
Reviews of marking and moderation: guide to the submissions process

Updated 17 October 2023
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Name Description Position Validation Regular Expression Description of Regular Expression
Exam series Exam series data relates to, for example, June 2016 1 ^(January|March|June|November)([ ][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$ Full month name of exam series and year.
Reporting date Date the file was due to be submitted regardless of when it was actually uploaded. Format accepted 120 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd. 2 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ The date in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits).
Awarding Organisation Name of the awarding organisation 3 ^.{1,100}$ 1 to 100 characters accepted
Centre No. Centre number (NCN) 4 ^\d{1,5}$ Up to 5 digit integer accepted
Unique Candidate Identifier Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) 5 ^.{1,13}$ Alpha numeric 13 characters accepted
QAN Qualification Accreditation Number, for example, 123/1234/1 6 ^.{1,10}$ 1 to 10 characters accepted. -2 also accepted
Specification title Specification title also known as subject title 7 ^.{1,150}$ 1 to 150 characters accepted Not Certificating also accepted.
Specification code Specification code also known as Subject Award Code and Cash-in Code 8 ^.{1,7}$ 1 to 7 characters accepted -2 also accepted
Qualification level Level of qualification for example, GCSE 9 ^(GCSE|GCSE linear|GCSE short course|GCSE full course|AS|A level|A-level|App A Level Dbl|App A Level Sgl|App AS Dbl|App AS Sgl| AEA|Project L1|Project L2|Project L3)$ One of the following list: GCSE, GCSE linear, GCSE short course, GCSE full course, AS, A level, App A Level Dbl, App A Level Sgl, App AS Dbl, App AS Sgl, AEA, Project L1, Project L2, or Project L3,
Original unit raw mark Original unit raw mark 10 ^\d{1,3}$ Up to 3-digit integer accepted. -2 also accepted
Post EaR raw mark Post EaR raw mark 11 ^(TBD|\d{1,3})$ Up to 3-digit integer or TBD accepted. -2 also accepted
Original unit UMS Original unit UMS Unit UMS fields should be overall unit UMS values, even if row of data being reported relates to subcomponents. 12 ^\d{1,3}$ Up to 3-digit integer accepted. -2 also accepted
Post EaR UMS Post EaR UMS Unit UMS fields should be overall unit UMS values, even if row of data being reported relates to subcomponents. 13 ^(TBD|\d{1,3})$ Up to 3-digit integer or TBD accepted -2 also accepted
Original qualification UMS (modular) / Scale score (linear) Original qualification UMS (modular) or Scale score (linear) 14 ^\d{1,3}$ Up to 3-digit integer accepted -2 also accepted
Post EaR qualification UMS (modular) / Scale score (linear) Post EaR qualification UMS (modular) or Scale score (linear) 15 ^\d{1,3}$ Up to 3-digit integer accepted -2 also accepted
Original qualification grade Original qualification grade 16 ^(A*|A*A*|A*A|A Star| A Star A Star| A Star A|AA|AB|BB|BC*|BC|C*C*|C*C|CC|CD|DD|DE|EE|EF|FF|FG|GG|UU|A|B|C*|C|D|E|F|G|Q|U|X|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1-1|2-1|2-2|3-2|3-3|4-3|4-4|5-4|5-5|6-5|6-6|7-6|7-7|8-7|8-8|9-8|9-9|-2)$ One of the following list: A*, A Star, A*A*, A Star A Star, A*A, A Star A, AA*, AA, AB, BB, BC, BC*, C*C*, C*C, CC, CD, DD, DE, EE, EF, FF, FG, GG, A, B, C*, C, D, E, F, G, Q, U, X, 1-9, 1-1 to 9-9 and any of the grades listed, followed by a number from 1-5 for example, C3. -2 also accepted
Post EaR qualification grade Post EaR qualification grade 17 ^(A*|A*A*|A*A|A Star| A Star A Star| A Star A|AA|AB|BB|BC*|BC|C*C*|C*C|CC|CD|DD|DE|EE|EF|FF|FG|GG|UU|A|B|C*|C|D|E|F|G|Q|U|X|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1-1|2-1|2-2|3-2|3-3|4-3|4-4|5-4|5-5|6-5|6-6|7-6|7-7|8-7|8-8|9-8|9-9|-2)$ One of the following list: A*, A Star, A*A*, A Star A Star, A*A, A Star A, AA*, AA, AB, BB, BC, BC*, C*C*, C*C, CC, CD, DD, DE, EE, EF, FF, FG, GG, A, B, C*, C, D, E, F, G, Q, U, X, 1-9, 1-1 to 9-9 and any of the grades listed, followed by a number from 1-5 for example, C3. -2 also accepted
Unit code Unit code 18 ^.{1,10}$ 1 to 10 characters accepted
Unit title Unit title 19 ^.{1,150}$ 1 to 150 characters accepted
Unit max. raw mark Unit maximum raw mark For rows of data that relate to subcomponents, the value entered, should be the subcomponent maximum raw mark. 20 ^\d{1,3}$ Up to 3 digit integer accepted
Total No. of unit entries Total Number of unit entries 21 ^\d{1,6}$ Up to 6 digit integer accepted
Total No. of awards/certifications Total Number of awardsorcertifications 22 ^\d{1,6}$ Up to 6 digit integer accepted -2 also accepted
Service Type of service for example, 2 23 ^(1|2|P2|3)$ One of the following list: 1, 2, P2, 3
Marking method Marking method 24 ^(Full Script Paper Based|Full Script Electronic|Item Based Electronic|Internal Assessment)$ One of the following list: Full Script Paper Based, Full Script Electronic, Item Based Electronic, or Internal Assessment
Date received Date received For service 3, the value entered, should be the date the moderator received the sample. 25 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ DATETIME in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits), a space, hour (2 digits), a colon, minutes (2 digits), a colon, seconds (2 digits).
Date completed Date completed 26 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ DATETIME in the following format: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits), a space, hour (2 digits), a colon, minutes (2 digits), a colon, seconds (2 digits). 2999-12-31 00:00:00.000 or still in process accepted
Completed within deadline Completed within deadline 27 ^(Y|N|TBD)$ One of the following list: Y, N, TBD
Reason Grade change reasons for qualification grade changes of 2 or more 28 ^(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17)$ One of the following list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. See Annex A -2 accepted where there was not a qualification grade change of 2 or more