERS £670.72 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 21/08/2023 CALDERS £757.76 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 09/08/2023 CALDERS £933.89 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 CALDERS £933.89 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 22/08/2023 CALDERS £951.02 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 17/08/2023 CALDERS £992.77 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 22/08/2023 CALDERS £1,028.10 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 CALDERS £1,081.34 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 CALDERS £1,085.44 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 29/08/2023 CALDERS £1,135.62 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 10/08/2023 CALDERS £1,275.44 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 17/08/2023 CALDERS £1,290.24 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 11/08/2023 CALDERS £1,351.68 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 22/08/2023 CALDERS £1,370.11 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 17/08/2023 CALDERS £1,588.35 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 04/08/2023 CALDERS £1,605.63 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 CALDERS £1,617.20 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 21/08/2023 CALDERS £1,622.02 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 23/08/2023 CALDERS £1,623.60 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 17/08/2023 CALDERS £1,804.56 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 14/08/2023 CALDERS £1,822.72 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 14/08/2023 CALDERS £2,263.03 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 10/08/2023 CALDERS £2,406.40 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 CALDERS £2,654.21 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 23/08/2023 CALDERS £2,949.12 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 07/08/2023 CALDERS £3,152.28 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 08/08/2023 CALDERS £3,379.20 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA - CALDERS £3,379.20 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 10/08/2023 CALDERS £3,957.76 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 18/08/2023 CALDERS £4,608.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 10/08/2023 CALDERS £4,623.36 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 21/08/2023 CALDERS £4,639.33 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 CALDERS £512.00 Other Costs
EA 18/08/2023 CALDERS £4,423.68 Training - Induction
EA 08/08/2023 CALDERS £1,687.55 Training - Management
EA 17/08/2023 CALDERS £3,218.43 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 17/08/2023 CALDERS £4,382.72 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 11/08/2023 CAMBRIDGE CIRCUIT CO £704.52 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 25/08/2023 CAMEL GLASS & JOINERY £2,350.85 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 11/08/2023 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY £600.00 Other Costs
EA 11/08/2023 CARE SIGNS £1,436.22 General Expenses
EA 09/08/2023 CASELLA £1,706.89 Equipment - Operational
EA 08/08/2023 CCL COMPUTERS LTD £504.42 Equipment - Operational
EA 07/08/2023 Central Construction S £3,672.11 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 10/08/2023 CENTREWIRE £2,709.60 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 CHELTENHAM GARDEN £801.48 Equipment - Tools
EA 21/08/2023 CIFAS £2,100.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 04/08/2023 CITYSPRINT £716.16 Courier Services
EA 21/08/2023 CIWEM £528.00 General Expenses
EA 11/08/2023 CIWEM £582.10 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 16/08/2023 CIWEM £708.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 21/08/2023 CJK PACKAGING LTD £612.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 CLARKES OF WALSHAM LIM £3,670.61 Timber - Ind Cert Sustainable Source
EA 21/08/2023 CLEANING SUPPLIES 4 U £1,036.80 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 CLR £891.84 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 CLUISTROM LTD £1,368.00 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 22/08/2023 COACHING DEVELOPME £3,390.00 Professional Fees
EA 11/08/2023 COLLINS NETS £928.80 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 18/08/2023 COLLINS NETS LTD £608.16 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 COLLINS NETS LTD £904.80 Equipment - Operational
EA 04/08/2023 COLLINS NETS LTD £1,356.00 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 21/08/2023 COLTMAN BROTHERS £672.00 Timber - Ind Cert Sustainable Source
EA 21/08/2023 COMMISSIONAIR.CO.UK £705.60 Other Costs
EA 21/08/2023 COMMISSIONAIR.CO.UK £705.60 Other Costs
EA 31/08/2023 CORDEN HARDWARE COMPAN £672.00 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 07/08/2023 COUNTY LIFTING SERVICE £660.00 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 07/08/2023 COUNTY LIFTING SERVICE £840.00 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 07/08/2023 COUNTY LIFTING SERVICE £3,480.00 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 10/08/2023 Curb Mobility Limited £550.00 General Expenses
EA 08/08/2023 DARCY PRODUCTS LTD £998.34 Pollution - Clean Up Materials
EA 24/08/2023 DELL PRODUCTS £600.00 Other Costs
EA 10/08/2023 DELTA BEAUSEJOUR £733.61 Foreign Accommodation
EA 09/08/2023 DELTA-T-DEVICES LT £1,372.80 Equipment - Tools
EA 10/08/2023 DERBY MUSEUM AND ART £2,109.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA - DIADEM TRAINING £740.50 Training - Other
EA 09/08/2023 DIO-MET FABRICATIONS L £560.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 11/08/2023 DORMAKABA £548.40 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 09/08/2023 DORMAR PRODUCTS £1,044.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 09/08/2023 DORMAR PRODUCTS £1,518.80 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 09/08/2023 DRONEDOCTOR £557.97 Equipment Maintenance
EA 15/08/2023 EA- THAMES BARRIER CA £3,025.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 25/08/2023 ELECTROTEC REPAIR CENT £1,064.40 Equipment Maintenance
EA 09/08/2023 ELITE PRECAST CONCRETE £2,712.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 EM SUPPLIES £523.20 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 EM SUPPLIES £739.20 Equipment - Operational
EA 30/08/2023 EM SUPPLIES £822.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 EM SUPPLIES £1,032.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 ENGINEERING & HIRE LIM £1,518.53 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 16/08/2023 ENGINEERING & HIRE LIM £2,663.47 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 31/08/2023 EposNow £2,353.97 Computer Hardware
EA 04/08/2023 EposNow £1,485.00 Computer Software
EA 24/08/2023 ERIKS IND SERVICES £1,326.17 Fixed Plant - Service, Repairs & Spares
EA 24/08/2023 ERIKS IND SERVICES £1,326.17 Fixed Plant - Service, Repairs & Spares
EA 17/08/2023 ERNEST DOE & SONS £1,223.26 Equipment - Tools
EA 15/08/2023 ERNEST DOE & SONS £2,943.06 Equipment Maintenance
EA 30/08/2023 EUROFINS CHEMTEST LIMI £1,086.00 Consultancy - Technical
EA 10/08/2023 EUROFINS CHEMTEST LIMI £768.00 Laboratory Services
EA 09/08/2023 F H & J ALVITI LIMITED £727.20 Equipment - Operational
EA 23/08/2023 F H BRUNDLE £2,997.24 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 16/08/2023 F H BRUNDLE £1,620.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 16/08/2023 F H BRUNDLE £3,519.07 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 F R FLETCHER & SON £4,740.00 Fixed Plant - Service, Repairs & Spares
EA 09/08/2023 FOUNTAIN TIMBER £4,278.96 Equipment Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 FUEL CELL SYSTEMS LTD £519.60 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 21/08/2023 G B FINCH LTD £756.00 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 21/08/2023 G B FINCH LTD £1,134.00 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 21/08/2023 G B FINCH LTD £1,710.60 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 21/08/2023 G B FINCH LTD £2,466.60 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 17/08/2023 GALLAGHER AGGREGATES L £4,900.00 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 14/08/2023 GALLAGHER AGGREGATES L £5,000.00 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 15/08/2023 GECKO HG £824.40 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 14/08/2023 GENEIOUS.COM £735.98 Computer Software
EA 15/08/2023 GOVERNMENT EVENTS £950.40 General Expenses
EA 09/08/2023 GOVERNMENT EVENTS £594.00 Training - Personal Skills
EA 10/08/2023 GPE SCIENTIFIC LIM £1,113.96 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 14/08/2023 GREENAWAY AMENITY LTD £852.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 GREENHAM TRADING LTD £918.61 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 17/08/2023 GREENSTRIPE GARDEN MAC £680.00 Equipment - Tools
EA 04/08/2023 GROAQUA £4,324.67 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 GUARDIAN NEWS & MEDIA £1,170.00 Advertising
EA 09/08/2023 GUSTHARTS £564.96 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 09/08/2023 HACH LANGE LTD £1,695.60 Chemicals
EA 16/08/2023 HAMMOND DRYSUITS £613.50 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 HAMMOND DRYSUITS £1,009.50 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 14/08/2023 HANDLING EQUIPMENT SAL £975.44 Equipment Maintenance
EA 15/08/2023 HATFIELD HOUSE £2,772.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 HEALTH&SAFETY LAB £545.00 General Expenses
EA 23/08/2023 HEALTH&SAFETY LAB £545.00 Training - Health & Safety
EA 25/08/2023 HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY C £1,238.00 Other Costs
EA 17/08/2023 HEWARD AND DEAN £1,310.72 Equipment - Tools
EA 21/08/2023 HFE SIGNS LTD £760.46 Other Costs
EA 15/08/2023 Hi-Tech Automotive Ser £529.20 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 15/08/2023 Hi-Tech Automotive Ser £764.40 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 17/08/2023 Hilton Garden Inn £1,196.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 10/08/2023 HIMAN AND COMPANY £1,389.60 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 30/08/2023 HOLCROS LTD £2,637.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 29/08/2023 HOLIDAY INN £570.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 09/08/2023 Holiday Inns £795.00 Accommodation
EA 09/08/2023 HOME & GARDEN £1,633.00 Timber - Known Source
EA 11/08/2023 HOTEL REMBRANDT £2,895.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 22/08/2023 HTTPS://MCVEIGHPARKER. £1,272.16 Equipment - Operational
EA 22/08/2023 HTTPS://MCVEIGHPARKER. £2,888.24 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 HTTPS://WWW.HUWSGRAY.C £966.97 Equipment - Tools
EA 30/08/2023 IET SERVICES LTD £612.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 02/08/2023 IET SERVICES LTD £697.20 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 03/08/2023 ILECSYS LIMITED £912.08 Equipment - Operational
EA 25/08/2023 ILX GROUP PLC £1,367.40 General Expenses
EA 17/08/2023 ILX GROUP PLC £1,008.00 Professional Fees
EA 08/08/2023 ILX GROUP PLC £657.60 Training - Exam fees
EA 09/08/2023 ILX GROUP PLC £812.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 14/08/2023 IMWA CONGRESS £846.00 Conference & Seminar Fees
EA 24/08/2023 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE £519.06 Cleaning Materials
EA 24/08/2023 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE £1,184.29 Cleaning Materials
EA 24/08/2023 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE £653.66 Equipment - Tools
EA 24/08/2023 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE £1,380.85 Pollution - Clean Up Materials
EA 10/08/2023 INTELLIGENT SERVERS £954.00 Computer Hardware
EA 29/08/2023 ISLAND ROPES AND RIGGI £1,155.91 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 JAFCO TOOLS LTD £2,158.80 Equipment - Operational
EA 14/08/2023 JenCo Electrical Ltd £1,859.84 Grounds Maintenance
EA 16/08/2023 JEWSON £530.05 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 09/08/2023 JEWSON LTD £1,361.80 Timber - Ind Cert Sustainable Source
EA 11/08/2023 KABA LIMITED £526.39 Equipment - Operational
EA 11/08/2023 KABA LIMITED £850.55 Equipment - Operational
EA 11/08/2023 KEITH COOK TRAINING LT £2,009.00 Training - Ops Delivery
EA 31/08/2023 Kendal Rugby Club £980.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 11/08/2023 KONECRANES DEMAG UK LT £854.40 Fixed Plant - Service, Repairs & Spares
EA 15/08/2023 KOREC £1,566.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 14/08/2023 KOREC £1,800.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 LABINSTRUMENTS £1,411.95 Chemicals
EA 16/08/2023 LAMBERTS NORWICH £619.49 Equipment Maintenance
EA 18/08/2023 LAND ROVER EXPERIENCE £795.60 Training - Health & Safety
EA 25/08/2023 LAND ROVER EXPERIENCE £3,182.40 Training - Health & Safety
EA 25/08/2023 LAND ROVER EXPERIENCE £3,182.40 Training - Health & Safety
EA 16/08/2023 LANTERN RENTAL SER £900.00 Contractors (Other)
EA 10/08/2023 LC VEHICLE HIRE £4,158.00 Fixed Plant - Hire
EA 15/08/2023 LC VEHICLE HIRE £4,704.00 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 21/08/2023 LEMON GROUNDWORK SOLUT £993.92 Steel
EA 21/08/2023 LICHFIELD LOCK & KEY £2,284.15 Security Systems & Monitoring Costs
EA 21/08/2023 LICHFIELD LOCK & KEY £3,000.00 Security Systems & Monitoring Costs
EA 14/08/2023 LIFETECHCORP 7090898 £1,046.40 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 14/08/2023 LIFETECHCORP 7134963 £3,787.14 Chemicals
EA 10/08/2023 LINCOLN SECURITY LTD £1,232.40 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 LINCOLN SECURITY LTD £3,880.56 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 LINCOLN SECURITY LTD £4,314.66 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 LISTER WILDER LIMITED £705.55 Equipment Maintenance
EA 14/08/2023 LITTLEWOOD FENCING LTD £1,244.28 Equipment Maintenance
EA 17/08/2023 LLOYD LTD £621.16 Equipment Maintenance
EA 14/08/2023 LON.BUS CONFERENCE £1,198.80 Conference & Seminar Fees
EA 15/08/2023 LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI £865.34 Equipment Maintenance
EA 15/08/2023 LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI £955.73 Equipment Maintenance
EA 15/08/2023 LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI £978.29 Equipment Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI £1,256.51 General Expenses
EA 10/08/2023 LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI £1,600.26 General Expenses
EA 29/08/2023 LYMINGTON COMMUNITY AS £560.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 14/08/2023 M CHANNON COUNTRY STOR £602.52 Equipment Maintenance
EA 08/08/2023 M CHANNON COUNTRY STOR £528.00 Steel
EA 21/08/2023 MAIDSTONE BOROUGH C £1,880.48 Business Rates
EA 21/08/2023 MAIDSTONE BOROUGH C £1,880.48 Business Rates
EA 21/08/2023 MAIDSTONE BOROUGH C £1,910.37 Business Rates
EA 21/08/2023 MAIDSTONE BOROUGH C £1,910.37 Business Rates
EA 21/08/2023 MANOMANO £646.95 Equipment - Tools
EA 29/08/2023 MARMAX PRODUCTS LTD £2,132.10 General Expenses
EA 02/08/2023 MATES IN MIND £1,452.00 Training - Health & Safety
EA 11/08/2023 METLAB SUPPLIES LT £545.28 Chemicals
EA 21/08/2023 MIDLANDS PRINTING COMP £512.34 Other Costs
EA 10/08/2023 MILLENIUM POINT £1,596.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 21/08/2023 MIW OFFICE SOLUTIO £3,464.64 Other Costs
EA 09/08/2023 MODULAR SAFETY SYSTEMS £3,058.33 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 17/08/2023 MODULAR SAFETY SYSTEMS £1,279.78 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 MULTICELL INTERNATIONA £673.60 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 NATIONAL GAME FAIR £1,116.00 Other Costs
EA 14/08/2023 NATIONAL GRID ELECTRIC £4,514.05 General Expenses
EA 23/08/2023 NHBS Ltd £1,067.38 Equipment - Operational
EA 30/08/2023 Novotel Hotels £880.00 Accommodation
EA 31/08/2023 Novotel Hotels £3,675.00 General Expenses
EA 16/08/2023 NP GARDENS £998.76 Grounds Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 NPL NEW PIG LTD £597.73 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 11/08/2023 NPL NEW PIG LTD £1,586.81 General Expenses
EA 21/08/2023 NRFC (OPERATIONS) LTD £500.00 Car Parking
EA 16/08/2023 OLD ENGLAND £588.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 31/08/2023 OLIVIAS KITCHEN LTD £665.82 Catering & Hospitality
EA 08/08/2023 OMS £3,270.00 Training - Health & Safety
EA 04/08/2023 ONE + POINT LTD £528.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 08/08/2023 ONE + POINT LTD £1,547.80 General Expenses
EA 08/08/2023 ONLINE SHOP £1,400.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 08/08/2023 ONLINE SHOP £1,400.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 17/08/2023 OTT HYDROMETRY LTD £3,059.16 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 Otter Watersports £900.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 Otter Watersports £2,713.50 Equipment - Operational
EA 23/08/2023 P R ELECTRONICS UK LTD £1,612.80 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 22/08/2023 PASS PORTABLE APPLIAN £3,807.74 Equipment - Tools
EA 08/08/2023 PASTDUE CREDIT £690.10 Water Charges
EA 10/08/2023 PAYPAL CELLPACKSOL £1,785.00 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 03/08/2023 PAYPAL ICE MTRAINI IC £2,146.80 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 15/08/2023 PAYPAL INSTITUTION £714.00 Advertising
EA 14/08/2023 PAYPAL PPSTUBOT1 £568.80 Professional Fees
EA 15/08/2023 PAYPAL RADMORES £791.14 Equipment - Tools
EA 31/08/2023 PAYPAL TWBRACHERCO £1,559.99 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 31/08/2023 PDP COMPANIES LTD £4,548.60 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 22/08/2023 PETER BOWMAN TOWING CE £746.00 General Expenses
EA 14/08/2023 Pirtek Oxford £2,398.95 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 PORTABLE OFFICES £754.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 23/08/2023 PORTMERE RUBBER LTD £2,052.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 23/08/2023 PORTMERE RUBBER LTD £2,164.80 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 PORTSMOUTH CITY COACHE £550.00 Other Travel - Non Vatable
EA 09/08/2023 PP KDASBESTOS £4,290.00 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 29/08/2023 PP MIKE DAVIES FAB LTD £1,316.16 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 PRESTON LOCKS LTD £638.40 Equipment - Operational
EA 23/08/2023 PRIORY ROOMS BULL £1,543.80 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 21/08/2023 PRO MIX UK LIMITED £1,676.10 Cement and Ready Mix Concrete
EA 31/08/2023 PROACTIVE GAS SAFETY £2,050.50 Training - Health & Safety
EA 04/08/2023 PRONTAPRINT DARLINGTON £894.00 General Expenses
EA 21/08/2023 PSA Parts £2,057.16 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 14/08/2023 R SLEEP LTD £1,972.80 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 14/08/2023 R SLEEP LTD £583.97 Fuel - Vehicle, Plant & small tools
EA 14/08/2023 R SLEEP LTD £689.93 Fuel - Vehicle, Plant & small tools
EA 16/08/2023 R W GREEN LIMITED £1,140.00 Grounds Maintenance
EA 11/08/2023 £750.00 Training - Health & Safety
EA 30/08/2023 RADIODETECTION LTD £669.60 Equipment Maintenance
EA 09/08/2023 Ramages DIY £518.00 General Expenses
EA 15/08/2023 RAPID RACKING £518.40 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 RAPID RACKING £1,463.57 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 REAGECON DIAGNOSTICS L £1,285.13 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 09/08/2023 REAGECON DIAGNOSTICS L £2,063.69 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 14/08/2023 RED SURVEY £1,008.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 RIGHTWAY SERVICES LTD £1,321.20 Equipment - Operational
EA 14/08/2023 RIGHTWAY SERVICES LTD £987.84 General Expenses
EA 08/08/2023 RIPON FARM SERVICES £662.23 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 RIPON FARM SERVICES £3,654.49 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 ROBINS OF HERSTMONCEUX £3,828.00 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 15/08/2023 ROBINS OF HERSTMONCEUX £3,828.00 Grounds Maintenance
EA 08/08/2023 RONTEC KINGSHAM £703.38 Fuel - Vehicle, Plant & small tools
EA 21/08/2023 RONTEC STOCKBRIDGE £1,002.89 Fuel - Vehicle, Plant & small tools
EA 21/08/2023 RONTEC STOCKBRIDGE £1,021.81 Fuel - Vehicle, Plant & small tools
EA 18/08/2023 RS COMPONENTS £588.89 Equipment - Operational
EA 31/08/2023 RS COMPONENTS £668.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 14/08/2023 RS COMPONENTS £712.34 Equipment - Operational
EA 14/08/2023 RS COMPONENTS £716.10 Equipment - Operational
EA 22/08/2023 RS COMPONENTS £2,132.90 General Expenses
EA 08/08/2023 RSPB SALES-SALTHOME £630.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 11/08/2023 RUEFA GMBH ECOM £1,082.79 Conference & Seminar Fees
EA 30/08/2023 SAFE FENCE £800.39 Equipment - Operational
EA 14/08/2023 SAFETY KLEEN UK LTD £1,152.00 Operational Waste - Other Disposal
EA 29/08/2023 SAFETYSUPPL £762.54 Equipment - Operational
EA 25/08/2023 SAM TURNER AND SONS LT £1,328.00 Equipment - Tools
EA 08/08/2023 SHAMROCK QUAY £709.53 Equipment - Operational
EA 16/08/2023 SHELL MARKHAM 266 £538.80 Fuel - Vehicle, Plant & small tools
EA 16/08/2023 SHELL MARKHAM 266 £1,200.00 Fuel - Vehicle, Plant & small tools
EA 11/08/2023 SHELLEY SIGNS LIMITED £852.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 09/08/2023 SHELTERS4LESS £2,016.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 Sibbons £1,095.48 Equipment Maintenance
EA 08/08/2023 SIGN SHOP LOUGHBOROUG £789.60 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 SIGN SHOP LOUGHBOROUG £692.81 Equipment - Operational
EA 31/08/2023 Smilers sand and stone £2,025.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 31/08/2023 Smilers sand and stone £2,835.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 31/08/2023 SOLAR AERATION SYSTEMS £2,666.40 Other Costs
EA 16/08/2023 SOLSEAL LIMITED £1,000.80 Equipment Maintenance
EA 09/08/2023 SOLSEAL LIMITED £4,003.20 Equipment Maintenance
EA 21/08/2023 SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCI £576.72 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 14/08/2023 SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCI £945.60 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 02/08/2023 SOMERSET DRAINAGE BOAR £995.97 Drainage Charges
EA 02/08/2023 SOMERSET DRAINAGE BOAR £4,328.42 Drainage Charges
EA 30/08/2023 SOUTH WEST LAKES LIMIT £660.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 02/08/2023 SOUTHERN TESTING LABOR £698.40 Laboratory Services
EA 15/08/2023 SP CANOE AND KAYAK STO £873.00 General Expenses
EA 17/08/2023 SP EMPTEEZY LTD £2,884.80 Equipment - Tools
EA 15/08/2023 SP RADICAL RIDER LTD £836.55 General Expenses
EA 14/08/2023 SP SAM TURNER & SONS £1,639.99 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 SP SAM TURNER & SONS £759.00 Equipment - Tools
EA 16/08/2023 SP SAM TURNER & SONS £1,204.00 Equipment - Tools
EA 10/08/2023 SP SAM TURNER & SONS £2,418.99 Equipment - Tools
EA 16/08/2023 SPC SUPPLIES £1,134.96 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 SPEEDY ASSET SERVICES £797.49 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 17/08/2023 SPRINT SIGNS LTD £660.24 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 09/08/2023 SQ AMANZI SAFETY AND £916.26 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 30/08/2023 SQ AMANZI SAFETY AND £916.26 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 SQ AMANZI SAFETY AND £2,748.78 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 15/08/2023 SQ BON BON (BIRMINGHA £547.20 Catering & Hospitality
EA 21/08/2023 SQ BRITISH FLORA £2,548.56 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 23/08/2023 SQ GRAINGER TUBOLT LI £2,745.88 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 17/08/2023 SQ GRAINGER TUBOLT LI £3,337.43 Equipment - Operational
EA 02/08/2023 SQ MARINE CONSERVATIO £900.00 Other Costs
EA 21/08/2023 SQ MARSHALL'S CASTLES £1,371.93 Equipment - Operational
EA 08/08/2023 SQ SIGNOSAURUS - RADI £649.20 Health & Safety Repairs
EA 07/08/2023 SQ WESTWOOD TIMBER & £509.98 Equipment Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 SQ WIZU WORKSPACE LEE £576.00 General Expenses
EA 04/08/2023 SR TRAINING £615.60 Training - Other
EA 15/08/2023 Stallion Plant Service £787.20 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 STEPS AND STILLAGES LT £2,677.20 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 STEPTOES YARD LTD £1,116.00 Contractors (Other)
EA 14/08/2023 STREAMLINE MEASURE £1,539.60 Equipment - Operational
EA 14/08/2023 SumUp ACF Engineerin £962.40 Equipment - Tools
EA 09/08/2023 SumUp Bernard Toon £1,944.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 24/08/2023 SumUp CWR Plant hire £1,147.30 Equipment - Operational
EA 02/08/2023 SumUp Fisheries Mana £500.00 Consultancy - Advisory
EA 17/08/2023 SumUp Forestheath En £3,427.20 Building - Miscellaneous Costs
EA 02/08/2023 SumUp Odori Sapori £1,651.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 09/08/2023 SumUp S R Services £581.77 Equipment Maintenance
EA 15/08/2023 SumUp The main event £872.40 Catering & Hospitality
EA 15/08/2023 SumUp The main event £1,000.00 Catering & Hospitality
EA 15/08/2023 SumUp The main event £1,000.00 Catering & Hospitality
EA 16/08/2023 SumUp Walesby Forest £685.20 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 23/08/2023 SURELOCKMCGILL.CO.UK £869.28 General Expenses
EA 31/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £1,775.34 Equipment - Tools
EA 10/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £613.43 Equipment Maintenance
EA 18/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £741.39 Equipment Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £1,005.08 Equipment Maintenance
EA 15/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £1,038.35 Equipment Maintenance
EA 14/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £3,272.55 Equipment Maintenance
EA 09/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £1,576.80 General Expenses
EA 18/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £537.41 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 09/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £565.48 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 08/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £777.13 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 30/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £880.31 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 09/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £1,746.58 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 14/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £4,576.00 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 24/08/2023 SURVITEC.COM £1,368.00 Training - Health & Safety
EA 14/08/2023 SUSSEX CC £883.20 General Expenses
EA 10/08/2023 SWALE BUILDERS SUPPLIE £1,266.28 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 SYON MEDIA £714.00 Advertising
EA 14/08/2023 TAYNA LTD £976.15 Equipment - Operational
EA 29/08/2023 TBS TOOLS £989.28 Equipment - Operational
EA 31/08/2023 Tears of sutton bridge £615.00 V&P, Boats & Aircraft - Hire
EA 23/08/2023 TECHNIQUE TRAINING £1,110.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 21/08/2023 THAMES CLIPPERS £1,454.00 Other Costs
EA 15/08/2023 The Citrus Group £552.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 10/08/2023 The George £693.56 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 30/08/2023 THE HUB EVENTS LTD £1,198.80 Training - Personal Skills
EA 16/08/2023 THE METAL STORE £2,177.28 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 07/08/2023 THE MONTAGUE £620.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 17/08/2023 THE NATIONAL TRUST £656.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 15/08/2023 THE OAK DESIGNS CO LTD £761.76 Timber - Known Source
EA 31/08/2023 The Olde Barn Hotel £725.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 10/08/2023 THE STORE ROOM £594.66 Compensation
EA 15/08/2023 THE WESLEY £1,160.00 Meetings including room hire, refreshments & catering
EA 08/08/2023 THE WESTMORLAND COUNTY £709.20 General Expenses
EA 14/08/2023 THECOACHCOMPANY.CO.UK £1,580.00 Other Travel - Non Vatable
EA 07/08/2023 THEGRASSPEOPLE.COM £1,756.57 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 29/08/2023 THOMPSONSOFCREWSHILL.C £520.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 16/08/2023 TOOLDEN LIMITED £571.95 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 TOTAL LOCKO £1,122.56 Equipment - Tools
EA 18/08/2023 TRAVIS PERKINS £630.18 Building Fabric Repair & Maintenance External
EA 02/08/2023 TRAVIS PERKINS £1,376.16 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 Trimble £1,305.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 02/08/2023 TRIPPUS CHECKOUT £1,617.29 Foreign Travel Expenditure
EA 30/08/2023 UK EVALUATION SOCIETY £2,422.80 Conference & Seminar Fees
EA 21/08/2023 UK POWER NETWORKS £4,409.12 Equipment - Operational
EA 08/08/2023 UK SHARED BUSINESS SER £889.63 Licences and Consents
EA 30/08/2023 UKEVALUATIONSOCIETYCL0 £564.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 15/08/2023 UNITED CIVILS SUPPLIES £507.74 Building Maintenance and Repairs
EA 31/08/2023 VASS TEXTILES LTD £629.91 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 VIA RAIL CANADA INC £965.33 Foreign Travel
EA 30/08/2023 WEARSIDE PNEUMATICS LT £962.04 Equipment Maintenance
EA 21/08/2023 WEST OXFORDSHIRE DISTR £1,940.28 Business Rates
EA 14/08/2023 WESTMORLAND AND FURNES £3,232.99 Business Rates
EA 11/08/2023 Witham Oil & Paint (So £536.74 Fixed Plant - Oils and Lubricants
EA 24/08/2023 WOODHOUSE PARTNERSHIP £4,000.00 Training - Exam fees
EA 09/08/2023 WORKING PLANET PAYMENT £873.60 Professional Fees
EA 14/08/2023 WWW.ACTNOW.ORG.UK £2,340.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 14/08/2023 WWW.AGAGROUP.CO.UK £4,456.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 07/08/2023 WWW.AGRI-GEM.CO.UK £599.80 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.AIMER.CO.UK £504.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 24/08/2023 WWW.ANVILMOBILE.COM £1,015.86 Data Communications
EA 24/08/2023 WWW.AQUIKO.CO.UK £1,296.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £680.08 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £563.33 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £584.94 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £638.06 Equipment - Operational
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £654.50 Equipment - Operational
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,181.84 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £2,294.58 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £915.84 General Expenses
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £503.92 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £515.09 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £528.00 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 24/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £568.86 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £625.07 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 14/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £641.86 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £663.91 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £669.86 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £710.16 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £717.41 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £763.74 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £774.17 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £783.92 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 15/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £785.81 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £956.45 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £990.47 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,029.55 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,052.54 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,068.48 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 16/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,103.76 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,205.68 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 30/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,205.68 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 14/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,205.68 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,214.20 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 24/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,214.20 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £1,534.92 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 08/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £3,212.58 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 15/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £4,270.64 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.BENCHMASTER.CO.UK £1,248.00 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 16/08/2023 WWW.BOSTONSEEDS.CO £662.99 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.BRAKENSTYLE.CO.UK £1,779.60 Equipment - Operational
EA 08/08/2023 WWW.BURLINGTON-UNI £590.40 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 14/08/2023 WWW.CANFORD.CO.UK £518.40 Equipment - Office
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.CHESHIREWESTANDCHE £773.00 Training - Ops Delivery
EA 02/08/2023 WWW.CIRIA.ORG £1,800.00 Licences and Consents
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.CIWEM. FLOOD & CO £1,890.00 Training - Tech/Prof
EA 22/08/2023 WWW.DARCY.CO.UK £1,898.06 Pollution - Clean Up Materials
EA 31/08/2023 WWW.EXTRANET.APLANT.CO £546.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.FINEMESHMETALS.CO. £740.16 Health & Safety Repairs
EA 25/08/2023 WWW.FISHINGMEGASTORE.C £897.98 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.FORCE4.CO.UK £909.90 Computer Hardware
EA 04/08/2023 WWW.FTA.CO.UK £2,016.00 General Expenses
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.GARDENMACHINERYDIR £588.78 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 15/08/2023 WWW.GREENSTRIPE.NET £690.00 Equipment - Tools
EA 14/08/2023 WWW.GROUNDFORCE.UK.COM £669.94 Equipment - Tools
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.HAMMOND-DRYSUITS.C £1,008.00 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.HAMMOND-DRYSUITS.C £1,072.00 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.LIVERPOOL.AC.UK £800.00 Conference & Seminar Fees
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.MARINESCENE.CO.UK £508.11 Equipment - Operational
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.MISTERWORKER.COM £565.08 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 02/08/2023 WWW.N-SOMERSET.GOV.UK £1,100.00 Planning and Council Fees
EA 08/08/2023 WWW.NWSYSTEMSGROUP £1,358.40 Equipment - Operational
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.PARKELECT.COM £1,479.60 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.PITA.CO.UK £900.00 General Expenses
EA 10/08/2023 WWW.PUMPSUKLTD.COM £3,380.16 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £1,619.00 Consultancy - Technical
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £3,238.01 Consultancy - Technical
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £901.97 Contractors (Other)
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £901.97 Contractors (Other)
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £1,619.00 Contractors (Other)
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £1,619.00 Contractors (Other)
EA 31/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £1,619.00 Contractors (Other)
EA 31/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £1,619.00 Contractors (Other)
EA 31/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £1,619.00 Contractors (Other)
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £2,126.62 Contractors (Other)
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £3,007.66 Contractors (Other)
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £3,007.66 Contractors (Other)
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £3,110.56 Contractors (Other)
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £901.97 Professional Fees
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £901.97 Professional Fees
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.RAM-UTILITY.UK £1,619.00 Professional Fees
EA 15/08/2023 WWW.REACTEC.COM £1,067.40 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.REACTEC.COM £2,734.26 Equipment - Operational
EA 29/08/2023 WWW.REACTEC.COM £2,818.92 Equipment - Operational
EA 29/08/2023 WWW.REACTEC.COM £3,374.75 Equipment - Operational
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.REACTEC.COM £4,210.96 Equipment - Operational
EA 18/08/2023 WWW.REACTEC.COM £1,728.58 Protective Clothing (PPE)
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.SAFETYLIFTINGEAR.C £1,180.62 Equipment - Tools
EA 15/08/2023 WWW.SCREWFIX.COM £1,064.96 Equipment - Tools
EA 08/08/2023 WWW.THEIAM.ORG £600.00 General Expenses
EA 02/08/2023 WWW.THEIRM.ORG £960.00 General Expenses
EA 30/08/2023 WWW.THOMASTELFORD.ORG. £900.00 Advertising
EA 21/08/2023 WWW.TOTALSUCCESS.CO.UK £708.00 General Expenses
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.UK.RS-ONLINE.C £579.60 Consumables (Labs Only)
EA 23/08/2023 WWW.UK.RS-ONLINE.C £584.52 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 WWW.UK.RS-ONLINE.C £922.32 Equipment - Operational
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.WEPOWERYOURCAR.COM £3,552.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 17/08/2023 WWW.WEPOWERYOURCAR.COM £4,032.00 Equipment - Operational
EA 08/08/2023 WWW.WESSEXWATER.CO.UK £1,274.60 General Expenses
EA 11/08/2023 WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI £1,620.00 Conference & Seminar Fees
EA 09/08/2023 WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI £1,416.00 General Expenses
EA 10/08/2023 WYMARK LTD £561.50 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 10/08/2023 x £504.98 Chemicals
EA 08/08/2023 XYLEM ANALYTICS UK LTD £750.73 Equipment - Operational
EA 15/08/2023 YARROWS AGGREGATES LIM £669.90 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 15/08/2023 YARROWS AGGREGATES LIM £2,616.50 Stone & Aggregates - Primary
EA 30/08/2023 YOUR PARK £500.00 Other Costs
EA 11/08/2023 Zettle_ Electrafish Lt £648.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 24/08/2023 Zettle_ Electrafish Lt £648.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 10/08/2023 Zettle_ Electrafish Lt £648.00 Equipment Maintenance
EA 18/08/2023 Zettle_ Electrafish Lt £648.00 General Expenses
EA 14/08/2023 Zettle_ ELECTRO FISHIN £550.20 Equipment Maintenance
EA 16/08/2023 Zettle_ Mike Davies Fa £895.87 Equipment - Materials & Consumables
EA 23/08/2023 ZORO UK £1,295.96 Equipment - Operational
NE 21/08/2023 ACLE GARDEN MACHINERY £596.80 Std_Plant and machinery purchases
NE 08/08/2023 AFFILIATED AUTO RENTAL £533.33 Std_Vehicle Hire Charges
NE 09/08/2023 AFFILIATED AUTO RENTAL £767.76 Std_Vehicle Hire Charges
NE 09/08/2023 AFFILIATED AUTO RENTAL £777.96 Std_Vehicle Hire Charges
NE 10/08/2023 AIRBNB HM29J3MR53 £892.00 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 29/08/2023 AIRBNB HMN2MRR3JK £1,050.14 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 21/08/2023 AMENITYLANDSOLUTION £2,436.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 09/08/2023 AMZNMKTPLACE £578.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 25/08/2023 ANTHROPY.UK £963.44 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 02/08/2023 AVIAN ID £732.72 Std_NNR materials
NE 10/08/2023 BEAR OF RODBOROUGH HOT £2,500.00 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B&Emeal
NE 09/08/2023 BELLAIRE APARTMENTS £615.00 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 14/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,080.00 Std_Equipment - Office
NE 17/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,098.11 Std_Equipment - Office
NE 08/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £1,251.60 Std_Equipment - Office
NE 09/08/2023 BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU £729.71 WFH Equipment
NE 08/08/2023 BTO SERVICES LTD £1,196.40 Std_Training non programme only
NE 25/08/2023 CHELTENHAM DOUBLETREE £527.45 Std_Subsistence - Evening Meal
NE 22/08/2023 CHEVIOT TREES LIMITED £566.94 Std_NNR materials
NE 08/08/2023 CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE £780.00 Std_Training non programme only
NE 21/08/2023 CLARKES OF WALSHAM LIM £1,436.34 Std_NNR materials
NE 03/08/2023 CLASSIC COTTAGES - MOT £500.00 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 03/08/2023 CLASSIC COTTAGES - MOT £1,877.00 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 09/08/2023 COLLECT SAME DAY £585.72 Postage
NE - COOKS BLINDS & SHUTTER £892.80 Std_NNR materials
NE 22/08/2023 CORNWALL FARM MACHINER £541.70 Protective Clothing (PPE)
NE 09/08/2023 DELAMERE CAFE £1,548.00 Std_Subsistence - Evening Meal
NE 22/08/2023 DENBIES OFFICE £620.00 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 22/08/2023 DENNIS BARNFIELD L £2,000.94 Std_Plant - Hire & Maintenance
NE 30/08/2023 EB AONB ANNUAL CONFER £530.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 04/08/2023 EB AONB ANNUAL CONFER £595.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 04/08/2023 ELECTRICAL INNOVATIONS £884.64 Std_Plant - Hire & Maintenance
NE 10/08/2023 ELLIOTTUK.COM £1,008.00 Std_Programme spend
NE 24/08/2023 EMORSGATE SEEDS £954.72 Std_NNR materials
NE 22/08/2023 ENGELBERT STRAUSS LTD £637.56 Protective Clothing (PPE)
NE 15/08/2023 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR £1,307.36 Std_Vehicle Hire Charges
NE 03/08/2023 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR £572.02 Std_Vehicles - Maintenance
NE 21/08/2023 EXPLORE 4X4 £781.20 Std_Training non programme only
NE 31/08/2023 FIELD STUDIES COUNCIL £570.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 11/08/2023 GAME & WILDLIFE CONSER £1,202.40 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 02/08/2023 GAME & WILDLIFE CONSER £1,202.40 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 23/08/2023 GAME & WILDLIFE CONSER £1,202.40 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 21/08/2023 GAME & WILDLIFE CONSER £1,202.40 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 22/08/2023 GAME & WILDLIFE CONSER £1,202.40 Std_Training non programme only
NE 08/08/2023 GAME AND WILDLIFE £648.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 08/08/2023 GAZEBOS GALORE SALES £1,001.59 Std_Programme spend
NE 09/08/2023 GOTHELNEY FARM £1,092.00 Std_Training venues
NE 04/08/2023 GREENFIX £1,927.20 Std_NNR materials
NE 21/08/2023 GRIT AGENCY £587.76 Std_Programme spend
NE 07/08/2023 GROUNDSWELLAG.COM £672.00 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 23/08/2023 GROUNDSWELLAG.COM £1,209.60 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 14/08/2023 GS PA REEVES LIMITED £734.40 Std_NNR materials
NE 23/08/2023 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNC £590.40 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 24/08/2023 HDEWCAMERAS.CO.UK £834.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 09/08/2023 HOLIDAY PAYMENT AVR £645.00 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 14/08/2023 HOLLIES ENGINEERING £836.83 Std_NNR materials
NE 30/08/2023 HOUSE OF LORDS CRS £1,683.10 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 30/08/2023 HOUSE OF LORDS CRS £1,683.11 Std_Events & Education materials
NE - J AND M STEEL STOCKHOL £1,440.00 Std_Land Management Works
NE 10/08/2023 JKH DRAINAGE UNITS LTD £538.26 Std_NNR materials
NE 29/08/2023 KEITHS COACHES LTD £740.00 Bus & Tube Fares
NE 04/08/2023 KNAPHILL PRINT COMPAN £1,612.32 Std_Programme spend
NE 15/08/2023 LA CASITA £505.35 Std_Subsistence - Evening Meal
NE 17/08/2023 LAND SKILLS £988.50 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 10/08/2023 LAND SKILLS £1,451.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 10/08/2023 LUMINALEARNING.COM £771.12 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 18/08/2023 M D HANAFIN AND SONS £551.81 Std_Land Management Works
NE 14/08/2023 MCVEIGH PARKER (WORCES £881.28 Std_NNR materials
NE 07/08/2023 MCVEIGH PARKER (WORCES £1,244.16 Std_NNR materials
NE 17/08/2023 MEADOWHEAD.CO.UK £625.32 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 03/08/2023 MELTON WASTE & RECYCLI £790.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 29/08/2023 MILLENIUM POINT £1,513.00 Std_Training venues
NE 04/08/2023 MOL GALLAGHER EUROP... £1,654.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 25/08/2023 MOLE VALLEY FARMERS £1,337.60 Std_Livestock Costs
NE 22/08/2023 NAS £1,452.00 Std_Training non programme only
NE 11/08/2023 NEWLANDS TRAINING LTD £750.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 02/08/2023 OMC GLOBAL £1,580.00 Std_Taxi
NE 17/08/2023 ONE ASH TRAINING LIMIT £1,032.00 Std_First Aid Training
NE 03/08/2023 OU CONTINUING ED £675.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 08/08/2023 P TUCKWELL LTD £520.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 18/08/2023 P TUCKWELL LTD £861.89 Std_Plant - Hire & Maintenance
NE 16/08/2023 PANELPRIDE LIMITED £1,595.70 Std_Vehicles - Maintenance
NE 16/08/2023 PANELPRIDE LIMITED £2,000.00 Std_Vehicles - Maintenance
NE 22/08/2023 PARAGON BANK BUSINESS £598.80 Std_Plant - Hire & Maintenance
NE 15/08/2023 PAYPAL CENTPRINT £516.00 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 11/08/2023 PAYPAL LOWCARBLTD LOW £1,188.90 Std_NNR materials
NE 07/08/2023 PAYPAL RRC £536.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 02/08/2023 PAYPAL RSKADASLTD £590.00 Std_Programme spend
NE 09/08/2023 PAYPAL VANILLABLUE £754.50 Subsistence - Lunch
NE 07/08/2023 PEACEFUL PETS LIMITED £965.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 30/08/2023 PERTH COLLEGE UHI £669.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 15/08/2023 PREMIER INN £617.40 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 14/08/2023 ROBINSONS BUTCHERS & £722.40 Std_Refreshments - Meetings
NE 08/08/2023 S Y PUMPS LIMITED £1,320.00 Std_Plant - Hire & Maintenance
NE 07/08/2023 SHEBDON PLANT HIRE LIM £1,270.80 Std_Plant - Hire & Maintenance
NE 04/08/2023 SIGMA ALDRICH £897.60 Std_Lab & Technical Equipment
NE 10/08/2023 SP MEDISAVE.CO.UK £1,844.39 Std_First Aid Supplies
NE 25/08/2023 SP NESTBOX CO LTD £2,107.20 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 25/08/2023 SP PERDIX WILDLIFE £999.60 Std_Lab & Technical Equipment
NE 04/08/2023 SR TRAINING £673.80 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE - ST JOHN AMBULANCE £840.00 Std_First Aid Training
NE 30/08/2023 STARLING INDEPENDENT B £720.00 Std_Subsistence - Evening Meal
NE 17/08/2023 STICKERMULE.COM £520.00 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 11/08/2023 SUI GENERIS £1,135.69 Std_NNR materials
NE 25/08/2023 SUMUP HAIFAA ALKHALI £1,506.00 Std_Land Management Works
NE 17/08/2023 SUMUP HAIFAA ALKHALI £2,466.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 21/08/2023 SYKES COTTAGES £902.30 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 16/08/2023 TERBERG DTS /UK/ L £1,990.80 Std_NNR materials
NE 08/08/2023 THE FRESHWATER BIO £675.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 09/08/2023 THE OLD BICYCLE SHOP £616.05 Std_Refreshments - Meetings
NE 08/08/2023 THE TOLL HOUSE INN £952.00 Std_Subsistence - Hotel Costs B&B
NE 03/08/2023 THURLOW NUNN STANDEN L £839.99 Std_NNR materials
NE 10/08/2023 TOAD HALL GARDEN CENTR £879.88 Std_NNR materials
NE 15/08/2023 TRAINING AT WORK GROUP £658.80 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 29/08/2023 WHITE RIBBON UK £720.00 Std_Events & Education materials
NE 11/08/2023 WILTSHIRE COUNCIL £1,850.00 Std_Land Management Works
NE 03/08/2023 WORKING PLANET PAYMENT £574.80 Std_Publicity Campaigns
NE 16/08/2023 WRITING-SKILLS.COM £1,416.00 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 09/08/2023 WTS COACH HIRE £1,617.00 Std_Taxi
NE 14/08/2023 WWW.AGRI-GEM.CO.UK £1,901.57 Std_NNR materials
NE 23/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £564.66 Protective Clothing (PPE)
NE 11/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £621.24 Std_First Aid Supplies
NE 07/08/2023 WWW.ARCO.CO.UK £842.52 Std_NNR materials
NE 03/08/2023 WWW.HLHLTD.CO.UK £514.08 Std_NNR materials
NE 07/08/2023 WWW.KPMG.CO.UK £566.40 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 07/08/2023 WWW.KPMG.CO.UK £566.40 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 07/08/2023 WWW.KPMG.CO.UK £566.40 Std_Training Delivery & Attendance
NE 16/08/2023 WWW.MEADOWMANIA.CO.UK £550.00 Std_NNR materials
NE 15/08/2023 WWW.SIMPSONFUELS.C £945.21 Std_Rent, Mgmt, building main and other
NE - WWW.YPDBOOKS.COM £608.45 Publications - Purchase
NE 02/08/2023 YORK PULLMAN BUS COMPA £2,100.00 Std_Vehicle Hire Charges
NE 29/08/2023 ZETTLE_ COPFORD SAWMIL £1,376.38 Std_NNR materials
KEW 01/08/2023 BRIGHTON TOOLS & FIXIN £584.88 Fixings to attach ID labels to trees
KEW 02/08/2023 CLOUD 4CT4PW £1,300.96 Google cloud services for Kew Science for month of July 2023
KEW 04/08/2023 PAYPAL FACEBOOK £700.00 Range of social media advertising across facebook and instagram promoting visits to Wakehurst, for seasonal highlights and programming such as Rooted. Advertisng also includes promoting future ticketed event Glow Wild.
KEW 08/08/2023 PAYPAL FACEBOOK £700.00 Range of social media advertising across facebook and instagram promoting visits to Wakehurst, for seasonal highlights and programming such as Rooted. Advertisng also includes promoting future ticketed event Glow Wild.
KEW 10/08/2023 WWW.METALSWAREHOUSE.CO £1,378.32 Metal mesh and fencing
KEW 11/08/2023 BKG HOTEL AT BOOKING.C £900.24 Accommodation for three members of staff for three nights, 14-17 Sep 2023, at the Clachaig Inn, Glencoe. Purpose of visit: tree seed collecting.
KEW 14/08/2023 AMZNMktplace £802.98 GPS and camera lens bought for Alto da Figueira research purposes
KEW 21/08/2023 PAYPAL FACEBOOK £1,120.77 Range of social media advertising across facebook and instagram promoting visits to Wakehurst, for seasonal highlights and programming such as Rooted. Advertisng also includes promoting future ticketed event Glow Wild.
KEW 25/08/2023 PAYPAL FACEBOOK £700.00 Range of social media advertising across facebook and instagram promoting visits to Wakehurst, for seasonal highlights and programming such as Rooted. Advertisng also includes promoting future ticketed event Glow Wild.
KEW 28/08/2023 WWW.SCAFFOLDINGSUPPLIE £880.20 Supplies to build floating CO2 gas monitoring structure with wet woodlands at Wakehurst. Nature Returns project
KEW 29/08/2023 PAYPAL FACEBOOK £700.00 Range of social media advertising across facebook and instagram promoting visits to Wakehurst, for seasonal highlights and programming such as Rooted. Advertisng also includes promoting future ticketed event Glow Wild.
MMO 16/08/2023 HEALTH&SAFETY LAB £545.00 MP1 approved health and safety training course for job specific requirments
VMD 23/08/2023 UCLONLINESTORE £750.00 Training: UCL course on research methods - 1 delegate
VMD 23/08/2023 PAYPAL *COZYROC LLC £971.82 IT - Maintenance: Atlassian annual subscription 2023
VMD 23/08/2023 Microsoft £931.79 IT - Maintenance: Monthly Microsoft usage charge - JUNE 2023
VMD 23/08/2023 Microsoft £934.74 IT - Maintenance: Monthly Microsoft usage charge - JUly 2023
CEFAS 03/08/2023 Newsquest Media Group £570.00 Recruitment advertising fees
CEFAS 04/08/2023 LIFETECHCORP 7129973 £710.16 Purchase of liquid chromatography column used for analytical chemistry method development.
CEFAS 04/08/2023 THE HOTEL AT UNIVERSIT £924.35 Accommodation for one person for six nights whilst attending the Society of Invertebrate Pathology conference in Maryland USA
CEFAS 04/08/2023 THE HOTEL AT UNIVERSIT £924.35 Accommodation for one person for six nights whilst attending the Society of Invertebrate Pathology conference in Maryland USA
CEFAS 07/08/2023 Car Rental Uganda Ltd £543.66 Vehicle hire to support the Ocean Country Partnership Programme in Ghana
CEFAS 08/08/2023 CARTRIDGEPEOPLE.COM £500.89 Purchase of black and colour toner used for the Fish Health Inspectorate reporting printer
CEFAS 08/08/2023 CONVERIA.DE/TICKET £547.21 Registration for for one person to attend the International SedNet Conference in Portugal for three days
CEFAS 08/08/2023 WWW.BONDSOLON.COM £717.60 Fee for two people to attend a one day mandatory Investigatory Power Act training course in London
CEFAS 08/08/2023 COMPASS MEDIA ECOM £2,138.15 Conference room booking for three day workshop with external customer in the Cayman Islands.
CEFAS 10/08/2023 SKIDMARX MOTORCYCLE BO £3,330.00 Purchase of tank covers for ecotoxicology system.
CEFAS 10/08/2023 NETS ICES £666.87 Training course in Denmark for one person for five days on 'Integrated Stock Assessment using Stock Synthesis' hosted by the International Council for the Exploration of Sea.
CEFAS 14/08/2023 SQ AQUA SCIENCE LLC £584.07 Purchase of fifty vials of Single Test Freeze Dried Bacteria Reagent
CEFAS 14/08/2023 BUY RITE £815.08 Purchase of foil trays used for the preperation of sediment samples for the Blue Carbon Project
CEFAS 15/08/2023 HUNTS FOODSERVICE LTD £3,000.00 Off site freezer storage.
CEFAS 16/08/2023 NETS ICES £666.71 Training course in Denmark for one person for five days on 'Integrated Stock Assessment using Stock Synthesis' hosted by the International Council for the Exploration of Sea.
CEFAS 17/08/2023 NLA MEDIA ACCESS LTD £558.00 Annual subscription fee for Media Monitoring Software
CEFAS 18/08/2023 SETAC EUROPE £537.49 Registration and attendance fee for the Society of Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry Conference in Ghana, one person for four days.
CEFAS 23/08/2023 CREATIVE BIOGENE INC £1,525.42 Purchase of Goldstar DNA Polymerase.
CEFAS 24/08/2023 BKG HOTEL AT BOOKING.C £645.88 Hotel accomodation for one person for five nights in Spain, whilst attending the ICES Annual Science Conference 2023.
CEFAS 24/08/2023 DRAINAGE SUPERSTORE £556.00 Purchase of three pipes used for the tagging and releasing of mackerel
CEFAS 24/08/2023 DEXION ANGLIA LTD £2,036.98 Purchase of additional racking for freezer.
CEFAS 24/08/2023 GITHUB, INC. £613.76 Ongoing charges for GITHub code sharing services used for numerical modelling and scientific data processing.
CEFAS 24/08/2023 NETS ICES £660.46 Training course in Denmark for one person for five days on 'Integrated Stock Assessment using Stock Synthesis' hosted by the International Council for the Exploration of Sea.
CEFAS 25/08/2023 ENDURAMAXX £1,080.00 Purchase of six tanks bunds.
CEFAS 25/08/2023 AIRBNB HMNXP34DWF £628.00 Accomodation for one person for six nights in Brixham for the Data to Support Improved Assessment for Shellfish project. Not able to be booked by contracted travel provider.
CEFAS 25/08/2023 CHINA SOU 78417043397729 £663.41 Flight booking for the attendance to the Oceanoise Asia Conference 2023 in China. Unable to book through contracted travel provider.
CEFAS 29/08/2023 SETAC EUROPE £540.13 Registration and attendance fee for the Society of Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry Conference in Ghana, one person for four days.
CEFAS 29/08/2023 SQ AMERICAN FISHERIES £614.54 Registration fee for the World Fisheries Congress 2024 being held in Seattle USA
CCW 15/08/2023 MIRO.COM £777.25 Realtimeboard Business Subscription for the period 8 July 2023 to 8 July 2024 for online whiteboard and visual collabration platform
JNCC 02/08/2023 McGill QCBS Events £694.06 2 x attendance at The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity conference, Montreal
JNCC 22/08/2023 Stream Marine Training £696.00 X 4 staff members to attend Personal Survival Techniques Course
JNCC 22/08/2023 Posit (Formally Rstudio) £2,677.73 Annual Subscription to Rstudio now called Posit for Data Engineer Team DDS
JNCC 23/08/2023 EthnicJobsite £720.00 Job advertisement for Chief Officer Strategy and Impact
JNCC 23/08/2023 Bennett Christmas Insurance £778.00 Insurance for the upcoming Highly Protected Marine Areas offshore survey
JNCC 23/08/2023 Guardian News and Media £1,170.00 Job advertisement for Chief Officer Strategy and Impact
JNCC 25/08/2023 Alston House £660.00 x 2 staff members x 3 nights. Conducting a review of the Hard Hill experimental burn plots
JNCC 25/08/2023 Novotel Hotels £1,330.00 Holyrood Event Restoring Scotland's Nature 6 rooms x 1 night on 27/09/23; 1 room x 1 night 28/09/2023
JNCC 28/08/2023 Event Brite B The Challenge of Science Course £660.00 Attendance x 1 staff member to Challenge of Science Leadership Training Course 7-9 November.
JNCC 28/08/2023 AIRBNB HME3KFQ8FQ £935.53 x 4 volunteers accommodation VSAS training course in Tarbert (accommodation from 7th to 11th Sept)