Reviews of marking and moderation: guide to the submissions process
Updated 17 October 2023
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Name | Description | Position | Validation Regular Expression | Description of Regular Expression |
Exam series | Exam series data relates to, for example, June 2016 | 1 | ^(January|March|June|November)([ ][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$ | Full month name of exam series and year. |
Reporting date | Date the file was due to be submitted regardless of when it was actually uploaded. Format accepted 120 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd. | 2 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits). |
Awarding Organisation | Name of the awarding organisation | 3 | ^.{1,100}$ | 1 to 100 characters accepted |
Centre No. | Centre number (NCN) | 4 | ^\d{1,5}$ | Up to 5 digit integer accepted |
Unique Candidate Identifier | Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) | 5 | ^.{1,13}$ | Alpha numeric 13 characters accepted |
QAN | Qualification Accreditation Number, for example, 123/1234/1 | 6 | ^.{1,10}$ | 1 to 10 characters accepted. -2 also accepted |
Specification title | Specification title also known as subject title | 7 | ^.{1,150}$ | 1 to 150 characters accepted Not Certificating also accepted. |
Specification code | Specification code also known as Subject Award Code and Cash-in Code | 8 | ^.{1,7}$ | 1 to 7 characters accepted -2 also accepted |
Qualification level | Level of qualification for example, GCSE | 9 | ^(GCSE|GCSE linear|GCSE short course|GCSE full course|AS|A level|A-level|App A Level Dbl|App A Level Sgl|App AS Dbl|App AS Sgl| AEA|Project L1|Project L2|Project L3)$ | One of the following list: GCSE, GCSE linear, GCSE short course, GCSE full course, AS, A level, App A Level Dbl, App A Level Sgl, App AS Dbl, App AS Sgl, AEA, Project L1, Project L2, or Project L3, |
Original unit raw mark | Original unit raw mark | 10 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Up to 3-digit integer accepted. -2 also accepted |
Post EaR raw mark | Post EaR raw mark | 11 | ^(TBD|\d{1,3})$ | Up to 3-digit integer or TBD accepted. -2 also accepted |
Original unit UMS | Original unit UMS Unit UMS fields should be overall unit UMS values, even if row of data being reported relates to subcomponents. | 12 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Up to 3-digit integer accepted. -2 also accepted |
Post EaR UMS | Post EaR UMS Unit UMS fields should be overall unit UMS values, even if row of data being reported relates to subcomponents. | 13 | ^(TBD|\d{1,3})$ | Up to 3-digit integer or TBD accepted -2 also accepted |
Original qualification UMS (modular) / Scale score (linear) | Original qualification UMS (modular) or Scale score (linear) | 14 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Up to 3-digit integer accepted -2 also accepted |
Post EaR qualification UMS (modular) / Scale score (linear) | Post EaR qualification UMS (modular) or Scale score (linear) | 15 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Up to 3-digit integer accepted -2 also accepted |
Original qualification grade | Original qualification grade | 16 | ^(A*|A*A*|A*A|A Star| A Star A Star| A Star A|AA|AB|BB|BC*|BC|C*C*|C*C|CC|CD|DD|DE|EE|EF|FF|FG|GG|UU|A|B|C*|C|D|E|F|G|Q|U|X|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1-1|2-1|2-2|3-2|3-3|4-3|4-4|5-4|5-5|6-5|6-6|7-6|7-7|8-7|8-8|9-8|9-9|-2)$ | One of the following list: A*, A Star, A*A*, A Star A Star, A*A, A Star A, AA*, AA, AB, BB, BC, BC*, C*C*, C*C, CC, CD, DD, DE, EE, EF, FF, FG, GG, A, B, C*, C, D, E, F, G, Q, U, X, 1-9, 1-1 to 9-9 and any of the grades listed, followed by a number from 1-5 for example, C3. -2 also accepted |
Post EaR qualification grade | Post EaR qualification grade | 17 | ^(A*|A*A*|A*A|A Star| A Star A Star| A Star A|AA|AB|BB|BC*|BC|C*C*|C*C|CC|CD|DD|DE|EE|EF|FF|FG|GG|UU|A|B|C*|C|D|E|F|G|Q|U|X|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1-1|2-1|2-2|3-2|3-3|4-3|4-4|5-4|5-5|6-5|6-6|7-6|7-7|8-7|8-8|9-8|9-9|-2)$ | One of the following list: A*, A Star, A*A*, A Star A Star, A*A, A Star A, AA*, AA, AB, BB, BC, BC*, C*C*, C*C, CC, CD, DD, DE, EE, EF, FF, FG, GG, A, B, C*, C, D, E, F, G, Q, U, X, 1-9, 1-1 to 9-9 and any of the grades listed, followed by a number from 1-5 for example, C3. -2 also accepted |
Unit code | Unit code | 18 | ^.{1,10}$ | 1 to 10 characters accepted |
Unit title | Unit title | 19 | ^.{1,150}$ | 1 to 150 characters accepted |
Unit max. raw mark | Unit maximum raw mark For rows of data that relate to subcomponents, the value entered, should be the subcomponent maximum raw mark. | 20 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Up to 3 digit integer accepted |
Total No. of unit entries | Total Number of unit entries | 21 | ^\d{1,6}$ | Up to 6 digit integer accepted |
Total No. of awards/certifications | Total Number of awardsorcertifications | 22 | ^\d{1,6}$ | Up to 6 digit integer accepted -2 also accepted |
Service | Type of service for example, 2 | 23 | ^(1|2|P2|3)$ | One of the following list: 1, 2, P2, 3 |
Marking method | Marking method | 24 | ^(Full Script Paper Based|Full Script Electronic|Item Based Electronic|Internal Assessment)$ | One of the following list: Full Script Paper Based, Full Script Electronic, Item Based Electronic, or Internal Assessment |
Date received | Date received For service 3, the value entered, should be the date the moderator received the sample. | 25 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | DATETIME in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits), a space, hour (2 digits), a colon, minutes (2 digits), a colon, seconds (2 digits). |
Date completed | Date completed | 26 | ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | DATETIME in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits), a space, hour (2 digits), a colon, minutes (2 digits), a colon, seconds (2 digits). 2999-12-31 00:00:00.000 or still in process accepted |
Completed within deadline | Completed within deadline | 27 | ^(Y|N|TBD)$ | One of the following list: Y, N, TBD |
Reason | Grade change reasons for qualification grade changes of 2 or more | 28 | ^(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17)$ | One of the following list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. See Annex A -2 accepted where there was not a qualification grade change of 2 or more |